Tiger Woods Challenges Us To A Long Drive Contest

We did it, we finally filmed a video with Tiger Woods and it went better than anyone could have imagined. We’ve never been more proud to be a part of Team TaylorMade and know this is just the beginning with the Big Cat.

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Just two guys who are about to puke yeah we’ve been very nervous we got puke guys up here we’ve been very very nervous we each peed on different trees I’ve never taken more pisses in my life I’ve peed three times in the last hour hi Tommy

How we doing what you what are you guys doing we’re about to film something with tiger are you ready what is it with tiger that you filming we’re going to film him reacting to our t-a shots on the tea and helping us out I’m wondering who I’m most excited about him reviewing

Oh man I can see the black and red stop dude don’t do that dude you got you got to relax all right cuz I’m want to pass what happens if I pass it yeah of course absolutely you do whatever you want for a bunch of idiots this is everything’s

Led to this for us yep now we’re just going to hit balls throw in front of Tiger Woods tww is coming up here and hitting balls with us you don’t think I’m going to puke on this T box I have no confidence in myself I’m the most nervous person on this property you

Think he cares where your golf ball goes you said that to me two years ago so I’m I’m glad I’m consistent with what I’ve said cuz it’s not going to out it matters to me this guy didn’t sleep last night zero minutes none I you woke up and saw red and black like

An outfit coming towards him and he couldn’t go back to sleep I like can’t feel the ground all right this thing’s supposed start in 2 minutes eyes up boys it’s great news I think Tiger Woods is coming up my heart rate is so high it’s

Like from what I can tell I think Tiger Woods is coming up here here we go let’s go time you know I’m so nervous I’m just taking balls out of my back for heart rate 127 129 131 not even moving 135 137 I got to stop looking at it all right so

We’ve got I mean we just got a little bit of time here with Tiger Woods it looks like let’s break the set there break down the set are they all the way down by the trees no I think they’re coming no dude they’re hitting like

Punch shots out of the palm trees no I got up to 140 heart rate for nothing they’re going hey we got an extra 15 minutes what are you guys want to do here what’s this in the yeah let’s him out of the trees look ‘s in the trees

Damn man that was a crazy tease I really started to lose my Center there I’ll tell you what that dry run of him potentially coming up here did not go well for me no oh yeah yeah dude I me I was looking at my whoop I was at 141 if

We get him up here I think we’re getting 15 minutes really yeah bro do we tell this guy how nervous we are I think when the film when the when I’m like that over the first swing that I’m supposed to take in front of this guy I think

This is happening I’m so nervous I’m going to hit a fivewood yes you are you’re going to roast it dude I this is a nightmare you know how hard this is I don’t hit this on video Never I I think you go back through the footage I don’t

Think I’ve ever hit a fiveo ever in my life on video we’re going driver I’m going fivewood and trench going iron let’s go fellas we’re going about to go do a video of Tiger Woods come on I knew it was going to happen I’m so nervous

Hey never doubt boys come our time right now knew going to happen I might I might throw up hey rigsy you all lubed up or I’m going to need to be for this huh you got the red on and everything just scripting dude what’s up oh that’s just scripting great to see

You you too brother how are you I’m good feel good I’m good oh yeah good good to see you thanks for doing this yeah man how we doing oh good good to see you how are you I’m good good good to see you man thanks for do see absolutely yeah so

What the what what do you guys want to do what you guys so here’s our deal I can’t hit a drive on the planet to save my life right now neither can I love it okay so you’re going to hopefully try to help me okay Frankie’s thing is not

Hitting Fairy Woods off the deck never done it on video we we’ve been doing this thing for five six years I’ve never had the confidence to hit a fivewood off the deck I just can’t unlock my brain to do it Trent daddy struggles with his irons hits his driver pretty

Consistently his putting’s pretty good can’t really hit an iron so we’re each going to hit a couple front of you try to have you help us out a little bit okay how’s that feel okay cool that sound good can me uh hold on let me get

My driver real quick yeah no worries I’m about to hit a driver in front of Tiger Woods I think you that went well oh man so good your’s brother it’s crazy how much you’re his brother he calls you his brother every time he sees you it’s unbelievable it’s unbelievable you’re

Just his brother you’re like I think you need to check like your guys’s DNA you might actually be brothers he’s called you it three times I don’t going need not I don’t have the head cover are you sure yes I’m pretty sure do you stare me right in the eyes like no one’s

Ever looked in my eyes before went for the handshake and I almost uh jammed his finger but we ended up getting around it what happened with the Earth he went for the shake and I went da anyway all right all right all right he’s grabbing dude he’s grabb we got

Te’s we got te’s give me a ball balls just one ball I got some te’s I got some te’s I’m about to hit a driver right now you go I just dropped the CL one ball just one ball just one ball thank you rxy you long no no short okay yeah

Who wants to go first on this I think we’re going to send rigs I’ll go first you know what you’re going to go last okay you’re going to go last I love I I got a thing I got set up for you incredible Trent Daddy go want go with

