Golf Players

2024 Sony Open Picks, Bets, Preview | Tiger Woods Leaves Nike, Kisner in Booth | 2024 Sentry Recap

Pat Mayo and Geoff Fienberg preview the course and run through the odds while making their 2024 Sony Open Picks and recapping the 2024 Sentry. Plus, Tiger splits with Nike, Jersey Jerry, and the winners of the One and Done giveaway.

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00:00 Intro
3:03 Giveaway Winners
6:55 Kisner on NBC
20:59 Sentry Recap
34:56 Jersey Jerry
43:10 Sony Open
52:06 Top Odds
1:06:55 Rest Of Field
1:27:01 Tiger splits with Nike
1:39:22 Quick Picks
1:41:01 One and Done

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Chris Kirk a called the same number what are we doing enter a b experience experience Batman Experience Batman experience experience welcome to the P Mayo experience Sony Open in Hawaii bets picks one and done yes it is starting this week and we’ll be back with our three-man competition between myself cust and Jeff to see who the winner is going to be cust won last year in a

Shocking upset for the first time ever so Jeff and I have to regroup and try to win this time around welcome back to everyone because this is really the first week we had like the preseason golf last week now we’re back into it we got a full cut event the research show

Is already dropped people are big on it and the DraftKings listeners League I do not have the link yet but when I do I will drop it into the description of the video if it comes sometime during the show before I post the audio it’ll be available in the audio version as well

If you’re looking for it but if if you are an audio listener you know rate and review do all that fun stuff like you always do clearly uh if you’re looking for the listeners League link it’ll be both in the newsletter we we have my Giant write up going forward now so sub

To the Mayo media newsletter substack Mayo media Network or down in the description or just come to the YouTube video and you can find the link in there all right Jeffrey I did not have a runner really In Contention whatsoever but I know that you and a lot of people had the gala

Real devastating 18th hole for theala theala misses the pot Matt Prader misses a kick would have put me a fourth overall it was all like really close together it was way too much heartbreak in a that I was just having way too good of a day I didn’t need any of

That and my first like golf tweet of the year was just me being a cocky piece of [ __ ] on Monday morning like I was replying to Sky Skyler’s tweet how he’s like I love spe and theala this number playing the eway like [ __ ] the eway you have 80 to one

Like you need an hway I’m taking the 90 because I don’t need hway because I don’t play hway so I always get I don’t know you’re the guy that’s always the bridesmaid in at the at the Sentry but I took it yesterday that been a nice the

Gala each way would have paid as much as some of the chalk players people were betting to win this week so I’m mad at myself but water will find its level I hope but this happens and then I’m like should I be an eway guy I’m never never

I’ll just [ __ ] about him when I don’t do it that’s the move never gonna be one that’s really the move you don’t if you don’t play each ways and a lot of people don’t even have access to each ways that I like playing them on anyone like even

60 to one and Beyond because then I get can get paid 15 to one on a top five whatever it might be that week I like playing that way because it keeps my bank roll moving forward and I do better with longer shots I do with favorites at

The top anyway so it at least gives me a modum of success when I’m not hitting winners but I do want to talk about some winners before we get too far into the show I got the winners of the oneand done draws two tickets to give away I’ve

Notified the people five minutes ago and here we go the winner of the rating and review audio podcast for Apple podcast and Spotify pulled one of the winners thanks thank you everyone for everyone who turned on the auto downloads rated at five stars left to review you have no

Idea how much that helps out this show especially at this time of year with the return of golf and football still going on the winner was Jeffrey Wilson at Jeffrey 06487 210 I thought it was a bot it’s not a bot it’s a real person conversing back

And forth so you get an entry into the oneand done and the other winner was Mike trell maybe that’s a sign that we should bet car Hatton this week who knows he also won the free entry by screenshotting me his previous entry so now he has two entries this one for free

In the race for the Mayo cup Jeff there are 457 spots remaining in the oneandone it starts this week it’s $200 to play you can go get your spot right now at Fantasy Golf championships. comom $80,000 to first place everyone inside the top 10 makes at least five figures

You can have up to five entries and those spots are going to fill pretty quickly it’s 91% full at the moment so we did it once again I know it gets annoying when I’m constantly tweeting it out and talking about it at the top of the show that people need to join but

Jeff when people pay me to do a job to fill a contest I work hard for that money and the contest gets filled and it does that’s the thing we get more contests well the whole goal is I had to really hammer down this year cuz we

Increased the fee from 125 to 200 so now we have a conversation to have in the office off season depending on how well this goes do we increase it maybe that’ll be the Spotify question of the day so go to Spotify and you can vote in

The poll that do we increase it by another $50 next year make it $250 per entry or extend the field from $4,440 players to I think it’s like 50 be like 5400 or 5500 so we could have a million dollars guaranteed in the prize pool which is the whole goal of

This so I can get a million dollar contest with my name on it that is up to me to fill I can feel it it’s a good look and it makes me happy yeah no that would be a a nice badge of honor I would

You know if you like were looking for my advocacy and no one has ever considered me a man of the people although I’m like far more man of the people than a guy who like fake portrays himself as a man of the people I think 200 is you know I don’t I

Mean you probably saw more of the feedback than I did did it seemed like going above that well that that was one thing that we put out we put out a poll two people who did it last year we sent out an email like a survey to some of the

Members and it was do you want us to increase the field or up the fee and it was like 95 to 5% increase the fee so I I I 200 seems to be a good number 250 might be just out of people’s ballpark especially for people that you know play

Three entries or five entries whatever it might be maybe it scales that back a little bit I’m just concerned about it filling every single year that’s my big thing and I want to make the contest as good as possible for everyone and you know having more guaranteed money in a

Prize pool I think is better for everyone yeah anyway playing it fantasy golf championships. comom I don’t want to Victory lap at filling yet but 457 spots should get there by the end of the day I would hope so on that one again the listeners league for DraftKings

Don’t have the link yet but you we’ll figure it out sometime soon let’s get to the Sentry and the recap cap I want to start with kid what you did I mean how much of the century did you watch cuz I watched most of Saturday didn’t watch a

Ton with sound on it was one of the TVs that we had on on Sunday but I watched a bunch of it this morning to get completely caught up I really like K I thought he was great I didn’t watch a ton I thought he was fine um he didn’t say

Much I don’t know it’s a weird job it’s a weird gig um and it’s a fine line between like they’re trying to be funny and on the Fly and well also not trying to be like too mean to people they don’t know you notice you want a guy Pat

Here’s the thing you need a guy who’s literally friends with everybody and by that I mean what do you mean friends with everybody like they won’t make fun of everybody anyone but I mean no friends with everybody where like you can make fun of your friends you can

Take a shot at your friends it’s a lot easier if like Tim takes a shot at me on the internet even if it’s like on point and mean I am way less offended than it coming from someone who I don’t consider a friend do you know what I mean kind of

100% you can you can always be meaner to the people that you love than just random people it seems malicious when you do it to someone you don’t know when you do it to someone that you’re friends with that it’s just kind of a joke yeah

And I know K uh gets along and and it’ll be interesting thing uh for his first run you’re right like I’m nitpicking I would also like to piggyback on some anti-id commentary which isn’t even anti this might be FR coming off as anti they have set the bar so low yeah

The bar is so low that that we froth at the mouth for anything so while I think kiz was good and it was his first run the bar is so low I think anything would make us happy I truly believe that and I want them to strive for greatness um but

Yeah it’s really funny that you mentioned that because I was watching the Sony from last year I went back and watched the past like three years of highlights which I normally do before one of these shows and I start my research stuff I totally forgot that

Sewu chipped in on 17 to get his win last year that’s how he got it and he hit an incredible fairway wood out of the Fairway bunker to get on into an 18 then two puted uh whereas Hayden Buckley short-sided himself on his approach and just couldn’t get it up and down missed

The 12ft Putt in order to get into the playoff the SE wo but like ainger is on the commentary and it’s just he’s so bad and just even in the highlights he was bad so big Improvement for kids big Improvement and like you want a guy who who’s interested who

Cares um I don’t know it’s a weird landscape and I kind of maybe was kind of hoping to hijack a little time on our football show to get into like some of like the crazy stuff going on in like broadcasting in general like you know McAfee calling his boss a rat

On air you seem hey maybe they’re friends because you do that to me all the time and I don’t take offense from it yeah no but it did not seem like the even when Howard Stern did it back in the day you could sense there’s something here that it’s like part of

The the bit in the context in which that happened last week I did not feel like it was part of the bit um so there just many wide ranging like sports media conversations or I don’t know maybe you always do to have h a show with someone an expert but hey what’s hold

On you’re far more plugged into the like the sports broadcasting SC like that’s a big passion of yours so maybe next time I do one of those shows it’ll be me and you and we’ll get someone else cuz I saw that oand is out on the oand and marant

Podcast one of the ones that I really like hey you do you know Richard D we’ll get him on we can talk about it yeah I would love to do that and there’s some big things coming Pat not to like hijack another thing but all the contracts at

CBS football are like done Brown coward Phil Sims I believe that’s gonna I think they’re going like a whole new look like Nate Burleson’s gonna be like the host of that come next Fall I believe so there’s a lot of um things happening but I only my mind went into football

Because we like listen to Al Michaels and you’re like you he’s so checked out that it’s boring um I don’t know now I’m down a different Rabbit Hole the floor is so low with golf that’s sort of what I mean that I don’t anyone who comes in

There I feel like would be like such would be such an improvement would be such an improvement but I’ll just say one last thing about the sports media landscape is I believe that even people who are highly played bed in the industry Pat you see that they now know how bad television

Coverage is um like pre- and post game that you see people like a Shannon sharp like a Colin coward and I guess it’s the advantage of them being on the west coast but they essentially do their own postgame shows like live now because they know like whatever is being given

