Golf Players

Ep17 CHRIS BRACKETT’S LANDLIFE 2024 don’t give up!!! still get that Buck & prepare spring planting.

LandLife tells you how to look at hunting after the first of the year and what to do to prepare for next year. Its about Flow and how the deer move , and what happened with the Huntr podcast

Well hello everybody I’m Chris bracket you’re watching land lifee landlife podcast is brought to you by Herman Brothers realy it’s where I’m a broker in Illinois and I just love land I love selling land I love working on land I love Consulting all over the country actually I just got off the computer

Just now with a gentleman from out of state that was looking to tweak a property in Illinois and it was it it was the best hour that I think somebody in that position that’s eight hours away could do hasn’t really been on the property knew enough about the property

To buy it and then just really wanted to back up what he thought he already knew about how Illinois deer moved and first we established where the big pieces of agar where the deer were going to flow out from this Timber his Timber and out into the big fields where they

Want to socialize and where they want to feed what I call the hard crops which are like corn and beans even if they’re like not standing that our food plots they they’re they’re where the deer are going to go and they’re going to socialize the Bucks are going to do buck

Things and the Dos are going to do dough things and that’s where they’re going to do the runting behavior really at night I mean they’re nocturnal creatures right so uh I love land and I don’t know man it’s just something special about today you know I’ve taken a little time

Off not really for any other thing or any other reason than just to kind of refocus on where everything is going I know that this podcast is where I’m supposed to be at I know that doing other podcasts talking about a broken world where men Chase

White tails and they get their lives out of whack because of the things and the wants that they you know think they need and they don’t really need them they need the gospel most people know God they know Yahweh they know Creator they were raised Catholic or Methodist

Or something that has more ritualistic understandings and undertones um than to just know Jesus Christ as a savior and so I talked to a lot of men over Christmas break I’m going to call Christmas break I’ve been sitting down uh on the sidelines for Christmas I told you marry Christmas

That big bucks were going to show up till about the 26th and a lot of really big deer did the full moon was on the 26 we watched a lot of big deer die you if you were on Instagram or social media at all you saw a lot of big deer die right

There around Christmas and that was that full moon that 48 hours before the full moon that I love so much a lot of big deer showed up if I had a tag left I’d have killed a big one and just here recently in the in the last three or

Four days you’re watching a lot of big deer all of a sudden make it back to food that they haven’t been on all season some of them all season long and and one of one of the big deer we call him long duck dong from 16

Candles my wife named him CU why not because it’s a hilarious name hilarious it’s a character if you haven’t seen 16 Candles it’s a be movie from the 80s and it’s hilarious and and uh we were trying to come up with a a name for this deer and that’s what she

Laughed and said and if you know anything about my wife if you know that she that’s completely out of context for her so it makes it fun to name a deer and Chase a deer he’s a giant eight- pointer 160 in eight pointer he’s got a

Little four so he’s got nine maybe 10 points but he’s an absolute Mega giant at six years old and he’s on the top of the hit list for next year uh didn’t really go after him this year because I was tagged out by November 4th but I’ve been on a Christmas

Break I think in life sometimes you have to just take a break for yourself um what really happened is that my whole family got the the vid they got sick uh I went to kind of just clear my head and went to the farm stayed in my Airbnb out there and I

Spent time getting rest getting really good sleep really writing down the goals that we have for the year we have quite a few clients that we need to you know one get them on the computer went out and get this new computer to make sure that it

Was fast enough to be able to do the online stuff I need and the editing and all this production so this just made our job a lot easier structuring the property pre conso which is online where we go over the property that’s been a real bear for me

As um a lot of the computers I had man were just dinosaurs and they weren’t they weren’t working up to capabilities that I wanted so uh we want to up went ahead and upgraded big upgrade really fast computers does everything that I wanted just tested it out on a client

Today like I was telling you about his property in Illinois we established today where to put the food plots got into the 3D rendering drawings of it and were able to show the flow and how they come out of the bottoms and going in and saying Hey listen I recommend getting a

A dozer in here or getting somebody that can clear the plots I have people if you if you don’t find them um he happens to be within two hours of me so we have all the access to to be able to create the roads and I guess hire people help you find

The right people so this just worked out um and man this new computer this thing is so fast and I I think you just got to have the right production and the right level of equipment and my stuff was a little old just like me uh it was the

Best of the best at the time but not not recently it’s just everything’s so fast computers are fast the the little computer you hold in your phone the little iPhone so fast and so I wanted to be Johnny on the spot when it came to doing the online consults which is where

You and I actually use the the you know uh the the the video camera and the the screen share and this is where we get to look at each other have a a great conversation imagine being able to and I would have loved this this

One of the reasons I created it was I would have loved to ask the people that that still know more than me I would every day pay somebody to teach me knowledge to get me further along so I could have a face-to-face conversation and I can go on and I can figure stuff

Out faster and that’s what we do on a lot of on a lot of properties and um this gentleman didn’t need any help planting or or really doing anything but looking at how does Illinois work how is the pressure do you hunt the bottoms do you hunt the tops you on the three

Quarter sides of the hillside where would you create a brand new food plot how what would you put in there those are the things we went over today and in the last um I think the last two weeks that we haven’t aired a landlife podcast I really think it was about the

Direction if you guys hadn’t heard Hunter podcast with Jeremy and Jared um I did a tell all I did a tell all story where I told about the poaching incident in Indiana how it all worked who was involved who really stole the footage how I knew it didn’t matter about what I

Did um that it was very much an agenda and I knew immediately that it it didn’t matter about pleading my case to either of the world or the judge or the uh what was it federal states attorney or how however you call that I knew real quick it wasn’t

About just me I knew it was about the agenda of that I was going to be made an example of and so I very fast very fastly or in a very no waste of time pled guil because I was guilty but I wasn’t really guilty of everything that they they they

Pile on you I had never been in trouble with the law before so I didn’t really know that they’re going to charge you with all of this to make sure one thing sticks so I knew real quick that I better I better just you know stop running and I I better

Just get down to Brass tax I wanted to just tell them I I invited him in my house if you don’t if you guys don’t know what I’m talking about I was charged with the Lacy act uh violations when was that seven eight years ago but it happened the violation

Happened over 10 years ago and so all this stuff had been in my past but a lot of people just they wanted answers so I figured instead of getting on here on my platform and having a very skewed you know maybe look of of how I told the tell the

Story uh I thought it was great to get with a company or a group of people that one wanted to know the answers number two that would be younger than me that would be able to have a voice for the people asking the questions and so that’s why I went with the hunter

Podcast if you don’t know who they are look them up on YouTube Spotify Apple same place as we are with the land Life podcast and uh it’s hu n t Hunter podcast check them out uh it was an episode from a couple weeks ago dropped right before Christmas um once that

Aired it did you know 50,000 viewed on uh YouTube and I felt like it it needed I I felt like I needed to take a break after I got all that off my chest and there was really no drive to do a new podcast here with

