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Artie Smith Was PISSED After Saints Scored Garbage Time TD, Fired Hours Later | Pat McAfee Reacts

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Head coach of the Atlanta former head coach of the Atlanta Falcons Ry Smith had joined us a lot this year yeah and I think we all envisioned the Falcon season to go a little bit better hop and we were hoping to enjoy the entire run alongside coach Ry Smith but I’ll tell

You what the way his era ended in Atlanta was spectacular as a spectator he walked over to Dennis Allen I believe he told him to off a couple times you why you doing that you that’s Bush leag that’s amateur that’s disrespectful why don’t you spit in my

Face in Dennis Allen you pig you just disrespected all the football Gods you might as well have picked up lombo uhhuh from his grave go and spit on them with what you just did now there’s a developing story whoa yeah there is Dennis alen the

Head coach of the Saints the man who was being accused of potentially disrespecting football since football was created sure is allegedly in clear yeah you can say that he did call for a victory formation kneel down M but there was one man that had the P tonyn Tony this

Guy go ahead this guy had a pulse of an entire team entire group all right and they a democracy down there that’s that’s right and he made a decision ladies and gentlemen the quarterback at the time jamus Winston is basically the Alibi for Dennis Allen in this Arty

Smith I’mma punch you in the Mouse Saga that happened at the end of this rivalry game here’s jamus Winston discussing the situation that took place well I apologize to Da because the play was was Victory but I also explain to Da that it was a team decision and uh and I

Think when you have the A Team morale and I asked the guys I say guys like what do what do you want to do we know how much Jamal means to this team and and I understood from DA’s perspective so I I give from that yeah yeah but da

Didn’t condone that at all you know he he didn’t however uh we decided as a team to do it and man we got an interception to the one yard line you know like so if if if we would have scored would it still would have been disrespectful right you know so uh Ty

Wasn’t in on it was he no Tyron was not not in it was it was it was offensive team discuss however when you when you return the ball to the one yard line and you have that opportunity we just had that opportunity you think it’s the kind of thing though

That is forgotten fairly quickly or you know what I mean I think it should be forgotten especially when the scores already 417 so I don’t know how how much worse it can get uh but I got a ton of respect for Arthur Smith and the coach that he

Is I think they do some incredible things I didn’t mean to I didn’t want to disrespect that was not my intention uh my intention was to lead the team that I’ve been with the entire year and we made a collective decision that we wanted to get one of our guys they fight

With Blood Sweat and Tears every game in the end zone and I’m feel good about that all right boys coach call Victory but Jamal you scored a touchdown yet this year no we know that right dive all in favor say I I oppose touchdown Jamal let’s go let’s go

Is that what happened out there I absolutely love it if that’s the case sounds and jam is just trying to be like listen Arthur sorry about it had to do it Arthur probably heard the explanation I get it all right but he’s out of a job

And that’s how the tenure ended uh Jerry but what a wild scene down there yeah that’s so we all know kind of some of the unwritten rules you know running up the score getting to the one yard line but this was hilarious to watch and then

On the hills of you know G Alexander a couple weeks ago saying hey boys had my back this kind of similar situation J got the idea I talked to my teams and we were on the same page yeah it called Victory but it you had 17 touchdowns last year let’s get him in

The end zone this year we had the opportunity hey help bad could have get it’s already 4 what 4117 so I mean I kind of love it it’s entertaining I like that Ry Smith was about to do it he forgot completely okay Cameron’s gonna be maybe he knew oh you want to

Disrespect me and my team like watch the black coach behind him though real quick just like ass oh oh oh yeah that was about to get become a team Affair there’s special teams coordinator for the Saints there on the left side with the gold hat should remember his name

But he was getting in there Summers there was a player that walked by at one point was thinking about talking to both coaches and say you know what I’m I’m going to keep it moving I’m going to keep moving here but we don’t get to see that a lot Schwarz right Schwarz back

Yeah hard ball and VES yeah remember a couple years back there was a potential little situ usually not as over the top we saw Ry Smith he’s walking he’s at the hash he’s already yelling at him like he was ready like he’s not trying to hide anything non-talented lip Raiders saw

What taking place figured it out but I mean this is this is Saints Falcons like this is the disrespectful I live for like you want right re in the NFL and it does suck for Arthur like we all are bummed out that that’s how it happened but bummed out very bummed out

But I’m bummed out you don’t think that Arthur Smith when that’s happened is thinking I’m the son of a marine you think I’m just going to you think I’m just going to let this happen not go up to Da and let da know hey I I should

