PING Blueprint S/T Irons Performance Review

Join us as we test PING’s second generation Blueprint irons! Designed for the accomplished player, learn what’s new with these tour-inspired S and T irons and how PING intended for them to be easily blended through the set.

0:00 | Intro
1:45 | PING Blueprint T Iron Testing
6:23 | PING Blueprint S Iron Testing
10:28 | Final Thoughts/Numbers

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Hey everyone welcome back Chris McCormick joined as always by Blake Smith though today we are going to have an opportunity to take a look at new offering from ping so this is more of a tour inspired offering these are new blueprint irons so blueprints been out

In the marketplace for a few years now and finally getting a couple of new offerings that are a touch more playable than what we saw in the first generation so Blake want to run us through some of the new tech that we’re going to see in

These guys yeah so the whole idea with the blueprint iron is to have it be be able to be Blended through the set so the i230 and then the S the S version and then the T version um that could be like a triple blend the cool thing about

This is these have the same Lofts so with these two new offerings these are in the player area at the at the bottom of the line so bottom of the line meaning the player area so I guess somebody could go with a whole set of the blueprints you got to be a really

Elite ball Striker but if you want some forgiveness that s really pretty forgiving for what it is they have 10 G of tungsten low on the CG on that that’s that’s the engineering behind it um really cool cuz I put tungsten in the in the toe and the heel so it increases the

Moi even on this blueprint T So this blueprint T is supposedly a lot easier to hit it looks really good that hydrop Pearl finish is really premium but these irons really pretty they look like they’re player irons I absolutely so this is right in your wheelhouse yeah so

I’d say before we jump into the bay make sure give us a like subscribe to the channel and let’s see what these guys do for us yeah let’s go so today testing new blueprint T blueprint s so we’re going to start with a t which is going

To be the smaller of the two heads so this is going to be replacement for current blueprint iron and be geared really more towards that Elite ball Striker and better player so thinner Top Line minimal offset and as far as overall blade width Heel To Toe smallest

Thing that’s going to be in Ping’s Arsenal so first impressions how’s this look to you it’s definitely small it’s not off-puttingly small I I think it might look a little bigger than last year’s okay they softened some of the lines so it’s not quite as like angular and harsh there’s definitely no offset

On this which I like Ping’s got that white line down there for alignment so you make sure that you’re drawing a perfect icular line to the Target line sure I’ve always liked that about ping it’s definitely a a small flange here so it’s definitely going to dig but I think

I they’re they’re really paying attention to Turf interaction you can see how the grind is overall I mean this is a player’s iron so um we’re going to see how forgiving it is for what it is I mean when you when you pull that weight out to the perimeter you’re going to

Make thei go up in any iron sure so if you make the Moi go up in this and you make it easier to hit with this kind of look this could be a home run here and I it looks really good so and we got 8620 carbon steel forg product so feel

Feedback with the tour inspiration and the tour feedback to design this iron feel should be on point spot on all right that was pretty flushed that felt like it was in the middle of the golf club yeah wow that was hit that was hit far that’s a blade that carried two 207 138

Efficiency okay 29 1 12° of Loft much closer to those old school traditional Lofts yep and launch and spin pretty spot on there and that’s that’s what I play right now and that launch angle might be just a touch high but that was pretty good just a little

Pulled that that felt like it was a touch on the toe wow that’s uh that went far say pulls go far yep and it was on the toe look at the look at the efficiency that’s impressive for this category of iron yeah it is this is like an auto draw it’s got

Auto draw on it and 138 efficiency over and over again all right let’s let’s play the auto draw uh yeah that was right in the middle of golf club tremendous feel might be the best feeling ping ever it’s interesting you say that so construction of this head there’s over 50 steps that goes

Into the actual production of the blueprint te about 50 steps wow that’s insane that’s that’s wow they put a lot into this a lot of technology in here in this tiny little Golf Club lot of technology and looks very very traditional I mean in that particular player tour inspired blade category lot

Of tech as you touched on and I mean just the overall bag appeal it’s a great looking Golf Club yeah this hanging out of the bag yeah when you walk when you walk up put your bag down yeah what’s a course record all right couple more sounds solid too I mean it feels

The way it sounds that’s a little better ball flight that was very straight ball speed off of this is really impressive too it’s really good spin retention I mean I haven’t absolutely flushed all these but it’s really good I mean it’s in a launch angle stain in the same place all right last

One is that auto draw that had a good sound yeah yeah those are all going my number or a little bit further and I don’t play traditional blades so blueprint T much more of that traditional blade style Golf Club yep let’s transition into blueprint s which

Is going to a little bit more forgiving but still in that blueprint family so tour inspired minimal offset thin Topline something that’s going to appeal to that better player but different feel different performance and a little bit more forgiveness and playability so first impressions here yeah so it’s a

Little bit bigger touch more offset when you start to make a blade longer you have to offset it or it’s going to be very right biased I mean obviously that could work for some people but it’d be kind of hard to hit so that’s that’s why that blueprint is shorter because they

