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Investing for Beginners – How I Make Millions from Stocks (Full Guide)

Everybody talks about investing in the stock market and earning passive income, but nobody shows you how to actually do it… Today, I cover EXACTLY how to start investing for beginners – Enjoy!

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*This video does not represent financial advice, and I am not a financial advisor. When investing, your capital is at risk. Investments can rise and fall and you may get back less than you invested. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. *Terms and fees apply –*

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– I want you to imagine for a moment that you started investing in 1985, for a couple of years, your money keeps going up and up, until… – [Announcer] Black Monday. – [Announcer 2] They’re calling it the “Monday Massacre.” – [Announcer 3] Wall Street had its biggest one day drop in history.

– [Announcer 4] The results of the decline will hit millions of people. – Up until this point, your friends probably thought you were some kind of genius. But now they’re urging you to sell, but you ignore them, and slowly but surely, the market recovers, until… – [Announcer] The NASDAQ index in free fall,

Down nearly 10%. – [Announcer 2] Driven by technology in general and the internet in particular. – [Announcer 3] Traders and investors, shell shocked. – Your friends are on their knees begging you to pull your money out. Saying things like it’s time to take your profits before you lose everything. But you hold strong

And things start going back up until you are hit with… – It was one of the most profound events in generations with huge consequences. – Little did you know you are in for the ride of a lifetime, until… – [Announcer] The global economy will contract by 3% this year.

The worst downturn since the Great Depression. – Surely this is the end of the stock market, but as things reopened, the market soared 27% from its low, setting new records. What a comeback. Something I didn’t mention is the guy that invested his money in 1985 was actually me,

When I turned 18 years old. The average return over this time period was 11.23% per year. So if I’d have only invested $250 per month during this time, then I would’ve made $1,841,521 and 8 cents. That’s a return of over 6000%, but between us, I invested a lot more than that.

So now you understand the power of investing. I think it’s time to jump into the details. Honestly, it’s amazing how many people talk about investing, but don’t actually show you how to do it. So I’m gonna quickly walk you through how to invest in stocks on your phone.

Of course, remember, I’m not a financial advisor. This is just the way I do it, and before you do any of this, make sure you have an emergency fund of three to five months of living expenses. The first thing on our list is to set up an account.

A lot of people get stuck at this stage, as there’s a lot of different investment platforms out there and also different types of accounts. But trust me, it’s much more simple than it first seems. Especially now you can do it all online. When I first started investing,

I had to phone up the stockbroker every time I wanted to buy a stock. Let’s use the Trading 212 app. I’m gonna be using my son’s account, as my account’s pretty messy, as it has a bunch of free shares. He’s actually been running an experiment on here for the last three months,

But we’ll talk about that in a bit. The account you open should be a tax advantaged one. This means you won’t have to pay any unnecessary taxes. These are known as stocks and shares ISAs in the UK, and Roth IRAs in America. I think the UK option’s much better,

As you can invest up to 20,000 pounds a year without paying capital gains tax on your profits and you can take out your money whenever you want. In contrast, Americans have to wait until they’re old and retired and they have a much lower limit of $6,500 per year.

Feel free to use whatever app you like. This is just one of my personal favorites. Next, we need to deposit some money in order to start investing. Most apps make it pretty easy to deposit money. We just have to click these three lines and then select deposit funds.

As you can see, this brings up a screen with lots of different options like instant bank transfer, bank transfer, debit card, and what we are gonna use, Apple Pay. Let’s just put in 400, so we can invest in some stocks together. Feel free to invest whatever you feel comfortable doing.

Curtis, I’m gonna need your face for the phone. – [Curtis] Alright, hang on. – This next step is super important, getting some free stocks. Since I was planning to talk about Trading 212 anyway, I reached out to them to see if they would be interested in sponsoring this portion of the video.

They agreed and they’re offering a free stock worth up to a hundred pound to anyone that uses the code “TILBURY” when they create an account. Plus, you can get more free shares by inviting your friends. Both of you will get a free share, as long as they fund their account,

So don’t waste your invites and invite brokies. And also don’t worry if you’ve already opened an account within the last 10 days, you can still use the promo code “TILBURY” in the app and receive your free share. Right, now we need to plan a winning strategy.

The first thing we need to remember is that investments go up and down. So it’s very hard to pick winning individual stocks. That’s why I prefer to invest in all of them. You probably think this sounds a bit crazy, but stay with me. I love listening to music.

I’m a big Deacon Blue and Queen fan myself, but whatever you like, if you’ve ever listened to the radio, or used Spotify, you’ll be familiar with the music charts. The better the songs perform in sales and downloads, the higher up they go in the charts.

