Golf Players

J Chris Newberg is HERE | Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero Ep. 60

Punch for the laughs, Lines for the Sports. Hosted by Frank Nicotero, this 60-minute variety hour is the perfect balance of humor and sports. Special Guests: J Chris Newberg.

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0:00 Opening
22:40 J Chris Newberg
52:42 Outro Banter

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J Chris Newberg:

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Frank Nicotero:
Ryan McCormick:

#PunchLines #PunchFrankNicotero #SouthPointStudio

Hello everybody what’s happening I am Frank Niko longtime commedian lifelong sports fan average Sports gambler but last night I took Ram parts uh Dwayne kuchi kuch now wait and you’re usually way louder on that you uh Dwayne kuchi kuch there I took the pick he gave out last

Night on the show Ryan he liked the New Jersey Devils as you can see the final score 63 it was never really even that close it was a good bet they were minus 180 so I won a few bucks he liked him on the puck line he liked him on the puck

Line too minus one and a half right so yeah I took a minus to 180 why not and let’s just say uh on the way to work today I filled up my gas tank and I got myself U little uh Little Big Gulp going on over here nice yeah so thanks

Drinking out of a straw I know are you kidding I’m a man how many times I have tell you no no straw I’m covering up the words Big Gulp what am I doing you just said it what’s that you just said big gulp I did say

Big gulp right all right so uh but you don’t know what’s in there just a little little a little bourbon Pepsi yeah exact it’s Pepsi um yeah he gave away the he gave I mean the people who’ have been giving pcks on our show lately have been

On fire Alex is in the zone right now binkov’s giving out some winners so continue to listen to our people I’m telling you right now guys we’re giving away giving away some good picks on the show today via the a very funny friend of mine who has a dry bar special you

Might remember Bob zany talking about these dry bar specials that shoot in Utah and you can watch on YouTube and Jerry this guy is as Detroit as I am Pittsburgh Jay Chris Newberg will be here there’s a picture of Chris look he’s even pointing at our logo look he’s

Like hey I’m on punch lines today the Chris comedian writer producer big Detroit guy so you can keep track if you want you can do uh the city in Pennsylvania and the city in Michigan uh it’s going to be it’s going to be a tight one I’ll tell you that right now

Today is January 4th ladies and gentlemen two months until my birthday now I’m not alerting the crew or anyone watching that it’s my birthday too oh sorry sometimes I slip off the booster seat do they still have booster seats when you remember their booster seat used to get in the restaurant yeah don’t

Kids have to be in car seats till they’re like 12 now or something over over a certain weight and were you ever in a car seat as a child I I used to sit in the uh like the that wheel well part not wheel well well

I my favorite thing was to be in the back seat and if we had a bench yeah to look over and see what’s going on see what station my dad’s flicking to and see the whole world go by seat belts h no seat belt look at me I turned out just

Fine Ryan you were probably in a child seat for a long time a long time yeah yeah well you’re very I mean you’re you’re fit you’re you’re very thin I you proba didn’t weigh a lot you probably weren a chubby child I told you I weighed 185 in high school you were 185

In high school by the way your mom’s got a good golf swing thanks thanks it runs in the family I’m waiting it does run in the I’m waiting for him to be completely creeped out that his mom and I I’m on Tik Tok all of a sudden his mom pops up

And she’s out there golfing she’s got a private instructor got a good swing she probably a good golfer is she a good golfer yeah can she beat you yeah she’s had a couple more years at at it than I have oh look at that all right cool uh

All fascinating stuff you can find out about us today on the show anyway it’s 2 months till my birthday which is March 4th uh remember my birthday guys is the only day of the year when shouted is a command March 4th that’s how you’ll never forget my birthday and uh it is

Day one we want to keep track of this day one of me uh restarting the keto diet which I’ve done several times over the years it does work and I’m gonna do it because you know why today is National can do day it is it’s one of

The national stupid days National can do and I can do it right you can do it get that old ass of yours in the end zone see there’s Rob Schneider My Pal telling me I can do it so I’m going to do it um I didn’t weigh myself I don’t have a

Scale right now but I’m currently hoping to drop I don’t know I’m going to set the over under at 12 and a half 12 and a half pounds in two months and uh if you guys want to take any bets on that what are you guys thinking under over under

12 and a half what’d you drop the last time well when I did it right before Co when I was my my leanest and my fighting my fighting weight dropped a lot I don’t know 15 what’s that your fighting weight my fighting weight I was a I was a goo

Boxer I don’t want to talk about it guys I don’t want to glorify myself but uh I don’t know 15 to 20 pounds that was over the course of a longer time than two months but uh yeah so I’m going to do it so over under 12 and a half you guys

Want to discuss this can always talk about this tomorrow on the show when Alex is here I’ll take the over you’ll take the you think I’ll lose over yeah staying at the South Point you got a lot of comfort food I did I’ll say I no

Longer in the hotel that is true but by the way thank God didn’t know about the Ed no one told me about the employee dining room uh anyway I’m feeling good about that two months I’ll take the bets and I’m timing this um so I won’t have

The keto flu this weekend guys the keto flu is where you get a little groggy and and by the way that can bring out what some people I’ve worked with in the past call at the cranky Frankie hour so cranky Frankie I get a little cranky

When uh yeah but but don’t worry about it uh I’ll be fine and uh this is what kills me today is National spaghetti day it’s also National spaghetti day I can’t have spaghetti so you know what I did did as I was making this show last night

I was like you know what I have some spaghetti last night so I had a little cork screw pasta I’m good uh Vinnie what was I think of Vinnie no pasta but it’s National spaghetti day so indulge everyone I had some spaghetti last night with um meatless meatballs

Terrible they’re okay it’s Gardine it’s not bad but you know it’s not meat but now I can eat me again because keto you just Harden your arteries also final National dat it’s National trivia day and I’ve been encourage people in the live why is the color

Purple why is the meme girls reboot a musical are these the trivia questions we’re getting uh how about first movie to show a toilet on screen oh my God who gave us that one Reno Paul Reno Paul first movie to show a toilet on screen yeah this is that’s that’s that’s a hard

One that’s a toughy uh I’ll say um Oppenheimer did you see the puzzle like wait that just came out yeah uh I don’t know I would say uh say The Wiz I’m GNA have to look this one up they showed an ouse possibly we’ll get the answer on that

Anyway send along good afternoon thank you Joey B okay uh yeah today by the way we turn what’s that psycho psycho that’s a good one and I’ve been by that psycho house the shower scene the psycho house is part of the tour of universal you

Still see it but my cousin and I he would get a golf cart and we would Cruise the back lot and we get get like a sixpack of beer and we’d go into the psycho house in the hotel and we would drink and the carts would go by and you

Have to hide but um and you can write your name on the wall inside the psycho bathro anyway today is show 60 thank you everybody for watching 60 is a it’s a solid number right it’s a number of seconds in a minute the minutes of 1960

