Happy 2024! Health, Success and Golf! #ob4gl #YouTubeGolf #GolfPodcast #NikeGolf #ScottyCameron

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Hello hello hello a little too loud for that one what’s up everybody hello hello hello hello hello what’s up how’s everybody doing Happy New Year happy 2024 hope everybody had a great Christmas holidays whatever it is you celebrate hope everybody got what they wanted spend time with the loved ones

Wish you guys all a lot of health and success in the New Year especially out to my golfers out there a lot of golf a lot of one putts let’s start lowering those those handicaps but yeah I’m I’m excited for this year um like I mentioned in the

Last episode prepping for this Master’s cup got going on with uh the guys up north Carlos Mo and Chris looking forward to that can’t wait I uh played uh so I’m been trying to at least go once a week to the uh uh indoor hitting Bay at the PGA

Superstore uh it’s been happening except last week obviously uh holidays and stuff I couldn’t make it but yesterday uh played golf cave couple of guys from work we played Albany Golf Course um in the Bahamas yeah where tiger plays the uh Hero World Challenge that was fun I lost to Jose not lost

But yeah I’m going say I lost cuz I should have never lost to him the other guys maybe but not him uh 86 to an 85 the other guys I think there was a there was a tie in there somewhere let me look it up yeah Jose 85 uh me

86 uh Negi 89 and Mike 91 We we played you know straight up one w we played sixes we mixed it around we mixed it up that was interesting the team Dynamic you’re rooting for one guy and then 30 minutes later or 40 minutes later you’re rooting against them that was fun that

Was fun all the the ball busting and the trash talking in the group was fun we should definitely do that more often um some people were left out not my fault I didn’t set it up but if I did it the people that were left out were definitely be in it

Bobby Bobby nor divitz Bobby 3 woods trying to go to PJ Superstore next week I got to see what this uh supposed snowstorm that we’re getting in a couple of days see what that’s going to bring it’s forecast uh for us here in my area the the lowest amount of all I

Think up north Carlos and and mo are going to get hit the most Chris should be good I don’t think he’s gonna gonna get too much snow that’s gonna be driving to the PGA Superstore um interesting still working out here in the gym twice a week three

Times a week sometimes swinging the The Club at the Hing Bay getting um my reps trying not to let that uh rust settle uh settle in looking forward to coming out strong in the springtime I played uh fidler’s elbow with a buddy of mine he let me on he

He’s got the the hook he got me on played River I felt like I was hitting the ball off the T very good I might have had two bad shots off the te but my putting was horrendous yeah I didn’t keep score we played sixes there again I didn’t win

Any of the matches but I felt good hitting the ball off the te second shots uh second and third shots on the par five very good my putting yeah I need uh definitely that’s one of the things I need to focus on this winter and get that dowed in that could

Definitely make a break a good score and a bad score I’m also looking forward to breaking out that new Scotty that I won at uh in the outing a couple months ago it’s been sitting in the closet nice and uh warm waiting to be unwrapped still

Has the plastic on it decided I’m going to keep it and I’m going to game it I’m going to use it right off the bat the warm weather starts coming in start going out to the practice range and start putting it on on the live Green live practice green and start

Getting used to it I’m going from uh Cleveland Huntington Beach forget the name of my powder uh a number 10 all right so the Huntington Beach number 10 putter that’s what I have love this thing and that’s it that’s uh as far as uh any new equipment

In my bag the the big talk right now is uh Nike Nike the rumor with uh tiger at the PNC challenge that they were splitting up and then other people were wondering if this was Tiger and Nike splitting up or Nike leaving the golf game completely because they left the uh equipment game

A few years ago 2015 2016 they left the uh the clubs and the balls they left all the hard hard Goods uh behind they sto making them all those Nike athletes back that back then uh tiger obviously Taylor Made Jason Taylor Made I think Dustin Johnson was also a Nike

Guy he went to Taylor Maid so they stayed with the soft goods gloves hats pants shirts shoes and I think they’re leaving that that game too and I first I wasn’t sure which way they were going to go maybe it was just tiger and Nike just calling it you know

A nice nice business deal come to an end but now Jason day left Jason day left he went to Malin malin’s um fashion designer who starts who started making golf clothes a while back that’s that’s their first big sign a big uh boost for the smaller upand cominging Brands I

Boutique Brands I guess you call it tells the rest of the world the little guys can make it too you know they uh these smaller Brands these smaller labels can get a big name and and make it onto the big stage I personally wasn’t a fan of those pants

He wore yesterday but I think that’s just one of many uh uh outfits they got planned hopefully some cooler than the ones from yesterday maybe if they were shorts I’d wear them and I wasn’t really feeling the pants but if they were in a short uh I’d definitely wear them the ones he

Wore today uh like like a cream colored pants with the uh signature logo Malin on the leg that was cool I think I like that that I like that better than yesterday’s pants so yeah that that signing to me tells me they uh they’re leaving they’re leaving the soft goods

Game the golf game at least the only question I have is is out what happens to the Jordans uh is Jordan its own company now they’re so big they probably have their own deals with uh athletes that they don’t even have to go through Nike no

More and they just decide on their own they have their own people running that department be interesting to see what happens with the Jordan brand Under the Nike umbrella I want to see where tiger ends up a lot of people think the another golf company

