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Hello and welcome to transfer talk Manchester United and Baria Dortmund are edging closer to agreeing a deal that would see jayen Sano leave on loan we with the Dortmund team in Marb this hour Mikel arteta may look to the market this month we’ll look at potential areas that they may add to

Eddie how updates us on newcastle’s plans could we see Calvin Phillips join Them and Thomas Frank makes it very clear that Ivan Tony is going nowhere this Month a very good afternoon to flex dadel and Dave Reed and to all of you watching on the Sky Sports News YouTube channel and we’re going to kick off with Arsenal today waiting to speak to us is our reporter Gary kachel who is at Arsenal’s training ground for us Gary

You’re set to speak to Mikel artetta later lots of reports in today’s newspaper suggesting they may bring in a left back this month is this an area that they really need to strengthen yeah sloppy uh was the word that Mikel Aletta used after that West Ham defeat sloppy in defense he said and

Wasteful up top I’m sure we’ll talk up top in a moment but in terms of Defense after that West Ham game concerns from Mika concerns from the fans and then four days later of course another defeat the second Premier League defeat in four days at Fulham and things got worse

Because zenchenko who did actually look out of form in that West Ham game didn’t play very well at all picked up an injury uh we’re told it’s a cal injury a slight Cal problem was the way the club Put it and couldn’t start a craven Cottage so income Jacob kiia to uh take

His role on the on the left hand side he didn’t impress to be fair he’s not of course a natural left back he’s versatile but it didn’t really work on Sunday so he was replaced at halime by Tommy ASU again uh a versatile player did a better job and of course Tommy Yu

Just back from injury has now gone to the Asia cup and so they are short certainly in the left back area particularly if zenchenko isn’t fit yet and of course it’s the FA Cup at the weekend and then potentially if there’s no FA Cup replay a bit of a break for

Zenko to to get fit again and maybe have a bit of a rest to be ready to go again they have got jurian Timber of course again versatile could do a job there but it would be like a new signing when he comes back the problem with that is we

Just don’t know when he’s going to be fit it doesn’t look like it’s going to be this month now it doesn’t look like potentially it might even be next month and of course that’s uh going to be then in that March before he’s back so they might need to do something in the

Meantime kieren tney of course is currently on loan ra SOA dad would they take the option to bring him back if they can not sure whether they can or whether they would want to but all considerations for for Mikel arteta and edu so much discussion Gary for the need

Of a striker how difficult would that be to achieve for Arsenal this month well it’s really really difficult January isn’t it any January is difficult and of course so many teams now want that player that can score them 20 25 30 goals this season Chelsea Manchester United arsenal of course but

Arsenal haven’t really got the funds to pay the kind of money that brenford would be looking for to let Ivan Tony go what’s the figure being mentioned now around 100 million and Kus just doesn’t seem to be quite the finished product yet does he he’s not scoring enough

Goals Gabriel jayus for all that he brings what a great player and how much they love him here at Arsenal what a job he does for Arsenal but the gate he’s not a natural number nine a natural 253 goals a season man of course they’d be desperate for a goal scorer they’ll be

Searching uh the internet will edu and the rest of the recruitment staff I’m sure Mikel artetta will be involved as well uh keeping the it boys busy with the it boys I think at the moment given the asking price will be will be rolling out it Ivan Tony

What about outgoing Gary is there a chance we could see some players leaving the Emirates well a lot of players left uh a lot of squad players who weren’t really wanted by Mikel artetta who’s had a massive clear out of course since he arrived left in the summer seven or

Eight players left either sold permanently or out on loan so there may be the Odd Squad player who does go out if adding a player to some money for a potential deal was on the card so for example the aforementioned Eddie and KY if they could find a striker couldn’t

Afford to pay the whole fee perhaps he could go uh to help smooth that deal uh but I don’t think there’ll be that many outs really uh I don’t think for example Aaron ramsdale will be leaving in January despite the fact he’s not playing regularly unless of course he

Agitates to such an extent that the club have no option to let him go but I think that’s very very unlikely indeed and Gary thank you very much so Gary kol speaking live at Arsenal’s training ground there saying he doesn’t expect there to be many players leaving

The club but in terms of incoming Dave what do you think top priority is for Mikel artetta well not sure about incomings but top priority is beating Liverpool this weekend in in the FA Cup to a transfer show I know they just want to stop this this mini slump they just

