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Tommy McCarthy Interview: No pressure on me, a win over Chev Clarke gets me back in the mix!

Tommy McCarthy Interview: No pressure on me, a win over Chev Clarke gets me back in the mix!

Interview 590: Tommy McCarthy

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Tommy McCarthy,Chev Clarke,Matchroom Boxing,Eddie Hearn,DAZN,Frank Smith,Conlan Boxing,Jamie Conlan,Michael Conlan,MHD Promotions,Paddy Gallagher,Mark Ginley,Lewis Crocker,Sean McComb,Paddy Donovan,Tyrone McKenna,Anto Cacace,Belfast Boxing,Belfast Boxers,Irish Boxing,Irish Boxers,Boxing News,Boxing News today,Carl Frampton,Ryan Burnett,Tommy McCarthy Boxing,Whiskey & White,Podcast,Olympics,Amateur Boxing

This is boxing tickets and it’s 2024 uh guess I’ll say I fail like uh obviously a year started there really started but Tommy obviously your F first one of the year um I guess danger zone I think I’ve sort of been playing the Top Gun sort of them but and obviously a

Great chance for you to bounce back obviously after defeat in in Poland in in November yeah uh it’s a great show to be a part of got the call last minute I’m sure most the failers did cuz came like around Christmas period but these big shows coming the your home City you

Have to take the opportunities when it come so looking forward to it start training soon as I got a phone call start train that night and we’re going for the for the big win for for obviously anybody obviously I guess sort of training camps 10 12 weeks when

Obviously you know it’s over Christmas did it sort of take a bit of thinking to go maybe have to obviously PE back a bit sort of obviously you can’t enjoy Christmas the same or I guess just that fighter mentality just whenever fights come you have to take them when F come

Out to take them know uh most Fighters would have never really enjoyed Christmas fully anyway because as an amateur the senors are always on early in the year so you’re always training over Christmas like your whole career so wasn’t a big deal I had been enjoying

Myself anyway before it so it was good to the kickart you know your um new new year new me a couple of weeks early and and obviously I guess after a period of activity 14 months without a fight sort of two coming back to back boxing isn’t

It sometimes it’s it’s that old saying you sort of wait for one and two come at once but you’re you’re never going to turn down a chance to fight in Belfast your first match from card in Belfast since Ry berett in 2017 so it’s crazy

How times went I know like you said spon there’s no uh there’s no schedule there’s no like especially for har F said before you always just have to be ready cuz the phone calls come last minute if you don’t take it somebody else with so and this is your 10th year

Now obviously 2014 obviously since you made your debut it’s 10 years in the sport and it just seems to be obviously in this 10 years Belfast obiously thriving with obviously Frampton obviously Bernett Michael Colin and obviously now seems to be a new break coming through is it great for you to

Sort of be sharing a card with leis and sea and and I guess obviously having the big theone exposure in Belfast as well yeah it’s great that that Belfast is getting two shows back to back um you know people been call for mat room for

Years to come here and N they came that last show the scene the F fans love it so they really right let’s get back ASAP and it’s good because like you say Louis ker up coming great talent Sean M who’s my mid we showed many cards travel the

World together so it’s great to be doing it as professionals and obviously on your opponent sh Clark obviously he’s only what this this 2020 2022 obviously made his debut so it sort it’s a big chance for him but obviously it’s it’s dangerous for you and the fact as well

It’s sort of it’s like a must one for you that a new bre of fighter coming through you can’t let Capac you sort of so is there a lot more pressure obviously added to that the fact that she sh run Clark isn’t at your level as

Yet there’s no pressure on me like a dollar pressure on him because he’s trying to Fast Track his way through the ranks which he has to do turn pro Li and when also dangerous fight he’s well SC Olympian and no extensive arm but and World School is two World School is a

Pron and it’s uh it’s a great FID for me to to win this puts me right back where was well supposed to left was been telling on the you know World title for the last since 2019 and it’s like just been sitting there sign a contract four times to

