Golf Players

2024 Dubai Invitational Picks, Bets | DP World Tour Bets | 2024 Fantasy Golf Picks

Skylar Hoke and Tom Jacobs preview the course and run through the odds while making their 2024 Dubai Invitational Picks and Bets.

#FantasyGolf #EuropeanTour #DPWorldTour #DubaiInvitational

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Skyler Hulk is here kicking off 2024 just as we ended 23 with Tom Jacobs here Tom fresh off a big win yesterday with Chris Kirk to off the PGA Tour season Tom how are we doing in the new year I mean yeah I feel a lot better based on

Yesterday um so that that was fun um yeah look let’s try and get that over into the DP tour now we had a couple of most hits in uh the full season if you like in the DP World Tour I mean I guess it was the start of this season right

Like it’s it’s already started but it’s so strange that the way they’re doing it like the PJ tour has gone to this calendar year again now and I feel like the DP World Tour needs to follow suit so that’ll be interesting then of course I we’re going to have to recap the

Sensitive subject of of of the winners over the last what six events but um yeah look it I I think it’s a really exciting way to kick off the season limited field event Rory’s here um I was surprised that tyell and Fitzpatrick are both playing in Sony I thought they’d

Come over and try and win this but they didn’t I guess they might be back for one of the other um Middle Eastern events but um it probably shows the kind of gravity right of playing on the PJ tour now like they’ve realized that fully committing to that tour has

Probably benefited them in the long run um so I think we’re going to say a bit more of that totally yeah agreed I think the fall staying on that subject was definitely an interesting one I loved the podcast we did with Brad and yourself you know previewing guys we

Like I think it’s going to come into play a lot for the year um we definitely had some close calls I mean right off the bat ail Rama almost Tom the Thousand to one that we chasing was a 36 hole leader fully placed there for a big um

Oddset I thought you had a great call out with somebody you previewed in jper senson kind of um ticked my box at the I think third event second or third event I think he’s one of the long hitter is coming out and he played extremely well um but ultimately Liv did dominate

Winning five of the six events bur Easter twice Louis usen twice and then waim Neiman another time and then the other Standalone winner was minwu Lee so we did not have a true DP World Tour winner in the fall however a lot of places I’m curious I I saw Neiman is

Going to play one of the Dubai event I don’t know if it’s the Rolex one or the one after that um but do these guys get more opportunities now or you know I be curious because obviously they’re talented I don’t know what happen like I I I literally don’t get it like I

Thought I understood it I thought it was they were allowed to play in South Africa and Australia because they were co-sanctioned events and then nean gets announced for this other one that I have no idea why he’s playing so um yeah I I I think it’s it’s interesting it makes the talk

Better I think is ultimately the first thing that we should say like it makes the fields better he’s playing the biod Desert Classic next week um yeah I mean what so essentially I think he’s got into it because he’s won that event that that’s the category he’s

In so winners of the race of by ranking tournaments in 23 24 um I’m guessing the idea is they literally can’t stop them if they’ve won I guess that’s that’s the rule um but then why is usay not playing I guess that could just be personal I guess neeman’s NE neeman’s I

Guess quote unquote motivation from from no veratu was that trying to get back into the top 50 for the Masters right and I guess somebody like like USI has exemptions where berer is right on that line I don’t think he got into the top

50 by the end of the year but um he could be somebody that could definitely make a run of these Majors again too yeah I think look I I ultimately think at some point this deal is going to happen right and we’re going to see these guys in all these tournaments

Eventually I think that’s probably why John Rams made the move um but yeah I think for the time being short term like I think we focus on the guys that we know what they’re doing and what form they’re in we we knew the players that played late in 2023 uh going into this

And I think that kind of forms what we’re doing here in this first event yep agreed and this first event is uh a different start to the year than we’re familiar with last year we had the match play uh event prepping for the Ryder Cup this year we are kicking off in Dubai

