Golf Babe

Final Stream Of 2023, Not Final Pikmin Stream (Pikmin 4 Part 19)

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Hi chat howdy howdy howdy good news I found Pikmin 4 what n stop me if this sounds crazy you’re going to stop me immediately because it is crazy I found my copy of Pikmin 4 it was in the case for Pikmin 4 crazy uh that really is kind of nuts I

Never put my switch games in their cases um I always put them I’ve got a like a what is it like 16 game carrying case they’re either in there just the cartridges or they’re like lying on my TV stand I uh I always forget to put them away unless it’s a game that

Like I know I’m not coming back to anytime soon I don’t usually put it away but I put Pikmin 4 away for some reason but uh we whipped it back out that we could finish it up and and then put it away again I guess tonight May well be

And we’re going to try and we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to shoot for the moon this will hopefully be the final Pikmin 4 stream on on Twitch I think we’re going to close this out and I think um it’s going to cause a chain reaction it’s

Going to be uh you know finish this one out and then everyone’s game is going to uninstall itself across all the switches so that’ll be cool but we’ve got um we’ve got the final boss fight which I’m hoping won’t take me too long I’m not doing an hour long intro

And I hope that won’t take me too long and then we’ve got the alar uh you know Journal little game mode which I was told right tough estimate on that 3 and 1/2 to 4 hours is that true I don’t know you also have to throw in the Mikey time

Tanks um which is an extra 25% so I don’t know but you know what if we don’t finish it tonight that’s okay um we’ll get really damn close if we don’t finish it tonight I think there’ll be one more stream after this um but that that also won’t be next week I’m

Not playing this next week I got a whole different lineup for next week but anyways that’s a plan to uh close out Pikmin 4 and I you know what I’ll probably say this again but I’m going to miss it I’m going to miss Pikmin 4 um this isn’t my game of the

Year but these have been uh some of the best streams the honestly not my game of the year but this might be my my uh uh stream game of the year I I don’t think any other game came close to both being like a nice like laidback like let’s hang out

And talk game and a like I’m going to go [ __ ] nuts gorilla hump around my room um kind of game I I think Pikmin 4 has it all it’s got both sides of the coin so uh I’m going to miss it man I really am but I’m also not going to

Miss it too hard at least not right now because dear God I’ve been playing this thing since since the day it came out I’m still playing this [ __ ] when did this come out has it this has been at least 6 months right Pikman for release July okay came out July 21st so

I’ve been playing this this game for 5 months ah I’m ready to be done it’s a great game these have been some great streams I’m a little Pikmin out I’m ready to be done and then uh and when I’m done I’m done we can move on to uh some other

Stuff so here’s hoping tonight’s the night I just bit my tongue here’s hoping tonight’s the night and we Clos it out hard we’ll see what happens the release date is my birthday they given the best gift a new game in my favorite franchise see I wish that worked for me

Man happy birthday first of all but I wish that worked for me on uh my birthday they should give us a new fortnite if if if epic games cares on October 8th 2024 fortnite 2 fortnite 2 The Revenge of Jonesy we just got three new fortnite

Those are new game modes those are new game modes that’s different that’s different they got a la whole new launcher make the epic game store 2 exclusive title fortnite 2 Jonesy’s Revenge show up separate on the store what store the fortnite store if I boot up the epic game store I can’t download rocket racing can I without fortnite you can download Lego fortnite by itself really and know That well that’s a spin-off that’s not a new game you know Lego fortnite’s a spin-off on fortnite I want fortnite 2 I want fortnite 2 Jonesy’s Revenge A1 DLC uh Grandpa skin this because of ratings Lego fortnite is e for everyone I could okay that makes sense I want a grandpa skin I want okay fortnite 2 here’s my wish list for fortnite 2 hold on now this is going to

Be an hour long stream or intro uh my my wish list for fortnite 2 I want them to collect my data so hard that um you get like a skin of Grandpa and it’s like your own it’s like they’ve they’ve like went to and pulled up your like

Grandparents information and the skin is your actual grandpa um I want if you um if you get like a win in fortnite 2 I wanted to like send a text to your boss be like hey give this guy a raise I want fortnite to if you

Lose uh if you get reported if you get banned from fortnite um they have like the location of your house so they just drone strike it Tim Sweeney drone strikes your house um and then you got to build a new one like in fortnite That’s My Wish wish list for fortnite

2 now my wish list for fortnite 3 uh first of all fortnite 3 uh PE Peely Unchained peely peely Origins there we go uh first thing no guns second thing no movement third thing no uh story I wanted to just be like uh GM flat and uh everyone loads into one lobby together as peely and you just stand there and can talk you have voice

Chat you just talk to each other I think I just invented VR chat whatever all right good night chat oh I should have got a cup of coffee we’ll do that um I’ll take a break in a bit and I’ll I’ll get a cup of coffee but Chad how are you doing

How’s everyone doing I had I had a way better day at work today than yesterday no one screamed at me no Boomer [ __ ] their little diaper and that was nice um played some Final Fantasy today and that was nice kind of I got to be real with you

Like this is going to be a good stream I’m going to have fun tonight can’t wait for the stream to be over whether we finish Pikmin 4 or not I got Saturday Sunday Monday I’m just I’m I’m J chilling I am vibing with the fam

I get I get to spend uh weekend with my my friends and I’m just excited to be uh to have no obligation other than to see my friends you know like it’s um it’s going to be nice it’s going to be poggers and epic pill but I need to

Uh I need to get through this stream first and I need a cup of coffee to do that holy [ __ ] but he just wants to get rid of Us yep anyways uh no I’m just you know I’m excited to see my friends man the sooner this stream’s over the sooner I can go to sleep and wake up and see my friends you know so excited about that I ate I ate a Five Guys bger before this stream that’s

Cool exciting [ __ ] I do have uh something I I should probably tell you I I could probably make a little bit of a hey this is cool um today I got accepted to uh the onyx. G which is a really big GTA 5 RP server that all of

My I watched a lot of GTA RP I’ve even streamed some GTA RP few years back but um all the people I watch play on that server all the people that i’ I’ve Loved for years play on that server and I got accepted to that server

Today so I would not say like and guys next week we’ll be playing uh there’s a lot of things I need to do beforehand because I have an idea of what I want to do and I kind of want to get it to that point before I start

Streaming it for you but I I would say at some point 2024 you’re going to see some GTA RP for me and I’m I’m very excited about that because I I love GTA RP it is it is like the one thing I I watch consistently I um

I watch it more than I watch shows or movies or YouTube videos or any other kinds of streams um I watch a lot of GTA RP and uh from some really funny people from some really funny like let’s make a funny [ __ ] character and then lose a

Bunch people and uh I’m very I feel very strongly that I’m a good fit for that I feel very strongly that that is the kind of stuff I think I do really well at of here’s my dumb [ __ ] character oh I’m I’m losing I’m losing and as long as

It’s funny you know so uh I’m very excited I did not think I’d get accepted that is a that’s a big server that is a popular ass server um and I applied for it in August I think and it been like oh I’ll check it you know like maybe once every two weeks

Checking to see what my application what status it is and then today I like went to it and it just had like server cue 250 out of 250 and I was like well that’s different did I click the wrong thing and so I reloaded the page and it was the same

Thing again I’m like oh I got accepted holy [ __ ] cuz I really uh listen I like I feel like I’m a good fit for for doing RP especially Grand Theft Auto 5 RP but I uh I don’t think I’m in the caliber of a lot of people who play on

That server I think they are very good and I am very not that I think I’m bad but I’m very green I’m very uh new to it so I very I’ve got a little experience but not a ton and so I’m very excited to be able to do that and hopefully it’ll

Turn into some good streams in a in a few months when I uh unveil my character and and I start streaming it hopefully it’ll turn into some good streams um i’ I’ve got ideas for a couple characters that I think are going to be really funny losers and that’s what I

Want baby that’s the that’s the milk and honey um I I started working on a clown um just like a really depressed clown character uh who like while I’m walking I’m just going to play squeaking noises like it’s just it’s such an fun Avenue to do bit characters and I’m really

Excited to show you guys some of the [ __ ] that um I don’t get to do with this you know like as much as I love playing Pikmin or you know as much as I love doing variety games and [ __ ] doesn’t give me the opportunity to play a

Character and I think that’s where I shine and I’m very excited uh to have to have this opportunity to do that so yeah got it got accepted to onyx. G today and we’ll uh we’ll see where that goes and like I said don’t expect that don’t even

Expect that in like January uh I’ve I’ve got some stuff that I want to do some stuff I want to test for I don’t want to do a stream where it’s just me secluded from the everyone else playing on the server trying to learn the keybinds

Right like I’m I want to do that off stream so it’s going to be a few weeks before you see me on stream doing GTA RP but that is definitely something that is didn’t think was going to be on the table for 2024 and it absolutely is

So uh I’m excited I’m very excited I’m I’m like unbelievably excited about it I get yeah I get the butterflies in my stomach when I think about it yeah uh I’m saying 2024 already looking pretty damn epic what’s up Lucas so anyways that’s that’s the one

Piece of of Mikey news that’s the one piece of funny little guy news I wanted to tell you is that I also should tell you I’m not streaming New Year’s day I said I might but I’ve decided I’m not going to because I have to do

Plumbing I and I have to set up for um it’s sounding like next week not only are we going to do another lethal company night which I got a DM some people about but we’re also it sounds like next week we’ll be uh we’re going to do a Zelda 2 blind

Race me and Pelon it’s sound right now it’s sounding like that’s happening so uh again you know it ain’t locked down yet but it’s it’s sounding like that’s going to happen we’re working out the details right now but it’s it’s sounding pretty pretty posable so leaked yeah technically not announced just on the

Table long weekend I got the house to myself so I’m going to get MCD oh what are you getting from McDonald’s I just had five guys what’s the McDonald’s order hey chat how’s everyone in chat doing I didn’t ask you what’s happening what’s happening what’s happening what’s

Happening um anyone anyone got any dope New Year’s plans quarter pounder with cheese good choice that that’s my I don’t I haven’t had McDonald’s in months I don’t know when the last time I had McDonald’s was maybe when they did that that cactus plant flea

Market but that’s my go-to is is like a quarter pounder of cheese had a Big Mac once and did not enjoy it see I I never had a Big Mac until until the cactus plant flea market thing because my parents are like quar pound of cheese is a better bang for

Your buck so I would always get that and then for I wanted the Grimace toy which is a cool thing to say as a 26-year-old adult um and it was you either get the Big Mac or the nuggets and I got a Big Mac and tried it and I liked it

But uh I’d rather just get a quarter pound of cheese working are you Kirby are you working New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day or what’s the what’s the schedule looking like all the Big Macs are buy one get one free because they suck ass I Like Big Mac big Ma’s Fine it’s it’s like all um McDonald’s food it’s garbage but you know sometimes it’s 3:00 a.m. and you’re just like I fuing give me b and it hits just right and then you spend the next six months thinking about that one time that it hit just right and

You keep ordering McDonald’s and it’s miserable every single time but you remember that one time at 3:00 a.m. where it was good that’s McDonald’s both I’m pretty sure that suck wait you guys are open on [ __ ] New Year’s Day that’s [ __ ] um quit just quit your job most retail places are open New

Year’s Day the [ __ ] is going to these places on New Year’s Day I got to go I got to get a dildo on New Year’s Day first day of the year or time to start my new resolution buying pocket [ __ ] who’s doing this One one Pocket [ __ ] per day happy New Year guys want to say wow they’re making you guys work today yes because yeah yeah I don’t who is doing this who is going into these places on New Year’s I mean I guess I get like never mind I get money never mind I get it you

Know who’s going in New Year’s Day New Year’s Eve it’s people who didn’t prepare beforehand it’s people who are going in New Year’s Eve like I got to get I forgot to get alcohol I got to get more alcohol that’s who’s going in New Year’s

Eve and and I’m I’m sure uh I’m sure CEO making uh a pretty Penny that sucks man I’m sorry you got to work that just drink and then get the Mac just [ __ ] yeah just get drunk before you go into these places get drunk then go into Walmart I dude I couldn’t do that I mean I don’t drink that much but

Like I don’t think I could be any kind of intoxicated and go into Walmart I would be I would be like the F what the f what the [ __ ] did this Funko Pop just say to me okay listen here you [ __ ] you [ __ ] Funko Pop I’m going

To I got to kick your [ __ ] Ass and then I’d fall into like the $5 DVD bin and suffocate on copies of Open Season 2 need a new calendar and we’ll get it on the first you could they sell 2024 calendars I think on January 1st 2023 you got a whole year to get a 2024 Calendar my grandma on Christmas my grandma was like hey do you need a calendar and I was like no I use my phone calendar she’s like okay I’ve got 13 you got what she cuz she’s an old she’s 90 years old she’s you know an elderly woman and all of these like

Places that try and get money from her send her calendars and they’re like oh this is the Veterans fund this is the Veterans fund calendar oh this is the um chain Church of uh St lukart um we’re we’re wondering if you’d like to make make a donation here’s a

Lovely calendar so she has she had like 13 calendars that she was just giving away for Christmas so if you wanted a calendar you should have let me know I could have got you one sorry Theo is actually not a bad dude we’re open based on Mall hours either way um just

Quit just quit what’s the Worst That Could Happen what could possibly go Wrong homeless uh just get a home five head hello uh homeless there are a lot of houses out there go find one I’ll quit and move in with you Uh got you could uh you could sleep on the uh the tub you could sleep in the tub can um oh we got an outdoor closet do you sleep standing up we’ve got an outdoor closet build a bunk bed I lived that life for too many years I can’t go

Back to bunk bed life also I don’t think a bunk bed would fit in here I think the ceiling’s too low I’ve I’ve lived the life of a bunk bed uh or no wait in a previous life I was a bunk [Laughter] bed I uh until I jeez I don’t know how

Old I was maybe 15 14 13 somewhere in that span I was I live I slept on the top bunk and my brother was on the bottom bunk and that sucked that was miserable I would like to not go back to that if I could if I

Can I don’t want to live that life Again we had to I had to put uh railings on the top because uh I was too afraid that I would even at like yeah like 14 I was like I’m going to roll over in my sleep and roll out of that [ __ ] bed and die I’ll do top Bunk then I got to do bottom bunk and then you’re in the top bunk and you’re farting your ass I don’t want that farting farting your ass right in my face I don’t want that tell you what we’ll build the bunk bed I’ll take bottom bunk and you can sleep under the bottom

Bunk just sleep under my bed there’s Room if you sleep standing up we’ve got an outdoor closet I that you know what that was the one thing my old apartment that was the one thing that was better than my current apartment is we had this big ass closet that was under the neighbor stairs and

So uh my friend Jesse would come stay with us every like winter break every time he was off from college and we would just put a cot under those stairs and he would just sleep there it was it was like an extra bedroom it ruled don’t think anyone else will fit

