Can I beat a Scratch Golfer Playing From The Red Tees? | Handicap 6,1 VS Handicap +0,3

Juan Fernandez de Mesa, better known as ¨Cuen¨ challenged me to play a match in my home course, ¨Costa Ballena Club de Golf¨. We didn´t want to use handicap so I came out with the idea of playing from the ladies tees/front tees and no strokes. It was extremely interesting playing with him. I learnt a lot of tips to make my golf game better.

I hope you liked it.

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Guys welcome back to the channel in today’s video we have quen D2 golfer what’s up well uh it’s great to be here with you um let’s go play our match yeah let’s go we’re going to do a five hole match so he’s going to play from the

Back te I’m going to play from the front no strokes and let’s see if I can bat him it’s not going to be easy so let’s go on in this uh first hole I got uh 205 M I’m going with my uh full iron I’m going to hit a pretty straight ball to

The pin straight to the pin and let’s see what we can get a bit short 123 m to the pin into the wind so I’m going with a little eight perfect I’m a little bit short of the hole and now I got a 15 M uh chip I’m just going to hit my

58 almost wow actually roll a lot I have for bird the chance let’s see if I can do it that will be huge for this video let’s go let’s go so this is the second hole and one down and here in this part four I’m just

Going to hit a baby fate straight into the middle of the faway damn I’m one up I have 100 m less than Quin so let’s hit it close and let’s see if I can go two up in this hole let’s [Applause] go should be safe okay guys so we got 93

M to the pin uh I got a with this hole I want to tie [Applause] it somewhere close these bolts really close to the pin so I have to put it close if I want to win this one let’s go 67 M let’s put it close it’s going to be right a little

Bit short but I’ll take it guys remember to drink water yeah he’s really really close so I have to make a great pot because it looks like he’s going to make birdie let’s try it hopefully if I’m able to make my six-footer it’s okay all right guys so

Now I got my sixf footer PT for for birdie and to to win the let’s see if I can make it who great pot damn let’s go come on we’re all square I’m May building the last hole and now here another po four um I’m just

I’m just going to hit a baby fate cuz this are a dark leg to the to the right and let’s see if I can win this hole oh my we’re live o I saw it it’s in play I have 321 m 50 less than quen I have to make this

I have to make this happen and win this one yep it I think you cannot really see it but he’s hitting the ball a mile it’s really good all right guys so uh my t-shot wasn’t the best one I wanted to hit a fade and it was straight to the left um

And then I think I shouldn’t H hit my drive here cuz um I have no room for my driver but well I did it uh and I’ve been lucky that my Vol is here and I can play it I can see the green I I think is

That way so we’re going to discover now where I’m going to hit it let’s see how is it really off ah hit it long but still there let’s see if I can make a par and tie this hole 118 m he’s not on the green so I have a chance

And I’m going with a pitching wi let’s put it on the Green Oh My sit down oo long I thought I was going to be short with a beaching wch but a little bit long I went long so now I have a Shar Pine not a lot of green to

Work with so I’m going with a 60 let’s see if I can put it close this is going to be really hard stop not my best but I have to take so my strategy in the this shot is going to be a low 54 I’m going to try to bounce

It just out of the grin and hopefully uh I will leave it pretty close to the to the hole and win the hole wow I liked guys I have to make it I have to make a really long pie in order to at least tie the hole let’s go no go go

Oh now I got two footer to win the hole let’s go yep great job it’s one up did you see that chip shot that was really really really good that’s a cool thing about playing with this guy that just by watching him play you’re just learning so let’s keep going so this is

The fourth hole uh I’m one up and now we got a pretty long part five it’s uh 58 M um and now I’m just going to hit a straight d h drive down the Fairway and let’s see if I can reach the Green in two dude that’s perfect that’s the best

Drive I’ve ever seen in this hole 455 M for me I want to cover the left Bunker all right guys this is just another quick reminder dring water it’s good it wasn’t my best drive way left but it’s okay I can still get to the Green in three because I cannot get there in two but let’s go with the hybrid shot yep I’ll take that I didn’t expect

This uh I hit my driver into the to the bunker now I need to lay up but uh I’m just going to hit my eight iron just uh to the fence way o well that’s going to be enough yeah I think so 160 m to the Green Oh to the

Pin uh I got some some we from the front so um I think I’m going to go with my seven iron I’m just going to hit a pretty straight ball as we say let put it close to the right it’s still on the green fting for birdie that’s okay we couldn’t find my

Ball and I thought it was in the water but luckily we found it so now I have 56 m to the pin this is a clear bir chance so as quen said in the last shot that’s pretty close oh that’s really bad go not even on the

Green as you saw I missed the green so I have to tiip it in ah ooh great try Milligan University go oh that’s a little bit short that’s a give okay all right guys so I just got this two footer again to win the match I’m actually not an easy play it’s not

As short as you think oh my God all right guys so we decided we’re going to play well we call it the golden hole but it’s going to be uh the one that wins the hole wins the match so let’s go for it all right guys

So last hole I got 146 m to the pin I’m going to hit my non iron and peer set let’s put it close that’s looking good oh yeah be sure but it’s okay 120 M for me and as quen said the one that wins this one wins so I have to make let’s

Go go go go go go go go go it is what it Is chance to win I literally pushed oh great speed though wait wait wait now I can win I have a chance if he doesn’t make it I can win he’s under pressure so probably let’s take advantage of that all right guys let let me tell you this this was probably the

Worst pad that I have ever thrown like for real it was pretty bad oh my I got my chance over here great job of course great job well done so Quin it was a pleasure playing with you yeah it was a pleasure playing with you too yeah I hope to see

You soon in the course and definitely in this channel because I’m sure people like how you’re playing I know you you feel like today you didn’t have your best day but I’m sure they’re going to have fun watching you play well yeah uh uh probably next time I we’ll play better okay

Guys no I liked how he played but of course he’s a scratch handicapper and I learned a lot so thank you for that yeah thank you for inviting me to your channel and oh I hope see you guys soon yep okay if you liked it you like subscribe oh yeah definitely and like

This video please yep


  1. un video genial la verdad, si te puedo dar una recomendacion para el siguiente video, seria poner la distancia del hoyo en total para hacernos una idea mas o menos, se que lo mecionabas hoyo a hoyo pero para que fuese mas visual, eso estaria muy guay, no lo digo como una critica si no como algo para que quedase mas chulo aun. Un saludo y sigue asi

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