Again but with a new event at a coret we have not seen on the DP World Tour this will be the Dubai Invitational um smaller field no cut and it’s the Dubai Creek Resort the only uh events that I saw at this was like 2016 and 17 on the

Menator where one guy had form which was Todd Clemens uh with a second place did you see any other times that they’ve teed up here so I think they played one iteration of the the buy Desert Classic here in like 1990 or or something like that um like maybe Thomas bjor has W

Played well there that week or something like that um so it’s yeah essentially irrelevant but the the guy that designed the course all those years ago was actually the one that designed the Emirates golf club for the dividers a classic so if you like those sort of

Things then look to kind of people that have played in divide a classic well I think that’s definitely something to keep an eye on and and to be honest even if that didn’t ring true like if you’re not buying Ines correlation of things just playing well in the Middle East

Always seems to serve people well regardless so I would generally look when it’s a new event I would just look to people that play well in the Middle East play well at the start of the year uh and focus on that and that’s kind of

It’s not led to all of my picks because of of some of the people that I have got in here but it certainly helped totally totally I mean I think it’s always fun this swing of the the year um getting going we’ve definitely seen some guys

Pop up now when we look at odds boards we look at what we’re seeing to the point there’s a clear favorite Roy mroy 3 to one coming to you know where he dominates this part of the world you know I I can’t even you know

He’s got at least what he won there last year is when he beat Patrick greed right back in Dubai um you know back-to-back winners in the past I mean he’s somebody who dominates over here deservingly three to one skipping the Hawaii swing um Tommy lad is uh plus 650 or six to1

Most spots here Nikolai kind of separates himself is the third tier 12 to1 16s before we’re jumping almost 1820 range for some of the next golf first did anybody catch your eye at the top of the board look I I think I make bold calls all the time

About Roy Ma I’m not going to make one this week like I think it’s a it’s a very good chance that he goes on and wins it um Nikolai is obviously playing sort of the we talked about this so many times and I keep referencing it but I do

It because you know there probably new new listeners every now and then um but we were so focused on like Rasmus was way shorter than Nikolai for a long period of time wasn’t he in the market we sort of said like the talent dispar is probably not there and it’s a case of

Rasmus kind of hitting the ground running quicker and then it’s kind of flip-flop now like that you know Nicolai is six points shorter than than Rasmus and I know he obviously played well getting into the into the rer cup Nikolai but actually towards the end of

2023 rasma showed a lot of really good signs so um that was my kind of Judgment at the top of the market was I probably would have had the two Hoy cards closer yeah yeah it’s always uh it’s just going to be a coin flip year after year it

Feels like at some point with with one catching it better I mean Rasmus obviously the odd man out too when you got to the DP World Tour uh PGA Tour cards yeah um coming over so lot to play arua be the best player left kind of on

Standalone on the DP World Tour um which he gets into the 18 range and above there for me I you know Coley’s article just you know kind of came out where he said it was going to be boring and he’s straight up backing Rory at at the threes that are out

There that’s hard to argue I mean you do look at his his swings over here I mean five of the last six events are top six finishes for him you know just just pure domination when it comes to that I’m going to I’m not saying that I’m going

To change my my betting theory that we go after especially when we get into some of the weaker field events I think for this event to me willing to keep our cards a little bit easier handful of guys similar to what we did at the Tour Championship or the the Sentry last week

And kind of weigh into the waters that way which for me opens up some each way placement a little bit more down the board um any more detail do you want to provide why Rasmus is kind of where you’re kicking off yeah so look Rasmus

Is my favorite pick he’s 18 to one um which I actually think is a pretty decent price in a limited field um but look he finished the year really strongly he had that win at the maiden hland which was pretty surprising because he had been injured and

Struggling I think he was even injured that week and still managed to get the win finished fourth in France towards the end of this year sixth at Ned bank and 11th at the Tour Championship as well um rounds of 65 and 66 at the Tour Championship and his best round of the

