Can The NEW TaylorMade Qi10 Driver Beat My Stealth 2 Driver?!

The NEW TaylorMade Qi10 Driver is now available and in todays video I will be going to The Kingdom where Trottie will be giving me a fitting! Obviously as I have recently documented, the Stealth 2 was a revelation for me and has been the best driver I have had in years! So the question is can the Qi10 better it?

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All right so the new tailor made q i 10 driver is out we’re here at the Kingdom and we’re going to have a fitting with trotty golf now stealth 2 was arguably the best I’ve ever driven the golf War so this is a tough task to see if this

Is actually going to be a better driver for me let’s get in there let’s get started so Troy I think you got your work cut out today Pi is probably hit his driver the best that I’ve seen and obviously your fit last time was big contributor to this so a little

Contribut sorry a small small tiny like 1% 1% the thing is to be fair to appear you adjusted didn’t you as a player and you w you you weren’t a good driver of the golf ball we’ve said this in the past we said it on the former video we

Went on a golf trip play a lot of golf together so that makes this a bit easier for me and I’d hammered you for a while you got to lose one side of the golf course you got to deliver it differently and you’ve done that seeing Loft you’ve

Changed your mind on that you now want to see less Loft which is brilliant so credit to the player all right you say to me this is good it is good but a lot of the tech in the new stuff here and I’m going to give you a bit of Science

And a bit of tech on this now the QI actually stands for Quest for inertia it’s talking about moment of inertia moment of inertia is your offc Center strikes the blade is not going to twist as much so I dare say we’ll have this scenario with tour players throughout

2024 I love my driver I love my gamer I love it it happens every week of course you do but at the end of the day if you can find yards or accuracy on an off-center strike which is what the tech and I’m holding here the max I want you

To take a look at that one but that’s what the tech is all about certainly in the max that one is going to give you B exactly but a large head with the mass at the edges means that you’re less likely on an off-center strike for it to

Twist this driver will go straighter so if you’re someone who struggles with strike that’s the way to go now there’s a projection of the SE G so all this is carbon there’s more carbon in this than ever before this weight back here is where all of the mass sort of comes the

Center of gravity comes into play but what it projects through the Loft in the face and bear with me here it’s where the the CG projects through the Loft on the face we talked about in the last video the relationship to tea height the relationship to Club delivery is what

Gives you the golf shop if we put PE into that one then he’s going to probably not have as much speed if we put him into this one which is the QI 10 core model he also wouldn’t so really because he’s so efficient on where he’s at with stealth 2 we’re going

To go with this one which is LS low spin but that CG projection for any gear heads out there smaller head this one fractionally from Top looking down yes but obviously the weight is put in different places so the CCS AR aren’t that much different but where that CG

Goes through the face is now more similar to what he’s playing and you know where I’m at with this I don’t want to change golf shaft yes he’s hitting it well it’s it’s an exact tour scenario you guys driving the golf ball well all right he’s only delivered us on that one

Which looked like maybe a toe hit was it so we’re at 166 to put the marker down the spin was at 2300 but you did have a really good club speed he’s been loosening up a little while he had 116 Club speed okay but your launch and your

Smash factor which is a big number from full swing that is the energy transfer through the blade was down at 1.4 1.44 so that’s pretty okay so always we’re aiming for on that if you can get one and a half the energy out of what you put in great always make

A memory trust me I got plenty of tour stories where I’ve forgotten the setting when I’ve gone in I used to basically bang like a Sharpie Mark or a tipex Mark or a white out mark on where it was coming out again tour players are so precious about all that 825 825 that’s

Said yeah you got hooked on that earlier which I love I don’t know the true Loft on this demo head but there’s a lot you can read into this obviously I made this one so I know where things are we got a lot of weight 15 G towards the toe

Taking out the left side okay so bang this one in and that’s the most important thing when you go for a fitting make sure before you have your fitting that you know which side of the Fairway or sorry which side of the golf course you want to get rid of for me it

Was the left and that’s made a big difference for you isn’t it confidence for you to just hit it hard without fear of it going Freedom hitting it hard so before you to look at the Players view which you will if we look here and again maybe I wouldn’t playing this in a

Fitting for I’d just give it you and we’d go but I’ve left that movable weight neutral I’ve gone in exactly the same position you were like 8.25 I don’t know the actual Lo on the starting blade but you know what I’m going to know it in a minute we know in

A minute because we’re going to see it get a feel for it yeah energy transfer is what I’m going to grab on here if I normalize these numbers 274 today on the normaliz and 301 total they’re the two numbers I want you guys out there to