On the other hand, if a song drops in popularity and sales, then it drops out of the charts. This is almost exactly the same as investing in an index fund. All you have to do is switch out the songs for companies. Let’s take the S&P 500 for example.

This is a list of around 500 of the largest public companies in the USA, the big dogs being Amazon, Google, Apple, and Tesla. And just like the music charts, if a company does poorly, then they risk being removed from the list. Here’s the cool part about an index fund, with just one click,

You’re not just investing in one or two companies, but in every single company on the list. So if one doesn’t perform very well, your money’s okay, as you are spread across all of them. So how can we put this into practice? Well, we need to automate our long-term investments.

Remember I said my son had been running a little experiment for the last three months on his account. Well, he’s been investing five pounds into the S&P 500 every day. Why five pound? Because that’s about the average price of a Starbucks coffee. Automating your investments like this is a great idea

As it means you can just set it and forget it. His portfolio is actually doing pretty well. As you can see in the green. His return so far is 36 pounds of 46 pence, and that’s a return of 5.03%. Not bad for a little experiment.

If you want me to keep you updated with this when it reaches the six month mark, let me know in the comments. To set something like this up, all you have to do is select pies and then press the plus icon. Now you can select whatever stocks you want to include

In your pie. For this demonstration, let’s just keep it easy and pick this S&P 500 index fund. By the way, look out for if it says accumulation or distribution in the brackets. Personally, I always go with accumulation, as it reinvests your dividends back into the stock automatically,

The less I have to think about the better. Now let’s tap add to pie and then the arrow button. If there was more than one stock in here, then we’d be able to change the percentages with this slider. Right, tap next, and then auto invest. This value projection is really awesome,

As it shows you how much money you could make based on historical averages. Of course, when you invest, you can get back less than you invested, as investments can rise and fall, but it’s still a great way to get an idea of how much you could make based on data backed projections.

I mean, say we invested 250 pounds a month for 31 years, you’ll only have invested 94,000 of your own money. Your portfolio would be 1.14 million. If we expand this to 40 years, your portfolio would be 3.56 million. It’s worth having to play around with this, as it’s quite motivational,

Seeing how much money you can make with a relatively small amount invested per month and to all the people in the common saying, “Well, what about inflation? It will make your money worth far less.” As long as you’re investing and not just keeping your money in a bank account,

Then inflation is not something you need to be extremely worried about. Additionally, I increased the amount I was investing to keep pace with inflation. Now let’s pick some individual stocks. Although I wouldn’t recommend that beginners bother with picking stocks. I know many of you’re gonna try anyway,

Especially since you’ve seen people make millions from the right meme stock that skyrocketed, like GameStop. Alright, so there’s basically two ways to take a stab at figuring out what’s going on in the stock market. Technical and fundamental analysis. Those quick deal day traders are all about

The technical stuff, pouring over price charts and patterns, thinking they’ve got the scoop on how the stock’s gonna swing just by eyeballing the ups and downs. Now me, I’m more of a long-term player. I dig into the nitty gritty of a company’s fundamentals. You know, the financials, who’s steering the ship,

And how well known the brand is. I reckon that’s where the real lowdown is for predicting a stock’s long-term success. So I sift through income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. When I throw money into a stock, I’m in it for the long haul, at least two to five years minimum.

To find stocks, simply click on the magnifying glass icon. Trading 212 have made it incredibly easy to find stocks by providing various lists, such as big tech, popular ETFs, banks are most owned. There’s also lots more, take a look when you find a bit of time.

You can even go on the social feed tab and see different pies that other users have created and copy it for yourself with a single click, so you don’t have to find the stocks yourself. On the stock page, you can see the price graph and by scrolling down you can actually access

All those important financial documents I discussed earlier. Now, let’s buy a stock, Tesla will do. Now this pulls up a page with a couple of different options. The first one is a market order. A market order is just like when you go to the supermarket and pay whatever the price tag says.

A limit order on the other hand, is like going to a boot fair and haggling for the best price you want. You can put in a price that you are willing to pay, and if the price ever gets to that level, then the app will purchase the stock for you.

As a beginner, that’s all you really need to know. There’s no point diving into the other options. Let’s buy £400 worth of Tesla, so I can show you how it’s done. The final step is to press send by order, and boom, we’re now part owners of Tesla.

So now you know all the steps, and you’ve got a free stock with the link in the description. What’s holding you back? Well, it all sounds great, Mark, but isn’t investing a bit risky? Well take a look at this. If you are investing a single amount every month

From the age of 25, you would be around about here if you invested for around 30 years. Now, if you waited 10 years, this is the difference that will make your growth, somewhere around about here. Look at the difference, it’s absolutely crazy. So start young.