Week came at the Ned Bank on the Sunday so to me he he’s just found form at the right time now the concern is can he hold on to it that’s what your that’s what your betting on right like is Roy maroy going to come out the gate

Straight away does he need a warm up and is he going to play better next week if he plays the dividers at Classic which I’m assuming he will be um you you are guessing like as much as we’re going to put all these kind of um stats and

Figures to it it is hard to know who’s going to come out the freshest but I think someone like arasmus and Nikolai they’re always going to come out fresh for the next 10 years that they’re ready to go straight away um and although Rasmus doesn’t have the wins that

Nikolai’s got in the Middle East he has finished ninth seventh and sixth in recent starts in this part of the world and he was actually the 36 whole leader at the Raz alimer uh last year which is an event that Nikolai had won so I think generally speaking they tend to play

Well in in similar places slightly different skill sets maybe with with Nikolai being a little bit more kind of uh bow and gge but I do think Rasmus is plenty solid enough and I think I said in my preview that he’s he’s my guy I

Think is is the one that will lock up that PJ tour card so kicking off the year with him at 18 to one yep totally um can understand the argu Adrian morac is also teing up in that range like we mentioned there who has you know I guess success in this part of

The world as well but yeah I think rasmus’s close to the year shows a lot of light um to kick off 24 dur BR Olson caught my eye and you know he’s somebody that you were super keen on um all of last year deservingly so I I’m hoping we

Get him at some decent numbers um on the PGA tour because I feel that type of game and upside is almost as as transferable as as anybody’s that that got a tour card and there’s some deep odds in Hawaii this week for these guys I mean Bob McIntyre I’m seeing 150 170s

Samy valaki 300 plus um there could be some opportunity when these guys kind of jump over that way and get some more starts and see the commitment there I did see Yanik Paul is still stuck in Phoenix and has not made it to Dubai his flight was canceled yesterday so it’s

Going to be a little jet lagged as he comes over to kick off his year Jordan Smith and kisten Lawrence was somebody I did not pull the trigger on but man as good as anybody outside of Sundays um pretty much that he could have easily walked away with probably two if not

Three victories if things kind of bounced his way a little bit more on the weekends there um but for me I’m still starting the card a little bit deeper on is there anybody else in this range that you’d like to touch up no I think look

You you covered the guys I was going to mention like Jordan Smith came incredibly close for me and you mentioned trist noren whose form is just incredible coming in right um I think Allison I’m always going to be interested in but I just felt if he has

One bad week one average week his odds will quite inflate quite quickly he seems quite variable with his odds and like you said like you might get way better value of him just going over to America and I don’t again I don’t think it’s necessarily the opposition that

Bothers him it’s just how well he’s playing on that week so I’ll take a chance that he’s going to be able to slow out the gate and then play well next week or the week after uh instead so I think we’re probably both in the in

The same range now yeah so State Side um this golfer has now gotten to 40 to one with the places but man I am excited as as anybody is about Dan Bradberry just about all the time right I think um you know on our preview show we’re we’re

Very confident he is in the you know discussion if not a favorite to get a PGA Tour card this year and his game is as transferable I think as as any bues when it comes to ball striking iron play and can you get the putter going pretty

Much um now you have to score a little bit sometimes in Dubai um and what was interesting again I come back to the event we talked about when Rory beat Reed um last year there who was in that final group with Rory it was Dan Bradberry three starts after his first

Ever Victory so just still calming down from that um you know kind of Whirlwind of a life change now 4 to1 with five places they’re not you know giving us a generous gift anymore like they did with Dan Bradberry but man um he said on on uh Instagram that he had some really

Good prep in Spain leading up to this you know some guys are might be showing up um like Yanik might be you know just kind of chilling getting the way over there um where Dan Bradberry I feel comfortable about his prep work feel confident in his game especially where