You in until I felt the need to and it really kind of got to a place where I I I felt like I needed a rest I had been 10 years of me holding not really the secret but really not sharing what went on for for my own reasons for my own

Health my own mental health and I let that just kind of soak for the last couple weeks and if you didn’t check it out go ahead and go check it out it’s 3 hours long and I felt like it was a really good way to do it a really way to talk

Good way to talk about it and and U and in that I rested I rested through Christmas my my aunts were SI sick with the vid my mom was sick with the vid my wife was sick with the vid and I just stayed away and uh I really just kind of stayed away

In the in the situation where um I I felt like it was a great time to take some time to myself because life gets really wild and since I had to sit in timeout I had to sit out for 30 months and I had to pay

$30,000 and I actually had to sit out while I was in bond and that meant that I couldn’t have any weapons so I couldn’t hunt either so I spent pretty much three years not being able to hunt or have a weapon I did my time I learned

A lot about myself I learned a lot about what I thought Psalms 23 was you know fearing no evil my old television show on outdoor Channel and really I believe it was more about laying near The Still Water which it also talks about in that verse and it was really about being

Still and so it reminded me about the time when I got in trouble and for a year I didn’t have anything I literally had to sell things to survive I had no friend no no not very many friends around uh the people that were around I

Don’t even need to say their name they know who they were and they were here here for me a lot of people weren’t a lot of people have then reached out since I’ve done this podcast a lot of people felt like maybe they gave me a

Raw deal or they weren’t there for me and that means a lot but they have to understand that it’s not about that relationship for me if you left that situation you had two reasons to leave that situation one you didn’t know what to say to one of the toughest guys that

You knew right which I would just let’s be honest I’m I’m built a little different I don’t lose I either learn or I win and if I learn that just means I’m going to get up again right it’s not a matter of if if something happens to you

It’s a matter of what you do when you get knocked down when something happens when you screw up when you do something bad or make a mistake or hurt somebody it’s not what you do when you that you that happened because it’s going to happen you’re human it’s a matter of

What you do after it happens and for me it was very public and it was very much a lot of hatred and very much A lot of people dis disappointed and if you don’t know what I’m talking about you need to go listen to the hunter podcast and the

People that were there for me there was a lot of people in my family my sister didn’t know what to say or do my father didn’t know what to say or do my mom didn’t know what to say or do except to say she loved me had a couple friends

Come alongside me and you know just help me get through daily struggles in life because I couldn’t work I was under Bond know these big charges and publicly everything that I had ever done I had got taken away from me or allowed to be taken away from me because you know

People meant it for bad God meant it for good and he knew that I was strong enough to make it through all this but I only made it through this by reading the gospel and learning the gospel i’ already gave my life to Christ before

This but to know the gospel and to know what it says about that this world isn’t my home has really spoke to the mission in my life at 46 years old going forward my life with gray hair Gray beard um having this podcast room and creating this from nothing continuing to keep

Building it I we right now in the middle of do we offer sponsorship so if you’re out there and you want to be a part of this Mission the mission is going to be probably allowing seven to 10 sponsors to be a part of this Partners um immediately like immediately I want to

Take this into something bigger everybody’s craving some type of chis bracket aof Affliction fear no evil shell and I have this landlife Vision to not only do two of these podcasts a week but to continue to grow it we have a new couch right here we have a new setup

This will be uh a place where guests will come and we’ll we’ll get we’ll get into different conversations and let this thing evolve tell about different products that are out there and it’s not always going to be about what are the deer doing but it’s really that’s a

Really good subject when what are the deer doing um is during the season because everybody wants to know what deer doing and if they don’t want to know what deer are doing they probably aren’t watching or listening to the wrong podcast and uh and right now the deer

Are doing exactly what they’re supposed to they are finally into a winter feeding situation where they are now out and about looking for the radishes and the you you know like the Braska Blends like Gold Fever from white gold they’re out there crushing them they’re eating

The oats and winter rye and and winter wheat they’re eating those grain tops right now because they’re still green and growing Clover is absolutely fire if you got a beautiful Clover Field like a a white gold like Clover Rush field those are my favorites they’re crushing them they’re

Not hit the Alfalfa that Alfalfa’s kind of over its peak but this Clover is still growing that temperature is that that dirt is probably only 50 something degrees and every time it gets a little bit of snow or rain or something everything that’s out there that’s still

Growing like a perennial like a a clover a white Clover Clover Rush it’s still getting a little bit of growth and these deer absolutely crushing it I got 30 40 Deer in most of my Fields right now going to the standing beans um they’re eating all the Sorghum

They are eating the Clover and headed out to the standing beans is pretty much standard right now what’s going on I still have a lot of skinny looking bucks I think December was whether we saw it on trail camera or not I believe that December was really tough for some of these bucks

Surviving breeding some of these fawns early breeding some of these Doe that were left over that didn’t get bred the first round I believe December was really really tough for a lot of these big bucks I just had my buddy Sam uh from Kentucky uh shout out to Sam

He just was texting a second ago going man I think that soybeans are the way to go and Sam I’ve always said that soybeans are the best source of a hard what I call hard crop for deer but I always bring them through a clover through an

Alfalfa and a clover through maybe some brasas out to the hard crop out to the beans corn on the other side I don’t plant full corn because those beans are so powerful and some years they’ll go all corn and a year like this year I just got done telling them hey man don’t

Worry about just the corn plot you planted cuz he was like I don’t think the deer hting the corn like they hit the soybeans last year and I said whoa hold on a second you cannot compare last year 2022 to 2023 season it that those are two separate universes alternate universes this year

Is an anomaly if you don’t know what an anomaly means an anomaly is something that is unlike anything else uh this year you need to chalk it up to hey mama said there’d be days like this mama said there’d be years like this and this year you need to identify

And even maybe go back through your trail cam pictures take time at your desk it might be not as cool as the desk that Danny made me in the room that we built but um you know you you can you can go to your desk and and I would

Write this year down the year that the full moons ended at the end of the at the you know October 28th October or November 29th uh December 26th when those full moons are shifting to the end of the month H it seems to be a trend that those those Moon cycles really affect

And I and know Captain red moon and the people that talk about the red moons and all this stuff I think they’re going to know more in depth than me but I just know on how years go and when those happen you have these full months of just really

Very this year we have very very stale year what I mean by stale is the the wind in Illinois and and then you know you can kind of gauge I always said that remember Illinois is kind of like your good gauge in the middle it’s not North Dakota Nebraska and Kansas it’s not

Indiana Ohio Pennsylvania it’s kind of right in the middle right so it’s a it’s a good a good place to where going around the Great Lakes all the fronts kind of they kind of build from Illinois you’re either days after Illinois or your days in front of

Illinois so in Illinois we had very stale systems that meant these systems that normally built out west I feel like a weatherman right now over here to the left we’ve got these nice little uh blue clouds now so you’ve got these clouds that come in from the West come across