Want to stop this mini slump don’t they Aral because if they don’t beat Liverpool then the narrative will continue to ramp up a little bit that Arsenal are in need of a striker particularly if they don’t score at the weekend as well um you know open Play

Goals have been hard to come by um Gary mentioned it there that they don’t have a particularly natural number nine when it comes to Gabriel Jesus but Striker do you think Arsenal fans and the Arsenal as a club love Eddie and ktia you know he is better when he’s starting games I

Think rather than coming off the bench maybe it’s time to try and get him a little bit of Rhythm um and and start him uh for for Arsenal but a strike I I personally don’t think it’s crisis time if Arsenal don’t get a striker in this in this January transfer window Five

Points off the top you know they haven’t they’re in a a no winning three games but I don’t think it’s going to be a problem if they get to the end of this January window and they haven’t brought in a striker because I think there’s answers within the squad and yes sacka

Martinell maybe they’re not quite hitting that form at the moment but it’s not to say that one game can change everything for these players and they’ll start hit in the back of the net sooner rather than later they were the third biggest Spenders last January do you

Think it’s likely we’ll see a repeat of that mainly because they’re in a much better position now aren’t they than they were last January yeah they did a lot of business in the summer didn’t they they got their squad to a more complete place and players that are

There as well they’ll have learned a lot from last year yes they have fallen away in the last three games but I’d still expect them to be right up in the mix when The Season’s come coming towards an end so like DAV says I don’t think there’s a need for for massive surgery

Within within this squad and sounds boring but we keep saying about the profit and sustainability rules Arsenal did spend a lot of money last in the in the summer and also look you can see there they spent 59 million P last January maybe didn’t get their first choice players last January but then

Found the opportunities and got players with Premier League experience in in trossard and georgino and I remember when they were battling for the title at that point and were were neck and neck with Man City those players came in and made important key contributions it

Might be that they they look at the low Market at this stage but on with Dave I I don’t see that they can go and spend huge huge money on on the striker that maybe some arsal fans cve and I also agree with with with dve that I do think

There’s answers within that Squad okay well let’s turn our attention from Arsenal to Newcastle now who will they be busy in this window 27 days to go well this is what Eddie how had to say a little bit earlier the month of January will go quite quickly and are you trying to sort

Of see the bigger picture rather than those sort of short-term fixes for players who are who are not available to for injury yes we are I that’s a good way of putting it um we will assess the month as it goes on of course short term

There would be a need to bring players in with the dynamic of the squad currently but we hope we can get players back towards the end of January that will make a difference you talking Brazil and France this morning about um Bruno being Le with PSG I know you can’t

Go in with too much but I guess when it gets to the end of the window if you you’ve still G on board that’ll be exactly what you looking for I think when you’re talking about your best players you want to keep them at the football club for as long as as possible

Um so that’s certainly our aim well due to ffp potentially a difficult window for Newcastle Dan how busy do you think they’ll be I’m not expecting anything major from Newcastle I think it may be a case of waiting till a little bit lighter on in the window

And and seeing what crops up I would expect them to maybe be looking at the goalkeeper situation I think I think they’ve got Pope out until April so he’s going to be a big loss the bra has done okay but I don’t think he’s he’s good

Enough to be the number one for for the level that Newcastle are at so they may look at a short-term signing in goal and then there’s that void as well where they’ve got tanali missing for the entirety of the Season he was their Marquee signing in the summer they’ve

Been linked with Calvin Phillips again if they can get a sensible Loan in like Calvin Phillips in the Midfield area I’d expect them to do that but they have players returning they’ve got players who’ve been out for a few months the likes of Harvey Barnes who was sign for

Big money in the summer he’s coming back this month so it’s almost like they needed a window a little bit earlier because they had so many players missing earlier on in the season and they obviously couldn’t act and now as those players are starting to come back the

Transfer windows open so I don’t think there’ll be anything major from them but goalkeeper in central Midfield I think would be two positions they’d look at if they got the chance yeah given that the players are returning Dave do you think they actually do need to strengthen or

Is not essential especially now they’re not in Europe anymore either yeah I think that’s definitely a factor to think about I remember asking uh Shawn D when Burnley had their takeover and they they expected to have an influx of money into the club and and bring in some players and I remember

Asking Shawn D about what it does within a club when you bring in a new player and he talked about it’s not just G it gives everyone a lift within the training ground but it’s not just that it’s when players are on their way into into training and they’re in the car

Thinking we’ve got this new guy in today we need to up our game we need to play a little bit better and it’s not just you know within the training ground a new signing can just give everybody a little bit of a lift within the club whether

