Golf Players

5 Steps to Cutting Your Handicap in Half

During this February 2023 podcast, Graves Golf Co-founder Tim Graves, PGA hosts “5 Steps to Cutting Your Handicap in Half” in this month’s edition of Plane Talk with Graves Golf about creating a training plan to reduce your handicap in the off-season.

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[Applause] [Applause] Hey everybody I want to welcome you to the um February plane talk I’m got to get straight my months here um we have actually we I was looking at my staff here couple minutes ago we haven’t done one of these in a few weeks so we’re um

We’re trying to get back in the role the last one we did I think we did outside didn’t we so we haven’t been in the studio now for a couple months so anyway well welcome back to the studio welcome to the February plane talk and I want to

Thank you guys for joining us tonight and thank you you thank you guys for being part of our you know the greatest golf you know single plane swing you know we we love what we’re doing and it’s very it’s it’s very interesting this time of year you know it’s so much

Different to me talking to you guys in in you know the beginning of February versus the October November December because this time of year we’re going a thousand different directions a thousand miles an hour in fact in 48 hours I’ll be sitting back down in Orlando I’ve got

Staff that just came back from Orlando and Phoenix two days ago um I’ve got I’ve got guys going everywhere I mean literally going everywhere Todd out in Vegas going to Monteray I mean we’re just thousand different directions anyway but um again I want to thank you

Guys for being part of this and I I hope you guys are getting a lot out of what we teach you guys and I hope you guys are getting a lot out of them these webinars and so on we have some giveaways tonight I think we have three

Giveaways we go out tonight and as I’m going and going hot and heavy tonight my staff will stop me and say give a giveaway give a giveaway and we’ll give some giveaways tonight um and then um I will go into literally the five steps that you guys can go through to to cut

Your handicap in half and I’ll walk you guys through those and they’re not they’re not real complicated they’re not they’re not really that big of an issue but it’s something that you guys can set up as a business plan for yourself and we’ll walk into that okay now I want to

Play a quick video cuz and members you’ve seen this it’s a good refresher non-members I want you guys to see this again or see it for the first time it’s very telling about the Paradigm driver and it’s got some great information and because I know I’m going to get a ton of

Questions on it I shot this out at the Eli Callaway performance center with Dave Neville who’s one of the designers of the Paradigm driver and the Paradigm line of clubs so I went out there and talked to the experts this was a few weeks ago and I got this information for

You guys want to hit it hey everybody I’m out here at the ECP ecpc the elac callway performance center and I’m actually out here with da Neville and I I always mess up with this title so I always have him ruce it eight years in we’re still working years I’m still

Working senior director Brandon product management see I still won’t get it right senior director brand and product management well I’m out here today working on um looking at the new product actually this is the 2023 product am I right yes it is all right and um we’ got

Some really looks like some really exciting stuff in fact we’re going to go through the bag here but first thing I want to talk about is the driver with you yeah I mean this is he’s the expert I mean there’s nobody in this world that knows more about this product in fact

And you guys know this at home um when I’m have questions on the product I have real specific questions on detailed he’s the guy we’re calling he’s he’s the guy that’s the expert in this so if you would for us today would you kind of go over the differences in the drivers what

You guys are actually releasing this year yeah let’s start with the name the name it’s an all new paradigm we’re calling a new paradigm in performance I know a lot of people are expecting us to have epic this year or maybe Apex in the irons but this is something completely

Different I mean the type of construction that we have here is is all new and it really starts with this this carbon chassis this 360 carbon chassis basically like the lightest possible thing that we could have in the middle of this club but yet very strong that’s

Freeing up a ton of weight so it’s going to allow us to do a lot of things with the face using artificial intelligence using jailbreak and then even in the back we have the sliding weight track right and look like you guys almost like up every other year see like it’s the

Way that comes out well what’s interesting about this track is that a lot of times we have to pay some kind of penalty for that whether that’s trading off Moi or it’s it’s trading off the center of gravity position or something but now with this new paradigm with this

Carbon chassis there’s no trade-offs there’s no trade-offs so we’re able to have higher Moi than Rogue but still have this shot shape adjustability we’re talking about 12 to 15 yards of shot shape so if you’re somebody you’re you’re struggling you’re outside the Fairway you can tune this thing to help

Get you in the Fairway I love it we’ve seen incredible results with this both from ball speed some more ball speed than Rogue but the dispersion down range has been really tight okay very forgiving driver now the reason I meet with you out here and do this is because

I actually will bring you down a couple Nots in this describe M mo one more time it’s basically moment of inertia it’s a measure of forgiveness and it’s it’s resistance to twisting of of the club meaning if you don’t hit it Center in the face and a lot of us don’t hit all

Of our shots Center in the face how how effective is that in getting the ball back to the Fairway if you hit in the toe is it getting it back with a draw if you hit in the heel is it giving you a little cut and getting back in the

Fairway that’s what m Moi is all about so it’s just one measure of of forgiveness and we knew with Rogue was a very stable driver people said that was a very very stable driver this is taking that to the next level so this is a

Higher in this I’ve talked a lot of the guys at home about this about Moi and Putters and irons and so on but this even got a higher is this the highest you guys have Creed in a drive point of the highest woo I’m not sure if I want

To commit to that but it’s the tightest I’ve ever seen downrange in terms of the ellipse so the way we do that is we have players hit hundreds and hundreds of balls all different types all handicaps men and women and then we plot those and we compare that between Rogue and

Paradigm and what we’re seeing there is 15 to 30% tighter down range wow really really tight down range that means where are the balls ending up you put a circle around where the balls are ending up it’s a much smaller Circle it’s much much tighter dispersion there so we got

Some different ones here yeah we got three models let’s talk talk about those if you would for me yeah I’m going to I’m going to focus on the two kind of core models I think for for this audience starting with the the Paradigm standard model this is one we’re talking

About you know super high Moi you’ve got the adjustability so you’ve got the APW track um it sets up very nice you know I would say this is probably really anywhere from a low handicap low singled digit handicap could be up to a 15 um the Fitters are going to love this

Because you have all that adjustability you have the adjustability in the hosle as well if you need more draw if you need more forgiveness you’re holding the X model here so this shape is a little bit more like Rogue more of a stretch shape a little bit bigger um they’re

Both 460cc but they’re getting there kind of in in a different way so if you were to try this Paradigm and it’s not giving you enough draw you want to hit it more right to left you can go to this Paradigm X or there’s some players they

Know immediately they know who they are fighting the slice right they’re going to go they’re going to go into the X model and then we do have a third we have a triple D Diamond model really for high speed players I would say 105 milph

Up on your driver um that’s going to be lower Spin and the shape is a little bit smaller a little more uh compact so we’re going to have that one as well now you T and you brought this up earlier we’re talking about the club itself talk

About the lled a little bit CU you’re comparing a lle like previous line what were you saying to me about that yeah so one thing we wanted to do is cuz we went from four models to three so um um four models was great we had a little

Confusion out there like who’s the max player who’s the max LS player right so we kind of have our our main model but that L angle is going to be a little bit flatter but you can still make it upright you can use the adjustable hle I tell what’s interesting about that cuz

When you describe it remember we stand further from the ball so we teach single playe and the number one thing we look for is the dri just a little bit flatter little flatter We Stand away from him because when you brought that really rang a bell on my head when you said he

Said this L is a little bit flatter the number one thing we see when we get average players to be honest with you they stand away they go that to so far up in that club and this one said that was awesome I’d love to hear that yeah

So 57° Li angle versus 59 in the past you know 2 is a big deal you’ll be able to notice that when you when you set it down now with the X model which is more of a draw we got that a little bit a little bit more upright 100% and because

That’s you’re trying to get that start light because I’m not sure there’s anything worse than to put a club on the ground and have like a sit and closed on because that L go to Y so that that was a big deal when I heard that really rang

A bell so now talk a little bit if you would about some shating Ops or just a little bit about shafts yeah so the shafts we got some great shafts for we start with the lightweight in the high launch we’ve got the uh the alela uh Ascent shaft that’s a lightweight