60 minutes in an hour and that number may have been CH chosen for that reason because of its mathematical convenience it is divisible by a large number of smaller numbers without a remainder you can divide 60 by 2 3 4 5 6 10 12 15 20 so maybe that’s why those Geniuses came

Up with that that’s some great math that is some good math and uh since there aren’t a lot of jerseys that wear the number 60 we’re skipping the jerseys I don’t know the 60s could be uh could be tough for us it’s just a lot of linemen

Yeah just a lot of lineman the 70s though should be good 80s for receivers it’s going to be solid then the 90s I feel like a lot of hockey coming my way and then what will we do at show 100 who knows um so what we’re going to do is we

Have a Ryan you made a list of of athletes that have turned 60 and I have to figure out who they are since it is National trivia day I’m going to take a look at this former athletes age 60 former athletes who are a I already see

Two that I know right away so all right I’m gonna start I’m gonna go clock I’ll go clockwise I’m gonna start with uh AEM the dream Elijah on is that AEM now what color uniform is that on number four there screaming with the turtleneck is that one of the

Harbaugh is that Harbaugh that is a bears harau oh you made the picture wellow that’s Randy Johnson you can’t miss Randy Johnson uh and then the basketball player it’s hard to tell what uniform is he wearing which one the Bas is that Carl Malone no in in the bottom bottom right

No uh the I’m going clockwise I’m starting oh oh oh yes yes it is car Malone yes it is car all right so I’m four for four uh is that a boxer or a wrestler uh it’s a wrestler UFC fighter oh wait is that Kurt Angle no oh damn it

Because you know where Kurt angle’s from Pittsburgh all right it’s a bald wrestler I don’t know wrestling is this is this WWF wrestling like no UFC oh it’s a UFC guy why I don’t follow UFC uh oh is that one of the Gracies no tank

Abbot no one of the black guys I can’t see I can’t see who it is uh it’s Randy the fighter Randy Couture yes I heard you say Randy all right I didn’t get that one then is Michael Jordan 60 oh my God I think we did that right

Yep Michael Jordan is 60 spoke to him on the phone briefly number 78 for the bills is that Bruce Smith yes think is he the alltime Sachs leader I think he because Reggie White um we covered this before I think Bruce Smith passed him as the all-time sack leader wow Bruce Smith

At 60 I saw him play live against the Steelers he is the alltime sack leader how many does he have 200 he’s 200 sacks only player with 200 sacks my God and TJ watt uh just as close to 100 that means he had that’s 200 sacks that’s that’s

Going to be a hard stat to beat that’s unbelievable you’d have to pay five have to pick five or six more years second player Reggie White with 198 yeah third Kevin green with 160 Kevin green who played for the Rams and the Steelers between one and two to three yeah 38

Difference differ yeah that’s huge wow Bruce Smith first ballot Hall of Famer and those bills teams I really wish they would have won a Super Bowl it was really I saw them play a lot in those hey days they’d come to town and beat the crap out of the Steelers but happy

60th year to him and then upper right I think that’s the crime dog that’s Fred McGriff yep Randle Cunningham Bobby Nia Spud M Spud Web nice nice job I almost had Spud McKenzie nice job yeah so I only missed the the UFC guy but he doesn’t play in the big four so I’m

Gonna say I went perfect I’ll give it to you I’m not a UFC guy give it to you uh Bobby bonad day is I think July 1 right he still gets like a million and a half dollars from the Mets and I think he will through like 2038 genius genius agents right there

And soon to be Otani day Otani is going to get how many million for for he’s only getting 2 million 68 million yeah a year for 10 years after his contract is up that doesn’t seem like it’s fair it’s just not fair again no Reno Paul’s

Watching he’s a big Dodger fan I like the Dodgers I do no but that’s not fair it’s not fair I know you hate him you hate you hate everything La yeah he does y uh anyway good Spud Web I now Spud Web was a hero of mine growing up because I

Believe Spud Webb is 54 I’m actually taller than Spud Webb is he 5’4 or 5 six and somehow Spud Web could dunk a basketball uh 56 he’s five so me and Spud Web are like the same height right and now if I was Spencer I’d be like

Yeah well look where he is and look where you’re at that’s what Spencer did to you no I’d rather be where I am than Spud Webb because you know where Spud Webb is now he’s a bouncer at Chuck-E-Cheese that’s one of my old jokes for myself but I just flipped it

And made it Spud Web but I love he won the dunk competition once or twice maybe just one once he did yeah yeah he won it I think he won it one time yeah there was that Nate Robinson guy he won it a couple times uh he was he was smallish

But Spud Web if we have a dunk of Spud Web feel free to show that otherwise we’re gonna move on I know you’re actively looking we’re GNA move on to Frank facts no fiction yesterday was Frank fact or fiction today there’s no fiction they’re all real stuff unlike

Yesterday uh are you looking for Spud should we do Spud or no it’s all right I just we’re skiing Spud all right uh let’s do some on this day by the way that’s a great that’s that was a great game there former athletes who are 60 I liked it man McGriff Randle Cunningham

Who played football with Mr stalworth was it Steve Steve stalworth yeah yeah Steve played with him at UNLV where he was the all- American punter he coached at a local high school a couple years ago oh did he really yeah yeah Rand I’ll tell you you look at the quarterbacks

Nowadays he was doing that him and Vic were ahead of their time Cordell Stewart a little bit too all right let’s do on this day speaking of football in 1986 you want to talk about about a true stud oh my goodness Eric Dickerson Eric Dickerson on this day in 1986 that’s

What 38 years ago he ran for a playoff record of 248 yards I remember watching this game This was um by the way that’s not fast motion that’s how fast Eric derson was I sped it up no that was sped up a little bit but look at him run he

Had that tall Glide you could if you just silhouetted him and you weren’t able to see just by his posture you could tell plus you always wear that neck thing that weird neck thing look how upright and straight and erect he ran then I SP that yeah Eric Dickerson

248 yards beat Dallas 20 to nothing um he was unbelievable just that Glide of Eric Dickerson now I was looking him up last night and I read this uh he this is a quote from Eric Dickerson first I remember that I was excited we were playing Dallas I think that year before

We had beaten them in Dallas now when I was playing an SMU uh which was a college in Dallas I was thinking the Cowboys would draft me but I was excited about playing the Cowboys because I hated them so I was looking forward to it and also late Cowboys head coach Tom

Landry said they thought the Rams uh made a wrong choice in drafting him because he ran too high and I wasn’t going to last long I didn’t look that fast he said and I was like oh I’m gonna give it to you and Dickerson gave it to

Him in that playoff game Eric Dickerson gave it to everybody man he was a stud uh I think 2,15 yards in that single season is still the record and that’s what that’s he did that in 16 games and running backs are getting s and they’re still not getting it he is

