Golf Players

The Sentry 2024 Recap, #Golf News, and ONE golf goal for 2024!

The 2024 golf season has begun, and with it, a new channel, welcome to Commit To Hit (SUBSCRIBE)!!!

Chris Kirk gets off to a hot start with his 6th PGA Tour victory, Theegala and Spieth make it interesting, but can’t close it out

My ONE golf goal for 2023

Golf news from the week featuring Rory, Phil, and Patrick Reed!

Here for rehab? Check my other channel @DMRehab

What’s up everybody welcome into commit to hit so new Golf Channel um if you’ve seen my SE me on my prior channels at DM rehab I’m going to be separating the golf kind of entertainment stuff from the golf rehab because rehab can be boring so I want to keep them a little

Bit separately uh if you do want to stick around for Rehab stuff go on over to DM rehab but today focusing on the golf content and the entertainment aspect of things um so going forward you can find commit to hit so c m Mii t t o

Hit on Twitter X and YouTube and Tik Tok all at that same handle there uh and I wanted to make it commit to hit so emphasizing both committing to golf shots that’s what I’m always saying to my buddies on the course what they’re saying back to me whenever we Duff

Wedges in like playing over a bunker always end end up duffing them into the bunker you got to commit to it you got to give it a full swing so committing to the shot as well as just committing to hard work so a little bit of a dual

Meaning there um and that’s that’s my golf brand going forward as far as the entertainment aspect goes like I said any rehab stuff still over at DM rehab if you’re interested in any of that if you need any Physical Therapy golf performance come on over see me there

But goal is to keep these short and sweet uh have coverage of the tournament for that week uh any golf news and then kind of cut it there don’t want to go crazy I know there’s ton of different golf stuff that you can get anywhere

Else keep it short and sweet for you and give you just what you need all right so today obviously covering the centy Tournament of Champions I don’t even know if it’s called it’s not I’m looking at the leaderboard right now it’s just called the Sentry now which is

Interesting and as always we’re always going to have the uh whether I’m at the rehab site whether I’m at well not working at the clinic but if I’m doing my videos DM rehab here always got the teal lights on me always got the uh the zins as well

Can’t beat them but anyway covering the senty which is now called because you don’t need to be a champion to get into it anymore designated event whatever uh golf landscape’s broken we’ll get to that in a later video so the Sentry for today my 2024 golf goals I know you hear from

Everybody I promise I’ve got exact one golf goal for 2024 and then just general golf news from the uh uh different story lines going on during the week so let’s start with the Sentry Chris Kirk just wrapped it up it’s about :15 eastern time uh we just had our first big winter

Storm of the Season got about 10 inches here nobody cares but um it’s always it’s it’s a probably an overplayed cliche but I think it’s very true seeing that first tournament in Hawaii haai especially when it’s snowing here uh it just kind of ramps you back up for golf

And really gets my juices flowing and ready to get back out there on the course playing simulator leagues but it’s just it’s not the same got to get back out on the course hoping for maybe well the snow’s not going to melt anytime soon so not going to get out

There anytime soon um but if it had been going the way it was maybe get a nice 50° day in January and get out there but uh with the 10 Ines sitting out there right now relatively un likely so Chris Kirk claims his sixth PGA Tour Victory today over pretty pretty stacked field

Uh Chris Kirk won last year was pretty consistent throughout fell off a little bit towards the end but obviously starting strong this year the end of the tournament today definitely had potential to be more kind of contentious and uh little higher anxiety for the viewer and the golfers but ended up

Being a little bit of a stinker down the down the edge down the end there um sah shoots 10 under but just couldn’t couldn’t get the uh couldn’t get a birdie or Eagle on the last hole to get it to 30 um he was looking for another well his

First big time win after winning at the fortnet fortnite whatever I know it’s not fortnite it’s foret foret fortnite it doesn’t matter um won that a few months ago spe had a real shot but he had a bogey got caught in the lip of the bunker on 16

Couldn’t really get it going after that uh I think made let’s see made yeah PA on a birdie bll number 17 and then only made Birdie on 18 so he couldn’t get to 30 either he finished in third at 27 under and Chris Kirk winning score was at 30

Under anybody else anybody else interesting like I said yeah it could have been a little more interesting with sahith and Jordan spe but they just couldn’t couldn’t get in the clubhouse to put any pressure oh no I lied Chris Kirk finished at 29 what do you do on

