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Aaron Rodgers 2023 Postseason Press Conference

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Yeah I’m going go back and finish my rehab for the next uh couple weeks probably and then uh get back into training and away we go Robert was talking about how you’ve been running scout team and kind of giv the defense fits doing it how

Challenging was it to to not be able to take what you’re doing there on to the field this year once you got to the point where conly you could have G half play yeah I mean I think it was bittersweet it’s uh fun to be able to go out there and practice

Think anybody that watched practice there was uh excitement and also the w f kind of hit you in the face pretty hard because obviously if you you know saw what we were able to do uh there’s a lot of the what could have been what is your message to Jets Vans

As we go into this offseason I mean there’s 31 teams that have long uh troubling off seasons and it’s only one team that holds that trophy we want to be that team um you know I just say just stick with us as you will and it’s going to be a long offseason for

All of us so look forward to getting back here in April uh or whenever we get back out and start building start building the excitement like we did last year and hopefully have a little more Good Fortune injury-wise what’s it going to take the be to that team that host

Theost host the lari trophy yeah I think we needed a couple more pieces which anybody that doesn’t host at the end of season always needs probably one or two more pieces but we’re close you know there’s some tough decisions about certain uh individuals but uh I think we got a core

Group of guys that’s really solid I think you saw a lot of great uh great play this year from individuals some guys took some step step some years one and two um I think there’s a lot of great Cornerstone foundational pieces to build around what you need great young

Talent guys in their first contract guys who just got paid who played at a high level um you know we had two pro bowlers and a lot of other guys who could have been but those are all on the defensive side of the ball or our two Specialists

So we need to make sure we got some uh some of those guys getting the recognition and playing at the Pro Bowl level All Pro level on the side of the ball how does how does what happened this year for you personally affect your motivation now well I always have a lot

Of motivation I think the greatest uh competitors can motivate themselves you can find some inspiration from other people and that’s important but um as you get older you know the training uh is kind of a lifestyle thing it’s not you can’t take like a month off and eat

Whatever the hell you want and be able to just pick it back up and get back in into it uh as you could maybe in your early 20s so um you know I’ll go through uh kind of the usual U end of the season detox uh fasting and then get into my

Training uh finish my rehab at uh at Elite and at proactive and then you know we’ll be into the offseason I’ll be training the whole time we didn’t we didn’t get a chance to see the plan of you being the start this year with Zach as a backup learning is that something

You’d like to see next year actually happen uh that situation yeah I’d like to be the starter yeah the second part though I love Zach and I want what’s best for Zach and if he wants to be here and if that’s what’s best for him then obviously would love

That love to have uh have that relationship for another year but I want what’s best for him and and where he wants to be and sometimes the change of scenery as as I know can be a breath of fresh air and it’s good to be be able to

Have a new start sometimes but I love Zach and we you know still be connected and um you know we’ll see what happens we were just talking to Robert a few minutes ago he said he senses that you’re on a mission perhaps even more so than last year coming into 2024 is that

Is that how would you characterize that no it’s hard to you know say Rich this is you know yesterday was our last game and today you know it’s the first day of uh the offseason toughest day of the year just cuz you know the relationships that you form in locker room are never

Going to be that with with certain people because of the nature of this business the transient nature of guys kind of going all over the place so that’s a tough part of it but personally listen I think the most important thing that I’ve tried to do over the years in

The offseason the early part is to refresh kind of go away get your mind uh on other things and um you know I have rehab to look forward to and to finish up so that’s kind of what I’ll focus on but the you know the fire is uh still

Really strong and it just kind of grows as we get into February March and April and get back here and I’ll be looking forward to uh to seeing what changes happen and uh who we add in the draft and free agency and then kind trying to

Find a way to get everybody on the same page and and uh get the positivity going get the uh get the goal setting going uh get the manifestation going and then get this thing uh where it needs to be you men mentioned the changes Robert was

Tell us there there’s going to be none no significant ones on staff meaning G’s coming back Jeff’s coming back everyone’s coming back when you were in Green Bay there really wasn’t usually much turnover so how important is continuity to an organization and how much better can this offense be now that

Everyone who is coming back has a second year with me yeah I mean I think we need some pieces for sure I think we need to we had a lot of injuries up front so we got to shore up the offensive line that’s important um and we need uh you know we

Need some more uh receiver help probably but I like where we’re at uh from a schematic standpoint uh and what I know I can do in the offense um but there’s always changes I think Nate and I spent some time really taking a deep dive into

The offense and um kind of what we want to do moving forward um but uh yeah you know there’s there’s always change that’s part of this business what will be your plan regarding uh coming back early or whatever with OTAs you were here like when they got you