Unbelievable uh by the way speaking of the Rams it has been announced that their quarterback this weekend in a big game not necessarily for them anymore because they’re in the playoffs Carson Wentz Carson Wentz this is Carson Wentz playing for a contract for next year am

I right of course yep I’m I was surprised he wasn’t playing anywhere this year with all the third stringers in the league um the Rams are on the road against the 49ers and they’re plus five over under 41 and a half both teams have clinched playoff births so I don’t

Really think there’s anything to really watch about that game is there not necessarily but rivalry game yeah rivalry game division game pury and mcaffrey probably won’t play at all uh well pie isn’t right yeah p is not playing and they have no shot Lamar Jackson locked it up last week so why

Play and if you want to think about the Cowboys since we showed him running over the Cowboys minus 13 in Washington against the commanders Dallas needs to win that game right they can win the division if they win they can win the division lose yeah and Ron Rivera’s on his way

Out in Washington pretty much I would think uh now Tom Landry the coach who said those bad things about Eric Dickerson definitely on the Mount Rushmore of coaches in the 70s with uh I’ll put John Madden in there I’ll put Chuck null up there and of course you got to put this

Man the lake R Don schula happy birthday to Don schula who was born January 4th 19 oh there’s the cowboy line geez 13 points wow uh don schula happy birthday to Don when I was a kid this was the uh he just he kept adding on uh I think he

Overtook George halis who had the win record your beloved George H from the Bears let’s see winning his coach in NFL history NFL career 3 347 and 173 he played football for the Browns Colts Redskins coach for the Lions as a DB coach now he he coached now a lot of

People forget this he was the head coach of the Colts when they lost Super Bowl three to Joe Amoth he was the head coach they were massive favorites didn’t win goes to Miami and builds a dynasty there plus he was always seen with those glasses those creepy uh those creepy

Like brown Shades you know you never saw those a lot Don schula Mike did go wore them a lot too but happy uh postumus birthday to Don schula gambling angle on this one ladies and gentlemen Dolphins host the bills and the winner will be AFC Champs now the bills if they win

They’re a number two seed but if they lose they could be out of the playoffs isn’t that right Ryan that’s insane if the bills lose Yeah well yeah if the bills lose some other things happen yeah yeah but anyway the current line is bills minus three in Miami 49 a half

Great game on Sunday night kudos to the schedule makers for putting that on Sunday night but I I I don’t know why the bills are favored in that game it’s not like uh Miami’s playing for the division as well yeah well Tyreek still in a walking boot right possibly no

Jaylen waddle right they lost Bradley chub with a torn ACL but they got they got they got they got hurt so bad against the Ravens last week you would think that they want to come back and I mean especially got got the HBO crew falling around for Hard Knocks you would

Think that they’re going to want to come out and not lose at home to their hated rival bills plus if the Steelers beat the Ravens I need them to it’s all about the Steelers for me that’s all I give a about um but the Dolphins uh they

Need to win I mean I think well they’re in the playoffs they’re in the playoffs I know but you don’t want to go in having being blown out by the Ravens right and then losing to the bill so basically you’ve gone 0 and2 against two playoff teams this game is basically to

Host two playoff games yeah exactly this is a big game so that’s why I’m shocked at that line and here at the South Point the bills are minus three over under 49 a half wow okay uh should be a shootout should be some points but I don’t know I

Just I like Miami in that game don’t you Sean Miami or Buffalo what do you think three point I know Sean just glare to me because he’s also rooting for the Pittsburgh Steelers Jerry mark it down on your grease board wait until Newberg gets in here I’m Newberg is gonna say

Detroit as many times if I as I have said Pittsburgh uh yeah okay but anyway um yeah I like I like the Dolphins in that game all right speaking of uh on this day 1999 Fiesta Bowl this is kind of a big thing it was the first BCS National Championship game

For the 1998 season was played on January 4th in Tempe Arizona sundevil Stadium Tennessee Volunteers which I’ve told you I’ve there’s several people out there wearing Tennessee colors maybe they’re wearing this a tribute yeah they’re like you know in 1999 we won national championship I was first beat

BCS that was the Bowl championship series there you go Tostitos right in the middle of the field they beat the Florida state Seminal Florida State actually showed up for that bowl game unlike the one against Georgia last week look at him hugging some was that just

Some girl in the it was the mascot it didn’t look like a mascot it was the mascot all right I’ll Trust you on that Ryan anyway Tennessee Florida state had won 10 in a row they had lost to NC State that year but Florida State sophomore Chris wanky was injured by the

Way Chris wanky in that game was probably 26 years old when he was drafted he was like 26 I’m kidding I’m not kidding Chris wanky I’m not kidding he was like 26 years old he had a receding hairline when he was a rookie I know you’re looking it up but when he he

Was really old when he was drafted because I think he tried to play baseball yeah and then he went back to college how old he was old he was old uh anyway congratulations Tennessee won 2316 over the seminal how old was he when he was drafted did you look it up

Um still trying to find out he was old anyway speaking of Tennessee I love when seg Segways work that well Chris Newberg will appreciate apprciate that uh Happy Birthday to Tennessee Titan 28 D how old was he 28 he was 28 when he got drafted by Carolina right yeah that’s what I

Mean so you had missed his prime when you drafted him because I think it was a baseball thing where he went and played baseball but yeah he was old he’s stuck around for a long time too all right so that’s segue right into Tennessee Titans

The pro team Derk Henry is 30 years old today and here’s Derrick henryman with the greatest stiff arm of all time get out of my way that is Josh Norman who has still not recovered from that here’s a slow motion to make it more humiliating Norman comes to tackle him

And he just shoved him away like a ragd doll and look at the bench behind him that’s such a great angle and here’s another angle of Josh Norman’s humiliation Wham and he has 30 and what are you wearing over there Ryan Ryan has got the

Derk Henry Jersey that is sweet he uh he won me a couple fantasy championships oh that’s why yeah yeah had I was gonna say you’ve never talked about the Titans or your fandom of the Titans you wear it because Derrick Henry helped win you so

M did you take the money and buy Jersey uh no anyway he’s 30 years old by the way it seems like d Derrick Henry’s been along for a long time 30 years old still one of the Premier backs could be his last year in Tennessee I know but we

Need Tennessee to win let’s take a look at that Tennessee line Tennessee hosts the Jags uh the Jags are favored by five on the road 39 and a half’s the total I really think Vel and the Titans will win this game I think it’s four now is it

Four is it down to four okay anyway Sean I know we’re both hoping for Tennessee to win this game but of course the Steelers have to take care of business first and uh Mike Vel played for the Steelers before he played played for the Patriots but where did Vel become a star

Playing for Bill bich and speaking of that on this day in sports History Bill bich explained this whole mess that he on this day what happened with Bill bich well so the Jets owner had passed away Leon hes right and so they he didn’t leave the team in his will for any of