World Hill and it’s I win this one had won the last one friend for World Hill win this one you’re friend for World Hill so it’s not you know I’ve been in this position for a while so now I just need to win the to make the breakthrough

And I believe now we’ve got the team set up the team’s great you know P gal who’s everyone in our box knows who he is come out g go medist extensive professional should have been br’s come off champion and you know he has the knowledge and he’s my lifelong friend probably go back

Till 1994 that real do go back there like since I was about five or six grew up in the same area so I trust him I know he’s not going to let me turn the wrong path and Mark gley as well who’s another lifelong friend of Man X pro you know

Has loads of great knowledge too so they’re my two best mates they’re leading the ship and I trust them so it’s uh it’s great to have a team together and I’m going to have my cousins going to be in the corner too so it’s great to have friends of family

Surrounded it’s great to have a mix OB say party let getting them to keep quiet sometimes which is probably a good thing obviously party talks a lot as well but I guess having really good friends in there as well they’re friends probably outside of the ring when obviously you’re training everything else they’re

Your enemy you know they’re obviously trying to get the very best out you no no you’ve got you’ve got it all mixed up team can’t be enemies in the same team which does happen on boxing a lot people are you know trying to use faders to

Build their own name or try and use their fers to get money and just you know they’re not in their hearts not in it whereas we probably you know it’s hard in it because we’re we’re like family we’re like I said we know each other from we pups Mark gley the like

Mark’s like the leader of our crew OB SLO for me but we’re all on the same team there no enemies it’s it’s my corner team is going to be surrounded by people who love me who want me to do well for the right reasons so we’ve got

P again and my cousin Lloyd friends and family but it’s all family so there’s no there’s no bad vies there’s no and not contrary to what people think I’m not a bad trainer I’m a good trainer a good listener so I said Dam you tell

Me what to do I give you 100% and we’re fing just obviously want to get your obviously your your other uh brother in crime obviously t m obviously retired obviously after his fight with L Kroger sort of I know he’s had leis on the podcast as well was sort of strange at

The fact that Lewis finished thron’s career and now you’re on the card with Le obviously that sort of mix but Le didn’t finish thron’s career like ton finished his own career and now ton wants to come back cuz he sees the lads Camp was where at so you

Know I’m tell Forget About Time come back and have one more crack because you know p and again have the thing rolling beautifully so the training it’s hard but like I said it’s fun and we’re all friends but um yeah I think Tom M on

On this I don’t know where we have been doing this from 10 years ago well 10 years ago probably and and again we’re pursuing our own careers we should been doing it from a few years ago just obviously one he finally obviously looks like and Kachi is obviously finally

Going to get his shot similar to yourself you’ve obviously sort of been in the verge of obviously a massive obious World title fight it looks like he’s going to fight Cordina in Saudi Arabia in fav it’s not 100% as yet but I’m sure obviously you were you’re Overjoyed more than anything obviously

At the fact that and’s finally getting this opportunity yeah buzzle for him because as you know an’s an our person who grew up with Bo for Al PL no Char from from 12 and I’m 10 people this is the most talented boxer in the world and he just

Hasn’t like I say hasn’t had his opportunity to have bad luck and fade fall through getting injuries and it so he’s got it on the world States and it’s at the end of his career but better late than ever so B for him Andi will give him the Gaba goal the I

Guess sometimes sort of things come in twos and threes obviously with an Irish box and obviously we seen uh party and Anto and Dennis hook all left in the title around the same sort of time could s obviously get and be Jo sort of you be

Unbelievable and what’s C have F so yeah um be great great for the community great for the country ER boxon cuz you men FR at the start we haven’t had anyone really who’s picked up the pieces since frl retired so to have you know Bernett was a unified champion and he

Retired so they have another unified Champion you know it’ll spur more people on that ker ker looks like he’s got all the tools to going want to do it so know it’s it’s a good start of year definely well listen thanks very much for your time as always obviously just over two

Weeks they go before obviously you’re back in action against Chev Clark at new Forge live on the Zone but thanks for your time and I’m sure to see you all subscribe whiskey and we podcast there we are Cheers Tommy thank you

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