(SHOCKING data found!) Callaway Paradym AI SMOKE DRIVERS REVIEW

In this video we review the new Callaway Paradym AI Smoke Drivers (Max, Max D and Triple Diamond) and analyse the data they produced.

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Thanks for watching this review of the Callaway Paradym AI Smoke drivers.

Welcome back to the golf YouTube channel it’s a  brand new year and we are going to be kicking off   the year with some brand new drivers from Callaway  we have got our hands on the Callaway Paradigm AI  

Smoke drivers I was super excited to get my hands  on these and test them out and see what they can Do before we get into it make sure that you’re  subscribed to the GOL lot YouTube channel so   that you don’t miss any videos from us in the  future now obviously there was huge hype over   the Paradigm drivers last year but now Callaway  are making even bigger claims about what these  

Drivers can do including giving golfers up to  seven yards extra distance across face with a   new AI face that took over 50,000 iterations to  get right interestingly as well Callaway have also   removed a key part of technology that we have seen  in their drivers for years which to me is a really  

Interesting decision and made me really excited  to get my hands on these and see what they can   do so every single year since 2017 Callaway have  been using jailbreak technology in their drivers   and now it’s it’s just not there anymore we’re  not seeing it in the AI smoke drivers and their  

Reasoning behind this is they have said that  the jailbreak technology adds that extra little   bit of weight and if they take that out they can  redistribute the weight across the club head and   doing this just outweighs the gains that we were  finding from the jailbreak technology now I can  

Understand the logic behind that but to me it’s  a really interesting move for them to be raving   about this technology talking about it every  single year putting it into every single one   of their drivers and suddenly it has just gone  now obviously I’m not an expert at designing  

Golf clubs but it’s just an interesting decision  in my opinion but I want to know what you guys   think are you in the same boat as me did you like  the jailbreak are you surprised to not see it in  

These clubs let me know down in the comments now  as I said earlier Callaway have made the claim   that with the AI smoke drivers golfers could see  up to 7 yards extra distance across the club face  

So this is because of a new AI smart face now ai  technology is something that we’ve seen before   with the Callaway Drivers but what is a little  bit different this year is they’ve taken the AI   and they’ve combined it with real player data so  they took data from 250,000 golfers to develop  

A club face with what they’re claiming to be  multiple sweet spots across the face so that you   can still get Optimum speed Spin and distance no  matter where you strike it on the face so there’s  

Four drivers in the range we’ve got three of them  today so we’ve got the max the triple diamond and   the maxd so going on to looks Calla have still  really focused on this forged carbon design now  

The difference is that it is a lot more in your  face with the AI smoke range than we saw previous   VI ly with Paradigm with the Paradigm drivers  you’d maybe have to hold it at a certain light   to actually see the forged carbon pattern coming  in whereas here they’ve really Amplified that to  

Make it a lot more visible both on the base of the  club and on the crown of it as well personally I   quite like this design because of the coherence  across it obviously we’ve got this Smokey pattern  

To it which fits in well with the name and to me  that just makes a nice overall collection for the   drivers however I do appreciate that it’s very out  there it is very in your face it’s not necessarily  

The exact design I would go for for a perfect  driver in my opinion but I do still like it   however I do think it’s going to be a little bit  more like Marmite and it’s just going to divide a  

Few opinions because it is so out there and so in  your face now you guys are going to really want to   stay tuned until the end of this video because  one of these drivers I literally could not hit  

Offline this could potentially be the straightest  driver I’ve ever hit so on the golf course I have   have to admit when I first stood over the ball and  I was looking at these clubs with the max driver I  

Wasn’t super keen on it I liked the size of the  head I like the size with the Max and the Max   D with the triple diamond the head was a little  bit too small for my liking but I think with how  

In your face the carbon design is it was just a  little bit off-putting for me I hadn’t really been   used to a driver like that before and so I wasn’t  100% sold on the drivers when we first took them  

Out of the bag and first started hitting shots  with them combining this with the fact that the   first few shots I hit were on a tough haul there  was wind coming off from the left to the right  

And a big collection of trees over on the right  hand side so obviously not the ideal position   for a lot of golfers so on that first hole with  the max driver what I found was that it was just  

Pretty much starting off dead straight and just  slightly tailing off to the right with the wind   so I didn’t have any complaints there other than  like I said that little bit bit of new look to it  

With the carbon at the crown of the club with the  Max D I was expecting to see a draw shot as you   would with that but it was essentially just ending  up straight because of the wind which I was more  