We’ve seen him have success in this part of the world and I’m going to take on the challengers at 40 to1 now you might get some 50s with top five separate bets too if you prefer to do that some sites will do that but 40 to1 with a five

Place each way here in the states for me to kick it off yeah he’s 50 to1 is the biggest price SC Checker in the states right I think like if you want to go for go for broken and just go win only that that’s not a bad thing to do either but

I think for me with Dan Bradbury the really important point that you make there and it’s something that when I’ve spoken to golfers in the past on the podcast like the prep work over winter for these English golfers can be so hard because if they’re based over here they get a

Terrible winter load we’ve had so much rain so much wind we even had snow today so um you know the fact that he’s got away played in Spain he’s noted that he’s points out you’ve picked up he’s just an incredible uh extra snippet there and and to to kind of back up your

Point I thought his sample size in the Middle East has been pretty impressive so far now if you look at his Abu dhab debut last year he only finished 60th but he posted rounds of 67 in round two and 69 in round round four and then the

Week later as you pointed out where he was in the final group in and the Divide as a classic he shot second round 63 third round 68 to back up to go into the final day in second place now obviously the disappointment was how he coped in

That final round but it was against Rory mroy it was against Rory mcroy who was dueling with Patrick Reed that comes of its own kind of circumstances and it was so soon after his win as you pointed out as well and then he came to the Divide

Uh the DP World Tour Championship sorry at the end of the year and finished 17th which again nothing messy to write home about but he improved as the week went on you look at three top six finishes and two for the top 17s his last seven

Starts he’s probably one of if not the most informed golfer in the field outside of the real top lot in in Rory and Nikolai um and his PO striking is is the best of anyone so um and probably right up there in Suns of isons with all

Of them so I think for me Dan BR makes great radio you do yeah I just I just love betting on Bradberry I’m hoping you know some of those big events he’s just somebody that I guess he’s starting to find himself I mean he was right around that

Leaderboard with hom and JT in South Africa to close up the year like getting those type of experiences I think is gonna make it very transferable on a big stage for him at some point and I’m not gonna be scared of that no I think I think he’s someone if he manages to

Sneak into a PJ or or the open you you look at him at ebots because I think he can do what Jordan Smith does where he’s had a couple of top 10 or top 12 in in major just purely because he hits the ball so well um so yeah definitely look

Into that as the year goes on unless of course we’re completely wrong here and he and he struggles to seven or eight Miss CS going into the start of the year but I don’t think I think he’s really good yep totally agree um if we go back

Into kind of where we’re seeing Henny dupy after an okay swing down there campio Luton Forest guier Manzel um you know Richard Manzel there Xander Lombard after um being very um I would say highly tipped as as maybe per usual Xander finds his way getting um into

There I would say he played better than most um with four consecutive top 25s a T4 at that jerg um for him but it seems a little bit of a different range that we’re getting Antoine Roser to kick off of the year and I know you are keen on

Him um this week too so tell us why for Ross yeah I’m just I’m just gonna give him a couple of chances at the start of the Season like I was really out on him like I think it was this time last year or maybe a little bit further into the

Season I was really heavily into him backed him three or four times in a row didn’t really kind of pull through and then he just went off the boil all of a sudden he’s kind of picked that back up again three of his last five starts he’s

Ranked inside the top four and Strikes going approach and that’s what he need to see from rosar as long as he’s hitting his irons well I’m pretty confident that the results will come and look he actually opened with a 62 at the Marius open um to lead before the break

And although he fell away it wasn’t you know it wasn’t necessarily devastating that he didn’t kind of put the four weeks four rounds together and he was 15th the week before the Alfred dhill in South Africa and he was actually second at DP World Tour Championship after 36

Holes and then fell away so there is the concern he’s not putting the four rounds together but that was a little bit like what brought me to Kirk in terms of course and current form that these kind of initial round by round efforts eventually come good and I think this is