On the networks are out there just so bad and there is some appetite for people that do want to decompress what just happened in a in a bit of a real way um I didn’t mean to hijack the song no that that’s okay I mean listen it’s

The first big show of the year we can go along on this one people like when we go along and talk about things and actually have a conversation I think at least I mean that’s what I care about that’s what I like to listen to and I like to

Talk about and it’s called the pat Mayo [ __ ] experience all right so I’ll talk about what I want I want to talk about this but us doing the cut sweat show no laying up doing their live post games after a tournament that I I mean that’s just golf golf hasn’t

Gotten on board with any of this stuff yet but I think that might be coming sometime in the future but you’re absolutely right these what people actually want to consume versus what has just historically always been on these networks I think are just two wildly different things and now that people

Have the platforms and the ability to go live and do their own shows for you know cheap like do I really need to hear Bill cow’s insights like yeah sure that’s great and everything but I had a friend when we were watching the games you he

Was in from Calgary this week and he was like I can’t believe Bill Cower is still on the show like how old is that guy that maybe what you’ll see is the older like maybe they just you know take Nate Burleson and whoever JJ Watt give them

Their own show put it online like live streaming along with it or they just go completely the other way in the NFL and just put a whole bunch of old fogies on the panel that you know 60-year-olds are going to watch cuz they’re the only ones

Who are going to end up watching TV at that point Point people will migrate online and then the bigger networks will have to start thinking about that at the same time where hey we can have this youthful crew where people on the internet actually want to watch it to

Get like real analysis and then you can have a bunch of you know senior citizens talk about platitudes and how it was in the 70s that’s probably going to be know the split that we see yeah and I don’t know whether it is fair like a fair

Assumption but from afar I just see like Bill Cower and I’m convinced he’s mailing it in like I’m convinced like I’m I’m convinced of it and he and Bill coward is just an example but you could replace him with like 15 other names um yeah that is just my impression

And we’ll see like who’s back in kiss is playing this week so it’s just going to be back to like standard Fair on the Golf Channel like Justin Leonard or something or overholser yeah I guess maybe Johnson Wagner who knows who’s gonna end up I don’t mind him yeah I I

Don’t mind him either but we and cus brought this up to me yesterday when we were watching kid a little bit that you and I talked about this on the preview show when we were talking about who should replace azinger whenever the hell we talked about that that having a

Midlevel golfer might actually be better because he can talk through the courses he’s played a lot of these scrub events over the years he kind of knows these backend guys because he’s fighting with them for FedEx Cup points and tour cards throughout the course of the past 10

Years like kizner weirdly whether or not he’s good we’ll see in the future you know it it’s just nice to some a different voice in there at the moment someone who was a bit closer to the game than azinger who been at a golf for what [ __ ] 15 years or something like that

That it seemed to lend itself really nicely to the broadcast and just I mean the one thing that we’re all going to point to Chris Powers tweeted out I just put it up uh one of the clips that I had from the Sentry on my Twitter feed at

The pme by the way if you’re just Tuning In For the First Time can’t imagine why you’d be tuning in for the first time but here we are but it was just kizner talking over Jordan spe lining up the three-foot Putt and took him like 20

Minutes to line it up and he just stood over it and he misses it just goes Jordan it’s three-foot putt just tap it in Bud yeah you’re right and I think kizner I think K he is a bit of a jokester and doesn’t take himself too seriously might be the perfect guy long

Term in the sense that you know if he does make fun of you like how like nothing he does everything he does is kind of like nonchalant so maybe people would take less offense less offense to him I I don’t I don’t know I’m still I’m not like flying

Passing color success my f my main impression is the floor was low I let’s see more people because we’re impressed by anybody who can walk and talk right now I would tend to agree kiz is back in the field this week at Sony I believe he’s playing AMX and then he’s back on

The call I don’t know when it’s an it will be an NBC event because I think CB elevated stuff yeah but CBS has the Super Bowl this year I think or does NBC have the Super Bowl this year I I don’t know yes it’ll be it’ll be

Pebble or Waste Management I would guess because it’s usually CBS for Pebble Beach which is an elevated event but they might have to swap waste management and Pebble this year because of the Super Bowl so kiz might be on that one would be my guess yeah and something that’ll just

Play to our friends in Canada Pat um do not worry peacock doesn’t affect us Saturday’s playoff game will be on normal TV he this this is this is a talking point I want to see for the spread pick show this week okay so I’m gonna make an only in-house Canada joke

That will say don’t worry you’ll still get Davis Sanchez’s picks oh perfect and we get to see uh the girl that does it with him who’s like the biggest babe on TV she’s a pretty big babe yeah she’s Mega babe anyway you know her I don’t don’t know her

No I mean I’m married now if it was me 15 years ago I Hey listen I used to know every not everybody but I used to know a lot of them now they’re like so like you said married I’m 40 they’re so like at a different world Pat I went out to a

Gathering with uh Piza and some folks from the hammer on Saturday night at uh Real Sports and there was a Travis Scott concert going on who’s that uh at the same time and man like I I legitimately do not know who that is who is that I don’t even know how to explain

Him um but he’s very country music no definitely not country music after this no not country music he used to date one of the uh young Kardashian girls he had his own McDonald’s combo Pat that’s how like big this guy is awesome yeah I mean

There there’s a guy we my wife and I like we we still record SNL we barely ever watch it but like we’ll be scrolling through like we haven’t recognized a musical act in like 5 years I know yeah this guy’s this guy’s a big deal but it was just uh it was

Just quite the scene quite the scene like um Travis Travis Scott’s real full name is jacqu balma Webster II according to like I don’t travel deep into the city on a Saturday night like late anymore Pat but these girls are getting out of uber like half naked and it is a

Blizzard outside yeah I mean that’s no different than when I was in college and we’ve be waiting outside like except now they can actually get in Ubers and just get out and walk straight in instead of waiting in a line for like an hour yeah but I’m like running to the I remember

Running to the line and the girls be like you can’t run we can’t run and I’d be like I don’t care I’m I’m not Lolly gaging um gentleman always if cus had a uh uh McDonald’s combo named after it would it be a it would be a meal for two but

It would only be marketed as a meal for once so that he didn’t get triggered like that’s that’s got to be the case that’s all I had to say imagine if he had made this that that’s how I mean that’s now my stated goal for this show

I need to become famous enough that I can make cust famous enough that McDonalds will give him his own combo meal that is the stated goal the mission statement of the pat Mayo experience for the next five years so leave a rating and review yeah you you guys better leave a

Rating and review I’ve never seen anyone in Canada get a combo and all this guy did to get his own combo Pat was it came with like barbecue sauce like these kids think this guy invented dipping your French fries in barbecue sauce and drinking a Sprite I don’t really know

What’s going on but hey it’s the world we live in I like it all right let’s talk Sentry a little bit more because Chris Kirk was your winner uh lee aldri I think I think Lee left fans I I don’t think fan share Sports is in existence anymore he’s over with

Tambo at shiping he tipped Chris Kirk I went on a rant on the live show about how you shouldn’t play Chris Kirk on DraftKings so that should have been the first indication that he was going to have a good week but for the fourth consecutive year at the Sentry at

Caloa the guy that led the field in putting wins the tournament and Chris Kirk LED all players in the field by Two Strokes on the greens and that was over Nicholas etaria he beat Brian Harmon by three Strokes who was in third which is in terms of putting so Kirk gained 11

Strokes on the green um if you’re going to gain 11 Strokes on the green and then be three shots clear on the greens of the next closest person who’s chasing you down in terms of people on the leaderboard you’re going to win he had a great week though I like Chris Kirk I

Just don’t like when I always bet him at the stupid Sony Open and he never wins these other tournaments apparently it’s fine love Chris Kirk I don’t know what to say the guy if he wasn’t hitting the putts every time I flicked over from football he was

Sticking it to like two feet yeah at a big moment like uhoh speed is on your ass now oh two feet uh big moment on what is it 16 or 17 two feet uh frustrating I want to say listening to some of the radio on Saturday well out in the out and about

Or maybe driving into the big city I should say um they noted that he didn’t hit anything from over like he didn’t he had an incredible Saturday he didn’t even hit a putt everything was so tight to the pin he didn’t even have to hit a

Putt the only putt he hit wasn’t even an actual putt it was from The Fringe on a on a par five to save a great par on Saturday hit like a 20f footer for par from The Fringe it’s the best put he hit all day but he scored his ass off the

Broadcast noted um he didn’t even have to hit a putt on Saturday he was just in [ __ ] stalking so the one that you’re talking about was cuz I I that’s when I tuned in he put the ball OB on that power five I think or something happened

With his first shot he was either OB he tried to cut a corner and he didn’t cut the corner exactly and then he ended up putting it to The Fringe and made the power I was like oh here comes Kirk back to Earth big shocker then it’s like oh

Power save at that point I should have known he was going to win I just didn’t think he’d follow it up on the Sunday I thought he’d have more of what we saw from OE on Sunday I mean the first the first very big moment OE has had was the

Mexico open two years ago no last year with fow and Rah and competing with those guys down the stretch and he you know he ended up coming in third he had a really nice week but that’s a lesser Stakes tournament you don’t have all of the best players around you now granted

Kirk ends up winning Harmon’s up there that style of player ends up beating the shefflers who again let everyone te to Green but the bigger names were kind of falling back in the pack like B had a perfect chance to win this but you know the Sunday Jitters got to him a little

Bit you know who blew this sucker and to me it was on Saturday it was well speed too but Saturday Su JM he shot one over are you kidding me I don’t bet a ton of head-to-head golf Pat like I really don’t it is not

My thing but I got a minus 120 on Saturday for sunj over Hatton Hatton off is like nine or 10 under where he’s like I suck I don’t even know what I’m doing golf is the dumbest game ever all true except he doesn’t suck love the guy but

