Golf Babe

Best Golf Destination In The WORLD!

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What’s up guys welcome back to my channel so today I’m traveling to Missouri to play Payne’s Valley Tiger Woods’s course with Tacomo golf I just got to the airport I checked in my bags and now I have to go through security which I don’t know which way it is I’m

Pretty sure it’s this way I’m going to just Vlog the whole thing show you what it’s like to go on kind of a work trip what the heck I’ve never seen this in an airport before it has so much golf stuff okay I have to fly to Charlotte and then

I get on a plane to Springfield I’m pretty sure it’s like the middle of nowhere which I actually hate the middle of nowhere I’m way more of like a city Suburban girl sometimes I wonder how they come up with the findes like $1 13,910 like could it not have been

14,000 guys I was I was going to put my camera underneath the uh little conveyor belt thing to see what goes on under there like just have it recording as it goes through security thing but anyways I don’t know if I would get arrested for that okay airport hack always bring a

Water bottle because most airports have these little refill stations so you don’t have to buy a $700 water Bottle guys I’m so annoyed I forgot to show the outside of the plane window but I oh no but I passed out the whole time but I already got my rental car I forgot that we it’s fall right now I’m here and all these leaves are orange I’m from Florida

So we don’t really have seasons I have a feeling that I’m going to be driving through the farms for this whole hour so maybe I’ll stop and take a photo with the cow okay guys I’ve been in the car for 3 minutes and we’re already Stu stopping at my goto traveling Place Texas Roadhouse that was so good I might go to the gym actually we’ll see if I can get a decently priced day pass I think I have a gym addiction issue and I’m going to get a week pass it’s only like $25 which is crazy because a week pass in Florida is like

100 so this is really nice 30 minutes on the stair master I’m going to try to do I’m dying I never eat dinner and I go to the gym I’m at the super fancy holiday in express but I don’t know where the hell I am like okay

Guys I in my hotel room tomorrow is the first day of the tournament and Tim and I have been practicing our games so much we’ve been even texting about it so we really want to win this beste ball tournament it’s a two-day event the first day is at Ozark National second

Day is at Payne’s Valley and so these are really nice courses oh my god there was just a fire a fire alarm in my hotel it was like freaking out and I guess someone burnt the bacon I I was up already cuz I’m going to the gym that

Was crazy I thought that there was a big fire okay we’re going to do a first Missouri Starbucks sip it’s kind of is strong this is so this is not correct but I’m not going to go back in but on to the gym Now phone started jumping what a day swear to God I need now I can’t okay guys workout was actually amazing super happy that I went I’m at Panera now the drive-thru I’m kind of on a time crunch I don’t know how cold it’s going to be be throughout the day but I brought

Pants just in case but I got this little vest thing I’m excited I think I’m going to play good I have to go warm up I’m kind of running late so got to go Bye oh my gosh guys First Impressions this place is unbelievable I was driving in and my mouth was just like but yeah so Payne’s Valley is here Ozark’s National is here I I don’t even know the setup of this place but looks pretty sick I’m going to set you here on the

Back and you’re going to Hope okay that’s fine yeah going over a boat okay okay so I guess we have to drive up to the golf course I don’t know guys this is my first time here so it’s so pretty found the first Tacomo person I’m

I’m so excited Jonas is here say hello yeah I’m here hi I like the haircut yeah you like it I’m glad you finally made it thank you I’m here early I literally just hit six balls and I’m just going to hit a couple putts because there’s a 10-minute

Warning I’m putting with the new putter today guys a lab golf putter thank you to all our partners today Tacomo golf kaso blue te’s hey guys we are starting the tournament where’re so the first day is at Ozark National tomorrow is at Payne’s Valley but 18 holes today 18

Holes tomorrow best ball Tim are you are you ready oh AB absolutely yeah I I was telling the people how we’ve been texting about how good our game is right now yeah I mean I just shot a 6568 no you didn’t was front nine but did you actually oh my gosh first t-

Shots in Tim’s in the I’m in the Fairway seems like we’re on the same team you’re so hurtful sit please doesn’t need to sit okay that works you know yeah all right guys I just made a birdie let’s go partnership Tim lost my Rangefinder I didn’t lose it

Yes you did cuz I did not lose it I didn’t even touch it uh I’m not sure I can actually get to this golf ball because of all this behind it but Sabrina is in the Fairway so we should be okay I don’t know I feel like it’s

Probably playing a little bit more but the pin’s below so I feel like it’s going to get a good kick so wow wow my swing is so good right now guys this course is beautiful oh no please no please I’m not usually a hot dog person but this looked fire get that dog

Action peeps I’m having so much fun out here but we are only on the seventh hole I’m even paring my own ball I don’t know what Tim’s at but it’s Fest ball so I’m pretty sure as a group we’re just even par because I’ve kind of been carrying