Performance light you want to get the ball up in the air we’re going to have that in 40 G 50 g so very light easy to swing our main shaft is going to be this one that I’m holding here the Hazardous silver this is going to work for a lot

Of players we’ll have an in 50 g we’ll have in 60 G we have a r Flex we have stiff flex light Flex whatever you need that is a a mids spin mid- launch up the gut you know very high performing shaft then we have two better player shafts we

Have hazardous black which is going to be a nice Stout offering little bit lower torque we have that in the stiff we have that in the X and then we have the Mitsubishi Kylie which is the one that Xander chle plays and super low torque really you got to have some swing

Speed that’s pretty rare this more of the xlex type of type of player but really our our core shafts I think are going to be this hazardous silver and then the ascent if you want to have a little so just for a couple seconds here just for two seconds here um I it’s

Become Vogue and and we talked about a little bit this last year but I’m seeing more and more that the guys like to go with a light like a light Flex like a senior Flex with light or regular Flex with lightweight and that you got this set for these Club describe those more

Time for me because that’s going be the most questions I get for this how light get that regular Flex I like so we can go all the way down to 40 G in the 40 G Class for the ascent which is a very light for a dri yeah and we can do that

In a light Flex we do have women’s offering uh as well know you have a lot of women of your your subscribers uh also we have a light Flex we have a regular flex and then if you’re swinging it more like 808 90 95 then you’re more in this hazardous

Silver it’s going to be regular flex and we have a stiff Flex in there beautiful yeah cuz that’s the main questions I get I love it because number one you got higher Moi in it so actually it’s going to be to me that’s more forgiven version

Is better so you guys do that every year I love it because it’s the big thing we get you know and that’s and that’s the last thing I want to talk about because the the biggest questions I get in a driver is you know how often should I

Replace it okay I answer that question often but how is it always better the next year you know how is this one going to be better the next year next so just for a couple seconds just again tell the guys at home or the guys the GS at home

What do you guys do to create a driver I mean how do you I mean you’re already working on next year probably you know what I’m saying so how what do you do I mean it really is I mean you guys get so far ahead of this the technology is

Fascinating to me I love when people ask the question how can it be better than the year before and I respond but we’ve got 120 people working in R&D and that is their entire mission to make the clubs better easier to hit go longer and

Better see I want you to look right in the camera and tell me that because that’s hard for my my people I talked to believe that 120 people work on R&D just to get these driver and the other thing we’ve made a huge commitment over the last 5 years is AI is artificial

Intelligence and using we have a supercomputer here at Callaway and we’re using that to create prototypes of faces thousands and thousands of prototypes and how do we make this thing better not just faster but tighter dispersion so the early uh epic flash that had AI it was all about Center ball speed now

We’re getting into launch spin downrange dispersion we’re continuing to invest in AI so you can buy 120 of some of the smartest people on the planet with AI and machine learning and you got something and these aren’t 120 golfers these are 120 engineers and like rocket scientist super nerds call okay well you

Said it okay anything else you want to talk about the driver I mean no we’re really excited about it I mean with this Forge carbon I think one thing is just it it’s a beautiful looking driver I think it’s the best looking driver Callaway has ever created each of the

Drivers is unique not each of the models every single driver is unique and you’ll see it when you get it in the Sun get it out side take a look at it the forge carbon it looks like marbling it sets up absolutely beautiful to the ball going

To be very easy to align every driver that someone purchases is going to be unique well I know I knew it was because I know you’re proud of these because the first thing you did you show the driver you put in the sun you said look at the

Color you so I knew you were very proud of that that’s really cool just love the the look of it and I mean that’s part of it you want it to set down you want it to be easy align and then it’s going to perform performance of it’s well it’s

Your baby in the bag this this is this one you got to love so well great well I appreciate your time with work the driver and thank you very much thanks Tim welcome back and I hope you guys enjoyed that video I just wanted to show it again the members you’ve seen it

Twice now um but I hope you got some out of that with Dave Neville and he’s I’ve done that thing for eight or nine years now gone through looked at the different clubs he’s amazing now a couple things I’m going to bring up on couple things

I’m bring up we had a couple questions during that then we’ll rock into tonight’s program number one um it wasn’t a question but are they in my bag yet yes they are already in my bag in fact here’s two of the clubs that came

Out of my bag um I’ve got the iron ride here graphite shafted set that for me U irons are I will say it very tactfully amazing amazing um they’re a forge type iron that um has got a lot of forgiveness on them and I was in the

Apex 21 21 prior to this I’ve gained about half a club with these almost a full Club higher and softer and that’s way they’re built and yes I can attest to that um they’re amazing amazing clubs and um you maybe you saw that video we did live with Todd outside in the last

One I had him hit him for the first time you me he saw the same thing the driver I’m going to talk two things about the driver the two questions we had the number one is about the jailbreak and basically what the jailbreak is and what

They’ve changed as this is this is the driver face here I’m going to be real crude on this but if this is the driver face here and with the grooves across it with the jailbreak was you know this is the shaft coming into the driver the

Jail bake was two rods when they started they put in the driver and they put him inside the driver so if you split it open there’s two rods in there and that’s why it’s called jailbreak and basically what it did is it it made the the facee of the club a little bit

Tighter so it didn’t expand as much so made it the club longer and that they did this a few years back with a jailbreak technology technology well what they’ve got now through artificial intelligence so they’re constantly every single day every hour of every single day they’re constantly trying to upgrade

Update or upgrade the clubs what they done now is the jailbreak technology looks like this it’s a rod in the middle that goes up and then turns into a y like this so now the jailbreak looks like this okay in the club and I put some pictures out of it you can go

Online and see this but that’s the new jailbreak technology so it’s a rod in the middle that has got a bigger base in the top now what that did so this was done through time and guys they’ve tested probably a million different things in the jailbreak technology but

What that did in order answer this next question is is the club longer yes it is going to be the longest Club in the market it has to be or they can’t release it because you guys can test it at home is it significantly longer significant is up to what you

Guys say the I mean it’s it’s your I mean is a yard two five 10 significant for you guys that’s up to you guys but this is the big deal on this driver is the dispersion and I’m going to talk about that for a second Pretend This is

A fairway and this is the T boox that you’re hitting and you’re hitting this direction down the Fairway and you guys anybody’s been a track man sees this let’s say you go hit 10 golf balls with your driver with a normal driver and all of a sudden one lands here and they land

Here and it lands here and it lands here and it lands here and here so all of a sudden you got this dispersion pattern okay okay and they’ll call it they call it a dispersion pattern and it may be however wide it is and some people have dispersion pattern that goes from both

Sides of the Fairway some will have it over one side of the Fairway which you a dispersion pattern okay and that’s known in golf everybody has a pattern the Paradigm driver and why it is such so popular is the dispersion is shown to be 15 to 25% less than any driver in the

Market and 15 to 25% better than their even last year’s driver which is rank number one so if you took your dispersion p pattern and chopped off the ends of it okay like this okay that’s where it actually is now you you get less off center less

Misses to the right and to the left okay and so basically and this is what you see for the average player if this is the Fairway right here the dispersion pattern will look like this you it goes on both ways if they hit you know 10 100

Whatever balls now take off 15% of that to 25% and there’s a new dispersion pattern and that’s what everybody’s seeing in fact John ROM comment on that guys the first three PGA events that were won were won with the Paradigm and John ROM who won the first

One made that comment he said it was crazy he was hitting heel shots with the driver off the te and they’re staying in the Fairway and he said they would have gone in the first cut a rough he’s like I can’t believe they stayed in the Fairway because the dispersion is a lot

Less that’s the big deal with this club and that’s what I’m seeing with it it’s a massive deal I took it down and played in the Advent down in in Port St Lou see a couple of PGA winter section events that’s the first thing I saw was like

Wow CU you know when you hit a m hit you know when to heing and you know where it should be with your other driver also I’m doing this driver I’m looking up and it’s in it’s on the first cutter off or still in the F I’m like wow that would

