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Knicks-Raptors trade + Mikal Bridges, Klay Thompson value | Rotoworld Basketball Show (FULL SHOW)

Host Vaughn Dalzell (@VmoneySports) and Raphielle Johnson (@raphiellej) of NBC Sports and Yahoo Sports fantasy basketball analyst Dan Titus (@DanTitus) discuss the fantasy impact of the Knicks/Raptors trade, what managers should do with Mikal Bridges, and the Heat’s injury struggles. #NBCSports #NBA #fantasybasketball

(0:00) – Hello and welcome
(2:40) – Top Headlines: Pistons snap their skid, impressions of Knicks-Raptors multiplayer trade, Heat and Bulls hit hard by injury bug
(22:30) – More notable injuries: Kevin Durant, Kyrie Irving, Dante Exum, Trey Murphy, De’Anthony Melton and Malaki Branham
(39:30) – Buy Low/Sell High: Mikal Bridges, Klay Thompson and Ausar Thompson
(51:20) – Weekly Schedule Highlights: Targeting the Trail Blazers, Grizzlies, Bucks and Magic
(56:00) – Vaughn, Raphielle and Dan hand out “White Elephant” gifts to start off the New Year

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Knicks-Raptors trade + Mikal Bridges, Klay Thompson value | Rotoworld Basketball Show (FULL SHOW)

And welcome to the root World Basketball show Happy New Year to everyone watching and thank you for joining us today as we have a lot to cover including the Pistons they’re headed to Disney World that’s right they won heck yeah baby oh yeah and Wy also got vot on a post to

Everybody by John Morant plus we have a deal Raphael the Knicks and the Raptors coming to terms and we also gon to cover injuries schedules bow sell High all that and more on the road Ro basketball show that is Dan Titus of yaho sports INE middle splitting up myself Von delzo

And rapael Johnson of NBC Sports I want to say happy New Year Raphael I know you probably got Buck Wild on the New Year man you probably went to a Great Gatsby party played twister stay up till 1201 on the dot then went to bed uh how was

Your New Year funny that you had mentioned a Great Gatsby because I absolutely hated that book in high school like I love reading but I’m big on yeah I didn’t watch a movie like I’m big on reading and watching things that I can identify with and well I don’t

Have to tell too much of that story to let you know that I didn’t identify with a dog on thing in that book so yeah it wasn’t gonna work but as for the new year um thank you Happy New Year to you guys as well but um I just hung out at

Home as soon as that magic Suns game ended it’s like all right sit around for a little bit and go to bed you guys do way more than I did man I was I up till probably like 10:30 and I was like all right I’m good I’ll see you in 2024 I’ve seen

Enough yeah I I joked with you till 12:01 Raphael but I made it till 1210 so yeah didn’t make it very late I woke up you know my new my 30s and my new years in 2024 it’s gonna be exciting and I it was like every other year just

Like we should expect um but yeah it sounds like we all had a restful New Year’s EES uh we are ready to go in 2024 for uh as are the Detroit Pistons guys um you know I want to tell a quick story because actually I I lied um I’m not

Sure if the Pistons and the Raptors played on New Year’s they played after that I believe um was right before right before I think yes yes because it was um it was my brother’s birthday okay so the 30th so it was that same night I wanted to

Double check to make sure uh I’d have my days Twisted but we’re going we’re at a bowling alley all right a very cheap bowling alley you know the ones where all the balls are marked up and it’s cold in there uh so we’re there bowling

And he turns to me and says the Pistons and Raptors are tied with 9 minutes left go bet the Pistons and I said listen I have lost too much money on the Detroit Pistons the last two weeks to running B them he tells me the Raptors are no buies but

Hey my brother nailed it the Pistons got their win they almost beat the Celtics Raphael plus a830 odds which I had them too so I was still upset about that one do the Detroit Pistons ever win a game again I think they will um I thought it

Was funny that the following game they went to Houston and got blown out it’s like nobody’s watching anymore knew gonna Happ go back to what we were doing it’s we had our Championship yeah I think the big question is that we talked about it last week is that 7273 Sixers team um they

Record 9 and 73 um fewest wins in the 82 Game season I think that’s still Within Reach for the Pistons like obviously they’re not going to try to achieve that but you know what I’m saying here that’s a really bad basketball team like yeah holy cow

Like had a loss for words at this point that how poorly they’ve played since getting off that two and one start man God no yeah I mean all jokes aside this is definitely one of the worst teams we’ve we’ve ever witness play basketball but uh I mean you can’t look away Dan

You have to watch uh I mean it’s that entertaining still I’m I’m locked into Raptors or Rockets minus 10 and a half against the Pistons they’re up by 22 in the third quarter and I’m like I don’t know man Pistons might make this close and I’m like but they’re really bad it’s

Just amazing every time so uh what do you make of this were you are you proud the Detroit Pistons uh to to some degree I am proud because they avoided tying the alltime record in North American Sports for a losing streak at 29 it was the Chicago Cardinals and I didn’t even

Know who the hell they were I was like all right who it’s actually the Arizona Cardinals 1942 to 1945 they did not win a game three seasons and the Pistons are going to actually be in that same realm like that’s crazy how bad of a team this

Is um the other thing I was looking at was like Monty’s comments after the game I’m like he said that people were cheering as if like he’s never seen it before in all of his NBA career I’m like what he said he was tearing up I’m like

Come on man this is a bad bad situation either way as bad as it is I am feeling good about Jaylen durren this dude’s had seven straight double doubles um it’s not a surprise to me that they got their first win with him back in the lineup

Like he just raises their floor there’s a better team that can protect the rim he gets rebounds he’s 34th over the last two weeks so you know assuming he can stay healthy I think that they’ll eek out a couple more wins but I think it’s funny we’ll revisit this at the end I

See some books have their win total at 11 and a half so I feel like they’re going to but I mean the books think that they’re not going to be the worst team of all time I I don’t know about that yeah I don’t know about the either

I mean I could understand the comments Dan because like so much stress was probably relieved and taking off their shoulders after getting that win and you go right back and getting smacked up on the road to Houston but we expected that I mean it’s gonna be hard to maintain

Wins for Detroit when you look at their schedule I mean yeah they get Utah tonight but they’re at Golden State at Denver sac San Antonio Houston Washington so even the games against San Antonio and Washington are going to be difficult games for the Detroit Pistons moving forward um but if you guys have

No other comments on who to pick up on Detroit which I’m sure is a roulette board yeah Rafael said yeah describe that great a roulette board that’s yeah because I I think the one thing you’re kind of hoping as a fantasy manager is that the rotation solidifies now that they’ve won a game

Um because it we’ll talk about Oar Thompson later in the show but he’s become a difficult player where managers are thinking do I hold on to him in the hopes for Silly Season or do I drop him because the minutes have been too volatile recently boan bogdanovich really isn’t giving people what we