I didn’t like it’s not like I even deep Dove his stats I was just like sunj just seems so consistent on point Haden is already like you know not even giving himself an ounce of credit for what he just did on the golf course shot even so it was I

Was dead right to pick on a guy at kaaloa didn’t know I was picking on a dead Saturday fish eat more looks too skinny but seriously he would him and spe and theala slowed down a bit on Saturday missed a lot of short putts but all

Three of those guys I would say could feel like they should have maybe won this sucker um but yeah speed for sure anth handful of inside of of short misses but that’s part of see that’s not part of the drag that’s like the modern Dragon when

Betting Jordan I guess is like not this great putting although was always the short putting to hit you kind of expect it well In fairness to spe he was he tied with Herman for third in putting for the week he gained eight Strokes putting on the field it’s just he kept

Having these short misses he was making bombs yeah which has always been like a Bugaboo right even at his climax I mean at the very peak of the climax maybe not but you know post climax in the refractory in the refra in the refractory period yes you are

Correct and it the joke was like speed from 15 feet you feel better than speed from four and a half like that was um yeah that was post spe like being like winning everything okay sorry not like super climax of perfect but uh you want to talk us through the super climax no

Not a no no moraa let me down he had a bad Saturday too all of those guys I guess I was only happy in the end that I pivoted off all the big players from a betting perspective so I lost like less money how do I ended up betting someone under

20 to one but in the end I just losers uh shley ended up showing up sheffler same Saturday was embarrassing the radio guys the radio video guys give it to Scotty Sheffer like way harder than the TV guys way harder yeah that makes more sense though

Because a if you’re on the broadcast the television broadcast which is what most people are consuming if you really go after someone then there’s going to be social media clips about it there’s a chance that if you do say it on the radio broadcast then no one’s going to

Hear it and it’s not going to get shared around in very much the same way Additionally the radio guys are kind of boots on the ground every single week it’s always the same guys they’re walking the course generally speaking with everyone besides the guys in the host they probably just have a better

Rapport with the players almost like what you said off the top like they probably they probably know Scotty like who does it Mark zako he’s probably buddies with Scotty sheff yeah our boy will H they listen and we’ll say they do a bang up job like I a nice like if I’m

Str wetting a stressful bat or just the smooth baritones of PGA Tour radio um we don’t get the great classic commercials that we used to get they’re more into like a corporate structure now Pat that like they’re more you know the commercials are different but yeah they

Do a great job and I think it was more your first point in like for someone to say something on that radio broadcast for it to get clipped and they gain traction it would have to be like so out of bounds from a professional ISM standpoint then just

Like being fed up a guy can’t hit his pots 100% And it be no different than if you came on this show and accused Jimmy Kimmel of being on the Epstein flight list no one would care it’s not the same sort of visibility yeah yeah no of

Of ah geez of course um that that was that’s okay I lost my TR were you impressed with Vick’s bunker shot on 14 on Saturday I loved it I loved it I’ve done that yeah no that is nothing I think in the spectrum of pro golfers and

Mistakes like warms me more than a blade out of a bunker because that is me like I have been such a Struggle Bus it is the most like like don’t care they can miss any putt they could flub any chip from grass all doesn’t hit me

In like in the way that the bladed bunker shots do Hideki had that shot no more than either 10 minutes before or after and put it to like an inch same shot everyone had that shot number 14 you just go for the green you might end up

In that bunker maybe Vic should lay back on that one just in fear of going into the bunker no no the course I found it the course boring this year well there was no wind I mean cus was telling me well they were talking about how it’s pretty windy it’s

Like some year like the hard years it gets up like it’s rainy and the winds get up to like 40 mil per hour then the course has some teeth to it but 15 m per hour winds at a resort course with a biggest Greens in the world like is not

Going to cause any sort of problems for anyone I I think it was it was either Friday it was Friday there was no players that who were not under power in the field on Friday sounds about right it’s funny because you like the new cutaway people thinking like Liv

Invented a scoreboard or something people also think Liv invented threesums Pat I saw someone send that to me I mean I don’t know if Liv invented threesums although you know the the king of Saudi Arabia maybe he’s he probably has more than thre on the Perez Family thinks

They invented them but no I mean the the the groupings um but you I’d like Golf Channel going to cutaways they would show like a 15ers Leaderboard on the right side and even I was like sitting there watching with my wife like I don’t think they’ve done that before I wonder

If that’s new and she’s like maybe that’s just because of Hawaii like instead of putting the leaderboard full screen as they go to commercial like show Hawaii from that that’s pretty smart but having the long leader board as well could have been a product of the leader board

Itself where the standard leader board would have had like Kirk spe and theala and btia on it for a while where if you had the extended leaderboard it’s like oh there’s Sheffer and Xander and Klay and morawa like the bigger names were just like sort of off the regular

Leaderboard that’s always a a fair point but um yeah I don’t know it caught me but people like and we here’s the thing I I’m not saying like a 15-man leaderboard is is copying live yeah well see I I was confused because it didn’t have their

Team logo next to their name so just I was in shambles but one of the things from the Inception of Liv was like well they’re probably going to do things that the PGA will just steal from their broadcast in the same way the XFL like created some

Things that we stole for NFL broadcast like that’s just part of I don’t know like life yeah know that that I mean you need you need disruptors from the outside that even if they fail they they probably have a good idea or two you just take those incorporate into the

Bigger thing and move on your way and then you know 20 years later something else will come in it’s almost no different than what you just talked about in terms of broadcast about how the internet has now forced some of these bigger Legacy Media places that host sporting events to change up their

Broadcast because no one gives a [ __ ] about their broadcast anymore they’ll just steal what the internet is doing so that’s anything else from the sentury I’m just trying to think Ben an had a good no it was great to see um no Jason day ball striking looking

Good I don’t really did did you like his ball striking was not good by the way he lost Strokes ball strike gain Strokes every time I listen every time I watch him looks like he was hitting it close was that Friday yeah well here’s the thing every time that

They probably showed Jason day on the broadcast C he was probably putting it close okay fair enough fair enough I watched the most I watched was Friday and he looked like he was on a Ron of of scorching but when I say the I was just

Using that away I don’t know it seemed like his new wardrobe was a big deal did you like it um yeah don’t mind that’s an interesting company I I’ve heard about them for a bit they make some fun stuff it’s cool to see them getting out there

I’m not surprised at all to see like Nike and some other companies sort of reigning in their golf sponsorships because I think they’re realizing these guys don’t push anything like that’s out of four people no one pushes anything and we’ve debated that we’ve not debated it we’ve spoken about it before but yeah

Feel like all these major companies are sort of raining raining in a bit so it’s fun to see some Outsider companies get a get um opportunities like that for sure and there’s going to be more opportunity for that as we mentioned before that Nike be better off sponsoring us than sponsoring JT

Poston yes they don’t but they don’t they should though Callaway golf you want to come on board uh pxg I know a guy who will hype up some pxg for you you know what thank you Pat and I’m sorry I’m sorry if you got somewhere to

Be or I don’t this is what I do for a living if you’re looking for for us to just talk about this Sentry board um I got to do it did the Jersey Jerry [ __ ] would like that push more equipment than Patrick kentley ever could not actually but it’s

More captivating in a way and that’s like an unfair shot at kentley but that was just something that was so stupid golf is so Niche it is so relatable uh you have one of por Noy’s wack Packers putting himself out there and you got freaking magic you got

Magic it’s good for the Jersey Jerry broadcast that it took him so many shots to do it too that was part of the allore he had just done it like no one would have cared yes of course and he does a thing like I think once or twice a week

It’s like Jerry after dark where he’ll like put himself through a challenge like having to hit x amount of three-pointers or free throws or eating contest or like having to start a fire blind like he does this thing and yes this was um be most of them he gets done

In a period of time and okay it’s over this one being going so wrong made it so good is obviously correct and I like was joking with my buddies when he started it like I think I could get it done within five hours I’m pretty confident I could but I wouldn’t be

Shocked if it took me a day like golf is so stupid and you get so tired from all those swings too don’t forget that yeah your body broken you’re broken where I if like it could get past a point where it gets stupid um although I think like

Most of us my windows probably a little longer than some I’m sure some of our Watchers think they’d like nail it in 90 minutes I do like to think I could get it in like a full NFL Prime Time game window that I would pull it off but if

It took me a day that’s in the range of outcomes [ __ ] totally too for any amateur or anyone with my like 15 handicap 16 handicap for sure so what you’re saying is that we should do this then I don’t know I mean we can play

Best will Jeff do it in 90 minutes no I don’t think I could do it in 90 minutes well you set the line and we’ll see how long it takes you to do it people can bet on it I think I could do it in a full game Prime Time game broadcast window

Okay that is what I like four hours I think I could do it that’s probably like 340 um and I’m not looking at her a contest or put myself out there I believe I it could take me a day I wouldn’t be shocked either um yeah I don’t know I don’t think it’s

Like the most repeatable content either like yes it’s easy to produce but you have to have like some element of it there like dude trying to hit a hole in one like yeah it was a lightning in a bottle situation where everyone just kind of galvanized around it became

Compelling content like you said I didn’t know this guy did something every single week did when he tries to light a fire from scratch does he pull the cuss method and just wait for lightning um I don’t even remember how that went I just remember he was like

Blindfolded trying to do like um start a fire I think that was one of one of the things uh but yeah golf is just so hyper Niche that like it’s just so [ __ ] stupid and captivating in that in that way um you like you don’t have to like I’m sure

Like the bar stool golf guys were offended that something else in the bar stool realm was was like being golfed but it wasn’t them and it was getting so popularized like I don’t know if I if I made sense there but golf is so Niche like you can’t you can’t say like golf

Is mine if that makes any sense like if you’re at a company like that because golf is for everyone not just like the golf guys and that showed it in some respects well that’s the whole a lore of golf is that no matter what you do is