Straight through is it a similar situation this year or you haven’t mapped that out yet I mean I haven’t mapped it out completely I’m sure there’ll be uh certain things that’ll uh require me to be Elsewhere for uh some of the time but I’d like to be here uh

As much as possible I mean I enjoy living out here and enjoy uh uh the things that we get to do during the offseason outside of the football football part and I think the football part’s you know important uh at this point for me to uh to be around as much

As I can what did winning the Dennis Bird most inspirational award mean to you well I know a little bit about Dennis because uh we had an old trainer uh who used to talk about him who was here and then went to Green

Bay um and I know a story uh and it was also voted on by my teammates so that that means a lot um inspir is important motivation comes from within but inspiration can be garnered from everybody you come in contact with so to be voted that I was sitting up in my

Seat I didn’t expect anything and so I was actually got a little emotional as I was walking down and tried to kind of get down there as quickly as possible so I wasn’t you know crying in front of the guys or anything but uh but yeah I I was

Touched by that uh that award and and thankful for my guys looking at me that way your um your comment on Ma last week you came made a lot of news do you want to address that any further if you have any regrets about what you said yeah I’m

Going to talk about it tomorrow on the show tune in can you give us anything now I mean we’re here right now can you just yeah check me out tomorrow alar got give you a raise alar has had a difficult season just the conversations you’ve had with

Him and we’ll get you the confidence that he can turn it over of 2024 yeah I mean I think that’s one relationship that I’m going to lean into uh this offseason and um you know it was definitely frustrating for him uh him and I had a real good connection

Over the years from really his first experience on the field uh to him you know finishing up there being kind of our uh our our main guy um so I want to see him getting back to uh more of a positive uh mindset and feeling good about himself and his potential role in

The offense um so I’m going to lean in to to Allen I have a lot of love and appreciation for him but obviously this year didn’t go the way that he wanted to or obviously you know bringing him in expectations that that were there Aaron after all these years and all your

Experience was there anything about this though that you learned that was unique unique that you’ll take forward with you well I learned a lot about uh what happens on the headset um I learned a lot about uh resilience and dealing with adversity you know it was uh a really difficult

Year it kind of hit me last uh last night after the game um just feeling like a lost Year and that I missed out on uh obviously a lot of opportunity um just thinking if I’d been out there things would have been a little different uh it’s hard to go down

That road the butterfly effect road but uh naturally as humans I think it’s all it’s a part of our nature to do the Whata if game and to uh to Ru things that happened and to question why it happened and how it could have avoided uh happening but I’m thankful for a lot

Of things that happened during that time and the relationships that were formed and the people that showed up for me and you know adversity uh can bring out the worst or the best in you and I’m I’m thankful for the lessons that I learned uh in the process uh of the sadness and

Frustration Aaron you mentioned this team meeting some players how much of a role would you like to play in helping get them here and how do you balance familiarity with this system and with you versus maybe players that you haven’t necessarily worked with before and how they could still help this team

Yeah I mean as much or as little as they want uh I have relationships with various people across the NFL and friends and work out together with a lot of NFL guys but you know Joe and his staff uh have done a nice job um over

The years so if he wants uh my help in recruiting I’m available um I don’t necessarily think it has to be anybody associated with his system uh it’s just uh it’s about character you know I think we need um maybe some characters on the offensive line some of the best lines

We’ve ever had have had some serious characters I think about the 14 line uh five characters on that so I think you know just bringing the bringing some High character guys if they’re characters as well that’d be fantastic um but I think we’re close which is which is the exciting thing I

Said last year that you would consider retirement before the darkness Retreat having the game taken away from you this year has it changed your view on how long you want to play your love of a game anything like that yeah that’s a good question um definitely uh I was you

Know thinking when I got traded it was you know going to be a one-year thing then I got out here realized how much fun I was having and kind of falling back in love with the game and I said you know I said to you guys this is not

Going to be a one-year thing and then it gets taken away and um so this is not a one year in my mind I mean obviously it’s a what have you done for me lately and uh I’m going to have to go out and prove I can still play at a high level

But I’d like this to be uh more than just next year do you have to teach this do you have to teach this team or do you have to help teach this team how to win I remember on Hard Knocks one you made a comment we got to work on our

Manifestation Powers man we’re not positive enough is that something that this team still needs to learn about how to win yes anything that you can add to that or just going to take time I think uh yes is probably the best way to answer that okay Aon you mentioned

Before about this feeling like a like a lost year does that sting a little bit more than maybe it would have you were 27 28 29 as opposed to having a finite number yeah of course of course um and I dealt with you know two major injuries

During that uh that time period in 13 and and 17 um those were frustrating years but I had something to look forward to I came back in 13 we won the last game of the year made the playoffs in 17 I battled back and came back and