It’s staff whether it’s players um and I’m not saying that Newcastle need that little bit of a lift I’m just thinking that maybe some of their players haven’t hit the form that they had last year and maybe it just needs a little bit of an extra an extra kick that’s one of the

Reasons why you might want to try and bring in a player during this January transfer window but if the money’s not there to spend it’s it’s not not going to happen for Newcastle but Flex credit to Eddie how if you look at his signing in the majority of them have worked out

Haven’t they really really solid between summer and a couple of januaries they’ve been really really good I mean Gordon isach Kieran trippier Bruno gz Dan burn botman Pope tanali although I know he’s been out for a long time but you can see what sort of signing he’s probably going

To turn out to be for them Harvey Barnes big injury he’s coming back soon Tim Li liento has done really well Lewis H hasn’t even really featured yet really exciting signings you know even Nick Pope coming in and and making that position his own and that is something

That I think Newcastle deserve huge credit for in that it’s one thing getting new owners and moving on from Mike Ashley and getting a huge influx of of funds and riches etc etc but how how do they move in the transfer window are they astute are they uh you know

Identifying the types of players that they need for this current mode this current moment for Newcastle before they kick on to to higher Heights and I think they’ve got that perfectly right by bringing in some players who have played in the Premier League before by bringing in some older players by bringing in

Some young exciting players for for the future by bringing in some some powerhouses as well I mean the coupe of isach is massive for Newcastle you know arsenal were looking at him and we would we were talking off there about a striker of the quality of Alexander isach who would he improve Manchester

United Chelsea could easily play for Liverpool could easy play for Arsenal probably just wouldn’t get into City that’s a massive Coupe that they have so that shows that they can attract the biguns um but they can also um you know the Stardust the big star quality where

The rest of the top six is looking us and I’ll tell you what would have him but they can also be a bit more astute and and say who can help us along our way so I think they they need to remember that it has worked and they

Need to keep C and I’m sure they will okay well we have some other transfer stories to update you on as well Celtic and Rangers are both interested in signing naan Forest Defender Scott McKenna he can move on an initial loan deal for the rest of his contract with a

View to signing him on a free transfer in the summer and Shephard United have announced the signing of Ben bariton Diaz on loan from V well it is time for short break now but coming up we’ll have the very latest on jayen Sancho’s future as brissia Dortmund look to sign him on Loan the Biggest Welcome back to transfer talk to Manchester United and the future of jayen sancho brissia Dortmund want him on loan and are hoping to have a deal in place soon well let’s get the latest from Sky Germany’s Patrick Berger who’s at their training camp in Marb well we had expect him today but um

Yeah still no jayen here still no Jaden at the airport there was a flight booked Yesterday by bissa Dortmund it was on hold in emba Phantom 300 private jet but uh the flight is canceled right now and um yeah we are still waiting if he’s coming but to be honest according to our

Information we don’t expect him today here at Maya perhaps tomorrow in general it seems uh that is a good deal for Borussia Dortmund um in total it’s um a package of 3.5 million euro um salary and uh loan fee in total um this is very good but um

We don’t expect to be honest a buy option for brussa Dortmund in this contract and uh this is a thing like um I don’t know a lot of fans and also we are discussing if this is um yeah senseful for brucia Dortmund or not so still no jayen Sancho in Marb but

We’re hearing good progress is being made Dan how close do you think we are to dandal yeah if I’m listening to Patrick it sounds like this is this is nearly there now it’s kind of acceler R over over the last few days there was an initial reluctance from Dortmund to to

Take the player back they say of course NE never go back and and dortman seemed a bit reluctant to to pull the trigger on this deal to to begin with but over time I think they’ve probably realized this is actually a really good deal for us we getting a a really good footballer

Okay it’s someone that’s going to have to come in and it’s going to take him a while to get to match sharpness but when he gets back to match sharpness it’s someone that that’s proven there in in that league and proven in the Champions League for them as well they’ve Fallen

Away a little bit in the title racing in recent weeks they’ve got I think they’re 15 points off off by luser now at at the top of the table so as as Dave said about some of the other deal sometimes just bringing in someone new into the building it reinvigorates the place and

I think it will give Dortmund a huge huge boost I think from Manchester United’s perspective as well it’s probably as good a deal as they could hope for at this stage isn’t it Flex because everybody knows that there’s been a complete relationship breakdown and as long as as Sancho and tenh Har