Expect from him doesn’t give you much defensively which makes the offense that much more important and that’s kind of fallen off recently so I think besides durren and Kade Cunningham Jaden Ivy I guess but other than that it’s like there really isn’t much to pick from here no yeah you’re

You’re picking from scraps when it comes to Detroit business at this sport in the waiver wire if You’ don’t already have ker Duren so I’m with you there before we talk about your Knicks and that Raptor’s trade which surprised me Rafael to be honest with you um I want to ask

You guys uh if Victor wanyama jumps does John Moran catch that body or is John ran on is behind uh I still feel like you would have caught it I know I think that that was just a move like I don’t know maybe wy’s never seen that kind of twitchiness

But the way he got up that quick like that was tough he definitely thought it was a floater before he dun like by the time he D it was too late to realize all he was gonna dunk that that that dribble SL hop step right before he took off was

What caught him off guard I think he got him off balance a little bit look nobody surprised that ja tried it I asked on Twitter like what what time in the game is he gonna try to do this because you knew if anybody in the NBA is going to

Try to put that man on the poster it’s John marant and he did it you know so good for him you know good for the Grizzlies playing better basketball they’ve got some injury issues on the back end of the rotation but they’re main guys at this point you know who

They are fancy so you’re good to go if you have J Bane margus smart being back and then jiren Jackson Jr of course didn’t shoot well last night but three Steals and four blocks I mean that than counters a three or 14 night from the field so yeah seven stocks will

Definitely get you done and like you said you said the core four there for Memphis and uh now that Mor’s back we know the identity of Memphis they’re playing much better basketball and glad that dunk happened in Memphis not San Antonio too which was pretty cool for

The home crowd uh Dan I want your opinions on this uh trade before we let Raphael give his bias and unbiased opinions on Micks and Raptors uh so if you haven’t heard the Knicks received Oobi precious auua and Malik Malachi Flynn excuse me the Raptors got RJ Barrett Emanuel quickley which really

Shocked me in a 2024 second round pick via the Detroit Pistons which should be the first pick uh in the second round so one I want to ask you what does that do for Emanuel quickley and his Futures odds for you know he was the favorite

For six Man of the Year what’s his role going to be like with this team RJ barar is obviously excited to be back in Canada Home Country uh so just thoughts in general um I think it’s the biggest winner is Emanuel quickley he started the first game had 28 minutes scored

What 14 points six boards had a couple of steals I think he was very aggressive and I think this is a going to be a great moment if you picked him up in fantasy I know he was one of those guys that was becoming on that drop list in

12 team leagues because he wasn’t getting enough minutes and that’s exactly what he’s going to get in Toronto reports already coming out that they’re going to take the time that being the Raptors to figure out what this young core looks like and that young core definitely includes quickly

So I think this is good for him OJ anobi I think it’s also good for him too because the Knicks have been wanting to get a guy that can actually play defense and knock down Corner threes as well as shoot efficiently he’s really good at

The Rim I think this is a perfect person to to land on a Tom Tibido Squad and honestly I wasn’t that impressed with any no you have him in a couple of spots he’s been a top 100 guy this year but you drafted him way higher than that

Um I think if we can continue to get what he’s what he how he played in the Nick’s debut I think we’re going to have you know closer to that top 60 you know maybe a top even 50 guy um so I feel really good about OG and RJ Barrett he

Had a good game it’s kind of hard to tell I would say like whether I fully trust him but he had a good game 21 points nine boards if his role continues maybe he likes playing under his home country fan favorite I could see him being at least hold worthy in fantasy

But his skill set still doesn’t lend itself to to be that effective in fantasy so I hold him I guess I’m still looking for the consistency from three from RJ Barrett uh something that you know we saw a few games this year with the Knicks where he’s really taking off

But I love what the Knicks got back uh rafio I think OG and precious fit the Knicks build uh what they do offensively and defensively not expecting much from Malachi Flynn as he’s been shopped around a a few times but uh what was your reaction when you saw the Trey go

Down as a fan and how you in a few days later I was surprised um you know you’ve got two homegrown players in in Barr and quickley I think that was part of the initial reaction from some people the initial negative reaction but OG and Obi

Fit fit feels a clear need for that team right now you know they needed a three and D Wing look the entire NBA is searching for three and D Wings it’s like one of the big talking points every draft every draft season like you know who’s who’s going to get who’s going to

Be that next Elite 3 andd guy I think OG’s on on the path to be that type of player um precious he only played nine minutes against Minnesota I’m not expecting too much from him but he can be helpful there on either the four or

The five I would keep an eye on if he sees more minutes what happens with Josh Hart’s minutes at the four um I think he’s undersized he’s definitely tough enough to do it but I don’t think you want him to be exclusively a four in that rotation if you’re looking to make

A move in the east like Dan said the big fantasy winner is Emanuel quickley here um being in a starting role having the ball in his hands a bit more you see how he works off of Scotty Barnes a good catch and shoot option so I think it’ll help there

Too Malachi Flynn I think what’s important to note here is that shortly after that trade was consummated they signed miles McBride to a three-year 13 million deal so I think it’s pretty clear that he’s going to be the first choice to back up Jaylen Brunson Flynn really hasn’t done much in in term

Fantasy or real basketball since being a first round pick so I’m not expecting anything there that first that second round pick’s pretty much like a low carb first round like you mentioned Detroit’s going to be like that first or second pick of the second round and we’ve seen

Early second round picks in recent years kind of earn guaranteed deals and whatnot so that’s another attractive piece for Toronto to either you know add another young player or maybe package it somewhere else um to to improve their the core that they’re trying to build out there around Scotty

Barnes sounds like we all yeah building around Scotty Barnes is the future for Toronto and it sounds like I mean we all agree that a deal had to be coming for Toronto at some point last year second half the year felt like things were going to be changing for them moving

Forward into this season and now we see that transpiring a little surprising to me that the Knicks did make a deal but given that they’re you know a few games over 500 uh you’d rather change it up now and also give Jaylen Brunson you had tooo many guards

Rapael the Knicks had too many guards uh and you know Josh Hart now can back up Brunson a little more if they want and I feel like that’s gonna be a benefit to this team too so I’m excited to see what the next what do you think that this

Does for Quickly’s six-man market like do you think he will get more steam now because he’s going to be starting so like his numbers are going to look better because like there’s always that like I don’t I feel like Lou Williams was six man in the year plenty of times

When he was playing really starters minutes even though he was coming off the bench so I don’t I’m curious to see how that plays out my take foran looks like it’s a zombie it’s dead yeah he’s you have I think you have to start you have to come off the bench for more

Games than you start um they don’t give like a specific number but that’s pretty much what you have to do in order to have a chance to win that award so unless they’re going to go back to Dennis shuder which I don’t know why they would do that at this point I think