That anyone can kind of be into golf whether you cover it full-time or not like there’s just a lot of people a bunch of accountants who are super into golf they’re not doing golf content you said it does belong to everyone because it’s the only game that you can really

Play once you’re our age yeah of course and and to the point like I remember this podcast in and of itself when we first started it I’d say often like I could always talk to my friends like about Tiger and Rory and DJ and ROM I need a place where like we can

Chat about Ben on like I can’t do that with my friends who love to play golf and even love to watch golf like that’s what we’re here for like in the people who watch so I can’t like talk to my buddy about Ben on like there’s no conversation to be had about Stephen

Yger they look at me like porn drinks I mean I do that too whenever you bring up Stephen yagger you ready to talk about the Sony yeah I’m so I’ve said sorry a lot so I’ll you got to stop saying sorry on this show every three minutes about

Talking about something where the whole point is to talk about things yeah I I don’t know yeah and people know how the internet how the computer works they do they we have a guy on this show who doesn’t know anything about that and I loved your clip out from your

Show last night him getting his present from Paul who I’m certain Pat he is going to screw that thing up that thing might be like unscrew up he is going to he’s going to make a bigger mess than when he didn’t have something like that I’m I I I can’t wait

For that moment hopefully he will admit it but the way he reacts to a gift is the same way everyone’s outof touch grandparent reacts to a gift looks like a something to put a legal pad in or a billfold it’s an eating tray to put over your steering

Wheel so you can eat in your car oh that’s what it is that is so clever now you don’t have to worry ever again about eating a Big Mac in a car and spilling it all over yourself that is so clever thank you oh that’s

Awesome I like when I get gifts on this show like this is neat this is fascina like like and all this they don’t know anything exists this is so clever so clever like they have no idea that that they think like people stopped inventing things when they hit the age of stop

Caring about anything new and maybe that’s going to happen to all of us it seems like it we I just we talked about it 30 minutes ago on the show that we didn’t know who anyone was cuz we’re old like music I mean music for me has been

A blind spot since I was 20 I just stopped listening to new music so I became like an old person at the age of 20 in that realm cuz I focused on other things uh just I don’t really care about music the music I listened to when I was

19 Jeff is the same music I listen to now have no no space in my brain for anything new but it’s the same for everyone has those blind spots but the older you get just the less you care about this stuff and you just if anything is new how are you supposed to

Know about it if you’re that far out of the loop and then when you finally Discover it it’s like your face lights up like Tim and it’s like the most like you said it’s so clever I didn’t know that they would have this here we go great producing by Paul by the

Way okay let’s talk about the Sony Open wly Country Club I have again I’ll have the full write up in my newsletter free to subscribe to down in the description right now if you’re just listening to this and you don’t want to scroll down it’s on substack go to substack

Docomo Media is what we’re talking about this time around um I mean w lie Country Club is one of it’s a part of the the pat Mayo Roa of courses I really like it’s a par 70 Bermuda course no one hits the Fairway here but it doesn’t matter

Because the rough is negligible anyone can kind of win the short hitters the long hitters you need to have your irons you need to have your putter going and there you go I I tried okay so I put out my guesses for what I thought the odds were

Going to be and I had zot torus at 100 I I mean I I after seeing him coming at like 45 in an 16-man field where he was a disaster in December I didn’t think they’d be hanging a shorter number on him in a full field event but I was dead

Wrong but here’s the funny thing and Piza mentioned this a few weeks ago too when he when he got the color commentator wrong uh in the game when he was calling it out in the football game whatever it was he picked up so many Twitter followers from just being wrong

I was wrong about that I was right about a whole bunch of stuff but the only thing that people glommed on to is how wrong I was about will Z got a ton of followers apparently just being wrong on the Internet is how why people want to

Follow you it’s really bizarre I’m GNA start I was that funny I wasn’t intentionally trying to be wrong I might try to intentionally be wrong from now on so yeah you do something I mean and Pat I’m one of these simple-minded folks that sometimes gets really angry at

Someone on the internet who might even be doing something to bait me who I don’t even know um but then you sort of get into their orbit and you like oh this guy talks about golf odds on a Sunday about the next week like I need

That so follow or or whatever but yeah being so off base I guess sometimes plays better that is why Pat like they say what’s the worst place to be like going eight and eight drafting 14th overall like that’s no man’s land buddy rather just bot bot him the [ __ ] out

Bottom the [ __ ] out you’re gonna be wrong be dead wrong you know how a Camy will tell you that I mean I don’t know I I didn’t feel like you you got a lot of tweets for that that is there’s obviously a lot of apologist for like us Wily’s first start

But you see even draft Kings has odds for him to win Phoenix Pat he’s like 40 to one he’s still like 40 to1 to win The Masters so you know he’s probably never in the orbit of of a hundred this week but who gives a [ __ ] you’re you are

Doing on the-fly guessing like on a Sunday You’re gonna be wrong a bit it was actually on a Saturday yeah you’re like literally you’re not I know you and this isn’t like to take away from your work but you are literally just like it’s the same

Way some times on the on the show on Sunday night you’ll say a spread is seven and it’s like four like okay was dead wrong whatever on to the next yeah I I always I like doing the guesses I think it’s fun I think that people like

Doing the guesses along with me because everyone wants to be right and everything like that even with the guessing of the spreads I think it’s exactly the same sort of thing although on last night’s show me Tim and garyan because we had hypothetical games on the board because we didn’t know what the

Result of bills in Miami was and then we tried to build the spreads for the hypothetical game I think that’s actually a better conversation I might switch to that next year instead of like me Tim and the guest trying to guess the spreads and competing against it to see

If the three of us can come up with what we think the spread is then compare that to what the actual spread is I think it’s a better discussion about the game I would agree with that anyway that’s what I found after doing that it had never really occurred to me that

That was something that we should do but yeah um totally lost my train of thought on the guessing I know like people are like offend when you don’t like it’s really bizarre like this isn’t a real sports book like you can only bet the lines that they put out

You can’t bet the lines that I’m putting up so who cares oh yeah and people like want you to book willly Z at 100 for them you’re like you don’t understand how this you don’t understand this uh this what do you call it yeah you don’t understand this exercise sir

Like so past winner see woo Kim ended up winning a year ago over Hayden Buckley uh Hideki matama at minus 231 and took our Russell Henley monies in 2022 on the research show I was just doing the comp to Saw Grass because C woo won Cameron Smith is won Matt

Coocher is won Justin Thomas is won those guys have all won at the players and I slightly mentioned that Hideki also just to prove my just to strengthen my point also won the Players uh I think that that joke was lost on some people ducky didn’t win the players I forget

That not everyone watches every single show but you know for the people that watch thank you for uh for for getting it yeah I fall into that trap too it’s like oh like you’re supposed to know what I said in relation to that tweet I sent three weeks ago because you’re

Supposed to know everything I’ve ever put into a microphone and tweeted no that is like very main character but yeah you appreciate the people who are here for all the Easter eggs I guess is what you would call them yes uh Hideki did not win the PLAYERS Championship

Unless you talked to Tim andrein because he won it in the co year there was no way he could lose Jeff it was impossible but did Tim like while watching with Tim this past weekend was he still standing for kaaloa for a major well he said that

A bunch of people told him that he’s like I feel Vindicated because a bunch of people tweeted at me that or I saw a bunch of people talking about they should have a major championship here it was like one guy who I think was trolling

Him so if you troll Tim and agree with him he will take that as everyone agrees with him and he will use that in private correspondence to defend himself absolutely like it does it’s not just you defending him it’s it’s lived and then when you are trying to have a real

Debate with him he is using you trolling him as a point of argument against us and that is where then we go down a different Road of like trying to trying to teach him how to decipher when he’s being trolled uh of mention too if you don’t

Want to play in the race for the Mayo cup weird for one thing but if you just want to have like your own private oneandone League you can do that at Fantasy Golf championships. uh just you know create it size it to whatever you want invite your friends to go play if

You want to have private ones maybe that’s the way that we’ll track it this year for our oneand done because we always forget to do that um although you guys will forget to make your picks and then I’ll lose track of it anyway so if anyone wants to if anyone out there

Wants to run our one and done our three-man one and done that would be great if you guys someone can create an Excel sheet cuz I don’t want to have to do that every single give first rights of first rights of refusal should go to the guy who did our our football contest

That’s right but I had I I secretly had like three people doing our football contest because the guy who did our one and done last year to stop doing it and then then I had to do it and then it may me mad because I hate doing things like

That someone else can do that if they want to do it you won the winds pool by the way I did I did you want to know something with Carolina with Carolina Carolina with Carolina now I’m in a pool twice the size with half the size

Rosters I also had Carolina not so good turns out when you only have three teams you can’t overcome drafting Carolina there’s just not enough Runway but I somehow did and I am fast proud of myself um and I don’t know how Piza will spin it and you can I don’t but how Carolina

Didn’t cover I’m that was I can tell you how they didn’t cover cuz they [ __ ] they [ __ ] suck it’s more than suck that was okay let’s not we don’t have to do it we don’t have to do it we have we have a football show to record tomorrow

So maybe save it for that yeah we don’t have to do it I really thought they’d just be like the other Southern teams uh they clearly were so much worse yeah and you know what I got the one right of what to do that division cash I mean I

Lost got betting on football and golf yesterday but I checked my account Jeff there’s an extra two grand in there from Tampa Bay very nice to see I would say Houston probably paid more right like from preseason division yeah but those were Houston yeah this congrats thank you I was stupid

Tampa Bay Buccaneers just turns out the Saints and Falcons weren’t good and yeah I tried to warn you but no one wanted to listen to me probably for good reason just like with the golf bets probably shouldn’t listen to me but let’s talk about the odds from draftking your boy ludvig oel is 12 to1 he is the betting favorite right now Hatton and Fitzpatrick both 16 to1 Henley is 22 to1 Hermon is 25 to1 will zot Taurus and Cory Connor is both 30 to1 then you have Eric Cole Chris Kirk Cam Davis Ben an and see woo Kim

