Testing the NEW Chrome Tour | The Gold Standard

Testing day is finally here. From ball speed, flight, spin and feel, here is everything you need to know about our new Chrome Tour family (Chrome Tour, Chrome Tour X, Chrome Soft).

Full breakdown below:

Chrome Tour: For the better player seeking distance & feel

Feel – Medium
Long game spin – Low
Short game spin – High
Workability – High

New Hyper Fast Soft Core produces exceptionally fast ball speed for long distance.

New Seamless Tour Aero delivers a consistent ball flight on every shot.

New High-Performance Tour Urethane Soft Cover consistently delivers greenside control with incredible feel.

Chrome Tour X: Optimized for the best players seeking speed and the ultimate in control.

Feel – Medium-Firm
Long game spin – Mid
Short game spin – Maximum
Workability – High

New Hyper Fast Soft Core is designed to produce maximum ball speed for long distance.

New Seamless Tour Aero delivers a consistent penetrating ball flight on every shot.

New High-Performance Tour Urethane Soft Cover consistently delivers maximum greenside control

Chrome Soft: For the aspirational player looking for a tour-quality ball.

Feel – Soft
Long game spin – Low
Short game spin – High
Workability – Medium

New Hyper Fast Soft Core produces exceptionally fast ball speeds.

New Seamless Tour Aero delivers a consistently high ball flight with low spin.

New High-Performance .Tour Urethane Soft Cover delivers outstanding greenside control with soft feel

For additional info visit and

Today is the time to get to know a brand new golf ball it’s also time to test some golf balls so I have what I would like to call the master of R&D the Callaway golf balls Mr Eric Loper so we have three new golf balls to talk about

We have Chrome tour X we have Chrome soft and we have Chrome tour there’s a lot to talk about there’s so much that’s gone into uh these three new products um they’re basically complet completely re-engineered from the core to the paint system uh really seeking the golf ball

To be better everywhere and already an already good golf ball cuz already good golf great golf ball make it even better and and our goal was to really make it better everywhere not just one specific area and so that’s based on tour insights and pulling those insights into

Our challenge to make the best ball in the world so let’s start with chrome soft the Chrome soft uh we still have a chrome soft which is good um this golf ball is going to be faster than the prior model it has a softer cover so it’s going to check more around the

Green and it also has a new Surface geometry okay uh which is which gives it more distance that’s you know anywhere between four and six yards off the te versus our old product and versus key competitors and what about into the wind now since this ball doesn’t curve a lot

Is it going to have the wind properties like is it going to be as stable into the wind as these Tour golf balls or is it is it living a different bucket it’s going to have the stability that uh is incorporated into our tour product got

It okay okay so let’s get into the Chrome tour now which is a completely different platform form yeah let’s talk about that one so we have the Chrome tour uh this does replace the chrom soft XLS okay uh so if you’re an LS player then you want to go right into the

Chrome tour uh the differences here are this golf ball is going to feel softer softer cover is going to give you more consistency and more wedge spin into and around the green uh same same ball speed we have a new uh core technology hyper fast soft core uh that enabled us to

Maintain speed yet make the golf ball feel slightly softer and for players that are high spin players that ball which tend to launch it lower that ball launched a little higher with a little less spin little less spin correct same things apply to this one that’s correct

So now we’re going to go to Chrome t x which I’m a big Chrome soft X guy I’ve been playing it for a long time but very excited about the the tour testing that’s gone on with this ball people are kind of ranting and raving about this

One on tour a lot of it’s about the green side control uh on an already great golf ball around the greens but this one seems to be even even better yeah so the the Chrome soft X is our most used golf ball on the tours right

And uh we used that as our platform we incorporated more ball speed with the hyper fast soft core quite a bit more and then we also Incorporated a softer cover a lot softer cover to make sure that that engagement into and around the green is solid engagement so you get

More Spin and then you get more spin consistency so we’re actually going to hit some shots here we’re going to hit a few shots with each we’re actually going to start with chrom soft X just to just to draw a baseline uh and then just see

What happens so it’s always fun to do these videos with somebody like Eric by my side but we’re going to hit some shots ball testing time you just got a full tutorial on Chrome tour and Chrome tour X and chrome soft so let’s see how these balls fly here we Go we got Chrome soft X we got the good good chrom soft deck that’s what I’ve plan you know it’s the popular thing to do we got about 165 yard shot here uh we’re at number two at The Farms and uh I’m just going to hit some shots so like

This would be and it’s a little downwind so it’s kind of a stock eight iron stock eight okay let’s just see what happens here okay A little pulley okay so good numbers on that one 7700 spin which is good for an eight iron 21 launch 154 carry once again