Remember 274 301 but but it wasn’t a great hit that first hit yeah you hit some better ones than that one in the warmup that was yeah looks nice looks looks looks looks cleaner whether that’s a good thing I don’t know yet he’s done well a lot he has he’s driving’s like 10

Times better it’s becoming an asset R yeah it is hurt for sure that was high tote good good shot though still yeah I mean p down the back there you go I don’t need to say anything else here look at the energy look at the smash on that you as a coach

I’ve just gone well hang on a minute so that was horrific yeah but you as a c I would say it was horrific you it wasn’t as a result but we know what toe strike of course yeah and that was miles away from what you’re capable of for oh for

Sure and that’s what did he do 2500 on the 268 carry cuz you did tow it 293 so if I normalized it you’re still 293 there’s not much wind or any adjustment out here your Club speed was down it was a poor strike and your ball speed was uh was at 160

Okay similar yeah that high toe but you can see it’s a bit more knuckly there’s no spin on that one no so you got you got to keep that that’s a good number you got to keep going here like so that’s giving us 18800 spin I’d say that

Pretty accurate it’s given us a high launch of 13 um you you have to keep you you when you fit you got to find what the true reflection is before I dive into the go of course yeah but two po hits you you playing the golf oh yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah you go if it’s a long PA or you’re going in with a mid iron y we’re in great shape and that is what people need to understand when we’re fitting this driver versus the previous model it’s about gaining that that’s a great demonstration of it I think the key

Thing there isn’t it’s it’s not about just going what are the good ones doing all the time and how good can we fit this for a good shot it’s like yes we want the good one to be Optimum but what’s it like on the the crappy ones

That you h two great shots there that actually you’re going to be really happy with the first one you hit was still long yeah even though it was a poor strike that’s what you want when you’re on a fitting you just need to make sure absolutely those dodgy ones are still

Okay the truth is having been on this journey with tailor made the reason at which we’ve ended up here is because tall players for a long time have gone had a fitting and they’ll they follow a trend January February they might play the best one that’s quick out the middle

But then as time goes on they’re like hang on a minute there’s a driver out there that is more accurate that’s why you’re now seeing this quest for inertia I think with somebody like PE and what he’s done with his driver though for somebody it’s it’s so good now it’s not

Likely that you can come into a fit in session like this and go I’m going to gain 20 yards carry or even 10 yards carry it’s just not likely is it because of how Optimum the stealth two was for you but I’m still confident with the

Numbers I’m seeing here that if I can crank that Loft down I said it to you guys in the last fitting if a player can deliver less Loft they get that energy transfer goes up and you gain your he hasn’t had a good smash Factor yet so

There’s plenty of room in here come on then get one at the middle would you the middle shall we just find the going through your routine I like you’re doing all that just give me something to work with definitely better definitely better than the other two left speed was good

Good on that one to maybe a little bit maybe a got be a little to yeah so let’s move our weight out to the toe let’s make our first adjustment I don’t want to see left you don’t want to see left either let’s go maximum toe on that

Adjustable weight in the SK there now it’s in the fade setting it’s moving towards the toe yeah again just want to minimize that shot that he just hit there yeah and he’s also like we do a little test here with like chasing CG he’s might be trying to find where the

Center gravity of the club is once you align the ball and the center gravity of the face full scent yeah it was better yep definitely better but I want to see a middle hit yeah yeah I agree and I also want to see the true peers Miss low

In the blade spinny one yeah exactly oh interesting so it’s going left a little like that’s the second left we’ve seen in the last four I’m going to squeeze a bit of Loft off here now most people might not I know that it’s down at 1,800 cuz the

Spin came off so when I say 1,800 to 2300 we’re talking about spin rate Back Spin on that golf ball I’m actually going to move him so he sees less LOF again and the reason for that you see it with good players sometimes is their reaction to the face and we know that

Piers when he sees too much loft that’s kind of how this whole story started he tends to yeah not deliver a good swing so he swings it better but also it’s again is this going to open the face a little bit as well correct yeah but it’s

More for I think in this scenario the player like let’s make Piers launch it higher he’s at 9.5 now let’s make you find 12 or 13 yeah and that that last one was a better hit obviously just a close face on that one more middle though and that’s the launch that you

Have been hitting it not quite there yet but that’s definitely more on the launch feel that was still spinny again I love that 12 launch on that one that yeah that was much better how did you feel about the left to right deviation uh no I’m okay with that bit more than I

Want obviously on that but I’m okay if that’s I’ve always said with the fit now and the way that I hit it aim at the to well low body to the right but aim at the Target and it’s either a pull with a fade or it’s a pull okay and it might be