Than happy with especially on that hole I think if  you’re a golfer who imagin that scenario it makes   you really uncomfortable you’re not happy with  that shot you’re worried about it going off to   the right the Max D driver could be a really  good shout for you to try out because it was  

Just helping me keep that control especially with  that really harsh wind pulling the ball back over   to the right hand side now going on to the triple  diamond unfortunately I don’t have quite so much  

Positive things to say about it as I did with  the Max and the Max D out on the course because   most of the time I was just hitting it off to  the right and I found myself a lot of the time  

In the trees which obviously wasn’t ideal now  the reasoning behind this is because the triple   diamond is designed for somebody with a faster  swing speed to get better ball strikes and for   me I was just struggling a little bit with that  because it’s not designed for me with that said  

When I really went for it and I put my fastest  possible swings onto it I did find that I was   getting a nice low straight ball flight but that  wouldn’t be my normal swing and it wouldn’t be  

How I would normally be approaching stots out on  the golf course so I wasn’t feeling as though the   triple diamond was quite the right club for me  so once we were happy that I’d got a grasp of  

These drivers out on the course we then took them  indoor to hooked so that we could use foresight   to get a good idea of the numbers the ball speeds  how far we were able to hit these clubs so before  

We go into that let’s just make a note of what I  would be expecting to see now these drivers were   a little bit on the heavy side for me so my swing  speed was at about 90 mph so for that I would be  

Looking to push ball speeds at about 130 getting  a carry distance of around 210 and a total of 2 3   5 those would be pretty good distances for me at  that swing speed so as you guys can probably tell  

I wasn’t 100% sold on these drivers especially out  on the course I wasn’t necessarily thinking they   were the ideal drivers for me it was only when we  got over to hooked that one of them especially was  

Performing really well and I was really starting  to get excited based on the numbers I was seeing   from the foresight data so let’s talk about the  max driver and how well I was able to hit this in  

Indoor at hooked now what was really impressive  to me about this driver was how straight it was   going consistently if you imagine a par four short  Par Four around that 230 yards nearly every single  

Time I would have ended up on the green because  of how straight this was going it was a case of   about 95% of shots were literally going dead  straight with only one going out quite far to  

The right and one going out quite far to the  left but there was nothing in between that at   all and that equated to an average offline of only  four yards from the center which to be honest is  

Pretty unbelievable I have never seen that stat  before with a driver so this very well could be   the straightest driver I have ever hit in terms of  distance the max driver was going a average carry  

Of 208 yards and a total of 234 yards now in terms  of the dispersion between that the dist dispersion   was incredibly low for the max driver there was  only a couple yards difference between each of   my shots including the ones that went slightly  offline so that is really showing how much that AI  

Face is coming into play and making sure that I’m  not losing any distance and the distance is nice   and consistent amongst every type of shot that I’m  hitting now going on to the draw biased driver the  

Carry and total distances were almost exactly the  same as what I was seeing with the max the only   difference was that the total on average was going  2 yard shorter with the drawer compared to the max  

However some of the main differences I saw there  was that the distance dispersion was a little bit   bigger I was seeing up to 6 yards difference on  both the carry and the total which just shows   that the draw bias driver was that little bit  more inconsistent however something that was  

Really consistent as you would probably expect  with the draw driver is that I just couldn’t   hit it right every single shot with it was going  nicely off to the left with what looked to me to  

Be the same shot shape every single time so I was  quite happy with that I just preferred to see the   distance dispersion with the max driver instead  going on finally to the triple diamond as we   mentioned earlier that particular Club is designed  for somebody with a faster ball speed and I was  

Struggling to get a good strike going unless I was  really really swinging into it as fast as I could   now what that meant was that I was seeing the ball  speed a little bit higher with the triple diamond  

Compared to the Max and the draw bias with 3 mph  faster and that did equate to some extra distance   so I was seeing the triple diamond going a carry  of 211 yards and a total of 242 yards which I  

Was quite impressed with and it does show that  you can get that extra distance with the triple   diamond but the inconsistency was still there and  I was still struggling to get a nice strike every   single time something that was interesting though  was that my spin rates were the lowest I’ve ever  

Seen with a driver before coming eight at 1,810  RPM which I’ve literally never ever seen before   with a driver so if you’re looking for a low spin  option the triple diamond is definitely that so  

Let’s do a little bit of a wrap up of everything  we said about the AI smoke drivers now if we   compare them to the previous model to the Paradigm  last year I definitely think that there has been  