Have missed in the bunker right normally but anyway so that’s the big deal with that club guys if you’re interested in that at all um timg atra timg gra I’ll get you guys taken care of we can we can rock on that whether it’s a driver hybrids irons we

Can get you taken care of okay um let’s get this nice topic P let get rolling here unless I’m going look at my staff real quick we good we all right okay let’s get into tonight’s topic and really it comes down to how you cut your

Handicap in half okay and I’m going to give you five points that we go through here and as we walk through these points I have some statistics for you guys and I have some drills for you guys and I have some things that you guys can do at

Home um that will actually if you if you process through this it’ll cut your handicap in half but notice how I said that cutting your handicap in half that means if you’re a 40 handicap you can go to a 20 if you’re 15 or 30 and go to 15

Yes if you’re a five it’s like going to a 2.5 okay as we lower and lower and lower with our handicap yes it’s harder and harder to get lose shots because there’s only so many shots in the golf course okay trust me a two handicap golfer going down to a one is much

Harder than a 20 handicapper going down to a 10 it’s just harder because there’s not that many shots on the golf course okay just okay so anyway but this is how you can cut it in half and I’m going to show you guys how you can do that now

I’m going to show you guys how to develop a business plan doing this and it’s the same plan and you guys have probably heard us talk about the John Olsson story before the gentleman up in Minnesota that we worked worked with that was very successful I’m going to

Walk you through the plan we did with him and really we we’re able to right now give you a more specific plan because we have more tools to help you now than we even had with John okay so basically the story starts with John

Olsson as he came to a school he saw us he came to me and Todd and he at the end of the school he basically said I want to be able to play in the Minnesota state amateur Championship next year okay I looked at John and I said John

What’s your handicap and he said a 30 okay or was a 27 he said between you know I shoot about 100 so and to qualify for the Minnesota state amateur Championship the next year one year from then he had to have a five handicap or

Less to be able to qualify to even sign up for the thing so he wanted to go from a 30 to a five in a year so well over cutting his handicap in half okay and so we helped him set up a business plan and I’m going to show you guys that plan

Tonight and how you can walk through this okay now I’m going to start walking through the different points here there’s five different points that we’re going to do in this business plan for you guys I’m going to tell you it’s exact same thing we did with John okay

Here’s number one and number one on the business plan I’m going to put it up here right now and I’m going to start putting cut putting cutting and pasting on this number one is that and we’re going to get this out of the way you have to have clubs that fit your game

That fit the single plane swing everything in your bag from your driver to your putter Miss must fit you in your single plane swing not your neighbor not your kid not your wife not your son not your whoever it is it has to fit you it

Has to fit you for your height your wrist of floor measurement your hand size your swing speed it has to fit you I’m not going to go over this tonight I’m just throwing this out right now because here’s the deal this is not about we’re we’re going to get into

Training here in a minute but cutting your handicap in half is going out and scoring is getting on the golf course and scoring it is going out there and making putts it is chipping well it’s going to hit shots off the tee it’s hitting shots of the Fairway so it is

You scoring out there the only thing you have out there when you score is your clubs and the golf balls that’s what you got it’s your equipment that’s what scores for you if that equipment does not fit you perfect you will not cut your handicap in half and I promise you

You won’t you will not okay and so if you will not get your clothes fit if you will not go take the time to get a fit you will not contact me to help you get your clothes fit don’t even worry about the rest of this because it’s wasting

Your time and please understand that it is fascinating to me how many guys will email me or contact me and they’ll go on and on they’ll ask me all these questions about their game they’ll ask me all about their driver and they’re doing this they’re trying to fix this

They’re trying to do that they go on the golf course they can’t figure it out you know they’ll sit in front of a video with a training tool and they’ll say is doing it perfect they go on the golf course and and they and they can’t

Figure it out and all a sudden I pull up their deal I got no fings on them I’ve got nothing in the computer on and I email I go have you had your Club clubs fit well is it really that important I’m like why are you wasting my time in my

Staff’s time if you won’t get your Club Fit to you why okay that’s all I’m going to say about this if your clubs do not fit you do not go on we can’t help you you’re not going to cut your handicap in half it will not happen listen to me it

Will not happen okay it’s very simple you can go online you can you can fill out the club fitting Forum it is a free service we give you for clubs and putter fill it out I will send you back a very detailed information of what your Club

Should be exact in your bag to match you and you take that those f are not going to change they now you could get slower in the future we all do we lose speed but those fittings will last for a long long long time whether you go get your

Clubs adjusted now contact me about some new stuff however you want to do it it doesn’t matter they’ve got to fit you okay I’m going to get off that soap box now but it is extremely frustrating for me when guys go and they try you figure

This out and they say the system doesn’t work and I look in and the clubs don’t fit them crazy okay so here’s number two so that’s number one’s clubs number two we’re going to get into putting okay and we’re to get into number two because we’re doing this in

Level of importance and putting is worth almost 50% of the game okay half of the game for the average golfer it’s actually 43% of their scorings and putting okay and I’m going to throw up a stat for you guys real quick here and I want you guys to see the stat stat and

The first one that comes out I want you to look at something here the average 30 handicap golfer has 45 putts per round the average 20 handicap golfer has 39 putts per round the average 10 handicap golfer has 34 putts per round the average scratch golfer has 30 putts per

Round so let me show you guys something here real quick if I was a 30 handicap golfer and I was trying to go down to a 15 so in between the 20 and the 10 that’d be a 45 down to basically a 37 okay that’s eight shots or associated

With putting listen to me very carefully eight shots out of your 15 that you’re taking off or associated with putting so over half of your Association of cutting your handicap in half is going to be associated with putting straight out so if you don’t work on your putting if you

Don’t fix your putting if you don’t go on with your putting you are not going to get your handicap in half okay I’m going to give you one more stat then I’m going to give you the drill to work on okay let’s look at this look at this

Next video real quick or next real quick it’s very simple percentage made by distance for three foot putts for an average 20 handicap golfer it’s a golfer shoots between between 85 and 90 okay he makes 50% of his putts from 3 feet inside guys go test yourself I told you

Guys have follow me before and this you know I talk about this go three feet put a ball down make try to make a putt don’t go to the same putt go to another one on a different side of the hole go three feet try to make a putt go to side

Of the hole go three feet try to make a putt see what percentage you make scratch golfer makes 90% from 3 feet and in a professional golfer makes 97% from 3 feet and in so look at the difference there there is a massive massive massive difference and the biggest difference you have here

Is that you increase the bullseye around the hole meaning think of a manhole cover around the hole how big instead of a whole golf hole how big is your manhole cover for a professional it’s 3 feet guys it’s got a 6 foot diameter a 3 foot radius okay so come back here real

Quick so look at the just chart so if this is the golf hole right here for a 20 handicap golfer this is their diameter they got to hit it in guaranteed up and down for a professional it’s like this or a scratch golfer it’s massive it’s not even close

Okay so you have got to the very first thing we got to do is we’ve got to increase our three- foot makes we’ve got to in that percentage up and this is what you’re going to do to do that okay you’re going to get you’re going to get the

Excalibur and you’re going to get a throw hole okay it’s very simple how we’re going to do this now when you set this up you’re going to set the Excalibur down you’re going to go one foot past the end of this you’re going to put the throw hole okay this right

Now from where you put it is slightly longer than a 3ft putt it’s basically 3 and 1/2 ft okay but you’re working a three- Footers right here now what you’re going to do is you’re going to take five golf balls okay and you’re going to take five of your own golf

Balls five golf balls of the ones you play with not of range balls not a a pinnacle on a top lightning no five golf balls that you play with you’re now going to set up and you’re going to putt those five golf balls okay and you’re

Going to sit and Putt them and you’re going to test yourself so we’re going to set up on this we’re going to sit up over it and we’re going to putt okay okay and when you make one it counts as one if you miss it it’s obviously doesn’t count you’re going to