Us yeah even par through seven holes and I just made a stupid double on a part three because I was plugged I hit an amazing shot out of the bunker and then I three puted guys I am absolutely livid right now like if you saw my leg I just

Slapped it so hard like I was playing Super good and then I just went so freaking downhill guys we finished today I shot like a 36 on the front and literally a 44 on the back I shot an 82 today um we’re going to go get dinner

Though I thought you were dead I was surprised you finished the around okay we all going out to dinner now after the round how many two oh wow look at that oh you did yeah okay guys I’m at the gym again I told you I was addicted but you know I

Was kind of bored I was like what can I do I’ll just go back to the gym so here I am I’m talking on the phone a little and listening to podcast so okay guys that is it for the first day of the tournament I don’t know I kind of played

Like it was a little bit annoying but it’s it’s fine like I felt like I hit the ball okay but tomorrow is the second day I like I need to just play good tomorrow I think I’m going to do it so I’ll see you guys in the morning Payne’s Valley I’m

Excited good morning everyone just woke up it’s like 7:30 but today is round two of the tournament so I’m going to get ready I think it’s colder outside I want Starbucks so bad right now you have no idea so I’m going to try to rush out of

The room okay this is what I’m wearing today I I left my brush and everything in my car so I have to wait till I get in my car to make myself presentable you already know the first stop guys we are going to Starbucks also I thought it was going to

Be absolutely freezing here in Missouri but it’s pretty regular outside it’s probably like 65 it’s not too bad okay guys actually I think it’s going to be cold which is nice because I wore the pants like yesterday I need to ride up to the driving range so there’s a

Shuttle my goal is to shoot under 78 which I know is like not even that good but the way I’ve been playing I guess like scoring wise below 78 I will be relatively happy there’s way more water on this course which course do you think is

Going to be harder this or Ozark that we played yesterday man Ozark was like tricky with some of the rough like you just lost golf balls this one seems more wide open but there’s a lot more I don’t know I think they’re both going to be

Tricky what do you think about uh me not warming up you think that’s going to be beneficial for me today um it it always seems to be I know right fade please be good don’t be long okay it didn’t move okay I’m going to have a nice downhill putt that’s that’s

Good oh God is that fine yeah it’s totally fine hey Sabrina you want to tell the audience how trash that drive that’s in the middle of the Fairway was no I didn’t know I don’t know this course I thought that was really in a bad spot no I’m three over cuz I doubled

The first hole and made a bogey so I I puted it almost into the water on the first hole I almost lost my mind okay guys this is the 19th Hole so cute Wow oh my gosh we got this little sandwich at the turn it is so so good but anyways we’re now on the front N9 we played the back nine first for Tacoma Channel now we’re going to do the front N9 for my channel but guys I’ve been

Playing so freaking bad we’re on the third hole of the front nine which is our 10 wait 101 or 12th hole of the day and I just made a birdie so I’m feeling kind of good about that I I my attitude is really bad for a while so I’m trying

To change it I was it no Jonas do you think that I should go for it and do you think that I’ll make it over how far is it like 200 yeah you should for sure go for what what about what about you’s ask Sean Sean oh i’

I’ve been on Team go for it this whole time guys I have to hit a good shot here because then I would just look super dumb so we there’s a lot on the line right now my mental stability oh God that’s so in the Water that was not Sabrina we believed in you that I literally like almost stopped it I just cannot right now guys I made a double I am so done with golf I don’t know what Tim literally made what I’m going to put myself down for an

Eight cuz like we there’s a group behind us so guys I don’t know like what it is like I feel like I’m so negative sometimes on the course but like I’m playing so freaking bad I just like stopped keeping my score so okay guys I just finished with Tacoma we just had

Some lunch and I’m going back out to the golf course to shoot part one of my three hole series I’m starting the three- hole series again I’m so excited that was that’s the literally my favorite series I’ve done on YouTube so I’m hyped for

That oh no okay guys I had such a long day my throat hurts I got ice Cream how else are you supposed to eat it I’m on the FaceTime with my friend good morning guys so it is day three here and there’s the tournament’s over Tim and I did really mediocre nothing more than that but I’m going to the course today we have two tea times

One at 8:00 a.m. and then one at 1:00 p.m. the first one Payne’s Valley second one Ozark National and today we’re just filming a bunch of content besides the tournament so I’m happy that we get to do that I’m going to try to get some dope videos today really going to grind

It out but yeah I’m super tired I was up till like 1:30 last night But a I do the most obnoxious stretches but oh my God it’s so nice out here I’m on like the top of this hill where the parking lot is but it feels so good we have to introduce one of my favorite Tacoma Crew people Sean oh that’s that’s

Nice what say hello hey gang what’s up he does he helps with marketing what is your thing dog rat media rat dog media today is part two of my six video series three holes what’s up guys welcome back to my channel so today I am with Chris