Quickly’s market for six man of the year has gone by the wayside but he probably stands to earn more money in free agency as a starter than coming off the bench yeah I mean certainly contract standpoint that worked out for IQ and it will work out for him but uh yeah I

Already thought about now how I have to hedge this out because Quickly’s done for not even I mean I figured what ra Raphael said because he turned us on to the Morant MVP and why he’s not eligible so similar situation here um so yeah I agree fully and even if he was eligible

I don’t think the Raptors he would do enough Off the Bench for a raptor team to make a difference uh this season to win the award um but we got a lot of bench players that might make a difference for the Miami Heat guys uh there’s a lot of people running with an

Injury bug out there we got Jimmy Butler Haywood heith Caleb Mortin Josh Richardson I mean all these guys are dealing with something that they’re either out tonight questionable tonight or uh you know dayt day so Rafa I’ll start with you what is the current thoughts what are your thoughts on the

Current state of the heat I should say are there any w wire options I don’t think there’s much difference now than what there was like a couple weeks ago um guys like haime hak Jr Duncan Robinson those are the main ones you’re going to be targeting

Here um I know that Kyle Lowry I think Kyle Lowry has a pretty high ranking but if you actually watch them play you know that that’s a serious Mirage in terms of um what he’s done I think he may be just outside the top 100 if I’m not mistaken yeah 110 basketball

Monster ain’t no way man you actually you watched watched him play recently and you look at his stat lines he’s not a 10th round player I’m sorry um even even if he remains healthy with Jimmy out I can’t see it so I don’t see him being someone that you’re gonna

Add even though he’s below 40% rostered um fancy managers know what the deal is there so I think hakz Duncan Robinson those are the guys you’re going to be going after because you’re not going to get hero or bam at this point no Dan anything worth adding there any other

Players you have your eyes on in Miami no I think Duncan Robinson’s probably the most attainable of them he’s just went under 50% rostered so he’s probably available in Shallow leagues I doubt haime hakz is out there at 65% but um I think yeah this is really just benefits

Duncan Robinson um in the short term until Caleb Martin gets back but I know that they’re going through it and it doesn’t sound like I think the x-rays were negative on Jimmy Butler’s Jimmy Butler’s foot but there still wasn’t a clear time table for his return so um

Yeah I wrote about it earlier this week I think Duncan Robinson has some staying power and fantasy uh just given all the injuries that are going on I have to agree with there it’s it’s kind of slim Pickins in Miami as far as the waiver wire because they have the

Core players as well um you know and I want to I want to promo something for the end of the show because we’re going to be doing doing a a white elephant giveaway that we talked about last week you guys will get your guft from me and

I’ll get my guft from you um but I’m a little jealous that Raphael got his gift on a Nick’s trade a little early a little surprise gift for Christmas because uh Zack LaVine is still with the bulls guys I mean what the heck um I thought that we would have a trade by

Now uh now Kobe white he’s injured uh he got an ankle injury on top of a wrist injury that wasn’t talked about too much but he went 0 for five from three last night so that rest was definitely bothering and we got packed Patrick Williams to the Paul dealing with an

Ankle injury as well so I mean whose turn is it to get picked up on the Bulls Dan and then dropped a week later who are we picking up and dropping uh for right now I would drop Pat Williams um he did sustain an ankle injury and if Zack lavine’s going to be

Coming back in about a week you don’t you’re not going to have much value for Patrick Williams anymore so I think he would be the drop for me do want to see what’s up with Kobe white and his ankle injury I think Alex Caruso is someone

That’s going to benefit there but um you know long term I would still hold on to Kobe white as long as possible I think a Zack LaVine trade is inevitable at this point and I think it will actually help him getting back on the court once you

Know potential teams can see what he looks like off that injury they they we’ll probably see something before the trade deadline gets up because they’re better without him and he doesn’t want to be there so I think it makes sense uh for both both parties to kind of find a

A different situation y has won five of the last eight games six of the last 10 they’ve certainly played better basketball with Kobe white at the helm rather than Zack LaVine which has been interesting to say the least but we’ll see where that lasts oh one thing to that uh vich is

Gonna be missing a minute it’s crazy we we we’re we’re on Andre Drummond like two weeks ago and now look at Andre Drummond he’s like a guy that you need to add in fantasy now yeah I mean it’s it’s slim pickings at the the power forward and Center position for

Chicago I mean something I talked about the being of the year I think they may have got ad dama sonogo some minutes uh so you know we’re at that point in the season now it’s silly season in Chicago already apparently rafhael let me ask you this uh you looking at anybody like

A a Terry Taylor dalen Terry uh Javon Carter IOD dumo Alice Caruso you don’t want any of those guys Caruso for sure like 43% roster just just outside the top 100 he’s going he’s the obvious pickup right now if you’re going to pick up anyone um I would assuming may may

See more minutes but he’s just been a little too inconsistent for me so I wouldn’t go there um yeah it’s basically just Alex Caruso um and then Zack LaVine comes back I think if you’re a bulls fan you’re hoping he kind of explodes early just to show that he’s healthy and

Productive because he man that contract isn’t going to be easy to get off of but it’s quite clear that things need to change there um you want to be able to see what Kobe white can do running the show by himself instead of just kind of having to stand off to the

Side and watch two ball dominant ISO players have the ball instead of just one u d rozan has worked well off of those guys um obviously had the prior point guard experience in San Antonio that may be serving him well here in Chicago during this stretch but

You can’t have him and LaVine and all those other guys out there because few too many of them just turn into Spectators no totally agree I feel like it’s it’s a chemistry wise having that many ball dominant guys on a team that doesn’t play defense is never going to

Uh work out in the favor of that team and yeah I’m I’m excited to see where they go moving forward I want to deal that I want to deal soon and I think that they’re going to send him to a team that benefits uh Dan’s white elephant

Gift um so I’m gonna leave it at that one a little very excited to hear what this is yeah yeah it’s gonna be good it’s gonna be good uh what else is gonna be good is the pja tour guys uh it teas off in Hawaii this week as the golf’s

Biggest stars hit the links lanu it’s the century and you can watch Thursday through Sunday on NBC the Golf Channel and peacock so tune in for some PGA golf it’s G to be a good time man um I haven’t played some golf in a while and

That’s probably for the best CU your boy is bad man I’m I’m talking like 107 bad last time I played uh actually I’m probably being probably being nice it’s more like 117 but uh Kevin Durant second straight give it dur let’s talk about him uh he missed another game uh rapael

Whose time is it in Phoenix shockingly it may be chimi metsu time um he’s played well the last few games you think we’ve been kind of waiting for some of those supplementary like forwards to kind of step forward and separate themselves you whether you talk about him orada Bates Diop even