Are there Sancho isn’t going to be playing for Manchester United so from that from now on they’re almost hoping that Sancho can play his way back into form and so that he can retain his value in Manchester United can review their options in the summer they say never go

Back well meanwhile Eric tenart confirmed the club have exercised contract extensions for Aaron Waka Hannibal MB and Victor Lindelof but there still remain questions over rapael Varan and Anthony martial’s Futures Flex what did ten har say about this yesterday yeah he was asked about the players that he has triggered the

Extensions for which we know is is ju basaka um Hannibal mesbury and and Victor Lindelof and when it got to the situation of Anthony martial and Rafael Varan those haven’t been triggered as of yet um and he said that the club are talking to them and he was further

Pushed on that and said why have you done the others and and what’s been said to um martial and and Rafael Varan and he said that’s between the club and and the players and sometimes it can get a little bit misconstrued as to what he meant by that I think some people took

It as it means that Mar is going to get a new deal it doesn’t mean that it doesn’t suggest that he’s basically saying that as of now it hasn’t been triggered and there’s conversations to be had around that with Rafael veran I think the situation um is very different

As well um because of the the amount of wages he’s on so I think to quash that Eric tenh har didn’t say that Anthony martial is going to be renewed and he didn’t say that rapael Varan is going to be renewed either well to get a better idea of the contract situations at

United FX you’ve been taking a closer look at what United have done in the past when contracts have come to an end yes exactly that um because it’s not something that is uncommon for Manchester United to do and in my opinion I think what we’re seeing from Manchester United is that they’re trying

To get a hold of these big contracts players on big wages and how difficult it may be to shift players on or move players on or even bring other players in if this is not taken care of I’m going to start with these three here on the screen Hannibal medbury Victor

Lindelof and Aaron Juan Baka those have all been triggered uh Med’s been at the club since 2019 Victor Lindelof coming in in 2017 and R Baka coming in in 2019 and with that it’s all about Manchester United sort of retaining value giving themselves some thinking time so that they can make better

Decisions going forward if I cast your minds back now to December 2022 this was a similar theme that happened we had Dogo do we had Fred we also had Marcus rashford and Luke Shaw in very similar situations to Lindelof and Juan basaka where all of these contracts were triggered as extensions

Subsequently moving forward it was Dogo Dalo who was given a brand new deal at Manchester United 5 years with an extension on top of that for a further year Marcus rashford we all know about his massive new contract to keep him at Manchester United until 2028 and Luke

Shaw signed a similar contract which keeps him at the club until 2027 but it’s actually Fred who was the difference out of all of them in terms of he got triggered his extension but he was then sold for 12.9 million to fenna Bachi so what we’re seeing here is

Manchester United exercising what they usually do and giving themselves some calm which brings us to martial and Varan in this situation there is a situation where Rafael Varan could stay at Manchester United vastly experienced Defender and when he plays as we’ve spoken about on shows previous Manchester United are a much better team

However he’s on astronomical wages which are difficult to justify and if Manchester United want him to stay it can’t be on the same terms that he is pretty much it’s reported £340,000 a week he has injury problems he’s in and out of the side but his experiences vast

Put that to Anthony martial huge outlay over2 200,000 a week he’s coming to the end of his current New Deal and could talk to clubs and potentially go for free so in my opinion I think if Manchester United wanted to keep Anthony martial I think we would have seen that

Extension sort of trigger now but the fact that they’re not means they’re giving themselves thinking time and looking to sort sort of reevaluate the squad and avoid past mistakes I go back to Paul Pogba he’s Trigger he had an extension triggered for him and then in

The end bad planning he leaves for free again the same with Jesse lingard and also the same with um um David DEA who wasn’t triggered they gave themselves thinking time got to the end of the window and said okay we’re not going to renew so my point is guys is that we’ve

Seen Manchester United do this an awful lot and it seems to me like they’re trying to get hold of these contracts these big wages and kick the team forward and kick the squad forward and change um the systems at Manchester United and avoid the sins of the past I

Think that’s a really good piece because sometimes supporters at home will look at everybody and lump them all into the same category and go we’re extending him him him him him when actually the clubs are looking at each player on an individual basis where they sit in the W

Structure their age of the player what they can give to the team and making a considered decision on that it’s not just why are we extending them them them them there’s actually a lot of thought process that goes in behind it sometimes it goes right and as you pointed out