Stock stock eight iron for me is 155 160 so that’s about right those are normal numbers so that’s what to be expected so let’s hit a couple more give a give this a little clean here Eric’s big big on consistency yes Precision Precision Precision technology making sure everything everything’s controlled once

Again I’m not trying to rip these I’m just trying to get them out there okay that was like a seven out of 10 strike not great 111 7300 spin 149 carry and that was a mish hit so that was a little bit out of the toe yeah and

This one I’ll probably maybe try to hit it a little harder okay right at it oh 7824 okay so 111 149 7824 it’s a little misleading too cuz we’re a little bit downhill downwind okay let’s find some Chrome t x let’s go Chrome TX Chrome TX is your straight up

Tour golf ball spins long it’s fast it’s the highest compression it it’s going to feel great around the green for the player that’s seeking more click coupled with a soft cover more workable um coupled with a a a dimple pattern that helps knock down that lift that’s associated with that additional spin so

It gives them that penetrating ball flight and make sure it ensures that that balls in that flight window while maintaining spin while maintaining spin that’s which is the key on tour okay so I have in my mind and this is a good thing to know when you’re testing golf

Balls cuz it’s testing golf balls is never something you really like when you go get fit for clubs you go get your clubs and you kind of pick a golf ball and but when you’re testing golf balls you always want to go from the green back but if you’re in a situation like

This where you’re comparing one ball to the next the things you want to think about is it flying out of the right window and how does it feel off the face can is it responsive can you attach yourself to it it’s a big thing that’s

Kind of how I say it like can I attach myself to that golf ball the way it feels and sounds right so that’s one of the things I loved about chrom soft X the average on the chrom soft X was about 7700 7700 so what I would like to

Be able to do is if I can pick up 3 or 400 RPMs a spin that’d be great at the same yard if if I’m getting the same carry and slightly more ball speed with 3 or 400 RPMs a spin then that means I can take less off and still maintain my

Spin that’s how I look at it so when I really don’t want to hit it hard my spin numbers are going to be a little still high yes so you can hold the green yes okay let’s hit a couple with this holy mother this ball flies but

That was a noticeable difference in the air like that ball had some yeah that ball had something on it same thing a little pulley but I want to see this come on okay ball speed up Tick spin was so okay 76 so this is interesting 19 and a half

Launch 115 ball speed which for me an eight iron that’s pretty good like if I can get like out of a seven iron this is at this is at 37° on an eight iron so for me if I’m getting that ball speed didn’t flush it 156 carry at 7600 spin

That I’m already noticing a difference that’s after two shots but what I’m seeing this is what for the folks at home you can pick up on I’m seeing it in in the air yeah this Ball’s getting up into its apex fast that’s what the Tour player is going to look for first is

What is what is the FL uh the ball flight doing is it is it in the flight window or not right that was that was like a N9 out of 10 strike well struck 116 ball speed 8,000 spin 157 carry at 21 launch like that’s 8,100 yeah so for the same strike with

Ch soft X I got 115 7600 yeah and 154 carry yeah okay so we know that this one’s the ball speed which is supposed to be with a driver but I’m maybe a mile and a half faster with this ball strike to strike yeah and I think that for the

For the tour players they’re most mostly focused on ball speed with their driver yes uh so it’s a matter of coupling ball speed with spin rates to make sure you’re still hitting your distances okay so good ball flight on that shot there you’re seeing anywhere between 3 and 400

RPM over the Chrome soft X that’s what we would expect okay it felt just as soft as Chrome soft X did which I think off the face when we do the driver test is good cuz when we show that there’s more ball speed yeah the ball’s not

Harder to get the same ball speed so similar feel here softer cover usually it’s going to translate into softer feel when you get into those shots around the green little Nuance little start get that little that zipper so now we’re into Chrome tour who’s it for the Chrome

Tour is going to be for uh the better player that’s seeking a a gol golf ball that feels slightly softer than like the fir Tour golf balls definitely in the tour space uh seeking a little less spin okay so they could be looking for Less spin because they want more distance out

Of the ball or they could be seeking lower spin with their irons because they spin the ball too much when they’re losing distance they’re losing performance okay that was solid boy these things get up fast 117 160 68 there it is right on Q 6875 spin

So I had it about a 500 600 RPM dip and spin yeah and it launched higher which is exactly what it’s supposed to do that’s what it’s designed to do got it okay it’s going to launch higher it’s going to have less Spin and it’s coupled

With a pattern that is uh which matches well with that low spin so you’re able to hold the greens and and really maximize distance okay so you like that was cool like to me like that that was cool I like I mean the spin’s a little