Joshua kogi is more of like a two3 meu’s kind of you know he’s been good obviously the performance against Dallas like 23 and 19 you weren’t you noten expecting that from him but I think he’s proven to be a solid um option for depth and maybe you can take

Can run for him in deeper leagues right now um but the thing is you got Bradley Beal you got Devin Booker those eyes those guys aren’t going to do too much so metu is probably the closest thing in terms of like a worthwhile gamble in a deep League format right

Now how’s your opinions uh on what’s your opinions Dan on the Phoenix situation right now as Rafael mentioned Bradley billback definitely changes some things he got a three games under his belt um in Phoenix see how that goes yeah I feel like um Grayson Allen’s probably mostly owned in in deep league

So it’ probably be a shallow League ad there 60% I’m still I don’t know that I’m ready to go there with shamei metu yet because I think it’s interesting that bu bll has entered the rotation and he played pretty well in 20 minutes the other night H Raph Raph doesn’t believe in

Bull but I feel like at least he could take 18 to 20 minutes in either way I doubt I’m gonna be picking up either of them but deep if I had a yeah if I had a penalty flag to throw at the screen right now you you believe I hope you’re

Right I hope you’re right but it it just feels like that comment that Fran filla had about Bruno kabako years ago during the draft he’s like he’s two years away from being two years away like it feels like we’re just waiting for ball ball to kind of you

Know make good on that promise he showed during his limited time at Oregon um injuries were an issue early on than the lack of opportunity but I don’t know it just says something that Orlando was so willing to move off of him when they had a young roster full of unproven guys so

Hopefully you can get it done in Phoenix but I’m not too optimistic about that yeah I do feel like Orlando had a ton of bigs um when bull ball was there so it was definitely hard to shine but I mean no more than five minutes in any game up

Until this Portland game and bble gets 20 minutes drops 11 points and nine rebounds dan t Rafael put some respect on Bobo’s name man come on guys ready I don’t even know if I’m ready to go that far I’m just I feel like I’m not ready

To go there on chimzi metu because of that fact mob might actually get minutes with Durant out but we’ll see it doesn’t look like this is a long-term thing for Durant um I saw dein Booker had a a media a media sound bite today that was saying like he just needed some games

Off he’s been shouldering a lot of the load with Bradley Beal out so I feel like we’ll see Kevin Durant back at least by you know if not tonight Wednesday worst case like by Friday yeah so it shouldn’t be a problem that continues Wednesday night you shouldn’t

Be streaming shimi metu anyway it’s a too big of a slate like you you ain’t got to pick them up yeah no that’s true so uh it’s no one’s time in Phoenix that sounds like that uh if it’s not bull BS it’s not anybody let’s get that out

There uh but let’s talk about let’s go from Phoenix to Dallas uh from the team they can’t beat uh the Dallas Mavericks got blown out though by the UT Jazz guys uh we were talking last week about Dante exom and how great he’s been and how

He’s been hanging out with lcad donic in the Instagram posts uh but now he’s injured uh Kyrie iring came back things Chang in a week on this show a lot man like from one week to the next a lot of things happen uh but Kyrie Irving is

Back now so what’s there to look forward to in Dallas Rafael um beyond the main guys I don’t think there’s much to look forward to um I know Jaden Hardy put up a good statline against Utah but let’s be honest a lot of that second half was

Garbage time um so you can’t really rely on him doing that in terms of who who may replace XM in the starting lineup I think Josh Green could be that guy maybe you get a couple three-pointers and some defensive stats but I don’t know if there’s enough there to kind of hang my

Hat on in terms of fantasy addition right now so yeah I don’t think you’re looking for it for too much you’re kind of hoping that Derrick Jones Jr plays better than he did in Utah he’s been pretty good the last few weeks so I think if anything

Kind of hoping for a bit more from him I don’t know if I would stream Josh Green especially in a 12 game night like Wednesday there any streaming options for you tonight Dan or moving forward forward no not too many I mean I feel like Jaden Hardy would be like you know

14 team type ad um and that’s even as Raph said that’s not really that reliable he he got a hot night you know shooting from three that’s not going to happen all the time I mean his minutes though he has been averaging 22 minutes over his last five games so it looks

Like Jason kid is at least trying to get him a little bit more involved in this rotation but you know with Kyrie back I I don’t suspect that that’s going to hold for very long um beyond that I’d say maybe Tim Hardway Jr his rostering

Has F has fallen over the last week or so he’s down to 57% so I mean he might be out there in Shallow leagues but that’s really if you need a three-point specialist so you know I wouldn’t be rushing to add him but I agree with what Raph said maybe

Josh green or Jaden Hardy in a deep League yeah I’m I’m the most interested to see what Dallas’s defense is going to look like moving forward now again with Luca and Kyrie back out there together that’s always something that that I’ve had trouble believing in um that that’s

Going to work out just because of you know what we know about them defensively and ball dominance and offense uh but I want to ask you guys this because Trey Murphy man he’s dealing with a sore left knee he’s questionable tonight it’s the same knee he had an issue on before the

Season he got an operation do you guys have any injuries that are nagging or anything that keeps coming up and flaring up on you because my lower back man it’s been six years I’ve been good for the last two but I’m telling you I’ve been working out lately and I’m

Like man my back hurts must be my 30 yeah um I got a uh I be pulling my hamstring a little too much like if I got I don’t stretch right and I’m going out there on the court man just a I’ll be going up for a layup i’ be like ah

Just just that little that little pinch I’m like all that’s enough jump shots for from here on out so yeah it’s probably the left hamstring for me yeah right me kind of aggravated it working out a couple months ago um hey thankful for hyper those those machines

Help so yes yes no I definitely agree my brother got the whole setup in his crib I walked in after Christmas and he had a bike weights everything I said oh my God but uh that’s why his back doesn’t hurt mine does apparently um take care of yourself everybody watch it make sure

You work out not daily at least weekly a few times a week uh but Trey Murphy he works out he definitely does uh but he’s still dealing with a sore left knee so the Pelicans now got some things to move forward with Rafael what’s your opinions

On him and is there anyone worth picking up in case he does Miss tonight um there is concern on my part you know as you mentioned had the knee operated on you know just before the start of the season a miniscus injury now you’re dealing with

Soreness that’s a bit of a concern you know I don’t think it’s on par with some of the other issues we’ve seen across the NBA like a marel fult for example but there’s going to be some concern there they’re probably going to I expect them to exercise C ation maybe this

Preserves herbs Jones value a bit because I thought he was starting to take a hit with Murphy being healthy um his ability to shoot the basketball even though herb was still in the starting lineup it’s a little easier to to siphon away some of those minutes that he was

Getting pre-t tray Murphy injuries so I think if anything if you have herb Jones roster you hold on to him um 57% rosters obviously you’re not going to find him in deep leagues right now but I think he’s someone to keep an eye on in the short term especially if