Iowa come across Minnesota and down through and and then normally they tackle Illinois and our state will split and a lot of stuff up north will get the ice and the snow a lot of stuff that we’ll get kind of in the middle here we’ll get a lot of Frosty nastiness a

Lot of rains uh Southern Illinois and you’ll see this come through and then you’ll see it go around the great lakes and then up into New York and they’ll normally get the snow and some of Pennsylvania and then you’ll see the front it’ll come down and it’ll go like

North Carolina that so if you’re listening to this podcast and you hear about the weather systems and things if you if you want kind of a a precursor to what your weather is going to look like start studying what and how it comes across the Midwest through Iowa through

Illinois and if we’re getting it a day or so ahead of you find out what your deer start doing preliminary when you get these fronts a lot of times remember the front will suck into you know this is if this is Illinois and this is Indiana over here and this is Iowa when

This front’s coming through um this front is think of it as a big tidal wave okay and to get the stuff for the wave it has to suck the pre kind of pre-wave in and then when the in the front or the wave gets here right the the it kind of sucks

Into the system and then the wave gets here and falls over you guys are listening out there what I’m talking about is Imagine waves on o where they the Tide goes back and then the wave crashes over and that’s the same part as a front a lot of times

You’re going to see a very unstable system with one there either there either isn’t a front coming at all and and it’s just stale which means no wind five M hour wind very stale the fish the deer the critters they don’t want to move if you get this front coming it’s

Kind of an uh an activate for Critters to move or feed or want to go and search and you know sometimes it’s it’s for animals that have homes and houses and dens and things they create sometimes they get feisty and they have to build those up and squirrels making nests and

Things but in the white tail world it’s about okay what do I need for food and then is everybody going to the grocery store at want and going out into the world and you know feeding on the Clover that they need and feeding out into the beans that they need and going

Okay well I want some candy I want some corn and they go out in the corner what are they feeding are they feeding before that front gets here sometimes sometimes you’ll find a lot of Doe’s and and fawns that will feed as uh maybe a day before that wind

Starts sucking East you’ll just have this kind of funny feeling where you’re like o there’s a storm brewing I know what I’ve heard the weatherman talk about the the storm brewing out west and a lot of times you’ll see deer get on their feet and you’ll think oh it’s time

To hunt there’s a front coming and I haven’t I can tell you that on two hands the individuals I’ve talked to this week that went back and listened to the podcast and said so you you talk Chris they’re like Chris you talk a lot about you talk a lot

About hunting after the front is already here you don’t you don’t talk a lot about when the front gets here and and so what that means is I hear a lot of people um my friend Doug um Guy Brian that I talked to on the phone a couple other people via

Facebook messenger and consults they were all talking about how they’ll go brave and look forward to that snow and that rain and that wind and all of this this front getting here and pounding them and I said that that’s great sometimes you’ll get a big deer that that really needs food or feels

Froggy because of that front and moves in that front and in that nasty weather but the big buck Killers know the big buck Killers know that once the front gets here whether that’s snow cold wind rain whatever that is you let that pound the Midwest or your state or

Your area for two days and those deer will do exactly what me and my wife do as gray haired people me gray hair she still looks like she’s 16 years old I met her when she was 16 and we were friends and she still looks the dang

Same so me I’m the one with the stress and white beard but me being the leader of the family I will just shut the family down I will just say nope we’re just going to stay in we got enough deer in the freezer we’ve got enough TV we

Pay for we can just stay in I’ll do work on the computer and for me I stay in while that that’s pounding and snowing and blowing and freezing and while everything is pounding on us and and I will say no we’re going to stay in just like the bigger older more mature

Deer they’ll do the same thing they’ll just sit there and they will withstand that for two or three days and they may get up a little bit but they’ll do it at dark and they’ll browse a little bit they’ll socialize get up and move around a little bit and

Then after about two or three days you’ll see it in ducks and geese ask where a cam we talk about this all the time there will come a warm-up normally your fronts are coming out of the West you means your big war West Winds are

Coming a lot of the stuff when it gets cold is coming from North Dakota and Minnesota and down into Illinois and this is the same whether it’s in the South or whatever when this cold gets here it’s normally coming out of that Northwest Northwest blowing just crushing blowing getting you know coming

In coming into the system and you just sit there like if you were got stuck outside in a cold cold just ice chilling wind you’re just going to sit there and take it boy when that stuff’s over you get that warm up out of the South little Southwest your front’s already here

Pressur Rising Cloud clouds part big sun shining weather’s broke the birds that are here the birds are singing the the pressure’s up 30 point whatever and Rising the barometer’s rising the Skies open up the sun’s glazing down those are the days that any duck hunter knows you’re killing big old greenhead mards

And the big big white tailed deer the big boys are going to be the first they’re feeling froggy they know they got to eat they just withstood the storm for two or three days and they’re coming to the food they’re coming to the field and they may be the first one on the

Field and that’s the day that you put all the chips you put all the chips on the food plot and all the preparation that you’ve done because big boy is going to walk on that high pressure sunny day when he’s squinting walking out into that field and you’re going to

Kill him early you’re gonna kill him because that’s the day he’s walking um so I think that if anything this podcast can change people’s life in in more of a strategic way of how they hunt more strategic way of how they go through life Christmas is hard man I’ll tell you

What Co was probably one of the craziest things I hadn’t had Co till about a day before thank U day before Christmas um I actually was so mentally drained that I could not see through it it it was scary very dark place like I had you know my my mom my

Mom not my mom’s doing great but man she you know she she’s got the cancer and um but she’s doing she’s doing awesome she’s doing awesome but just just the pressure of worrying about family especially somebody like your mom and then worrying about all the pressures of the F family

Sin my sister and my relationship um the hurt the not not really you know Christmas is one of those times where it should be the most chill um relaxed thing and if you have that in your life man you need to cherish it because

Most of us most of us are have a life that is not that way everything is stressful I mean even in me putting this podcast I know that there’s people going to be like he talks too slow he he’s too fat um he doesn’t know what he’s talking about about

Deer um there there’s all these pitfalls so that your mind can go there and for me as we approach Christmas I watched I know two things two things above all over my father died uh and was in the hospital with a stroke that we literally had to pull the

Plug on him um making that decision and reliving that every Christmas my dad and my wife’s dad died within two days of each other like December 26th and December 28th I think and both of our fathers you know were found on the floor and it’s very traumatizing

Post-traumatic stress for me and my wife without having kids it’s tough to get up in the morning some mornings you know and when life’s rocking you and so when as Christmas approached we know that that’s there we know that our mothers are getting older we know that the

Dynamics with my sister and her family are not always healthy and we and I’m in survive mode which is just like nobody talked to anybody everybody just what food do you want I don’t care if we put up a tree I don’t need any presentence and that’s me trying to just make it