His family members so the league was going through the process of selling the team and so bich decided to not deal with going through a new ownership and having to go through that process and he decided to resign as the Jets head coach a day after being

Named the head coach being named the Jets head coach and then signed with New England I mean you’re named the head coach then the next day here he he coming back so he’s named then Coach then he comes back next day and goes ah you know what I’m goodring my look how

Young he looks there too and he’s actually wearing a suit and tie that when’s the last time you saw Bill suit and tie my God I wasn’t even born yet what’s said I wasn’t even born yet oh thanks for bringing that up and Chris Newberg heard that

Too he was actually named coach of the Jets like twice in history right yeah all right listen ladies and gentlemen we have two more special birthdays to do after we talk with this man uh I want to get him on right now because he’s a very funny gentleman he’s an actor writer

Producer he’s done everything the Chris is his website you can follow him very funny guy there’s Chris Newberg Jay Chris Newberg Jay what’s up Chris yeah sports sports sports sports thanks for having me I now listen I’ve been telling that that Jerry who works on the show here he teases me a

Lot because I mention my hometown quite frequently but I said you want to have someone on the show who’s going to talk about his hometown just as much it’s this guy y waiting for wait there it is where’s my tattoo oh there it is the Detroit look

At that he’s got the I have no T oh I have one on my posterior I could show you the stero logo no okay the Steeler logo huh no I don’t wouldn’t it be a never mind what anyway Chris uh Chris show tell us what we got behind us man

Look at that collection of stuff you have up there uh that is awesome okay thanks uh this was me on The Tonight Show uh when I got 14 standing no not standing 14 Applause breaks this was the this is when my comedy album was number

One on Billboard there you go uh uh 66 weeks on the chart uh it went from 3 to one this was the license plays my dad’s car and then that’s me uh with headphones on in case you can’t see me in real life I remember your Tonight

Show set four by the way the over under was 12 on your uh Applause breakes and you got 14 so the over hit very nice and uh how long’s this beard been coming in man I haven’t seen you in a while whoa uh it’s been a minute uh I just uh

You know I’ll be it’s it started to I just I think it was a a playoff beard in my head when I wasn’t in the playoffs but you know maybe a playoff tribute beard but uh the last time the Lions were in the playf the last time the

Lions were in the playoffs you started growing it absolutely 20 20 years plus uh yeah I don’t know it’s just been going for a second it’s not it’s not that it’s not hard it’s just easy I don’t have to shave as much it’s get it’s getting it’s getting Letterman

Esque it’s getting it’s getting full and long man it looks good oh it’s that to go yourself L ladies and gentlemen am I not to say no you can say you can say yourself that’s fine the word yourself is good no we don’t it’s okay I I I had wrote him I

Said it was PG I don’t think I said PG-13 but you’re an exclusive Club hold on let’s run down the list let’s run down the list uh Major League Allstar Greg vaugh who had 50 home runs for the San Diego Padres he said it live in the

Studio when he was here with Denny Nagel uh who was the second one was the second one Jerry it was Jerry who slipped it on our show when I asked him if he could name the alter ego of The Nutty Professor in the Jerry movie uh and of

Course it’s Buddy Love and then Jerry went ah F and then who else said it oh oh we thought jacine said it but she actually said she did okay so yeah you’re friends with her we had jacqulyn Mar Fugi Caprio in here and she kind of

Said it right I think she said it different I full on said it I just didn’t know that you couldn’t I won’t it’s F listen it’s fine it’s absolutely fine uh guess what you just made best moments of 20124 so we will run that we will run that clip in approximately uh

11 months no it’s fine so what is your shirt say today usually have something Detroit what do you got on there uh it’s a Detroit bar um Stout Stout Stout drinking team and it says the name of the bar on the back I don’t remember but

I wanted to say before I forget yeah do you guys know did you notice when you were well when bich when bich was uh doing the Jets announcement you were talking about that did you notice the bang effort that was going on like the comb down like the the elong the

Elongated Caesar it was like it was definitely Clooney had AA doing it yeah he was it’s pretty cool oh my God yeah now he just does he’s at the point where he doesn’t care so yeah but back then you he was going to be the head coach of the

Jets he figured there was going to be some some commercial opportunities that’s hysterical so now let’s talk about your Detroit Lions now we were Ryan and Jerry and I we went out watch the game on Saturday I was ring for Detroit and then that whole controversy

At the end of the game I mean and and the and the result of that now we have do we have the billboard we have a clip there’s a billboard up in Detroit uh as of today that said uh where is it we have it for I think it says Decker

Checked in right deer checked in yeah Decker reported and then they have the 11 and five scratched out in 12 and four were you where were you watching the game what was your reaction when you were watching that I was watching it at the where was

I I was at the no I was at the den and I watched it and it was upsetting I mean but it’s not but there’s no possible way I can be upset about this season in any way whatsoever we have 11 wins we haven’t had 11 wins in 11 years wow

We’re bad we were bad and then like when Goff came over I was like oh cool it’s Harrington with a shorter name it’s gonna be just awful and it’s gonna be just gole but he he he’s been good yeah he’s been solid it was a great trade everyone thought it

Was lopsided Stafford going to the Rams but gof I he’s been real real good so I mean look the guy has the experience to to get a team to the Super Bowl I mean are you even allowed to say those words you don’t want to jinx it you want to

Just get in the playoffs and maybe win one game the greatest part about the Lions was 20 years ago when Wayne font was coach and we got into the when we got into the playoffs Wayne font was this Fant I mean he being able to remember

Because I think I was in my 30s or or something and he always had a cigar and he would get just wasted and show up to local Detroit sports radio no and that’s when he had yeah and he would have his like big buck uh his big buck quote he’d

Be like I’m like the big buck everyone’s coming for me but no one’s gonna catch me because we’re going to the play and he was like wow dude you are drunk but he was he was entertaining and he was fun and and he had success yeah

Uh that was cool I mean I like and Dan Campbell if he doesn’t die of caffeine overdose I think that we’re in a pretty good place he is intense he is intense Dan Campbell you know he yells at you can you just imagine accidentally Lane cutting him off and

Just and then You’ be bite your knees off isn’t that what he said at his introductory press conference to bite their knees yeah he’s an intense guy man but I I love listen when I was a kid Billy Sims and like I had a Detroit Lions bike I grew up in Pittsburgh Jerry

Pittsburgh all right but anyway um in I had a Detroit Lions bike I wanted a lions bike because it was cool it was the NFL license these these chrome bikes and uh I loved the Lions man Eric hipple and then Eric Kramer I always liked the

The Lions and I so I got to go to a state I got to go to uh what was the Dome called why am I drawing a blank silver silver Dome went up and saw Barry Sanders in his prime run man so uh he was he was ridiculous so uh are you also