Murphy remains sideline yeah I think herb Jones would be a great pickup if you still have him available say um yeah I’d be surprised I’d be surprised if you’re in a 12 team league and herb is available but if he is go get him um Dan

I heard my back by uh hitting hitting some with a Euro Step and then he took my legs out and I fell playing basketball and it was on legs day bro on leg day um so you know I was fing next more I could even tie my shoe um but

What’s up with Trey Murphy and the Pelicans uh so it looks like he’s he’s back at practice he’s he’s shooting around I think this this could be injury maintenance um you know he’s obviously missed a portion of the season with a separate injury so now that he’s coming

Back um I would feel pretty good about Trey Murphy though man like this is actually a guy that I’m going to start to try to Target in tra I think he’s going to be ramped up as the season progresses um just a really good fantasy player the numbers may not jump off the

Page but really efficient good on defense um he’s the type of person that can really build out your backend depth of your squad so I would take this Advantage like if someone’s worried about you know potentially him going on the I or something like that uh maybe

You can scoop him for a little bit cheaper yeah love that idea too it’s great advice and I’m gonna stick with you Dan here because we’re going to talk about the Sixers your squad you’re repping them here today um jool embid came back I took a minus 10 they smacked

Up on my Bulls baby let’s go Sixers I was a Sixers fan for the night uh UB is in the lineup now we got Batum uh in there DeAndre melon dealing with an injury obviously said Joel embiid is back now um what are you looking at as

Far as streaming for the Sixers uh and is Nicholas patum actually an option for you um he would be an option in the right circumstances I I don’t see those circumstances this week like the the Sixers play on mainly big slates um and he doesn’t really do too

Much outside of you giving you some Steals and lowend points and rebounds so I I don’t love Nick Batum I think it’s really about Kelly UB and I doubt that he’s available in most leagues um actually he’s at 45% so he’s probably there in in Shallow leagues I would

Certainly give him a boost here now that he’s moved into the starting unit um he just plays better when he gets more minutes and he’s starting to come on double digits and three straight um he’s getting the Steals and and a little low-key dimes too so yeah I’ll take K UB

If he’s available on waivers yeah I think Kelly would be a great pick up Nick Batum tempting to do his best Shane Bader impr pression here in Philadelphia my opinion Raphael uh what do you think about the pickups wer wire and Philadelphia I think Dan hit on it

You’re pretty much you know Kelly UB if he’s available you grab him if not then you may just look at other teams you know to uh yeah to fill out your roster because Batum really isn’t going to do too much because with the limited offense you’re kind of hoping for two to

Three steals per game and maybe a block as well and that’s not his game at this point in his career so yeah it’s either UB or you just you move on y I totally agreed um if I’m playing someone the have Nick batuman fantasy I’m G be

Smiling that’s all I’m saying um last two weeks we’ve been talking about Trey Jones and his value in fantasy uh I’ll stick with you Rafael on this one because I know you’ve been harping on Trey and I had some really good points on him so are you still uh thinking Trey

Jones is someone worth keeping right now in fantasy um well with the Malachi brandom injury that he suffered during the loss to Memphis on Tuesday it’s possible he receives a slight boost but I don’t think they really care about having an actual point guard run the show at this point so I’m not

Expecting much like Blake Wesley got more minutes in the second half of that game and he’s a first round pick you know I know they paid trade during the summer but I don’t know man it God man it’s good that wmy is as talented as he

Is and still able to do what he does because I I don’t want to call it like malpractice but the way they’ve handled like the lead playmaker responsibilities down there is just it’s pretty wild to me especially when you have a capable point guard on your roster and Trey

Jones no I have to agree with that Dan uh do you agree yeah it’s just I would say it’s malpractice it’s crazy that Malachi brandom and Jeremy soan have had more starts than Trey Jones at point guard Trey Jones hasn’t had a start at point guard that that’s what does he not he’s

One of the tops in the league at assisted turnover ratio every year like his brother and he’s played the team especially wemi the guy that you want to develop the most has played better with Trey Jones on the court so just one of those frustrating situations but sorry man injuries happened I guess

We’re going to force your hand here so hopefully Trey Jones will finally get some starts and I think this is certainly someone you want to pick up in fantasy he’s a pretty efficient guy hasn’t really been too much this year because he hasn’t had those consistent

Minutes but I think I think he’s worthy of a pickup now if brandom’s gonna be out and sohan’s still kind of playing oh actually I’ve been meaning to talk about this soan have you been looking at his stats R is he is he improved I think what was

He last two weeks 12th round value over the last two weeks I don’t it’s not great but look counting stats are solid yeah I think my my issue is that he’s not really giving you the defensive stats you know Fair three steals point4 blocks over the last two weeks and maybe he’s

Just someone who’s better as like a positional Defender as opposed to one who’s going to get stats on that end of the floor that’s that’s fine um I don’t know it just really doesn’t move the needle for me you know I’m not saying he’s a mustad I’m

Just saying he’s at least roster at this point right I think if I I would say this if if we’re at this point in two weeks he would definitely be roster okay all right because then you you run up to trade deadline and after that they’re

Just going to be playing things out and he should get more even more opportunities than he currently has so yeah ke the Kellin Johnson watch will be hopefully started by then at that point can I watch yeah can I watch this yeah yeah you go watch for sure

That’s fair that’s very fair watch watch list I agree with that yeah yeah I have a feeling we’re gonna be talking about a lot of uh Buy Low sell High options in San Antonio over the next two months uh given how their season’s going San Antonio and Detroit way too many gu way

Too many bad bad basketball teams giving us plenty of fantasy streaming options we’re going to have it all covered for you guys uh on the other side this little promo though we’re going to do the Buy Low sell highs I want to remind you all don’t miss a double header of

Big 10 Basketball in the Great Lake State this Thursday the action starts when Penn State takes on Michigan State at 6:30 pm. Eastern followed by a night cap of Minnesota at Michigan 900 PM Eastern both matches can found exclusively on peacock those are going to be two great games I actually have

Very high hopes for uh the Michigan Wolverines in basketball also I think they’re pretty decent this year not as good as Purdue obviously uh real quick Michigan or Washington college football national championship right answers only Washington let’s go oh I’m not gonna make my comments these guys uh let’s go

Back to basketball it’s the M it’s the M uh but we’ll talk about look man you’re gonna find out why Washington was given a Joe Moore award for the best offensive line in college football that’s all I’m gonna say yeah no they have a great offensive line Jun guy pretty good

Pretty good pretty good he is pretty good he’s pretty good uh Michigan’s been my team all year they uh they paid my rent two months they paid some phone bills uh they paid even a car insurance uh bill they paid a lot for me this year

So um yeah no I have I’m writing an article for MBC uh later today on my units and record for Michigan and uh when I looked up the record it was uh over 70% that’s all I’ll say and well over well over a dozen units I’ll just