What you do on 18 let’s let’s go over the leaderboard here so switch things around a little bit let’s go picture and picture Chris Kirk uh yeah he parred 18 he didn’t need anything else um but yeah so wins by a shot over sah

Two over Jordan spe uh Ben on had a nice week sunjay shoots 10 under today along with siah shooting that 10 under Brian Harmon’s always there Colin I expect a little bit more out of Colin but uh nice nice showing today after crumbling last year losing to John Rah who just hunted

Him down in the final round there um Scotty had a tough third round but he’s he’s just always going to be there you think at some point he’s going to fall off but he just hasn’t uh I thought Xander was going to have a better day today didn’t do much could have put

Himself into contention but only shot so you think this capoo was a par 73 so like I think scoring average today was a 67 so you think he shoots one over the scoring average he gets it closer to that 63 64 he’s right there um anybody else interesting Eric Cole continues to

Play out of his mind just crazy consistent wins rookie of the year last year uh AE was doing very well but kind of fell off today only shot 200 under that’s just basically overpar uh havland not the best showing tough third round for him uh we don’t

Really need to see anything else after the top 25 there so that’s really the Sentry looking forward to next weekend uh obviously not as many big names there but uh one name that will be playing at the Sony next week is Kevin kizner so I think his for his first first

Uh first big tournament call uh I don’t know if he’s the plan is continuing to do this his golf game has fallen off a bit in recent last like two years um but what we saw today from kiz I thought was or the whole weekend from kiz was really

Really good um there was a poor take on Twitter that I saw I thought it was overwhelmingly positive on Twitter I did see one that he didn’t really have a ton of energy uh I didn’t really have I don’t have a lot of energy when I I’m

Just that had this monotonous voice and that’s kind of how I am I think kid is that way too doesn’t really get too high too low but he definitely brought some good tidbits and personal anecdotes about the guys on tour he’s more he knows all the guys he’s playing

On tour right now uh and I think if he did end up going full-time into the booth at some point over the next I don’t know year two years three years he’s gon to have a lot more relevance than somebody like Paul azinger hasn’t been out there in a while sure know some

Of the guy the Old Guard I guess you can say but he just I didn’t like ainger he didn’t do it for me he didn’t have any energy either he just has some weird quirks about him that made him funny at times but like I said kid kids had some

Really good anecdotes brought some good like golf nerd and technical stuff too had the viral moment when he told spe just it’s three-foot putt buddy just put it in um so I thought it was really good and if if you’re NBC you get a viral moment like that you have somebody

That’s younger more engaged with the players and more engaged with people uh online with what he’s he’s done with foreplay So Def more wellknown uh across golf as a whole young and old so I think his first performance I I honestly put him on par with Trevor uh over at CBS

And Trevor last year was his first full year uh kid jumped right in the booth and I thought from a overall entertainment standpoint I got just as much out of kid from an enjoyment standpoint as I did out of Trevor I think Trevor is really good over at CBS

So we’ll see where that takes kid going forward but I liked it a lot um so that’s about it for the you know I I didn’t really need to be on that anymore let’s go back to the full screen here so let’s go to my golf goals here like I

Said it’s only going to be one for this year last year I had like five so it was swing speed get my driver to 110 I believe average putts per round at no more than 30 and then the big one the main one was the handicap getting to a

Six with a few others that are more golf stats but this year it’s just one and I’m keeping it with the handicap keeping that at the six and I figured in order for me to get to a six all that other stuff is going to come along with it I

Need to improve my swing speed get a little bit further distance I’m carrying at about on average uh based on the trackman stats carrying a like 240 driver rolling out to like 255 so I need a little bit more there um what else the the putting has to fall into place the

Overall I need to practice putting I need to practice all these other things otherwise I’m not going to get down to that six handicap if I do everything else I’m going to get there right last year I started at a 95 this year I finished at a 97

So I felt a lot more consistent this year uh but it just I didn’t have those real low rounds at my ceiling like I think I shot over 90 like twice this entire year I probably played 40 50 rounds of golf uh but I just couldn’t I

I only broke 80 one time so I just need to get more of those kind of peak Peak rounds in there and I think I’m right there uh so that’s that’s it one goal for for the 2024 golf season get to the six by getting to the six all of that

Other stuff has to fall in fall into place so nice short and sweet like I said I know you get golf goals from every YouTube place I’m going to keep it nice and simple for you one golf goal goal getting to a handicap of a six little more tea next last thing for