Down here with me you’re under my bed you guys ever hang your ass outside the outside the cover over the edge of the bed look like a monster just comes up and just [ __ ] would you guys like your ass eaten by a monster what Monster I’m saying uh what’s who’s like a cool monster um Venom is Venom a monster I guess he is isn’t he that tongue Mike was out I don’t want him eating my ass I don’t want him eating my his whole uh his [ __ ] tongue’s going

To get stuck in my ass and then we’re going to do a whole slapstick bit and Tumble over each other I don’t want to do that if I had to get my ass eaten by one monster I’d make it Frankenstein why why not If if first of all we call him [ __ ] Stein second of all I would teach him you know you know he like you know he’s like I would I would teach him his first word ass he’ go around a kicking down doors let keep away from

From fire I don’t have any fire around here anyways he drinks coffee he smokes cigarettes he eats ass E’s everything I want in a man that being said I don’t think Frankenstein is like a hide under the bed kind of Monster uh yeah he’s more of a kick your door

Down and eat your ass kind of monster he’s not a he’s he’s not to crawl out from under your bed and eat your ass kind of monster anyways a lot of lot to think about there I’m personally I’m more attracted to aliens than monsters monsters are like scary right

But aliens you know who knows you know can press one if you’re attracted to xenomorph where’s how do I how do I type in my own chant I have to get the blue alien clip out listen you don’t even need to get the clip out I’ll I’ll say it

Again a beautiful blue alien babe what more could you ask for and I I hear you know a lot of people talking about oh Avatar oh he likes Avatar Avatar yeah a a a uh I Avatar time no I am I have a are I am I have a

Target on some blue alien [ __ ] you know what I mean that that might be the longest stretch I’ve ever made anyways my point point is um it’s not about the na’vi the beautiful blue alien babes could be na’vi for sure but also it could be Crystal from Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders but you know all these people out there oh the Hex Girls oh I know why I like grth girls cuz I watch Scooby-Doo alien girls next question Scooby-Doo and the alien Vaders next question Oh the Hex Girls made me like goth girls Crystal Scooby-Doo and the Alien Invaders next question all right we we got to get out of here I’m not even going to like try and blame chat for this one this one really was on me where your Scooby-Doo Crystal Voice oh I Remember I remember don’t ask question about Scooby-Doo furry likers uh I wasn’t going to but sorry that we touched on a raw nerve there um all right chat we’re going to play Pikmin 4 before we do you guys want me to do this at the start of the stream or the

End of the stream of um this this is the last stream of the year if for some reason you didn’t know the year is ending guys don’t panic but um do you guys want me to talk about my favorites of the year at the start of the stream or the end of the

Stream favorites of the year we’re going to look at some old clips from this year do you want me to do that now or do you want me to save that for the end of the stream uh see you’re panicking I told you not to do That maybe and it may help fix your brain after Pikmin okay okay sounds good I can do that um let’s do this this way can I do it this way give me one second I need to check something I got to I got to find should be this right January 4th

Okay okay I know where the clips start for this year I just needed to check to see if I could do that man raw danger was this year no was it uh I think I did raw danger this year that’s crazy that feels like 2022 that’s nuts that’s crazy that was

Those were some good streams I’m still working on a video for that all right chat well then I’m going to hop into Pikmin we’re going to beat Pikman 4 the boss final boss of Pikmin 4 and then we’ll um we’ll do this there’s this allar side mode that’s kind of like a

Weird remake of Pikman one Chad do you think I could do that all in one stream that allar side mode how how long is that I was told it’s like 3 and 1/2 hours I think you can okay someone told me it’s like 3 and 1/2 to 4

Hours don’t remember it taking me that long well I am a dandor master uh they call me the dirty dandor dog cuz I’m just out there ripping it up tearing up the yard it’s also me were talking about Amnesia is there is there anything in your

Life that the thought of being able to relive it for the first time makes you want to give yourself Amnesia is there anything where you’re like damn I wish I could get amnesia and redo that um for me it’s oh well the music is making me want

To say playing Donkey Kong Country 2 cuz that was a great time I’d love to get amnesia and re-experience my first love I don’t know uh I’d love to get amnesia and re-experience The Rugrats Movie I had some people tell me and and this will tie in with what I’m when I talk about my favorite movie um people are saying that Barbie is not as good on multiple rewatches people are saying that that movie is really is a really good one

Run now I don’t know if that’s true or not I haven’t rewatched it yet but if that is true that would be something we’re like I wish I could am have amnesia and re-experience that movie cuz I had a [ __ ] blast with it I went like five times for it yeah I

Don’t know yeah maybe I don’t know like I said I I’ve had some people say that I’ve also I mean but I’ve also had some of the some people I’ve talked to were like yeah Barbie [ __ ] sucked um Reddit Movie I thought it was funny I thought it was fun what’s your movie of the year well you got to you got to stay to the end of the stream to find out cuz I’m going to talk about that at the end of the Stream it’s BBL man new genesis thank

You that’s my movie of the Year game of the year is is Bible man book of the year it’s the Bible TV show of the Year Veggie Tales and uh song of the year uh our God is an awesome God we pray in heaven and I don’t know the rest of the words

But last stream of the year is also the day Bobby cotic resigns you got me I’m running blizzard now guys woo six more world Warcraft expansions woo we’re going to make the game worse with everyone woo uh Starcraft more like craft we’re deleting those games off of every storefront and we’re getting rid

Of the source code it’s lost Vikings time I’m going to do what blizzard should have done from the start we’re going to going to be getting rid of all the other blizzard games and we’re only going to be doing the Lost Vikings from here on out lost

Vikings 3 lost Vikings 4 lost Vikings cart lost Vikings MMO world of lost Vikings lost Vikings ero eroi game lost Vikings visual novel lost Vikings Funko Pops lost Vikings credit cards lost Vikings gotcha game lost Vikings loot box finally lost Vikings is going to be coming to everything possible it’ll be on your

Fridge it’ll be on your phone it’ll be on your Nintendo switch and for all you lost Viking heads out there don’t worry we’ve got you with the hookup Rock and racing will be Blizzard’s number one franchise going into 2025 we’re going to be bringing back de leopard we’re going to be bringing back

Mle crew and putting them all in the classic Super Nintendo video Game I uh is oh but if I was in charge of Activision Blizzard I would um actually shut down blizzard thank you I would uh I would make everyone just focus on Activision Properties by Activision propert I mean Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater thank You I would say uh more Tony Hawk no no nobody would get laid off in fact everyone would get raises uh but we’re we’re just going to make Tony honk games from now on thank you no none of this Call of Duty [ __ ] we’re going to make Tony honk

We’re going to make Spyro and crash what’s another great Activision uh Guitar Hero and Tony Hawk thank you Ziro no I said good I said great Activision sorry uh Activision franchises what’s some good Activision franchises uh Candy Crush that’s gone Cabellas that’s gone Call of Duty gone Diablo gone Gabriel Knight we’re going

To bring back Gabriel Knight we’re going to bring back Geometry Wars we’re going to bring back Guitar Hero we’re going to bring back hexen we’re going to bring back king’s quest OverWatch gone we’re going to bring back Pitfall oh dude we’re going to bring back all those Atari 2600 games

That’s where the bread and butter is we’re going to bring back y’s Revenge uh we’re going to bring back uh Spyro Tony honk zor zor’s bank return to the return of Zork uh Bubble Witch Saga is back I know you guys were waiting for that one uh city building is back uh Diablo

Gone crash back um let’s see Laura Bow Mysteries back ski resort Tycoon that’ll be our number one earner uh list of teenage mut Ninja Turtle Games Activision Ninja Turtle games wait wait wait Activision Ninja Turtle games what huh Konami did the games up until 2007 but then Ubisoft did them when did Activision released Ninja Turtle games is this another Country oh mutants in Manhattan yeah you’re you’re 100% right about that one fake fan all right uh they also did Out of the Shadows that game [ __ ] sucks uh that’ll be back we’re going to we’re going to get get rid of uh uh World of Warcraft and bring back Ninja Turtles

Out of the Shadows um yeah I guess Activision did the like 2012 era of turtles games I didn’t know that I did not play any of those cuz I I why would I they were garbage and then yeah mut Manhattan was the last one which that game was good I

I had a lot of fun streaming that game anyways the Michael Bay era yes the the Nickelodeon first Nickelodeon cartoon the Michael Bay movies which was an ERA that’s when I kind of checked out of the whole franchise so even though I think the 2012 show is

Good I did watch that later but anyways we’re going to be bringing back um mut to Manhattan I think now’s the time we’re going to get those servers up and uh get to work on a sequel I think check it in uh yep we’re working on that and just got word guys

As the new president of Blizzard Activision every fridge will be filled with breast milk thank you woo woo drink to your heart’s content let’s play Pikmin 4 We’re GI showing some shitty TMT game around that time uh probably out of the Shadows yeah Out of the Shadows was for um Xbox’s uh

Summer of arcade was it 20 13 2012 2013 somewhere around that it was somewh of arcade and um that was like look we got the Ninja Turtles and it’s dude it’s [ __ ] miserable that game is bad that game’s really really bad and now it’s unlisted and there’s no way to play it I

Don’t even know if there’s emulation of that game out there which is a shame because i’ make for some awfully good Turtle Tuesday content but I don’t know let me know if there’s a way for me to play that cuz I I would absolutely [ __ ] love to play that

[ __ ] show that thing is horrible really bad I I would love to get the story on that Game let’s play Pikmin 4 let’s finish Pikmin 4 do this there we go subtitles were colored red blue yellow and purple nice that’s smart the all I know about that game is it’s very ugly the designs are very ugly there was uh it was really glitchy it

Was really uh unfun and then when you beat the game it ends like anticlimactically and then uh Cuts hard cuts to the credits and Turtle Power from the first movie the first liveaction Ninja Turtle movie plays over the credits it’s like what the [ __ ] is this doing

Here why is this here it’s it’s really bad it’s spectacularly bad and I remember like that thing I pulled quick that thing was around for like maybe a year or two and got pulled same with turtles in time reshell that was around for like a year or two and then it got

Pulled why do all the bad Turtles games not all of them but a lot of bad Turtles games just get pulled did you play Transformers Devastation yeah I like that thing that was fun I like I always I you know everyone oh plays Optimus plays Bumblebee dude I’m a Grimlock

Man got to go Grimlock Grimlock is probably my favorite Transformer cuz he’s a dinosaur I like the Dinobots I think they’re really stupid in a in a very great Way sound wave sound wave is great I mean you can’t the the the trifecta of Megatron starcream and Soundwave is Great That ‘s ass Farting okay sorry I’m getting my Shoney up all right so we’ve got the final boss fight which I need to finish um because I kind of accidentally made it too harder for myself cuz I didn’t know then once we finish that then we’ll be able to go over here and do the allar

Shipwreck tail side stuff and then we’re done and then we’re done 99% oh man there’s something else after that is there I thought that was it I’m not going for like perfect score in all of the the the dandor Pikmin forever it sure feels like it listen good game great game I’ve been playing this game for five months straight I I

Please God help me no more Pikman oh yeah I didn’t get that cup of coffee I said it was going to whoopsie kind like Dragon Quest 11 where you need to be a little insane to do the post game listen I was a little insane we’ve been doing the post game for a pretty long time it’s starting to

Turn into the game okay so we need like all the Pikmin so we’re going to just do this and then we’re going to Stage 19 and I’m going to turn them into the the Pikmin that I need it’ll be fine watch this you’re about to [ __ ] your ass at a dandor kick all

Right see we got bulbs okay so let’s get some Red Pikmin let’s get some yellow [Applause] Pikmin we don’t need blue let’s get some more white Pikmin and some ice Pikman [Applause] okay I have every type of Pikmin am I properly prepared for this dungeon or should I have just brought

More Pikmin from the start have I already [ __ ] up reset run all right we’re going to delete my save guys we’re going to start over from 0% on Pikmin 4 full 100% playthrough again oh man all right okay all the Pikmin of the world are my children guys we’re going to reset 2023

Yeah we’re going to start 2023 over again just so I can play P dude hey good answer to the Amnesia question from earlier Pizza Tower I would get amnesia to experience Pizza tower for the first time all over again I’d get amnesia to experience Sonic Adventure 2 for the first time all over

Again but also the first time I experienced Sonic Adventure 2 I hated it and it wasn’t until I replayed that thing that I enjoyed it so maybe that isn’t a good answer let’s kill this [ __ ] Dog okay I don’t remember how to do this fight uh I do hold on I do I do I do you you grab his big ass tail right what’s this dog’s name ohoh I’m going to call the dog stinky scrunchie okay everyone kill [Applause] him mods log on to and kill Scrunchie All right hey so far so good not that I remember phase one being that hard oh you tricked me now he’s dead now his skull has been flattened uhoh all right phase one okay now we got ice Phase which is basically you know just the face it’s fine flip them and dip them baby it’s weird that the Snowballs that’s not really snow it looks like hair uh-oh uh-oh all of my Pikmin Dead all of my Pikmin committed to Purgatory Souls Lost to the endless void uh-oh oh dodged oh not [Applause] dodged oh I I missed I missed oh [ __ ] spew please don’t you hate when you go to the doctor and they say uh yeah can we get a spew sample I don’t know what that I don’t know what that was I don’t know what came over me I’d like to apologize that’s what we in the business

Call a little bit of Comedy okay okay now this is where I was [ __ ] the bed before I don’t oh wait I can have the will they destroy oh I get it now I get it now yellow Pikmin you are my gods you the love of my life yellow Pikman Okay all right come here oh my God it’s not that hard this time oh my God becoming properly prepared actually works what the Hell he’s just he’s just walking towards me menacingly I threw a purple Pikmin in there that’s my bad sorry sorry singular purple Pikmin ah [ __ ] purple got his ass uh I don’t know yeah yeah yeah this will work this will work this is working God we’re so close

Uhoh oh boys come here you’re going to get eaten we lost one godp speed Brave Soldier uhoh oh you tricked me uhoh uhoh I’ve been [ __ ] no guys no no bad guys bad get on the dog Band I threw a purple Pikmin again I keep accidentally throwing a purple Pikmin uh I don’t think I could get in there like at all I can destroy that orb and I can do this I cannot do that I cannot do that I cannot do that run boys where my other oh they

There wrong wrong whatever we’ll make it work everyone on you’re not on you’re gone get on okay all right another phase down fire okay not good this [ __ ] keeps going huh oh it’s it going to be the same [ __ ] but with Fire Okay hook him hook him and Snook him Stressing stressing real hard right now chant scrunchy has me very stressed out whoa we’re okay drop your tail drop your tail please I my Pikman Y how many just died how many just died 10 okay but we still we’re okay we’re okay oh my Pikmin Mr Squidward how do I get this fucker’s

Tail oh come on oi what are you doing oi ah you idiot oh gee it’s over he just ate all of my Pikmin or not or they’re okay or we’re all right I just it’s really not that hard I just suck okay those are out please give me your tail okay oh

Almost almost Oh [ __ ] you yeah okay so you have to destroy those Fireballs you don’t get an option on that you have to destroy these right at least I think you do I don’t I don’t see him lowering oh he lowered his tail never mind never mind I got his