Say that but uh Michigan my baby is gonna take home to Natty uh we’ll see what these guys do though Mel Bridges is another M uh he’s he’s a factory worker all right in the last 11 games though you know what Mel Bridges has done guys only 16 points four rebounds and three

Assists not exactly what you wanted from him his team is two and nine in that stretch so uh Dan give me some good info on Mel Bridges uh hold him cut him bu low so high what you doing uh it’s a rough patch for him man

This is like the worst I think I’ve seen him that I can remember stretch a basketball for him he’s been outside the top 200 for the last two weeks and I don’t know he just hit a rut but I feel like the the Nets in general have hit a

Rut cam Thomas was awful last game um rumors are Ben Simmons is going to be practicing I’m not saying that that’s going to change the trajectory of maau bridges but maybe it gets them a little bit healthier um I would defin he excuse me I would definitely be buying him

Right now like if you can if anyone is selling Mel Bridges off of this stretch like they’re insane so if he’s on the Block go get him I don’t care what it takes like he’s a top 30 player outside of this stretch so yeah I would I

Wouldn’t be scared to go get him if if he’s available yeah Dan you just ruined my day by bringing up Ben Simmons’s name why we gota keep talking about this guy on this podcast no I’m just kidding uh PR he’s progressing I don’t yeah I mean

I’m I’m just looking forward to the St conversation for the next three years uh but Mel Bridges uh what about you rapael are you doing the same thing as Dan here yeah if you have him you hold um if you don’t have him I’d start looking into by

Low possibilities because like Dan said he’s he’s an incredibly effective player uh when he’s on his game um the Nets in general have been poor these last two three weeks I don’t think that’s going to last permanently um I did find a interesting what happened with that

Bucks game where they rested a bunch of guys and pulled Bridges and a few others at the end of the first quarter he wasn’t happy about it at all um so you hope that doesn’t happen in future circumstances because he’s a guy that they’re clearly trying to build around

And I would think you’d want to keep him happy and he’s someone who wants to play all 82 games play at a high level um so hopefully that kind of keeps him safe from like load management possibilities because I think that would be your one concern with this team given the direction that

They’ve been trending recently yeah I do agree he’s a guy that’s been pretty healthy too in his career he plays all the time he’s available um so you know he’s always someone you can at least rely on in that degree um not as much as you can’t rely

On Klay Thompson as much as Mel Bridges though and I want to ask you guys because last night I end up going to the pit vers North Carolina game it was a good game for like 35 minutes and then North North Carolina just trashed them I

Had a pit ticket so I don’t want to talk about it but um I had to make some more money later that night I li back Clay Thompson over nine and a half points um pretty happy to see him have a pretty strong second half but I’m not gonna

Overreact and say Klay Thompson’s back out of the slump um Rafael are you no I I think his comments after the game or what kind of intrigued me it felt like he’s someone’s dealing with like that athletic mortality that we see so many players struggle with you know

It’s like you want to be able to do it the way you did it in the past but you just can’t and you know other things are required of you at this point if felt like this is something that he’s been struggling with um I think he can

Definitely be an effective starter for them but if you’re expecting like top 50 top 75 level production I don’t know if he’s going to get to that level at this point in this season so yeah one game isn’t gonna isn’t going to make me kind of overreact to what he can

Potentially do moving forward and then not even one game it’s one half I mean my man had three points and three fouls in the first half that’s why I had to grab him live at nine and a half points because I was like I mean he’s gonna get opportunities against Orlando Magic

Right um but yeah he finished with a pretty decent game but I you agree with Raphael and I we’re not gonna go ahead and say he’s back to to Klay Thompson yet no I listened to the postgame press conf conference and it was I think it was a an interesting conversation

Because it sounds like him and Steve CER have been talking about his energy and how that may be impacting his leadership and how that looks to the younger younger players and all that so it sounds like I mean he admitted that he cares about the numbers he cares about

All-Star appearances what that’s going to do for his contract so I think he’s just putting undue pressure on himself if he actually can correct that and just get his confidence back and just play ball yeah maybe we’ll see him go to you know top 70 top 60 as Raph was

Suggesting but I think it’s pretty clear that this Warriors team is different right now and I I think something’s broken there um not with Clay specifically but I think with just everything with the chemistry the the frequent rotational changes of the starting lineup like there’s a lot of things in motion here

And they’re still trying to figure it out and Clay just hasn’t been good man he’s averaging 16 points three rebounds and two assists like that over 30 games like it is what it is so at this point I think you hold you get some good games

Out of them some spike games where he’ll get you know four five three-pointers 25 points whatever and then you just got to deal with the the floor of that because the floor is ugly unfortunately but you’re not really gonna find much trade value for him right now so I think you

Just got to hold if he went into a slump like I feel like clay was tiering on that that that border line of Jaylen green and RJ Barrett of like do I hold you in 12 team for like the bad of the bad because it’s bad but I think you can

Hold clay I have more confidence in clay than those guys but um yeah yeah not great for clay I’m I want to see how long it takes for us to get to the point where we’re dropping Klay Thompson in fantasy because I feel like that point

Is going to come this season um and Jonathan kaminga you know is playing pretty decently Trace Jackson Davis was getting his minutes here and there Andrew Wiggins double digit points while you know same as Klay Thompson really so it’s really hard to judge what you’re getting from the Warriors here I mean

Every time I watch the game I’m like well I know Steph Curry is going to score 20 something maybe 30 and that’s pretty much what you know with golden state um right you know it’s not as bad as yeah it’s the only concept there so

Uh yeah I want to see how long it takes us to get you guys to drop Klay Thompson I’m gonna sit at over under three and a half shows so three and a half weeks about February 10th around there um we’re back to assard Thompson talk

Though uh he got minutes guys let’s go 24 minutes vers the Rockets after after 31 combined minutes in the three games previous um So based off of that potential of minutes played rafhael what are we doing with him are we uh holding them cutting them baiting them buying

Them I that’s what I’m struggling with I don’t think he’s a buy right now um for sure I haven’t rostered in a couple leagues I’ve held on to him I think if you can afford to hold I would do it just because of the potential of what we

May see after the allstar break like it it is certain point they’re just going to have to go all in on the young players I don’t know exactly when that will be but it feels like you know after the trade deadline and after the All-Star break that’s prime time for

Some of these teams to kind of just hand the keys to the young guys and see if they can do so you know he gave you a couple I think couple either a couple steals or a couple blocks he gave you two blocks against Houston right now you’re pretty much hoping for the

Defensive production because the scoring just isn’t going to be there but for me personally I have him I’m holding him but I don’t know if he’s someone you’re going to actively seek out right now via trade don’t know how many people are going to give up too much for assar