See how many of those five you make okay you’re going to do this 10 times and you’re going to get an average I promise you if you’re 20 or 30 handicap and you do this you’ll average one you’ll average less than one you’ll average 0.5 you’ll average 1.5 okay if

You’re a 10 handicap you’ll probably average two maybe three I promise you you will guys it’s so related this part of the game is so related to your scoring in your handicap I can already predict right now what your scores will be okay a scratched player can make four

Out of five scratch player can make four out of five boom boom boom once they get ready going okay you’ll get warmed up and you go so you’re going to do this 10 times with five balls you’re get an average your goal is to double that in

The next month or double that as you start practicing so your goal is if I average right now two out of five I want to get four out of five that’s my goal if I just start getting three out of five it’s better if you want to cut your

Handicap in half you need to double that average now yes think about it right now if you make four out of five how do you double that well we’ll start just increasing that now we’ll go 4.5 or maybe we’ll start getting close to five out of five so the scratch players out

There the single- digit handicaps out there they’re making four out of five we want to try to make 4.2 4.3 4.4 out of five okay we want to increase that average test yourself practice it practice it again and again and again test yourself routinely okay test

Yourself to get get you a baseline write it down now that’s this is this is the business plan I got a baseline how much money I got in the bank right now how much money do I want in the bank in the future okay so you got you’re going to

Get a Baseline and then you’re going to start working on it you’re going to start working on your P You’re start working on the drills you’re going to start going to our stuff you’re going to start working on the fundamentals and you’re going to start testing yourself

Again okay that’s number one is the pting we’re going to test ourselves next caliber we’re going to double the amount of makes we’re making now okay that’s number one here’s number two it is chipping okay because because chipping is such a huge part of this

Game and such a saving part of this game and I’m going to show you a stat on that I’m going throw this up with you guys real quick here it is percent up and down and chipping and this basically means that you’re not hitting a flop

Shot or a pitch shot this is the percent up and down for chipping for 30 30 handicap is 30% execution meaning he’ll chip it up and one put it in one out of every three three times almost one out every four times 3% execution 20 handicap 45% 10 handicap 60% % a scratch

Golfer 75% if you went from this is interesting you took a 20 handicap golfer you went down to a 10 handicap they cut it in half just in chipping alone they’ll save two or two to three shots just in shipping alone 45% to 60%

So guys we save all of a sudden 10 shots and put say eight shots in putting now we go to two shots in chipping we’ve already covered 10 of the 10 of the shots you guys follow I’m going here okay this is the drill you’re going to

Do and guys and gals out there I’ve become extremely aware of this doing short game schools because it really really really fascinates me I do I’ve done three short game schools now in the last six months and one of the deals we do in a short game school is we set up a

Chipping stations we everybody goes through it and in this chipping station we put a landing zone out there and so what you do is you we call it the ladder drill some of you guys seen the ladder drill you saw working down this hill you

Start with like a nine iron then you go to like a pitching wedge and you go to like a gap wedge and you go to like a sand and what you do is you chip into this little area you land it in there and then it hops up on the green or it

Hops it goes on the edge of the green and then rolls out to the hole like a butt so it lands in the landing Zone and then rolls out to the whole like a putt okay it is fascinating how many of you have difficulty hitting that Landing

Zone and I’m not talking difficulty in landing Zone not even getting close okay and guys if you can’t hit a landing Zone in a chip or a small pitch there is no way you can have a good up and down game there is no way on this Earth You Can

Have a good chipping game you have got to develop touch in field to hit a landing zone so here’s what you’re going to do pretty simple you guys can do this in the backyard you can do it when you go to the golf course you can do you’re

Chipping on a green you’re going to take two clubs you’re going to set them down okay you’re going to set them down three feet apart okay I like to go two I’m going let you guys start at three okay you’re going to go about 3 ft apart in

These two clubs now what you’re going to do is you’re going to go back 20 feet okay you’re going to go back 20 feet you’re going to go back 20 feet and you’re going to hit chips now I’m going to do this on the camera so I’m going to

Get where you I can still see me on the camera obviously I’m not at 20 feet okay but I’m going to go back 20 feet guys want 20 feet okay take about seven Paces boom okay 20 feet now you’re G to take 10 golf balls of golf balls you play

With notice how I said that golf balls you play with now you’re going to Chip and you’re going to try to land them in the landing Zone there’s one land in the landing Zone one on here’s two okay that one landed short didn’t count here’s the third

One right now I’m two out of three here’s the fourth one right now I’m three out of four I’m landing him in the landing Zone going on go at 20 ft 25 ft 30 ft see what you can do when you get an average you’re going

To do this five times if you want to do it 10 times that’s fine so 10 balls five times or 10 balls 10 times it’s up to you guys get an average let’s say I’m at 20 feet and my average is three out of 10 you’re going to double that you’re

Going to get six out of 10 that’s what you’re going to work on let’s say my average is 5 out of 10 you’re going to try to get 10 out of 10 you’re going to try to double that okay you’re going to try to improve Heating in the landing

Zone notice I didn’t say try to get it close to a hole I didn’t say get a rolling out I said land it in the landing Zone because we got to have that information before we even take that next step to become a good short game

Because if I right now go and say okay let’s develop a great short game now look at this shot let’s look at the lie you got let’s look at how you’re going to hit this shot now tell me describe this shot in your head you know do the

Four C’s create the shot commit to with confidence now critique it and you create that shot and you say I want to land it right there next you know on that Fringe of that grass and let it roll out and you miss that spot by 4

Feet or you hit it 3 feet short it’s done it doesn’t even come out of the rough or it goes scooting off the back of the green because you couldn’t hit your Landing Zone and that’s what we see good golfers will hit this Landing Zone without any problem scratch golfers

Will hit it every time nine out of 10 times Pros will hit it 10 out of 10 times 20 handicappers will be lucky to get 50% in fact they won’t even get 50% I promise you so we’re going to start hitting the landing Zone from 20t 25t

30t all I want you to do is hit it in the landing zone now I’m going to knock it up one notch from there I strongly strongly strongly suggest you do that with the short came impact trainer and the reason I suggest that is because it’s the two birds with one stone

Because number one every time you do this drill you’re working on your grip of your short game and your full swing listen to what I just said you’re working on your grip of your short game and your full swing because here’s what’ll happen you’ll do this drill

Again and again and again and again and you’re going to get your grip strong and all of a sudden you get that full swing going you start snap hooking it start topping it lose tons of distance because your grip got strong we watch it every single time this makes you hold

The club properly that’s number one number two it’s got negative Loft in the bottom of the club it makes you hit down I would love for you guys to do this on car on on mats I would love for you guys to do this on dirt I would love for you

Guys to do this on really tight grass because it’s even harder and it makes you hit down on it 70 to 80% of our students do not hit down on the ball they lose significant distance cuz they try to pick the golf ball you can’t do

It with this club so all of a sudden right now we’re doing this drill and we’re working working on it again and again and again with something that forces you to hit it correct think about that this forces you to get the toe of the club up this forces you to hit down

This forces a good grip on it guys it’s up to you okay I guarantee you this is the club I use every single time I’m having fun with this drill guys this is the club I warm up with okay I mean I’m down in Port St Lucy playing those

Tournaments I got this thing I’m warming up with my ABT on the Range okay anyway that’s the drill you’re going to pick a landing Zone 20 30 40 feet you want to go further back each one of those different places 20 feet you’re going to have a number maybe I

Got five out of 10 25 feet maybe I got four out of 10 average 30 feet maybe I got three out of 10 average and you’re going to do this you do the drill you’re going to double those you’re going to work on doubling those the only way you

Can do that is to get better fundamentals and better technique and work on doubling this because guys you hit that Landing Zone you will dramatically increase I promise you increase your up and downs you will cuz now the great part of the four C’s you can actually do what you’re thinking in

Your brain when you come in with confidence you actually can pull it off okay next one so that’s the third one the third one is chipping okay part of your game plan here’s the fourth one now we’re getting into ball striking so chipping was number three now we’re into ball striking and