A straight one every now and then funny don’t know what you’ve done don’t need to yet I want to just see a couple of things got to remember it’s so early for this driver like even I’m just experimenting here all right so change tea height I love it he’s in his tea

That he wants as high as he can get you get those orange Castle ones P yeah that needs to get down all right so here’s my take on this I’m worried it’s a little too low spinning um that a good shot though amazing thank you just just I thought it

Was horrific wasy it was a really good shot no one said nothing it’s really good really good well done Pier thank you thank you 283 normaliz 278 so again there’s not much in here 310 total um it’s saying 1.47 on the smash I thought it looked a bit better than that okay

Spin 2100 that’s what I’m worried about okay I’ve put you all the way on Lower now and and proud’s just tapping the launch angle here yeah I’m trying to get that up but I’m not sure we might have just gone a little too far and the other

Thing I’ve done cuz I don’t I actually don’t want to see the wide right I think this driver is a little hard to hit left normally so when I went all the way down to uh lower opens the blade takes Loft off I move that movable weight a little

Bit to the heel side um I might play around with that again as I’m now adding a pinch of Loft I’m going to combine it with it’s much like the golf swing if you change one thing it’s going to impact something else got a match up

Yeah I’m going to just put this just on neutral again so see how that goes neutral being Centered for that front weight you’re moving a lot of mass around so you can change that b more Loft on there though is that we gone back to a pinch more I think this is

Probably where we’ll end up um but you are slightly down off the left so a bit of you has to ignore the full swing and look at the ball flag but it still looks I’d like see it apexing a bit High yeah that was that was too low it was hunting wasn’t

It so you Apex 93 on the previous one pierce now you launched at third this is going to be a long one on here attack angle was good and it didn’t quite catch the Apex where I want it so I want to see the Apex going up to be if you can

Get it over a 100 I would love that yeah and that was the so I the way I’ve talked about this and I haven’t actually done the video yet 12th hole at the goat par five dog leg right you’ve got to hit it over 100 foot tree in front of you

And for me it’s like I’m just going to that’s what I visualize a lot when I’m playing golf I’m going to get that right now okay so I’ve just thrown Apex in the bottom left corner of our uh full swing now last was 75 it was turning over

There was it was toey little drop kicky so now let’s see if you can get that to 100 we’re going to be loving life okay Rory’s like 130 I told I’ve used that line before you don’t want to be less than 100 pce do you no no no no

Definitely don’t which is why he needs to play a pinch more Loft yeah just to it that’ll be the same golf shot yeah again even that though I mean that if that’s your left Miss that’s not a bad left Miss with a one70 ball speed

90 ft on the Apex yeah so 3177 on the total so these are good and these are in the window again I might move the front weight that’s where my mind’s at but also in a fitting I know we’re obviously making content here but in a fitting now I might be moving

To try and close it because you get to the point where that shot comes in a Miss come he doesn’t H shots like that like you’ve got to keep it go through your routine keep it like these are important he’s moving the club at 115

Mph it has a toll on the body you want to see the best golf shots of the player you know what I mean still not quite up there height wise nice 80 ft maybe 85 ft 89 89 let’s move that way on the front I don’t think

I I think we’re getting close to where we’re going to live onri there P stri was okay just a little bit toey and going to be that toe 9 six launch I mean your launch you’ve been like 13 plus haven’t you yeah try one thing is that

I’ll ask the question here as well Troy when you let’s say you’re doing this and you’re struggling to get closer to the let’s say 13 and a half launch would you would you entertain even even looking at this one would this was would this change any of the the launch conditions

It would but I Al yeah it’ll launch a bit higher but I also think it’s going to spin a bit more okay um and I and we might look at that but I also think there’s a bit of room to get this dialed yeah I don’t think we’re explore all

This until you’re like okay but you must remember I know it’s Miss that’s why this is a bit unfair I know haven’t had that Miss really yet no but you’re going to have it when we play of course so it’s like why would I put him into a

Driver on his Miss that’s going to be 200 revs 300 revs more yeah that’s going to really hurt him and he does hit the Miss maybe four out of 10 drives yeah and this is really important because it probably isn’t far off four out of 10 which is what we’re talking about the

Miss is low on the bottom of the club which means it’s going to spin up when I’m practicing and I’m hitting the balls on the Range don’t often get that I would say it’s one so it’s a golf course thing for sure which by the way is the

Next phase of the fitting yeah so that’s where this maybe isn’t fair so that answers your question as to why I would stick here oh it’s a better shot that’s a great shot that’s I mean that’s carrying as well that is isn’t it that’s lovely yeah

I’m stoked do you know what I did what did you do I put you in the upright side ah interesting I just you’re like the opposite on a few things I think there’s a bit more on the smash for sure more than just a couple of things uh 320 you