Through I think that’s how a lot of us males are and then I try to communicate with my wife and then it becomes and gets really a very stressful because she’s trying to put on these generational uh these generational things of of a lot of them are sinful

Because a lot of them are about Creature Comforts and a lot of them are about um traditions and the Traditions make things crazy because they have to be a certain way this is the way we’ve always done it it is not said that in the Bible

I think we we think we forget everything when it comes to Christmas and just how calm and loving it should be and the trees should be second and the presents should be second and the good food should be hey if the guys like grillin then we’re going with grillin because

We’re going to go outside and there’s G to be no drama we’re going to grill the steaks everybody’s going to eat like kings we’re going to put the prime rib on the on the on the Trager we’re going to let that go and that’s what I would

Love Christmas to be at my house but that’s just not where we’re at right now so the the anxiety of healthy um chill Christmas uh put me o mentally over the edge as I had Co the days approaching and it made my life not worth living it made it so

Bad not because I hurt but I know that those people people with the with the Chinese virus made in China that made that sucker whatever they meant whatever they did it was meant as a nerve it was meant as a mental middle finger it made me not be able to think

It made me not be able to feel it made me not be able to see happiness I was so depressed and sad for three or four days that I would say besides I don’t know why you would want to live if you were putting on a ventilator and I lost a few

Friends that were put on ventilator if you were putting on a ventilator with Co I don’t know if you would want to survive especially alone in that hospital when it first came out because it was so mentally depressing that I have one guy that I text today that we were going to cancel

A consult because I literally told him I couldn’t think through it this before I knew that I had it we actually test for it it wasn’t just a cold right we I’m not around anybody it was definitely something that I knew that I needed to

Test because I needed to know why I was feeling a certain way like did I need to go talk to somebody or what what was going on and I tested for it and I thought man this is different than any every other you know Harrisburg crud or

You know Shot Show ATA show whatever stuff that I had ever contracted this was different this was a mental thing so I guess I guess what I’m saying is um if that happened to you like you just need to be aware like for me what did I what am I what I’m

Talking about it but what am I going to be aware about was one I text my guy today I said I owe you a phone call I did not mean to be as crabby or as I can send you your money back I just

Don’t know if I can you know I can’t I can’t even like I couldn’t even think right now about this subject because I was so depressed and I just said hey we can just cancel it I’ll just send your money back I text him today and I just said

Hey uh I don’t know what I was going through but I apologize listen I’ll leave tomorrow to come to your place I I will make it worth it but man I don’t know what it did to me mentally and so Christmas was hard it was a blur

I didn’t even remember it uh we made it through it mom was good everybody’s good and then my mom actually had a re a reboot of covid and was actually taking the ER and stuff and so it’s been a rough week and now here we are in 2024 I

Had a lot of people this week that I spent time with that were literally going listen man 2024 is your year and I’m like look man I’m healthy I’m happy I’m doing what I’m supposed to do I’m selling land um tweaking people’s Farms I’m helping them understand more about big white tales

And what to do I have my my you know kind of my year planned out and my my mother and my mother-in-law are kicking butt my through this last week or so I’ve been praying through it um me and my sister have talked a little bit um I’m really excited for this year

I I feel that mentally you um mentally it’s about the decisions and the calmness that you go go through so I guess I’m going to recommend this I took two weeks to myself I still answered calls I still did work but I took two weeks where I tried not to leave the

House and I actually was away from my wife which meant that like I could get really really good sleep and and it wasn’t that we were separated we were just you know it’s like if a guy had a a cabin or you know he he went on a golf Retreat or you know

Wife went with her sister and they went on a retreat I think it is great for the soul to just sometimes take a few days get a hotel room eat room service don’t do anything and just rest so I’m going to tell the men out there that if you are

Feeling just completely worn out and you feel like the devil is coming for you I don’t care if you have to go take five six hundred bucks go get a hotel room and just stay in that hotel room and eat in the eat in the restaurant down below

Order pizza in just take a timeout and and pray and spend time knowing what the gospel says that we have to guard our hearts and that we have to lead and that we have to know him and we just have to be able to be still sometimes because

The world is fast the world’s coming for us and uh I think even if you do that in deer hunting and strategically place the days that you’re going to go out and the strategy that you’re going to go for like if you’re already going like I felt

Like I hunted all over the place this year and I just hunted all the ground and I just felt like I I was always missing what was happening and you don’t have food plots for later on and you don’t really know what’s going on calm that just relax and calm that there are

People like me that yes for a price you can get on whail landlife decom and book me for an hour and we will go over a plan for your property while looking at maps and figuring it out and then if you want to do something further along like

Boots on the ground then we book that um but I know that I can help you and just know that there are people out there that can help you get knowledge to have better Seasons than you’ve ever had before ever there are a lot of people

Like I think the real the real world Group West and and some of his Crews have been doing consults all over the place man I have really wrestled with this I have two deer that I really want to take off my properties that I have still I don’t

Really have anybody to hunt them me and my friend that hunt them mainly are tagged out I don’t know if I just have my friends uh kind of generate lease money to go in and try to take out some of these older deer in the next I think we

Got 10 days um I don’t know what to do what I think I would really like to do is if we got sponsors to sign up pretty much Partners or sponsors and and I think you know who you are if you’re out there if you’re if you’re listening if the opportunity this

Opportunity you’ve been waiting for I think that if those people got on right now on with us under contract and that we were able to promote their products and have them on here and know that they were supporters I think those are the people that I would want to take over

The next 10 days and we would go out and bond and try to kill these bigger deer I think those are the partners that I want to have on on in the next 10 days to go out after these big deer that’s I think the plan if not I’m gonna kidnap one of

My nephews or make my wife go shoot one but we’re going to go kill we’re gonna go kill I’m not kill some Doe tonight what time is it I might go out and see if I can locate some of these bigger deer I think think so I think we’re

Going to do do it but I just wanted to come on here you guys and say thank you for all the people that reached out while watching the hunter podcast or listening to it and that have made land life Chris bracket land Life podcast a success I know that this is the mission

That I’m supposed to be on where we talk about a lot of things today is kind of just a catch up I just wanted to kind of tell you guys how Christmas is how these deer are doing a little bit you I want to talk about some things um I think this week

About what what we need to be planning for and I’m going to give you something to think about I think you need to be thinking about where you’re going to put Clover it’s Frost eating time coming up like you could Frost seed right now it’s

Going to come up in the spring but right now if you guys got food plots or areas that have grass or any of that stuff you could literally take your lawn mower out there and mow This Grass as low as you can get it and you could Frost seed

Really good Clover like white gold Clover rush into it at a little bit heavier rate and next spring I will tell you the right mix of imox to spray on that Clover and you won’t have a bit of grass or weeds in it it will be all Clover and

So I know there’s a lot of people that just be heard that a little bit and said hey can you repeat it listen to me Frost seeding is a matter of putting seeds down on the dead earth like right now in December right now January you put these seeds down and it