Thompson via trade so I do agree with you there Dan what’s what’s your opinions um so I I feel like he’s a player that I’ve seen dropped in 12 team leagues I get it if you’re not in a position to hold him totally understand it if you’re in a position to as rste

Said you’re in a top spot I would definitely stash him because I’m looking the long-term play here if you’re in a position where you don’t really need his production right now and he’s still you know when he gets 20 minutes he’s still productive so it’s not like he’s

Completely fell off the face of the Earth here um but I think that eventually the the Detroit Pistons are going to make a move like they’re going to trade boyang bogdanovich at some point because there’s going to be a contender that’s going to be needing his outside shooting at some point so being

Where their trajectory is going nowhere fast they’re gonna be one of the worst teams in the league you might as well trade them hopefully that gets assar Thompson more minutes and the thing that I think is being uh overblown is how bad he’s been offensively he’s shooting above League

Average in two-point field goals he’s good around the rim he doesn’t need to shoot threes like I get it you got a space around Cade but I don’t know they could M Williams could be way more creative to get him into the offense so I just think it’s it’s just been weird

Um just trying to to kind of keep him up keep him alive in fantasy because Monty Williams is just so inconsistent about how he wants to deploy him when it seem like they were pretty good when when when assar was in there at least going towards it like what what

Are you going to get out of playing Alec Burks and Marvin Bagley and James wisman like what what are we doing man what are we doing yeah I can get James wisman at least but those other two I’m uh I’m out on them at this point their careers for

Sure I agree with you it’s uh he seems like he’s going to be a guy for most part of the Year where he’s going to play you know 24 30 27 minutes across three games games then you’re going to get to 12 16 and 19 over the next three

And it’s going to make you want to pull your hair out uh but that’s the uh that’s the ride with the rookie that’s what you’re GNA get sometimes um you got to take the good with the bad and the bad with the good so um I love the

Breakdowns I’m sure we’re gonna be talking about our SAR Thompson plenty more on this show moving forward and as a reminder for everyone if you don’t know where to find the roer world basketball show well that’s easy you find all your favorite NBC Sports shows

On Amazon music you just had to get into NBC Sports pretty easy guys uh also easy like not picking up any Charlotte horns this week because they only have one game uh you probably want to avoid them might want to avoid the San Antonio Spurs who only played two

Games this week I’m just naming bad basketball teams at this point so maybe I don’t know as much as I do know uh but for that I hand the keys to Dan Titus for the rest of the week 11 schedule uh what do you got back to backs and uh

Everything else um I was to start with the the person that I’m the player that I’m picking up or trying to pick up the most that’s um Jabari Walker of the Memphis Grizzly or of the Portland Trailblazers um he’s gonna be playing against Dallas twice as well as Brooklyn

And it doesn’t look like DeAndre Aon is going to be coming back in the near term at least not this week like he keeps on getting ruled out in advance of playing and then also dwap wath has also been dealing with a back issue so or a knee

Issue excuse me um so I think Jabari Walker is going to continue to get some minutes and he’s actually quietly been one of the best offensive rebounders in the in the league in terms of rebound percentage and I think he’s going to continue to be Scrappy and like

Potentially provide like a lowend double double type of uh type of stat line and he’s good from the line he’s shooting over 78% so I don’t know man he’s quietly having a pretty good season um on the low as long as there’s no one else playing in the front Court of

Portland so he’s my sneaky ad another one in a deep league if you’re looking for some three-point shooting some sneaky assist and steals Luke Canard the Memphis Grizzlies play three more games um he’s getting 20 mid 20s minutes right now and I feel like they’re kind of

Selling in as Memphis is getting better with J getting uh you know their chemistry back he’s gonna be a person that can definitely help stretch the floor so I think luk canar could actually be useful um see jayen Ivy also is like he’s like around 55% rostered I

Would give him a shot because at least he’s in the rotation now over kilan Hayes and Marcus saster not getting any minutes me and Raph no that is and it’s continues to piss us off but Jay NY ride with him for now um and I think uh after

That I think Malik Beasley if he’s out there on waivers I think he’s around 40% rostered the Milwaukee Bucks have a back toback on Wednesday and Thursday so it’s against the Indiana Pacers high-paced team and then you get the Spurs which is they play no defense so think Malik

Beasley could actually have a nice little couple game stretch there yeah no that’s that’s a great call um you know I was going to say impressed with the Jabari Walker call Rafael you got to try and top that but the middle League Beasley one that’s actually a uh a great

Spot for him to get plenty of points three-pointers assist maybe a few Stills in there as well uh Rafael what you got for week 11 um I think Orlando I’m watching their Center rotation uh they play three more games this week the first being on Wednesday second game of a back-to-back in

Sacramento last two games they’ started Goa baz at Center brought Wendell Carter Jr Off the Bench when Del scored 177 that first game then put up a dud against the warriors on Tuesday if they stick with this because Goa is a far better rim protector than Wendell Carter Jr and I think that’s

What the starting unit kind of needs if they stick with this he’s only 20% rer three more games this week I feel like he’s worth the roll of the dice here um of course they have all three bigs there so the the minutes may be limited but I

Think the blocks potential and the rebounds for Goa baz make him worth to look right now um another guy I kind of like here let’s see here yeah we kind of touched on everyone else I think maybe Cleveland with Carris Levert three more games to play this

Week I think he’s been picked up in a good number of leagues at this point so I don’t know if you’re going to be able to find them outside of shallow leagues at this stage but yeah I think the big one I’m going with well Carris is at 46%

So there he’s going to be out there in some standard leagues go with him three more games I think Goa baz is going to be the big one for me in terms of like a deep League type of guy right now I absolutely love that I feel like he’s

Been playing pretty well when he has the opportunity uh Dan is there anyone you want to mention uh that rafhael hit on at all um or anything else I I like the go I like the Google call um that was definitely something I was watching just

Because like I feel like we we talked about Orlando having a big man problem last year think they still have a big man problem now because Goa Bazi has been better than wend Carter and wend Carter is coming off an injury sure but like um I feel like Goa is the better

Player right now so he’s that’s why he’s playing so what that does for Mo Vagner and how Wendell Carter and him kind of split uh something to watch for sure but I think you if if Goa continues to start I agree with him he’s got he’s got to be

Picked up especially for his block potential yeah very key the stocks uh always underrated Department there and fantasy basketball um but it’s been a very knowledgeable show from the both of you guys uh so now it’s time to have a little bit of fun right we had we had a

Little fun but let’s have a little more fun move forward let’s do the white elephant gifts for 2024 something we previewed for the show and uh no one knows what a white elephant gift is it’s basically you’re just giving uh someone a random gift and they have no idea what

It is you could do it in a form of if you could put stuff in a hat and pull it out of a hat and that’s your gift or you could get them something they really want and you know what rapael I tried to get you something that