A Pistons fan what do you think of what’s going on with the Pistons can you even follow that team or I mean it’s just been sad I think I think it’s you know it’s a itive blockout of the bad I mean why focus on what the Pistons

Aren’t having success with at the moment and you know and focus on Michigan and and the Detroit Lions when that hasn’t happened in a long time I mean the Red Wings are I’m not really a big hockey guy yeah uh Tigers I I like watching

When I’m there because I’m more of a fan of the hot dog than the than the show but uh but yeah I mean the Pistons are the Pistons it’s like the NBA in my opinion is scary is as far as betting is concerned lately because I’m an over

Under guy and all the overs are like 260 251 and I’m like what why I’m afraid to bet that now wait a second the Pistons played last night went to overtime and I never even saw the final score what did they do last night did they win or

Lose I I they lost in overtime they lost in overtime okay well when we were out now here’s the thing we were watching the Lions game on Saturday together and at the same time you had the Pistons playing and winning they uh they finally they hit the money

Line and I had uh I think I won $27 so we were very excited nice but you bring up a good pun I I I’ve just realized that I forgot about the University of Michigan is also going on so think of the controversy you’ve had with the science stealing Scandal now with the

Lions you have that now at the Pistons the losing streak it’s been a busy year for Michigan Detroit sports fans there’s a lot lot going on besides the games yeah but I mean when I moved to Los Angeles it’s like I went from you know it’s like we went from missing

Repeatedly not having success almost being there like having our Super Bowl being preseason and Thanksgiving to moving out here and you know LeBron the Rams win the Super Bowl LeBron won a championship it’s like I’m good I’m fine I love Detroit I think it’s great and

I’m I’m a fan of all the sports teams but it doesn’t suck to live in a city where people win often well now see we were T now yes the Lakers went often the Kings have won while we’ve both lived in LA and now you got the Dodgers going out

And spending you know over a billion dollars Ryan is not happy about that I as a Pittsburgh Pirate fan uh you know there has to be a salary cap or a it’s not fair but I do like the Dodgers but I mean in la it’s expected you know in Detroit you’re appreciating

Every win you know like you said it’s been a long time but in La it’s almost not fair like the coolest thing okay in high school this is you know yes you’re right you’re expecting LA to win and everything in Michigan is is bonus I remember in high school the coolest

Detroit Tiger moment I had was I was in a play with this girl named Kathy freehan and her father was Bill fre yeah the catcher for the 68 team yeah and they had and and the coolest thing ever was I made out with her in the pool uh

On summer break and his pool was a catcher M oh come on no it was like how else do you like have success in life you’ve made out in a catchers mitt pool with the world serious catcher daughter you’ve won this is the best 15-year-old

Guy you’re going to be now wait a second um what was the play you were in with her and what was the M may you did wait that’s singing and dancing yeah you COA the blues right out of the whatever it was still remembers the song and

Choreography well a lot of people I mean might not know now you have an interesting career I’ve known you as a standup and a television producer we’ve worked on shows but you started in bands right you were you were guitar player in a band yeah I rode Stairway to

Heaven now see I I would have led with that you’re burying the lead here I didn’t realize that when you were 2 years old you rode stairway geez yeah that was a good song uh yeah I was in a I was H I started performing in

1985 doing bands and and I went from 85 to 99 touring in a van with a bunch of smelly people and having a great time and just we know we had a lot of really cool moments and like we toured with the a and melon camp and

The yeah we had a lot of fun and it just we never went anywhere and then you know it’s like it’s funny how in most band situations it ends up being uh the prophecy of Brian Adams where Jimmy quit Joey got married should have known we’

Never get far right yeah and I was just I got tired of carrying stuff I got tired of doing all the work so I was like I quit and then I quit and I wasn’t doing anything for two days and like this isn’t going to work out I have to

Do something so I got into improv and got into stand up that’s just I had no idea now wait Oasis I mean the Gallagher brothers were you around them at the height of their Fame when they were complete like insane Brothers coolest story ever yes so so we get the so it’s

I don’t know who their opening band was it was either blur or someone but they couldn’t do it Detroit so we because our the time we were managed by Bill Blackwell and for for punch Enterprise that was Bob seager’s management company so Bill had a bunch of poll at the State

Theater which is now um the Filmore and so Oasis was there wonder wall was just cresting like it hadn’t broke but it was a single and they were they were taken off they should not have been playing in a 3,000 seat room so we get the notification we’re like you have the

Opening slot you get 30 minutes in front of Oasis do not speak to them do not look at them do not talk to them do not have any interaction with them whatsoever you you could get fired so we were like okay so I’m I’m stage stage

Right I think no stage laugh I’m on this side of the stage if I’m faing it still confuses me to this day as well but yeah go so I’m playing I’m playing Rhythm and I look over to the right and no Liam bonad the drummer all those pe

Oh my God I freaking freaking freaking freaking freaking with an R we we have we have a button don’t worry we got it I know I know I see I know that you have a delay but that was not intentional so um uh the um they’re staring at us the

Entire set and it’s intimidating because you’re like are they having fun are they gonna tackle us you know what’s going on so we we finish the set they’re not there for they leave they’re not there for the last song we go up to our room and we’re just thrilled we’re like we

Have this small tiny dressing room and we’re like yeah and all of a sudden it’s like knock on the door and we just like oh no I opened the door and NL is standing there and I was like I couldn’t say hi I didn’t know

What to do I was like oh no and he’s like great show mates come to our party after the set and we’re like oh and we’re like we started jumping up and down all excited I proceeded to get more intoxicated than I’ve ever been in my entire life because I was celebratory

And I was happy and human so we’re at this party and now I’m at a level of confidence that is unusual ual for me like I I’m I always consider myself capable but in this moment I was confident I just opened for oases now to describe this backstage scene that they

Had could only be accurate as like Sodom and gamorra like just like all this wonderful just craziness people Fanning each other with giant leaves a Liam was sitting he was actually laying on like a um um I want to say psychi psychiatrist couch a fainting couch or whatever they call

Them yeah yeah yeah we have one and I don’t even know what it’s called but it’s like it’s like it’s like a sha Lounge but like a long one and he’s on it so I’m like I’m gonna go talk to Liam and everyone in the band was like don’t

Do it and I’m like this is when it happens they’re like you can’t even spell right now and I’m like I don’t care and I walked up to him and I said huge fan great show and he goes thanks mate shake my foot he doesn’t get

Up my foot sh he raises his foot from the couch so now I’m like oh goodness what do I do I can’t I can’t shake his foot then I suck then all this confidence I have goes away forever then for the rest of my life when I hear the

First chords of wonder wall and like a shook that guy’s foot but in a moment and I don’t know how I got the balance and I don’t know what I did I literally stood on one leg and high-fived him with my foot nice only thing you can do yeah only thing I

