FIND YOUR OWN PERFECT GOLF GRIP#golf #golfswing #golftips #golfswing

Okay kind of a quick video about um how do you find the grip that you want so it’s clear that a lot of players play either with what you call a very strong hand which is on top or a strong hand under or both hands more weaker or combinations thereof so generally

Speaking the club face is much more controlled by the lead hand assuming you’re not actively doing something or running out of arm when you run out of arm then the club starts to conform to wherever this hand is placed but if you’re getting to the ball with still

Some arm extension left which is ideal then this is going to control it more so here’s how I would suggest so let me go back I think it’s important to have a motion first and then figure out you don’t want to con form your grip you don’t want to conform your motion to

Your grip and stance and posture you want to make your grip and stance and posture work with a good motion so I think the reason people become encumbered in their movement is because they’re taught all these static elements and they get those in place and then when they go to

Swing it doesn’t go their natural swing doesn’t go where they want it to go so then they start altering their movement and they say that’s a good swing that’s a bad swing that’s a as often as not bad grip bad stance bad position bad posture is

Just as likely as bad motion and if you create things that don’t match well then your motion will get what we would call bad because it’s trying to fix that you’re not in the right place so that’s the first thing but then let’s assume you’ve got a motion that makes sense to

You now how do you get a grip that is going to match that motion so first thing is the grip needs to be not so if you put a club down and you just go out to grip it you’re very likely to grip it sort of

Across the middle of your hand like this because your hand just reaches out that’s where it lines up you grip it that way and that’s not so good so what you actually want in a grip is something that feels much closer to a right angle if that makes sense so I think count

Yogi’s version of this was kind of cool so he would sit there I don’t know why he always stood 45° he would sit there he would look at the club face and he what he was looking at was that how where’s that angle of the Leading Edge right so get the

Leading Edge perfectly vertical hold this club out with this hand reach with this hand now like at a 90° and then put put your grip on it and then that is a good left hand grip so setting it up at this angle puts it in the right place of the hand then when

Your hand goes down and you’d also see this if you go look at say Ben Hogan this hand is like shooting the ground right that’s because he’s gripping it across here and the hand has to bend down to get to that position and what that does is create the proper

Range of motion and release of the clove so you’ve got that one this one just goes as much in the fingers I think for at least for me because my hands are small my flaw would be to get too much in the hand or too you know too under it

So I try to get as much on top this hand and as much in the finger so I put it right across there hold that over I think that hand is generally a little less important so the tension needs to be in these fingers holding it against

This Palm that also so if you hold it there it keeps your wrists mobile so you want the tension in these fingers and then so you’ve got that and then find yourself an impact position and while you’re doing that you’re just watching where’s my club face and when you get

Your Club facee Square to your target reach in there and there you are there’s your impact now you don’t have to start your swing from there you can I think it’s probably actually a little better to start your swing a little this way so that you’re not inclined to go

This way so you want to go this way into the back swing and maintain this angle a little bit that’s better so there you go and if you need if you want to test Mi Square take and with this hand just a couple fingers pull and let this arm relax and that’s where

You’re going to go at speed because your arm will be under tension and then just set it down there there’s my square and now we’ll test the theory out and there’s a pretty straight shot so and it’s not necessarily going to be the same for everyone so you would just try those

Different versions and if lining up perfectly Square doesn’t make sense what you want to do is find a way to standardize it right so if lining up doesn’t square like this doesn’t make sense give it 5 de every time say maybe that’s where I want to be feels funny to

Me but I could probably make this work too so that was different for me so what happens for me interestingly if I make my hand a little a little weaker I am inclined to actually then release the club better so if I get too strong I know I can’t

Release it so I hang on if I get weaker I know I have to go ahead and release the club so for me moving toward weaker is actually weaker more this way is actually produces more speed and power so if I was going to do this

Exercise I would probably be best for me going a little bit open like that set it down feels awkward now I grab it with her hand and it just produces a different motion for the through the ball there for me so figure it out for yourself

Figure out how to be consistent get your motion first and then try that grip and then just apply your motion see where it goes I generally think relaxed passive hands are better because they become predictable trying to do something with the face add impact so I think the other way you can find

This is this way but you don’t want to find it is this way so give yourself some angle something some way to feel like you’re getting that angle in this hand first and then work from there it’s got to be a little left no not bad so there’s the answer but

Really generally speaking in the fingers more right angles than like this that’s where you want to land and then just make it match your motion so back and forth back and forth okay now I felt like oh I got that grip but now I feel like my motion is compensating for that

Grip so now I’m going to go back find my motion okay I’ve got my motion idea again okay now let’s try my grip again so I got my motion I keep in my mind feeling the motion finding my grip right in the fingers keep it in the fingers now like get my

Motion seem pretty good A little bit more of a draw there um so that’s it that’s how you find your grip so you need a standard that you can repeat over and over again and then say okay that’s my standard and I know what that’s going to do given everything else

Is relaxed but really important again the tension is right here if you grip with this thumb and for finger you immobilize your wrist so this keeps your wrist fluid test it for yourself pick up a club hold it hold it in this just gripping with this and feel how mobile

It is and then grip it with the finger and thumb and feel how that it constrains the mobility and you’ll it’s very obvious once you feel it so pinch it hard here try to move it around pinch it just with these fingers and try to move it around very

Different so there you go work on that so the grip is a constant I think thing to constantly go back and work on and figure out what is the perfect grip for me now the perfect grip for somebody like I said might be really strong or really weak but it’s not going

To be from almost anybody across the Palm like that so there you go

1 Comment

  1. Interesting, finding the point at which the wrists roll over is important for follow through and good body motion. What causes the occasional snap hook? Is it swing related, grip or wrist action?

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