Ass oh my my God you idiot get on there okay what is this green there’s no green Pikmin is this poison he’s Flying what the uh excuse me coming through excuse me all right what’s the uh what’s the gimmick we’re okay why did I throw blue Pikmin instead of purple why did I throw we got his ass okay all right this seems not as hard this seems fine this doesn’t seem pipe specific which is Good we got to get close to that Whitt tail of his cute little tail oh my God All uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh uhoh yeah uh I’m prepared for that now bud sorry H that doesn’t work on me anymore [ __ ] you uh okay missed whiffed on every single one of those okay send those Pikmin to their immediate death oh no I didn’t know it does That what what do you mean there’s the Pikmin immediately die button please kill him please kill him please kill him one more one more this better be the Final Phase where I’m going to I’m going to piss blood [ __ ] you dude that’s what it’s like when your

Dog wakes you up at 3:00 a.m. wanting to go out sounds exactly like That oh [ __ ] me stop running boys that’s all right that’s all right it’s okay Jesus Christ we missed we missed he’s going to scream okay I’m not worried he’s going to Scream drop your tail he’s dropping his tail kill him kill him please is it over is it over a sorry scrungy he kind of cute I love old dogs I’m a big fan of of elderly dogs he’s running away now fight Lou One V one o o Lou ah oh thank goodness I think he’s okay o oh what a great a troublemaker I couldn’t have said it better myself what about that giant dog oh no there is more to this game isn’t there looks like it got away I don’t know how we’re going to cure Ochi

Now there that dog’s collar it must have falling off it could contain lingering particles or fur from that giant dog if so I may just be able to make a medent after all I’ll take that tiny glimmer of hope for now grab that collar and let’s go

Don’t forget to secure Louie I’m not sure my heart can take another high stakes Pursuit we are going to [ __ ] try you for your crimes you will hang you son of a [ __ ] I hate Louie number one Louie hater you heard her let’s get Louie out of here The quiet new driver in the embodiment of the word Troublemaker yeah we’re like the embodiment of the word terrorist not sure what he’s capable of we may need to tie him up later just to be safe firing squad excellent now that you’ve secured the collar and Louie head on Back guys we did it we’re making the fiser Vaccine game over now okay we can get the final o Upgrade 100% W and that’s it uh return and that’s Pikmin 4 surely there’s nothing more to do Surely congrats you’re 10% done with this game I’ll just turn it off then if that was true uh I’m done all Castaways have been rescued W How can there be more to this game other than the alar thing I’ve done everything welcome home ogi and you too Mikey hi they did it a magnificent feat yes yes good work uh now I need to harvest some of the fur so give me that collar I don’t remember what her voices is the thief drank all my juice drank all the Lean everyone takes turn beating the [ __ ] out of Louie I’d be all right with that you ever play like the old flash games that were like beat your boss or whatever make one like that but for beating the [ __ ] out of Louie All right give Louie the vaccine W no effect on Mom oh no Moss has to stay here no this is how it’s meant to be Colin it’s the circle of life Colin oh you must die or Moss whatever kill both of them Moss was born and raised on this

Planet it would be wrong to change what she is for a reason damn I screwed that up it’ be wrong to change what she is for reasons she can’t comprehend this is her home where she belongs are you sure I am and it’s how Moss feels too let’s go

Home the Voyage Home dude Star Trek 2 Uh am um I’m I’m Excuse me I got excuse me I got to do the allar story EXC I mean I’m not complaining hey short stream for me baby I’m out of here I like Pikmin 4 good game hot take here’s my hottest Pikmin for take um uh more Pikmin thank You God speed Pikmin Goodbye My Little pck Friends dude they didn’t even really say goodbye did They wow and the true Pikmin were the friends we made along the way scrunchie W Whoa would it be cool if allar just fell out of the ship wait hey that planet kind of looks like o h question the end question mark Oh I guess I really should have done the Amar thing first whoops oh well uh we lost almost a th000 Pikmin took me 48 hours to lose nearly a thousand Pikmin 69 days dude [Laughter] That’s it wait was the was this all the way rewatch The cutcenes no yeah I’m you know me I always got watch the Pikmin 4 cutscenes I’m watching them over and over again all right let’s do uh that was Pikmin four I guess but let’s do the all thear side

Mode oh I might take a break here for a minute go make a cup of coffee game’s boring snooze should play something [ __ ] epic like uh uh like uh uh cookies and cream on the PS2 tomor every forget how to prepare for Launch oh oh okay all right I get it first things first final Ochi upgrade please isn’t this like an infinite charge infinite Rush [ __ ] yes oh [ __ ] oh that is nice that is very nice Give me money pay Me pay me Top hey me okay pay me it’s collection day baby once a week I come around you pay me or I break some knees that’s how it goes in the pick World get me up here get me up here get me up here you [ __ ] kill him I’m

Lou I kind of want to stay here I’m hungry I want something fresh go find a cave give me some grub before the onion gets it dwarf bulbs no I’m not doing [ __ ] Lou missions [ __ ] you you don’t deserve food you [ __ ] all right chant I’m going to

Throw it to a a PE Break um I’m going to go make a cup of coffee and then when I come back we’ll do all themar shipwreck tail so don’t go anywhere probably probably about five five or 10 minute PE break B Watcher skip ahead 5 10 minutes

And then uh we’ll do uh allar shipwreck tail we gives you an item if you is it a good item is it cool Or the amazingly terrible okay maybe we’ll see we’ll see what time it is when I finish shipwreck tail we’ll go from there I’ll be right back quick PE break going to go get a cup of coffee be right back don’t go anywhere oh what the hell Up Oh Oh Oh attention twitch chat Mike is about to go pee see that right there I’m keeping it warm for him cuz in about 10 seconds he’s about to kick this door open and let her rip while he’s doing that take a moment to subscribe to his channel catch

Up with a friend in the chat but do not complain about his absence because Mike is taking a pee which everyone on Twitch needs to do now and then it’s human it’s normal but what’s not normal is a cold toilet seat I’m heating it up for him

Don’t worry about it I’m getting on it right now he will be here in two seconds you can be patient show some respect he’ll be back in just a moment that’s right twitch chat you consider this an intermission take a moment grab a snack but come right back and keep your eyes

Glued on the screen cuz he pees fast and he’ll pee with great speed and get back to you momentarily Mike it’s warm get in here I’m telling him to hurry I’m doing my best Mike For for Out Oh Oh Oh For For Okay sorry about that sorry if that took longer than a normal PE Break um I was messing around with a new coffee maker I got my brother for Christmas and I um I’m kind of becoming more and more of a boomer where um new tech I’m it’s not

Even like oh I don’t understand this let me learn it’s I don’t understand this I’m terrified I’m mortified what if I hit this this button and it [ __ ] explodes and kills me um but I got to got the cup of coffee so we’re good sorry if that took an extra

Minute do this okay welcome back let’s doar shipwreck tail tell me the tale alar okay game do I need a gameplay guide for this it doesn’t okay let’s do this let’s see what this is about maybe I’ll hate this what do you mean 15 days left what do you mean 15 days

Left 30 ship parts in 15 day what do you mean 15 days left you can’t do this to me this is like Pikmin one hard mode nice sepia town there a back in 19 two this is Captain Alamar of the SS dolphin currently stranded on an unknown

Planet trying to recover the ship parts that were lost during the crash my space suits life support system only last about 15 more days I like that there’s like Plucky music for this yippee as opposed to Pikmin one where it’s like my my suit will run out

Of oxygen and 15 days I will [ __ ] die all right how do we these we’re going to do this uh dandor style little classic dandor coming your way good work oh I got to okay my upgrades don’t carry over I got to pluck Them is this mode like actually hard I think you can do it do you want to know uh yes but give me a yes or no answer is this mode hard yes or no guys you didn’t get your juice okay good you Juiced um let’s go this way why did you not get your juice come on

Bruner oh I don’t I can’t I can’t pick charge the music makes me like the music’s so like jaunty that it’s kind of like putting panic in me you know the rest of this game is like realax this is like uh I don’t know it’s like two too uh pip

Pip music makes me lose control you ever seen the Triforce piece dance that you you I can’t play that on stream I’ll get dmca there was so back in the day on the old youb check out um there was this like fake Legend of Zelda cartoon I don’t remember what it was

Called but it was there was a fake Legend of Zelda cartoon and it had like a anthropomorphic Triforce piece with like a funny face and shoes and it was supposed to be like intentionally bad but for some reason that became that Triforce piece became a meme because they had him like dancing

To that song and that was just big real real like classic uh you know classic internet meme thing of like you’re the man now dog style [ __ ] of just like this is a funny gift put it to some music you know uh I think I know what that one is but I

Literally cannot I don’t think I can check it I’m pretty sure I’m going to get [ __ ] dmca tactical nuked I get [ __ ] dmca for for the dire dire doc music now some [ __ ] on YouTube is like yeah I um I did Mario water music remix I own dire dire docks thank

You and it pisses me off every single time I get like genuinely [ __ ] furious when when my whole stream gets claimed because I Play Dire dire docks crazy is this going to give me oh it’s just going to increase my Max can I take more out yes I can

Okay best you’re the man at dog interior crocodile alligator I drive a Chevrolet movie theater that’s why the the screening room in the disc is called Chevrolet movie theater it’s because of that one interior crocodile alligator you know what I kind of like this mode I don’t I don’t know if I’m

Like sucking [ __ ] at it or whatever but like this is kind of fun because it’s like it’s like starting a new Pikmin game I don’t have like oi rush to just clear everything it’s fun imagine being the guy who ruined the most famous Mario 64 song Forever in

Real I mean I straight up dude so I I was watching a lot of Mario 64 stuff today cuz I was in a Mario 64 mood watching a bunch of like programming videos about the game um and I was like man I would love to just

Play Mario 64 on stream like I I I don’t know when I would do that cuz I know like you guys aren’t like please streamer show us Mario what the hell’s a Mario 64 I don’t think it would make for like the most amazing content in the world

But um my point is I was thinking about that and I was like I don’t know if I can anymore because all of the streams are just going to get [ __ ] copyright claimed cuz one guy is like yeah I own the the music to Mario 64 one guy ruined the whole

Thing so I don’t know I would love to watch someone 64 would you would that be something you guys would be interested just a guy who really loves Mario 64 playing Mario 64 I know you know I know some I can’t speed run it we did do a blj on stream

That was cool but I can’t speedrun it but I do know some cool uh some cool tricks cool trivia uh I know like some secret uh secret grabbable platforms dude I would love okay crunch you bring that up Dad maybe I do maybe I’ll do Mario

64 uh do do it that with that PC like rebuilt source code version and do it with the project 64 so it all looks like those old renders I’ve been wanting to do that for a while I I might do that okay someone died guys just kill him uh yeah guys go build

That all right we only got one ship part today but um if I know my Pikmin and I feel like I do that’s just kind of how especially if this is trying to be like Pikmin one that’s just how Pikmin one is yeah start of Pikmin one is uh you make very little

Progress and then by the end of Pikmin one you’re [ __ ] pulling eight pieces a day speaking of let’s take a look around can I get guys in that yeah I can Rockstar can’t do anything without getting leaked or hacked I mean that’s what when you’re the biggest like gaming company in the

World that happens it shouldn’t but it does that looks way better than Unreal Engine 5 [ __ ] 100% 100% I might do that if you guys would be interested in that uh I I’m going to put that relatively high on my list because always looking for an excuse to play Mario

64 and if you guys think that that would be fun to watch um I’m not going to uh say no to an excuse to play more Mario 64 I love Mario 64 that’s one of my favorite games ever when I when I think a video game

That’s the first game I think of is Mario 64 love that game H take Mario 64 good game well you know what that that’s honestly becoming a more and more of a hot take as the years go by I feel like I feel like a lot of

People boot that game up and go uh camera bad like don’t get me wrong it’s not great sometimes it’s bad sometimes that doesn’t make it a bad game rainbow ride makes it a bad game or is it rainbow cruise I always [ __ ] up the name cuz one of them no it’s rainbow

Ride rainbow cruise I think is a Smash Brothers stage or I have that flipped cuz that’s the thing is I always get those Confused didn’t they just do I haven’t seen anything about it but wasn’t there a um Source coding a source code unpacking repacking whatever for Ocarina time didn’t that happen a a little bit ago I haven’t seen any like crazy mods for that but I’m also way more into like Mario 64 content

Creators than I am Ocarina a Time content creators Cuz dude if they could they could rebuild Ocarina at a time oh do Ocarina at time but do the 3DS version of the water temple you’d have a a you’d have a beautiful game you’d have the [ __ ] best game all right one day that’s all right I

Think we did okay how pick heads my pads in chat how what would you give me letter grade wise for first day a A+ the P music it’s the Pikmin song oh that’s nice that makes my little heart flutter God I love Pikman I know every single Pikmin 4

Stream for the last like two 2 months I’ve been going like can’t wait to be done with this [ __ ] game but God I love Pikman God I love this game it really um I I said it at the start of this but like I don’t think

This is my game this isn’t my game of the year but this is my stream game of the year I I don’t think there’s a single Pikman 4 stream I did that I didn’t have a good time I think a lot of you like new guys

Who’ve been coming around a lot of the the new regulars in here you guys like came for Pikmin 4 streams right like you if if your first one of my streams wasn’t Pikmin 4 you sure stayed around because of Pikman 4 uh Pikmin 4 has been uh to to speak uh

Candidly been [ __ ] great for my channel man it has been [ __ ] great for my channel but really it’s been great for my little heart my little mouth and my little brain I feel like the Pikmin 4 streams have been the the best series of streams I’ve ever Done I’m going to miss Pikmin 4 I really am okay cuz we got the other Pikmin games I can do but but after Pikman 4 I am going to take at least a couple months pick break before I pick it back up oh my God followed before Pikmin forb first

Game I caught of the stream joined both because of Pikmin and Popeye okay so yeah you guys you guys were here you guys came around for that for that pck never mind say that never mind never mind never mind never mind once you do like starting a thing

And then say never mind twice I feel like you have to ohar is going to [ __ ] die allar has [ __ ] died oh okay all right so it’s going to be like this God Chad I didn’t tell you this because I I had so much like anxiety and

[ __ ] about that [ __ ] that that came into my job yesterday but um when he was like yelling at me about how he was going to file a complaint with my boss and I was an [ __ ] and all this stuff um like I was just laughing at him and

Telling him to leave but I was so mad that I didn’t like normally laugh at him I [ __ ] like Joker laughed at this guy this guy was like yelling at me and I went like ah get out of here guy and just get out of here I did that and I keep thinking

About that something about doing that really like stuck in me of like what where did that come from it’s just I was I was so [ __ ] mad and and and I’ll be honest I was scared you know getting screamed at by a psycho at work is not um not a calm

Experience but yeah just [ __ ] went full Joker mode had had my own Joker moment real but uh we’re good on that talked to my boss and my boss was like yeah whatever yeah you’re all good so unless that guy comes into my job to harass me no

Problem but I am questioning what the the animal inside did what the Jo the jerker inside did who was that man and when I I got when I laughed he seemed like genuinely like shocked and I want to say like it was because like I was laughing at him but

