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Dancing Wirtz & Unbelievable Kane! 18 Clubs, 18 Goals – The Best Goal from Every Team in 2023/24

The best goals so far for every Bundesliga club!

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Bundesliga teams are currently averaging more goals than any other league in Europe. With star strikers like Harry Kane or Lois Openda, there is a serious threat for the opposition. However, these two are not the only ones capable of scoring incredible goals. Therefore, we take a look at the best goal from each of the 18 Bundesliga teams in this season so far. Which goal did you like the most? Let us know in the comments.

Goals, bloopers, highlights & much more – only the best of the best from Germany’s football league! Enjoy the top compilations of the Bundesliga stars and let us know what you think of our selection. Is there anything you’d like us to know? Leave us a comment! The Official Bundesliga YouTube channel has much more to offer! Subscribe now and visit us at to enjoy more great Bundesliga action!

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Now they move forward again Florian vers so tricky so very very tricky oh my goodness what great footwork and that’s a marvelous goal Florian verz opens the scoring with a display of fancy footwork a small gesture of defiance here oh the r Gonzalo paciencia with a crack

CH Movic long here in for Marvin dugs great control exceptional finish that goal is special Marvin du taken like a [Applause] master Vargas well that’s really good play good try 1-1 brilliant stuff this is Sensational play bester bester with it there it is Heidenheim have the first ever bondes Lia [Applause]

Goal and Kane is going to go for it has he beaten Shan oh I don’t believe that that is absolutely extraordinary Harry Kane here’s bmid look at vment had to be him and how he’s done it here little bit of Lu the way that he came to him but talk about picking your

Spots oh what a fantastic goal out of nothing ellot skiny shortens the lead then goal here is Niko schlotterbeck schlotterbeck with a jet into the top corner on a day where they’ve not found Top Gear what a way to level the game from Niko schc bit loose driven in oh wow Brian

Crudder with a stunning goal fur popping up on the right this time gasi lovely turn absolutely Sensational there’s shabby that’s the goal that they were looking for shabby’s goal is a rocket out of nowhere and there’s Vier oh that’s off the frame of the goal he thought it

Might be his first ever Bundesliga strike well there is a goal Tim scarer for dmat goodness gracious me what a turn of events who well that’s what you call brave goalkeeping but he’s out of the goal and if that goes in all he does it’s an amazing goal but even the fast feet

Could not stop that man from scoring floran Grillage it’s an amazing goal now more chances and this time taken out of absolutely nothing the captain hauls his team back into this game [Applause] Well Lovely St m r needs a finish oh it’s a gorgeous finish m r who scored what a superb run from Merin Hall he’s done well shaper wants it Hollow back will go It Alone there’s a moment of inspiration that un bin needed Benedict Hollack scall scall oh Joe scall with an absolute Thunderbolts where did that come from


  1. 🍁 God Almighty said: {And spend of what We have provided for you before death approaches one of you, and he says, “My Lord, had you not delayed me for a short term, so that I might give charity and be righteous.” Of the righteous * And God will not delay a soul when its time has come, and God is Aware of what you do.) God Almighty said:
    {Indeed, before that, they were doers of good. * They used to sleep for little of the night. * And at dawn they asked for forgiveness. * And in their wealth there is a right for the beggar and the Deprived} My brother, we are your brothers and your children, orphans, poor, and in need. I am in the face of God, then in your face, then in the face of your parents, that you stopWith us, you help us as much as you can. By God, there is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting. We are sitting inside the house without eating. I ask you by God to help us. May God grant you relief in this world and the afterlife. This is my WhatsApp and call number. If you would like to do good with us, this WhatsApp number is 00967717485059. He comes face to face with meMay God help me with the right to have a sewing machine that I can work on, and to replace my psychological and psychological needs, and to replace myself or ask for someone.

  2. 🍁 God Almighty said: {And spend of what We have provided for you before death approaches one of you, and he says, “My Lord, had you not delayed me for a short term, so that I might give charity and be righteous.” Of the righteous * And God will not delay a soul when its time has come, and God is Aware of what you do.) God Almighty said:
    {Indeed, before that, they were doers of good. * They used to sleep for little of the night. * And at dawn they asked for forgiveness. * And in their wealth there is a right for the beggar and the Deprived} My brother, we are your brothers and your children, orphans, poor, and in need. I am in the face of God, then in your face, then in the face of your parents, that you stopWith us, you help us as much as you can. By God, there is no god but He, the Ever-Living, the Self-Subsisting. We are sitting inside the house without eating. I ask you by God to help us. May God grant you relief in this world and the afterlife. This is my WhatsApp and call number. If you would like to do good with us, this WhatsApp number is 00967717485059. He comes face to face with meMay God help me with the right to have a sewing machine that I can work on, and to replace my psychological and psychological needs, and to replace myself or ask for someone. … ..،… .

  3. That Wirtz goal was just outrageous, like something out of fifa. Sits his man down, takes out another, shifts and fires and powerful strike 🔥🔥

  4. Gotta be either Wirtz or Kane. But as an Australian who travelled to Germany for the first time, I'm glad I went to the Gladbach vs Mainz game, saw 2 cracking goals by Gruda and Scally

  5. Wirtz had brilliant dribbling, but Kane's halfway was different ❤ Gotta be Harry Kane ❤🎉

  6. I think Grillitsch's goal from the halfway was even better than Kanes. The bend to take it away from the recovering defender was perfect

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