Sometimes it doesn’t go right but it’s not all a case of well let’s just trigger trigger trigger trigger and then we make a decision learn from your mistakes Lon here key lessons you have you have to learn from the life lessons yeah exactly but you know they talk

About sort of the definition of insanity etc etc and if s Jim rli’s going to come into Manchester United with inos and change them we need to look away from the pitch for for for a second need to look away from the manager for a second look at the structure of the football

Club look at the past decisions that have been made that Manchester United have had to pay the the consequence for time and time again with making wrong decisions so an element of calm here and strategic thinking player by player to offload players on big contracts to

Offload players who may not be part of the long-term future at Manchester United is absolutely needs what what needs to happen if Rafael Varan gets a contract extend uh triggered at £340,000 a week and is in and out of the squad next year a lot of man united fans are

Going to say we’ve made the same mistake again he’s on huge wages you’re looking at casemiro he’s got about three years left on his deal astronomical wages so Manchester United need to change that in order to move forward right some breaking news coming into us now Sky Germany are reporting

That Bayern Munich remain interested in signing Tottenham Defender Eric Dyer the England International was on their list of potential new center back in the summer and he has remained on that list leading into January discussions internally at Bayern around the idea of a permanent deal but they have other

Options they’re exploring as well Dia can speak to clubs outside England this month with his Tottenham contract expiring in the summer we know Bayern boss Thomas Tule wants new signings as soon as possible and Eric Dy is good friends with Harry Kane who of course joined Bayern Munich in the summer How

Likely do you think this move is I think potential now could be completely wide of the market but buying a pretty well set at Center back I know they were looking at xia Palin as kind of that that that figurehead in Midfield in the summer I know Eric D hasn’t played there

For a few years but I wonder if they’re looking at him to be kind of a multifunctional player who can fill in at the center back but also be a physical presence in in defensive Midfield because I I do think they’re pretty well well set for numbers in at

Center back but they were we know they were looking for a physical presence in that Midfield in the summer and it does seem that Eric D’s Surplus requirement at Tottenham yeah maybe an doesn’t see him as a starter does he no I mean he’s had opportunities to play given the the

Injury list at Tottenham and he’s preferred Emerson Royale to play at Center back so it was kind of the writings being on the wall for for Eric Dar at Tottenham um a lot of top managers rate him uh and you know that’s because he’s he’s a very good player now

It’s at the moment it seems that he’s not part of anrea cogo’s plans but that doesn’t mean to say he can go on and have a great career maybe get back into the England squad by moving abroad you know he’s used to a European lifestyle you know lots of different languages so

Why wouldn’t he be able to go and fit in at Bay Munich Lex what do you think Bayern Munich Eric Dyer see it I think if Eric Dyer ended up at Bayern Munich I think he would uh turn around to Tottenham and say have that you know end

Ends up in the Champions League ends up with with Harry Kane with with fantastic players and that’s no play on Spurs because I think if you’re a Spurs fan you’re looking at it saying Eric Dyer clearly doesn’t fit into what we want to do we want to move away from play like

That um so it wouldn’t be any love loss I’m just talking about a personal fck D he would have thought he would have landed on his feet but it will be sort of interchangeable you’re right you know you look at a picano he’s he’s doing really well um Kim mjay is probably

Going to be going off to the Asia cup um which there’s probably a little bit of a space there and I know they have um had injuries at Center half as well delit as well so I do think there’s a situation where he could end up there um but he

Just needs to go and play football you know it’s a sad situation when you see a player who was an integral part of a club and then all of a sudden they’re just been waiting in Wings we’ve only just seen Hugo lce make a move to to

Lafc so definitely for D he would want to get a move and reignite his career okay time for a quick break but next on transfer talk we will have the latest from Manchester City we’ll also have an update on the future of Ivan Tony Welcome back to transfer talk let’s get to Manchester City now they’re preparing to face Huddersfield in the FA Cup tomorrow waiting to speak to us is our reporter Anton toui who’ll be speaking to Pep Guardiola later good afternoon Anton what’s the latest possible so like I said everybody’s

Fairly relaxed but there will probably be a resolution between now and the end the window and on Manchester City are close to getting one deal done doesn’t look like we’re going to be seeing him for a while though tell us what the latest is with claudo

Chi yeah we’re inching ever close to the exciting young Argentinian eventually joining Manchester City certainly signing on the dotted line anyway 18 years of age a lot of hype around this attacking Talent basically look the fee’s been agreed with River play a fee of around4 million EUR plus a lot of