Was able to play against Carolina um so that felt like there was victories in that and that I was able to get back on the field and uh and go out there and play for my guys and this year that’s what I was trying to do you know to get

Back by Christmas Eve at the latest and um unfortunately you know we just weren’t in it uh to allow that to happen but um you know as much as I thought after that loss we would just put my an IR and um move on down the road

Uh you know again that that was a decision above my my pay grade but I am thankful for that ultimately just to be able to get back on the practice field salvaged I think some of the disappointment from the season so also you know proved I maybe can still play a

Little bit how much second you rich and then you said a moment ago still have to prove that you play at a high level do do you sense do you mean prove it to yourself or prove the people out in the outside world who maybe do sense that

There’s some doubts out there that a 40-year-old quarterback coming off that kind of injury can be what he was a couple years ago I wasn’t really either of those two things which I would say it’s more um coming back next year and playing well is going to allow me to

Play another season so um obviously we’re all going to be on the quote unquote hot seat next year you know it’s it’s going to be a an important year for all of us uh and I I love that I mean I think that’s that’s fantastic I mean we

Should approach that uh every single year it’s a what have you done for me lately if you have a down year A bad year um there’s going to be people calling to move on and especially when you’re 40 years old so um I’m going to

Go out there and play as well as I can and obviously if I have the season I know I’m capable of having and we have the success I know we’re capable of heav then all that stuff takes care of itself have you uh walked past the body

Trophy I know when you first got here you you talked about how lonely it was have you walked past it and noticed that how lonely it still is yeah I have still sitting in the same spot by itself does that is that any kind of motivation for you or added motivation

Yeah I mean the motivation is a lot of stuff I’ve talked about it’s coming back strong from this injury it’s coming back at 40 in great shape it’s coming back and proving I can still play that’s coming back and and proving that this offense works uh and can work um so

That’s it’s all the motivation I mean I think we all find different ways to get ourselves in the right head space and that’s a percentage of it um and obviously but the first step is we haven’t been in the playoffs in 13 years now so we got to start with

Winning Division and uh taking that uh title away from the bill do you do you enjoy the fact or relish the fact that so much is riding on you yeah best part of playing quarterback before the season you would talk about how the young guys needed to

Learn from what happened at the end of 2022 what do you think just as a team you guys can learn from what happened this year especially like the stuff of being in the spotlight like these guys really hadn’t been before at this level anything that doesn’t have anything to do with

Winning needs to be assessed so anything in the in the this building that we’re doing individually or collectively that has nothing to do with real winning needs to be assessed everything that we do has to have a purpose too when you step in the building there’s intentionality with everything that you

Do and it’s not a half the time thing it’s not a sometimes thing it’s not a most of the time thing it’s an every time thing if you want to be a winning organization then to put yourself in position to win championships and be competitive everything that you do

Matters and the that has nothing to do with winning needs to get out of the building so that’ll be the focus uh moving forward um that’s the focus of these conversations I think it’s it’s important when you have an exit meetings to create an environment where there’s no judgment it’s a free

Free conversation guys should air out their differences we know there’ll be a percentage of that that’s just bitching for no reason that’s part of it but I think there’s some uh some things that in every organization and and we did this for 18 years in Green Bay the exit

Meetings are important to just get everything on the table that’s happened flush the that you need to move forward away from and then refine your focus moving forward thanks


  1. We all feel what he feels if a fan.Such a disappointing season for them.I still truly believe that the Jets will be much more of a force next year.They need to keep building and developing.But,Aaron added an energy to this team and when he is actually playing again?I think some magic is going to happen 💚✈️

  2. So much excitement coming out for that first game Aaron coming out with the American flag. Then 4 plays in the excitement went away and another crap season. Stay healthy Aaron and come back strong next season. Let's Go Jets!

  3. much more value to have zach develop under rodgers rather than trade him for a bag of chips. has potential to be rodgers 2.0 if done correctly. hes still under 25.

  4. Some loud, clueless fans and 80% of the local and national media hate on Aaron cause he doesn't fall in line with the authoritarian society we all march in knowingly or unknowingly. Thank God for those with big audiences that push back like Aaron, Katt Williams, Elon, Ice Cube, JRE and so on. Aaron will take us to a SB next year if he stays healthy and we get the OL and another WR corrected. Be grateful Jets fans.

  5. What the hell's the point of listening to this our great savior really didn't even play! Instead Mrs. Rodgers she needs so much attention she's on Macfee creating nothing but Controversy. Reminds me of Zach Wilson's mom on social media!

  6. The crap seasons finally over all ready talking about next year making promises for another below 500 season .Quit all the talk and just do it .We watched hard knocks

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