There’s a part of me that thinks like maybe the Joker Laugh worked dude maybe I scared him dude should have done my Joker voice dude should have gone shut the [ __ ] up scare the piss out of Him sorry I should have warned you guys I was going to do my Joker voice you want to mess with me I’m a gamer oh dude that would that’s too Scary yeah that’s what I should have done that [ __ ] I should have done that I should have went I’m going to I’m going to make this pencil disappear I ever tell you how I got these scars my daddy was a gamer I know like Heath Ledger Joker

Performance good don’t get me wrong I do think it’s good but God damn the the lip licking thing is so funny to make fun of that just constant like did I ever tell you I got these scars one night he’s on Call of Duty and he’s raging crazy than usual my

Mother she turns to him and she says l oh he didn’t like that are we at a point where we can make fun of Heath Ledger joker as a society are we allowed to do that I still think it’s a great performance but am I allowed to make fun of It wait I cut my mouth on gamer grub from a GameStop oh I imagine him doing just out of like doing that doing the The Joker voice right cut my mouth on gamer grub from GameStop and then just added nowhere perfect Tom from Tom and Jerry scream oh I’m tell hey make make me the next Joker James gun get me in the DCU let me be the next Joker we’re going to be doing uh Bugs Bunny bits we’re going to be doing Tom and Jerry screams we’re going to make the Joker a funny character again last couple of

Jokers haven’t been funny and that’s the problem Mark Hamel Joker that’s a funny character we got to get the Joker Jack Nicholson Joker funny Caesar Romero Joker funny we got to get the Joker funny again the Joker needs to be going like well Batman can I offer you a cigar and then

Hand him like a a lighted stick of dynamite that’s the Joker baby oh I know where we we are he’s a joker so he has to make jokes that’s what I’m saying he needs to be telling a couple jokes Batman uh Batman’s chasing him across an alley and he

Goes you might be a redneck Joker should be someone who acts terminally online and thinks they’re really funny uh yeah but he should also be actually funny like like he should be terminally terminally it should be um like ironic funny I guess we want a joker we can laugh

With yeah dude he Batman’s standing there and all of a sudden you hear the Joker uh knock knock Oo dude I I’d piss my little pants I’d piss and cry I’d be so [ __ ] scared dude like uh the news is like reporting on Batman and they’re saying like uh mask vigilante Police Commissioner James Gordon Jim Gordon has issued the arrest warrant for the Batman and the Joker Goes uh oh looks

Like this is a milkshake duck moment Shouts out to anyone who knows what the [ __ ] milkshake duck moment means that’s some uh that’s some like 12th level Twitter lore and just the fact that I say that uh proves that I’m uh I’m terminally online I got to get off the internet good night analog stream from

Now on I’m going to be recording this [ __ ] on VHS mailing it to you oh you got to get the Honker you got to get the Honker for the ship what you crazy you got to get the Honker dude I almost got in a car accident today I forgot to talk about

This I was coming home going straight through an intersection green light going straight through an intersection and a guy takes a left turn right I mean I’m here he takes a left turn right here and so I slam on my brakes and hit the horn and go

[ __ ] and he go he’s he’s like yelling at me and it’s like I I’m not the one who’s taking a left turn into oncoming Traffic car’s Bad Wow I love that for you haha let’s go shopping haha I love that for you dude look at this [ __ ] look at alamar’s busted ass Ride no Hood no Engine oh there are multiple areas okay someone stopped before an intersection to let me take a left turn and I immediately got mad at them for not driving predictably and trying to be nice wait so they didn’t go through the intersection there were going straight

And they stopped to let you make a left Turn dude that’s that’s [ __ ] up that’s that’s you’re literally breaking driving laws Sir um should I go back here chat thoughts one or two which one two which stage should I go to open to suggestions okay that’s two twos stop stop the that’s [ __ ] up dude just I I don’t know uh the worst for me um I mean I’ve had a lot of

People I’ve seen a lot of bad driving I I think I’m pretty good as at a as a defensive driver but sometimes it’s like I you know you can only uh just cuz you wear a suit of armor that might protect you from some [ __ ] won’t protect you from a nuclear bomb you

Know but um that’s a really bad one uh like the first week I had my car I went to go pick up Pelon and someone I’m sitting at a light four-way you know it’s it’s a four-way intersection you know I’m here someone else is here my light turns

Green and they go through the red light and so we we both started going and then I hit the brakes and they hit their brakes and I just looked at them and went and they looked at me and went went and then drove through the red light and

They were sitting at the red light their light was still red and they just drove through it kill Him that was like a real man in that bug costume we just murdered almost everyone is nice here in the Netherlands and is used to it I can see why you’d be surprised when it’s not common yeah I mean in uh in America everyone drives like an

[ __ ] well I mean the wor the worst driving I’ve ever seen thankfully I wasn’t driving was when I went through New Jersey and it was just nonstop like people going like 95 miles an hour in a 25 and it was like what the [ __ ] is

Happening that was like I I will if I can help it I will never go back to New Jersey cuz that was just it was terrifying man as you guys come here we’re going to kill this guy and then get get some epic Le uh-oh look at that olar face why would they use that face his eyes popping out of his Head The thing I have to remember though with with like people who drive like [ __ ] or at least the thing I try and remember is like it’s probably not people who live around here you know I have I have the benefit of like knowing where I

Am and when I’m not at a place place where I live like I’m nervous driving I’m a nervous driver like that that I don’t think I’m a bad driver but I’m certainly more nervous which means I I’d probably be more prone to making mistakes you

Know so I I try to keep that in mind like when people do like insane fuckups where it’s like yeah but they didn’t um they didn’t mean to do well they probably didn’t mean to make such a tremendous [ __ ] up they’re probably not even aware that they’re making a tremendous [ __ ]

Up so I try to give them some leeway on that but you also need to I don’t know it’s a [ __ ] car you know like that thing’s a death machine you should you should you should probably um I’ve never made a [ __ ] up to that level that they do that I seen you

Know um well that’s not true one time I did blast through a red light but it was Fine it it it it was fine I blasted through red light twice once because again I wasn’t I was not in in roads I was familiar with and uh it was night it was raining and I couldn’t see [ __ ] and then I real realized I was in the middle of an intersection thankfully

Turned out fine then on the return trip from that I blasted through a red light but that wasn’t my fault it was snowing and I just slid straight through I did every pump my brakes I did everything slid right Through and that sucked and I you know I drive a four-wheel drive I know how to drive in snow and ice and I could I had no control in that situation that’s the one that out of those two out of out of the I had complete control and I [ __ ] up or I

Had no control and was doing everything to try and regain it the second one is the one that [ __ ] me up the most out of those two that second one genuinely like when I think about it too hard I I like those feelings come back I get like just scared thinking about

It because [ __ ] up you making the mistake you can go like you can tell yourself you know uh that’ll never happen again that’ll never happen again I I I learned my my I learned my lesson I know how to prevent that here’s my plan to prevent that from ever happening

Again but something that’s outside your control like that there’s nothing you could it could it could happen tomorrow and what are you going to do nothing you can’t do anything about it you Know right obviously we need blue Pikmin for that can we walk through this Guys he can’t smash that yet dude I hope we we got to unlock Moss right playable Moss That beig Dope damn they they they’re playing the Pikmin hits here I think at least they’re they’re playing music that sounds like kind of jauntier versions of Pikmin

One glad to be living in a place where I can just walk to work yeah that’s that’s nice uh I’m all right like I said I can drive in the ice I can hand driving in the ice in the snow um especially with my work not being too far away from

Me I’m fine but it was this situation where I was in I was in like Upstate New York and it was a totally normal and then right when we were going to leave and we had to leave because my friend had to catch a train uh it start it was just a [ __ ]

Blizzard and then went to stop and just kept every time I’d go to stop I would just slide and then yeah one time I just kept sliding slid right through a [ __ ] red light thankfully we were the only car on the road because nobody else had stupid ass obligation but still

Miserable what if you didn’t do that next time well um again there were a lot of circumstances that caused that to happen in the first place so there oh so for that to not happen again Not only would the circumstances have to happen for me to be in that scenario of

Being in Upstate New York but then the circumstances would have to happen that I wouldn’t slide in the snow so I don’t think that would ever happen again at least I pray seven where are the seven stray Pikman oh right here oh I forgot all about these guys is that Mo hello Moss Origins look how small Moss Is maybe they’re the same size in my mind they’re like oi size right now but I guess they’re not Moss wow we playable Moss Wowe cool uh even if you’re in a city you’re all right but if you’re on back roads or probably not have maintenance done then you’re in the [ __ ] yeah 100% all because the residence of your 4,000 population burrow refuses to pay an extra 10% of taxes for road work there you go it is what it is I’m just glad I don’t live further away from my job I I don’t think I could ever be

Someone who like has like a half an hour you know trip to work not only because of the time but also like in the Winter that just means you have such a long strik of perilous Journey you ever see The Hobbit it’s like that it’s an unexpected joury All right what are we on it’s been what three days four parts three days that’s not bad that’s not bad at all chat can you give me one second I’m going to take another quick pee break I finish my coffee hold on okay news article about a local municipality raising taxes by

50% but turns out it was like $23 for each person oh dude I mean that’s how it is man that’s how it is there you raise taxes you say hey this money is going to go for the best thing this is going to go for providing every kid with a free

Breakfast it’ll raise your taxes $2 people will people will [ __ ] go ballistic $2 two oh and what’s next you’re going to take my home too it’s $2 guys it’s $2 and children can eat breakfast it’s like there’s um what what state is it was it Minnesota that did the free School breakfast and they’re finding out like

Yeah this is actually going to cost more than we thought because so many kids are going hungry and need these free school breakfasts and people are [ __ ] their ass knew it wouldn’t work yeah uh uh free handouts to children knew it wouldn’t work and who’s going to have to pay for it me

Buddy if you can if you are so bent out of shape over an extra 105 $20 on your taxes so that children Starving Children can eat I don’t know how to get you to care I don’t know how to get you to care about your fellow man and especially I

Don’t know how to get you to care about children if you’ve been out of shape over 10 15 20 bucks out of your pocket so then hundreds of children can eat I don’t you’re a bad person I don’t know what to tell you You’re a bad person thank You I don’t know well those that $20 could be going to my kids Well I don’t know Counterpoint [ __ ] them kids counter Counterpoint um no thank you counter counter point Uh the the large percentile of people in our country in our society that are falling through the economic cranks who are having hard times are suffering You know it goes doubly for children kids can’t go [ __ ] get a job kids can’t go work they’re dependent on us they’re dependent on us as a so Society to take care of Them and it’s getting harder and harder for adults to take care of adults ourselves that goes even even stronger doubly you know whatever you whatever uh verbage you want to use here whatever words you want to use here it’s even worse for children it’s our [ __ ] responsibility to take care of these

Kids it’s our responsibility to take care of our fellow man dude and some people can’t get that through their [ __ ] head When we live in a [ __ ] country oh man we live in a country where we got so many [ __ ] billionaires we get tax breaks and yet how many children are going hungry how many children desperately needed these free breakfast programs like how do you how do you how do you

Live with yourself fighting against giving children food how do you live with yourself uh well their um their parents should feed them their parents can’t even feed themselves how do you look at yourself in the mirror and go I feel really good about not giving a child

$5 so they can eat I feel really good about that how it’s our responsibility as human [ __ ] beings to take care of other human beings that’s the responsibility of Life man I don’t Know he saying no to the donation request at the petmart checkout hey I always say yes to those things am I not supposed to be when they’re like do you want to donate 10 cents yeah I’ll donate 10 cents especially cuz most of the time

It’s like do you want to round up 25 sense yeah I’ll round out that that my brain feels better when it’s rounded up I’ll do That they already made the donation they’re asking that to recw the cost really is that real cuz I always say yes to those Things my point is if they raised my taxes if they said hey you got to pay an extra $100 $200 on taxes but this money will go to feeding hungry children this money will go to this go to this go to this I’d do it i’

I’d be all for it problem is a lot of times it’s hey we raise taxes yeah where’s that money going lobbyist and where’s that money going uh funding the police and where’s that money going uh uh I don’t know if we need to get in international issues right now but going

To um other countries that to fund um let’s say bad things we’ll just leave it at That and and that’s where it’s like uh that’s when the taxation thing becomes a a much deeper issue than hey we should just take care of kids Mike’s becoming a political streamer I’m not becoming a political stream listen uh I’ve thought about this because I know at some point someone’s

Going to come in here um you know I really respected you for your Super Mario Wonder gam play but you’ve become too political brother I was born on this [ __ ] Earth political I’ll be buried in the [ __ ] dirt political I’m not a political streamer I’m a streamer and talking politics is part of

It it’s just how it is I got no interest in sitting around and Rec capping the news for you that doesn’t do either of us any good what I am interested in is um expressing my thoughts and Views that’s just part that’s just part of it part of the Pie is there anything up here even oh [ __ ] kind Of oh I’ve already been here oh Get my dog back come here I don’t think I have enough to build this bridge no okay I need 10 more yeah know game why would the game tell me that Okay oh Jesus Christ Christ all right we need Bombs all right hold on [ __ ] this guy [ __ ] this guy in particular thank You oh all right kill his kid too all right whatever sure missed oh whoopsie wait allar come here I thought he spit something out I didn’t know what he spit out okay we’re going to do um what how much does moss carry 10 okay Perfect any goodies over here yeah I need 15 though Okay we’re honestly we’re kind of flying we’re we’re a sixth of the way done how long have I been doing this game mode for listen I’m going late tonight chant uh I guess I should have told you that so uh you know get your little slippies on switch it to pajamas

Cuz we’re going late okay e Easy oh I can smash [ __ ] now cool uh [ __ ] it move the base over here why Not where oh hello Oh [ __ ] come here come here come here come here run you idiots whatever we got more on the ship who cares Expendable I simply do not care about the L lives of my Pikmin they’re soldiers they knew what they signed up for I missed okay that’s water we need blue Pikman for that

Can I smash this yeah cool um there’s fires that need lit down on the beach I don’t know if this thing’s going to Hold uh no there’s probably a faster way to go about it oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] run oh [ __ ] [ __ ] this is nice like I said it’s like um it’s like starting a new Pikmin game you know like it’s just this nice uh it’s this nice stage Pikmin stage

Where you’re not you just accept like oh I don’t know I don’t have the resources for this [ __ ] it I’ll come back later as opposed to like late game Pikmin where it’s like you better [ __ ] have the resources for this okay what about this can can the

Can the pick with the fire cross mud yeah he’s good he’s good okay I was supposed to do this the whole time whatever look at that little waddle there we go is there another I don’t know I don’t think there Was okay burn this mean the Pikmin must be blocked what are you talking about you crazy what are you Nuts all right we got an onion over here oh a yellow one okay that’s good cuz there are electric fences good good good good we’re making good progress man what do you mean three Pikmin are going to die why are three Pikmin going to die where did I lose three Pikmin