Incentives a lot of bonuses over the years it’s also been agreed he’ll spend the next sort of 12 months still on Loan in Argentina personal terms have all been agreed it’s just a case of ratification work permits International TR all those kind of things probably need to still take place or get signed

Off and then he will formally be a manchest city player this is a player likes it with a lot of hype watched by pretty much every single major European Club you don’t have to go watch his tape at the under 17 World Cup where he was played lights out scoring five goals and

Scoring a hatch trick against Brazil and you go and watch those goals and you see the technical ability he has at such a young age that is why so many people in the world game are excited about this teenager that is why Manchester City came in early obviously there’s going to

Be a lot of comparisons to when Manchester City signed julan Alvarez on a kind of similar deal think the difference is here Alvarez was a lot further along his development was a lot more established as a stter on copper libertadores for example with River Plate whereas H very still very young

Still developing so don’t necessarily expect him to bang straight in the first in when he arrives here in 12 months after the end of his loone spell City will be watching him developing him but they’re very excited about him Anton what about potential outgoing at Manchester City how is that seen

There well look I mean they’ve had one confirmed over the last 24 hours Zack stefen has gone back to MLS joining Colorado Rapids on a permanent deal he obviously came in a few years ago as the backup trying to compete with Edison plan was to develop in and see if he

Could become a number one eventually that hasn’t quite worked out he’s had lone spells away but when C signed Stephan oraga 18 months ago it seems the righton was on the wall for Zack Stefan and obviously he wants to go go ahead and become USAA’s number one again he’s

Lost that place to Arsenal to not Forest Matt Turner so it’s going to be interesting to see whether he can get back there home World Cup for the United States coming up in a couple of years as well so that probably explains that move don’t expect much other business to be

To be players leaving certainly senior players leaving Manchester City in this window they’re fighting on Free Runs in Cleveland like said the start of their FA Cup defense to Sunday against Huddersfield so yeah don’t expect too many senior players want to keep this squad together they want to keep

Competing as many for as many competitions as they can you know at City you like looking forward to hearing from Pep Guardiola shortly thank you Anon well let’s just talk about Calvin Phillips again if he wants to be on that plane to Germany this summer Dan is it

Essential that he goes to a club where he’s going to get some game time play some more minutes I think whatever happens as long as he’s not injured Calvin Phillips will be on that plan G Southgate showed in in the world cup that he he rates Phillips and he gave

Him an awful lot of leeway to get in that Squad he he picked up a bad injury just before the tournament but it felt like Southgate was always going to take him even if he wasn’t fit for the start of that tournament it wasn’t that long ago 2021 in fact that Calvin Phillips

Was England’s player of the year after a really really strong Euros so I think whatever happens he’s in the squad but I actually think he needs to get a move if he wants to be in that starting 11 and I think if he does get a move and he does

Get minutes I think in GTH southgate’s eyes he would be in in England’s first 11 I think it would be him Ry and Bellingham in the central Midfield area so he’d be in the squad regardless but if he wants to get in that team and prove himself to South Gate he needs a

Move Dave City signing for 42 million pounds quite a lot of money why do you think it didn’t work out um well I think his first hurdle is that rodri is one of the best defensive midfielders in the world and he’s got to try and get in a

Of him now when he signed I think he was he was quite positive about the fact that not only could he play instead of him but I think he could play alongside him he’s done everything he can at Manchester City in order to try and and get into the team Pep Guardiola has

Praised him for the way he’s trained his attitude Anon pointed out there that he’s a very popular member of the of the dressing room as well but the fact is he’s just not got minutes and then he’s had uh covid I think when he first signed he’s had injury and he’s not

Played enough games and Pep Guardiola I I guess you could say he’s not really given him the opportunity to get into a rhythm but I think on the other side of the coin is he maybe just not a Pep Guardiola kind of play exactly he’s not he’s not performing the way that Pep

Guardiola wants and he has tried everything I think he gave a went on the record and gave an interview to say he rang up Marcel Beeler his former manager to say you know what do I need to do and we obviously know the connection between belela and Pep Guardiola so he’s done

Everything he can he even had an opportunity to leave in the summer and he said no I want to try and stay and have another go at it it’s got to the point now where it is the end of the road and it’s time to to move on I think

Okay to brenford now and Thomas Frank says it would take an unbelievable offer if they were to sell Ivan Tony this window with the head coach insisting he expects the forward to stay with the club in January Tony was once again a topic of conversation at Frank’s Press Conference much to his