Going to be the case with who just looks a really reliable person he’s like Dan Brad with those irons and off the tea as well sometimes like he’s he’s just really not Elite I don’t think yet but he’s he’s as close to that as you get on

The DP World Tour so um look it’s it’s the case of putting four rounds together yeah but that’s what we’ve been successful I feel like for a few years now is is digging into this right and I think our I think any DP World Tour better outside of I mean there’s been

Some ridiculous runs by you know some of our our c-parts and Friends Michael um and Bradley you know Ben obviously have consistently been able to but I feel like our spikes from the DP World Tour come with places at odds or or you know maybe some uh movement where we have

Kind of an in on somebody that we’re just keen on overall I think that’s where where it comes to and we can kind of read some tea Leafs and those hits may not be as frequent but but pay off when they do um and if you get kind of

That zoom out odds or zoom out form that you there um with Raz I’m a fan so we we’ll continue on I’m still going deeper as we go actually there’s another there’s two for me that I’m seeing now that that get into the triple digits is there anybody

Before we get there that you wanted to kind of zoom in on so I I haven’t got any more picks in here I I looked at Connor Sim at 70 to1 I looked at Jeff winter at 100 to1 um um when they’ been picking up some steam

It seems like yeah but that was it they were looked at and never really went any further with it so I’m pretty comfortable that we’ll go into the kind of ones that we do like in this in this 100 to one range um and kind of finish

Off there I guess yeah um I will start with Cali samoya and you know samoya was the winner of the the live Invitational um so Moya spin a golfer that just is truly you know popset what seems to be random times what seems to be you know

Four four big scores you know overall I mean qualifying in there um he did play the week before T25 now I mean you see him hit the board with three top 10s in 2023 if you look into the 2022 two top fives uh three top 12s overall one of those being a win

Littered with mis cots right so I think samoya now if I if I look at the way he can go about things at this type of event I mean he’s got to be living pressure threee could you imagine golf now knowing you are a multi-millionaire

Right like I mean like a bad year and live probably is a couple million dollars right like a bad go a bad year on Liv is is a extremely good year on the DB World Tour um right and and I think that’s the point right is and I’m

Glad you’ve made it already like it is that freedom that he going to get and now look he he had won the POR European open in 2022 but when you you look at his career he’s never really been able to settle and actually when you look at

A player you look at his record he he lost that playoff in 2019 uh to Sebastian Soderberg at the crown cier that was one opportunity to get his card and lock it out for a while he then lost the Aphrodite Hills playoff to Callum shinin I think both of those times those

Were people that had won either their first or second events I think both of them winning their Maiden events right so they’ve kind of stolen that opportunity from him and then he’s gone on to win the Porche European open himself two years later after that so it wouldn’t be out the Realms possibility

Had three wins in in four years and I know that’s all if SP M like he didn’t win them um but it’s funny to see how his career would have gone and now like you say he’s got his kind of back I don’t know how he’s going to treat Liv I

Don’t know if he’s treating it like well I’ve got this guaranteed money now um and whether he’s going to be able to play these kind of DP World Tour events in between if that’s still the case um but essentially he’s he’s going to go there and win a ton of money regardless

Um I don’t know what team he’s on or whether anything like that I haven’t looked um but yeah I think ultim if you even strip that out sky like let’s let’s completely take away the live thing all together isn’t he a player that just does well in the Middle East anyway so

His best finishes we zoom out I guess you know it’s came a little bit of a time his last four events in the Middle East three those are miscuts with a 38th um but if you look in prior to that the four events before that were 12th miscut

8th fourth if you zoom out a little bit more another top 25 there you had fourth and eighth back-to-back years um in Abu Dhabi um so yeah I I I just think we know the upside pressure free golf the odds I mean right now State Side you get

100 to one with that top five each way for me that’s that’s worth a little bit of recent form I mean it’s tough I don’t want to and I’m going to do better I think this year at not zooming in on the most recent form I think you do a very

