Golf Players

Pacing a MONSTER 5k workout

For people who actually read the description lol. My wife is starting her own youtube channel and her first video will be posted in a few days, Subscribe to stay up to date.

I paced my wifes 5k workout! This is the biggest one she has done all training cycle. We are slowly getting back into it after spending a week sick back in december. Its a new year and we are starting it off right. SUBSCRIBE for more content!

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It’s not looking good bro I’m tired sub 14 in the 5K sub 1350 2K felt smooth a little warm up let’s go let’s Go all right good morning ladies and gentlemen it’s January 2nd new year but with that it’s time to get back to reality it’s time to go back to work it’s time to be a contributing member of society which means me and I both have to go to work today which means that M

And I are getting up early to run and today’s a special day for me first workout back except this is not my own workout this is M’s workout I’m still coming back slowly and I’m not quite starting my own workouts yet so this is kind of a good step in the right

Direction this is my first time ever pacing her in a workout actually have I ever ping in a workout before I don’t think so it’s a pretty big workout for her so the goal is not to mess it up and to be helpful today and I say that as

I’m making her record this but that’s all right we’re going to the Olympic Oval today to do it cuz it’s cold outside so we will see you guys there all right guys we are here at the Olympic Oval I show them the Olympic Oval we are going to do a 2m warmup and

Then we will get started with the workout um all right warm up done the problem here is that the track isn’t exactly 400 m long the ice oval is 400 m but the track on the outside is like over I don’t know how much it is it’s marked on

The track but it’s hard when you’re doing like warm-ups it’s like 2 3 miles whatever but we have a pretty good guesstimation of what we ran I’m feeling a little a little tired but it’ll be good to have Adam Pac me I’m excited to not be alone

So workout is a 2K breakdown so it’s 2K 1600 1200 800 and then a couple 400s at the end so the 2K is more of like a Tempo is effort so we’ll shoot for like 6 minute pace and then work our way down from there more in the cloud boom Echo

3es most men who I know that would be pacing their significant other their ego would be way too big to admit that they have to wear Super Shoes my ego is not that big I’m not afraid to say that I might need Super Shoes today it’s just

How be sometimes and she’s really fit So Okay first rep done uh M how you feeling good um 2K felt smooth a little warm up it was nice running behind you yeah just a tempo for that first one now we’re getting into the real Paces so we’ll see how it Goes Fumbled the bag a little bit on that 1600 I ended up going too slow including like 5:25 so not very fast but uh so we’re going to pick it up a little bit that’s It let’s get stretching Got okay work got done how do you feel this is hard the CH burn is real yeah so I got two 200s I got two 200s after this all right we’re done okay overall workout felt way harder than what I thought it’ feel like um I knew it was

Going to be hard but just slower Paces felt harder early on so I was a little disappointed but at the end of the day like it’s 2024 first workout of the year it’s only going to go up from here so super fun morning with Adam and yeah we

Got done all right guys we uh you know we may have messed up the uh let’s just go through it okay for the 2K we were on we were at 6 minute pace hitting 909090 I did perfect was perfect okay you know for the uh 1,600 the mile that we’re off

We I’ll admit we’re off ran 525 we wanted to hit 520 probably even faster than 520 so I was way off uh you know some watch problems you know whatever okay but then let me tell you for the 1200 we’re back back on 77 77 77 perfect

For the 800 we did 74 points so end up running like 230 is 229 is it was perfect and then uh you know for the 400 went 71 71 had a great workout today um you know she’s a little hard on herself she wanted to run that mile a little bit

Quicker again I take full responsibility for that but uh you know first workout back at the New Year this is our first hard workout back from the sickness so honestly all around good day for me good day for her obviously even better day for her

Um yeah we got a we got a I got a stair Master session and a lift later today I don’t know if I’ll show you guys that but you know I’ll see you guys back at the wherever all right guys um we were supposed to go to the gym yesterday I

Was supposed to do the stair stepper and lift yesterday didn’t do it because you know what first work day of the year things got away from me and it didn’t happen and whatever excuses excuses but we are out here today because I’m serious about getting into the gym two

Times a week today I had to use a little bit of the Forbidden pre-workout to kind of get me out of the door get me motivated after a long workday cuz it’s like 6:00 p.m. right now you don’t know what forbidden pre-workout is you guys

Are going to find out how lame I am about this your mind says no you just say this is what we do I just can’t do it I can’t do it dude I can’t stay consistent I can’t stay disciplined I can’t hit my goals I can’t do this I

Can’t do that I can’t I can’t I can’t do the hard things I can’t yes you can that hits right that hits that lowkey hits huh anyways we’re going to the gym we’re going to get after it let’s do it all right guys I’m here at

The gym um you know me well so you know that I will not be filming myself lifting today but I realize that in all my appap sessions on this channel I have not talked about my specific goals for what I even want to do obviously I’m

Going after some track PBS I you know I might have mentioned that in the past but in particular that I want to go for is my 14 flat 5K um I feel like I got a lot of potential there the first time I ran it I ran my 14 flat .18 and then

When I ran at outdoors I ran 1402 we started slow Last Mile in sub 420 I finished the last 800 206 so also I might go for my mile record um you know I ran 410 at altitude maybe I’ll try and go for sub four you know if I get on the

Boston track and then obviously I’m going to debut in a track 10K as well that track is my baby it’s going to be hard trying to run fast landed collegiately you know without having all the facilities and help that I had in college like teammates and you know a

Track to even run on so you know we’re just going to get after it we’re going to send it Ma’s going to be on the track a lot so we’ll be able to spend some time together I want to make sure I’m doing this right so that’s why I’m here

In the gym today I’m getting my lifts in I’m trying to eat a ton of food so I can you know add some power back to my legs and that kind of stuff and then obviously you know later the spring and fall we’ll run a marathon you know and

Some half marathons and stuff like that but um yeah me man sub 14 in the 5K you know honestly I think I could even go sub 1350 if we’re feeling crazy and uh yeah I’m pretty excited about it obviously I’ll be post my training on here I’ll talk a little bit about the

Differences between like marathon training and track training and and kind of how you prepare for different events and that kind of stuff yeah so I just can’t do it I can’t do it dude I can’t stay consistent yes you can A


  1. Lol the motivational tik tok’s 😂 riding the line between hype and cringe is a fine one I’ll say that

  2. NICE steeple roll, you didn’t miss a beat! Enjoying the channel. Loving the honesty and looking forward to watching you both tackle those goals, cheers!

  3. NICEEE You and your wife are some of my biggest inspirations as a highschool distance runner! <33

  4. You have inspired me to to get back into competitive running again. Sometimes, a win isn’t about the podium, it’s but lacing ‘em up and putting in your best effort.

  5. Dude Lucas Popan is the best. I found him just before cross started and have now sent one of his videos to the guys before every single race. Lifting really will change you in running

  6. 0:15: 🏃‍♂ First time pacing a significant workout for someone else.
    3:13: 🏃 Challenging start to the year's first workout, with slower paces feeling harder. Despite disappointment, the session was completed with determination.
    6:42: 🏃‍♂ Striving for a 14 flat 5K, discussing track goals and potential
    Recap by Tammy AI

  7. You've definitely got it in you to improve your 5K time, reminds me of Narve Gilje Nordås who didn't think he had the speed, it needed to be worked on a bit is all. 150s/300s and 5K pace reps 90sec or more recovery💪🏻

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