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FIRST THINGS FIRST | Philly are DONE! – Nick reacts Eagles drop to 5 seed after 27-10 loss to Giants

FIRST THINGS FIRST | Philly are DONE! – Nick Wright reacts to Eagles drop to 5 seed after 27-10 loss to Giants

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Needs first at Culver City Toyota we hear You welcome back to the show it’s checkin on Bruce Super Bowl pick the Eagles have landed at the five seed after a 27 to 10 loss to the Giants they and the season going one and five and travel to Tampa Bay to play you know he plays Big Show here’s

Serani none of us are quitters we all get up off the mat when we’re down and we get up and we keep going like I don’t like when you’re when you get hit in life when you get hit in football you got two options you can stay down or you

Can get you can get the F up and I know this group is Fighters I know this group will get up I know that we’ve all been through things in our life that is that’s that we’ve had all had to deal with and we know how to get up okay

That’s a straight Rocky quote he was a straight from the movie here’s a graphic Brew of the worst records in December and January to make the playoffs in the last 20 years to the left there is the Eagles right now and then it’s the Dolphins who lost in the

Wild Card round so is there any reason Nick yeah to believe the Eagles can turn this around jings this is hi Greg but we’re going to need a moment here this no but Greg hold on Greg no he jumped off a week ago yeah well a couple weeks

Ago which is such a shame you didn’t and we’ll get to that in a moment this is the worst scenario for Philly could have listened to me and been like Dallas ain’t losing to Washington Rush your guys try to get things right instead they played all their guys got a couple

Guys hurt got beat 24 nothing in the first half before they took starters out and now they’re in a situation where they might have a quarterback problem if we’re being honest they defitely have a coach problem and the defense it’s not even is it a problem if your car’s on

Fire do you have a car problem or is your car just on fire they have the worst defense of any team that’s going to make the playoffs which is why this is such a shame Brew had so many opportunities so many chances to abandon the Eagles all as we all know first things

First bylaws while it is shameful to abandon a preseason pick you are at least allowed to do it until the playoff field has been set assuming you were given ample opportunities so let’s go ahead and check and see if Brew was given ample opportunities to come off

The Eagles roll the tape please please yes yes and I’m saying it with my chest not true I didn’t even mean for that to rhyme but yes I haven’t brought this out in a while but these are 10 toes baby I am t toes down you lost all your toes 10

Toes down on the Philadelphia Eagles I am sticking with the Philadelphia e Shake Your Hands raise your eyebrows I’m glad I didn’t my pick I’m T to to T to so Brew you had your opportunities you lost them the Eagles can turn it around you

Left a few videos out what do you mean oh when you abandon them to win the Super Bowl two weeks down two weeks ago I said I’m two toes down Dusty the wheel no no no no how many toes down and I I went from 10 to two

Yeah well now I’m here go ahead oh this is the worst thing we do the idea that it’s randomized but it’s a t he Dusty stupid I’m out so you’re out not allow not all I love it I wrote the byw I wrote the bylaw I was even on this

Show I was a guest that I wrot the by you don’t get a pick then you just don’t get I don’t even want to pick I don’t even want to pick you need a pick I’m putting on that analyst I I can’t have a pick I can’t have a pick because and I

No superow put on the analyst hat thank you obviously the best team right now in the NFC is the ners okay I I told you this I’m going to watch you got Dallas stick with your Cowboys we’ll get a minute yeah but I I I’m putting on the

Analyst cap I would look like a fool you to be up here saying that the Eagles got to Chas that’s what we been telling now I’m going be honest the past several week I felt there was a chance I felt there was a chance I I was like man if

They just get the But what I saw yesterday you lost to Tommy deito with all due respect to my New Jersey homeboy and tyod Tyrod Taylor with bad a bad thumb yeah and it wasn’t even they have I don’t know what’s going on but I I’ll

I’ll say this they look like a team yesterday that’s dispirited and that doesn’t believe in the coach and when AJ Brown has to call a meeting players only and say let’s believe in the coaches that tells you something’s going on there so I I have to be an analyst I really did think

They would bring it together but now now look I I’ll be now I’m going say this cuz the pick was Super Bowl yeah I am not convinced that they won’t beat Tampa B and right now no hold on right now I am leaning toward them beating Tampa Bay

But they will lose in second get you’re out on you’re out on them go ahead say I’m proud of you proud with you my man analyst he did it a week seven days ago he can’t jump was here I actually did it almost 10 days a month you put me on my

Own butt list that was like two but lists ago that was when I officially made it two but oh in your mind you but no they they can’t turn it around like look this is what we have to understand is there’s a mentality that you have to have going into the

Postseason I remember having it like the the year we won the Super Bowl there was a ver there was an excitement there was this feeling that we had going into the postseason that we knew we were going to be a problem for any opposing team it

Worked out we end up winning Super Bowl the following year we go 15- one we lost our only game to your Chiefs and going into the postseason we didn’t have that same feel it was across the board for and I remember sitting down with Charles Wilson and asked him it feels different

Than last year right and he said yes everybody felt it wasn’t that we doubted who we were we just knew it felt a little different that is the Philadelphia Eagles we have all wanted to see can they get back to who they were last year this is not the same team

It’s not who they’ve been for 18 weeks and you finally removed all toes yeah look I gave it this a good Yan’s effort I I can’t I can’t you guys are applauding not back him he got there I he’s so stub can back them and old people


  1. Eagles fans have disappeared and are no where to be found after talking ALL off-season & season long as if they had won a Super Bowl that they LOST 😂

  2. The Eagles can't even SLOW teams down, much less stop them. I have no confidence in Tampa, but the idea that it's even a debate that Philly could lose to them is nuts.

  3. Bro why do u post videos of segments we all want to see that’s why we click on them and then you just cut 3 min off orth of the segments off at the end? Tf are you doing???

  4. Broussard’s stubborness is a huge weakness. Dude needs to learn to cut his losses… he was this same dude with Jimmy G…

  5. All you Eagle fans said this guy was one of the best coaches in the NFL just a month ago. A bafoon from day one, loosing Steichen and Gannon has exposed this fraud

  6. I'm a Die Hard Cowboys' fan but this is beautiful. All the helped they were getting to begin the season, their luck ran out when they ran into the 49ers and Cowboys.

  7. I don’t expect the Chiefs to go far in the playoffs, but still find these Eagles losses hilarious after Sirianni doing his version of super saiyan “Don’t hear shit anymore Chiefs fans. SEE YA!!!!!!”

  8. Maybe jalen should be a game manager instead of a game changer!!!
    Brock for prez 2024!!
    Niners broke these clowns

  9. They had a 5 game cake walk into the post season and managed to fall flat on their face. Now Tampa is going to trounce them.

  10. The eagle are exactly where nobody wants to see them at, the under dog… I could be wrong but we shall see.

  11. I’m an eagles fan and we’ve been sneaking by average teams all season, this was bound to happen. We are not as good as last year. The only thing I lean on is our playoff experience from last year

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