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#Rutgers Football Postgame Show — #PinstripeBowl Edition

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Join Greg DePalma as he recaps #Rutgers Football’s 31-24 win over #Miami in the 2023 #PinstripeBowl.

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All right here we go for our final postgame report for 2023 and it ends in a very very positive way for ruter uh and uh it it went down to the wire no question but it was gratifying as ruus beats Miami for the first time in program history and they

Conclude their season uh with a record above 500 which is always nice uh and just the whole positive attitude of a bowl win a real Bowl win a bowl game and an invite that was well deserved uh yes we all know that Miami uh came into this game uh short-handed no question this

Would have been a different game if they were at full strength but uh I think this is uh something that you know on one hand you can take a look at it uh as a depending on of course which side of the fence you are on as a fan

Uh obviously if you’re a Miami fan you think you got excuses but I look at it as yeah well our program see we have players that are committed to this team committed to this coach and that’s the reason that you just see a whole bunch of players on the transfer portal opting

Out so forth and so on that’s the way I look at it so uh I’d rather be on that side and it’s that’s why it’s a Well deserving win and that’s why the bowl invite a few years ago was deserving because uh the kids uh it’s something that we take for

Granted you know these kids actually got to go to school and that’s a very tough University as you all know uh ruers is not easy to graduate from uh academically and so for them to get the invite a few years ago based on their scores that’s very very positive that

Says a lot about the kids and this also says a lot about the kids that everybody was back I mean this is B I mean yes uh a few guys are graduating no question about it but many of these players going to be back next year whereas Miami maybe some of them

Will return but hey they’re not committed and uh that’s that to me that’s that is a difference and that’s the uh sport we’re in Today college football it’s it’s an imperfect sport there’s no question about it but like I said I think there’s a lot of Pride that

I think that should go into that and how can you not be prideful uh how just listening to the last few weeks of all the players that have decided to come back even manangi who had a monster game I don’t think any of us thought he was

Coming back so for just to get everybody to decide pretty much that could have gone or coming back it’s just such a such a great feeling and it just shows you that this is a a program that is on terrific grounds with Greg shano and

While it was not a perfect game and of course the the passing game was less than Stellar as usual uh that’s okay that’s that’s an argument and uh debate for maybe a time a little bit later on in this broadcast we got the whole offseason to talk about that but the

Win’s the win and rutkus goes to seven and six to end their 2023 season so not sure whether or not Richie and Mike are going to join me right as of now they are not as you can imagine uh they are they’re just going through uh a lot

Right now down there at the stadium so uh there’s just a lot going on uh and I I know the feeling I mean when I was there Ag and I was doing a whole lot of stuff on site at the games uh doing things where you had uh so many

People pulling you from left to right uh there’s only so many things that you can do uh so if they have time they’re going to call in for a few seconds if not then I’m here solo and at least uh you know of course you’re going to talk to these

Guys a little bit later on at some point uh maybe next week uh at some point though they’ll be back here on the ruter football channel to talk about this game and uh they’ll have a few days to uh you know kind of sit and think about how it

All unfolded we’re doing this obviously within a matter of minutes and we’re going to go through the stats and everything else like that so I welcome everybody out there that uh is following us here on the chat uh and if you have uh any insight as well to the game I

Definitely welcome it since uh since I’m here by myself Talking ruus Football on a Thursday evening uh with as we go closer to the end of the two 2023 calendar and uh this couldn’t be a better way for ruter to end the the season on a positive

Note all right so let’s take a look and by the way before I wrap things up today I’m I’m G to take a look at the commitment list myself and I’m gonna uh I I am going to get Richie on his a guest on the art Lads

Channel uh the uh Channel and have a nice interview with him to go over I know he’s already gone over uh all the commitments and and and with Mike and all the guys here on this channel but I’m G to have him on my channel as a guest sometime in the next

Week or two so I’m going to pick his brain about all these players uh but we’re going to talk about that a little bit later on first of all let’s take a look at the stats of this game I’m going to post it up here on the screen right now let’s

See what we got here all right so rco’s actually was out gain 311 to 292 but that’s misleading uh Miami had a few drives in there that um especially the one at the end of the game they had the the one at the end of the half which almost

Resulted in a touchdown but they had that one at the end of the half which was really annoying because I don’t know what rer defense was doing on that drive they almost allowed like a 90 yard drive and 40 seconds uh with a third with a third string uh inexperienced

Quarterback so that’s not good uh and then they gave up that late drive at the end of the game obviously uh too late for Miami but still so that’s why it was a little misleading ruos definitely had the better uh of the game pretty much from the get-go with that early 14

Nothing lead and uh they held on could have been a bigger uh disparage dispar as far as the game was concerned uh regarding the points and so forth but fact is as you can see as usual here’s the deal Gavin whims at seven of 15 for

84 yards so if this was Gavin’s attempt to uh you know audition for the job next year uh he had the whole not the whole but he had a few weeks in the month of December uh extra practices things of that nature to kind of up his game but

It’s it’s just it’s it is what it is so uh a few weeks isn’t going to change that let’s take a look at the overall uh box score though um whims that did have a couple of touch sounds rushing right yep which I you know I’m not sure I’m a fan