Freeze and thaws freezes and thaws freezes and thaws and that seed gets to the perfect depth and then come 50 degree weather in the spring those little baby clovers will pop out of the ground and start growing now at the same time the cool season grasses will start

Growing at the same time but you got to understand how everything works that’s a cold seasoned grass and a cool seasoned Clover and the cool seasoned stuff will grow together what do you think uh horse pastures and cattle pastures are they’re Clover and grass so now what we’re going

To do is we’re going to let them both grow up you’re going to get in there and you’re going to give it a little mow this is early spring you’re give it a little mow and you’re going to let the baby keep growing now your Clover just

Going to get bigger and your grass is going to get taller and you’re going to mow that grass the clovers are going to catch up to the grass and the clovers are going to keep coming and they’re going to be pure protein man high protein clovers big boys are going

To be shooting and they’re going to have you know instead of you know they’re going to have grass that are growing with them and they’re going to help them along and then what we’re going to do you’re going to take a four-wheeler sprayer or you’re going to take a handheld

Sprayer no real equipment at all involved in this and you’re going to go spray a ratio of about 6 oun per the acre of a chemical called imox imox I order it online have it Shi to my house and I spray imox all over what we

We put the seed down this March this February and now your grasses are going to slowly melt like the Wicked Witch of the East or whatever she was and and they’re just going to shrink and that Clover is going to blow up and the whole thing is going to be Clover and if

You’ve got weeds in it later on give her another spray about July and your whole your whole plot is all Clover and it is going to be absolutely perfect and you’re going to say so it’s just this easy to have food plots and I’m gonna say yes it’s that easy to have food

Plots so that is your little tip for right now your landlife tip is to get ready with the Clover buy some good Clover you can buy any kind of clover but you know down south they use stuff like Pennington Seed I think that’s got uh um um I forget what it was called

Freedom blend whatever but it it’s got kind of this little creepy crawly oh dur kind of clover dur Durant dur and it kind of creeps all over the ground and it has more stalins per square inch than most clovers do and I learned that from Ray the Genesis Wildlife group uh food

Plot Maniac he loves to teach about this stuff so the stalins all this stuff uh can creep and crawl across the ground which will keep the moisture in the ground which is great for some folks me up here where we’re at spoiled with Illinois soil I want this stuff tall

Producing lots of tonnage I’m going to go for the white clovers the big linos I’m going to go for the alfalfas mixed in with it um mixing some of that Duran in with some of this might be really drought resistant but one of my drought resistant areas that I go are I’m an

Alfalfa guy I’m a Roundup Ready a Roundup Ready Alfalfa guy in about a half acre area and if you’re looking to kill a big buck in the midwest in October and you are not hunting over alala you are crazy that is their preferred summer and October food is Alfalfa

Clover is like a candy sometimes that’s kind of sweet for them is kind of Rich for them they’ll they’ll eat it in O summer they’ll eat it in October they’ll eat it in November they’ll eat it in December they’ll eat it in January it’s a great one to have all the way around

But they don’t need a lot of it I’ve I’ve wanted to be like Lee and Tiff and plant these giant Fields full of clover that did not work for me as well as I’d like it because it seems like they come out they get it it’s really rich they eat it they move

On and so to me is I like to centralize that clover in a plot maybe beans maybe brassas things but I’ll have me a little area a little kill area that everything likes to come get a little bite of clover but it’s real Rich have you ever

Eaten a salad and had a salad full of spinach salad full of spinach man that’s a really rich salad but that iceberg lettuce they can eat a lot of it tends to be Alfalfa is something they can eat a lot of the Clover is really rich kind

Of I feel like it’s kind of like a spinach spinach salad really heavy really really rich um and that that’s what I’m going to say get prepared for boys and girls go if you’re out there hunting think about this when you’re out hunting right now in the late season y’all are walking up

10 foot 12T ladders in to get into these blinds there’s a lot of animals sitting in the woods looking out there and while you get up into that blind and get out of it imagine if you were to put that thing about four to six foot off the

Ground instead of 12 to 18 foot off the ground and you had a nice little I don’t know standing corn standing beans switch grass moscas you know and you had that covering and you could slip into the back of that blind and slip out of it if

You were in a stand on the side of the Timber instead of climbing all the way up to getting this ladder stand why are you not crawling in a little blind Turtle blind or something like this that’s completely camouflaged and you creep in the back and you creep out this

Is the that you have to start thinking about why am I hunting tree stands right now why am I not hunting a blind that’s made to disappear why am I not creeping in the back and creeping out can I not shoot a bow out of them do I like being

Out there and being cold this is where you guys got to really start thinking about your strategies because most of the stuff you can look on my Instagram if you look at Chris bracket landlife on Facebook and Instagram give me a follow check it out you’re going to see pictures there with

Bucks eating in the Clover and eating in nebrasca the Gold Fever and you’re going to see a blind in the background and then you’re going to see a tree stand up above it and people were like why why would you have a tree stand on the edge

Of a food plot and then a blind underneath it that disappears you know and I really am a big Advocate to be able to hunt out in the elements on that beautiful crisp day with the leaves still on and the green Clover and the leaves falling and everything I like

Being out and I like being in nature but when that weather is nasty or those deer are beted close or all the leaves are gone there’s I have no sense in there’s no reason for me to climb 15 or 20 foot up in that tree and then spook the deer on the food

Plot and get out of that tree and then go back to my truck I like having a blind that I could take my friend my nephew my wife I could creep in glass the food plot wait for him to move off slip in the back of that blind and start

Hunting wind in my face and that evening right shooting ‘s up and I start hitting the house any kind of coyote sound that you can make or whatever scare those deer off just enough to what if you did that in a tree they’d be like why why is

There a coyo in the tree but if you did that muffled all down into a blind or whatever even if you banged on the side of the blind they are way more apt to put up with that kind of noise than watching your big fat butt get out of a

Tree and I’m just telling you that it’s those kind of just common sense mental things right now and planning for next year that you can start getting away with L you got two weeks man if I took right now one of my blind Turtle blinds that’s sitting out here or one of my

Pop-up blinds that’s sitting out here and I wanted to go get it in the game I could go out there tomorrow in the middle of the day and either brush it here at the house put it on trailer and drive it out there if it’s it if it was

Frozen enough or take that blind put it in there get a bunch of pine branches and make it disappear I could slip into that blind and slip out of that blind way easier than my big butt getting up into a tree and getting out of a tree

Every time I wanted to hunt and it takes just that kind of effort to kill these bigger deer really really late in the season like right now and then you start using those tactics to early season and the middle of the season and the rut

Like it’s a lot faster for me to run up and dive into a blind Turtle blind and shut the door and be ready to hunt in the morning than it is for me to walk in hook up my stuff at the base of the tree climb up the tree pull my

