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Katt Williams on Kevin Hart | CLUB SHAY SHAY

Katt Williams on Kevin Hart

“For a five year period, every single movie that Kevin Hart did was a movie that had been on my desk… Kevin told you he wasn’t going to wear no dress, until they offered him the dress and then he put it on. And what did he say after he wore it? ‘I make my own decisions, duh.’ But you didn’t make it before they brought it up.”

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Club Shay Shay is a weekly podcast hosted by Shannon Sharpe – 3x Super Bowl champion, member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and co-host of First Take on ESPN. Each week Shannon will sit down with athletes, celebrities and influencers to break down, analyze and discuss the latest headlines in sports, pop culture and everything in-between. Get on the VIP list at Club Shay Shay NOW and never miss an episode!

Katt Williams Unleashed | EP. 102

Club Shay Shay

In 15 years in Hollywood no one in Hollywood has a memory of going to a sold out Kevin Hart show there’re being aligned for him ever getting a standing ovation at any Comedy Club he already had his deals when he got here have we heard of a comedian that came to LA and

In his first year in La he had his own sitcom on network television and had his own movie called Soul Plan that he was leading no we’ve never heard of that before that person or since that person what do you think a plant is maybe people don’t understand the definitions of these

Words he just did his documentary with Chris Rock where he shows you that his whole upbringing and comedy was on the East Coast yeah it was so how simultaneously was he here in Los Angeles doing the same thing it didn’t happen it didn’t happen and I I I hate

To seem like a petty individual for picking apart lies but Jesse smle going to keep lying until you say we don’t believe you like it’s important in the checks and balances of the universe that Liars not get to make complete narratives for themselves are you not afraid about being black balled again

These are some power people what do you mean again these people are not powerful Satan can’t create anything that includes blessings for his people that’s why you know what the number one job of somebody that sold their soul in Hollywood is what is to act like it didn’t

Happen they all do the same job why do you think Gary Owen can’t cross over and he already whiteed and been in comedy for 25 years if what I say ain’t the case it’s a cabal it’s a it’s a Consortium they they rock with who they

Rock with and they don’t with who they don’t but I’m not scared of being the compet I anymore than you were when you lined up across from a superior team yeah on paper they’re a better team right they have all the assets and resources and we don’t but let us get on

The line boy boy and see if that factors in I I guarantee you it won’t wow because Shannon sharp got to be a different person than that other person absolutely and he always was that doesn’t change when I change teams That Remains the Same that’s how Legacy is

Built all of these shortcut takers I I was they cancelled me for talking about Harvey Weinstein before the thing came out but he offered to suck my penis in front of all my people at my agency what am I supposed to do he did all of that

I’m thinking I’m the only black person on the script I get there it’s three other black guys on there woo huh so you wonder what they need to get I told him no what y’all do and this this is why when I walk in a room heads go

Down behind my back I’m nothing I’m just a regular old comedian that’s bitter and jealous but in my face no no no the King has walked in and they have to respect it only because I’ve not taken the shortcuts I’ve not been funded they pay you to not talk about things they don’t

Want you to talk about they tell you that themselves I can’t do that cuz I Steve told you that he sto doing standup because he had seven TV shows the only problem is when he stopped standup he didn’t have those seven TV shows he stopped standup because he got in a

Comedy battle called the championship of standup comedy with one Cat Williams in Detroit in front of 10,000 people and lost because Cat Williams said he was actually bald and that was a wig and I went in and that’s why he couldn’t do standup anymore imagine him coming to

Tell you another story where he got so big and it was Bernie and them’s fault cuz they wanted to be movie stars what you called ocean 11 to get that nigga’s part what do you mean you didn’t want to be a movie star so on the behalf of

Bernie I I would have to say what I have to say have you ever been have you ever been on tour with any of these guys the guy I every guy I mentioned to you is not funny out there in real life so no Faison’s never done his own tour in

30 years Steve Harvey don’t do stand up no more Cedric doesn’t write I’m sorry he doesn’t write Ricky Smiley has been playing the same old black woman forever like you can’t get a young fan base with that like you got to be doing karaoke around the country to make that work

Right and he is but I’m a standup comedian this is my 19th 100 City Tour I’m not going to have a conversation with these lazy bums that’ll take a shortcut at any point yes it’s easier for you to juice than to get in the gym but you don’t get to bring

