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In this video Todd and Adam, go over what many golfers do wrong in their swing, the shoulder tilt. A foundational golf set up is the “reverse K”. BUT many golfers over do this set up by dropping the trail shoulder too low which can lead to chunks or thin shots. Todd and Adam go over a simple and easy technique helps the golfer find the right amount of shoulder tilt in the set up.

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I see people go I’m going to I’m going to get in that that’s not it right so a feeling of being level bump level I’m not really level right right cuz my right hand’s lower than my left but I’m not feeling I’m not doing this right

That to me just gets people stuck and usually over rotating inside and now they got to come over the top Todd this is how you know teach that this is how I teach it to our to our players and our students and I want you to give the

Checkpoints to this because I think this is awesome right here this is what he taught me at a young age ready he’s he’s going to teach the check points this he used to have me hang my hands and where they hung relative to my lower body especially like my right hand according

To my kneecap over here was a cool one so I’d set up narrower and I always tell people when the outsides of the feet are on the outsides of the shoulders pretty cool I’ve seen players like Xander schle in this range doing this they’ll get an alignment Rod they’ll get their shoulder

Width they then put it on the ground they have a wedge so the outsides of their feet are more align with the outsides of their shoulders they then have an eight iron or a mid iron middle feet lace is more aligned to the outsides of their shoulders and then a

Driver insides of the feet more outside the shoulders now what’s cool is I’m still creating that inch hip bump for every single one but the weight distribution changes because my width of stance and my upper body in relation to my lower body yeah so what happens for a

Wedge that narrow stance that inch hip pump puts a pretty significant amount of weight on my left side now when I take my little wider stance it’s still on my left side with a mid iron but rather than being almost 75 25 or 7030 I’m sitting there more 6040 but now the

Driver comes out and I’m really focusing on one and one well now the majority of my weight’s being supported by the inside of my right leg I feel I feel more 6040 so Todd right so Todd do do the drill where you would hang your hands down show show

Our viewers where they can hang their hands relative here thing like when I’m looking at someone face on what I’m looking at I’m looking at their sternum in relation to their belt and so when I go like this my belt’s going that way my sternum is going this way right so if I

Do that and I literally hang my hands down like say I’m a driver stance be about here right and I go like this and like this my right hand is really right over the top of my right kneecap my left hand is hanging on the inside of my of

My left kneecap and you notice my right knee is on the inside of my right foot so when I go into my rotation I’m building into the inside of my right leg right where I can you know like I love the boxing analogy it’s like okay I’m

Loading up to load a punch right so I’m going to be this way I’m not going to go over here don’t have any power or as much power but if I’m like this I can really use the ground and push this way and create some speed but that’s a great

Checkpoint like if anybody wants to know where they’re at they get all set all they got to do is go like this look at your left hand if it’s like this you know that you don’t have yours forward enough and then look at your right hand

Take it offly off go like that ought to be over your right kneecap right simple way to check I love checkpoints because we can’t see ourselves when we’re playing and you know if someone’s not in front of us we’re not giving them feedback they’ve got to be able to help

Themselves on the Range so checkpoints are huge one of the things I think that’s important is that you know if you look at enough tour players you can almost see anything like you definitely can see there’s tour players that move this way there’s tour players that move

This way and and the point I would I would say about tour players is okay these are very gifted athletes if you ever heard this before but there’s the cat and dog Theory right have you ever heard this I haven’t heard this one okay

So the cat is like you throw a cat in the air it’s going to land on its feet throw a dog in there it’s going to land on its freaking back right yeah so a lot of these tour players I mean they’re such highly great highly coordinated

Athletes they can get the club out of position or body out of position and get back into position you know we’re trying to do is make countless rep timing yeah here’s the key got make off as simple as possible for these players that we’re working with where where okay I’ve got a

Life I’ve got a family I’ve got a job you know I might get to practice once or twice a week right I’m I hope to play and I want to enjoy it so like let’s the path of the least amount of manipulation how we set you up to turn efficiently

And rotate efficiently how we then get the club in spots to where you don’t have to manipulate the most you know what’s funny um we talked about this earlier too certain players out there we find people modeling their swings after and even coaches helping people model

Their swings after and then you talk to the player which we have the of doing and you realize that people are working on what they’re trying to get rid of sometimes sometimes we just don’t know have the information so it’s like you know and

Again you go back to you just got to be careful and sometimes I’ll see someone make comments about a swing that a player took or on video and someone makes a comment about a swing or analyze a swing and it’s one zit video One swing

And one time and who knows if he hit it good or bad who knows right so my point is that Common Sense rules right yep let’s make make it as simple as possible so and if that top is moving you guys it’s tough for the average player you

You you can get a Rory M out there with a driver who’s hit countless balls and who times it right and he can do it just fine and you get the average golfer out there who’s trying to recreate a movement off the ball very very tough to

Do but I always thought it was incredibly efficient and very consistent and Powerful too you know it’s it’s powerful to be able to turn and understand that pressure builds in here simply as a result of me turning around the fix points I created in my

Setup at porzak golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity our full swing master class will take you on a stepbystep easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing

Better than ever join the mini before you who’ve utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond oh


  1. Thank you Adam & Todd for the comprehensive explanation of the “Hip Bump”. Keep up the great content. This set up has changed my swing and game immensely.

  2. Am I doing it wrong? Todd said my checkpoint is trail hand over the kneecap. If so I need to bend much further at the waist.

  3. I’m guilty of pursuing the perfect YouTube golf swing… till I came across your channel. My winter training focus is to “keep it simple”. Plz keep the great instructions going.

  4. LET YOU MENTOR TAKE OVER THE VIDEO!!!!! If he is on the video… let him have the full stage. You have enough videos of just you.

  5. Hi Jack 74 still watching. And would like to see if you agree with my notes? Hip bump.
    Push down.
    Complete shoulder turn. Pause at top shift dw from rear heel to lead toes pushing and rolling back ankle in. Keep turning! Keep armpits closed and drive the nail with butt of club. Palm of back hand & back of left hand pointing in front 90* to parrell shaft. Fire right right forearm hard.

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