Know what I mean I mean that’s awesome 90 ft we’ve been talking about Apex still a bit more to come out the blade but I just sometimes with you if I do something you chase it like when you see less Loft you hit it higher when you see

Flat I’m wondering like is he compensating thinking this is going to go right so I just banged it upright cuz I look at it and I was like I could probably play that and I’m half your size so okay let’s get this up to be

Fair I’ve had when I remember M3 I hit brilliantly and I was in upright setting on that but we’ve put the movable weight in the toe now so it if you go upright which again means you bring the toe closer to your nose now left becomes in

Play which is his Nemesis so then we move the CG further away from him and it combats it yeah I think it’s just playing around with feels now at this stage I mean that’s that’s what you’ve been doing and if that’s your Miss that’s like such a miss and that’s a

Long miss that is and it’s in play 174 B4 five that’s brilliant mate 297 carry 3 23 and it’s 6 yards side total two two of the best shots is it there yeah if you’re going center of the Fairway that is right semi after it’s ran out I used

To drive the ball as long as you before we really started messing around with this now I can’t sniff I’m like 10 20 behind you which I should be physically when you look at the speeds yeah but it never used to be the case so that one you squared it up a bit

That would be long beautiful I mean that’s a great flight that is your feedback on that yeah good yeah maybe slightly to again yeah I thought you were going to say that and that’s why that number at the top drops the spin rakes it was and the speed drops but

Pier 12 left on the side total it’s not it’s not a big left Miss if you if you can that left Miss on the golf course the left Miss for you used to be a a snapper it a lost B that’s a nice long left Fairway Miss left Fairway left

Maybe yeah yeah that was nice really good mate let’s go one more let’s go one more so I’m confident I mean I you say oh can we beat it I think the the journey is and this year’s story is and the marketing but I think this proves it

Is about bringing it in tighter yeah shot for shot is his best with that going to be as good as this yeah but you know what you don’t always hit your best no no I think going into the upright side of the sleeve which people maybe leave alone is also a GameChanger for

You and one thing I’ve worked at in my golf swing at the moment is just more a priced setup so that kind of marri up with what we’re saying here doesn’t it oh that’s a shame cuz that was just high toe but actually still still freaking

Bomb isn’t it last last year when we did that I wouldn’t have liked that height but now it’s 289 carry with a with a ball speed that’s dropped 6 mph yeah I think we’re good aren’t we yeah I mean where We’ve Ended up now sleeve setting

The same as where we start actually no I went more upright remember which is the lie angle based on where you’re going to be in relation to you as a player you alluded to having a different hand position great but in terms of the head

The Loft yeah you know the exact on this but the Loft on this one is dictated To Us by the ball flight so we’re good there movable weight we may come back to moving that yeah um but we know your Miss is left so we’ve got that movable

Weight all the way out in the toe whoever fit this one did do a good job so we haven’t come far away from the you got a lucky fit there P I did but basically if you do look at the results I think it really speaks volumes for the

Qi1 ls low spin version is where you’re going to land there are three other options for different delivery but we know piers’s Miss is high spin so LS is where you’re going to live happy with that I think I think it’s a great thing to just showcase how important the

Fitting is but how important it is to actually get the fit for your misses so trotty I think that was a great fit guys hope you enjoyed that make sure you subscribe to our Channel but check out Troy golf we’ll put the link in the description he’s got some great content

On his Channel Make sure you do and we’ll see you next time cheers boys cheers mate cheers m


  1. Well done guys I'm a taylormade nut but not sure on the blue mmm but if it performs then that's what counts 😊

  2. I enjoyed this fitting, but looking at Fraz from Club Champion with the same swing speed showed the LS version to be very temperamental and went through all the heads to show what would happen with his swing speed.
    Seeing Trottie being unwilling to try something with a little more spin was disappointing as other fantastic fitters and tour players disagree with golfers who live around the 115mph swing speed. Also, if Rory is at 130’ peak and Piers hit many at only 90 feet peak, it is over a 40% difference. I think Piers would benefit from the next bracket-up on the Qi10 lineup according to what TXG/ClubChampion showed in their results. Also, as one commented, his last year's model was already excellent. So Me and My Golf are helping most of its audience think it is necessary to upgrade. Not a good look for your audience when these clubs and good shaft (which by the way Trottie didn't try to change because there's no money in shafts for them since TM doesn't have them) cost close to $800 plus.

  3. If every shot was "toey" maybe stand closer to the ball? But I know nothing about anything.

  4. Always good seeing the new products however hard to trust vs the last model when everyone involved is paid by TM.

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