That body in here talking crazy you talk about how good you look what no no there’s too many Comics out there that are putting their life on on the line to tell these jokes man okay let’s get to your upbringing we’re going to circle back and we get huh I want to

Protect it real quick you had said for the Kings of Comedy it was in 2018 2019 but did you mean 1999 because it came out in 2000 so I just want to make no I no no no so what I meant to say was remember he said I

Couldn’t do standup anymore I had seven TV shows I said he didn’t have any of those TV shows at the time I know you about you about Cedric joke stealer from Cedric cedc you have said that 2018 2019 but it came out in 2000 so I just want

To make sure okay no no no no no what comes out in 2000 the original Kings of Comedy right my I’m on BET’s Comic View and they’re using this as the commercial in 1998 that’s why I’m saying yeah so if I yeah so if I said the dates

Wrong yes let’s go back and clear that up okay you said yeah I had Cedric on here and I asked him about the jokes dealing and he said the timeline doesn’t add up correct to your to to that point you say right so he thought that I was

Just a non-name comedian and that he could take this joke and nobody would know right the issue was that I had already done this particular joke on BET’s Comic View twice right it had done so well on BET’s Comic View that they had made it part of the commercial so

Part of the commercial of make sure you tune in to bet was you seeing me doing this joke and this joke is one of those jokes in comedy where you set it up and it takes a little longer to set it up takes about 3 minutes but then you’re

Just hitting them with jokes after that cuz you don’t have to set it up right uh Mark Curry had already helped me work on this joke because I thought it was good cuz I was getting a standing ovation on it he had me go back in the lab and help

Me craft it to be an even more powerful joke so this is just a random joke this is my very best joke and it’s my last joke and it’s my closing joke okay 1998 I’m doing this joke it’s on Comic View Cedric comes to The Comedy Store he

Watches me in the audience he comes backstage he tells me what a great job I did and how much he loves the joke two years later he’s doing that as his last joke on the Kings of Comedy and he’s doing it verbatim he’s just changed my car into a

Spaceship him and Sten already apologized for me so I gave them a pass for a decade why would you sit here and be like I talked to I saw cat 30 times and Cat didn’t do as I stand before you Shannon I would have bust Cedric’s stomach

There was nothing that would have kept me from one of these in in that patch right there like are you kidding me why would you downplay me like that why did I give you a pass if you were just going to lie and so that’s what I’m saying

Like they’re all a group Cedric Steve Ricky they’ve been a group everybody knows that they’ve been aligned and and there are these alliances in comedy and if you stand against them then they sometimes have a problem but we don’t let that change the content because

That’s all you know me for is that I’m quite likely to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God that’s what these Comics understand is that I’m not doing nothing for cloud I don’t even recognize Cloud but eventually the Lord is going

To let me and you be in one hallway a lot of these dudes go Kevin Hardon went 25 years without ever being in the same building with me at the same time in the building he walk out you’ve never seen us in the same building ever in 25 years like it’s like

That why why because I’m really the product it’s not what you think I am never under the influence of anything I’m always in my right mind I’m always a physical specimen and when you see me I’m much much bigger than you had thought I have far less players in me

Than you would like and I’m Relentless I’m out there I’m still to this day I play 11 games of basketball with a 20 year old the record is 92 and six this is just in the yard just to the rack just cuz you work at cat I mean

Know you work at cat not to the gym you don’t work out the gym you push-ups situps I my whole life it was um it was just push-ups and setups only I would do like um 100 push-ups a day just I thought you going to say a thousand no

No no because this is literally every day this is not for the yeah for the gram you know what I mean like literally 100 a day and I would do push-ups and then I tore both my rotator cuffs and so it was only thanks to golf that I was

Even able to get myl back I’ve been a golfer for quite some time my short game is impeccable I I I can’t get you but but two some change off of the um off the tea but I’m still I’m I’m I’m still coming in for par guaranteed are you playing for the

Tips uh no I I found that you don’t get anything for that it seems like it seems very ego maniacal they go hey cat for free you can go further back hey what wait a minute does it still count the same hey I’m up at the ladies tea don’t tell me my pronouns

On the golf course I’m she her him them and they whoever who have at the front te for a fiveyear period every single movie that Kevin Hart did was a movie that had been on my desk that all I had said was just can we take some of this