You so not too long oh we’re only like 10 minutes in we’re good golf news for the week so Rory big thing with Rory this week he had a he had a nice interview I think with a with like a soccer podcast I don’t know if he said it on there or somewhere

Else but he had a bit of a an about face on live basically let’s bring up let’s go picture picture again I think I got these tweets pulled up um yeah let’s go to Rory here so Rory’s quote uh says can’t believe the PJ tour is done as

Well as it has for so long with Liv I think what Liv has done is expose the flaws in the system and what golf has uh what do he thinks that the Saudis have exposed that asking for millions of dollars and you’re not able to guarantee the sponsors that the players are going

To show up so yada yada and then he he said some other stuff about how he was maybe a little judgmental in the beginning and that uh not everybody’s in the same position as him or tiger so definitely not as cool towards the the Liv Golf League at this point um had a

Nice response from Greg Norman so everybody’s a little bit more buddy buddy we had a nice response from let’s go back to Phil what Phil had to say Phil not using this opportunity to pile on which is nice uh everybody’s getting a little more buddy buddy you feel like everybody’s

This deal is going to get done between the PJ tour and live and everybody’s going to come back together at some point and it really just kind of makes you think like was all of this necessary why couldn’t they be this cordial in the beginning I get Phil had

His gripes about what was going on at the PJ tour Rory felt like he had to be on his like moral High Ground the whole time which he basically was embarrassed by J Monahan for kind of keeping this moral High ground and being all about

The PGA Tour so I think if in the beginning if Phil was able to put his ego aside if Greg Norman could put his ego aside Rory could put his ego aside where we would be and we wouldn’t have had to deal with going on three years of this

Ridiculous just at this point um it’s really unfortunate that we’ve had to go through all this but uh hopefully by the time we get to the Masters everybody’s kind of going to be back together that’s the new the deadline that they have I believe we’ll

See if it gets done by then but I would like to see it get everybody back on and playing together get John Ron back get Cam Smith back um and it it’s just GNA be so much better for the game of golf for the fans the general entertainment

Product so we’ll see where we get and then last thing just uh another fun one where else just Pat Reed just getting clowned uh so he yeah if you remember I think last year around this time uh had a court documents that went in and trying

To get like $750 million or something I think that might have been the number it was a crazy number might have not been in that high but it was it was a ridiculous number suing like PJ tour and brandle shambley and a Golf Channel I

Think and turns out let’s see uh Ru that Patrick Reed indeed will be ordered to pay brandle and the other news outlets that he was suing just totally got flipped and he’s the one that has to pay these guys back so just totally got clowned God he’s a loser I don’t like

Him at all um but I will say he does bring some entertainment and he’s on this news section for me probably one of the bigger news out points of the week um whether it’s controversial whether it’s a negative impact for him it’s more fun more entertaining for the golf industry

As a whole if Patrick Reed is not kind of cast aside playing at Liv where nobody cares about him and he’s he’s more Center Stage along with guys like Bryson Shambo you need some of those villains like make it more WWE like get some of these villains get some of these

Guys that we like and just make it more entertaining instead of just a bunch of good guys like I don’t know like Chris Kirk like Eric Cole they’re I’m sure they’re really nice guys and they have good stories but like not everybody can be a good guy you can’t root for

Everybody all the time uh just makes this sport more boring and and you want to root against people you know that’s where I’m at at least and uh with that that’s that’s it for first episode we got what do we got here let’s get back to the golf area there 15 minutes easy

In and out that’s the plan for this week keep it around 15 20 minutes um for this week and as we go forward so thank you for tuning into the first episode of and first video of commit to hit like I said we’re going to be or I’m going to be on

All of the social channels Twitter Youtube Tik Tok and then I’m going to try and break some of this down into little Clips to make it more shorter form so a little more digestible if you if people don’t want the uh 15 20 minutes but we’re going to be here

Planning on doing it every week for the majors doing live shows uh after just after the round I try and keep those at 10 minutes always ends up at 20 minutes and then hoping to sprinkle in a couple additional videos during the week as we

Go maybe my own golf game see if I can show you guys how I’m getting to the six uh like I said right now it’s it’s mostly simulator golf but I’ve got a simulator in my garage and uh we’re going to get there but besides that I’ll

See you next time thanks for tuning in peace

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