Could do and it worked and he just started cracking up and he goes ah he’s like I thought I’d put you in a pickle and then then I was like yeah and I just ran oh my God that is brilliant wow yeah they’re I mean

They used to beat the crap out of each other they would fight on stage they were nuts and then they proclaimed themselves the greatest fan in the world and that was never a good thing to do cuz people going to take shots at you

But that first CD that I have I think it was a cassette maybe even uh was a good album but that’s that’s an unbelievable story and you partied all night with them did you stick around all night or did you get the hell out of we we stayed

We stayed for a little bit but I mean I literally my exit memory was foot foot high five but when it was time for you have to understand there’s nobody probably in the world that has that story or is this something he does to all the openers you know it’s entirely possible

I have no idea but my that’s that’s one of two favorite run-ins I had with celebs we were on the road with one time we were on the road with melon camp and he had just had a his his fourth heart attack yeah he’s and and he was deciding

Whether or not he wanted to continue touring so he booked a weekend in Grand Rapids at some theater and he was amazing we get there and we’re there early to do soundcheck we’re there before the band and I mean like he had Kenny arnoff on drum

It was just like w so I say to the you know because when you go into a larger venue when you enter through the the backstage entrance they have tape on the floor with arrows and signs to where your dressing room is ETC and so there

Was an arrow leading up the stairs and I said to the security person which dressing room what do I do when I get to the top and he goes oh your dressing room is on the left I go great so I get up to the top I turn to the left I walk

In and it’s just like one of those like it’s like a a fountain fruit punch thing like a Hawaiian Punch on tap it was all the alcohol and all the food and all of the most amazing thing and then out of the bathroom comes Elaine Irwin super model who was

Striking and I was like and I literally go and I I go wow our dressing room rules and then I just hear him him from behind me goes get the F out he goes you’re across the hall and I turn around to look at him and he’s so short and so

It was just like huh okay wow and but it was one of the best shows I’ve seen he had he had every guy in the whole stadium taking their shirt off and whipping it around I saw I saw melon Camp uh it was than I I remember the day because it was

Thanksgiving 1984 and if you brought a can of food you know you you got some he gave away something was like Farid time and he did I it was close to 3 hours and uh the album scarecrow was out Justice in Independence Day was a song

On there I love rumble seat the whole thing he was unbelievable but during the concert and my sister and my friend my friend uh uh he’s not watching right now but uh we had a couple in front of us so I was 15 years old at a John Cougar

Melon Camp concert enjoying one of the greatest con of my life and then during the song Pink Houses the couple in the row in front of us had sex right in front of us it was like yeah oh yeah oh yeah she was oh yeah it was full I mean

So I’m 15 and at that point you’re 15 and you don’t know do I watch the show or do I watch this show it was like I was like this I was like John Cougar singing Pink Houses so my sister to this day anytime she hears Pink Houses she

Has a we have a vision of a couple in front of us at the Civic Arena in Pittsburgh having sex are you talking about like penetration close off talking well you know what I was 15 I was 15 so like heavy making out was probably like

Oh they’re having sex but no I will I will confirm the story with my sister or Don fusin who was with me but no we’re pretty sure pretty sure that was the first time I’d ever seen anything quite like this has become punchlines after dark this show hasn’t it we’ve got

Flying no it’s been um so shifting gears from Showbiz before we close with that Michigan playing in the national championship are you a Michigan or Michigan State guy don’t you have to choose between one or the other huge Michigan fan you’re a Michigan fan oh that’s perfect huge Michigan fan okay so

Now I don’t know if you’re aware of this we talked about it on the show yesterday if you would want to fly to go see that game in Houston I think roundtrip coach tickets are $2,500 the airlines are gouging people from the state of Washington and uh Michigan that’s just

That’s that there should be that’s that’s gouging that should be against the law so I don’t know if you know anybody going from Michigan to the game I don’t know if they bought tickets later or we smart enough to get them early but that’s just insane I think a

Lot of Michigan people I mean Michigan people are crazy just like Pittsburgh people so they were Drive yeah oh they would just drive they would just drive a that’s true they’ll get in their chevier forward and drive all the way straight through without stop it’s South man it’s

South there ain’t goingon to be no snow let’s do this come on it’s like exactly what it’s going to go down so there you go that’s probably there probably will be a convoy um and what’s the line on the game right now is it four and a half

It’s four and a half over under 56 over under oh it’s it was 55 and a half so it’s gone up a little so what do you think yeah you you would take overall hit I don’t think Michigan covers and I love Michigan I could be wrong I because

I watched the Washington game and I saw their two of their really good people get hurt but they are so fast they and Michigan traditionally is not a very fast team unless they’re chasing pizza so it’s like it’s just one of those things it’s like yes they’re very good

They’re very strong I hope it works you know I got got to see when Brady won his that was wonderful oh wow but I mean I’m four and a half that’s a lot against Washington Washington hasn’t lost anybody and they’ve been dominant in every game they play yeah they they have

An offense they’re going to score points I agree with you I I mean uh an our director on the show for Christmas gave us each a a ticket on Washington win the national championship she put some so it would pay off we’d all we’d all we love

An to begin with but this would make us love an even more but I think I think that yeah so it’s 56 yeah four and a half points I I think that’s too many I’m rooting I’m rooting for Washington just because one of my best friends in

La who worked with the show on you but I don’t think you guys ever interacted it was that Bear Grills show that you were out out in the middle of nowhere doing Christian was working on the challenges he’s a ubb guy so I’ve been watching their games all year with him so I’m

Kind of I know Christian yeah Christian Hansen he might be watching is Christian watching yeah uh oh he is btown dummy let’s see what did he say Rumor Has It Friday’s show is Frank playing for a contract so adjust your bets accordingly what the hell is that

About what are you saying Christ anyway uh but speaking of that show the bear Grill show tell us some of the I just want people to know all the stuff that you’re doing in Los Angeles active and where can people find you Etc uh the portal to me is the Chris just like the KISS Army but traditional spelling of Chris t e c r i s a RM y uh I just wrap name that tune for season 4 okay I’m shooting I’m shooting my second comedy special Friday of next week in Toronto uh after that I

Hope to get back into scripted TV and uh do some more writer in on shows but uh I mean I’m just I I’m a busy I’m a busy person in my brain it’s like I just finished writing a movie and I came up with two show ideas and I partnered with

One company so it’s like there’s they’re at the bottom levels of a long road they need to go to get to the place they need but at least they’re at the Bottom Rung yeah and uh yeah I mean other than that I’m just going to keep having fun keep

Living my life keep trying to create as much as I can and not sweat idiotic things and that’s bet on sports that don’t have 400 points as the over under um yeah you’re always Chris is a great follow on on uh on Twitter Instagram very funny the guy just writes