I’m going to put a okay it’s ball striking I’m going to put a stat up for you guys throw this up there for yall all right green means hit in percentage average percent per round meaning when you hit a green in regulation you can two putt for par that’s a green hit in

Regulation a green hit 30 handicap hits 25% four greens 20 handicap golfer hits 33% six greens 10 handicap hits 50% scratch golfers hit 66% I’m going to show you I’m going to talk about two things here as I leave that stat up here’s number one look from a 30 to a 10

Handicap they’re basically doubling plus the number of greens they hit okay so you’re starting to see a whole lot of less stress out there because look at that how the greens have increased here’s number two and this is the big thing look at the scratch golfer even a

Professional will only average 12 to 13 greens around meaning they’re missing four five six greens around the average golfer even a professional makes two to two and a half birdies per round well if they only make two birdies per round maybe three birdies per round that’s what they make and they’re only they’re

Missing up to six greens a round or more they’ve got to get up and down four out of six times five out of six times they’ve got to get up and down that many cuz the up and the non up and down zogi just is to scratch golf you guys see how

This is all related okay the other reason why a scratch golf will hit 12 Greens in regulation most people think will’ll be hit it higher than that because they’re not hitting the center of the green they’re attacking the pin so the pin may be on the far left side

Of the green the far right side of the green the back of the green the front of the green and they may miss it by just a few feet on one side and miss the green because they’re attacking pins okay but notice here this is ball striking this

Is where we start getting we start getting our swing now okay and that’s where we get to number four so here’s fourth part of your game plan the fourth part of your game plan is you attack the number one weakness or the number one fault in your fundamental you attack it

With vengeance okay if it’s your grip you start working on your grip if it’s your setup you start working on your setup you do not go to the small things in your swing you do not do not sit there and say well it’s just my left

Foot I got to turn it a little bit more I think I’ll have it no okay it’s not well I think I bring that club a little bit too far inside no guys the small parts of the Swing the thing that are small issues typically are re are

Because of big issues and fundamentals and 90% of the time it’s from grip setup takeaway so if you get your grip correct you get your setup correct and you just get to position one correct 90% of the Swing is already over and taken care of find out now not tomorrow not a month

From now find out right now what is the number one weakness in your full swing Now find out is it your grip is it your setup is it your takeaway what are you breaking down and get drills that fix it appropriately that’s it and go at it

With vengeance attack it now okay I cannot stress that enough every time you go practice so right now let’s say it’s from position zero to position one is your problem before I would either get the single plane position trainer or every single time before I took a swing

Inside or out I’d go five to 10 times working to position one making sure I do it perfect every single time okay attack it with vengeance and there’s no question if you want to get the quickest result in this you go to a coach and you

Find out quickly from the coach what you need to work on okay no doubt about it so that’s Point number four guys but here’s what’s interesting you have clubs that don’t fit you you don’t work on your potting you don’t work on your chipping you will not even cut your

Handicap in 25 in fact you will cut your handicap and 10% if you work on ball strike it only it won’t even cut in 10% listen to what I just said if all you do is work on ball striking so I’m just working on my swing I’m working on

Position one position two you will not cut your handicap in by 10% it’s just by scoring folks 75% of the game occurs within 100 yards of the green pitching chipping and putting 75% okay this is numbers game if all you do is work on your ball striking that’s all you do

Which we want to work on it it’s very important but that’s all you do okay you might and that’s and you work on it with vengeance you might reduce your your your 10% we yes we want to work on it yes we want to put a heavy duty focus on

It yes it’ll make the game much easier but we’ve got to do the other ones too if not more okay and then the fifth one and the fifth one of this for the game plan is is really what you got to do to speed it up it’s either a school or in

Person or coaching online okay because here’s what happens right now you’re going to go and we can get the clubs taken care of not a big deal when that guys that’s that’s no-brainer okay you’re going to go putting and you’re going to get in the six caliber

And you’re going to make two out of five two out of five on average maybe you’ll make one out of five on an average and you’re going to go do it again and you’ll still make two out of five average maybe you’ll go to 2.2 2.3 average whatever you increase a little

Bit but you don’t know why you don’t know are you de accelerating are your hands not leading are you moving the body are your eyes not over the ball it’s very hard to teach yourself all of a sudden you snap a video of that

You take a video you go seees one of our Coes in person in a school you’ll find out in a second that it will literally take seconds to tell you guys your body are over the ball you’re flipping the putter your hands aren leading on the

Line whatever it is and now you said okay I need to go keep my body still my hands leading and all of a sudden we got stowing from two two out of five to three out of five because I stopped moving the body I got my hands leading

Now I get to three out of five okay what’s my next thing and you send it in the instruct instructor goes oh well looks like you don’t have enough shaing looks like your your head’s moving to this whatever it is and now guys there is a breakdown in fundamentals of why

You can’t be perfect makes sense okay this putter doesn’t know if it’s me or somebody with perfect fundamentals it has no idea this putter doesn’t know if it’s me you Tiger Woods has no idea it’s just a putter hitting a golf ball it only understands the motion and that’s

The fundamentals you put on it chipping exactly the same thing cuz you’re going to sit here and you’ll May average two out of 10 from 30t and then you going to do it again you’ll be lucky to maybe get three out of 10 but you need to get four or five

Out of 10 then eventually six or seven out of 10 you’re going to go I can’t figure out you’re going to fight it maybe your toes down when you take the chipping back maybe your grip is strong okay maybe you’re de accelerating maybe you’re flipping your hands maybe you’re

Closing the face maybe you’re too close to it maybe you’re too far for it I don’t know a coach can tell you in a second I will tell you right now the number one fault and guys this is always the guesstimate the number one fault we

See is when our average student takes a club back they don’t move their hip a centimeter they take it back in a chip especially longer chip like a 30ft chip and by the time they go to impact their shoulders are wide open they’re coming across and they pull the club they pull

The ball with a closed Club face that comes in low and goes left so there’s no height on it it’s pulled to the left and obviously with the closed Club face you’re going to get no feel whatsoever in fact you’ll tow dig it into the

Ground most of the time okay and if you get in a really tight lie or something that’s like a you know maybe like a into the grain lie you’ll just start chunking them that’s what we see all the time but unless we see you we don’t know a coach

Can fix that in a second okay and then obviously ball striking I that’s enough say I mean is it your grip is it your setup is it your takeaway and if it if it’s your grip’s issue is your lead hand grip is your Trail hand grip is it

Position one is it position two you know guys it’s interesting Todd and I were down in Orlando literally about two weeks ago and we’re given a couple private lessons a couple guys down there and I had a lesson going on and TI had a lesson

Going on when we had fun and I had my lesson the gentleman was pretty good golf he’s like a five or six handicap and he hits are pretty solid we’re we’re working on you trying to keep the elbow in we’re working on trying to get a little better leverage with the wrist

And you know a little bit better we’re trying to work on and he’s hitting striking it pretty well you know okay he’s doing a pretty good job in fact he’s hting really well and then Todd’s got his gentleman over here and in that same hour I’m work the other gentleman

He doesn’t hit a ball the whole hour okay so we stop we take a break and the two gentlemen are friends and we’re talking to each other and the other gentleman that Todd’s working with goes am I going to get to hit a ball today and Todd goes yeah probably not okay and

And we start laughing about it and and and the other gentleman goes well why my Gentleman goes well why not and Todd goes well because he’s got no Trail wrist angle in fact he’s basically got none we’ve got to work on this Trail wrist angle and why do I want hit him to

Hit a ball when he doesn’t have good leverage or proper leverage at the top of the Swing so all Todd had him do was go to the top of his swing and proper leverage with the trail hand and then you do it again proper leverage tril hand go to impact with that leverage

Fact you hit a leverage bag you take the single plan position trainer he was working on getting the proper angles which is the angle of the trail elbow and the trangle the angle of the trail wrist then to find out he had a very limited flexibility as Trail wrist so we

