Learn these set up secrets and Hit the Golf Ball Longer Than Ever Before! #golf #golfingtips #golfer

Ready to take your golf game to new heights? πŸš€ Join us on a journey to unlock the secrets of longer drives and unleash massive distance gains off the tee! πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈπŸ’¨ In this exclusive video, I break down the key techniques and tips that will have you hitting the golf ball longer than ever before. ⛳️πŸ’ͺ Elevate your drives, perfect your swing, and achieve the distance you’ve always dreamed of. Let’s transform your game together! πŸ”₯

So the first thing first is you want to tee the ball a good half a ball maybe more above the top edge of the club cuz that we really want you to be hitting up through the golf ball so TI it nice and high that’s key the second thing as well

Is make sure that you get the ball nicely in line with that left Heel make sure it’s in line with that left shoulder again I see so many people with the ball too far back in the stance which again creates that steep downward angle of attack so make sure you tear it

High you put the ball nice forward in a starts in line with the left heel you want to take your upper body a reference point I use quite a bit with clients is make sure that your head is behind the club head so you’re kind of looking at

The back of the ball you don’t want to be in a position where you’re over here looking down at the top of the ball that affects your spine tilt plastic gets your shoulders open which again is going to cause you to create an out towin swing path so there’s three things just

On its own in the address position so ball in line with that left Heel make sure that you’ve got the spine tilted behind the golf

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