Tiger Woods’ Five Golden Rules of Golf!

Mike Sullivan and Kyle Bogenschutz from Metro Detroit Golfers break down the game-changing strategies of golf legend Tiger Woods, focusing on his Five Golden Rules. No-nonsense advice to level up your game!

No Bogeys on Par 5s: Delve into Tiger Woods’ approach to handling par 5s. We simplify his strategies, offering practical tips to genuinely improve your scores on these challenging holes.

No Three Putts: Let’s talk putting without the confusing lingo. Gain easy tips and drills to enhance your putting skills, ensuring those frustrating three putts stay off your scorecard, inspired by Tiger Woods’ proven techniques.

No Blown Easy Up and Downs: Master recovering around the green without the fluff. Mike and Kyle share Tiger Woods’ tips for those critical up-and-down shots, helping you save strokes without the complicated talk.

No Double Bogeys: Avoiding double bogeys isn’t rocket science. Learn about the mental game and strategic moves that Tiger Woods uses to maintain consistency during your rounds.

No Bogeys Within 150 Yards: Get real about Tiger Woods’ short-game prowess. No nonsense, just practical advice to improve your wedge play and excel within that vital 150-yard range.

Whether you’re a weekend warrior or a casual golfer, this video is for you. We’re here to make Tiger Woods’ wisdom accessible and applicable to your game. Tune in, absorb the insights, and get ready to enhance your performance on the course.

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All right so these are Tiger Wood’s five golden rules of golf and we’re going to run through these no particular order Kyle any guesses uh I think you need to play well off the te and you need to hit as many greens as possible that’s got to be the

Start right I’m sure that’s a that’s up there for him for sure but um we’ll just get into it his Tiger Wood’s first Golden Rule of golf no bogey on par fives that makes sense I I always Marvel at like you know there’s holes on certain courses where the handicap for

It is way you know low like I think par five should be easy you get extra shots to try to get to the green and get around the green you should have a birdie look almost every par five yeah and I think to that point like if you

Get if you make a bogey On a par five it feels like a double bogey to me for sure it really does but um Tiger Woods rule number two that he abides by no three putts that shouldn’t be any surprise obviously you know any good golfer any

Uh worldclass golfer like that you have to avoid three putts pretty simple and and you see that set all the time on tour it it’s so funny that short game is like the last thing that that golfers really get honed in on you know like I

You know I spent years trying to improve TAA green and all that and I got to a point where TAA green everything was pretty you know pretty good pretty consistent but then you get on the green and you have like seven three putts in a round as soon as you start knocking

Those down that’s when you can shoot you know low 80s high 70s even if you’re hitting it well so another one this one’s interesting Tiger Wood’s third Golden Rule of golf no blown easy up and downs I mean easier said than done when you’re Tiger Woods and you have that

Short game or really any PGA tour pro I mean their short games are just unbelievable but yeah I mean you’re just in front of the green On The Fringe no bunker in front of you anything like that a simple chip you should be able to get that within four feet three feet

Maybe to give yourself a look I think it’s the single biggest difference that you notice with tour players is their ability to get up and down I mean those guys are so good where it’s if they’re off the green if they miss the green it’s just no problem for them to have a

Chip and get up and down I I think it I really do believe it’s it’s the biggest thing that I notice biggest difference I noticed between you know a good golfer and a excellent golfer right there’s also this fear of the sand that Amer golfers have where oh I’m in the bunker

You know I mean this is going to be a bogey whereas these guys are almost begging for the ball to go in the bunker because of the control that they have at their short game especially in the US Open you see it all the time a lot of

Guys prefer to play out of the sand then out of the rough especially with how they grow that rough but the next rule of golf according to Tiger Woods this is a pretty simple one no double Bogies yeah as soon as you start eliminating some of the big numbers

Again that’s another area you can improve and all of a sudden you know you’re shooting low 80s or mid 80s instead of shooting in the 90s or something like that if you can if your worst score is hey a bogey you’re doing all right and you’re going to be able to

Put together a pretty solid round yeah one of the stats that always stands out to me is the golfer who averages a 93 versus the golfer who averages a 79 and the golfer who averages a 79 only actually makes one extra birdie per round compared to the golfer who

Averages a 93 but they’re they’re not making double bogeys and that’s if you want to get to single digits if you want to get you know towards a scratch golfer the best way to do that the best way to lower your handicap is to avoid double Bogies and obviously that of course is

Even more important on tour as well but the last rule of golf according to Tiger Woods this one probably is the most specific out of the five golden rules that he has and probably one that you don’t hear all the time but it makes sense that’s no bogeys within 150 yards

What do you think of that see that that’s the toughest part I mean you know you hit a great Drive you’re theoretically in the middle of the Fairway you got 130 yards out you got a wedge in your hand and the amount of people Pros even that still miss the