Good job with correlation and different type of things I’m going to do my best but right now I just feel a pop a a stressfree year kind of fits into what this opening event May bring and and look I think like you it’s funny you talk about change taxes like

Last year I think I tried to steer so far away from the course form that I’ve kind of been on for so long like I you know I’m going to focus on current form bit more and I’m going to make sure that I’m not getting caught up in all these

Correlations and that sort of stuff and then eventually one pays off for you again like with the Chris Kirk thing and and the Sony Open and you think okay well I didn’t really need to abandon that so I won’t abandon that when you look at samoya in terms of his middle

Eastern form he’s got fourth of the Divide Desert Classic 12th of the Divide Desert Classic 16th of the Divide Desert Classic they’re all they all on those coures I don’t want to forget either the live event was in Abu Dhabi too yeah and then and then and then you think about

The fact that um you add on those Qatar Masters where he’s been third and fifth he basically his whole career has literally playing well in the Middle East and I don’t even know if he potentially bases himself out there um but he he certainly plays some

Of his best goal from there and I think he he’s a boom or bus type player sya but 100s one you’re getting those odds I think it’s actually quite incredible you get 100s one I didn’t even think about it beforehand so yeah I love kind of

Landing there for him um we’ll be super curious I don’t even know the requirements for him to like keep a Live card too like those are the guys I don’t know we don’t have to have a live discussion for the millionth time but those are the guys that like literally

Are changing their lives you know that that get this and you have to root for them in some aspects because it was literally you know a a way at a career that almost was unfathomable for somebody like samoya to be able to to do so Landing there uh I’ll pass to you

Because I do have one more I want to uh get on so if yourself you’re going back to the well Tom somebody that we uh enjoy partaking in so so give us the here with your next selection going back to the well with with uh Shan Crocker

And like I think this is probably that guilty Guido migotti play that you do for you know every event right like well not every event that’s harsh but like it it was time it was a good three four years in a row it was it was a long time

Um but I think I think for me it’s just one of those the upside of Shan Crocker I think is still there and maybe we maybe we’re just wrong like maybe maybe he’s just never going to be the player that we project him to be um but I’m

Going to take a chance until I’m truly proven otherwise um he was 22nd in the G and Dubai Championship uh a few years ago he was 14th in the dpb world Tour Championship I think that might have been his first or second go round there eighth at the Dubai uh Dubai

Championship and actually when you look at his current form because you’ve got Miss cut 60 in his last two starts you’re probably put off right you missed the cut in the first Australia R but when he was 60 in the Australian Open he opened with a

66 to be sixth after round one and he shot a 65 in round three to be sixth going into the final round desp shooting the second round 74 and then just capitulated with an 81 in the final round I think we were on him that week

Were then which was just brutal he kind of collapsed from the each way right um but then you go back even a couple events before that he was ninth in the Qatar Ms fourth going into the final round he he likes this part of the world he’s shown that he hasn’t again been

Able to put together those four rounds that probably I’ve held against Crocker here um but his irons are there fourth 18th eth and 18th in four of his last six starts in Stokes G approach uh sixth third seventh mcot 22 in those um same uh five events um for TAA green as well

So for me when you see that with Shan Crocker you just keep going to the world until he’s ball striking abandons him because his his short game is not good enough to kind of get him through events when his ball striking is not good but

When it is good he can get round and and it’s you know bonus time if he if he gets that kind of short game firing so Sean cro would be my final pick I think there was 120 one but I think probably 100s one now the biggest price for

Crocker let’s see State Side um yeah 10000s is the biggest price right now um for me to close out um I’m also landing on 100 to one for the last guy and this kind of when we went into area of the world um there’s a clear stand out right

You see players that have played well here Rory maroy Nikolai hoard Tommy Fleetwood Adrien Moran Rasmus hoard jorjor olison and there’s an outlier inside those top seven there when you look at it and it’s the name I skipe which is Audrey arnas Audrey arnas 6th 13th miscut 9th 9th miscut 20th 9th 9th

