Is Eagle ACTUALLY Going To Innova?

Eagle McMahon is certainly stirring up things in the Disc Golf World but him joining Innova would be a crazy one. If his mysterious video that was leaked is real will only really be known in the next coming weeks as things get more official

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00:00 Intro
00:16 Eagle McMahon’s Leaked Discmania Video
00:43 Proof Of Authenticity
01:16 Deep Dive About Eagle’s Description
02:00 Eagle Joining Innova
03:24 Could Eagle Actually Stay With Discmania
03:49 Conclusion

#discgolf #eagle #leaving

All right so you probably already know that there was a video posted about Eagle McMahon essentially saying that he was leaving dis Mania but I wanted to do a deep dive on that and see if there’s a little bit more going on here so with that let’s get into

It so if you are not aware there was a post just a couple days ago on the disc golf subreddit essentially saying did anyone see this Eagle video where he announced that he was leaving dmania and while that little piece doesn’t sound anything crazy like that’s not really

Anything out of the ordinary for what we would kind of expect for the offseason but what is interesting is that this video is taken down there is no proof of this video even existing people with the notifications didn’t see any of these videos being popped up and I think there

Is a potential way where you can post a video and not get your notifications popping up but it is just so very rare so I had to do a little bit of Deep dive and figure out is this actually legit um ultimately my conclusion is I have no

Clue I have no way to verify but I did find something very interesting in the little bit of information that we do have and that is if you look in the description of the video just on that little tiny thumbnail uh it states thank you dis Mania for giving me all that you

Have it has been an incredible journey so that little phrase sounds the most cookie cutter sounds like the most generic way you could do a sendoff but I had to look a little bit further and I did find a couple instances of this exact wording it has been an incredible

Journey and those phrases come up twice on Google for disc golf related terms uh first one being the dis jock which I’m not familiar with but he has a WordPress site and it’s like some post about Jeremy rusco saying it has been an incredible journey it is a fun industry

And Community to be a part of uh so that’s about DD uh which I don’t think that is referencing uh eagle and where he’s going but the next part that I found is so freaking hilarious that it might just be Eagle’s smallest way to announce where he’s actually going in a

Similar vein to Ganon where he was actually like alluding to like five different companies there is a potential that Eagle’s actually doing like 5D chess which is unlikely but it is possible and that’s because the next source that I found was the 2005 Innova catalog we have a good old cover photo

Of Barry Schultz in 2004 winning his worlds but getting on to the more juicy part there is a section that says we are proud to have pioneered a revolution for the game we love so far it has been an incredible journey and we are more excited than ever about the road ahead

So that is not irrefutable evidence that is a monom of evidence but that might be enough to signify that eagle is actually going to ineva this is his like small way of signaling where he is going uh is it any guarantee definitely not but I thought it was very interesting that the

Only true reference point that wasn’t like some obscure Source was ineva and this is just so hilarious if by accident he uploaded a video where he was trying to be sneaky and hint at ineva but really he did it way too soon way before it was like appropriate because

Literally on his Instagram he is still repping black mystery boxes for dmania which is not anything out of the ordinary even Simon was like trying to sell some stuff even after he was like super super in MVP uh so this is not crazy but it is just hilarious that he

Is posting a video potentially on accident potentially not even real but still there is so much stuff alluding to the fact that he’s leaving and he’s still trying to sell all of this dmania merch but whatever the case is I’m very intrigued to see if Eagle is to leave

And honestly the bigger plot twist is if this video is fake and he does end up staying with his m I think the whole world would be shocked because that just does not seem in line with anything we kind of expect two major names genon and

Alden to uh show up at this Mania for All-Star event so we already kind of know that that’s where they’re going so if Eagle were to stay man the dmania budget would just be totally washed I don’t know how they would afford that but overall I just found this little

Piece of evidence and I was like I have to share with the world because there is a chance there is a chance that this was an elaborate ruse by eagle to sign that he was going to Ina but in like the most obscure way possible so if you guys hard

To I’d love to know thank you so much for watching be sure to subscribe Wild Runs signing out Peace


  1. All the speculation, oh my. What's crazy is that "leaked video" is almost certainly fake but Eagle's probably leaving Discmania anyway

  2. I can't even think of the words to describe this nonsense it's so bad, does this dude actually think he uncovered something here or is he smart enough to make something like this up for clicks. I for one do not think it is the latter

  3. That's just a normal saying for one, two, eagle didn't actually post anything. That's all made up. However, I do believe he is leaving and going to MVP. Biggest tells are at the MVP open and USDGC him and Simon hung out afterwards and also did practice rounds together. Not crazy abnormal, but if you watch the MVP Ace contest where they were throwing over the water for big money aces, in the background of that video, you can see Eagle going thru Simon's bag and checking out each disc and asking questions. You don't see many pros just digging thru another pros bag

  4. He probably wants to throw the original molds. Imagine how many they would sell if eagle went and brought them back to main stream

  5. Eagle to Innova would be smart. They need another BIG pro to go with Vinny. He knows the molds and would crush with the stuff they have now. It just feels right 👍

  6. Innova is not with the times. They have zero clue about investing and promoting in players. They're still rocking it like it's 2005. Owner dave whats his face doesn't even know how to log into a computer and do social media. Company is terrible.

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