Can take that offset off but it’s not offset to the point where it wouldn’t fit and when they’ve got that that pocket they take out of there and then they spread the weight out that just increases the the Moi the moment of inertia so and it really makes it to the

Point where you hit it on the on the toe and the heel doesn’t twist doesn’t lose ball speed it looks really good see how it feels that had a great sound yeah it feels almost identical that was very very straight that was ripped a little pulled so it’s going to go

Farther these want to these want to draw me a little bit Yeah play that that 140 ball speed that’s right at it that’s a good ball there I like that window you know and we we talk about shot Windows a lot in uh in club fitting

I want to see that ball come out of the same Window M and especially with better players I want to see the consistency of the window um and that has to do with Dynamic Loft that has to do with centeredness of contact it has to do with how well you’re squaring it

So when you see that window over and over again and then you can go okay well if you’re going to blend the set let’s see how the window is and these are these are almost exactly the same that was absolutely perfect yeah that sounded really well

Struck again I mean I’m going to say these are the best feeling pings I mean I’ve ever felt okay that was smoked and I would definitely put you into that competitive player better player tournament player type of category good ball Striker a lot of Club head speed I

Mean so far you’re making the T and the s look pretty good but if I was making a decision right now I would say we’ve got a little more stability and a little more playability coming out of that s for us yeah you know when I have conversations with people I say okay

This is going to be up to you so if you want to split the set you’re going to kind of make the decision on where you want to do that they usually arrive at more forgiveness throughout I mean why wouldn’t you want just a little bit more

Forgiveness I mean if it looks the same and feels the same give yourself a little bit more forgiveness cuz when you’re coming down the stretch you got to carry water you’re a little nervous on the toe a little bit and it gets on the green that’s that’s that’s worth its weight in gold

There that’s the ball flight I desire that’s a good ball to end on right there it’s so good and the feel is right on all the way through so sometimes in these tests I feel differences and I couldn’t blend it I mean the feel the look um the performance everything’s right there so

I mean I think ping has hit a home run they’re really this is this is a beautiful iron too I like the I like the Chrome Accent on it too that’s definitely a premium look let’s take a look at some of the data see how they

Stack up side by side same static Loft let’s see what they do performance-wise sounds good so side by-side comparison between the T and the S kind of walk us through some of this data what jumps out to you I mean the efficiency is incredible especially when I’ve got a a

Traditional blade at 137 um I tell people when I’m fitting them you’re you’re probably going to be a little bit inefficient with the with the blade cuz it’s really not built for a lot of ball speed sure but the ball speed retention across the face was was really good Club

Head speed’s interesting um a little bit faster with the S maybe I had a little bit more confidence with that because you know it’s a little bit bigger so I decided to go a little bit harder at it Dynamic loft is a little bit higher with

The S that probably has something to do with the CG sure CG u center of gravity is a little bit lower on the S than it is on the T um by Design overall these numbers are so close that uh blending the set makes a lot of sense take a look

At ball data here now this is kind of interesting to me when we’re talking about static cloth being the same so kind of walk us through why we’re seeing a little bit of a difference in launch angle and then also why we’re seeing a little difference here in spin

Especially when dispersion is so tight yeah so the logic behind it’s got to be the center of gravity so with the center of gravity being lower it’s going to launch the ball up in the air center of gravity lower going to be a little bit more spin the spin consistency in this

When you get when you get a standard deviation between one and 200 that’s really good so across the face the the consistency of spin is great but little bit more ball speed out of the out of the uh the S built for a little bit more ball speed but 206 and 207 carry

Distance I mean I don’t lose anything from blade to a to a cavity back kind of cavity back so it’s it’s uh it’s I mean it’s everything that they’re saying that it is uh I would agree 100% from what I’m looking at I mean the the spin

Threshold there nice and tight on both irons a little more consistency like we talked about in the blueprint so I mean with that I would say if you’re that type of player better ball Striker good speed good Spin and looking for something that’s going to give you

Great feel and feedback and then also have just the consistency that we saw this is a great iron to check out yeah I mean I really enjoyed hitting these these uh these might hang out of my bag that I mean great looking addition to the bag yeah it’s pretty good so I’d say

With that let’s wrap that up if you like the content you saw here make sure to check out our Deep dive video that we actually had an opportunity to shoot at ping headquarters where we take a deep dive behind what’s really under the hood here and looking at how this product

Came to be and essentially all of the R&D work as always make sure give us a like And subscribe to the channel and if you’re curious about blueprints or any other products make sure book your next fitting at your local truspec we’ll see you next Time


  1. This is unbelievably awesome. Kudos to you guys for doing the first review I seen on these. If it was at all possible for me to afford these I would put the S in the bag immediately based off of looks and what I seen in your review. Good job guys!

  2. Is the shiny area on the Blueprint S actually chrome or is is highly polished steel. Chrome is hard and durable. Mirror polished steel will wear poorly. I know you said it was chrome in the video but it takes a keen eye to discern between the two – can you tell without a doubt? Thanks!

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