At I guess they they’re at 40 to1 or 35 to1 depending on when you’re watching this show anyway those are the favorites in this tournament right now prices are all over the place across all of the different sports books so if you don’t like one of the numbers here maybe

You’ll find a better number somewhere else and vice versa uh the Hatton and Fitzpatrick numbers at DraftKings are the two best numbers I’ve seen so far this morning uh so they’re a bit more weighted towards the top but when you get into that middle range of like Cam

Davis and even zot tus and sewo they’re long ER at other places so they kind of crunched it a little bit at DraftKings and it’s expanded a little bit with shorter favorites at some of the other places that’s just kind of how it works I have not made any bets in this range

The one when you play roulette Jeff do you play the inside or the outside I play my numbers I don’t even know I just play my guys like Phil up leanian like that’s what I do yeah so I mean I like to play the numbers as well

Because I don’t play roulette all that often it’s more me neither I’m I’m I’m super hammered and I have a bunch of Five Doll chips let’s go play spins like you’re walking through the casino hammered with your boys and it’s just like okay we’re doing a team spin like

Let’s go we hit one of those ones that was like you won the like the World Series pile up like that’s the greatest what a feeling that is like an orgasm that that’s the super climax you you when you and your boys like Crush a number and it lands on the

Casino floor that is a fun moment that is fun that’s like Jordan Nelson scoring that first touchdown in the Super Bowl and the pile up you know spilling o spilling wives drinks and [ __ ] I would tend to agree however however however if you hit a number in roulette you’re

Going to bet it again the next spin right you don’t walk away uh probably yeah around for a little you got to play the you got to play the repeater on the inside of the roulette wheel cuz yo it hits you walk by that when they’re doing the spins and

You see all the results you’ll see one double up somewhere in there is Chris Kirk just going to win again this week because his odds seem weirdly long for a guy who just dominated and now we’re at a course where he plays really well yeah weirdly long it’s like made the joke

Last week that Eric Cole just playing well we we had the conversation like why bet like you’ll get him at you’d rather bet him at 20 to one or something I’m shocked that you could still get this number on Chris Kirk I saw the books I didn’t touch it I don’t

Really care to you know what out of spite I’ll probably never bet him I’ll never do it I don’t care his name is Brian Harmon all the books just crater is number this morning the number that should have been cratered was Chris Kirks but it hasn’t totally totally fair

Numbers in the marketplace because we are in the the area code I don’t even know if you said his name but I’ve made a bet I’ve made a bet I bet Cory Conor is 30 to one that’s the bet I’ve made uh when I went through the research

Show there is one guy I I haven’t bet him yet that I am going to bet because I saw a really good number on him somewhere else uh Connor Kirk were the two that kind of stuck out to me in this range do you have interest in Eric Cole

Because he he played well at caloa but it was all putting not that I really care what happened at capala nine of the past 11 winners of the Sony have played at capala primarily cuz they’re some of the better players in the field but you also get those four real rounds to warm

Up I do think that is an advantage going into it sewu didn’t play in the century last year and he ended up winning this event so who knows and most of the guys at the top of the leaderboard were not ones who played at capoa the week before

So maybe that’s shifting a little bit now as people get their season started and we have a bunch of newer players in the field we got a bunch of newer kft grads all the Euro guys who qualified for the PGA Tour not all of them but a

Lot of them are playing this week like Bobby Mack who’s like 150 to1 or something like that in this field which seems kind of crazy for a guy I’m pretty sure is top 50 in the world at the moment or at least lingering right around it no matter what you think of

The world golf rankings that does seem kind of strange uh for that anyway to get back off my point uh there’s 38 guys playing this week that played last week so Connors and Kirk would be one of them Cole is another one but it doesn’t really matter how you did at kaaloa is

One thing that I’ve noticed like when Kevin naw won here I think he might have been dead last in the field at kaaloa the week before coocher had a terrible kaaloa the week before he ended up winning here so I wouldn’t read too much into that like when you go to Fantasy Mayo get your 20% off do your research and look at last week’s Strokes gained you will see someone like Cory Connors for example uh you know down near the bottom with minus 7.1 Strokes lost putting this has been his best putting course outside of Valero on

The PGA tour so I can get behind it I think I like it as for the Eric Cole debates he’s another guy I I don’t know what to make of I really don’t like I’m hard to how do I put this like I and I’m

Usually I’m I’m not saying this as if I am right about it it’s just how I am difficult to like crack in the sense that it takes like a long time for me to give you the respect you probably deserve um and sort of Max Hol over the

Last couple years could be an example of I can sometimes be too stubborn and hard to crack I can admit when I’m wrong eventually a 35-year-old rookie who’s like being GL like glomed on I’m just I don’t know man that’s not my guy that’s not my guy I’ll bent with my losers

People can ride that train for you know I this could be unfair Pat I think like guys that doubled the odds of just as good of a chance like Keegan at 60 65 like just going down the board like I’m not here for Eric Cole I could

Be here for um Chris Kirk but I’m not here for Eric Cole way B Chris Kirk Eric Cole at the same number what are we doing Cole’s not going to be for me either and I kind of agree with you it it it is shaping up with Eric Cole to be

Sort of like what Russell penley and Kevin Chapel were all those years ago the guys that keep giving us thirds and seconds when we bet on them at 80 to1 and 100 to1 and the time that they win they’re going to be 30 to1 or 18 to one

In some tournament this is a great course for him though these are the types of courses that he plays well yeah I feel like I can I’m being like a little unfair or too hard but there’s just I’d rather pepper a lot of guys in and around Eric Cole right now

Did you ever think you would see hii at 40 and Eric Cole at 30 no and that’s what I almost just want them to drop the Hideki number so I’m not like tempted by it but it’s almost you can maybe just play the talent and the ceiling there I I want to

Make one more Eric Cole comment and you know how when we did the some of the preseason content we’re like as much as I love ludvig and havin they’re very Prime candidates to be on the short list of like most disappointing players this year just because of like if they don’t do

Something incredible it’s going to just feel like a total letdown based on the odds and where we have them Eric Cole also could be a favorite on that list yeah but no one expects anything from Eric Cole I disagree Pat what do they think he’s gonna be a top 10 player

In the world no but they bet him a lot they’re waiting for the Breakthrough they’ve turned his mom into Amanda duffner there’s a lot going on here Pat he’s a fun story to root for I don’t think anyone is I don’t think that anyone is under the illusion that he’s

Some sort of top tier player who’s going to win multiple times on tour like that would be such an achievement for him okay hold on the best case for Eric Cole is that he turns into like a 80% of what Kevin kizner was five years ago relatively

Speaking when I made that VI or hin thing it’s not like their expectations are the same he is just equally as likely to fail up to the expectation like relative to what his expectations are for this year um they might be unfair yeah Eric Cole’s expectations are can he be JT

Poston and I’d rather bet JT poting at 40 to1 well there you go he had a he had that’s one of the shots of the week from last week he chipped it in with then the ball popped back out of the hole and I don’t want to get too far from the top

Because I would like to make a comment but I’m telling you it’s scary to think but they don’t want us touching benan BR they don’t want us touching him and I should have the willpower to not touch him but he looks tempting because he checks a lot

Of my boxes this is a course where he’s had this course and courses like this are where he has had the most success in the course of his career that’s one thing that I kind of Unearthed on the research show I like benan a lot but here’s the thing like you can always

Make the case especially this week when you’re taking a look at these guys in the 35 like what the hell was Cam Davis doing at 35 to1 who knows uh Kirk is at 35 that seems too low sewo is there who’s the defending Champion eats up

This style of course benan is there but if you did want to scroll down and say well baa is at 50 Todd’s at 45 putnam’s at 60 Keegan who you mentioned is at 65 Aaron rise at 65 pendrith is at 80 Billy horel is at 80 do those guys have about

As good of a chance of winning this tournament as the guys we just mentioned in the 30s probably yeah so you can bet all those guys if you wanted to you’re going to have to just pick the guy that you like the best if you want to bet

Benan and he’s 35 to1 or 40 to1 whatever it might be well you can’t really give yourself that hard of a time being like well I don’t like Keegan Bradley but he’s double the odd so I’m going to bet Keegan instead like that’s not how you bet so you shouldn’t think about

That is very well said and it’s always good I’m always appreciative when you sort of reinforce it cuz on these Monday mornings the head can can take in a lot of can take us in a lot of directions I no one wants to hear from Jeff Feinberg

Value Hunter they want to hear from Jeff Feinberg I pick winners I guess so of the Top If I had to pick one I just want to say it probably would be Fitzpatrick I bet him last week at 30 30 to1 if I did make a move at the top it

Would be getting suckered back into him I think I’d bet Herman or Henley I’m not going to I’m not going to bet any of these guys I like that ludvig is in the Tom Kim rooll from last year where how could he fail at top odds and then he

Fails yeah I don’t I mean maybe he comes out and runs train on this course and I’ll look like an idiot but these I feel like these are the types of courses that are going to give him the most problems well we also never I mean we’ve

Mentioned a lot of names like even sah who I’m sure will be popular uh off a great week last week Pat like I worry like his driver gets a little loose here right like there’s the Forgiveness that we can get away with all last week oh

Yeah like you you well you well you can get loose at this I mean I think 54% of the field hits Fairways at this course there’s like negligible rough people hit Greens in regulation From the Rough as often as they do from the Fairway at YY so I wouldn’t be too concerned about

That the problem with ludvic is like his wedges are terrible versus the types of guys that are actually going to get to hit wedges this week that’s why it’s a part of the Windom and harbor toown and Colonial type of tracks where you know Brenan Todd’s going to have a good amount of