Amusement yes he’s a pral player he’s here clearly we uh miss a few offensive players I can’t see why we should uh sell him and um I would love to have him here for a longer time but even if an offer say comes in from an Arsenal or

Chelsea or whatever you’re convinced he will be here for them it’s not me to discuss that but that need to be if I ever ever ever could recommend that and it’s not me to say yes or no that’s Phil I’m on myew it need to be unbelievable

Price so he will stay here what’s unbelievable to S interest you have a good imagination so uh the clock is ticking it is time for a quick break but next we will hear from Jurgen klopp on potential outgoings and we’ll have an update on Tottenham search for a new Defender Welcome back to transfer talk to recap the breaking news from earlier this morning tilo Cara has completed a loan move from West Ham to Monaco Monaco will pay an initial 431,000 for the loan and the deal contains a 9.5 million option to to make it permanent okay let’s get back to

Tottenham then and we can recap the news we brought you just now Sky Germany are reporting that Bayern Munich remain interested in signing Eric Dyer Dyer can speak to clubs outside England this month with his Tottenham contract expiring in the summer now we know that Tottenham after a Defender with Eric

Dyer potentially um you know really struggling at Spurs to be able to make an impact in this new look Spurs would would really be a hindrance to to Eric da it’s not going to feel good for him so he needs to reignite his career he

Does need to get out of there but I don’t think a lot of people would have thought he would have been Bayern Munich so I think this one’s going to be really interesting to uh to to keep an eye on and I think the reason one of the

Reasons why he’s falling down that that pecking order is that you know when they had the likes of Jose and and con you know a back five a lot of protection playing with a with a with three Central Defenders a lot of the time Eric Eric d

Protected so he can go and do what he what he does best be commanding on the ball win his headers decent distribution I think as the evolution of of Spurs has come playing on the front foot playing a high line I think the weaknesses in his

Game sort of came to the Forefront and it’s definitely not something that an P kogu clearly wants to wants to invest in so be good for him to move and do you think the way things are at the moment with him not playing if he was to stay

At Tottenham then he wouldn’t be on that plane to Germany in the summer um maybe that would come a little bit too soon for him but if he gets game time uh between now and the end of the season and into next year I don’t see why he

Wouldn’t Force his way back into England’s Clans whoever whoever the manager might be at that point Gare Southgate has has picked him in the past so why why couldn’t he Force his way back into uh into the England squad I think you know Flex is right if he goes

To a place like Bayern Munich he won’t have to do so much of the kind of Defending that he would need to do in a Tottenham team right now um so he’d be playing for you know a team at the top of the division ball do dominant side

And you know he would be able to be able to show his skills on the ball which is you know what he’s absolutely fantastic at so for for Eric D I think it would be a great move do you not think the biggest thing for him to to make this

Move would be he’s been part of some really good spur so like Harry Kane hasn’t got any medals to show for it even if it’s just a shortterm move to to Bayern Munich you got a chance to win something and put some medals in in your trophy cabinet so I think that would

Probably be one of the main motivators yeah 100% so Eric D potentially on his way out of Tottenham one player they are looking at is Radu drasin but there could be some complications with this move what’s the latest State yeah so Napoli are pushing to sign Ry dragas in

From Genoa uh Tottenham have been in talks for the last couple of weeks with the Italian side over the 21 year old Defender there was a small Gap in valuation but the expectation was that Tottenham and Gena were going to come to an agreement I think Gena want around

About 30 million euros for the player so 26 and a half 27 million pounds now Napoli have come in this week and they’re potentially offering players as part of that deal with Leo Ard comentry and Stoke fans will remember him and if he is then part of this deal then

It gives Gena something to think about because they get a ready-made replacement dragas in has played in a back three plays Left Center back but he’s covered at in the middle of the three and he’s played at the right side of the three as well so for for Gena

They have to weigh up okay we’re losing a player but are we going to get one from from Napoli uh in the meantime but at 21 years old Tottenham were hoping to get this deal done early it’s a player that is able to improve as the years go

On and they were getting a player that they were able ble to mold in the in the style and uh and the identity of an POA cogu so if if if that doesn’t happen it would be disappointing so they have got a bit of competition but it’s in by by

No means dead in the water just yet there’s still a chance for Tottenham Tottenham have recalled Jed Spence from his loan at leads as well the defender made seven appearances for the championship side having joined them on Loan in August Flex do you think they’ll