Oh the those guys is it cuz they’re planted in the ground still I guess that makes Sense no I’ve just lost three Pikmin what the [ __ ] Where no stra uh Uh I don’t know about that one Mac me thinks you may be [ __ ] stupid just a Thought where were you do you want to no no and three Red Pikmin I’m not shedding any tears I’m Sorry homei signal oh that’s good super buff look at that the Moss picture that M the Moss icon is like the [ __ ] stair chat emote all right yellow onion okay we’re doing good chant we’re doing good good Pace how we doing so far are we on track chant am I doing poggers

Okay where’s that yellow onion not there [ __ ] where was that yellow onion why did I not tag that on the map that was dumb that was stupid of me um uhoh now we’re just wasting time uhoh um had to have been this way got to be over There Okay then you guys collect the corpses from yesterday okay and let’s see what else is up here surprised there isn’t one of those [ __ ] flower frogman um let’s see egg do I have bombs cuz there’s a door there that I need to blow up with bombs I should check that Out see um attack I got four bombs I don’t know if that’s enough to blow this thing up but we’re sure going to give it a shot I think it’ll be enough cool which means we can now do this goodbye all right next time let’s just try throwing the pig [ __ ] I don’t have 15 hold on maybe I can knock it down yeah but but Moss is just 10 right oh monsters got it

Right uh I think alar should say swag more think that’s my note for Pikmin 5 allar should say swag Oh right let’s do this we need the yellow Pikmin to tear down the electric gates this I know there’s Moss okay oh we do we got I mean we got to average two ship parts a day we’re on day four okay so we’ll be all right if we only get this one part

Today we’ll still be all right obviously we’re going to try and make more than just that happen please please please please okay what is That it looked like a PlayStation 2 controller that like your cousin would have and you go over to his place he’s like yo check this game out it’s like Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3 and his controller looks like [Applause] that okay while the yellow Pikman handle that let’s go kill the spider [ __ ] I’ve missed I’ve missed everything I missed everything already lives lost I’ve missed God help me already Pikmin dying in the streets oh my God whatever oh my God damn it all right

Chad did you ever did you buy when you were a kid did you buy a lot of the like quar 50 Cent like little figures at the grocery store the like the you know they were like the little ninjas and there’s like homies and oh oh yellow Pikmin for

Sure I had a lot of those um I had a lot of like little ninja guys and then I had a lot of um there were like Nickelodeon ones at one point and I had like like 10 Tommy Pickles I just had an army of Tommy Pickles that I would make the ninjas

Fight which you know pretty cool death battle stats but like maybe not the most uh natural pairing 10 babies versus uh ninjas but Chad who do you think should win 10 Tommy Pickles or or uh 10 ninjas who wins in a fight okay all right there is an electric thing

Blue all right we got to get over there me that’s not an answer if I were a ninja I could slice down 10 babies okay again not an answer and this is no baby I mean this is Tommy Pickles this is like King of the babies

This is the best baby there ever was wellow baby Yoda but second best baby there ever Was I um I refuse to call baby Yoda anything but baby Yoda and it’s starting to like piss people off I have friends who are like still really into Star Wars and I’ll just I’ll be like yeah [ __ ] baby Yoda they’ll be like it’s grou call him grou uh baby

Yoda at least call him the child baby Yoda that [ __ ] is going to be baby Yoda for forever I don’t care that little son of a [ __ ] is called baby Yoda all right let’s move the base up here how many men I don’t think we get it up that

Way then we get up what bridge oh there’s another another thing I got a Bomb [ __ ] I thought I could just get up that way I guess it makes sense that you can’t how did we lose three Pikmin again no don’t disband come here uh how do I send the Pikmin home hold on maybe Moss will actually find them this time

Oh all right well I want I’m going to check this out cuz I think this is another bombable and I got three bombs so we should be able to tear it down hey there’s another thing to light I don’t know if you had noticed yet but the days are a bit shorter are

They I had not noticed oh okay we got to burn that down oh this isn’t bad burn that down and then we can get the blue Pikmin okay tomorrow we’ll get blue Pikmin we’re making great Pace we’re third of the way done with this uh we got this how much shorter are the Days the days don’t feel like the nights in the summer in the city in the summer in the city it’s the best part of that song I used to hear that song all the time when I was a kid uh and like in the middle of it

There’s just a synth solo that [ __ ] rules 2 25% shorter damn hey you know what but that works out great for me Oh all right third of the way done Rush boots Okay more distant areas okay but we’re not doing that yet no no no no hold on we’re going back there we’re getting blue Pikmin okay I got 10 days left to get 20 Parts normal is 15 minutes this is 11 Okay we’re going to go back here in just a minute I got to take that PE break I never took a PE break uh the whole stream check the tapes I never took a PE break I’m going to be right back I’m going to take a quick PE break I

Actually need to just pee this time I’ll be right back and then we’ll uh keep going I really think we’re going to beat this tonight I’ll be right back watch the burgers cook oh my God okay that got boring now let’s watch some skate footy okay that got boring now let’s

Watch some dog footage okay Mike you got to be done Mike hurry the hell up okay now we’re going to crap now we’re going to watch some here now I’m going to play some Zelda Mike where the hell are you I’m panicking here Mike okay back to the burgers back to the burgers

Oh they’re burning they’re burning all right Mike’s done enjoy the Stream Okay which Pikmin do you think tastes the best got to be blue right okay what we need 30 red oh [ __ ] it do this do this so we have room for the blue hey yellow guys get get your numbers up yellow guys uh get your bunny

Up sense and uh yellow guys don’t have their Shoney up right now and it’s uh honestly it’s pathetic honestly I’m ashamed what is it this way wait which way was the way that I Went oh it was just this Okay uh red guy oh red guy you [ __ ] us that’s okay I don’t think we’ll need your Firepower I feel like blue Pikmin probably tastes the best they would just taste like a blue like blue raspberry well you know Blue’s a flavor a lot of people want to deny that a lot

Of people want to sit out there they want to say to the world yeah blue not a flavor and um you’re Wrong you know exactly oh my God you know exactly what blue tastes like stop lying to yourself stop lying to the people around you you know what blue tastes like you’re disgrace and embarrassment to yourself [ __ ] [Laughter] okay what are there any uh oh right we’ll have the blue so we can

Get this and then we’ve we’ve 100% in this area dude we’re cooking not too shabby not too shabby where’s that uh where’ that blue onion go oh right there I think wait where are you guys going what are you doing huh where are they taking that thing guys you chose the longest

Possible way around the love of God they’re going to take the whole day to get this thing back oh [ __ ] I might be [Laughter] [ __ ] we’ll see those guys might have just wasted the day no we’re fine we’re going to be all right we’re going to have to we’re going

To have to blue Pikmin Max as hard as possible but I think it’ll be all right and then that’s it right uh do I have to get the other types of Pikmin I sure hope not the way the way the the way I was led to believe through evidence I cannot

Provide is that it’s only the three types of Pikmin it’s only the original pick three okay um [ __ ] now I’m lost [ __ ] that’s midday ah [ __ ] okay blue blue blue show me blue show me blue blue blue we need maximum blue not maximum but we need a good bit where’s the

Dog I like I I see that with like like moss is a real dog you know like there’s there’s a real level of like where the [ __ ] is the Dog that is a real dog in my brain okay where are we going to go we need to go right goddamn here and we need to do it now I think we might be [ __ ] I think this might have been a waste of a day okay something tells me I needed five

Blue ah [ __ ] probably ah [ __ ] ah [ __ ] ah [ __ ] oh you have to go you have to carry that as fast as humanly possible we’re [ __ ] we’re so [ __ ] it’s over it’s never been more over oh wait wait wait bring it here bring it here Please blue blue Pikmin please I don’t know why that made Red Pikmin as well but just give me the blue Pikmin okay seven blue Pikmin uh disband Okay you you okay all right this could still be saved God is my witness this can still be saved here’s how I can still win by panicking help him help him go go go go Go okay I think that’s the last ship part here right should be Right we’re going to load up as many resources as we can but I think we’re going to be [ __ ] I don’t think these guys can move them hey Pikmin would stand no chance in a drug trafficking world they just don’t move them like they need to God damn it God damn It you [ __ ] stop Come on buddy come on Buddy buddy he did it I stopped him I don’t think he did it why did I stop him I think he lives but I don’t think that one resource got collected is that going to [ __ ] me over do you have to be that precise that the loss of one resource is is game

Over I sure hope Not okay nine days left Um we could go back let’s go back clean this one up and then and then we can um go to the new ones oh I’m I’m like starting to sweat now this is getting way too stressful I wanted to beat Pikmin 4 and then you know just have a nice little you know

Just an just a chill laidback little little joint this is uh this is [ __ ] management this is the Pikmin hard mode okay we need all of these all of these perfect okay goals for today clean up and blue Pikmin um I have enough to build this bridge no

Cuz I need to do it from the other side in this round kill this [ __ ] stop killing it [ __ ] now it’s stuck on yellow I’m I’m panicking I’m panicking okay all right this this over here destroy this interesting I need to do something there but let’s start here okay all right

Now okay so that’ll unlock that section what is over here that I needed to get oh okay easy okay let the blue Pikmin carry the corpse they get Blue Points okay go down here K some [ __ ] okay I need the resources pretty badly I can build

Bridges is this what it’s like to be a true dandor Master is it just constant stress like being good at chess or just every day is a waking nightmare uhoh okay we’re just going to bait him over here come in you dig that up me and these four Pikmin are going to

Kick this guy’s ass are we we’re going to leave bye-bye oh I should uh do that I should move my [ __ ] here hello all of my Pikmin let’s go kill this man please where is he get some more blue okay not like that don’t do that we just lost blue Pikmin doing

That I’m sorry dear Pikmin alar is the kind of guy to like write letters home for the pikmin’s family letting them know that the pick Died okay all right we’re doing good feeling good about this I don’t know why yellow Pikmin spawned but feeling good about this why can I not put back the yellow Pikmin huh but I could put back the blue I don’t understand oh maybe cuz they’re not with me

Oh yeah that makes sense Ochi go find them where are all my yellow Pikmin all right he’ll uh he’ll take care of that good for Him uh I think I need yellow Pikmin for that I can’t get my guys up there [ __ ] wait wait what if I cheat chees it no I don’t think that’s going to work [ __ ] well we can build this bridge over here Though all right we’re doing good and and yeah that’s copium but we’re doing good just let me cope okay Oi that’s not Ochi that’s Moss I keep doing that I miss ogi boom um okay [ __ ] wait how do I get up here oh I know like that maybe or can I Ochi no [ __ ] how do I get up there uh [ __ ] that’s a really good question

Um uh maybe I come around from the top yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay [Laughter] okay we’re doing good we’re doing good feeling good looking good feeling good we don’t need to be over here I do want to see if there’s something yes there is oh [ __ ] that’s all right these guys aren’t hard hold on I know how to do this I

Remember oh my God I almost didn’t though there he is right is he face me he bring the base here uh hold on I need yellow Pikmin more than any other I need yellow Pikmin right now [Laughter] okay okay hey not bad not bad going to kill this guy sorry

About that seem like a nice guy fortunately he is just sitting in the way which means death um [ __ ] I need those yellow Good we’re not going to make it but we’re so close to just one shotting a whole Day are we’re we’re dead thank you every just grab just grab everyone grab [ __ ] and run guys okay good extra guys throw them on okay I don’t think we’re going to make it oh thank God they’re just dropping down we might make it we might make It it’s going to be so [ __ ] close Though I can’t get in there pick these guys there’s a corpse in the way please I can’t get on the dog either the dog’s going nuts oh no no are you [ __ ] kidding me you couldn’t wait one second we’re going to have to waste a whole day Now [ __ ] oh man [ __ ] well we’ll save that for the end if I’ve got time left right is that the smart way to do This I mean I got to come back to it either way right I have to get all 30 shift Parts [ __ ] [ __ ] it let’s go to the new area I can’t believe that what a [ __ ] me man literally they’re little tootsies they’re little Pikman tootsies right at the Circle for the ship okay this one I’m going to assume I’m going to need a lot of blue Picman you know on account of the whole water thing [ __ ] the corpses we we’ve got enough Pikmin what matters right now is um Hearts uh I don’t see any parts around here though you see this but there’s no part over why would I fight this guy no part leaving bye-bye no dick no

Balls no part okay now we’ve got enough let’s send these guys build that while I take the blue Pikmin over here the other blue Pikmin oh there’s a part way out there it looks like okay which means there’s going to be a big ass [ __ ] in our way that I’m going to need

To kill they got that part hello big ass [ __ ] die please he’s not dying he’s not dying uh they’re drowning they’re drowning everyone’s drowning nobody did any damage cuz they all decided to drown all the blue Pikmin just stood there I what guys the blue the blue blue Pikmin please kill

Him someone do some [ __ ] damage to this guy for the love of God what are you guys doing This is bad we’re wasting so much time on this that did nothing that did nothing that didn’t even I’m stuck in him This is really Bad hit him Jesus Christ Please are blue Pikmin the single dumbest stupid [ __ ] to ever exist scientists say yep I’m doing like minuscule damage to him even when I am throwing them on Jesus Christ He’s still not dead this [ __ ] Blows oh God I can’t wait for Pikmin to be over 30 oh Jesus Christ get up get up this guy’s going to kill my Pikmin isn’t he just the worst how did I feel like the AI got stupider oh man I don’t know chat okay what the [ __ ] is

Happening I just lost all of the A okay I need the 30 blue Pikmin come with me we’re going to go over here dirty blue Pikman they’re all going to get killed immediately they’re all getting killed immediately I can’t get off him does it even matter they’re past them leave goodbye he crab [ __ ] thank you hi welcome back Lobster

[ __ ] cool oh [ __ ] no come on game thank you for [ __ ] sake go no just go At least you guys did your job correctly good work shouts out to the red and blue Pikmin of our fine Nation we have to replenish yellow Pikmin numbers cuz I think we are down tremendously I might be wrong I don’t think I am but I might Be [ __ ] the Pikmin please no we’re fine all right well that was bad but maybe good I don’t know how many parts I got two one two I I don’t know I couldn’t tell You tear down this wall now you have 6 seconds tear down this wall now good I’m running this [ __ ] like a drill sergeant now any Pigman left behind I will call up their parents and tell them that they died a Loser where chat okay 16 feel like we’re doing okay 16 Parts also I feel like we’re doing terribly feel like I wasted that entire day but I I guess I did get ship parts just my brain we didn’t okay I’m going to need 20 20 20 let’s do Fairies splitsies cuz I don’t think we’re going to be dealing with a ton of water but maybe we will be but okay that’s a way to do this uh you guys take that guys over here uhoh okay that’s fine come here just pop everyone pop pop your [ __ ] thank

You thank you all right everyone all together let’s murder this man goodbye everyone get together kill that guy thank you why couldn’t we have that kind of teamwork earlier I don’t Know okay I am going to tell Moss to pull that I us we’re going to go this way and hope that this crab man doesn’t notice us or the big crab man doesn’t notice us so far we’re good somehow this is working just to make my life easier in the future kill