125 yard shots this week it’s not just going to be Rory and ludvig who get into that range it’s everyone who gets in that range yeah it is true and I saw um our boy kersner and Ben debating or not debating but talking through through the

Past C uh to link and noting that um because the TOC you sort of alluded to it earlier but the TOC field being so much bigger this past year we have a lot more of these mid-range guys who played last week than we ever have coming into this event that’s

True that’s probably also why because so someone asked me like I think you saw the same person tweeted at us about how PJ stole Liv’s idea of playing three balls in the final round I was always under under the impression that until we got to Florida that it was always three

Balls but maybe it wasn’t at kaaloa but it was probably because the field was so small that there was no danger in getting into darkness but since the field basically doubled they probably did it and just didn’t want to [ __ ] around with that yeah they they didn’t want to miss

Their TV window I do I don’t know I do feel like you were right though the West Coast there always trying to uh to play threesoms or it is seemingly much more common well you know it’s it’s it’s common until Florida like we do have threesoms in the final round and on

Saturday all the way until Florida I don’t know if they do it for the Honda or not or whatever the hell the Honda is called now but it’s because yes it’s on the west coast because the days are shorter sad Tim’s happy Tim’s very happy well

He’s not so happy now because you know the days are getting longer at this point we we we cross the barrier we’re back into longer days so I I’ll just come out and say it that we’ll just talk about the rest of the odds we don’t really need to go through like every

Single player between 30 and 100 to one the numbers point me to Justin Rose and Rose I found is deep at 55 to one in some spots so that’s going to be a bet for me Justin Rose 55 to1 um you know he’s won it Colonial in the past these

Are the types of courses he he was 10 under at one point on Sunday at kaaloa uh he played the wrong ball from the Fairway at one point but everything I kept coming back to during the research just was Justin Rose Justin Rose Justin Rose that I don’t think anyone’s gonna

Use him on DraftKings I don’t think anyone’s gonna bet him I’m going to bet Justin Rose at 55 to one I’m not gonna lie Pat this is the first I’ve thought of him but now that you bring it up I open them up and I see what you’re talking through

I question is obviously you trust him more than coocher but I kind of look at them as like identical in some respects here that that is so disrespectful to Justin Rose former number one player in the world no just at this I don’t know at this moment in time other than I trust

Rose maybe even hit more putts these days but I don’t know I don’t think they’re that far off coocher their odds I think are right beside each other I mean I think coocher has better odds like shorter odds than Justin Rose which I think is just very disrespectful to

Justin Rose okay yeah so you’re making the case like um you could even not you know for easy clickbait content you can do this like [ __ ] Eric Cole Justin Rose 20 points higher yeah and I mean by the numbers like Cole ranks out past 24 rounds fantasy National model for me with the

Updated numbers from capala Cole’s fourth it’s pretty good I have an embarrassing question did Denny ever win last year no he didn’t he gagged it to Vic at Memorial that one I knew but I thought there could have been something else yeah I don’t know I’m just I keep

Going back to it I’m not part of this like team Cole team Denny like I I’m not I’m not not that you made it about either of them I’m the one that goes back there I need to log in row 60 to one is what I can bet him at with the

Enhanced version of the bet so I am going to do that Jer Rose 60 to one very nice anyway continue you hate you hate short hitting guys who putt I get it yeah they’re not cool um but I don’t know Rose I’m still mesmerized at the

Wink he gave me in the parking lot at the Canadian open last year um I don’t know i’ prefer Keegan I think but there’s no reason you couldn’t bet both I’m a I don’t know I could be a sucker for Keegan this week Pat it it

Seems strange that he’s so far down this board doesn’t it he lost eight Strokes putting last week well he does that he does it but you know my perception from last year was he really wasn’t doing that and there was a lot more like not just light green like

Deeper green on the fantasy National chart well you you would tend to be right he lost 8.1 Strokes at the century last week the only time he lost let’s see he lost more than two strokes putting twice last year once was at Riviera where he missed the

Cut and lost four strokes and the other was at the century where he lost six Strokes putting maybe Keegan just can’t handle these big Greens in Hawaii but this course is nothing like like The Greens at Wy are nothing like The Greens at caloa yeah and I mean like you sort of

Said it is and and it makes sense like why you could be a total apologist for a guy playing playing poorly at the sentury like you could even make up narratives like oh it’s is his first week of the year like shaking off the cobwebs that was like a preseason you

Know like like who knows create your own narratives when you want to bet a guy and if I want to bet Keegan I’m just like completely ignoring that putting stat and acknowledging the greens are huge and just shaking off some Rust we’ll be ready to be ready to putt field average this

Week will alator yes or no no for me I’m I right bet no but I’m one of those losers if I saw things I wanted to see I could like consider running to Bam to win The Masters at 40 to1 because I’m a Doug like that I’m not B them this week yeah

You’re hoping by the time the Masters comes around like API I think would be another one like I want what we’ve seen from will zator in his career so far at least and maybe this is going to be different we don’t know what sort of

Player he’s going to be at this point he basically just missed a year of golf and we saw him at Tiger and friends hang out in Bahamas for four rounds like who cares but he’s always played better at longer harder courses like where the winning scor is going to be in the

Single digits like when he won when did he win Memphis at like minus 10 was it even that low like can can will make enough putts to win at minus 23 I mean maybe someday yeah yeah I mean you make some pretty good points like his strengths are neutralized at [ __ ] like

This I would I would think so as well Hatton is the interesting one because I could see hat like you said Fitzpatrick I think that Hatton well we have that perception of him almost like zaurus that if he’s going to win like because he won the API at minus four but that

Was just like a cluster [ __ ] easy easy scoring conditions he’s actually an animal I remember like ever since you mentioned that back at the Canadian before the Canadian open last year I’ve kind of hued in on the guy can like hit 28 under no problem yeah when he when he

Got his wins in Europe and on the DP tour like it was at like 25 under that kind of thing because he can putt the lights out yeah and going back he’s a guy you mentioned earlier I’m sort of skipping down the board but I do remember you and

Others like always mentioning that despite what our my our perception is of of pendrith he’s actually been like a quite a amazing at like really short courses okay okay let’s pump the breaks a little bit in the year where he was all right and made the President’s Cup

Team that was the case pendrith has just been dog [ __ ] since then every for a long time long time like just because he’s Canadian doesn’t mean you need to like him Jeff and think that he’s I like he no listen we he let me walk inside

The ropes with him a practice round at at uh my club last year I like her I’m just a fan but yeah he’s he’s fallen off the map don’t worry hey he had two top 10 during the swing season he was eighth in Bermuda and he was third at the

Shriner so maybe there is something there maybe he’s back swing season animal like that’s that’s his stick I feel well but Bermuda is a shorter course I would lump it in with these ones and he had played well there before that was one that he was winning that he

Gagged away uh two years previously was the one in Bermuda maybe he just putts really Weller we don’t have stats from that course but no listen I think that he’s overvalued versus some of the names that are like that becomes like a value thing like you can bet like pendrith or

Keegan Bradley like I’ll take Keegan Bradley well like I’d rather be betting gillo at a bigger number that’s a really interesting one that he’s buried down there I was like G guo’s at 90 and he played last week this is I mean he won it Colonial Colonial very

Much a very similar type of at least approach course that’s bent grass greens uh you need to be more accurate off the tea Colonial because you find find yourself in a forest but the approach shots are very much the same here it’s like a lot of wedges accuracy can come

Into play shorter power fives that everyone can get to distance is somewhat mitigated it’s a part of these collection of courses Grio just won there and there’s no like weird River to take his ball down on like the 17th hole at the same time he is 90 to1 Gary

Woodland so happy to see Gary Woodland back but he had surgery in the offseason to get like a lesion removed from his brain or something like that I’m so happy to see him back but he opens at 9 to one the same as Grio I mean that’s just name value

Alone yeah there’s a bit of fanfare with uh Gary I was I was pretty shocked to see I guess they didn’t want to put him at a huge number but when you’re right when you do like the Standalone comparisons he probably doesn’t deserve those guys don’t deserve to have

The same number is Gary Woodland uh I’m betting gria I’m I’m going to make that bet 90 to1 seems totally Fair do I wish he was in in um a little do I wish we had a little more runup of form absolutely why because like you can spot

Grio not necessarily winning but you can spot it like from a bit out he’s got a long Runway of form um he plays well he keeps it so I kind of wish like when making an outright bet he was in some semblance of form uh so

That scares the [ __ ] out of me and I don’t bet each ways there is another player so the bet that I made the first thing I did this morning I bet Nick Taylor at 100 to1 with the top five each way I thought he

Was going to be 50 to1 he opened at 100 to one and he has been I mean he’s trending upwards at this course over the past three years he was 32nd and 11th and seventh he he was you know top five going into Sunday a year ago he was the

Second round leader two years ago at this course just it seems like he has an affinity for this course and he’s 100 to one like there’s no reason Nick Taylor can’t win that’s an impressive shout opening him up right now 100 to one you thought

He was going to be 50 so I could see why you yeah and may maybe I just Mis misinterpreted the market for Nick Taylor but as someone who had a win last year playing better golf played last week lost most of his Strokes shipping and putting at kaaloa like big deal like

Who cares he got the warm-up rounds in has played progressively better at this course over time and seems to be playing his best golf at the moment it seemed like a very logical fit like I’ll I’ll probably bet Taylor over Connors Connors has a better chance of

Winning but I don’t think he has three times as much if I think that they’re basically the same yeah I mean I mean like you bang Taylor over anybody at 30 to1 essentially I I that’s a strong argument I I’m seeing the history here now um I’m with you I could easily look

At those around the green losing nearly six Strokes around the green last week and like not even care like be a total apologist and be like that doesn’t even matter that doesn’t matter see I I don’t think it I don’t think it does because there is no similarity between these