An improvement there in terms of the consistency  and the accuracy like I said the max driver was   potentially the straightest driver I have ever hit  so obviously some big improvements there from the   previous Paradigm model interestingly enough  I just wasn’t sold on these drivers initially  

I wasn’t feeling super Keen with them but after  giving them time and hitting enough shots I was   really impressed especially with the Max driver  so one final thing that I know you guys will be   wanting to hear about is how much do these drivers  cost now it’s a little bit strange this year  

Because we saw the Paradigm being very expensive  really pushing the mark for the cost of a driver   at £599 RP last year now Calla have come out with  the AI smoke range they’re saying it’s better it’s   got this new technology that’s going to help  you hit it straighter and be more consistent  

But it’s actually £3 cheaper coming in with an  RP of £569 now to me that’s just interesting a   little bit strange a little bit hard to wrap my  head around that they’ve decided to make a better  

Driver but they’re lowering the price so I don’t  know how you guys would be feeling so if you did   buy the Paradigm last year it was more expensive  and now they’ve brought out a better one that’s  

Cheaper it’s just an interesting decision for  me not sure how I feel about it I’m not sure   how you guys guys are going to be feeling about  it but it is that bit cheaper than the Paradigm  

Was last year so that’s been my review on the  callow Paradigm AI smoke drivers hope you guys   have all enjoyed it if you have make sure to drop  a like on this video and also make sure that you  

Subscribed to the golf of ler YouTube channel  so that you don’t miss any videos from us in the   future as always if you want to know more about  any of these three drivers you can find my full   written reviews over on the GOL lot website  thank you all for watching And subscribe for

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  1. Over time, manufacturing of a new technology, e.g. the all carbon crown, becomes cheaper due to process optimisations. Also, the supply and shipping crunch from Covid affected last year's price. So it's only correct for Callaway to reduce the price of the driver compared to last year. However, £569 is still much higher than the 2022 Rogue ST, which was £479, so Callaway is really just doing everyone a tiny favour.

  2. No such thing as a straight driver , it’s ridiculous that a new £600 driver is released every year. Drivers haven’t really moved on in 5 years for average golfers and you’d be better getting a few lessons and buying a 3 or 4 year old model

  3. 30 yards of slice collection and some pretty decent distance could be a big winner for us power faders out there

  4. The smoke colour looks dirty I would be forever cleaning the bottom of the driver. I brought the paradym but ended going back to the Rogue ST

  5. They are not available till Feb.. Good review.. Looking forward to seeing you test the NEW Ping G430 Max. 10K…

  6. Sick and tired of the so-called improvements all these manufacturers claim to make, it is all media hype to sell gear instead of being honest to the punters and themselves, we are all aware how much money is generated in golf, the only trouble is, they are not welcoming prices to encourage new blood.
    I have been playing for 20years now, I am a 7.5 handicap, surely when I started over the last 20years based on the manufacturers claims on average it gives us and extra 5 – 10 yards each year/upgrade, if this was the case I should be able to drive the ball now on average 450 yards plus now, that is further than anybody on tour! All rubbish promises, far better to focus on dispersion, straighter the better for all. 😡😡😡🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️

  7. Learned to hit golf balls on a field at 7 years old (1982) started playing golf at 10 in 1985
    the best thing ever taught to me was with a sticker on my driver head saying head down for 2 seconds (seriously)
    I play off 5, I’m not even a every week golfer too
    The last driver I bought was a Taylor made R5 duel
    I can hit that with accuracy like a missile hits a bunker,
    260 carry to 270
    My advice to the average golfer is use the £600 and invest in a gym membership to increase upper body strength and a cheap old driver that does what it’s called with no fancy gimmicks and learn to hit that pin point!

    Todays club golfer depends too much on tech
    Play golf the KIFS system

  8. Excellent review, by far the best i have seen about the new Callaway drivers. The details about club construction, the new selling narrative by Callaway, the performance figures and progress versus last year's model are spot on. This is benchmark stuff and a review the average golfer better relates to. Great. Keep it up and keep new reviews coming.

  9. Unless you are able to hit a shorter iron into the green, Keep what you have and save $600+ , Spend it on lessons !!!!🏌🏌🏌🏌

  10. 2025’s edition they will add back Jailbreak. Else how to keep it fresh and convince golfers to buy again? It will be called Callaway Paradym AI Smoke Jailbreak… watch this space…

  11. It’s alright golf pro’s doing these videos, but how about doing one with players that they are aimed at, let’s see if they work then?

  12. In an earlier video you promised to add captions asap to each video. There are no captions on any videos from the past month. Please correct this 🙏

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