Smack you in the mouth for what you just did to my boys cuz the Falcons I mean as as tough as the season has been the defense has kind of been the hey need to lean on you a little bit here with what’s going on on the Falcons

Offensive side I felt bad for him but hey maybe Arthur Smith you know there’s if there’s a vacancy in New England maybe Arthur Smith says you know I’m going to take my talents Up To Boston get those boys back in shape up there okay so you want Robert Craft to

Interview Arthur Smith for the head coaching role of the New England Patriots I want Robert Craft uh if that role is open which I hope is not to get Vel back on his plane back out to New England and I want Vel to say you know

What when we were the one seed in the AFC who’s the offensive coordinator of that team Arthur Smith bring him back up there Ry Smith can draft his guy in the first round because as much as everyone’s been talking about Hey Arthur Smith he had 10 top or he had three top

10 picks in every single draft I mean Drake London Kyle Pitts and you know bejan Robinson those are good players those are good boys did they have a quarterback to get them the rock boy it got loud for him huh yeah I’d say Desmond Ritter got hide his emotions on the sideline when

R messes up I’m trying to be professional but I just can’t how how do we do that how is that the decision that’s made and then he moves on and now a head coaching job is lost and he’ll be described as a failure as a head coach

For the Atlanta Falcons and I assume if you ask him he’s saying can we have CJ St one time is that possible that’d be a lot of fun if we could have CJ stoud I think that’s what every coach is basically thinking at every single role in football is do

We have a quarterback or do we not they had an opportunity to go out and at least try to get some quarterbacks I know they did remember they all in for was basically right there they had opportunity to draft one you know up in the draft you know so I mean they had

The opportunity and as that head coach you got to get that position right we all know that and I think a little icing on the cake it makes him a little more pissed off that he making that walk that pissed off without the mustache I think

It made like 10 times you think he lost intimidation Factor da was still no da kind of grabbing him like kind of you could tell early on something is up cuz da is not coming back at him with that same aggression so he kind of held him so we knew something was up

Jam D in Victory for the fact that he didn’t jamus didn’t put him into like formation like Hey we’re going to stay Victory play again do play again they almost run the tush push you L up in a regular formation that’s one thing but okay so here’s the set up Desmond Ritter

Pick Tyron Matthew the honey badger does it 63 is that Lindstrom yeah it’s Lindstrom still giv it I mean that’s absolute effort there and remember Ry Smith and the offensive lineman were always very tight uh in offensive lineman chased down Ty Matthew happy then we’re running tush Bush formation

Out of Victory formation and look at Jameson celebr big fist pump jamus W uh I don’t think T vot I don’t think T voted for the touchdown he was not happy I wish jamus just took it himself oh man I mean 8 look at how happy they are though McCoy remember he

Was about to fight Derek Carr uhhuh and now he’s jacked up it’s good locker room morale J Jam cele Super Bowl touchdown Jam said I told him da told me what he wanted and I told him yep we voted he didn’t condone what I did but however you know however that’s It


  1. Any coach would’ve been pissed. Jamal’s td isn’t even a valuable td now since the falcons were in victory formation. Safety’s just standing back there. Shows the iq of Winston.

  2. boston connor wanting arthur smith on his team perfectly tells me how much he knows about football. what a clown

  3. He can be mad all he wants but at the end of the day, it's your defense's job to stop the other team. If you don't want them to score, stop them

  4. Then denis Allen through his team under the bus. Obvious the team doesn’t respect d a but they definitely don’t now.

  5. If the game was over why was the falcons throwing the ball for then to have been in that position …. Oh yea u can keep playing but the other team is to stop trying lol

  6. Saints have no class bc they clearly disrespected their own coach and rivals by lining up in victory formation then ran it

  7. The whole locker room wanted Williams to score. Good for Winston. Allens a terrible coach anyway

  8. I like how yall acting as if football is only about honor and respect when it’s really about outscoring your opponent in any way possible, LIKE EVERY PHYSICAL SPORT, what the saints did was literally run a trick play out of a FORMATION. If yall can’t grasp reality, then why are you watching football or any sports in general?

  9. Jameis is the best NFL personality out there lol dude is just the funniest without trying. Gotta get him on the show

  10. No one talks about the fact that it’s a meaningless touchdown for that running back. What did you do for him? Nothing. In victory formation. The defense stepped up to shake hands not defend a play.

  11. As a Saints fan, I was hoping Jameis was doing us all a favor and showing the world that DA is a horrible head coach.

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