Keep him or can you see him going back out on loan again no I could probably see him going back out on loan again if if if it’s possible I mean the jet Spence situation I think’s quite quite sad in terms of where he was you know at midb doing fantastically well helped

Forest get promoted then he gets that big move to Spurs he came with a lot of anticipation a lot of expectation a really good young Prospect good in the under 20 ons as well a really really good right back you know great set of lungs on him gets up and down really

Aggressive good with his feet and looked really exciting so I think the fact that he’s had Spells at Ren you know he’s played eight times for them in in leaga you thought maybe that he could find find a home there and reignite his career that didn’t quite happen he’s

Gone on loan to leads now not not quite happened and at the back end of last year or when it was sort of coming down quite rapidly with Spurs last year a lot of fans were saying just even under Jose give him a game just let him play he

Can’t be worse than what we’re seeing they didn’t get to see that so I think the best thing for him unless Andre poog’s got different um ideas by the way I mean if he could displace Pedro PA i’ be I’d be surprised but that would be

Fantastic for him but I think the best thing for him would be to get a loan again okay some more breaking news for you now and inra Frankfurt have reached a verbal agreement with woles on a sixth Monon loan deal for Sasha kic he’ll be involved tonight in Wolf’s FA Cup game

At brenford so completion of the transfer is not imminent but in TRS have an initial agreement with Wolves to take him for the rest of the campaign okay to Liverpool now top of the Premier League but do they need to add to their squad this month Flex can the current Squad

Win the Premier League or is it essential they strengthen it does feel like the initial feeling was that they’re a little bit short as sort at the beginning of the Season we spoke previously this morning ear earlier this morning about what a great job klopp’s done with the rebuild especially at the

Heart um of of of Midfield but the more you’ll seeing this Liverpool team and they’re at the top of the league as it stands and they’re scoring a lot of goals and they look really aggressive they’re on the front foot you have to say they can they can fight for it I

Believe they can fight for it I think they’re showing they can fight for it they’ve still got players like mosala is going off to afcon but they’ve still got mosalah they’ve got Virgil Van djk you know these are Big players they’ve got Allison they’ve been there and done it

The big they got the big they they’ve been there and done it before so that can be infectious amongst other players who who maybe haven’t um Trent as well very experienced player fantastic player generational talents and he’s playing out of his skin at the minute as well so

They’ve definitely got the tools to do it would they fall a little bit short maybe but I think it depends how they come out of this period without Moos Salah um if they’re still intact and and and touching point touch and distance of the top of the league if not still the

Top of the league you cannot write Liverpool off from fighting for that title absolutely not well jgen klopp was asked about the January transfer window this morning H this is what he had to say with n we have to see we have to see we have to consider our own situation

And stuff like this he will definitely be with us until the end of the of the month and we will have talks and see our situation that’s how it is um not sure they would say didn’t work out 100% at Celtic a little bit of injuries but then

If a team like Celtic is in positive moment and you are in the team then you stay in the team if it’s a if you have not a positive moment and you on the team then you might go out so that says nothing about equality um so that will

Be train will train with us and then we will see um how that develops um with re it’s slightly different um he will be first with you 23s um I would have to talk to him why why his loone spell didn’t work out that was obviously

Different uh and the the boy I know I would expect to play in Scotland 100% from the first until the last second if it’s not Celtic or Rangers where it’s always slightly different and he didn’t so I will have to talk to him about that didn’t do that yet but will it will

Happen definitely and then know we will see what what’s the outcome of that conversation former Liverpool forward Roberto firmino has been offered to several clubs this month farino joined Saudi proleague club Al Ali on a three-year deal in the summer after his Liverpool cont chat expired sure we all

Agree we’d like to see him back in the Premier League where would you like to see him name the club said it earlier he got 11 goals and four assists last season without starting too many games I’d love him at Villa as an alna Dave’s in full agreement with me as

Well don’t do that to uh wols are then he’s a striker Flex CL uh not Manchester United that can’t work so um not manest un Chelsea that is what we have time for good morning transfers is back though at the same time on Monday morning at at 9:00 plus transfer talk returns Monday

At midday and for a full round up of all the day’s news you can catch the transfer show tonight at 5 and 7:00 Total Football is next as a host managers on the way Pep Guardiola Jurgen Klo Mikel Etta and Eddie how to look forward To


  1. Clearly no recall option for Arsenal to bring Kieran Tierney back from his loan spell. This was a massive mistake allowing him to move. He would 100% be a starter in this Arsenal team now.

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