Green complexes and everything around them from course to course like they’re nothing alike like these greens are they’re not fast faster and that is like another one of the main reasons why we’ve seen guys who just get their four runs in at at kaaloa come here and look dominant like it’s

There’s no Rhyme or Reason like um it’s a very intricate course do you like we do do you like Hayden Buckley at all who should have won this tournament last year two starts in his career 12th and second at the Sony Open what are his

Odds 150 to1 and Buckley was the one was was it Buckley who was winning at the Players through like three rounds was it him remember then cus was like how could he lose like 30 it was Sam Ryder wasn’t it no it was definitely no that was Tory

That was Tory P yeah I’m pretty sure it was Hayden Buckley so the the another players guy it just he was only good through three rounds Eric and Ben Griffin very much it was Buckley so yeah I’ll probably end up betting Hayden Buckley at 150 to1 just horse for the

Course see what he can do like I’m sick of talking myself out of things like that like one of the biggest hits I ever had was Matt Evy the second time he won Arnold Palmer because I was just like ah seems to like the course let’s bet him at triple digits Hayden

Buckley so you’re on Buck you’re on Rose Taylor and Buckley so far correct so I have a 60 100 and 150 and I’m on Connor’s and Grio so what what I can do now to round it out like to Circle back up to the top like I like

Benan this week we didn’t even talk about SEIU who is the defending champ perfect course for him I I think I might just bet Chris Kirk might bet Chris Kirk and pick one of like Connors or Henley or an or SEIU or one of those guys and just roll with the five

Glover rates out best in my model he’s like 70 to one yeah that’s one that I don’t know spon to svenson’s number two in the modeling by the way geez a lot of Canadians yeah and hadwin should technically be really good at this course another guy who plays well at

Sass made a run Sunday too just like to get up on the leaderboard of capala I didn’t like Chris I mean Chris Kirk listen he’s off he’s off he’s off the he’s off the poison right oh yeah like that was a big thing we fully recovered so there’s no it’s not like

We’re having a big party we could roll this back again and we’ve seen guys do it ell’s won both Justin Thomas won both the the weird thing is this is a course where Chris Kirk has historically been really good even in his down times he was really

Good here maybe he’s a good maybe he’s I we know that he’s not out partying after you know winning his $5 million check so he’s probably good to go to be first round leader or something like that I used to be of the ilk thought process because as we’ve discussed many times

Over the years it’s like you need any reason you almost have to convince yourself of anything to not bet a guy like you’re almost making things up sometimes to to get yourself down to you know three four five six guys you want to bet out of these whole Fields with so

Many options I used to blindly like not even consider a guy in the Chris Kirk like tier off a win like it used to be just instant red ink wins are so finite a guy like that’s not piggybacking them but I don’t know we’ve seen more than

Ever you alluded to some my now recent perception shows like guys take these wins and it’s just they roll them they roll them um maybe that’s more of like the higher end players but at 35 to one I I’m betting this guy he’s so boring he seems like he could do this

Again I like it and we saw remember when Kirk and horel both went mental through the FedEx Cup that one time yeah look off his win last year he finished 39th the API but that was like his first win in years and that came with more of like

Um that was like a bigger I don’t want to say was like a national news thing but that sort of that sort of reached outside of Gulf because of what he had overcome that win yes I I would tend to agree with that um and we’ll see how

That ends up going there’s some like fun there’s some other like really fun names in this field by the way so we have I mean maybe Yuna I mean you probably do not know how to pronounce this guy’s last name pachu Sue say it again hesu is that is that how you

Pronounce it hitach no I don’t know there’s no h besides the first letter so I don’t know if that’s going to be right let’s just call him Rio Rio for the moment and then someone can tell us how to actually say it so I w’t have to go

Look it up but like he’s a superstar and he’s going to be a superstar he could be like the next Hideki or whatever he’s already won on the DP World Tour he’s 100 to one in this field I don’t think that he’s going to win but I have an eye

On him I have an eye on toasty the guy who might just like yell at the volunteers on the sideline from Argentina I like this guy like him a lot could be the new Patrick Reed so I’m really hoping that he’s good Matty Schmidt is 100 to one toasty’s way down

There and guess who’s back in this field who might end up becoming an auto bet based on his win rate on the corn fairy tour is our guy Pearson Cy 200 to1 Jeff yeah and Pat you didn’t mention addc his odds are ridiculous they should not be

80 to1 or 75 to1 I want to bet my guy Adrien dum play but I might have to anyway apparently a 350 showed up at uh philli at Phil up this morning Pat and someone told me they got it but they’d only let them put

Five bucks on it either way I would have put five bucks on it yeah um and I think a couple 350s showed up quickly I didn’t see them I missed them that made me sad to hear other people had them even if it was for five bucks uh so yeah fun a lot

Of fun of fun things I I would be more interested in in um rayu rayu this is uh that would be the one that I actually believe most in this you’re GNA about rayu and guile no I don’t even know if I would I’m fascinated the most this week with

With him I I would be I was hoping for something a lot bigger but I don’t think these hundreds are going to disappear anytime soon when you see like who else is 100 to one like they’re going to drop this guy yeah hope not Tom hogi 100 to one pack like isn’t

He the profile yeah actually that that’s actually a real I I wasn’t even thinking of hogi that’s a really good call like he is kind of the profile like you know get super hot with his irons get super hot with his putter not a super long course that’s kind of the game plan

Isn’t it uh yeah I mean I a lot of yeah I’ll bet probably going to bet mostly shitty Putters this week um like even Alex SMY I believe could conquer this place I mean Alex M conquers no places let’s keep that in mind for one thing but I

Just separated by uh proximity 100 to 125 from the hole just a very short course Todd pops up in there hadwin pops up in there Woodland but that’s from round SMY Matthew pavon who’s coming over from the Deb World Thor Alexander be is in the field as well but hog

Number 12 in that number you have Eric Cole Ryan Moore Billy horel Justin Rose is up there Lucas Glover is another one who’s inside the top 20 of that stat full disclosure I’m being distracted by the internet right now I can see that because you’re not answering me and like squinting that’s

Not professional um just trying to see there’s some things going on uh you have no idea what we’re talk I totally apologize we’re talking about guys at 100 to one there no I’m sorry I’m sorry what are you looking at I wanted to see it better be

Good I was just just trying to see if bich was fired yet we’re not we’re doing a golf show Jeff like come on man it’s in front of me it’s just all sorry sorry it just it’s it’s popping and then there’s something that we’ll get to at

The end here I’m sure well let’s get to it right now before we get into our bets and the one and done Tiger’s leaving Nike it’s funny that you mentioned that like an hour ago now but now it’s now here we are yeah that is funny that I mentioned

That Nike I didn’t when I said that I did not know but you could just see it you’ve seen it for a while um on the surface it is just I mean it was an incredible part partnership it changed the game Nike got everything every penny worth out of

It I don’t know they wouldn’t make he was wearing foot joys for the last like two and a half years so that felt weird for a really really really long time um but I believe like a golf apparel bubble is like certainly burst it is certainly burst and the money that

Used to be there I don’t think is there for any of them anymore and I I guess if just not play it’s not honestly like does Nike need tiger anymore we’re always going to associate tiger with Nike regardless of what happens no he probably doesn’t and I mean many people would argue there

Surprised the relationship lasted as long as it did once Nike decided to no longer to discontinue their equipment part of the sport that that what sort of was the purpose um you know how many more red shirts are they going to sell and I think they’ve kind of realized it

And I guess to your point Pat that he’ll forever in our minds just sort of be wearing that swoosh every picture you ever see will have him you know fist pumping with the swoosh so yeah they they’ squeezed everything and and again it just comes

Back to me that this is like not a good day for the Patrick kentley of the world because they’ve always created their worth as a lower tier of his worth so who does Nike have left Brooks and Rory so Rory is still there Scotty is still wearing the shirts f is still

Wearing the shirts there’s a long roster of guys who are still wearing the shirts and the hats um right there’s no there’s no shortage Tom Kim I believe is is Right a top young player but outside of Tom Kim they really were not involved in any of the

Pursuit of any of the younger bigger names maybe it’s because of not even make an effort to to sign hland or Aber Berg um and maybe you can make that more of like a regional decision as to like maybe there is um like geographically where they want to buy their or sort of

Where they want to sponsor their players from um potentially in the markets where they could the most dominant but they had sort of really taken a back seat in in um recruiting top players they got Scotty before his breakout to put the shirt on um but yeah people buy apparel unlike me

Who’s like in the 0.2% who will like just Jones and buy a hobin shirt because he’s like different everyone else their wife just buys them these shirts on like sail racks and everything eventually hits a a sail rack at these golf Superstores like I don’t know who buys

This stuff I I generally do wear Nike apparel when I golf because whatever their like Flex material is I like a lot and just the shirts fit me well so I the stock size that’s perfect for you exactly so I can order it online no

Problem I get the exact size sent to me but if they do change that material at all I’m out and that listen that’s a big Point like if you’ve got if you know a company makes a shirt and it’s that stock medium or something that I’m certainly not a

Medium and that’s the perfect fit for you then that’s the shirt that you like to buy because like you said you can buy it blind you don’t even have to go to the store you know like that brand that size like that is that is me unless I

Eat more cheeseburgers or stop eating cheeseburgers um yeah I don’t know I I feel like this is feels like a huge deal but maybe it’s a lesser deal than it is it’ll just be different to see tiger in something that’s not Nike although and he did CL

He did say that he’s playing at Riviera so I think we all expected that I was hoping that he would play Pebble because it’s an elevated event and I think that’s a course that he has to play in his event at Riviera I get that but he’s

Going to be dog [ __ ] at that course that’s a hilly course man like play Pebble where it’s a bit flatter it’s a short course you know you don’t have to go balls out you can hit some wedges it’ll be fine yeah I’m just sorry I’m just hyper

