Balance Beam and Emblem on Glove Goes at Target

First of all for the balance um I like to do this let’s go and let’s have you stand on this balance here just a moment right and so if you would hop up there getting your golf set up yes please I know right get athletic

Look I’m not so you don’t fall right so and then the club would be down to the ball is it too close it’s too close move the we got to move everything back hand okay I know right this is funny I’m barely off the ground and I’m like oh

There nothing you know what’s funny look watch this um Dustin Johnson who’s a top golfer in the world he practices this oh you see so like we do stuff like this in golf as golfers we’re we’re trying to do balance stuff so this is like the be

This is like the kid stage level this is yeah for old for first you know what I mean so yeah it’s tricky right so the whole point of this is what if you had lava right now underneath you and you were going to swing and hit this ball

What position are you going to be in the most athletic ready ready position because if your weight’s too far on your heels and you lose your balance to the back that’s not good right might my feet where I’m supposed to be on this thing yeah yeah uh I’d go wider with your feet

Slightly wider yeah like that that looks good there right now you’re ready Cool the center yes yes now now here’s what I want you to do let’s put this on your Club so here put this on your Club okay now I want you to come down

Make your swing back and then when you come down I want you to stop right here and have the face straight so let me see a try we make a swing and then come back down and stop it impact nope so stop go slow and then stop there now when you

Get to impact to keep the face straight remember it’s the back of your left hand that you have to keep beding with no so that’s not this hand’s pushing I can feel it the the left hand has to be the leader look um watch this there’s there’s a video hang on a second

Here Tiger Woods he does clinics right and look what he says he says right here listen what I also try and do is try and feel emblem on my glove goes at the Target as long as I can keep it going the back of your left hand or the

Emblem on your glove should be going where towards the Target right which means the left hand is the focal point not the right hand okay many people are trying to control with the right hand and they can’t it’s like pingpong you know how in ping pong how we like direct

The ball like this or in throwing in a frisbee your hand’s in the same position like this that’s the feeling that you want with this left hand is the left hand going at the Target now if you would hop up there again get athletic make your swing and

Then point the left hand at at the Target on the way through here take your time triangle hinge keep your balance and then the back hand straight through okay now let’s see where you pointed your hand I Know It’s Tricky it’s actually working if you will by me having you

Stand up there intuitively as you human you’re finding the most centered place that you should be at balance right and so isn’t that crazy yeah it’s intuitive because every human’s built differently so everyone balances themselves um differently so this is pretty good you’re a little bit better with your

With your butt to your heels so maybe this is correct though for you because it seemed like you’re balanced and so see the thing is it’s not like one size fits all in a way I have to figure out cuz like how I’m built I’m built like a

Pigeon I have a broad chest and a barrel chest so like like for me my balance point is going to be different and I I broke my back years ago and they said I have a little extra forward lean so maybe that I don’t know maybe yeah maybe

That’s maybe that affects you somehow could be could be could be it’s all related um now let’s see you go up this way good keep your balance then come back down and then we want to see the glove pointing the face straight now let’s see let’s see that’s that’s pretty good

Now look the face looks like on this camera on the left it looks like that face is pointing at the Target so I’ll take it it’s hard to tell on this side the back of the glove looks like it’s at the Target there and now look the arm is

Straighter yeah remember how the arm was bending the theer arm was bending because the right hand was trying to finish it in golf it’s more of a left-handed follow through

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