Golf Babe

Meet Alexandra O’Laughlin, the stunning Golf Channel reporter who fans call ‘perfect’

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A great conservative low shot to have in your bag as you can see I’ve short sided myself the wind is howling at my back the green is sloping away for me all I want to do is put myself in a position where I have an uphill putt I’ve got my

Eight iron I’m going to choke down and it’s basically a putting stroke I’m going to make sure that the heel of the club is off the ground very minimal Turf interaction here awesome that’s all you want to do good spot breaking hamb it’s a 70° day here in

Nashville which means I’m out trying to find my swing again spent some time on the Range did hit some balls yesterday but I basically just been recovering from Thanksgiving got a little bit of a cold now so it was a fun week but something that is important for you to

Remember as well you may be working on something but when you come to the golf course to play you’re here to play so you got to work with what you have and you can’t have a mill swing thoughts so right now I’m really going to have to compartmentalize what I’m working on as

Opposed to just playing the hole and one shot at a time so this is hole number one 376 Ys and if you can see it there’s water on the right so we don’t want to go anywhere near the right so I also need to be thinking about what my M

Tendencies are what I’m working with and we’re going to avoid that now I’m just going to check how far we have to that bunker on the left cuz I know that’s the direction I’d like to go and we got plenty of room just over 300 to get there so I’m just going

To stay over to the left hand side and again I’m just out here loose ready to hit my swing I’m just envisioning that shot I want to hit nice okay so didn’t hit it that great we’re fine because I aimed to the left had a little bit of a push cut

Shot but we’re all right I checked my numbers I’m not near the water I Carri the bunker on the right right we didn’t make it to the bunker on the left we already knew that was going to happen so let’s go and just look how beautiful it is out here Too nice we played it safe pin High just to the left hand side of the green there’s no water there’s no bunker in play also I know I must not be feeling too great cuz there’s not even music playing right now which is probably pretty

Rare all right so I usually try not to be this far away from the hole especially on number one because this green has a lot of subtle brakes it’s the first hole I’m not that familiar with the speeds of the green yet could be a little bit different than the practice green

But we’re just going to think about lagging it up there and what I’ll do is I’ve done a video on this before but the Magic Triangle where I’m going to find out which little area I have the highest make rate so let’s actually walk up there and take a

Pink fixing those I’m going to walk it off and you can kind of walk around the hole and feel where it starts to shift of going right to left or left to right so this is going to be the straight putt right here so if I have a putt back I

Want to be in this area cuz it’s going to be the highest make rate it’s going to be pretty tricky if I’m you know anywhere up in here you don’t want to have a little bender on the first hole it’s just not worth it so you obviously want to make it but

Keep that in mind because no one wants a three putt especially not me right now and it’s a tricky part man that’s quick super quick especially coming down that little Ridge right there but we’re not in a bad spot I naturally funnel down here I’ve made this putt many times

Before we’re going back up the hill I’m going to look at just inside right and since we’re going back up the hill usually when they’re not so fast I’ll pick a spot that’s just past and that’s what I’ll focus in on that way I make sure to get it there

And I keep a nice clean smooth stroke thought I pulled it a little bit too all right so let that be a good lesson too of leaving your ball in the right spot it naturally went there but it’s something you can do on pretty much every single lag putt woo all right off

I go I’m about to tea off for my 11:30 p.m. tea time here in Dubai welcome to Emirates Golf Club this is the Nick Faldo design 18 hole Championship Golf Course hosted the Dubai classic for the ladies not too long ago and now host to

Me first swing of the day and my first swing in Dubai wish me Luck going to play Safe Money let’s go welcome to Dubai so let me show you something that’s helped me a lot with making more putts I’m in line with the T box right now and when I hit my shot I’m already starting to think of where I want to

Land my ball in the green and where I want it to end up to give myself the best possible chance to make the putt so what I have set up over there is called The Magic Triangle 30° angles from the straight Putt and that’s where you are

Most likely to make the putt so carry numbers are really important get those numbers I use the tago connected golf watch um if you’re familiar with the green you already have some idea of the slopes of it and the green complexes but right here you’d want to aim it slightly

To the right and let it funnel into that Magic Triangle now this will save you a lot of Strokes just thinking more about where you want to end your shot good luck we’ve all had the 6ft breaking punt in a scramble and then you have the person

That says line is half a cup out person that says the line is two cups out and the person that says the line is three cups out but which one is correct they all are it just depends on the speed that you make your putt at and you can

See how important that is because the line is pretty drastically different depending on the speed you’re going to make it Dy in a foot past 2T past so next time you have a putt make sure you’re thinking about the speed that you’re going to make your putt at along with the line

So if you find yourself in a situation where you want to hit the ball high and soft and not let the club face dig this is a great shot to hit and really all it requires is weakening this left hand now I’ve always had a strong grip always

Have so it might not look as weak as you think it is but weaken that left hand ball forward that’s so fun to Hit He N N Yeah A All I want all I want we you you so long so long why you keeping me waiting all I want all I want we are you back you so long so long why you keeping me Waiting [Applause] Yeah O [Applause] Hey hey Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey [Applause] Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey heyy hey Hey hey


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