Gave some exercises to do with that trail wrist different things you guys have all seen these webinars in the past I assume but the point was is that two completely different golfers getting lessons at the same time working on two various different things okay they were very pinpointed to that

Individual guys it it’s my Gentleman I was trying to get him to move the HPB because he wasn’t moving the HPB properly toddman was moving the hip great he just didn’t have Lage in the trail wrist okay put the both swings together probably had a phenomenal

Golfer but the point is is that you’ve got to get it specific towards you just like the fit in the bag this the coach working with you or someone working with you is being specific to you and attack it with vengeance attack it now is the

Time okay if it’s your grip put a training grip on the club and hit every ball you hit for the next month of the training grip on the club and check it continually is it good grip set up again is it a good grip set it up again swing

Inside swing outside work on it if it’s your setup put the ABT down every single time take the alignment ball position trainer down every single time you’re practicing put it out there set it down check it every single time swing with it swing without it literally sit here

Never swing without the ABT take a thousand pract Swings with it then swing with the ABT check it again and again and again guys let one of our coaches tell you exactly what to work on members out there right now I you better have the business plan you better have a

Business plan if you don’t you haven’t been sending videos in non-members out there I mean you you can’t I can’t get you that next step I can’t get you cut in half unless you get some eyeballs on it okay even if you just come to a

School come to one day school what a great start I mean we get thousands of people that come to one day schools a year we got them everywhere I think we have 20 instructors out there that teach schools across the country come to school come to one day school there’s

Your hands on this is guys think about it’s really interesting we do one day schools and in that one day school we do we do full swing work we do chipping we do putting we do a little bit of pitching okay we do all that and we get

Tons of golfers who call us and say why do we do any chipping or pitching or putting and chipping in that school why do we do that why don’t we just do fering work can you see what would happen right now if I pulled the putting if I pulled

The chipping I just left ball striking in here and hopefully they had their clubs to fit most people rate their game by their scores all of a sudden a year from now they get 10% better they won’t even see that they go from a 20

Handicapped to like an 18 or maybe a 16 they won’t even see it all of a sudden we start putting this together in here they’ll cut their handicap in half in such a short time it’ll scare you John olssen back to that gentleman that’s exactly what we did he chipped inside he

Puted in a mat inside he worked on a swing inside all winter long he sent a video to us every single week we told him we would not participate in this with John if he didn’t send a video weekly and that video weekly had putting chipping and pitching and full swing on

It okay obviously John had clubs that fit imperfect okay now we start doing all this analysis we start sending videos back on how to fix the P how to work on the chipping how to work on the full swing inside and for six months that’s what he does inside then he goes

Outside in April up in Minnesota and he starts to be able to do these tests so now I’m keeping stats because guys I’m showing you how to do this test just random guys go keep stats in the golf course part of our membership is stat

Tracker if you want to go keep stats in the course go figure out your up and down chipping go figure out your percent up and down pitching go count how many putts you have around go count how many Fairways you hit off the tea go count how many greens you hit in

Regulation I’ll throw stats out at you and tell you where the 30 handicap is I just showed you a 20 a 10 a scratch we’ll give in all those categories now get your weakest category and start going going after that I promise you it’s a guarantee I’ve never seen

Difference your weakest categories will first start in your short game and then we’ll go to your long game but that’s what we did with John so we started attacking the golf course he started going out and we started saying okay let’s think about this shot how would

You hit this shot what would you do here rethink that shot how would you hit that chip how would you hit that pitch what would you have done better here okay and that’s what John did so for three or four months he spent outside after we worked for six months

Inside fixing fundamentals creating new habits on all parts of his game now he’s outside throwing it in at the golf course year later after setting inv video every single week A year later what happens you guys hopefully know the answer to the story you’ve heard it before mean John olssen doesn’t know not

Only qualif for the Minnesota state amateur Championship he wins it two-day qualifier in a match play he wins it okay because what did he do he created this business plan and he continually tested and tested and checked and tested and checked and tested and checked again

And again and again and again and again and again and again okay again and again and again guys it’s the same thing we all do okay I’ve set up a plan three months ago that I’m working on I’m working on it very diligently because I

Want to play better golf next year I did this year okay I see who’s beating me out there I see the guys that are beating me I I see the differences they have in what I’m doing so I try to match up or try to get to a level that’s

Getting better at what I’m doing okay and that’s what I’m working on we all are we all want to do that it’ll never stop but if you want and again for tonight if you want to cut your handicap in half just cut in half straight out

That’s how we start this is what we’re going to do this is the plan okay number one again clubs and that fits you if they don’t the rest is mute because it is a scoring part of the games and your wedges your putter your irons better fit you perfect putting getting the X

Caliber figure out a number do five balls 10 times how many do you make double that okay you better figure out real quickly what fundamental you’re breaking down on and why you can’t make five out of five chipping we’re going to go 20 feet 30 feet 40 feet we’re going

To put a landing Zone I do a twoot landing zone I’m a little tougher on myself you guys can start with a three-foot landing Zone all I want is if that chip to fly in that Landing Zone and hop out the other side now bounce

And short it flies in it hops out the other side how many can you do out of 10 from 20t do it five times you want to do it 10 times that’s fine get a number now your goal is to double that okay so

Let’s say we do four out of 10 our goal is eight out of 10 eventually and then 25 ft 30 ft and then what we’re going to do is when we get to the golf course we’re going to set the landing Zone on the edge of the green and we’re going to

Start Landing The Landing Zone let it hop up and roll out to the hole like a like a chip roll it out like a good chip and we’ll learn how to hit different clubs because we’ll actually learn how to hit in a landing Zone right now I just want you to hit that

Landing Zone and I would use a short game impact trainer because it’s going to work on hitting down with good angles it’s going to work on your grip which is massive they’re going to do ball striking you’re going to figure out you’re going to be able to write in a

Piece of paper what is my weakest fundamental in my golf swing is it my grip is it my ball position is it my setup is it my takeaway what is it okay what is it guys mine is ball position it always has been always fight ball

Position so I guarantee you every time I practice with every iron every Club my bag every driver with the driver in my bag I’ve got something down trying to figure out ball position make sure it’s in the right spot okay I went hit balls

From an hour and a half to eight and I sat there and solely worked on ball position okay guys what is your issue you got to know that and then once you start getting that mastered what’s our next issue what’s our next issue guys I promise you you knock the biggest ones

Out first it will dramatically change your game then the last one you’ve got to shortcut this thing and to get it really rocking you’ve got to get some type of eyeballs on it whether it’s in a school in person mean I’d love for all of you guys to come to three or five

Days of school that’d be amazing it’ be amazing okay one day school we’re not coaching program whatever it is you we’ve got to get eyeballs on you because there’s reasons why you can’t hit inside this nine out of 10 times there’s reasons why you can’t hit a putt down

That excaliber there’s reasons why you’re not hitting the ball like you want to in the golf course there’s reasons why you’re losing distance in the golf course okay there’s reasons why your dispersion is so wide out there we you’ve got to figure what we got to be

You got to get in front of a coach or some eyeballs to tell you what’s going on got to got to do that guys we’re get 60 to 100 videos a day and I can look at my staff is that we’re at now or more okay well that shows how much

Videos he just show we’re getting 120 to 200 videos a day right now okay that’s guys I just that’s my staff telling me that 120 to 200 videos a day okay coach now has changed everything if you’re not part of that you’re out I mean you are

You’re not part of that then you’re just behind the AIL sorry it’s just the way it is go guess be like all the other golfers out there go guess go guess members get more video in prob to kill me for this get more video and keep

Doing what you’re doing we love it coach now the new system that that Thomas pis and the guys set up is amazing okay makes it much easier we got groups out there and everything else but guys get some eyeballs on it okay let’s do this process let’s do this this is how you

Can cut this thing in half I don’t care if you’re 10 handicap going to a five or 30 going to 15 or two going to a one okay this will do it for you I promise you it will okay I promise you guarantee it will okay now um we got some