Stuff up for me it’s about how can I be a sniper and how can I be a fish if I can just roll in and jump in the back of this this looks like a big giant Bush once I get it all decorated and stuff I

Just jump in the back of it shut the door I’m ready to hunt instead of going all the way in there climbing 15 20 foot so this is always been one of my tactics I’ve never been a 360 or a muddy guy a muddy blind or a redneck blind or a shadow Hunter

Blind I only got into the blind game because I started taking my wife and people and kids and my nephews to go experience stuff with me and that’s the main reason I got into the blind game I do not like rednecks I do not like muddies I don’t like their

Window systems I like Shadow Hunters I like 360s I like these ones Seth Burnham has over here in Poria but the window systems and the quietness are what it is for me and I don’t like to be off the ground really high I like to be too to

Four to six foot off the ground at the most I can pile stuff up in front of me I can get in and out of it and most of the guys I meet that are like that like the really tall blinds they’re all guys

That want to see I want to see them I want to see what’s going on well you and I are in the woods for the two separate reasons I want them to walk 60 yards and under in front of my blind that’s on the ground and I’m going to kill them you

Want to go to a show where you get to see all that happens and then you get to get out and they get to look at you get out of your blind and walk away I don’t want those animals to know I exist I’d rather be in tight quarters and when

They screw up I kill them instead of sitting up top watching a lot of acreage and chilling but that is the way I want to hunt and you can hunt the way you want to hunt but we are going to start this new mission of teaching the best

Way to gut deer teaching the best way to Cape deer why we’re going to Cape deer how to hunt deer 101 style my dream is to make a video series that has to do with straight up teaching the basics how to pick a part A Farm how to just kill a

Dough how to go about you know how to just go about field dressing and preparing the meat and I just want to go back to creating a video series probably online uh maybe turn into books I don’t know how much time we got for stuff I like selling land too much

Um I want I’m going to do a series to where it just talks about the Simplicity of how to hunt how to prepare the deer what rattling actually means what grunting snort wheezing what all these things mean and where they mean in different states and walk through it very slow if you don’t

Want to watch it you don’t have to but I think there’s a lot of people that need it and that’s the direction we’re going with this Chris brackets landlife stuff and if you want to be a supporter great also I want to talk about actual land

For sale we have a farm we’re developing right now I’m going to call it the sweet 60 it’s around 60 Acres in Illinois it’s got some of the most incredible white tails on it very very very high number of white tails it set up to Perfection there could be about

20% more that we could do to it um it it it needs blinds in the perfect location really it’s been just about enjoying deer and it’s one of those Premier premere Farms um it would be something that we would show you um about and tell you more about if

You got a hold of me Chris bracket um I’m a broker in Illinois I sell land um I actually have my eye on a couple other properties that are coming up for sale as well and one that I just saw that went up for sale and so if

You’re looking for a property in Illinois I don’t have to just take you to the property that I own or that I’m selling I can take you and show you other properties that are either for sale by somebody else or that we can just go for a drive and start

Looking for farms in certain areas and we’re going to decipher whether you want a really hilly Farm or a big a farm or in what area of Illinois and that that’s why we have so many farms that we’ve developed over the years um to where you really you’re just getting on like kind

Of a um uh kind of a pre-development type list where you’re where you’re just keeping up with us and what we’re doing but yeah it’s going to be uh it’s in the high rent district like so there’s two kinds of farms you got a you got a farm out

There that’s still going to be around the uh I don’t know let’s say $4,000 an acre kind of that’s on the low end of a lot of stuff right now you’re gonna there’s some areas that just aren’t really um let’s say they’re away from town they’re you know hard maybe they have

Hard access to get to maybe they’re a bunch of bottom ground CR ground things like that things that are tough are going to be around the $4,000 to $4,500 Mark and then when I talk about high rent ground I’m talking about this is ground that

Is the top of the market but has the topof the market type deer um and we just sold a 70 acre one that we found and then we went and said hey you know it’s the neighborhood you’re in like this neighborhood has really highend good awesome deer it’s

Always going to sell for what you buy it for so you’re not going to lose any money even if you just kept it for a couple years um you could do improvements by putting a pond or putting a barn or something on it you could do any improvements and you’re

Always going to get your money out of it that’s the stuff that’s a little closer to town that’s stuff that you can go for a steak dinner or hang out but this particular one is right down the road from my farm not Farm not far from here

You you know it’s one of them things to where if you’re in my crew I’m selling you a farm and and we’re we’re we kill a big deer like if you’re live if you have a Farm close it’s like hey we’re having pizza some beers and we’re looking at

This big booner you know that we just killed or whatever like come over um you know that’s the appealing thing about being closer to town more in these high rent districts uh also the what I call high rent districts are places that don’t don’t have a lot

Of turn over and so they always hold their value really good so you know sometimes you’re going to get in the you know 50 60 Acres um and you’re going to be paying $8,500 an acre to sometimes $110,000 an acre but a lot of times in these high rent districts you can have

Less acreage and shoot bigger deer and and see a better quality animal and so there’s a lot to do when it comes to getting with somebody like myself that says like hey I have $500,000 to spend and I want to shoot two really great deer 5y- olds a

Year where are you show me what are comparable and I could go show you a place that is you know I don’t know I could go show you a place that’s 50 acres that’s on the high rent district but it may be next to a park or next to a non-hunting

Area really really something spect spacular and kill two big deer A Year Without and but the top end would probably be 180 to 200 like this one block that we just bought one in I know for a fact with my eyeballs I have put food plots in for people and know the

Neighbors that I know that there’s a 220 plus animal that I have saw seen the pictures off the cameras that I’ve been a part of on the food plots that I’ve planted that I know that there’s 220 in Deer that are alive right now that are

Within a half mile of this property and that’s what we just bought one of the clients then I have other properties that are big pieces of property but there’s a chance that they’re going to flood there’s no marketable Timber on there they’re you don’t know what Yahoo

Is leasing next door or what Farmers grandkids are killing whatever they want or somebody’s poaching or what there’s a lot less control in some of these cheaper areas and there’s there’s a reason why they’re cheaper but you know some people were like I just need more acreage cuz I have more people that

Are going to hunt with me and this other guy’s like it’s just me 10 years from now I want to sell it for what I bought it for if not a little bit more and for 10 years I want to put in for it and uh

Put into it and I want to take two big deer off of and those are my guys that are in my wheelhouse but also if a guy comes to me and says I need a bigger piece of property I want a hunt a bunch of people on it and enjoy it and one

Thing in my head that always happens is I always think about that guy that my friend Nate Herman because he’s not a big hunter his kids are turning out to be awesome and good white to Hunters but Nate could leave it take it or leave it

When it comes to Deer he loves his fish and he loves his humans and and people but when it comes to Deer he’d rather take a nap and so with him he always reminds me Chris not everybody wants to shoot deer and it that always sticks with