Green it is it’s astronomical like it’s a higher percentage than you would actually think but those are the ones I think you get the most frustrated with like you’re sitting right there you think I can get close I can give at least a 20 foot birdie look something

Like that and you miss the green and then all of a sudden it could be bunker it could be short game you got to get up and down for that par like those are some of the most frustrating shots and things that happen on the course it does

Feel terrible when you’re in the middle of the Fairway and you find a way to make a bogey it feels like you terrible at golf and I want to quit golf but uh no I get it what he saying no boges within 150 yards I think that obviously

Easier said than done but when you what’s crazy to me too is when you look at like two or average and this isn’t a direct stat I’m paraphrasing here but two or average from 150 yards I think proximity is like just under just around 40 feet is where they’re putting it too

So like for all the Amer golfers out there that think oh I I just hit a shot from 150 and oh God I’m 25 feet I still got to try to make a long birdie or just T putut it like it’s still a really good shot all these Pros are not hitting it

To five feet every single time from 150 yards I think the issue is not issue it’s it’s just true you know when when you watch golf on TV you’re watching the best players the best week the leaders and you’re basically watching a highlight reel on TV because they’re

Showing the best shots well they don’t show any Miss putts I mean if they’re if they’re cutting to the 13th green you know the par five and it’s an 18-footer they’re not showing that because they’re going to miss they’re showing that because they’re probably gonna make it so it does create these unrealistic

Expectations and I mean I’m guilty of it all the time you and I play together quite a bit and I’ll hit a shot I’ll hit the green but I’ll be like you said 40 feet away and you’ll look at me going wh why are you pi pissed you hit the green

Like you’re fine you know just two Putt and get out of there well and what’s crazy to me too is how the you know make percentage on tour make percentage putt from eight feet and in is well actually no it’s just the make percentage from

Eight feet is 50% but every I mean you’d think when you watch the tour on TV that those guys make every single one of them because again you’re basically watching the leaders or a highlight reel and you’re right when they cut to it you know that that Ball’s going to drop but

Uh no it’s a good discussion and just to recap real quick Tiger Woods five golden rules of golf no Bogies on par fives no three putts no blown easy up and downs no double bogeys and no Bogies within 150 yards what what one out of those by

The way do you think is the most important that that you focus on not that I’m comparing you to Tiger Woods but I I focused on the three putt like don’t if you get on the green and you have a chance to just walk away with a

Par at worst do not blow low one pass do not get too aggressive do you know make sure that you’re within that three foot friendly you know radius where maybe your buddies will tell you to pick it up and take your part or you know you can

Just tap it in and move on but that’s the big one for me as soon as you knock out those three putts your scores go get much lower I three putts is for sure big for me as well I mean I’m such a great putter I don’t have to worry about it

That much but now that’s a joke kind of I would say by far in a way the one that I’ve focused on the most and has been most important from my G for my game is just avoiding double bogeys and I tell everybody this you know that that wants

To lower their handicap not that I’m some great player but you know the the the best way that I’ve done it and I’ve looked back on it like to go from a 12 handicap to an eight handicap really isn’t isn’t tough it’s just not you know

And I know again easier said than done but it’s just about avoiding doubles and if you can get out if you can play around a golf and only make you know one double or if you make two whatever then you’re chasing another birdie but if you just start avoiding double Bogies it

It’s gonna it’s the best and easiest way to lower your handicap if you’re in trouble off the tea like my main focus has just been if I’m in trouble off the tea let me advance the ball up there around the green let me try to get up

And down and save par and if not I’m just going to T Putt and tap in for Bogey and take my Med medicine and move on but you got to start avoiding those sixes and sevens because that’s the the best way to go from a 12 to an eight and

And then obviously once you’re like a seven or an eight handicap then then you do have to start I think focusing more on not necessarily chasing birdies but but just really honing in on those up and downs and making pars and um just trying to score more you know oh there’s

No doubt I mean that’s a massive piece of it especially not just doubles but you know for amers triples quads I I mean man talk about an entire round killer if you card something you know four over on one hole you’re grinding the rest of the day to try and make up

For all those and as amateur we don’t have the ability you know like these Pros Pros can go out there and go okay I got a double a couple of birdies and I’ll be back you know I’ll get those ones back we’re not getting a ton of birdies every single round so really

You’re just trying to grind out pars to make sure you don’t make the the score actually worse avoid the big numbers for sure I think that’s huge and always uh always love to see Tiger Woods advice I think he has some pretty good advice for

People I I also think you know wear red on Sunday I mean I I always play better when I wear red you know on those weekend rounds that you’re out there too you know he might not be wearing red anymore we’ll see yeah stay tuned yeah where’s he gonna go we’ll find out

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