Giveaways got some questions okay am I right special okay so the first thing before I do that I want to tell you about tonight’s special we always have a special and I make sure I get this right oh it’s right up here sweet single plan anywhere memberships that’s single plane

Academy membership it’s $1,000 annual and with that special tonight you get two free live lessons which is live on it’s not just send in a video it’s actually one-on-one lesson with the coach it’s value for the members $250 per lesson for non-members is $500 per lesson okay so it’s it’s a value of

You’re getting $500 per lesson you get two free ones and then you get a training at your choice so you can get the X Caliber you can get the single plan impact trainer so you get a value of 500 plus 100 that’s 600 plus you get what 250 credit for schools two 240

School credits literally if I do the math in my head 5 six $850 basically you get off the top of the $1000 okay because you get the two free live lessons you get a training aid and you get 240 credit towards future schools that you keep as your membership

And it adds like membership where go okay so this is what’s including the membership if you’re interested unlimited grest golf unlimit access which honestly if you guys don’t have that I mean I you guys know how I feel about that that’s that’s the anywhere everywhere everything you need to know

About single plane swing anything how I’ve ever created or will create gets put in on demand okay you guys can go do the free YouTube all you want and deal with those stupid ads and get mix match stuff that’s fine go do it it’s up to

You on demand all my members just go in there go to the search engine and type in Bunker and they get 12 videos and I IED bunker I mean search engines amazing they go in there and type grip and they get 15 videos on the proper grip they

Put in takeaway or position one they get 10 videos in perfect position one I mean it’s everything it’s all everything’s in there it’s hundreds of hours of instruction next one’s videos reviews by coaches through coach now app so guys you literally take a video of your swing

You send it in do the video and you have a coach that reviews that swing and gets back to you within 24 to 48 hours right in fact it’s probably a little bit quicker now is that 48 Hours yeah and guys we’re getting 150 200 200 of those

In a day this are not even golf season yet okay I’ve got incredible coaches guys only single plane 20% off 25% off tury AG 50% trading M and clubs guys the average public does get a trade in Moon clubs but not 50% okay members you get 50% on your trading clubs and additional

50% so if you only get 100 bucks for Club you get 150 all the members do okay um access to members only access to members only webinars access to members only weekly videos we get bi-weekly videos access to tons of stuff that’s members only workshops Todd and I have

Done literally four workshops in the last five months that we sell to the public for 500 bucks or 600 bucks a piece they’re free they’re two-hour deals we do I’ve got Todd’s got another one we just released last week on Mid game and hybrids and irons I got one

Coming up next month that’s going to be on shipping it’s it’s workshops so literally drills everything to work on okay and then obviously 240 credit 240 credit guys if you’re not part of this and that’s fine I mean if you if you’re not part of this and you’re one of the

Lurkers out there one of the YouTubers out there whatever that’s fine and we understand that but I’m telling you right now you’re not going to do this not going to happen for you that’s okay I mean you’ll get better you promise you you will get better you will get better

Slower dramatically slower it’s just a way to speed it up okay it’s a training it’s training system with trainers okay that’s the way it works so yeah yeah the yeah and I want to say okay the live lesson now guys there’s two different types of lessons number

One is we do video lessons video lessons are you get on the coach now app you film your swing you send it in and within 48 Hours you get reply back from the coach giving you a lesson the live lesson is a zoom lesson it’s not a

One-on-one in person lesson it’s a zoom lesson so it’s actually we zoom in with you we pick a time that’s works for you you pick a time we do a zoom lesson with you guys they usually last 45 minutes an hour they’re awesome lessons Derek um

Brad David they all run them but they sit in there in over in our Academy and give live Zoom we call it the live Zoom lesson we know you guys aren’t going to be able to come A Thousand Miles to come see us for one hour lesson or whatever

It is so we do Zoom with you guys and if you’re public it cost me 250 and 500 if you’re a non-member okay anyway so um that’s what you get if you want to be a member that membership that deal we just gave you guys right there the the live

Lessons the free training aid and so on is good for this is the webinar special that’s what’s going on right now we have a link for that okay links Below on the video okay so links below okay um so let’s get some questions we good we got

We want to do a giveaway or we want do all at the end let’s do One giveaway so the raw signature wedges which I have my bag which is amazing raw wedges um they’re the raw signature got most signature on them you know the grind’s perfect and

Everything for it it’ll be fit to you perfect is Joseph small from Seattle Washington Washington so Joseph congratulations youve won a raw wedge um I will fit it up for you perfect so I’ll get your fittings I hopefully have them on file if not I’ll make sure I get on

File we fit that thing to you for length lle shaft Flex grip size the whole Jazz be fit to you perfect okay you can pick the Loft you want on it all right um let’s get got some questions all right let’s go the first question do you have

A recommendation how to check Club head alignment with lead hand on the club yeah pretty simple um they’ll take a club that doesn’t have the grip on so here’s the club right here and I got them my Paradigm irons I love these irons um all right what I’m going to do

Is I’m going to set up like I’m going to hit a shot okay and I’m now I’m going take that grip and hold it in front of me I’ll pull this I’m going try to get a zoom in on this I’m bring it down so we

Get on camera all right when I hold this in front of me when the back of my hand is flat it will match the Leading Edge of the club okay so you see Leading Edge of the club there I’m going to try to get it so I get it uh there right there

Okay so the back of that hand is flat it matches the Leading Edge of that club so if if I sat here and I was a really strong grip okay so it’s rotated to the right and I put it up and I flattened out the hand you see that toes up in the

Air right now that toes up in the air okay it’s got to get back to Flat what I don’t want you guys to do is set up with a strong grip and all of a sudden you then bow your hand forward or bow your

Hand back and say oh no it’s a good Noe because here’s what happens when you make impact with a golf ball with that force and guys there’s up to one ton of force on that okay in fact there’s more some guys swing more though you make

Impact it’s going to go to the back the back of the hand flattens out the wrist flattens out okay it flattens out through impact okay that it happens every single time nobody hits with a cued wrist or a boat it doesn’t you’d break your wrist if you did that it

Flattens out well if that flattens out and it does line up with a flat Leading Edge of the club it’s going to come in closed or open depending if it’s strong or weak grip Okay so we’ve got to get that set up where when you make impact

The back the Leading Edge of the club lines up with the back of the hand or the back of the wrist okay and that and that’s set up just like that now there are thing when you look down when you step in a proper step the V of the trail

Hand so the V that’s formed between the thumb and the forefinger will go between the name tag of your shirt or like the logo on your shirt and the middle of your shirt It’ll point when you set it properly It’ll point towards that part of the body now I like this check better

In front of me because I see guys do this all the time they’ll have a strong grip and all of a sudden they’ll push their hands way forward to get that V lined up properly now you know I want that lined up to the pivot point and

That V will point to the middle the basically the middle the body the leite hand for most that’s hard to see you can draw a Sharpie on it you can put a Sharpie on your glove you know if you want to do that I like to check it every

Time fact I have lost students will do this every time and sit back up and hit some balls okay guys I wouldn’t notice I take a training grip and I don’t even have to think about it I get a training grip like this I set up with a training grip go right

In front of me it has to line up properly that’s why I said this training grip that’s on the short game midback trainer or on the in the full um the full the you know the training grip Club the feeling of greatness R your club that grip right here makes you and

Forces you to go in that spot every time it’s it’s virtually impossible to get strong in that grip or weak because the flat side okay so all right next question should my lead shoulder be to facilitate my lead arm on top of my trail arm or do I keep my shoulders in

Line and achieve the lead arm on top solely with the side Bend well the lead arm okay number one I’ll give you a Down the Line view here okay number one when you set up properly the lead arm is going to be above the trail arm when you look down the line so

If you look down the line right now my lead arm is above my trail arm okay now that has to do with a couple different things number one it has to do with proper shoulder tilt okay because and shoulder alignment because if I sat here

Right now and my lead is above my trail but I’m sitting up with an open shoulders when you you look down the line you’re not going to see the lead above the trail you’re going to see the trail equal to the lead so number one is I’ve got to get proper shoulder