The IR sure got some balls yeah we got all right Trent here we go kid all right how you feeling Trent I feel good Trent you good yeah I mean I’m a little nervous okay what your issue it’s just the long eyes I don’t get much distance

Is the problem like I can hit them decently but they don’t hit that penetrating shot it’s more just kind of a weak fall off to the right okay all right so I’m just going to swing here yeah yeah listen up I feel Trent nervous okay a lot of that lot of that

Just kind of falls off to the right you see okay one more easy fix easy fix easy fix okay let’s set up to the ball we’re going to move the ball one ball further forward in your stance okay so you’re going to adjust your stance go back one

Ball there you go as you go back I want you to feel this part of your leg loaded as you go back to top of your swing okay hit that ball where it is yes ex absolutely ah Ah that’s why I said you got to feel

That right part of that leg loaded not no not like that turn into it turn into it turn turn into that leg okay that’s it and then go ahead and let it rip let let it do the work the club’s going to do the work for

You okay we got something to work on that had a little more distance let me do one more here one more try one more one ball further forward further further forward in your stance oh there you go there you go good good good good good oh man it’s all right we got

Something to work on it feel weird feel different it feels different which is feels different it’s good we got change coming change is good Trent let me hit one more come on Trent show us something here ad I love it he’s hungry there you go done there you go so tiger

What’s the thing that you’re seeing most that he’s what’s the mistake that you’re seeing well one the ball is so far back in his stance that no matter what he does the face is going to be open okay so the further the ball back so so the

Swing’s on an arc right always imagine it’s on an arc the further back you play it the more open it’s going to be so if you want to start closing the face up just move up a little bit on your stance just swing the same way he needs to for

Him right now him do just need to stay where he’s at and just move the ball further forward and move his hands so slightly more forward as well that’s it for right now for right now there were other things we’d progress to but as of right now that’s it the ball’s so far

Back no matter what you do you’re going to be late and you’re pulling across it so hard to get it back online right and then hanging back at the same time that’s right okay something to work on something to work on T all right go Frankie all right Frank let’s see it

[ __ ] haven’t been confident enough to do this with my friends I’m going to do it in front of tiger no you’re all good dude all right easy day baby you said you can’t hit one in the air what the hell was that that was in

The air it was in the air I’m happy that thing got in the air he has a beautiful high cut I mean you’re just talking [ __ ] golf swing go just do that just do that you just did whatever you did just do that I’ve played with him enough times where

He never does that the fact that he’s doing that’s awesome just end it just end it on that one okay okay oh my God all right all right all right so nothing so so you like that do nothing just do that that was so good that was pure he

Said I can’t hit one in the air he hits a nice perfect high cut and then just absolutes a BB down the middle of the Fairway you ready for this driver show yeah come on oh it’s been a nightmare man no big deal everybody calm

Down it’s been a lot of that that high right weak crap okay call it a muffin okay set up again okay ball slightly further up in your stance okay and we’re going to square this face up a little stronger before you take it back and now leave it

There as you take it back don’t get it stronger as you go back set it up strong keep it strong okay then just swing keep the LW strong keep it strong all the way back you you got it easy day baby easy day there you go Ray yeah all right

Coming back to all right so we’re we got to do something different I agree okay so since I maybe I fixed you maybe I haven’t we’re going to do a la drive contest you and me love it okay okay okay you first I get to step into one step on One show me

What you got rigsy boy rigs long drive contest against Tiger Woods yes yes you ready for this Tiger Woods come on stronger grip forward stronger Club face stronger Club face leave the club face strong all the way back oh [ __ ] all right all right you see where that went

Okay we saw it we saw it we saw it all right long drive contest no no you’re a sickoo that was awesome no you’re incredible yeah just want to have a little fun that’s all just have a little fun I speechless I’m speechless that was sick you’re the man thanks for doing

That dude I en I enjoy we’ll do it again good thank you brother appreciate it thank thank you so much good shot man I appreciate thank you that’s a biggest moment my life so thank you very much off his knees he just out drove noow

Easy we appreciate um do you mind if we get a photo yeah come on let’s do a quick pick that was a fun long drive contest I knew you had something up your sleeve see go sh I Haven really haven’t been able to hit balls off my legs very often

So amazing thank you seriously thanks again always that was great uh Joe says hello by the way oh he’s the best best human being ever I love that guy yeah we we got beard with a few different times he goes to bat for you he sticks

By by by you all at all times and he loves his teams yeah oh I’m so I’m on the opposite with he’s a Rangers Fan I’m an Islanders fan God we give it to each other so bad oh my god oh I had my La team he has New York teams yep that’s

Right and everything was always about sports my team went on a seven game losing streak and he text me like two nights ago and he goes did you lose my number he just wants to know if I’m like you know if I’m alive still right yeah

He well well just like him and Fred I mean I mean they were that’s all they did is talk sports Fred all that’s all he does is watch yeah dud how much does that matter to you out there just being like comfortable your guy talks about