Dennis and James Robinson I’m with Jonas from Tacomo say hello Tim from Tacomo say hello we are doing a three home match but there’s a lot of incentives I remember when I first started my channel and I started talking to Tacomo I was like so nervous because I never heard of

Their clubs so in my head I was like oh I don’t want to play these but then I got them in my hands and I hit them so well and everyone at the Tacoma family is so nice guys I totally screed screwed up on vlogging today I I only got a few

Videos but I got five videos for my main Channel I literally got so much content today so I was in grind filming mode so sorry tomorrow morning we have a tea time my voice is dead because I’ve been talking so much but tomorrow morning we

Have a tea time at 9:00 and then my flight is at 4:00 and I’m going to get home at like 12:00 p.m. a.m. so it’s going to be a long day again Tomorrow Oh no sit is that over guys that went right over the green oh my gosh bye like bye okay guys I’m at the rental car return place about to go in get my flight home but my heart is so full this trip was so beautiful honestly I just being here during kind

Of the Fall was so amazing to see this has to be probably one of my top 10 actually like top five favorite golf trips I’ve been on so anyways if you enjoyed this make sure to like And subscribe and let me know if you like

This sorry and let me know if you like this Vlog style content you know it’s it’s pretty fun to film just showing you guys what I do on a regular basis but have a good one have a blessed lovely day and do stuff that makes your heart full all righty bye


  1. You can’t have a Takomo golf scramble without the Takobro himself Golf Sidekick.. Waddaplaya!

  2. I hope Sabrina will include more behind-the-scenes content like this. I'm glad she experienced the golf cart cave tour; one of Branson's most enjoyable activities (along with the riverboat cruise and show). The two courses she played are very expensive for folks in this low-cost part of the country, so good that Takomo was paying!!! Because this is my part of the country, I'm sorry she didn't do better. She will next time.

  3. I need a Texas Roadhouse in The Netherlands! That looks a million times better than those sad excuses for restaurants we have at the side of the road.

  4. Golf during the fall in "Misery" is nice when the leaves are on the trees. When the leaves fall off the trees, good luck finding your ball, especially if you play on dormant zoysia. I am glad to see your channel doing so well. I have followed you from the start. I think your success is due to you being relatable. The golf course can be an emotional place and you show them all. Glad to see you doing so well.

  5. One of the worst mistakes I make on the course is saying I am playing so well today 😂😂 then boom shit goes downhill. Every time. Great video

  6. Good job on the VLOG… definitely like these types of videos. Shows the authentic process of making your content

  7. My apologies… I watched this shortly after you posted it and I totally forgot to ask if anyone told you that you are beautiful today. 😉. Great content as usual. I love how genuine you are. Wether you are playing great or not, you are always honest and up front. You don't try to hide anything from us or force any feelings. I would like to see you do a course management video, 4 holes or at least cover differences in par 3s, 4s, and 5s. And maybe how you compose after a blow up, or protecting a lead. Love you 😘 Please be safe during travels. If I knew you were coming through Charlotte I would have bought you lunch 😁

  8. Seems like you might have the same problem as some of us, Scrambles definitely a fun format but cram many golfers in a short time space. I tend to feel rushed,I tend to focus better on a play your own tournament. The Vlog was awesome banter,commentary & scenery off he charts! All The Best. Be Well Be Safe & Stay Blessed i

  9. That’s my airport, but I’m on the other side. Next time there, you can stop by and say hello 👋

  10. I found your channel after the game you played with Garrett on his GM channel and it was such an amazing video! For whatever reason I think if you somehow got a match with Bubbie it would be a perfect clash of two big but fun and positive personalities!! I hope you two get the chance to play together and I am looking forward to your future videos!! (trying to break 100 with my new irons lolol)

  11. You should also do a fashion vlog for your female subscribers. You always look incredible, these are just a few ideas to make you become the best female golf vloger.

  12. Right from the beginning Sabrina. You have been a brilliant blogger, I loved this one showing your day of videoing keep it up 😊

  13. I am a bit of a salt addict. I'll get salt bagels with butter and salt just about everything I eat. Having said that, nothing on earth is saltier than Texas Roadhouse lol

  14. Sabrina after dark is when the best things going on in golf courses will you call a water hazard that's where the fish are at been chased up by cops and dogs and many many times 8 1/2 lb best things happen after dark,,👍🍀🍀🍀

  15. This phone said nothing I want to sa after dark in golf courses come alive you not believe I got one 8 1/2 lb me and my dog was the only one to see it😂😂😂

  16. A few buddies and myself played this in may of 2023. Amazing courses. We stayed at big cedar lodge and our cabin overlooked 1st home of Paynes

  17. I am totally crazy about your energy, fast thinking and Joy !! It’s so fun to watch! And it’s fantastic to see you playing!! Uau ! Lots of great strokes ! Keep on being more famous every day ! You deserve it ! All the Best from Brazil 👍🏻

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