Might pick him up or or start making his own label his own brand I I’ve never really looked at Tiger and thought oh he’s a he’s a cool dresser I I don’t think that’s the out he’s going to go I don’t think he’s going to go in his own private

Label he’s going to go somewhere else where they’re going to design stuff for him Callaway’s got some cool stuff which is one brand I heard might be coming after him to sign him for Joy got some cool stuff I like their stuff their designs and obviously their big

Name in that game of uh golf clothes golf brand for jooy has a good or maybe he might go to like a smaller uh Malin type brand which that’s a long shot I believe or Grayson wolf is my third pick only because that’s Justin Thomas’s uh sponsor they signed Charlie

Woods they signed him to a deal Callaway for Joy or Grayson Wolf the other one is uh PJ and live in the news again a couple days ago they extended their deadline the original deadline was supposed to be the 31st of December nothing happened the big Mass cuz now it’s no

Longer PGA and piff it’s PGA and strategic Sports Group big group that owns uh Fenway Sports Group is in that group they own the Red Sox they own some other teams now it’s uh Dam and PGA going into business with piff the public investment fund who owns

Liv um I’m not sure if live if I would live and I was providing the majority of the money I I don’t think I want a minority share if I’m going to put up the most of the money most of the money to fun these tournaments these

Players the pga’s in trouble I think because they’re losing sponsors they lost the Honda they lost another big name a couple weeks ago Wells Fargo I believe they’re done just just got too expensive for them yeah I think the pff’s got the upper hand cuz they got the money they control the money

And with the money you you have the power and the respect so yeah so I don’t know I’m actually kind of losing interest in it because they’re watering down the sport yeah piff has the pi Liv’s got the big names or getting some of the uh big

Names but the format is kind of boring they’re hard to find on TV and PGA it’s got the format that’s you know everybody’s known since forever but now they got no names and these weekly tournaments besides the majors uh Saw Grass the waste management the FedEx playoffs again this year they’re not

Coming to New York or New Jersey I don’t really watch everything if you really sit down and think about it who watches every single week every single round as a casual fan even me I think I’m a little bit above a casual fan even I don’t even watch every

Week every round and now with the big names gone unless it’s one of those four majors or one of those other uh those other popular tournaments I probably won’t be watching that much either shout out to Freddy and Mike I saw they posted on their Instagram stories they’re going to uh

The weights management uh open looks like a good time uh I’ll eventually make it there one year I’ll get there and speaking of making it tournaments went through the rejection emails for the Master’s tickets go out I haven’t gotten mine I I don’t really remember when they come

Out either I got mine and I just did a a bulk delete you know in the morning you wake up and you just click click click click and just everything goes lot of spam a lot of uh junk mail and maybe I got rid of it and

Didn’t even notice it but I haven’t gotten my rejection email so either they haven’t rejected me yet or I missed the rejection email or they’re just haven’t been out yet one of the three I’d like to think uh I haven’t been rejected yet I still have a chance

To get in there for a practice round at least a practice round I I’d like to set foot on that place at least one practice round will be cool I hear the players are more fan friendly compared to when actual competition starts and yeah I don’t blame him

Being you know turned around when the competition starts those guys are trying to win the Green Jacket yeah that’s it guys nothing new oh so here’s my uh my second my second try at a at a logo shout out to my man Angel Novato Sports you can find them on

Instagram at custom sports jerseys all one word Novato sportsare Inc he uh we spoke on the phone good dude known him for a few years we work together this is little side gig found the uh font I want he was able to make make it

Happen it’s the fun I want it the hat looks cool I like the color but we still got a shop uh I got a big head this Hat’s not big head friendly see it’s like I haven’t told Angel that but I will I guess you’ll see it now but uh

We’re still going to go work together and brows some more hats like right now I’m at the last hole I don’t want to be on the last hole on the last and the last snap I guess you call it see right there that’s it so this is

Another of my second prototype maybe one day I’ll give I’ll give these away see they Master they Master purple Air Maxes they Master purple tape shout out rayquan one day I’ll get you on the show maybe get you on that Golf Course go golfing but yeah he made two hats for me the

Green same style same model hat the game never knew they were still in business but yeah I remember them from High School playing all those uh Georgetown hoyer’s hats back in the day the game junior high school high school days so yeah shout out to my man Angel check him out

Custom sports jerseys on Instagram all one word we we still got to work together we’re not we’re not done but uh I just got to find the right hat for the big heads you know for me especially but yeah that’s my second prototype the other hats where are they’re here too

H playing around with different fonts I wear these out I wear these to the gym I wear these when I’m out running erands yeah I like that I like these are Big Head hats but I don’t know where where to find them in bulk um see that’s three snaps this one’s fitted

It’s a fitted one large extra large so yeah so not what’s new on the here on the uh the bookshelf something back there on my over my right shoulder nice little gift sent to me little tless bag maybe I’ll one day I’ll let get all

Those gol BS in the top shelf and put it in there just take it from there as I need them just to get rid of all those boxes yeah guys that’s it good night happy New Year wish you guys all the best health success and a lot of golf Peace


  1. I believe Jordan brand is its own brand but under the Nike umbrella I believe. I love my lab putter but we need to support the other “smaller” brand that supports the golf community. Wow Charlie woods already signed a clothing deal kid don’t need to go to college. I think for the hat you should do the mix tape theme with your logo inside I am not a fan of the snap backs I like fitted I have a dome piece too haha.

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