Jokes jokes jokes jokes a lot of jokes and uh Name That Tune um that’s is that that’s Jamie no that’s a the girl the Jane Kowski Jane Jane Kowski and Randy Jackson the show shoots it shot in Ireland so every night from 2: a.m. to 7

A.m. I was on call just in case they needed another version because I wrote I was a script writer Okay so every like the I I I mean I have no problem saying this um is it the up or no is we know you have no problem saying that no

Anyway I can’t wait to write you my apology text it’s fine uh Jane has been famous since she’s been like two I mean God yeah she was in vacation for God’s sakes yeah yep and she was doing commercials before that so she has a level of requirement that is

It’s I mean like she she a lot of it is she feels a lot like her character on 30 Rock and I’m a huge and and I’m a huge fan 30 Ro yeah it was a Flawless J and she’ll I’ll get a note be like Jane

Wants it more this way and and it’s so funny because when you’re doing a script the script is mostly boilerplate except for ins and outs of hey everybody Welcome to Name That Tune we’ll be right back after this but they want slight variations and she’s like this was the

Best note I got I want something funny I want something current and I wanted to not sound like it’s trying to be funny or [Laughter] current and what did you come up with do you remember what you came up with for that note I literally went to the

Previous season and pulled up I literally I went to the previous season and I pulled up a bunch of this stuff I didn’t use yeah randomly picked the third thing and I sent it and she was like this is what I’m talking about this is where we this is the direction we

Need to go in got it oh my God that is brilliant bet celebrities are great they’re all crazy in the best way well Chris not oh break and did you say something or you had something Pittsburgh mentions Detroit oh so I won okay so wait so there what is that 11 to

Six yep I so 11 to6 hold on a second this is telling for all you crazy bat people are you ready yep hold on let’s see what does that say f bomb Club fbom fomb three you have three three was it two and a half it felt like two and a

Half I thought the third one didn’t come out can you P can you hold the old sign up the previous sign up the one with all the Jerry throw the previous sign with the Detroit and the Pittsburgh mentions let’s see what we got here all right

Okay betters listen to me this is the only thing that you need to focus on check this out do you see how it’s 11 against six that means it’s five a difference of five so if you’re betting Michigan according to this sign Michigan will cover by half boy I love

Theic and the crazy eyes always helps to vined me to make a bet because I I will do it I will probably do it now uh and your second special in Toronto why Toronto why did you choose to shoot up there I did not choose uh my very my

Very good friend Russell Peters is doing the cool he’s doing the cool celeb thing and he’s helping me he got a special on this network and I can’t announce what network yet okay but he’s going to release it through there and they’re also investing so he he literally he

Said all right I want to do my special but he’s like these are the guys I want you to also give specials to and it was just such a really cool move yeah he’s a good dude man he’s from up there so that’s great and the first one we can

See on YouTube right your dry bar yep it’s called way too soon way too soon Chris J Chris Newberg zero f bombs and that special zero f bombs because it was in it was in Utah I should have told him we were doing the show from Utah not Vegas

Anyway it’s on YouTube so before you come back to watch sports by the book at 3M you have time in between to watch his dry bar special which is very funny J Chris Newberg ladies and gentlemen I knew you’d be great I’ll talk to you soon buddy thank you so much for being

Here we’re going to take two minute break then Ryan and I will come back and wrap up the show with some really funny stuff you want to see thanks J Chris Newberg we’ll see you soon Buddy South Point offers all the types of entertainment you’d expect at a first

Class Las Vegas Resort did you know our 400 seat showroom is one of Las Vegas’s top destinations for live entertainment enjoy live performances by classic Vegas entertainers bands and Today’s Hottest comedians plus a rock and dance floor you can also enjoy live entertainment at the Grand View Lounge where you’ll feel

All the Vibes of Old Las Vegas enjoy the music and if you love to laugh don’t miss the dirty at 1230 our very own free comedy show every Friday night at 12:30 a.m. in the Grand View Lounge the dirty is 100% free so arrive early go to or call the box

Office at 7713 for today’s performances at the showroom and the Grand View Lounge when you’re ready for your favorite cocktail stop in and unwind at one of our seven specialy lounges there’s a bar around every corner cuz you’re in Vegas baby South Point Casino has plenty of attractions for the whole

Family catch a movie our 16 screen movie theater includes two XD extreme screens for the ultimate in viewing sound and luxury after the show treat the family to a variety of treats at our oldfashioned ice cream parlor Kate’s Corner we scoop up a variety of creamy concoctions including smoothies hand

Dipped cones milkshakes malts sodas and Sundays at katees there’s something for everyone and if you still got time to spare our Bowling Center might be right up your alley voted best of Las Vegas it’s a great place for friends and family fun 64 Lanes a shop snack bar and arcade

And while the kids are bowling you can play Slots and sip on a drink in the alleycat lounge while overlooking the lanes for our more serious professional bowlers the South Point is also home to a separate tournament bowling Plaza ah we are having fun today on punchlines uh Jay Chris Newberg killed it make sure you follow him and I’m gonna make sure for I thought about his Penance for swearing on the show he’s going to have to get the Chris Army involved in subscribing and following

Our show so so we’re currently at 982 I’m going to predict in the next day or two 9 what 83 983 I predict Chris is going to push us over a th and I will make him have to make that happen for swearing on the show lot of live

Comments what do you see on there Ryan anything in particular uh who’s taller Lars ol or Frank nicaro Lars ol is 5’6 I think so that’s what Paul is saying we know Paul I would say I I according to what I I’m 5’6 and a half my driver’s

License say 5’7 so I’m going to say I’m taller than lws lws Oh Come to watch Metallica show by the way I made him sound like Arnold Schwarz and aner I did I’m not an Arnold I’m not an impressionist uh Joey B Southpoint Studio about to get a timeout from

YouTube do they give you does YouTube give timeouts no no okay good I just want to make sure uh Joey B we always appreciate you watching the show Jeff parl was supposed to be on the show today that he was yeah Joey B who’s his

Number one fan Jeff did not make it back in time from Disneyland yep but he will be on Sports by the book just so you know B uh give him give him crab for that too by the way he sent me a picture he bought an outrageous Disney hoodie

Did you see car yeah a cars jacket yeah is that it’s a car he said he’s gonna wear it next time he’s on this show so next Thursday this is what’s called a tease in the biz waiting you see Jeff parl unless he’s wearing it today on

Sports by the book and blow I don’t think I doubt he’s gonna I don’t think he will that is a punchlines jacket for sure so next week tune in for that uh what else yeah and btown bu dummy who’s Christian who worked with uh uh Chris Newberg on the Bears grills it

Was like a survival Show game show out in the woods on TBS so I think the crew had to rough it a little bit he says yeah the red you’ll never get the red clay out of your hands yeah if you’ve been to Georgia or you’ve watched the