Me some people just want a recreational property right four-wheelers campfires their kids put a pond in uh maybe they want to plant sunflowers or a garden or they just want a cash rent they just want someplace to park their money to have to just get out and have fun and we

Have properties like that as well there’s properties like that that I think more people would do and and and and have and I would love to take them to a couple pieces and say like hey why don’t you keep like 40 or 50 of this and then

You could sell this to a hunter with a little bit more of the Timber of the rough ground or you could find an income by releasing it out to just guys want to come in for gun season they could lease it out so there’s lots of ways to figure

Out land and a move and equity on land putting in a pond stocking it with a lot of fish um that’s the fastest way to build equity in my in my opinion I’ve got a 12 acres over here that I have listed that that is probably one of the

Best places to build a house and it’s on the high side it’s like $115,000 an acre but it’s it’s 12 acres that can be split into a couple different home zones but a guy could hunt there and kill the same deer that I hunt because it’s not far

From my house and they’re going to come through but this is one of them you don’t have to put food plots in you do anything you just you were to buy it and you were to build a house or you were to and put a pond in the front and then

It’s 12 acres 175,000 and uh there are so many giant deer that are coming through here on on with all these rubs and stuff that you just don’t even overthink it you just buy it Park your money build a house if you want if not have a place

For a campfire put in a Halfacre Little Pond probably cost you about 12,000 $14,000 to put the pond in another two or three and fish and a dock and a feeder and uh plant some trees around it maybe some switch grass put some Equity into it go drop over the hill and go

Hunt those big deer you and your son in two different stands and hunt them every day because they’re going to come through here and you guys can kill deer on your own ground you could put a pond there and have a place to fish not far

From town high rent district kill a big deer every once in a while kill a couple deer every year and have a place to go camp with your kids until one day one of them builds a house on it those are properties like that all the time that

That people kind of to get your feet wet you can afford 175,000 bucks um and a lot of people like man how do you afford how can you afford that like well because if you went in there and you Trimm the trees and you made the trails

And you cleaned up the stuff and let’s say you put another 10 or $12,000 in it to make the pond you just built equity in something that somebody else doesn’t have to spend the year here doing that with their Blood Sweat and Tears and you sell it for $190 $200,000 in a couple

Years but you got to have the cahonas to go do it you know but you’re looking at even at 8% 175,000 let’s say you make a bit of 150 and you you buy it for 150 you know you’re looking at I don’t know thousand bucks a month I’m just guessing thousand bucks a

Month not high taxes so can you go make 122 to $15,000 extra a year in some other hustle to buy your first property that you’re just holding that you’re doing fun stuff to that you’re going to be able to hunt kill a big deer on but the main reason

For a place like this is you’re like oh my gosh it’s so expensive perspective you go do all that stuff and you pull the the old fence down and you get out there on a Sunday with your kids and you’re spending time with your kids and you’re working the

Ground you made a little garden and you did some stuff and pulled some trees and made a bunch of firewood and you did all this stuff that you did with your children you end up selling that property for pretty much what you got into it you just did your first piece of

Property and you had the American dream and now we go find another one that maybe is you know better suited for your build or your hunting or whatever but you got your feet wet I am an advocate for things like that to start making offers on pieces to just get that first

Piece under your belt and again Chris bracket Herman Brothers realy my friend Danny Borland that he’s he’s my one of my partners and we will take you to go look at property just sold another one it was just 20 acres guy’s going to build a house we’ve got it uh right now

Developed to where it’d be perfect to put a pond in the middle of this this field this guy’s going to build this house and beautiful butts up against all this we just sold it been sitting on the market for eight months just sitting there got come in want one guy bid low

Back and forth whatever just couldn’t get there another guy came in said this place is perfect I said hey here here’s where we just got to with another guy if you want it let’s go and he said I want it let’s do it and so he’s got it he’s

Got income off the farm he Parks some money that property is not going to go down folks it’s just not going to go down that dirt is not going to go down where it’s at and he bought it he did well my friend sold it I made the

Commission the guy wants to put the pond in I’ll bid it through Herman Brothers uh Fisheries they’ll put the pond in they put the fish in we got it all right here everybody will win that property is not going to go down in price and somebody could have taken the back five

Acres made it into incredible hunting habitat pulling off of this woods and then had the rest of this to build a house on and a pond and it would be perfect so if you’re wanting to develop your vision in whatever state it is and remember if you’re gonna buy in another

State there is no reason to call the the real direct message me make a call to me and I will become one with you as a partnership as a realator in Illinois and as a consultant with land and you and I will go will call my friend in

Iowa we’ll call my friend in Illinois or not Illinois but Indiana we’ll call my friend in Texas or wherever there’s no I know Realtors all over this country but if you call me first we can be a team I’ll get a referral from them and I will

Help you make the right decisions when it comes to getting the right realator and then finding the right piece of property and we will go over it and why it’s best for you and your needs that’s how I make money that’s my living and you don’t you don’t even have

To pay me I can make a referral off the fact that you’re going to be buying a piece of property that they already have you call me I help you look for the the right piece and we buy it together and I’m with you the whole time and we find

The right realer so that’s what we do at land life I hope you guys enjoyed this podcast I hope you guys en enjoy the new view um we’re going to figure out some other camera angles we get some support some sponsors involved immediately going to put that

Money back into this um this this this vision of what we got here uh there’s a couch there we’ll get another camera we’ll get two more cameras we’ll get um some editing up in here and uh you know I I just think it’s great uh shout

Out to cubby at berau Brothers up there in the Northeast uh none of this would have been possible without him um he helped me out of my jam and therefore I went up and did a lot of um stuff for him at his shows and did some speaking

Engagements and stuff up in the the Northeast and um and yeah so hopefully he would he would want to come on be maybe be a sponsor of this and go further with ourl ship and um yeah man I think think there’s some great companies out there white gold to do something

Um man somebody like a Packer Max I think uh Central Illinois a or my cabota dealer I mean there’s no way that somebody doesn’t say listen dude we do a tractor and a sidebyside deal and all the content and everything you have for Facebook and Instagram and on the

Podcast or whatever like Michael you’re crazy if you don’t do something Travis you’re crazy if you don’t do something something tractor oriented four-wheeler oriented whatever that’s the direction we’re going we need support to keep this thing building and growing where where we’re going to go I know God’s got it

All worked out and uh I thank you I’m looking forward to going seeing my clients if you’re one of my clients listening that’s already got uh um the PDF the contract already went over it already signed and whatever you know we’ve we’ve got quite a few for um the

Year right here from Tulsa to Ohio to Indiana Wisconsin things like that um we’ve got quite a few but if you’re interested in a boots on the ground console with the online stuff add it in get a hold of me I think I want to see

Your property first and see if I can help you and uh and then we’ll go from there and then you you can have the PDF and you can go over all the stuff and then you can send me the contract if we both think it’s advantageous for us to

Go forward and uh we’ll get it locked and loaded between pretty much January 14th and uh into late spring really I don’t see there any reason to really rush it I know a lot of people really get crazy about wanting to get it done now some of