Him those guys are going to get eaten why are you going why would you not take the bridge Dum be stupid we built a safe bridge for you to take and you just decided nah you just decided not for me stupid and that’s the kind of thing

I’m going to send letters home to your parents and I’m going to tell them hey your child’s stupid your child’s dumb as [ __ ] I don’t know how to break this to you your child is [ __ ] stupid there any oh I’ve got the whole sand castle oh

My God I forgot about the big ass sand castle okay um okay that’s not how I get over there [Laughter] what do we need I just do this yep okay those guys should be safe for the journey back what the he just [ __ ] himself what was that what was that Noise missed I love all the ball board areas I feel like they’re so fun uh except for the big fat [ __ ] worm that rolls around I hate that one that one can go to hell but all the others are Fun a um [ __ ] now I feel like we’re making good progress today I need yellow Pikmin [ __ ] never mind oh okay ton of resources there which is good resour is there too though and I don’t I don’t know how to get up do I smack him down no how the

Hell oh there’s a whole higher level okay whatever oh man Chan how’s it going I I think you and I are equal levels of dead right now You there there could potentially be goodies we’ll figure it out we’ll worry about that in a minute wasn’t there another no there isn’t okay wait yeah where how the [ __ ] do I get up there this way yeah I should have done all my talking at the start of the stream Oh oh hello Goodbye Okay I think this was a successful day um chat maybe I finish this next Time maybe it’s this ain’t the end uh cuz uh Chad’s dead I’m tired like what I don’t you know I don’t why am I here you Know I’m falling asleep I I got no one to talk to than myself and quite frankly I I don’t think I’m makeing interesting conversation Uh but what is there to say when you do like 75 hours of a game I that’s an estimate that I’ve just thrown out wildly 70 where the [ __ ] did I get 75 hours you’ve done 50 plus hours uh you know you kind of run out of

Things to talk about about the actual game play and and uh like I said I I should have done all my talking about the end of the year at the start of the stream I don’t know why I Didn’t I’m ready for Pikmin to be done Uh sorry I’m not trying to Guilt Trip people into talking sorry what I’m trying to say is I’m tired you’re tired am I wrong is anyone here and energized is anyone like yeah I want to hear this guy just say what he’s doing in Pikmin yippe like I’m not making interesting

Conversation which doesn’t get get you guys talking I know that this is on me but like what the [ __ ] do I have to say about this game at this point the Pikmin go over here and they killed the thing W great game 50 hours of it is a is maybe a

Little bit too much to stream I don’t Know Pikman five smile I mean if Pikmin 5 is like Pikmin 4 we got to wait another decade I’ll play it then I can I can go a decade deade no favorite clips of the year I would like to do that uh yeah that’s what I’m saying like I should have done

That at the start of the stream that’s on me I don’t I don’t know why I thought if I do five hours of Pikmin I and the chat are going to have the energy to watch Clips you know like that that’s on me I I don’t I [ __ ] that one up my

Bad I’m uh still learning you know I still got no [ __ ] idea how to be a good streamer I got to be honest with you I just Wing this [ __ ] I don’t you know I’ve done a lot of work to learn more about timing and delivery and getting funnier and being a

More personable person and I think all those things are important for a stream at the end of the day I got no [ __ ] clue how to be a better streamer man at the end of the day I’m just winging this [ __ ] and praying to the good Lord that the stream ends up

Funny and there went all of my Pikmin and there and everyone just [ __ ] died And now I think my computer’s freaking out are you guys getting like major frame drops I literally nothing wants me to be here [ __ ] car is going to crash through my apartment and I’m still going to be like guys should I keep streaming I’m going to be [ __ ] under the bumper

Stuck I’m stuck in his mouth how many just got eaten 10 that’s fine uh okay more just died and more just died where the [ __ ] is my dog You just die real quick you just Die was that all sure why don’t I just take out an army hold on hold on give me only Red Pikmin cuz if like 99% of them die I don’t care I’ve got 200 Red Pikmin these guys can just be fodder for the War I don’t care wake up wake up Jo

Biden wake up Yeah I’m cook chat all I got to be H I’m [ __ ] cooked I can’t I’m like my brain is like racing of like oh what can I talk about what’s something I could talk about I got [ __ ] nothing man I’m cooked stick a fork in me I’m done you know oh my God

Oh I hate the dog I hate the dog Oh my God oh my [ __ ] god they say War as hell but is anyone considered Pikman is worse Too old to stream anymore just stream like par eesy from the retirement home that’s good enough for Me okay we’re missing three there’s still three so I think there’s probably one there there’s probably one over there maybe one there let’s go down here and get this onion though okay I need blue Pikmin I wish I could like snap my own neck I feel like that would be a really good

Stream Ender oh my God my arms man all right is there anything I can’t [ __ ] about I don’t think so I’ll find something I uh don’t worry if you think there is I’ll find something to [ __ ] about don’t worry why oh I I guess I did get a part out of

That never mind I was going to say like why did I do that there was a part there’s nothing back there you guys going to get killed by these fish yeah you are God damn it here I don’t care about the bodies [ __ ] you where are the other Treasures no not

There take me here go if you’re not feeling it you can finish it another stream that’s what’s going to happen uh this is the last day I I can’t do any more of this the thing is the next Pikmin 4 stream is not going to be for a bit

There was nothing over here was there oh oh oh no hold on I remember this guy like I said though I I just wish I I would have [ __ ] did the end of year wrapup stuff at the start of the stream cuz I I like I don’t have it in

Me that was my [ __ ] Up sometimes I forget that I’m 78 years old so the moment it hits 9:00 I I like fall Asleep okay that’s six we still need two more there’s one there oh and one there okay [ __ ] we should move over here okay where is this how do I get here maybe maybe from here do I need to get all 30 oh I do this I do

This no I don’t no I don’t do that thank you and how the hell I get over there how the [ __ ] surely there’s a way surely oh oh maybe the big [ __ ] is here maybe it’s just this guy all right who’s ready to watch all of my Pikmin die at once Oh [ __ ] Please guys kick his ass a little faster there’s something about the way he falls down that in my mind makes me feel like he’s just like an elderly British man being pushed down a flight of Stairs You [ __ ] idiot kill moss euthanize Moss now we could have had it we could have had it I feel like the AI is way worse in this mode and I know it isn’t but the amount of like what the [ __ ] are you doing moments is greatly

Exceeding uh what it was in the base game I feel Like are the are the Sprouts dead I don’t Care I feel like we’re still on Pace I feel like we’re still okay we got 5 days to do 10 Treasures we can get th this done then we’ve got the whole next area though [ __ ] we’re going to be we’re going to be cutting it real

Close oh my god when will the Pikmin nightmare end maybe I’ll get lucky and get attacked by a Rabbid dog and go it’s like oi is it’s [ __ ] GNA my legs off oh oi I’ll just [ __ ] die before I can beat pick when did I get so depressed what Happened ah at some point Pikmin did something to my brain where I went from like G whiz I sure love playing Pikmin to I want to be able to snap my own neck and be eaten by a rabbit Dog I don’t know man listen chat do you want me to talk about H my Year little Pikmin beating up your brain it isn’t even Pikmin 2 yeah dude that’s going to be a nightmare Chad you want me to talk about 2023 cuz I can I can do this oh uh

Okay how are we doing this movie of the year Listen I want to say Barbie Barbie I loved Barbie but uh I also want to say killers of the flower Moon as as a Marty head as a squarey nut that movie was just genuinely you know incredible and felt like um it feels like the kind of movie you make when you’re

80 and your entire career is spent with people being like uh he just glorifies uh white men committing violence you make that movie where it is um oh uh yeah America is uh uh built on [ __ ] genocide great movie so I want to say like Barbie would

Barbie I would say is is the movie of the year whether it’s my favorite movie of the year or not I don’t know but Barbie I feel like was a piece of this the Zeitgeist and we I talked about a couple times this year of um this was a year at least pop

Culture-wise feel like the this is a very um pink ass girly Year and that rules feel like this was a year was a lot about women having a good [ __ ] time and that rules that is dope as [ __ ] whether it was the Taylor Swift tour the AAS tour or the AOS tour movie

Or Barbie or whatever man I feel like this was a year a lot about women having a good [ __ ] time and that rules so um yeah you know what I’ll say movie to your Barbie I had a great time at Barby I got to watch it again I got to watch it

Again um but that is a funny movie I did not expect to find that every clip that they put out from Barbie I did not laugh at I I even there’s a clip that they put out for Barbie I didn’t laugh at and when I saw it in theaters I laughed at

It um that movie is funny that movie is fun but that movie has a lot of deeper stuff going on a lot of deeper stuff that I can’t relate to cuz uh my guy but on the flip side of it there’s a lot of stuff in that movie The

Ken stuff that I could relate to you know there there’s Ken stuff in there maybe that I don’t personally feel like that’s me that’s me in fact I’m I’m glad that I don’t personally go oh me me me me me but there’s stuff in there where it’s

Just like oh yeah yeah that’s true yeah yeah that’s true yeah I know guys like that that’s true uh whenever Ken light spoilers for Barbie whenever Ken thinks that the patriarchy learns about patriarchy and does it by watching like cowboy footage and truck Commercials was a uh masculinity is a is a big thing that I talk about I don’t talk about a ton on stream but um the commercialization of masculinity what a good movie The commercialization of masculinity right is is a big thing there’s a big thing to talk about this year but

Um it’s dope that a movie about that is the the the product of about the product of the commercialization of femininity is is taking these these swings about the commercialization of masculinity it’s it’s I I tried to explain this movie to my dad because my dad was like why are

You going to go see Barbie it’s a it’s a girl movie and after I saw it like I I tried to explain to him that like it’s not just a goril movie it’s a movie about like like generational gender stereotypes and a and like all of this [ __ ] like it’s a movie about

Gender and that’s [ __ ] interesting for a Barbie movie for a for the highest grossing movie of the year in the middle of like this this uh you know gender identity culture War where these [ __ ] shitthe heads can’t just let people identify how they want to identify like what an interesting movie

To exist right now Um yeah Barbie movie of the year yeah probably my pick for movie of the year though I I loved killers of the flower Moon I keep thinking about that movie and being like [ __ ] that was good I keep thinking about Leonardo Dicaprio and killers and like I know that we everyone

You know kind of hates Leonardo DiCaprio right now and and maybe Justified you know he’s kind of uh from what we know of his love life a little bit of a creep you know but what a [ __ ] career performance from him he is so stupid in that movie but at no

Point do you feel he’s cartoony and at no point do you feel sympathy for him even you know he’s stupid but you don’t feel sympathy for him or like oh he doesn’t know what he’s doing he knows what he’s doing and he continues to do it great performance uh everyone in that

Movie is [ __ ] phenomenal great movie so yeah I would I would say uh top three Barbie Killers dude Godzilla minus one maybe at number three that was a great movie yeah I don’t know all right that was movie of the year Barbie Barbie um I I highly recommend Barbie to everyone that is whe if you want a fun movie Barbie if

You want a smart movie Barbie you want a a comedy Barbie you want Uh something’s going to make you [ __ ] tear up Barbie great movie um all right game of the the Year this is another one where I’m like my little tootsies are tied uh it’s Pizza

Tower Pizza Tower but tears of the kingdom is like pizza tow is here tears of the kingdom is like right here uh I mean Pizza Tower how dude how lucky are we to live at the time of pizza Tower like uh I I said this when I played it

And I’m going to say it again when I play it again in 2024 we’ll talk about that next week but Um that is a game that so passionately knows what it wants to be it’s the kind of game where those like super critical people who talk about games and maybe I’m one of them but I don’t think I’m smart enough to call myself one of them um those people who really know how

To pick apart a game and go this is why this feels good love pizza Tower and yeah like it’s there’s a reason that game what it sets out to do it does flawlessly style-wise it is perfect music perfect game playay addictive perfect it is the closest

Thing to like a perfect video game in my eyes um is it is it you know is it going to do I think it’s going to change the gaming world I I I mean I hope oh but I don’t think it will but it’s certainly it’s

Certainly it meant a lot to me I really [ __ ] love that game I really love that game tears of the Kingdom then is probably my number two just right right here tears of the Kingdom though that is a forever game for me that is um when I was a kid playing video

Games I never thought it’d be like this when I was a kid playing Wind Waker I never thought I thought well this is the most epic Zelda can get and I I don’t mean epic like epic plugers but epic is in [ __ ] epic in scale and then breath

Of the wild blew my ass off you know blew me away um and tears of the kingdom is better than that I would say so it’s uh one of these things where I I I’m just so impressed with tears of the Kingdom’s Innovation but like was was it well I

Haven’t beaten it yet you know I think if I beat it maybe would have been my number one I haven’t beaten it but we’ll be beating it in 2024 do the next week here are we’re going to be beating it in 2024 that’s a threat anyways

Uh where the [ __ ] was this energy like 20 minutes ago man we could have we could still be going with Pikman 4 if I was talking like this half an hour ago um number three for my game of the year was Sonic superstars no dude it’s probably resi for a

Remake that was a [ __ ] video game and I said this when I played it of like I can’t wait to play this game 10 years from now you know like I can’t wait to keep replaying resi 4 remake what a good ass game it and you know what it it it’s

Better than the original [ __ ] it uh yeah whatever man you get that separate ways DLC in there it’s better than the original hot take maybe um is it going to mean as much to the industry as the original no but was it dope was it is it Doper than the original

Yes um okay that’s game of the year what else do we do TV show of the Year man I don’t watch a lot of shows seriously I I get bored easy I can I can do about uh I can do about 10 episodes a year well it depends on how I’m watching

Them but if I’m watching them by myself man I I get bored easy with shows and um I find a lot of shows sorry to the show heads find a lot of shows right now to either be comedies that I don’t think are funny or be dramas that I think are

Too soap opay too they’re too dramatic for me to enjoy spending more than 2 hours in that world right but but exception FX is the bear season 2 came out this year [ __ ] man that is a great show the uh the drama isn’t the drama’s believable the characters are

Believable you want to root for them but they’re so they’re so [ __ ] flawed but in a way where you’re just like man yeah been there buddy um genuinely the bear I think they’re saying like season 3 might be the last if season 3 is as good as season

2 they’re they’re going to close out like the greatest one of the greatest shows ever I love the bear it’s it’s funny when it needs to be but godamn man uh don’t watch that show if you have a lot of stress problems uh it will stress you out but for me you know

Whoops I like torturing myself and I [ __ ] loved the bear really really truly um yeah uh what else is there to talk about what other categories would you guys want to hear me ramble about what are what are we giving awards to Um uh album of the year I can’t like speak on I don’t listen to enough new music I got to be real with you uh but I will tell you uh now and then by the Beatles I know just let me have this now and then by the Beatles Um made me [ __ ] Cry so going to going to say that was a good one and uh like that is it like a great song you know maybe not but what a crazy thing to be alive For and half the people who played in it weren’t alive you know like it’s what a crazy thing so um favorite book man I didn’t read I can’t read sorry uh favorite shirt [ __ ] I got some good shirts this year uh man got to give it