12th 10th his last appearance here um since I guess that would have been the fall of 21 I believe if you look at his recent events now normally I’m not somebody to just simply put stock into that what we started to see out of Audrey oros was a little bit of life um

Towards the end of the year right if you if you talked about rosner’s kind of recent form and some pops there you know if you look at our NASA the finishes you know 32nd not anything to really get totally excited about but 19th after the first round 23rd there in joelberg at the

Halfway point if you go back he had a 19th and a 14th previous to that that 19th at the Andalucia Masters was eighth after 54 holes with a 65 being on Saturday Sunday just did not go in his favor and then if you look at his 14th

Two weeks before that the alred Dunhill which was the shortened event he was first after 18 holes now again the rotation there what is that really saying I understand it’s probably a top 10 at the standard if you adjust scores there so some recent pops going back to

Area in the world now also been some hot audre Aros rumors right is he going to Ron’s team is that now off the table had did he decide there was now I don’t pay for the Spanish news to to get the Insight on an article but the Tweet read

That he was feeling very relaxed in a really good mental space and was openly talking about what was going on so it seems like he’s on a DP World Tour he’s in the next two events um maybe R’s taking some bigger guys with him I I I

Don’t know uh but I think that is a a Tom Jacobs style selection and it’s a node to 2024 hopefully to repeat what you just did with a triple digit winner with Audrey Arna this week is my final selection I think an is G be a very

Popular pick this week um based on that kind of that rhythm of just a location form which we love right we absolutely love it um and look I think that the really harsh thing about on house is I would say he finds a way to lose but the

Good news is with with the 100 to one or 125 can get in some places like there is each way value if you can do that over in the states um for him because he does just he just places in Middle Eastern events right like he just turns up

Consistently over and over again in this part of the world we talk about just people feeling at ease and comfort in certain parts of the world and that is him and and like you say that I don’t know if is it motivation to to finalize this live move to Ram is it motivation

To prove that he’s happy where he is and he’s going to forge his career where he is whatever whichever way you look at it feels like a motivational Factor unless he just goes unless it’s okay Rams cast him a sign he’s going to be absolutely devastated he’s not going but I don’t

Know that and that speculation so um yeah I think there’s definitely a certain element to to kind of yeah just bit of motivation to kind of get on both tours and and be in the way I think eventually Liv is going to turn into this kind of additional tour where they

Maybe take up a few months of the Season Roy mroy talks about an interview over here that they might just take two or three months of the year and and everyone can go and play in it I think that’s the kind of end goal but until that

Happens it is what it is and and for these players like samoya like arel and people like that is a huge huge carrot um and certainly performing well in an event before that kicks off is is the right way to go about it yeah that’s

Just kind of what I’m hoping to see um I mean he showed some life with irons to close the year now there wasn’t the best um kind of Strokes gain stat when we got out of South Africa but really good um even in his Mis cut his short game kind

Of which does abandon him um and guitar was not very good but it looked like he was pretty decent iron wise uh at the joelberg open so I S Crocker I think went it’s Skyhigh it can be Skyhigh you know we’ve kind of thought the the world

Of that now 2023 had had almost zero of it but when I looked at historical events I mean he showed up here um I guess last year miscut miscut and then he ripped off a 13th and a sixth um you know in Dubai if you go the year before

When he had kind of shown a little bit more promise I mean 21 he did end with some some form and then you know played well again here if you went back to 21 you know 12th and Ninth when he finished 2020 you know with I guess some some B I

Would say this is a mediocre form leading in compared to what he has in the past but he has popped off of nothing before and we also we just don’t know as we said about how is preparation could have been absolutely Ely brilliant for the last two months right like that

His whole he could have found something in his swing like the upside of someone at 12 to1 is completely different when you’re trying to guess about players at a 30 40 to I think that’s probably why we’ve not had those kind of top tier picks to I mean I know I’ve obviously