Alignment number two is as you look down the line on this you’re going to get two very specific things that we’re going to focus on number one notice what I’m doing here I’m taking my lead arm and I’m getting above my chest I’m getting

Above my PEC on my left side so I’m not coming from under and going so right now I come from under I get that arm trapped in the backswing going above my chest so it’s a feeling I feel this arms above the chest number two my trail arm comes

Basically under it is relaxed so my trail elbow is slightly bent it’s just we call it soft it is relaxed that allows you now to get in a good position one in a good takeaway okay so the lead arm is above the trail arm but it’s not only from just proper shoulder tilt

Because I can get proper shoulder tilt and have in proper shoulder angle or alignment and you’ll never see the lead above the trail okay the second thing is I get proper shoulder tilt is still have my arm come from under and I’m going to

Get it trapped and he won’t be in a good position got to get that arm above the chest okay we got to get that to the start and guys you won’t do that every time you set up but what you’ll do it’s like this I sit up over a golf shot I

Walk in and just watch my lead side I set up over a shot and I just walk in there and hit it you saw me do right there lead above the lead above the chest all I do is just walk in went above it all good players do that okay

So get feel that lead above that chest really help you can you explain quick quickly offset offset is a change plus or minus to a standard L angle of a club now um offset has nothing to do with li angle um offset what Li angle is the way

The club is on the ground so you take a club and you go down with the club okay so you bend it down you flatten it okay you flatten the club if you bring the toe up so if I bent it up it’s more upright now we will make sure if you

Work with us that the lle and the lle is directly related to the length but the lle is set for you perfect for your height your wrist of floor measurement offset is how much the head is offset from the club so and I don’t know if I

Have a different one here yeah I have one here maybe be really hard to see this on camera okay but if you notice here I want to to zoom in on this this is the Rogue iron it’s just a standard Rogue iron I’m hit and that’s built for

You for length lle sha Flex there’s minimal offset in that club if you look in this one right here there’s this is an older Club there’s a lot of offset in that okay can you see that so this so the head is set back from the shaft

Back quite a distance in fact there’s probably a 5 to 8 degree offset in that what offset does in a club does two things number one it helps you get the ball up easier off the ground okay it helps it with ease of getting the ball

Up and number two it gives you a split millisecond longer to square the face of the club up now for most golfers that’s pretty irrelevant but offset clubs are a little bit more forgiving and they help most offset clubs help get the ball off the ground or get height easier now if

It’s too offset it can cause a hook it can cause a lot of issues we don’t want clubs are to offset different lines of clubs have different offsets in fact Callaway has probably three or four different clubs of different offsets we will make sure we work with you you get

The right ones for your Club head speed for your ability for whether you make a divid or not or so on okay but offset it doesn’t have anything to do with lle all right next have another question next what’s that that’s okay last question okay how critical is setting up with the

Proper distance from the ball in your setup how many inches with driver 7 Etc it’s ultimately critical and the reason is and I can pull on a driver here we when with a driver we’re 36 inches from a driver okay and I’ll get a

Yard stick here so when we set up with a driver okay and I put it to the ball line and I go to my tow line here okay when I get to the driver I’m 36 inches from a driver so right now get that the

Middle of the ball okay I’m 36 in when I get the proper distance from a golf ball what it allows me to do is many different things but number one is it gives me enough room in here between my body and my arms to clear my arms and

Keep the club on path on plane what we call it is it gives you the proper spine angle and spine tilt but basically the proper angle of your spine it gives you the proper angle to allow you to get that club on perfect plane okay and we start getting into midpine intersect we

Start getting into the planing of the club but just trust me on this and you guys worked with us in the past or a lot with us understand this that proper distance of the club allows you to get the proper single plane if you get too

Close your Club will be too steep in the swing if you get too far your Club will be too flat to the plane so we’ve got to get the proper distance now the proper distance will only work if the club that you are swinging is built for you and

Your single plane swing so the length the L angle is built for your height yourist of floor and so on do not take a club that’s an inch too long for you and say get the right distance you won’t or one that’s too short you won’t if you

Have a club that fits you perfect I promise you the last thing you’ll worry about is how far to stand from the golf ball 90% of the people plus that worry about distance the balls because they have even properly fit clubs it’s just the way it is properly fit clubs like

This one right here and this is perfect this is a perfect example of this I love it this club is fit to me perfect length L angle shaft it is I pulled it out my bag okay I set up right now I put this club down perfect I set up to it perfect

Right now I’m in a perfect position my spine angle is perfect my shoulder tilt is perfect I am perfectly distance this ball right now because the club is set flat to the ground and a perfect single plane setup I’m ready to go if was too

Short i’ be too close it’s too long this I don’t have to worry about it set the club flat and I go it really takes all that out with a perfectly fit CB good all right well um we got a couple more giveaways one’s obviously going to be Paradigm driver tonight so

This is pretty cool um let’s run the parad Paradigm driver Bubba Fenton from Oakland City Indiana is that right Oakland City Indiana cool uh Baba I’ll fit one up for you perfect so I’ll get I’ll send you an email again I hope I have your Fe on file if not I’ll get

Them on file and we’ll set a a paradigm dver for you guys all right and then before the last um giveaway for tonight which is the school am I right school um which is a premier school um just want to remind you guys if you want to get

Into school getting to school quick I mean let’s get signed up one day three day five day let’s get signed up guys at Orlando short game school at the end of next month I mean the end of was it April or the end of May into May um that

Thing yeah come on that’s all I got to say about that one come on um all right the um next thing is the um on the Paradigm if you got any questions if you want if you want to talk Paradigm just want to open up a dialogue bunch of

Clubs I still have the Rogue St Max from last year the Rogue St clubs which is the top R 2022 Club I still have those for sale they still are in stock and they’re still customizing those it won’t last very long but we can open up a

Conversation so let’s let’s open up a conversation and about getting you some fit clubs if we need to do that okay just make sure we hit number one on there okay other thing is is get your game plan going so the next announcement for tonight is let’s get that game plan

Going test yourself and let’s rock test yourself and let’s go attack it with vengeance okay let’s do it okay you want to be serious about this you want to get the handicap cut by the mid end of May or 1 of June right there right there you’re not

Going to beat that numbers go work on your swing all you do right now we’ll take golf for a golfer B golfer B just goes works on his swing he’s guessing what he’s working on yeah you’ll get a little better you’re using our system you’ll get a little better golfer the

Next golfer over there the tax us with vengeance you watch how fast they get better it’ll be pretty scary okay let’s look at our testimonials go look at the reviews we’ve got thousands of reviews and thousands of testimonials of guys and gals have done this because they do

This right here okay um and then the last thing on that is guys let us know what we can do for you all questions comments you want to do our steps questionnaire you want to fill that thing out and have a coach talk to you guys he’ll email you or call you and

Talk to about some things that can help you with your game fill that if you want to know where to get that email me at Tim gges we’ll get you hooked up on that if you want tonight special you can call us or do the thing up below

Online on that let’s get it let’s just get this thing going okay let’s get this thing going be part of that group that’s getting back be part of those 200 guys sending in videos every single day you know send in one a week one every two

Weeks once a month at least just get some in it’s simple simple simple simple okay um we good all right um last giveaway for tonight’s 3day school all right James let it l d t from Tyler Texas been to Tyler many times my grandparents used to live in Tyler so

Anyway well James um congratulations and we’ll get you we’ll get you contacted and you pick up got a three day school of your choice all right so um we good for tonight gentlemen all right well everybody out there I want to thank you guys for joining us tonight um members

Um in two weeks we have another um the 10% show we have released for you guys in two weeks hopefully you’ve seen Todd’s webinar that was out last week if you haven’t let us know we’ll get you access to that get on demand you guys will see that real quick and then um

Guys be looking let us know what we can do to help you guys be looking for you guys real soon and we’ll talk to you guys real soon [Applause] Oh

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