Up I don’t know dude three-way tie can I do that favorite shirt this year three-way tie between um uh uh I want to get these right hold on brain candy did a bootleg of the uh original Star Wars uh industrial Light Magic crew shirt that was dope the

Star Nar shirt I haven’t worn that in a while that’s a great shirt um who the [ __ ] was it who did was it small dog I think small dog did oh no wait small dog I think did I the ilm shirt maybe it was brain candy

That did the Mario movie shirt that I wear that’s a [ __ ] dope shirt um [ __ ] what’s the third I got that bear shirt that that’s dope too I would say top three shirts right there um favorite uh yeah I don’t know favorite streams um I would say the Pikmin 4

Streams are like the the most consistently good until maybe this one uh most consistently good I’ve ever been in let’s let’s look at some streams can We hold on let me let me let me crack open the VOD channel here um yeah man Pikmin 4 was good H the halflife streams were good the lethal company streams have been amazing um I want to give it up one first of all shotgun Mario 64 that was a funny [ __ ] stream

Um God damn that was a good stream uh the voice of the Void streams were good for the most part I feel like the last one or two I’ve been kind of just like spinning my wheels but we’ll um we’ll talk about that in 20

24 um man iron lung that was a good Stream uh let’s see yeah there were there were good streams this year man there were some bad ones I’m going through this and going like uh I will say the worst series of streams was Final Fantasy 16 uh dude hard Truck 2 that was a good stream that was a very dope

Stream that I’m like this close to being done making and do a video and I wanted to do it before the end of the year and couldn’t what the [ __ ] fck doesn’t matter okay um yeah uh okay that’s oh wait was that was interior worlds this

Year yeah that was July dude that’s a good stream I I really really want to do more [ __ ] like that um that stream there I don’t think there was anyone in the chat but I was so into the Vibes of that game that I was just talking about

Nostalgia and not like a guys remember uh real monsters but in like real tangible way of like that that like feeling you you would get going to like your your like middle school after after it was like closed after the school day um like it

Would just put like a pit in my stomach to be there after hours and then that turned into a discussion about Nostalgia for things like that and how you’ll you’ll you know I’ll I’ll never get to experience that again that was if you haven’t seen the interior worlds playthrough I

Did check that one out that that is a really that’s a good um I can’t say this I can’t say like that’s a good stream but I that’s the most um that was a really real stream and I I want to do more stuff like

That um damn I’ve got all the raw danger vods just not uploaded like or they’re uploaded but they’re not public I should do that raw danger was this year that was [ __ ] crazy that’s getting turned into a video um after the hard Truck 2 video eventually comes out

But that was that’s where ronron came from because I just mowed down pedestrians accidentally and that was a good time uh doing Goose goose duck with everyone was [ __ ] great uh nominee for one one of the worst streams of the year the Ninja Turtles Minecraft stream that was pretty [ __ ] dire Um Summer Games Rodeo that was pretty [ __ ] dire the Cabella’s Dangerous Hunts 2 stream bad stream ends so [ __ ] amazing amazing it starts really strong then it gets really boring and then it ends really really strong um and that was the start of me doing the vaud

Channel D or no maybe a little bit before that uh oh I did that stream where I pretended to get the Asus Rog Ally early and I just had the shitty plug and play um I think Final Fantasy 16 was the first thing I started putting up on the VA Channel consistently

Right it it looks like it um I will say that man that’s one of the the the tangible uh strengths of this year was getting back into doing the VA Channel listen I I know no one watches it don’t get me wrong I know no one watches it and

That’s okay you guys are here live I don’t expect you to double down on vods you would be [ __ ] crazy but um just the fact that it’s there and I’ve stayed consistent with it there are a couple series that aren’t on there like Sonic Superstars isn’t on

There cuz I thought those were miserable streams it every one of those streams would start with me really getting into it and then by the end of the stream being like does this game [ __ ] suck huh um so like I I still leave some things out if I think they were

Particularly bad but uh man I’m just happy I was able to stick with it and the thing is I have every VOD nearly every stream I’ve ever streamed is on there it’s just unlisted um so I I might try like specifically the raw danger stuff I might try and make sure it’s

Live um the Silent Hill 2 stuff the stay out of the house streams I feel like those were good enough that I could put up for you guys to watch if you wanted some older stuff but anyways um I really do recommend the the interior worlds stream though but anyways bod Channel

I’m happy I’ve stayed consistent with um cuz that was always a big struggle for me and honestly the thing that helped seriously the the thing that helped was making a thumbnail um template that that made that it’s just easy just pop pop pop go so um I’ve been able to stay consistent

With that and I’m happy about that cuz I think um you know I think you’ll always be able to uh to catch a funny little guy stream when you want and that’s uh will people I don’t think so but like that’s okay I just take some kind of weird overly sentimental comfort and

Knowing like yeah at any point you know people can pop on a Pikmin stream or a a Zelda stream or something you know like there’s there’s a part of me that finds that really um nice that that that’ll just be around so anyways um another thing I want I

Want to talk about I want to say I’ve I’ve um being happy with man well wait is there any other favorites you guys want to know any of my other favorites favorite jpeg Mafia song um uh scaring the hose one of them that one favorite meal I ate this

Year p pizza at Pizza Brain in Philadelphia that I I dream of that never had p p Pista never had pizza that tasted that good so that was uh that was incredible man that whole um whole times I went to Philly you know I I uh that first

Time I went to uh Philly was uh I don’t know man oh I don’t know that was like the you did it moment of a long long cold lonely winter man that was uh we talked about this but but last year was the worst year of my

Life I’m not going to I’m not saying that for hyperbole but like to work every single day for 6 months straight working doubles and all this [ __ ] and my dad’s you know had an accident and was couldn’t walk and I’m trying to take care of him and um I’ll be honest streaming became

Like kind of a [ __ ] burden in a way like I was really unhappy with my streams last year towards the end of that year and and I I mean I mean how could I not be I was like exhausted every stream they weren’t funny you know most of the time I was

Exhausted all the time and so to get through all that and get to um get to May and tears of the Kingdom came out and then I was like couldn’t play Tears of the Kingdom cuz that weekend I was going to Philly and I was

Like uh I seriously was like did I make the right choice should I have play Tears the kingdom I’m I’m so happy I got to do that man for a lot of reasons like I I I I’m not going to bore you with but like it really just felt like the like

Oh [ __ ] we did it I made it through that [ __ ] I don’t ever want to do it again but like I I made it through the worst period of my entire life well so far you know like and um dude just going to Philly and just like taking in this different environment and

Enjoying uh you know spending time with my friends that I didn’t get to spend any time with outside of New Year’s uh day you know and and um getting e some good food and then and then that Sunday like he had to do some stuff had to work

On some stuff so I just laid around in his living room and watched the best episodes of Star Trek the Next Generation like oh man like that this is going to sound stupid but like that the best episodes of Star Trek the Next Generation being on is going to sound really stupid but

Like you can’t plan that you know that [ __ ] just being on Pluto TV you can’t plan that and it was just this little thing of like ah [ __ ] shit’s kind of good right now huh never thought it’d be this good again that meant a lot to me and and you know I’m

Not not trying to be like uh thank you guys but um I don’t know man I I got through some tough [ __ ] and I’m ending this year I think happier than I’ve been in [ __ ] years man in years I’m ending this this year like maybe the happiest I’ve been in seven

Years and it’s it’s no [ __ ] small part not even uh not even a medium part a large part of this [ __ ] man is cu of you guys and not trying to be parasocial and I’m not trying to emotionally bait you in but God damn dude I’ve I’ve uh going from last last

Year where it was like me and Kirby and sometimes Crunch and I’m exhausted every stream and my life [ __ ] sucks to this year where I got all these new people in chant I got new new regulars I got new friends running around you know and and we’re doing multiplayer [ __ ] with with

My IRL friends and they’re I I I not to [ __ ] on them but I honestly feel like for the first time they kind of give a [ __ ] about this about what I’m doing I mean I could ask to be in a lot of better places I can ask to be a lot

Higher on the tree but I’m enjoying the shade I’m down here at the trunk of the tree man and I’m enjoying the shade it it um I’m very thankful for you Chad I’m very [ __ ] thankful I I don’t know how else to put that um to you guys who come here every

Stream to you [ __ ] who give me money to you guys who who are just trying to support me I don’t know what the [ __ ] you see in me some sometimes I don’t know what the [ __ ] you saw on me tonight I got to be honest

This Pikmin stream did not go the way I want it but man I’m so goddamn thankful I I don’t get why you’re here but I I hope I can continue to uh uh do whatever it is that you want man except for you know no feet picks sorry that’s not happening tier three

Subs only my point is if last year was the worst year of my life well I I could do a hell of a lot worse than this year I could do a hell of a lot worse than this year to to go from I don’t even want to go through

Another year to you know every day I’m excited to stream and and every day I’m I’m getting through the worst of the day just to rush home to do this you know and getting to meet my [ __ ] Heroes with mega 64 this summer and getting to see them do a live comedy

Show that just re um I don’t know dude reawakened my love of doing this [ __ ] d doing dumb [ __ ] jokes I don’t know dude it’s Um how lucky am I man I don’t know how lucky am I that’s All More Tears please I I’ll work on it man a crazy thing I’m not even crying that hard it just looks on camera like I am uh I’m not cry guys this is a smudge on your screen uh wipe it yeah thumbnail thumbnail thumbnail is going to be um going to be uh uh

OG thumbnail is going to be when they find out that Moss can’t come with them and then I’m going to just put me over it turn my opacity down and me just crying Over top Pikmin top 10 saddest moments anyways I just want to say thanks thanks to you guys who who show up for every stream and thanks to you guys who for some [ __ ] reason give me money um you know thanks to you guys who don’t give me

Money again there’s so many free ways to to support my [ __ ] and you guys always seem to take advantage of that in the good way you know you guys you’re clipping you’re you know like the clips are so helpful and I don’t know thank you sorry I didn’t beat Pikmin 4 tonight

This would be a lot cooler if I did but I got a lot of big stuff planned for 2024 I got a lot of well I don’t want to say big because I don’t want to overhype it I got a lot of weird ideas whether it’s um being able to draw

On top of my stream or um there there’s some other stuff I don’t I don’t want to even kind of talk about because it’s so like well we got to hope that this one thing works I got a I got A soft pitch something um or you know GTA RP streams are going to happen next year and on on a on a server that I I really think is good and I’m I’m really excited to just [ __ ] around with that and do some bits with that And I’m hoping that listen next year I I think funny little guy is only going to get better I’m hoping the rest of my life can at least stay where it’s at stay stable so that funny little guy can keep going the way it is

But I got a lot of I got a lot of things and I’m not just talking about cool games we got a lot of now that we’re uh coming to the end of 5 months of Pikmin 4 uh um you know that it makes more room on the schedule for some cool [ __ ]

Um Metal Gear Solid is definitely happening once we finish the Half Lives I’ve kind of figured out like okay what is the successor to each each like game that i’ that I’ve been playing in this this kind of last couple months what’s the successor and I’ve I I’m saying I’m

Telling you metal GE solid cuz I already talked about this once we do the halflife expansions in halflife 2 then we’re doing Metal Gear Solid 1 2 3 4 and I will play metal gear solid five for the first time so that’s happening um everything else though is sort of up

In the air I know i’ I’ve got the lines drawn I’ve got the lines figured out but but I also have to balance [ __ ] like Tekken eights coming out in January and oh man I don’t know if we’re going to do a ton of Tekken eight but you’re

Going to get some [ __ ] Kuma ass gameplay you don’t put those words together like that but um other things I want to do in 2024 relating to funny little guy I got to get more videos out I’ve been um way Too perfectionist about videos on the main Channel I’ve had this hard Truck 2 video I’ve been working on this thing since like the day after the stream in August and it it’s not doing me any good because the more I watch it the less funny it is naturally that’s how it

Works and I’m holding this thing back because I’m not I’m like ah this ain’t funny yeah cuz you’ve seen it 600 times man so I I want to try my goal I wrote this down my goal if I can do I shouldn’t be telling

You this on stream if I can do one video every two months next year if I can put out six videos next year I’ll be more than happy whether it happens or not I don’t know um let me what are my I wrote down my goals I thought I was bleeding there I

Scared myself six videos I’m not telling you the second thing on this list because it is it is stream related but it’s a secret um man I want to do a voice re uh I feel like in the one I’ve always wanted to do voice stuff that’s kind of my

Strength is doing funny voices um I want to put together a voice re and I think it would be fun to do some of that live and have you guys suggest voices and suggest lines I feel like that would be a really fun idea I want to go to Philadelphia again

And nothing you can really do about that unless you you give me all of your money this is a stickup um dude I want to get my this is going to make me sound stupid you’re going to think like this is this guy one of this guy’s New Year’s resolutions man

I want to get all of my goddamn Relic weapons in Final Fantasy 14 I have been I’ve been playing that game for almost 3 years now Dawn Trail comes out this summer the new expansion I want to get all of my Relic weapons [ __ ] done before then and

I think I can do it as far as I understand it just gets easier from where I’m at um and then the other stuff isn’t really related to stream but one of the things I do want to do is get back to ripping VHS tapes that is something I

Loved and I did none of it this year I don’t think uh no I ripped a Star Trek tape and that was it I ripped one tape this year and that’s a shame that’s a big [ __ ] shame because I love ripping tapes and now that I’ve found like a

Community of people who aren’t just sharing the commercials but sharing the whole thing um I want to go back and reip my earlier tapes and then rip these new ones and contribute to I got to be honest the [ __ ] community that I have pilfer man I have so I got like 7

Terabytes of tape rips of old you know live television broadcasts of you know 6 hours of Adult Swim from 2007 [ __ ] like that and I watch it on my CRT and I’m so happy it’s so nice sometimes to just turn my brain off and watch that um and I have downloaded so

Much and I have given nothing back so I want to I want to fix that in 2024 um other New Year’s resolutions well let’s talk about this actually um my New Year’s resolutions for 2023 were um survive still be streaming you know still be doing funny little guy um but I really wanted

To um I had some numbers and I’m not going to say like w but I will tell you my goal was to go up very you know 10 yeah can I get 10 more followers on Twitch I did that yeah can I get 10 more subscribers on YouTube holy [ __ ] I think

I got like 80 subscribers on YouTube um and then my goal my main goal was to get average viewers to go up on Twitch because that’s the that’s the number that matters to me is people coming back to the stream and uh I just want to

One I wanted my average viewers to go from like 2.5 to 3.5 and when I checked it earlier today it was almost at five that’s pretty good I will take that that’s that’s pretty [ __ ] good that’s way better than my expectations um but you know numbers don’t really mean [ __ ] to me

Um as long as I’m having a good time and doing [ __ ] that interests me they don’t really care about the numbers obviously I want to see them go up but I don’t really care at the end of the day um but the fact that they did go up really up in some places

Is wild to me wild to me so thank you again all right with that being said any um we’re we’re going to check out some clips here in a minute I’m going to go through and show you some some clips I like anything else in a New Year’s resolutions anything else