Gone there with with Rasmus but I just generally believe in him as a player all the way along but then we’ve kind of skipped that kind of 25 to 33 33 to1 range we skip the kind of 60 to 80 range because I think there’s just so many

Question marks at this time of the year and really you could just go really volatile and take someone in triple digits and this might be it might be the first couple of weeks so that’s the last opportunity you got to do that but take it while you can um I guess the other

Interesting name on that trainer Thor Spanish plays well in Middle East what about Pablo is is it is is the is the bubble burst with him like has he just had his career year and it’s never going to happen again but like he’s he’s a winner and a runner up at Abu Davi

He’s played well in his part of the world plenty of times oh yeah but he’s third Ras K I mean has a Mr cut in the Middle East in three years guess thing is it’s never The Divide Des a classic which I guess would probably be the one that you would hope

It would have been um he’s such a Mercurial talent that if he won at 100 to one you you’d have no that you wouldn’t be shocked that’s what Pablo laa does um yeah so yeah interesting to see yeah man I it’s I mean the this event is a little bit more Flying Blind

The opening of the Season could be a little bit more Flying Blind without any form and kind of relevancy I mean the only form that I do see out there is Pedro figorito is winning on the Portugal golf tour so when we see Pedro teing it up we come know he’s coming off

A w he’s gonna win um to honest I thought you’d be you mentioned it at the top of the show I thought you’d be quite keen on the Todd Clement call um yeah 2501 he’s just shown nothing since that win right like literally zero so it’s

Very hard to to quantify but then he didn’t show anything going into that win like as long as the core suits he could be a real danger and as you said he’s done that kind of menator form but again it’s winning on the menur versus or playing on the menur versus playing on

The DP wsor so yeah I I just I I feel that there’s enough du bu experience from other guys versus if we were in like a country that we haven’t seen golf in and that was showing up I would I would like it you know um but I

I agree um okay so before we wrap up make sure we’ll give a shout out to our audio listeners you can find us on daily fantasy Sports Picks and Bets the mix available on all different podcast platforms again shout out to Pat and Paul and the whole team on taking care

Of us again here in 24 excited to bring it for another year uh for you guys hopefully we have some nappy Factor going for us Tom you know we got a little one who’s now three months old and kind of settled into more of a routine here uh at home so excited to

Get back into the golf swing uh for that and hopefully have a really big 2024 so Tom can you review your selections one more time yeah and to clarify the nappy F situation that is Sky’s new addition as opposed to him looking after me which

I think most people have in my life um but yes summarizing my picks Rasmus hoard at 18 to1 Dan Bradbury I think he’s 45 40 to1 uh 50 to1 if you want to go gungho win only antoan Rosner at 50 to1 and then Shan Crocker at the 100 to1 as well um sky

Over to you yep so Dan Bradberry with you let’s have a dual winner to start it off I’m gonna take the 40s with the top five each way here in the states and then a pair at 100 to one which is Audy Aras and then Cali Samoa with those

Places too so like I said we have uh Rolex event next week staying in Dubai um we’re really kicking it off and this is where it’s fun where we get to kind of build out some profiles of guys that are now getting on the tour after they

Got their feet wet uh in the fall swing so perfect well we can close it out on that note Tom thank you again it’s great to see you um and excited to have a big 2024 with everyone on board Let’s uh kick it off a year H with a winner on

Both tours how does that sound yeah that sounds good to me and hopefully I I look I I love this show and I’d love to I mean obviously I’m always happy to bag win wherever it is but it always feels nice to do it on this show D World Tour

We get really excited about I think it’s our passion really is this tour right so let’s get some winners over the line enjoy it so many factors I’m looking forward to a full field event next week as well so plenty to look forward to and uh here’s the

20124 yep amen you can find Tom at Tom Jacobs 93 you can find me at Skyhook DFS we’ll be around all year long so looking forward to and best of luck everybody take Care


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