If you have a diversified portfolio of index funds and keep investing at a gradual rate each and every year, then even if there’s a stock market crash, then historical data shows you should be able to endure the storm, just like I did. If you want to know why net worth goes crazy

After 100 K, then you can check out this next video, but don’t click on it just yet. Make sure to subscribe if you want to grow your wealth. Okay, I’ll see you over there.


  1. Ty for this video. But do you always invest in the same company or do you switch when a other company is doing beter?

  2. In my opinion, a housing market crash is imminent due to the high number of individuals who purchased homes above the asking price despite the low interest rates. These buyers find themselves in precarious situations as housing prices decline, leaving them without any equity. If they become unable to afford their homes, foreclosure becomes a likely outcome. Even attempting to sell would not yield any profits. This scenario is expected to impact a significant number of people, particularly in light of the anticipated surge in layoffs and the rapid increase in the cost of living….

  3. Hey, i'm 14 years old and i have no idea to start making money without a bank account, and where the parents don't have paypal.
    Any help?
    (I've tried babysitting, tutoring and cleaning windows before, made about 300€ a month, but i wanna make some more)

  4. I feel investors should be focusing on under-the-radar stocks, and considering the current rollercoaster nature of the stock market, Because 35% of my $270k portfolio comprises of plummeting stocks which were once revered and i don't know where to go here out of devastation.

  5. The stock market is dynamic. Continuously educate yourself, learn from experiences, and adapt your strategy as you gain more knowledge and insights.
    Determine your financial goals and risk tolerance. Are you investing for retirement, short-term gains, or something else?

  6. Everyone needs more than their salary to be financial stable. The best thing to do with your money is to invest it rightly, because money left for saving always end up used with no returns.

  7. The formula is simple. When experts are bearish, I am bullish. When the experts are bullish, I am bearish. Does it make sense? No. Has it worked for me? Yes, with over 350k in my reserve i'll like to spread across the fin-market 2024.

  8. I think investors should always put their cash to work, especially In 2024, we'll start to see more market diversification. I'm hoping to invest about $350k of my savings in stocks this year. Hope to make millions in 2024.

  9. 🌹Every family has that one person who breaks the family financial struggles I hope you become that one and successfull in life

  10. This video is not showing anything about picking a right stock this just a advertisement for the app with an affiliate link or promocode

  11. I'm literally a full-on brokie 😅 but would like to start investing. I just don't really know where to start or how much I'd need as a minimum

  12. I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you john grayson

  13. I clicked on the link for the free shares you mentioned but could not claim it or could not see it in my funds??

  14. I’m considering whether to retain $3 million in single-family rentals, we have $900,000 left on mortgages. We are now the possibility of maintaining $70,000 annual income by selling and investing in stocks and bonds.

  15. I’m a dividend investor and work in construction as well. My wife and I have invested in the S&P500, both through my TSP with the government, and through fidelity in her 401-k. Cashed out 270k from the S&P and invested with a Financial Adviser, Monica Mary Strigle. Until around 3 years ago we were 100% in the s&p after over 30 years. I’m retiring at the end of this month at 62, while my wife will retire next year at 60. Under Monica, I bought Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, Cardano during 2022. I got 173% gains in 2023. I expect more in 2024 there are other speculative assets including GME we made profit from in 2021. Currently have 3.7 million in our tax deferred savings. I am putting this out there for anyone looking for how to help themselves in this time of crisis.

  16. Just watched the video with Ben! Didn’t realize you were collabing! I have been watching you both for a long time. Amazing content!! ❤

  17. The stock market is a goldmine. Last year I made about 20% on a 50k investment. That's the highest I have ever made personally. I read about someone who made 800%. Damn! I wonder how people pull that off. Is it just about the things you sad in the video?

  18. The stock market is a goldmine. Last year I made about 20% on a 50k investment. That's the highest I have ever made personally. I read about someone who made 800%. Damn! I wonder how people pull that off. Is it just about the things you sad in the video?

  19. While investors are preparing to celebrate the year's soft landing, economic data doesn't appear to be cooperating, I’ve heard testimonies of people accruing over $250k this red period. What measures can I take to ensure this?

  20. Great video! Well I'm so happy I made the best decisions by having a good investment, Recently I'm able to acquire my third house even at my age and I believe if things keep going well I would retire early

  21. S+P is a load of crap the top 6 make all the earnings, people put ya money in good assist only not the other 490 companies.

  22. Why are people so hesitant to sell on a high, but so willing to sell when their stock has plunged?

  23. I will be forever grateful to you, you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Elizabeth Wesley.

  24. I want to be invested in the market but between work and family commitments there is simply little time. I have a portfolio of about $400K at the moment all in equities. Please let me know of you can help.

  25. I will be forever grateful to you,you changed my whole life and I will continue to preach on your behalf for the whole world to hear you saved me from huge financial debt with just a small investment, thank you Mila quandez

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