About you have any questions about [ __ ] in 2024 for funny little guy is there any um oh just this one out the gate no you’re welcome will we see a full playthrough of pugsy in 2024 you’ll have to tune in and find out how many toes did I did I suck in

2023 you know what none and I’m I’m pissed off about that sad day didn’t even suck my own got two ribs removed can’t even suck my own toes sad Day all right let’s check out some clips real quick well actually yeah we’re going to just check out we’re going to check out some still some quotes Kirby hasn’t added yet Kirby we’re gonna have to dock your mod Peg let’s check out some clips so this was from um this was from raw danger these were some good streams vods aren’t up though um I should uh I should get those vods live for you guys but uh maybe I will maybe maybe I will it it would not be too hard they’re

Already uploaded I just got to make thumbnails um I I have no context for these clips by the way uh let’s this one’s just titled same streamer Same I’m very wet okay how many of these clips are just going to be me taking out of context you’re out of smma the smma machine’s broken what the [ __ ] were we talking about why is it every time I come here the smegma machine is broken okay okay good clip good clip uh

This was a good one I don’t remember why but crunch said that I should U make my stream look like it was on a best a TV at Best Buy best take weekend so it became the best buy take over weekend just uh I mean Best Buy Circuit City Radio Shack uh Fries

Electronics whatever you can get me on uh at the Apple Store uh Verizon you know whatever uh we’re going to be kind of trying to just like reach out this is kind of like a community Global Outreach program to get me more viewers so let’s keep that

Up yeah that was good uh What the [ __ ] is going on in this what is this I don’t know what that is that’s not me I’m G to put myself up here because I don’t think I ever put my webcam up here um oh oh jolly good ladies keep singing about your

[ __ ] okay I didn’t say that hilarity I I didn’t say that I didn’t say that I didn’t say that um what’s this one if I knew there was even a chance of a return of woodsy ow would kill Dozer all right now all right now we’re going too

Far now I’m getting put on an FBI watch list we got to reel it back okay this one just says no context oh you know what this is a highlight video on the on the main YouTube channel if you want to see this go to the uh exclamation mark YouTube go

To the YouTube channel um I talked about the retirement of Smokey Bear and um it turned out pretty good okay so my favorite thing during the Dead Space playthrough was um every time there was like a scare or someone would get murdered I’d go uh are they

Okay uh and then like yeah [ __ ] like this would happen if this is the clip I think it is it might not be why did that not work what did that hit he’s behind me isn’t he uh [Laughter] gulp uh yeah that dude the Dead Space streams were pretty good streamer is

Dead oh dude I forgot all about this I keep forgetting that that this was even this year um we did a charity stream this year it didn’t we ra we raised like $420 69 or something like that this is such a good clip out of context hold on play that again that’s

Such a good clip it’s the the the Mario party music music is what makes it dude oh that’s so funny that’s a good clip so that was uh did I do a front flip uh that was that was my favorite uh my famous uh flip incident

Um oh man the kugan jump stream I I forgot this happened this year so if you don’t know in Final Fantasy 14 there’s a whole ass Tower you got to climb uh and then uh you do a big jump it’s a whole jumping puzzle SC I’m all

Screwed up camera and it was a [ __ ] nightmare it took all stream see the [ __ ] umbrella I think this is right I didn’t jump I got scared all right this is the one this is the one I missed I missed I did it we did it yeah that was that was jump

Was done nightmare of a stream but good payoff um I did one Elden ring stream I think this year uh hey at least we got a smithing Stone and it was actually pretty good how oh yeah cuz I turned off alerts oops how the hell I thought I had turned off

Alerts and I didn’t understand how you guys were still doing honk of your horning that was a good time uh this was my favorite clip from that Elden ring stream though I I’m put this on social media oh yeah okay all right watch this watch this it’s that

Easy what the hell that was a good time dude well uh we’ll talk more about that next year uh water gone wide see now I don’t know what the [ __ ] this was it’s not starting good for you I’m telling you right now oh right so okay so crunch

Wanted me to watch this video about this water guy video about what water to buy in Whole Foods [ __ ] oh no it stretched I forgot to turn the the stretcher off so I have a Chrome extension dist stretched content Chrome extension for my CRT it’s a whole thing but holy [ __ ] dude oh

[ __ ] he was just wide the whole time I think we watched the whole 10-minute video um what’s this one it’s getting what okay all right we’re good oh dude this one I feel like needs some context um I hurt myself myself man this year I uh [ __ ] up my ankle at one

Point and it was really bad um and so I was like well I want to stream and so I did a stream for my recliner it’s getting stiff again okay it’s me talking about my ankle okay uh okay lot of dead space Clips I I guess the Dead Space streams were like

Better than I remember them being I think I just came what was that what was that clip the quality of my content has gotten so bad that the only way to get funny moments is to take me both out of context and trim the [ __ ] I

Say we’ve really hit that low Point huh okay can you guys stop how did you get me twice with that oh Big Ups to the miners not wired to anything is that what is this funny to you to take an innocent man like me out of context like this like always

Cool is that is this is [ __ ] up this is [ __ ] up I had a really good time today I had a really fun time I’ll see you later I’ll see you tomorrow I look [ __ ] disgusting In that clip I I look [ __ ] bad in that clip I feel like I

Look so much better now you going to do something don’t do that oh this is a classic this is a classic no Way dude [ __ ] no no no no no no no no no no shut the hell up that was terrible stream but it was worth it for that moment whoa is he giving me the side eye do you see that he’s like smirking at me son of a [ __ ] all right getting bull

Oh this is you know what I thought this clip was going to be big on social media and it was not oh just die dude just die oh you son of a [ __ ] he took too long to die cow oh no stop just stop I’m getting

Bullied I love that clip that clip did like negative numbers on social media what’s this one oh I know never mind uh excited to do a leipa raids what is this I’m excited to like do the uh do Alliance raid all right diing who is oh dude the Pokemon Fusion

Stuff I forgot all about this what did you guys do why did you do yeah my my Pokemon just kept dying uh the Judge Dread stream or streams I think there was like two of them the first one was great the second one was just kind of like yeah not was good

Robot no come on I feel like I could turn that into a really funny video I should do that those are good man the AI flug stuff was this year I I thought that was last year man the record dude I’m not wanted for murder in

Chicago or any other city I’m just a chill skater dude trying to spread Good Vibes and sick moves wherever I go that’s exactly what someone who’s wanted for murder in Chicago would say as flog dude you got me I admit it I’m actually a secret Mastermind

Criminal and I’ve been on the run for years the truth comes out the truth comes out this was a really like fun stream at the start if I remember correctly by the end of it it was like what do I okay what do I even ask him lug do you do your feet

Smell no dude my feet don’t SM oh dude that sounds like quite the situation I’m not sure what to tell you about the bird butthole or the cat but holes but for the poop on your shirt I’d recommend finding a bathroom or sink and cleaning it off

ASAP maybe also wash your hands and any other parts that came in contact with the bird poop and as for the accusation of murder uh let’s just forget about that and keep things light and fun all right like it like started it the stream became less about um what

Can we make the AI say and more about um how what if we just say [ __ ] up things to the AI and the AI goes that’s not cool and that was that but it started really funny uh maybe it’s this that’s hey you know what that’s a that works that’s real that’s

Uh God th was this year is come warm I don’t want to play this clip it’s just me baiting yeah I mean yes yes it is yes it is I had to think about that one but it’s like piss you know piss hot piss uh dude the freedom writer uh let’s see

Man God we’re we’re we’re so far away this should have been a whole stream in on itself what’s this one can I wait wait wait wait wait let’s do this views created oh I can only do last 30 I can’t do a year [ __ ] never mind well now I just [ __ ] this up

Sorry no don’t okay do the click the hello Google I think Chrome’s pissed off all right chat um let’s see listen a lot of the really great ones at this point ended up on social media what was this one hey L be I heard it was your birthday happy you made it

Another year I’m a big fan and uh I hope that you have a good birthday I hope you have a lot of cake hope you have a lot of balloons I hope you get a lot of presents um I hope you you have a good

Time and I want to say thank you for being the base God and I want to say thank you for being just so cool and being you did this ever get sent to little be happy birthday Bas God little be thank you did he uh did he ever see

That oh man that first bomb Rush stream where I got obsessed the basketball that that stream was like extra long too cuz I would not stop doing this [ __ ] and then it didn’t work right why this called twerk and papy twerk I’m going to I’m to yeah um my grandpy was

One of the best twerkers um in Pennsylvania M when he threw that ass back I mean he made that [ __ ] pop I think this is when I realized that I enjoy saying [ __ ] pop so that’s good oh man The Texas Chainsaw Massacre stream isn’t there a movie where Jason fights Leatherface uh

No there’s Freddy versus Jason uh you know that’s but that’s Freddy oh I’m uh I’m going to Leave or I’ll stay ah he’s coming back come on man what am I doing how’s this game doing people still play this or they add anything to it any new characters or streamer versus door mhm Starfield those are bad uh you know some um the other week my wife said to me she

Said uh hey I’m going to the store going to go pick up a little um you know a little uh dinner and I said well hopefully you don’t uh pick up another husband on the way home you know or do anyways um we’re in an open relationship uh you know I always thought

Uh I always thought polygamy was when I jerked off to Princess Peach and Mario party what huh what is that punchline I I don’t know what that punchline is I I have to be honest I have no idea what my cuz like polygons get this [ __ ] streamer out of here this guy sucks

Kel It’s Time To Get Funky right that was a good clip um all right this is just three question marks those are always the best Clips mhm Mhm this clip has just come this is the pizza shrip as for the [ __ ] taste h the [ __ ] is good the [ __ ] is good tonight everybody whoever made the [ __ ] tonight is Michelin star com oh this kind of rules man you know if I watch these like the day after I

Did them they’re not funny but if I watch them you know three months later no memory of doing them they are way funnier man mhm and then five more after that oh [ __ ] all right hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on I got to that that that last clip is so [ __ ] funny to me that’s so much funnier than even the the last one that was like that like the way that I just it’s the timing on it of oh

[ __ ] and then there’s a beat the beat is so instrumental to that being funny oh [ __ ] that one’s good all right chat [ __ ] the night Expedition we are not doing that tonight I got to get out of here I got so much [ __ ] to do I got so much ass to eat

That’s not what I’m oh this is the this is the voice of the Void llama clip Uhhuh l l a m a s a a t a n na a did I do it right oh hello oh Jesus uh droke don’t bad me I were a bad [ __ ] hat on I think that’s less stroke and more um I can’t read I’m not here to tell you

That I’m here to tell you this is a pro alien stream a lot of people play this game they’re anti-alien they’re scared of aliens I’m not scared of aliens I would have [ __ ] an alien I would have [ __ ] a big beautiful blue alien and I stand by it and I’m proud of

It and I would do it too shit’s going to explode oh it’s so many keys good clip uh you’ve seen this one 100 times I’m not showing you that one what this a bling place you run into someone huh huh Jesus nice to meet you Jes this is our first time meeting right

Or maybe you already know who I am I heard there was Treasure somewhere around this place and next thing I knew here I was do you think anyone lives on those aisles over there and what’s with all the smoke also I found 50 flower coins they’re all yours should be helpful out

In the world see you around that’s worst voice of the year it just took years off my life on that chat are you proud of yourself uh this is maybe the most watched clip of the year it’s just titled humble or attempt at being humble

Gates as oh this is when I was doing the 12th level intellect bit and be able to take books from the library of knowledge and open them and show them to you you are about to see Dand Dory strategies yo who wants their dick sucks I’ll get the grapefruit

Out had to let myself finish um let’s see celibate streamer that’s it I don’t I don’t [ __ ] with beer I especially don’t [ __ ] with [ __ ] stop taking me out of context like this oh [ __ ] okay Chad do I actually God this game is cool okay so if I crash that Threshold

At all I lose okay didn’t know that oh don’t start me with losing yeah that game that game was very cool um this one is just uh I don’t even know how to read this oh I know how to read it it’s um yeah got it um let’s

See oh this is when I did the blj hey one of the best moments of the year when I finally did a blj for the first Time oh my God never done it before live first time that was a good stream shotgun Mario was a good stream man um let’s check out this one blackmail material that point hold on you’re reading this uh redeemed piece of flug lure does flug support the death penalty for David

Zazo in fact he wishes he could be the one to pull the switch Ry him all right chat we’re almost done no context again what this was like a month ago what did I say a month ago oh maybe it’s not what I said but what I did okay good

Clip oh man the lethal company stuff I feel like this is so fresh I he’s done he’s cooked step on the landmine yeah you got a hit left you’ve got to go in just inside oh God [ __ ] that ruled I I mean yeah this is from a month ago I

Mean 18 days ago but like you know it’s so like I feel like that happened this week oh this is this is a classic all right I’m going to jump over this watch this hey I gota I got to give it to Lucas on the on the clipping of that one perfectly timed

Ending all right uh eight days ago this is the last clip wake up time is this okay this isn’t the guy with the machine gun though so we’re okay there that’s nice that is the guy with the machine gun oh I destroyed all the cover run that back run that back world’s

Smartest Pikmin 4 player it a good clip all right chat um no you know what I got one more this this clip made me I didn’t even I don’t even remember this this clip’s great howy um uh and a uh more like ho ho uh ho ho H H hod that’s what Santa

Santa again it’s just the timing on it makes it funny the beat is so good uh here you know what last one this is from literally yesterday can’t get more well I guess clip from this stream but good clip chat that’s it I don’t have

Any more in me I don’t have any more Clips in me I don’t have any more bits in me I don’t have any more shits in me I’m out of here that’s the last stream of the year once again did not finish Pikmin 4 like it’s a running theme for these

Streams didn’t finish Pikmin 4 but uh had some laughs that’s it for me for 2023 this funny little guy in 2023 Good Year good year for me yeah good year for this channel I’m going to get out of here I’ll be back um I’m not streaming New Year’s Day but I will

Stream what the 2nd I’ll I’ll be live um either with lethal company or with Zelda 2 blind race with Pelon it’s one or the other we’re still figuring out the schedule on that but we’re going to get that fixed we’re going to get that figured out

Quick and then uh that and then the day after that is whatever I don’t do on Tuesday and then uh I got some other stuff we uh you’ll have to wait and see hey have a happy New Year I hope uh I hope if you got a work that it isn’t too

Busy I hope you can take the time to uh reflect on the fact you made it another year you know was it a good year probably not probably not a good year for you but you made it you made it 3 365 and that’s a [ __ ] accomplishment man let’s be

Honest all the [ __ ] you know people who are uh dying from getting putting their heads in penis suction machines and you know they get their their head ripped off is that um do people really die like that or is that am I exposing a fantasy we’ll find

Out I don’t know how we’ll find out but we’ll we’ll get the science team cracking on that and we’ll figure fig that out chat that was uh that was me for 2023 I will uh I’ll see you next year hey I haven’t I haven’t uh I haven’t I haven’t showered since last

Year [ __ ] is that what that smell Is [ __ ] I mean like like literally

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