Step and fetching out and then I can do it like it don’t need to be overtly homosexual cuz I’m not homosexual right it doesn’t need that to be fny right and and me saying that and going oh yeah no problem and then going to give it to this other guy and having

Him do it just like it was and acting like I’m a bad person because I keep standing on my standard but um yeah it’s uh it’s interesting but I wouldn’t change it for the world like again I’m I’m on The Winning Side of these decisions will there ever be another

Comic vi de Comedy Jam could could could that in today in 24 25 26 could we see that again they’ve already announced it’s already going you didn’t know mm yeah Kevin Hart purchased it so he’s now doing uh ComEd view that happened at the same time that they gave DC Young Fly uh

Hollywood Squares yeah because they tell you that there’s no Gatekeepers but we keep seeing the same people open the gate didn’t Kevin open the gate and let Tiffany in ain’t he now opening it up for don’t such and such open the gate for what do you mean ain’t no

Gatekeepers there 100 Gates out here would you I I everyone I’ve seen got a keeper would you have wanted to do Comic View a de Comedy Jam would you have wanted to be I think we just mentioned I did them both no I’m saying he purchased the rights and refranchising

Nope they didn’t offer it to me anyway like Comic View did a couple disservices to Comedy as well so there were people like me that were out there getting two and three standing ovations in one set and that wasn’t good for television so what they did was they started making

Everybody get a standing ovation so they would tell the audience when they get off stage Everybody Get Up and cheer and so now the fact that I’m the only one out there going to get standing ovations is now making people think everybody get a standing ovation and that’s not how

Comedy is so I I understood why that couldn’t go anymore because remember Ricky Smiley sat right here and told you a story about how he performed with uh Mike EPs and Cat Williams when he did Comic View and to let him tell it he was funnier than both my name

Li you talking about the special need that’s oo that’s good that’s a different time that’s some clever material that was a different time cat no it wasn’t it was the time I was there but I’m saying that time this time same times no but I’m saying just like people that tell

You the Egyptians they’re not black Egypt is in Africa folks as long as Egypt is in Africa then Egyptians are African do you believe you could tell the same jokes today as when you started out I mean Eddie Murphy not telling those jokes Richard proud not being wouldn’t be able

To tell those jokes in 2024 that they told in the 70s and the 80s so they wouldn’t have told them but that’s my point they’re not inferior people no if they were in this time they would be going according to our time just like then we were going according to that

Like that’s how it is in the world there are words that we can use for a while and we use them for a while until somebody says that ain’t a good word we should stop saying that correct that don’t make people feel good and we stop

Saying the word and we move on to another word you can’t say the r word you can certainly say special needs you can certainly say Spectrum you can you can you there are things that you can say to get your point that don’t have to hurt people but you would know that if

What you did was construct the English language for a living then you would understand that part Kevin told you he won’t go wear no dress until they offered him the dress and then he put it on and what did he say after he wore it I made my own

Decision duh but you didn’t make it before they brought it up did you it’s okay it’s all right


  1. The amount of mentality ill people who fall for these conspiracies never ceases to amaze me. Congrats Americans you all need special needs helmets

  2. I love Katt, but I have to say….it seems like he's not exactly of sound mind here. Kind of tweaker type half sentences and tangents but with stonerish tones

  3. Katt needs ome help. He's not wrong on everything, but c'mon man. Lets take a short look at Katt's history. He has a way with words and storytelling and is incredibly talented. But if you watch this and ont recognize he has major issues, idk what to say. The man needs some help.

  4. You can’t be famous and honest in the entertainment industry. You gotta be down for whoever is holding the gate open and stay quiet.

  5. When the truth makes you seem bitter, the veils of the wicked have blinded the gullible. And the gullible are legion while the awaken are few

  6. Kevin Hart films were not funny. But you all clapped like seals because the machine told you to clap and praise. That is how powerful the machine is.

  7. I hear no lies in his voice and his body language and I watch Kevin heart after this he looks nervous and shaken so Katt telling the truth in this one idc .

  8. Katt has that big man sitting back in his seat, like “aren’t you scared you will get blackballed.”

  9. Most of the biggest celebrities are just products. So few genuine artists will ever get noticed because as their first act they dont completely sell out

  10. I'm gonna be honest I used to think Kat was like everyone else but after this interview I realized he was the real deal, like he is another Jim Carrey

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