Golf Players

#pgatour Sentry Tournament of Champions????

Sentry of Tournament of …Champions? Or just guys that we mostly like? O r just guys? Or just sandwiches? what is going on???
#goodgood #gmgolf #justinthomas #jt #pif #usopen #openchampionship #pgatour #golf #bigboypantsgolf #dpworldtour #livgolf #vessel golf bags #rickshiels #championstour

Folks welcome back to the channel it’s important to have a serious conversation right now because this week we’re watching the century Tournament of Champions and I got to ask us is this actually a Tournament of Champions pants this is the golf version of participation trophies my good man Jake

Span golf why do you use the word Champions when for example last year you had sah tagal on the field and Cameron young who had never won period right and then this year we have Denny McCarthy out there who has come close so many times but has still not gotten over that

Hump if you look at the actual field there’s 59 players in the on that event the the centur Termino Champions many of them didn’t win last year now obviously most of them have won at some point in the career but this is supposed to be the Tournament of Champions the season

Kickoff the big thank you event kind of like the in a lot of ways this event is supposed to be set up kind of like the Pro Bowl in a lot of way ways this is this is the event where it actually does matter it does count for FedEx Cup

Points this is kind of a bonus for being that guy last season for being those guys last season and frankly I’m just tired of seeing opportunities for players that haven’t even won an event to be the winner of the century Tournament of Champions it’s just not

Right the whole point is that you win an event in the prior year and you punch your ticket to the tournament of Champions there’s nothing misleading about this it’s a Tournament of Champions and that was always one of the extra incentives for winning or one of

The extra bonuses hey now you get to that field too right and you know when you see this happening when you see that guys can’t actually you know can actually get there without actually being a champion it just kind of eliminates the value and the prestige

Of this event people were saying well it would be too small of an event field it’d be only like 10 15 guys oh my god well okay get out there and win in the words of Roy mooy to Grayson to Grayson Sig play better 100 million per agree you got to

Play better you got to actually win to be in the tournament champions and oddly we’ve got the Masters on the other hand with maybe the smallest field ever where you could easily figure out a way to get great players from Liv into that field to beef up this the qual of field what

Are we doing here when you got water down tournament champions and also a water down Masters because you can’t figure out hey this guy’s Talent this guy doesn’t actually win to get into a tournament champions yeah I don’t know what’s going to happen guys the the the

Masters still has an opportunity to fix their mistake because you know they have sent out the invites but there are opportunities to sneak sneak your way in right right before it actually happen so there still are opportunities for them to fix their mistakes however it does look pretty bad

Going forward and I will tell you this that the p GA tour needs to stop making these big mistakes when it comes to like their marketing strategy and everything else look Century Tournament of Champions should be and needs to be a wi to get in event you can’t just say well

They know part of the elevated field so they earn the right to be there why is why is Tommy Fleetwood there that that that dude has never won on the PGA tour he has exactly zero wins on the PGA tour he’s a guy that is another negative maybe for Nike it’s one of

These guys who like Jason day you pay him a bunch of money and he doesn’t produce and if you say hey this guy is in a bust well look at definition of bust in terms of you’re supposed to have some type of expectations and no one would have signed Tommy Fleetwood or

Jason D to the huge contracts they got had they gotten the performances that they got you look back in time you’re like that was definitely a bust you need the passage of time to be able to realize whether something was a bust or not and we can definitively say right

Now unless Tommy Fleetwood wins a couple Majors next year you’re kind of a bus dude great personality great person but you’re right doesn’t win and it’s just kind of one of those where it’s like at a certain point you have to ask yourself what are you doing like why

Aren’t you winning and more importantly if you’re Tommy Fleetwood why aren’t you playing 75 tournaments a year obviously we know that’s impossible but you get what I’m saying why aren’t you playing every single freaking week oh yeah because you got Nike money you don’t care also I mean there’ll always be that odd

Nedb back classic or something one of these random tournaments overseas that he can win and everyone touts how great he is hey Tommy you got a great swing you got nice hair but that that doesn’t say you get you the the Nike money that you got hey he’s an English man with good

Teeth maybe I I never looked at his teeth actually well they’re they’re better than average over there let’s put it that way no I’m I’m kidding I’m kidding guys I’m kidding I’m kidding no he’s a he’s a good guy it’s just one of those where again you’re it’s confusing

Because it’s like why are you there you should not be there you have no reason to be there you’re not a champion so PGA Tour I know you’re not going to listen to this because you’re idiots and because you want to sit there and lick J Monahan’s nut sack for the rest of

Eternity because you think he’s a god when he’s actually single-handedly brought your entire company to the to to ruin but please for love of God somehow will listen to me stop inviting non-champions from the past year to the tournament of Champions you know what this does this whole invit invitation of

These random dudes it just not only Waters down the field but just shows how arbitrary and Whimsical all these guys fields and qualifications are because you you literally have a title that says tournament champions and you have guys who haven’t won and it makes situations it removes the strength the

PGA has when they make arguments that exceptions cannot be made for players like Shad Tuton I think we also have to address this issue right now thank you so much I’m going to take a second on this mic here thehat totin big boy pants golf video is

Over 25,000 views I post you know the screenshot of the views on usgaa on Twitter on their own little Twitter account or the corn fairy tour just to say hey now it’s up to 25,000 views when it’s up to 30 it’s up to 30,000 when are you going to address the chatut and

Situation this dude got penalized his car because the corn Fair tour rules officials don’t know rule 1.3 B2 where when you’re placing a ball back on the green it’s up to the players’s reasonable judgment to determine if the ball’s placed in the right spot even if video evidence later says you didn’t put

In the right spot because you want to be held to the same standard as everyone not on camera folks this is the cause theour I believe I pronounced that correctly of the year there’s still time because they didn’t let in any of the the guys who actually earned their way

Onto the tour into these fields in the in the beginning you got to still be mule status until you wi 10 times and now you can get into that Billy horel category for a few years right and this is kind of the thing guys when we see these Tournament

Of Champions stuff going on and we see randos getting invited there and they’re not randos they’re great players but they’re guys who didn’t meet the qualification of being a champion the last year when you do this the PGA Tour has shown time and time again that there’s no reason for you to leave

Players like Chad toon out you know what’s awesome Jake Spang golf is the history of remember in 2021 because of covid they increase the field because they weren’t gon to have enough guys in there right 2022 we go back to the tournament Champs idea and then willy-nilly 2023 they’re like hey you’re

You’re welcome in folks it’s time to ask the PGA Tour to be consistent in their standards that’s all we’re asking for I don’t care if it’s if it’s a bad standard I don’t care if it’s a good standard just make it consistent because right now it’s rules for thee not rules for

Me folks subscribe share and like this is Jake span golf peace pimps


  1. Looks like the LIV tour again has affected the PGA'S decisions once again with this so-called CHAMPIONS event! haha

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