Their seasons’s already over um but for me it starts middle of January to for me to really leave here I thought I could get away earlier I really think this middle of January through um and if I got to come there you know it’s really been on my heart is

A lot of times I try to fit it in where I’m there for a day or whatever ever I really think that if I get to a place sometimes the properties are so big some some sometimes they’re 50 60 Acres and they you can get really in depth it’s

Awesome sometimes man they’re two three four 500 Acres uh when those happen really what somebody’s getting is the time we’re there like for sure a good eight hours but sometimes I’m already there and we’ll dissect some more but it is going to be a very comfortable hey

Let’s let’s look at setting these traps in your high high areas if you want a bonus and have me stay a couple days and go through the whole giant farm with a fine tooth comb that’s great but mainly we get there we dissect as much as we

Can and if there’s a lot of stuff left over maybe that’s down the road um but you don’t have to break the bank to get all intricate with everything on a giant farm a lot of it is we’re going to look for the highest percentage of areas that

We can set traps in and look at the how the deer flow how we bring them through those traps because on 100 acres I really only think that you need three smoking traps three sets like that’s it at the most six on 100 acres less is more Perfection with execution is all you

Need you don’t need a million stands so I break those properties down into well I like today oh I touched on it a little bit first thing I did on the computer today was I got on there and I went to the went to the property I backed out

10,000 feet and I went and I circled three different colored areas of big couple Hundred Acre areas where the deer going to socialize and feed and then I said so if you ass associate these bigger areas and the areas you you picture the deer going

Toward them and how they go from one to the other and then how they flow back into your property of course morning and evening and if those deer are going out to there and they have dough groups all of them have dough groups and then all of them have these younger bucks that

All socialize around these areas and then those bigger caliber animals they kind of just frequent those areas and then they come back into the thicker more left alone areas on that Thousand Acre block let’s say but if you own this 100 over here how often and how can we

Make that 100 the preferred area that they go to then how can we leave most of that farm alone 50% of that farm alone and hunt them on the other 50% without letting them know that we’re there because everybody believes that all the other deer live on all the

Neighbors everybody believes that all the deer live on the neighbors none of them want to hold all the deer and then hunt them in these little places my Farms are all set up to where I hold the deer they may leave but when been there on my property that’s their if they’re

Staying in my hotel where do they got to leave the entrance and exits and where do they go to the bar or go to the restaurants where do they go to the bathroom or they come back how do they go to the front desk and how they come

Back but I want them to live in my hotel how can I give them everything they need in my hotel and then I just wait for them to mess up and and the deer it’s not if they mess up it’s when they mess up and which deer is going to mess up

And so um my goal is to hold as many mature animals as I can try to take off the ones that are mature that I can let the other ones feel more comfortable and then have the best hotel in town for all the deer to want to be there and then

The high-end the high-end deer will want to be on yours not the other people that have pressure on them and that’s what we teach so again if you don’t know what we do online consoles with whail landlife decom if you want to know about boots on

The ground you go to whel landlife decom or you can just message me direct and I’ll give you my number you text me I’ll send you a PDF and man I just think you love it I just think that uh there’s a lot of people that can benefit for this

Kind of just straight up knowledge just walking on the ground and not every Farm is going to be for me to come to some of them some of them I’ve got I Know I Can Help the people but a lot of them are Big Timber places places that you’re

Able to feed or bait year round Ohio Kentucky oh those are the bread and butter those are the bread butter but the ones that we can go carve out food plots and carve out moscas and switch and soft edges and you know TSI uh tree stuff and how we get and bring those

Deer up and bring them past blind stands that’s what I love I’m Chris bracket this is land life man if you’re just searching your heart for where you’re at and you’re kind of lost just this is what I got to tell you find a Bible King James version ESV

NIV yall know about Christmas and you know about baby Jesus being born in a manger to marry Joseph right we all know that so what I’m going to tell you right now is for all you lost guys Little Broken little heing this right now find

A Bible or go down go download the Bible Gateway it’s an app on your phone Bible Gateway go click on there go to e i I’ll read ESV version English Standard Version go find ESV on there set it up to where you go to Matthew 1118 Matthew 1 Book of Matthew 1

18 that’s going to skip over that first part where it starts telling for a God that’s broken and that need that’s like me that just needs to get in there and find some association with some truth I would skip over Matthew 1 1 through 1 17 and it’s just going to talk

About lineage of who who’s related to Hill so just skip over that Matthew 1 18 start with there it’s going to start talk about the Virgin Mary having Christ and why Christ was there and then it’s going to go through Matthew and you start reading Matthew this is the new

Beginning of the New Testament when Jesus died for your sins you’re going to need to know this gospel you’re going to need to know why Jesus died for your sins and you just give him your life give him sacrifice your life on this Earth for him because he sacrificed for you

And if you just start at 1 or 1:18 and Matthew and you just start reading and you talk to Christ you talk to God Yahweh and you just say hey I’m here I’m listening I’m broken change my life things will happen you made the sacrifice you made the beginning you’re listening to me

Right now just find it I don’t care what Bible every Bible has it one 18 1 18 Matthew start reading boys and girls uh the rest is uh the rest is heaven this world doesn’t matter I mean it matters what we do here but really we’re we’re just really broken

People and uh don’t be fooled by the jelly rolls and the the false kind of prophets out there that are teaching that you can ride two donkeys with one butt that you can have your sin and have your Heaven Too you will sin but Progressive sanctification will

Definitely be the fruit of the spirit and you will see the fruit in somebody’s eyes and you will see them in how they live and you will see the fruit you can’t do them both you can’t do them both I love y’all I’m Chris bracket I’m out of here go check us out

Communicate with me on Facebook and Instagram Chris braet land life okay till next time


  1. Did see the podcast. Came right over and subscribed to your channel. Chris I was young hunter when you were doing Arrow Affliction. Loved it! Keep on doin what you doin. God Bless you and Family.

  2. Thanks for another great episode Chris. The HUNTR Podcast was awesome. I'm glad you are feeling better from the Covid, my Sister and her husband had it at Christmas too. With my Wife's knee and hip issues we're already planning for next season too. We bought a Muddy Blind Platform that's only 5' off the ground to attach our Pop-up Blind onto. When Tractor Supply gets them back in stock we'll be ordering another one. I know the feeling when someone says something about hunting. My Wife's Uncle one time told me there's more to life than hunting. I told him nope, I was born and raised like this and it'll be that way until the day I die. At 63 who knows when the day will be that my name is called to go home to Heaven so I'll enjoy every day. Thanks again for another great episode. Take care.

  3. Awesome podcast Chris. We hunt se of you an hour. There are big deer, but there were alot more a few years back. They are alot harder to get on. Your podcast is awesome that you put God first. God bless and maybe see you in the woods somewhere and praying that your mom beats this cancer.

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