You really wanted but I’m a terrible Christmas Shopper I want to throw that out there for everyone listening uh I do all my Christmas shopping the week before Christmas and everything either can’t get there or it’s too expensive so I pivot shy guils Alexander MVP odds too

Expensive man uh they got down to $10 to win 40 no one wants to do that yeah ched hom $240 to win 100 that’s the odds on him to win Rookie of the Year crazy no one wants that either so uh I did you something better man I’m G to show you

This gift I got you $10 to win 300 for Raphael it’s the Milwaukee Bucks to win the East and the Oklahoma City Thunder to win the West merry Christmas and happy holidays that’s all yours Raphael how’s that make you feel thank you makes me feel good I think they both

Have a chance I think Milwaukee’s chances of winning the East maybe slightly higher than Oklahoma City in the west but I’ve been really impressed what the Thunder have done this far so hey I’ll take I’ll take that parlay it’s uh yeah is the best odds I could find it

Was either that or t to win 2000 on the Knicks first Thunder what were your thoughts on that I’d like to see it happen but it’s kind I don’t think it will donation yeah it’s a donation yeah no the uh the Bucks are the favorite in the East right now

So they’re looking pretty good and uh and for Dan uh Dan you know I wanted to give you something Philadelphia right but similar situation right Joel MV Joel MVP excuse me uh he’s now the favorite his odds aren’t that good uh Tyrese Maxi favorite for uh for most improved player

Um so you know we have to spice up for you so yours was going to be 10 to win 700 but I gave you 10 to win 690 because of course goes without saying better number uh I gave you the Sixers to win the East with the Lakers to win the West

Little Joel embiid versus ad and LeBron action uh how does that make you feel merry Christmas happy holidays I would love that matchup and thank you that is that is awesome wow I’m actually surprised that that would get that substantial odds and I’m a Philly guy

And I don’t suspect that we would ever get to the championship so yeah that I think that actually makes sense now that I think about it um love that love that I love the Philly Lakers up that would be dope yeah I thought that was uh not

Only good terms of viewership but also in terms of odds I still have high hopes for the Lakers still think the Sixers in a seven game series will compete with most teams in the East and I thought it was very interesting that the Bucks and thunder have you know double the odds uh

As far as better chance of making the finals than the Sixers and Lakers uh which I thought was you know insane but uh the Thunder are really really balling uh so yeah I told that I threw five bucks on both so I’m rooting for the Thunder vers bucks and Sixers vers

Lakers with both you guys so uh hope you guys enjoyed your gifts now that was great man um all right so I’ll give mine mine are not I’m also not a good gift giver and a lot of this was predicated on like all right what teams do you like what have we been

Talking about so I think it’s funny that you brought up the Thunder and you’re so high on them because Raph I got you the most clutch uh clutch Player of the Year award three and a half to one for Shay gilders Alexander and I was thinking about doing Tyrese halberton but the

Reason he was six to one the reason I didn’t choose him is because I think that the Thunder are going to be better and he’s going to have more National Spotlight to actually get in those clutch moments and he’s also really good in the clutch anyway so Raph that’s my

Gift to you I put 50 on that for you and then thank you for vaugh given I actually had to do this live given the situ sitation and I feel bad for your dead Emanuel quickly bet um I bought you some shares in Austin Reeves so let’s go Austin re okay

Uh I got him at three to one uh to win the uh Sixth Man of the Year so I just I watched the report earlier today Darin ham is not going to be putting him into the starting lineup so it’s not dead yet so we we’ll go with that not dead yet I

Actually don’t hate that um you know Austin Reeves to me guy that played extremely hard he can go out to get you anywhere between 12 to 20 points each given night also assist game he’s got that too now a dowlo going to the bench that makes it very interesting um too

With Reef so H I love that thank you Dan I would not I would probably have not picked out Austin re myself and that’s the best gift when you get gifts from people something you would not have picked out for yourself but you end up liking so thank you yeah like that I

Feel like the Lakers are going to make their Laker run thing and Austin Reed is gonna have a moment I don’t know I feel like he’s like the Underdog Story everyone wants to vote for that one that one white dude man telling you let’s not come on man

I’m come on I’m I’m starred from last year’s MVP conversation so I don’t want to hear any of that crap oh my God all Rafael come on we know you’re the best Gift Giver here we know you thought the most thought into this out of the three

Of us yeah the exact opposite I’d get y’all gift cards if I could um but Amazon yeah no I’d go with like no no hat club or New Era you know get some good hats in there but um V you know we’ve talked about the Bulls and you’re seemingly desire to watch them

Lose so my gift for you will be it’s actually a two-part gift one they will be trading Zack LaVine to the Lakers so you can get your get your future franchise Cornerstone cam reddish in return um and that will lead to the Chicago Bulls winning the NBA draft lottery

Um yes so there’s your gift um and Dan I looked up the odds on this um part of it is going to have to be this team playing better than they have been recently I will give you a $10 ticket on the Eagles winning the Super Bowl at plus 12200

Odds H they have hav’t been like you know they haven’t been playing up to that standard recently but I mean $10 on a plus 1200 ticket I don’t think that’s a terrible you lose $10 so be it but if you win I’m riding with the birds man you’re giving me new found optimism

Because it wasn’t looking good a week ago yeah so we’ll give you that and the other gift will be I don’t know what the odds are for this but a ticket for Tyrese Maxi most improved player award okay I think he should be one of the

Favorites for that so those are my gifts to you guys um belated Merry Christmas Happy New Year and all that good stuff thank you rapael love that what are your thoughts I definitely have the worst gifts for sure give some more gifts in there and’s coming a little

Later i’ I’ve been there I did that before that was me last year uh this year my I was cracked rapael said Amazon gift cards cuz my f is like what do you want I was like no I didn’t say that and they were like they all no I didn’t say

That he said that don’t slander me like said that’s my go-to man why wouldn’t you everybody buys from Amazon man get you some totally yeah I literally I told all my family members just give me cash if you give me anything and they all gave me Amazon gift cards and I’m like

Dang it I’m still G to spend it I’m still going to use it uh but yeah no that was fun F we all have great gifts um I could always pull for a Philadelphia team and uh the Thunder are a fan favorite of this podcast as well

So uh well done guys all across the board and uh Adam we didn’t forget about you we’re gonna have to get you something right um I was thinking we should do a Wizards versus Nuggets NBA no I’m just kidding uh we’ll get you something I got one we’re getting leonis out of there

Bro that’s Merry Christmas Merry Christmas he said please oh caps ah we got him I appreciate you guys as always man it was a great episode as we always do every week every Wednesday Road World Basketball show it’s Rafael Johnson of NBC Sports Dan Titus of Yahoo

Sports and myself Von delzell along with producer Adam wise uh behind the scenes great episode gentlemen happy holidays to everybody that watch us live uh have a safe day and enjoy your NBA slate all week and weekend see you next Wednesday

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