Movie my cousin Vinnie you know about uh the red clay down south have you ever been down south Ryan uh not further south I mean like Henderson but I mean like you know like well I’ve been to to Florida you have to Florida been to South Carolina and North Carolina but I

Haven’t been to like Mississippi uh anyway Lu man we appreciate everybody watching the show Paul ROP Paul btown dummy uh yeah good show so we have a couple things we wanted to share with you that we I wanted to get Chris on because I knew he’d be great and that

Oasis story and the melon Camp story are tremendous uh Jerry our our wonderin social media guy we’ll cut those into short bits that you can share with friends and uh he’s going to push us over a thousand I know it so speaking of Las Vegas where we do the show live from every

Day Chris Bryant who I imagine you’re a big Chris Bryant fan uh he won the World Series for the Cubs yes yes he did and it’s his birthday and this what’s that again recorded the final out recorded the it was a little ground ball to third that’s right and he

Threw it over and didn’t Rizzo shove it in his pocket you see Rizzo take the ball and shove it in his Pock genius move by Anthony Italians Rizzo by he saved the ball anyway uh he’s 32 that kind of blew my mind because I always think of Chris Bryant coming up and he

Was like 22 years old 23 years old but he’s 32 which isn’t old they uh had that controversy of uh his minor league time his arbitration time yeah and so that’s probably why he’s not welcome to Pittsburgh every year H I’m up to seven sorry put it on

There the Pirates do that every year and we number one pick Paul skines Sky SK from LSU who should be on the opening day roster will not guy that shoves what he throws really hard he shes oh he’s unbelievable yeah his St he’s he’s gonna be our number one Starter by the

All-Star break so oh my God but they’ll they’ll keep him down so the super two won’t kick in ridiculous but anyway Chris Bryan turns 32 today he’s born in Vegas and he was once pranked by a fellow Vegas baseball player Greg Maddox go ahead roll this footage I I when Ryan

Sent me that it was Chris Bryan birthday listen to this I’m going to attempt to pull a prank off on Chris Bryan okay so Maddox is going to pitch he’s posing as the sound guy look at Greg Maddox look at that Barrel it’ll sound really good

That’s the goal no not there get it a little down a little lower and he starts talking smack you could definitely tell Chris is annoying oh yeah I don’t want any of you guys thrown cuz you guys no no so I could throw BP here hold this I throw to

Kids all the time dude you’ve actually thrown I throw it to my uh Little League team well I mean back in the day’ll be okay the best pictures of all time actually not too bad actually you so he gets he gives him a couple good pitches hey that’s scary now he

Starts throwing him stuff sound gu’s got a good curve pretty good no that’s that’s a higher no yeah maybe a little higher this might be better than the other I love it I seriously doubted you hey you think I can get that bat okay we’ll see maybe maybe yeah

That’s a good one that was great you want to sign the bat to me Chris you signed that to uh Greg Maddox see see I told you good H he knew it oh my gosh yeah off I love it totally want a bat you still want the

Bat you still want the bat no no oh man Ah that’s I I don’t know where I saw it was on social media somewhere and last night I’m like wait wasn’t that Chris Bryant and then I sent it to Ryan who had never seen that’s one of the

Greatest Clips man I just’s like sound guys’s got a pretty good curveball by the way the worst that’s one of those like uh Undercover Boss disguise do you not that’s not a fake beard and fake mustache but by the way I’ll watch every episode of Undercover Boss I love it by the way

There’s rumors Chris Andrews is going to be on Undercover Boss the new season and he’s going to come in here and be like a new sound guy or something he’s gonna come in so we better be on our best behavior at all times uh Happy Birthday Chris Bryant he’s now a rocky right

That’s that’s weird to see him in a rocky uniform man he got his got the big contract from the Rockies he did and and the Rockies are never it’s just you can’t get pitching there you can’t you can’t okay Denny Nagel and Mike Hampton were two big free agent signings that

Was their big push they made the World Series in one year and then got swept by Boston I think but uh it’s gonna be tough to win a World Series in Colorado hitters ballpark hitters ballpark man and uh I don’t know what the Cubs and Rockies Futures are but you can bet him

Here at South oh do you have them yeah so Cubs are 30 to1 to win the World Series 15 to1 to win the national league that’s not bad the Rockies are 500 to1 to win the series and 250 to1 save your money save your money in the Rockies but

15 to one for the Cubs to win the pennant yep with Craig Council now managing and no offseason acquisitions no offseason yeah that’s bad literally not one signing they’re saving it for all in season yeah that’s right they didn’t they well they spent all their money on Craig Council they’re giving

Them eight million a year how do you do that and not make a signing it is ridiculous you can hear the anger coming out of of you right now uh and last thing on the show today wemi Wana it is his birthday Victor wanyana turns how

Old 20 20 years old and guess what his average points per game is is it 20 it’s 18.9 but close so uh yeah Victor wanana the number one pick and you know uh is he rookie of the year right now or is it ched hren C Chad’s the favorite Chad

Really is is I mean because I think everyone was given it but everyone forgets how good Chad hren was at Gonzaga and he he hurt himself he sat out a whole year probably learned a lot and uh I don’t know you never know but

Right now homr but W bana and the a uh the gambling angle on this is um Spurs are plus nine and a half tonight the over under is two now 10 it’s now 10 10 and a half 10 and a half and they’re playing Milwaukee the overend is 249 and a

Half that has a lot of points Sean do you have any feel on NBA games today not yet I know that’s a lot of points there’s only two NBA games tonight and I like the chalk you like the chalk taking the favorites all right you’re taking Milwaukee Milwaukee and Denver against

Golden State Milwaukee’s 2410 the Spurs are only five and 28 but don’t worry better things are coming for papovich and that crew um when asked for uh when B when they asked him what do you want for your birthday you have everything in the world he said a fake ID that’s what

He was I don’t know if that’s true that is just a joke because that’s what we do here on the show what a fun show thank you uh very much to uh my friend J Chris Newberg make sure you follow him the Chris check out his special on

YouTube in between now and watching sports by the book at three right yes and very very funny oh my God tomorrow Alex white will be here we I haven’t seen Alex since the New Year oh we’ll see her at the meeting today we have a meeting I’m giving you guys Insight we

Have a meeting at 2m it’s when we discuss all the strategy and all the brilliant things we’re going to do great Derrik Henry Jersey that Ryan wor Jerry keeping track what was the final tally 11 to seven 7-Eleven 7-Eleven oh and then where did you go today B where did

I go I I went to 7-Eleven oh it’s a sign this is like that guy who goes into the NFL locker rooms and as a mentalist yeah exact there it is Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pittsburgh we’ll see you next time on punchlines live in about every show

1 Comment

  1. As always, great show today guys! Btw Frank, Ryan's nickname as a baby was "Little Big"… he was not small. And I'll take the over w Ry on your Keto

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