I Challenged My Dad to a 1V1 | GOLF

Can sir Bogalicious take down Gerbingstein the third in a 1v1 matchup?

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Is RZ genetic you know like that’s kind of the question here I don’t know if it is what are you saying I have no RZ let’s see who’s got got the douas yeah over three holes so you can’t get off frustrated when I start kicking you canly let’s calm down here so we’re doing a par three a par four and a par five who’s the best and most versatile golfer it’s bogy tin

Jones dish out a healthy serving of stuffing the beino what the crap does that even mean all right here we go oh that’s a terrible start for him it’s a little short yeah you hit about three feet behind the ball oh boy it’s all right though let me just

Find oh Douglas be careful that’s a nice shot I’ll give it to you this is going to be easy work for me easy work boys this old man gerton Jones is about to get smacked around by his own son I don’t think so now me personally I’m not

Letting that slide all right gerb valicious what are you hitting here how far out even are you 76 this isn’t good it’s not good oh he’s oh oh my gosh that is a phenomenal golf shot where’d it go it’s short it sound like it hit a lot of

Trees but boy it was looking like crazy step it off my hands dirty 130 130 to the middle of the green but that’s a blue flag right yeah so 140 uphill maybe 145 oh I don’t think oh and he’s hooked him it bounced hard off holy is that me oh

That’s me in the right there that’s really good what are you going to say to the boys here before this shot it’s in the hall all right you live with that boy you smell that Douglas smells like a flat opportunity what is that kick hit your

Ball Give a Little Kiss dude how is it going that far right this game actually sucks you’re still outside of me dude so you’re up yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this is exactly what I want right now because your putting’s terrible oh my gosh dude I’ve seen you

For putt from this distance before easy he can knock this in put jar out of his [Laughter] pain no way no no no no no oh my gosh dude you are so fortunate watching boy oh that was close uh 145 but the pin’s back so it’s

Can play about 155 too Bogies to start the video here Douglas I don’t love it no it’s not really high quality golf it’s really not but you’re looking clean sweaty what’s oh yeah the new Primo he bad you you better hope I don’t get clean contact here Douglas cuz if I do

You better hope my seven doesn’t take you down uhoh I might have done it Dad uh oh drone shot hole in [Laughter] one that’s clean don’t count me out I’m counting you out because you’re dog water all right here we go I’m bigger no better and

I’m 50 bucks you get inside that bowl 50 bucks I will literally VMO you right now then M me now oh I think you should pay me 50 bucks for that shot right there I think you’re OB did you see it I saw something terrible I see so bad that felt horrible

What happened there I left him as a PO oh what is going on that was crazy that thing hit like five trees do you want me to start using the Lefty clubs I have all right well if you have to drop you might as well just you might as well

Just concede right now I could hold out right here though you’re not holding out I’ll drop right here I’ve sunk these before so cuz I’m ham don’t put it past the kid here that’s not bad actually jeez that’s sat down thank goodness it’s match play seriously holy

All right let’s go gerton you better watch your mouth when you’re talking to your Superior gosh that is a dark Douglas it’s just hard to watch all right I got to forp put this that can happen I’ve seen you pile so far by the hole

Dude oh he’s done it he’s birdied it all right well hey I still got one more hole to catch and then we’ll have a playoff maybe strictly out of curiosity right now Douglas if you had to rate your RZ back in the day what would you rate it

Out of 10 dude it was off the charts I mean just you can’t even measure it today’s RZ like is Riz genetic you know like that’s kind of the question here I don’t know if it is what are you saying I have no RZ disrespect on your son’s name is crazy I’m

H you’re down one kid you’re dog water you’re going to be over in the woods over there on the left you find your way in there every time that’s actually probably true oh he’s put it right down the middle hasn’t he he’s put it right down

The middle has a little right but it’s you got a te for me gelicious yeah all right let’s see if I can lock in I mean I got to answer that right come on now BL you know I’m locked in being a hosy stick oh I hit the ground you lucky

Dog I don’t understand how do I hit right here dude cuz you’re dog water well you just open the door for me slly right on the thing right like run this baby in Extra Innings I have one bad swing what do I do that lock back in

That’s yet to be seen little celicious you want to see how to get an eagle on a par five I do I’m going to show you right here you are 240 240 that’s pretty much like a 7 iron for me he wants to hit it right up in here right in this

Little right in the v oh shankopotamus dude I am actually so bad at this stupid sport man my club is literally what am I digging for squirrels what am I doing you know In fairness Douglas it’s a little cold out said club’s going to need a full cleaning

Man I’m not in season form right now is Douglas himothy can he capitalize bring us into Extra Innings where are you going just watching learn kid why are you aiming so far right dude this is some entertaining golf here you’re you’re 125 do I want to hit a stinger

Underneath no I can’t I can’t I’m I’m not that guy get oh I’m getting sold right now I’m dog water you smell like shme well that’s cuz you’re wiping off on me what are we doing here who let this dude drive here we go roll he they hate you yep we’re dead incoming

Spin up this is where I can put you under right here with a nice clean shot you’re not himo that’s the thing right I am him let me just give your ball some good luck Here a dude we suck holy dude we actually suck that’s in the bunker this kid cannot hit a bunker shot he might as well just concede right now he knows it too look at him he knows it how am I that far right I should have

Hit the nine iron this last to has been ugly what’s your Starbucks order is it that Cara Ribbon Crunch shot over the top that’s what it is that’s what it is Starbucks is about to hit Diffy after this no lie oh what is happening right now that’s

Really not that bad that’s that’s on the green I’ll make that putt for probably the ugliest part that this channel has ever seen and I’ve seen some ugly things on this channel all right gerstein how’s the bunker work you might have made it oh my gosh how do you go from that

First one to that I don’t know what’s up boys how we doing I recognize you but I knew your Dad what’s up boys I love it how you doing all right man you’re going for a five I’m going for a six so you make this you can which I’m going to

Obviously Douglas if I make this Starbucks is on you although it’s going to be on you either way so dude if I know how to hit the ball like that’s actually in the hole holy this this honestly doesn’t even matter but I mean I’ll make it cuz I’m him

A I mean all right yeah but I won the previous too you know that right yes I’ve won you boys know the drill subscribe for Douglas and for bogie until next time Ser bogie to Jones th us out later Douglas your dog Water


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