Low for my liking but just in the air it ball had like kind of a rock booster it got up to its apex really fast okay that that I think just visually that one was probably the longest because of that lower spin right I want to see where this ends up

Cuz I hit that that was like a common Miss for me that was Center thin a little picky that was wild hold on that’s awesome 6600 spin 157 car 114 ball speed and that to me was my Miss on the golf course that’s my Miss yeah like

That’s that was amazing okay so good to know like is this golf ball for me with an eight iron quite probably not the x is probably better for me but um but nice to know that I have I would call this ball more forgiving for me my game

Than x would be on the Miss probably I could see just based on your your launch numbers this ball will actually be longer for you with your irons which you may not be looking for I’m not you’re looking to make sure you have consistent gapping so I but some players are

Looking for more distance with their iron that’s a good option yeah which is awesome see for me at 46 years old like my 7even iron goes 170 8 iron 155 like that’s just what I needed to go anything more than that I don’t even know what I’m doing myself okay Chrome soft who’s

It for Chrome soft so all three golf balls have urethane covers they’re all designed to give players great control around the green the Chrome soft is going to be for the aspirational golfer looking for a more forgiving product okay your normal you’re normal golfer 10 handicap 15 handicap could be even a

Five handicap somebody looking just to have a good time yes absolutely it’s going to be it’s going to be fantastic it’s going to be long off the tea it’s going to give you control and soft feel around the ground okay what I’m looking for here honestly is like I just want to

See it I want to check the ball speed and I just want to see how straight it flies one thing I always loved about Chrome soft like I give it to my dad and my uncles they like it cuz they hit it online it stays online it doesn’t curve

Right so the guys that you know maybe tend to slice it a little bit I don’t want to say it’s a slice killer but for people that are better players that tend to cut it or have a problem with overcutting and over hooking it that ball always kind of hung in there really

Really well and it gave them everything they wanted around it’s going to minimize your dispersion cuz it’s it’s there’s lower spin so so based on what you’re seeing out there and how I’m hitting it this should go one of these should go in the hole it’s kind of what

You’re telling me or over the over the green let’s see let’s see that was like a seven out of 10 strike I just want look how straight that thing flies that was like a little out of the toe 6,800 spin so one of the things with

Chrom soft where it gets a lot little bit of forgiveness is it doesn’t spin yeah I would say of the three balls it probably sits between T and T ax as far as the spin profile wouldn’t you say in the air in the air so from a spin

Perspective the the Chrome soft will be the lowest of the three okay so it’s really Chrome soft is the lowest spin then Chrome tour and then Chrome tour a and then when you think about like forgiveness and workability you know they kind of hand in hand got is the

Chrome tour X will be the most workable and the Chrome soft will be the most forgiving this lands I don’t know this is a good this is a good ball 160 I’ve always kind of looked up golf balls the same way obviously my priorities always around

The greens but with irons I love to see how it curves or doesn’t curve when I M hit it so if I wipe it how much ises it going that way if I hit it thin cuz my Miss usually I hit kind of a big hook

But you know my Miss is kind of like a blocky kind of open face and it sometimes the ball can get if it spins a lot the ball can get out of control this one does not like I feel like I’m saving myself about 10 ft left to right with

This thing which is saying a lot what’s your what’s your go to shot shape actually kind of a hook a little bit right to left okay you know the the Chrome soft I mean it’s been an excellent product for us over the last seven years yeah uh because it performs

And it’s uh it has a good combination of speed and feel that was fun yeah that was a complete nerd awesome I appreciate it nerd out so some of these videos get a little bit longer winded than most but this is the most important part of your

Golf bag is the golf ball like I can’t emphasize that enough so when these guys are going into the lab and they come up with something new it’s going to have a direct impact on your bag so we’re building bags around the golf ball not

The other way around so there’s a lot of nuggets in there it’s a great video like one of the videos that I would definitely watch on my own if I had to watch myself hit golf balls these are the ones that kind of get my uh get my

Attention the most so want to thank Eric ler from cway R&D for all of his expertise uh more content to come on the golf ball but if you have any questions go to the world of Wonder website more to come from the te we’re out of here


  1. Cant wait for the new ball to arrive. Looking very forward to the Chrome Tour X. Great numbers 8097 and 157 yard 8 iron. I loved how soft the last Chrome Soft was, but I found with my swing, it got blown in the wind and I hit it flush

  2. All these new ball introductions, and not a single one comparing themselves to a rock flite. I want to see that comparison, make it happen.

  3. I've been hitting the Chrome Tour X now for about two weeks now and I love it! Callaway direct competitor to the Pro V! Very excited to try the Chrome Tour.

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