The same stuff you like to talk about it has a lot to do with it yeah you know because if your guy knows that what is interesting to you and he’s able to take you out of a bad head space right you know things are not going my way and

It’s like what how about Lakers last night like right you know that true that that right there I’m like oh oh yeah yeah you know you know yeah yeah our boys you know played well in fourth quarter we start talking about that stuff and I all a I forgot I just b l

TOS right right that’s so true but he’s able to know your guy and be able to have that kind of connection he had that connection with Fred for 20 plus years that’s all they did yeah when you’re picking a guy are you like putting him through that kind of test like can we

Talk sports can we get along is that a big part of who your guy ends up being well my but if you look at my my career I’ve only had like three guys right I had fluff Stevie and Joey right uh fluff was um Peter wasn’t going to play in the

Fall 96 he was likeing the fall off and he was hurt Butch asked if you know pet Peter if if fluff might be available to C for this young kid is coming out of college and might want to turn him Pro okay that then kind of worked out yeah

Uh Stevie was Raymond was transitioning to the senior tour playing on a senior tour and wasn’t going to be playing that much I was having success on the regular tour and Raymond says why you go work for the this young kid I mean he’s going

To make a a lot more money than I am on playing the senior tour true and you’re going to have more fun doing that than you are out here with us right Raymond was he been like one of my mentors my entire life so that was awesome to have

Stevie for all those years and then Joey was like Fred Fred’s like my my dad on tour right yeah so Fred’s like hey dude I why don’t you you and Joey you guys are the same you’re both competitive hard-headed stubborn driven and love sports and I think you guys would be a

Perfect Duo together right I go back to the original story with Joey I played my first master’s practice around with Raymond and Fred okay on Tuesday in 95 so I’m nervous I’m not talking to these guys I mean they’re they’re the Master’s Champions I’m just this little Amer

Right I’m 19 years old I’m not saying anything and Joey goes up hey what to talk to Fred about so and so talk about this and asked Raymond about how to how to play this hole and Joey was like urging me to do that that’s awesome and

Then after the as we’re going up 18 why don’t you why don’t you uh talk to about Fred about the US Open I’m like uh I know I I don’t I don’t want to get anyone anyone’s way he says hold on and as we’re walking up 18 he goes up to

Fred and after we’re done Fred goes hey um what are you doing at Shin on Tuesday I I I don’t know you know Mr couples I I I just hope I’m just going to be there he say 10:00 you me ramond we’ll play a practice round this is pre- cell phones

Right so there’s no way of communicating oh wow right so I just got to wait from April May then you know June I show up and hopefully that they remember that um they schedule a practice round with this 19-year-old little kid like at shinok and then boom they’re there and that’s

When my relationship with Joey was cemented wow that’s incredible that the best that’s why we’re so lock step yep I do anything for him that’s so cool yeah we love Joey yeah we do amazing to hear him in a situation like that you know it is funny nervous to talk to somebody

Yeah yeah but you know I 19 I was a teenager of course right I didn’t know anybody probably last time you show up to a tea time hoping that it was but but see that’s just a different era right noones is couldn’t get a hold of them you know

No no voicemails no nothing I mean may be fact but I don’t know their fact numbers that’s incredible man that’s oh dude all right good stuff man enjoy it guys so uh that’ll do it that’s a video with Tiger Woods um videoed I almost passed out I almost

Passed out I was like don’t get hurt don’t get don’t get hurt back Rob back up your this is the perfect ending you guys were really nervous dude I didn’t hit one good one didn’t hit one good one dude incredible he it was incredible obviously as always as always thank you

To tler made the greatest company in the world Mike SC we’ve got everyone bar booties over here with also this thing I haven’t hit a drive like that in months I didn’t have to work on anything he was like he [ __ ] kid me do that I it this good in my life

He said talk he said you were just talking [ __ ] what are we talking about that was incredible oh I just spit that’s a video shout out to Taylor Made the greatest to ever do it that’s the video subscribe subscribe to the Channel please that’s I mean that’s insanity


  1. Haha, this was epic. Congrats to Fore Play for pulling this off, this is something you show your grandkids one day and say, “This is our life’s work right here.”

  2. I almost scrolled past this when I read the title because I thought for sure it was clickbait. Amazing. Congrats guys.

  3. Tiger is an absolute dog how he Absolutely Bodied Riggs with the long drive lol what a day boys!!!

  4. Frankie basically blacking out and stripping one right down the middle in front of the man himself. Has to be an all time high. I'd play it cool until he left then puked in the bushes 😂😂

  5. I think for me Derek Jeter is the only person in the world I would be more nervous to hit a baseball/golf ball in front of other then tiger woods

  6. So nervous and happy for you guys the whole time. Butterflies and I’m just watching you! So good, this made my day.

  7. Must feel amazing that Tiger can step out of the cart and be on nickname bases with Riggs. Insane guys literally insane good stuff fellas.

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