Fascinated to think what he does next maybe he has just his own apparel that would be the move I would think uh because I do believe and I took heat for this years ago and even more recent like he is going to play a decent amount of Champions Tour golf no what

He’s gonna do is create his own apparel brand and have like the tiger symbol and then he’s going to go to live and there’s going to be a team called the Tigers that he’s going to be on see I actually think that his brand is going to

Be the title sponsor of the champions tour like he’s gonna get ownership of that that’s where my head thinks I mean that’s actually super smart on him he can own the on TV is worth more than it’s worth more than anything that NB his Champions Tour TV rights would have

To be worth more than anything other than Majors right Pat like Am I Wrong to say that yeah you are wrong because eventually it’s no different than if Michael Jordan came back and played in that three on three League that went on in basketall FA you know what I mean

Like hybo eventually you get to the point where yeah everyone knows who Michael Jordan is they they know he’s the goat when you take a look at Tiger yeah I mean but Tiger’s I mean he’s past his prime but he people like to watch your pay to watch well you’re paying to

Watch the best on bat like you’re paying to watch ludvig and Victor play Rory and Scotty like that’s what your NBC is paying for people want to watch the absolute best obviously Liv has made it worse for us as fans but you’re right that’s probably a little too much

Hyperbole that but tiger there is there is a there is a colle listen I’m I think it’s going to be good for Tiger I think people will watch Champions Tour probably 10 times what they do right now if tiger is playing I don’t dispute that but eventually you get to the age and

Golf is an older demographic so it works in golf’s favor because of this but eventually people stopped caring about a decrepit tiger playing golf like when you see him not be dominant like his whole thing is that he’s [ __ ] dominant and we’re still at the point

Where I mean him winning the Masters in 2019 saved his like both saved golf because you can put tiger in these tournaments where he might be not competitive where we’re all still tuning in to be like well maybe he’s got another run in him Phil winning at kiawa

Island was exactly the same like it gave us the The Hope and maybe it’s false hope that we might get one more run and if we do always have that in the back of our mind that there’s one more run left in Tiger at a major then we’re always

Going to be tuned in to see what tiger is up to I don’t think that anyone really cares if he takes home the Charles Schwab Cup no I don’t think they care about winning or losing I just think there’s just this fascination of just watching him even if it’s cart as the most

Prolific winner in golf history and one of the most prolific winners of our time in any sport he has to win he has to be good or at least give you the glimmer of hope that he can be good against the best that is the appeal of tiger he’ll

Always have the fans you and I are amongst them that will tune into the champions tour but we’re still again you say you’re in like the 0.1% of havin gear that number shrinks every single year with tiger as well yeah no I just made the H like how

Many people are actually like seeing a shirt on the screen like buying it like that’s 0.1% like I you’re just going in the store and it’s like uh buy one what’s on the buy one 50 buy one get one 50% off rack like that’s um but yeah you’re right I’m like the 1%

That like oh my God the thought of getting to watch like tiger and Adam Scott on the champions tour like fight for a tournament like oh get excited thinking about it even if it’s some like Jabron thing in Naples like I don’t care so I guess when you’re in your 50s and

You’re on Calis that will be a part of your super climax uh I guess but also like golf is so like in all the discussions of how golf is so Niche like just tiger on TV um yeah tiger will always tiger will always be a more important figure when

He is playing in majors and playing on the PGA tour once you put him in the minor leagues which is the the champions tour it’s not the same thing okay that is unequivocally true I just believe golf is in this weird like Beyond n like Niche is an understatement

For golf where people watch like a 68-year-old dude give instructions on Golf Channel like all day sure those those guys are probably watching the champions tour anyway cuz it’s on and Golf Channel and that’s what they have on yeah okay you’re probably right you’re yeah fair fair enough

Um anyway I guess that would I don’t know now I’m like just super thinking outside the box I don’t see Tiger Woods like signing with Adidas or another big com like another company though either I am with you I do think that he would probably start his own

Apparel brand and if they did want to call that apparel brand as the primary sponsor of the champions tour when he goes to play on it and he gets an equity stake in the champions tour I think that’s good for both the tour and tigers not have that with Nike though in some

Ways like his J his own Jordan brand via through the Nike yeah but he he didn’t own it when you can own it it’s completely different and you can own a piece and have equity in the champions tour I mean tiger became a billionaire really without owning

Anything besides his image in his game now as an older man he can take that translate into an actual Equity into businesses that can [ __ ] like Arnold Palmer drinks things like that that’s how you become like a multi-billionaire yeah no there is no doubt Tiger’s ability tiger can sell stuff to us

Forever in the same way Arie could in the same way you just don’t want that person to go like the Gary Player Shack Route where it’s like everything but we don’t see tiger going that route but um yeah he wants to sell us insurance or uh hopefully he doesn’t pull the try to

Sell us gold or do the uh reverse morgage ages like Tom celic but he could sell us anything and we’d buy it I’ve still go I’ve looked I’ve you know had another kid I need we got to replace the car sooner than later I’ve been looking

For so long these chips make it a backlog and I don’t like ordering [ __ ] I just want to be able to get it but I’ve been looking to buy the car that saved Tiger’s life for two and a half years that’s how big of a Mark I am that’s

Only because he was going to meet Justin Herbert he was going to meet Justin Herbert and Drew Brees for like he was doing this golf content thing the week before he did it with like David Spade he was like golfing with celebrities it was this it was this other lane of tiger and

He did not need to rush to golf with Justin Justin would have waited 40 minutes on that te for you we didn’t have big games to play so yeah I still am saddened about that and people like to troll me about it but they don’t realize like I’m legitimately saddened about it

Quick picks for the Sony Open I have bet Justin Rose at 60 to one I have bet Nick Taylor with a top five each way at 100 to one I have bet Hayden Buckley at 150 to1 with a top five each way I did that while you were talking about whatever it

Is you were talking about and so those are the three that I have in I’m going to give Kirk some big consideration I’m going to give Connors and on at the top some consideration and then I’m going to do more of a deep dive throughout the week I’ll keep everyone updated both on

The shows I’m back with Tambo on Tuesday morning and in the newsletter all the way through I might even do a live chat again on Wednesday on Mayo media Network to talk everyone through my final plays and try to find somewhere else but I don’t want to commit to Too Much early

Those are the three that I’m on at the moment what do you got I’ve bet Cory Connor’s 3033 I’ve bet Grio at 90 I don’t feel great about the Grio because there’s no like true sign of form but I just like um the fit going ler I’ll probably get suckered into

Chris Kirk and I’m not gonna lie Pat like Keegan I’m not a Keegan guy but something about him is calling me so that’s what I’m I’m staring at but hey last week I said I was going to bet someone under 20 to1 on this and I

Didn’t so just keep an eye I’ll get my picks out oneand done picks for the Sony Open me versus you versus cust kust has given me his pick it is Matthew Fitzpatrick for the Sony Open cust because he’s not on the show and just gives us his pick he has his choice of

Whoever it is he wants to pick first so Matthew Fitzpatrick for him I beat you last year so I go second I am taking Chris Kirk as my oneandone for the Sony now anyone playing in the race for the Mayo cup just know there is a huge strategy difference between playing

Against three people and playing against 4500 people uh just in terms of what what’s shock and what’s not and there’s a rule in ours that you can’t pick the same guy so just it’s almost like a mini draft of guys that you haven’t used yet as a part of our oneandone fantasy golf

Championships. comom to get in that oneandone since we started recording over 70 spots have filled we’re down down to 400 people 400 spots remaining in that Jeff so who do you got for your oneandone to kick it off I’m a disgusting human being um I’m going to take Ben on but it’s almost

Like this seems like the spot and I probably was going to go Kirk and yes so the people should know by the rules of the game we allow Tim to pick first in perpetuity it’s just the rules of the game that we do it on the pat Mayo

Experience didn’t expect a two-hour golf show for the Sony Open but it’s the first real event of the year so it’s exciting yeah there are a lot of things and then a couple tangents and some things and and yeah mmax next week right Big Field big names Pat big big b very big

Names I could see why people want to go to Palm Springs it seems nice you can follow Jeff on Twitter G fineberg 17 you can follow me at thepme sub to the newsletter that will have all of my writeups going forward course breakdowns picks no news and notes all

That fun stuff free to subscribe to mayom Medan newsletter if you want that rate and review the podcast five stars and fill up the one andone you can even create your own custom league with your friends if that’s what you want to do all right I’m Pat Mayo

Thanks for watching I’ll see you next time P Mayo experience experience


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    00:00 Intro
    3:03 Giveaway Winners
    6:55 Kisner on NBC
    20:59 Sentry Recap
    34:56 Jersey Jerry
    43:10 Sony Open
    52:06 Top Odds
    1:06:55 Rest Of Field
    1:27:01 Tiger splits with Nike
    1:39:22 Quick Picks
    1:41:01 One and Done

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  2. The physical element of the Jersey Jerry challenge was mostly negated by the hole – downhill, 106 yards. Can just swipe wedges down there and pray at some point. Seeing guys like Random Golf Club do it on a 150-yard par 3 is a different beast imo.

  3. Wow, Buckley was leading The Players heading into the final round? Man, I have no recollection of that. 😅

  4. Ok everyone let’s pick how many times Geoff uses the “Choose your own adventure “ phrase. My guess is at least 3 times.

  5. Live bet chris kirk jason day and si woo all live really happy to catch a win. Live betting the birdie fests always opens a lot of opportunity

  6. The only thing I know about Travis Scott is I think there are air jordans named after him with the swoosh on backwards.

  7. I was the one in the live chat who brought on the Kirk rant! I still took Kirk, though your argument for List was valid and List played fine!

  8. The guy at the Players you are thinking of is Chad Ramey. Tim then caused him to make like a 9 on 17 after declaring it was "Ramey v the Field, and I'd lean Ramey"

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