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Pat McAfee Goes OFF on ESPN Boss While on ESPN

Pat McAfee is taking the fight to ESPN’s executive suite by calling out Head of Production Norby Williamson on the network’s own airwaves, claiming Williamson is intentionally sabotaging his show. Rick Strom breaks it down. Give us your thoughts in the comments below!

Rick Strom


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We’re very thankful for the ESPN folks being very hospitable now there are some people actively trying to sabotage us from within ESPN more specifically I believe Norby Williamson is the guy who is attempting to sabotage our program and with that Pat mca’s 10e just got even more interesting didn’t it the

Latest calling out an ESPN executive live on the air on ESPN that being executive editor and head of event and studio production Norby Williamson what’s rather important is the reaction from former espers and the potential validity to these claims from McAfee I’m not 100% sure that is just seemingly the

Only human that has information and then somehow that information gets leaked and it’s wrong and then it sets A Narrative of what our show is and then are we just going to combat that from a rat every single time for the record he also called veteran journalist Andrew marshan

A rat for reporting the payouts to Rogers somebody tried to get ahead of our actual ratings release with wrong numbers 12 hours before befor hand that’s a sabotage attempt and it’s been happening basically this entire season from some people who didn’t necessarily love the old edition of the Pat McAfee

Show to the ESPN family sure there’s a lot of those stunningly McAfee then shares a story of Williamson from 5 years ago somebody that we don’t I don’t like that I that guy left me in his office for 45 minutes no- showed me in 2018 so this guy has had zero respect

For me and in return same thing back to him for a long time so even with that taking place in potential PR like there’s we’re still growing somehow lots to get to Let’s dive in Jil Hill a staple in media and ex ESPN host rub McAfee’s diet tribe I can relate

Michelle Beetle another veteran of the network wrote below Hills tweet well well well with a laughing emoji so who is this dude what is he about why the rift McAfee is ticked because of a New York Post article implying his ratings are not as great as they should be and they are practically

Implying it is Williamson doing all the leaking essentially the piece which was written by marshan noted the drop in viewership with ESPN’s First Take serving as McAfee’s leading the network is seeing a reported 48% drop now when trying to gather some information on who this man

Is we came across that he may not have the best relationship plural relationships with some of the biggest on air Talent at the network a Washington Post story from 2018 outlines Williamson’s demands NBA coach and analyst Dan Van Gundy keep your hands folded longtime Sports Center ranker

Linda con ceased from calling home runs Master batters the Great Bob Lee get rid of the beard Williamson would tell the post Ben Strauss this quote I told Bob he looks stupid but his wife liked the beard I guess the point is that every little thing you do on air can distract from

What you’re saying now in that same piece here is the biggest claim of them all in my opinion there has been grumbling that Williamson wants to make Sports Center great again and N to Trump’s campaign slogan with critics noting his past reluctance to change and his years ago resistance to Stuart

Scott’s famous booya call that’s a flawed perspective Williamson said Stuart and I were close not a denial not a denial so let me get this straight there is an allegation Norby Williamson cannot say that never happened he says we were close he’s a friend was a friend so arguably ESPN’s greatest

Anchor making arguably the greatest highlight call on the greatest show the network has ever produced and allegedly Norby Williamson tried to supress it I know they’re trying to remake Sports Center and I’m all for it I know that they want to get back to the good

Old days those are gone man those are gone and yet here’s where we are with there being this imbalance it appears between Norby Williamson and onair talent Dan Patrick another fixture who branched off and created the wildly successful Dan Patrick Show may have had differing opinions with Williamson as

Well the rumor mill also spun that Dan lebatard may have had friction with Norby Williamson as well in a right up for awful announcing Williamson joined the network in 1985 started in the mail room went to a PA spot fill in on the production side and then by 2002 he

Risen to senior VP and managing editor at ESPN he would leave the news department for 3 years then oversee all of ESPN’s domestic production in 2012 it was on to negotiating rights fees with prospective Partners Williamson has held varying positions since but he’s basically been in charge of pretty much

Every facet of ESPN programming at one point or another here’s how I see this Disney CEO Bob Iger when he returned wanted Pat McAfee he courted Pat McAfee they’re snapping pictures together it seemed like this was his signing inside of this first point there’s two ways to think about this and

They both could be true the first is Pat McAfee doesn’t give a flying four-letter word about Norby Williamson or any other norbee that could be in the building because he just got $85 million and the network needs him for a ratings boost at least more than McAfee needs a network

His stuff was already blowing up let’s be very clear about this insanely popular the second is Pat McAfee just doesn’t care whether relationship with Bob Iger is withstanding don’t know but this also seems pretty on brand doesn’t it it seems like what ESPN kind of signed up for if you ask

Me the other point is this and some wrongfully I need to be very very clear about this wrongfully have said that the way I talk about McAfee is that I hate him I don’t hate him I find his show to be fascinating I think he is a fascinating figure I

Think the you know danette’s approach to his show is awesome everyone having a voice cool do I have some issues with it yeah do I do I have issues with mainly the air that he allows Rogers the lack of follow-ups the lack of factchecking the ability to dis spout

Ridiculous conspiracy theories yeah does that mean I hate him no 100% no I think Pat McAfee is putting on a Band-Aid to a broken bone with ESPN the ratings are the biggest issue because people aren’t watching as much anymore that’s the brutal honesty as I see it they are putting

McAfee on his YouTube stuff is off the chart haven’t checked out his Facebook his Tik Tok live streams off the charts and the viewership totals are pretty good considering that less people are watching and there’s just more of a Marketplace a competition in sports media where people can get podcasts they

Can watch live streams on Tik Tok they could watch short form on Tik Tok or YouTube shorts they could watch long form on YouTube they could watch on Facebook they could watch on Snap chat I mean there’s there’s so much competition out there so at the end of the day they are

Not going to let Pat McAfee go they’re just not McAfee has a reputation for not finishing deals I think the onus falls on him more than it does the network and at this point potentially he might push it and get your popcorn ready because that could be really interesting


  1. You do realize he called him out on hour 3 which wasn't on ESPN to Prove people still watch the show more on YouTube or on other social media right? Cause Norby doesn't think social media views matter as much as the actual linear ratings on Cable TV. You should have picked up on that being a social media show yourself… you didn't get the sarcasm Pat was speaking from either when talking that "he thought nobody watched on YouTube or social media"… Are ya'll just ignorant? Every show is going to have different rating based on the audience… the same audience that likes Stephen A, may not like Pats show, and not everyone can watch back to back 2-3 hour shows either.

  2. Takes some balls to talk about your boss like that!

    You’d never do that to daddy Cenk, you’re too loyal of a dog.

    You’d also never do that to the DNC, the organization that funds your propaganda network.

  3. Pat should have stayed with the casino. At least he ran the show there, when you sign with Disney this is what it comes with. I have no idea why he even signed with the casino before other than just the overwhelming amount of money that he didn't need. Stay independent, own your own stuff. Then you don't have to even know who guys like Norby Williamson are.

  4. ESPN, you think you win , I love sports and as a way to escape all the madness I tune in, and you shit all over it, it has to be greed why don,t you do a cooking segment., WTF. ASSholes iits not cancel culture SNOWflakes , either you think to much , or you don,t think . You will be cancelled because no one cares, Greed is making us stupid.


  6. I’m shocked that such a lefty YouTube channel is showing ESPN, who is more woke than all liberal tards put together, getting destroyed by Pat.

  7. This is why as much as I like unc shay Sharp. I just can not watch ESPN anymore. It prob will not hurt their pockets but I been noticed this a while ago in the 90s

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