Of uh I I it’s it would have been nice for Kyle maybe even Sam to get a touchdown in there I know Kyle already had a touchdown but it kind of would have been nice if Kyle especially on that last touchdown when it looked like he came uh you know millimeters away

From an awesome touchdown run uh and then for Gavin to pick it up on a tush push H you know it’s about winning the football game I get it still would have been nice to give at least manangi a shot but is what it is 208 yards rushing

And three touchdowns on the ground and the team’s best receiver dral had one catch so there you go it was nice to see teray get a catch the futur at wide receiver uh I know Brown had a fumble but it didn’t mean anything because uh they were able to

Get the ball back but I gotta say this about Sam Brown and I don’t know what you guys think think but didn’t the extra few weeks seem to do wonders for Sam Brown and and I mean I don’t think I’ve seen him cut like that this season

It’s like that’s the Sam Brown I remember from last year or a year and a half ago however long it because it seems like it’s been a long time but since last I mean Sam Brown that’s the one thing I think that has been missing we know he has that physical nature of

Running the football but for most of the Season it was it was just like brown was just going straight ahead and that was kind kind of you know that wasn’t going to get him anywhere but in this game he had like three or four instances where he you

Know he had a nice he was able to cut finally maybe that was it just getting comfortable cutting on the leg but he cut about three or four times that led to some really good yardage I know he only had 10 of 38 but he had like three

Or four carries of eight or nine yards and he looked like the old Sam Brown so look that is going to be an excellent onew punch next year because you can’t burn Kyle manangi into the ground next year and I’m sure that even though he’s coming back and he’d like to up his

Status in the NFL he he does you can’t just bury manangi especially at his size you need somebody to give him a break and Sam Brown is a guy that I think is going to have an opportunity to do that next year if he looks anything like he did in this

Ball game so that was very promising I’m going to go ahead and uh go through the the game from the first drive all the way through to the end and and uh make a couple of points here see if I could uh check out any specific chats uh any messages from you

Guys let’s see here Bo Masco is going to be a lead who’s Bo Masco I am missing something who’s B Masco who’s B Masco oh there it is Bo Masco is that is that a Miami dude Masco finally got his reps and he did solid for sure he’s a big 10 DB so

Um fill me in gentlemen on who Bo Masco is that’s the one thing I really like about these bowls is the opportunity for uh the opportunity for the teams to be able to uh dive you know take a look at the the depth chart and and to grab these freshmen kids that

You haven’t seen all year and to go all right well here’s your opportunity now um see if you can you know make something out of yourself like Masco I mean Masco let’s see right where he is here as far as the uh let’s see yeah the recruiting numbers weren’t

All that great but he was considered one of the teams what top 10 recruits coming in so uh I’m definitely going to make sure that I I’m going to J that down because that’s one of I’ll get Richie’s take on Bo mascow and find out more

About uh what kind of a future he has because that was the one thing that we saw in the defensive backfield for ruter uh this season we saw it late against Maryland we saw it in this game is that even though the corners are okay the

Fact that and Dixon of course had a fantastic season and they have solid DBS uh but that seems to be a weakness that has to improve uh when the pass rush is in there there they’re giving up just way too many big plays in the passing

Game so uh the more DBS with uh Talent the better and we know that’s a position of strength usually under shano so hopefully this kid bo mascow uh is somebody that we’re going to keep an eye on for the future and I’m looking forward to that because again I brought

Up teray and uh and and again just mentioned that these are the types of games you like to see these kids that you don’t get a chance to see during the regular season they’ve got the uh the clearance to play in the games they’ve got um you know obviously we’ve got four

Games some of these kids don’t even get up to four games uh that they’re allowed to play in and and uh the extra practice definitely gives them an opportunity to kind of get their feet wet almost like a springboard and like it’s almost like here here’s your game to get you ready

For next year so um the more of these kids that we can find the better all right let’s see what else do we have here uh the refs did their best to help Miami today yeah well yes oh well yeah that’s pretty much what I think what else is new Jason um let’s

See uh the ru passing game is in a state of emergency also from Jason shano needs to hit the portal for some new starters at wide receiver tight end and quarterback all right so I’m gonna say this and I know that you’re not talking about uh you’re not talking about

Freshman you know the the commitments or these kids that are coming in so I get that it’s about the portal and I agree that next year I’m not sure about wide receiver but tight end it looks like again it’s going to be a waiting game to help to

Develop these young tight ends that they’re eventually going to I think going to be a big part of the offense but we got a it’s a waiting game and it’s going to take a couple years for these kids has developed quarterback is the obvious one I mean we’re hearing the kid from

Minnesota and the only thing I could say about that is even though it looks like a slam dunk and we all talk about the comparisons and if he does come does whims that stay does it become a battle of whimz that uh and the kid from Minnesota because I don’t want to

Butcher his name uh all I can say is is that it’s one of those things just like with whim at hey you know what to clean slate next year they get another year of development this kid from Minnesota gets another year of development um maybe the change of

Scener will do this kid you know maybe he’ll be a better coord back for it I don’t know it’s not a great situation I’m not I’m I’m I can’t sugarcoat it I just can’t but because we all know it’s not a great situation but the fact is I

Just don’t see it happening I just don’t there are so many good quarterbacks available on the portal and they’re just not going after him and it’s it’s just it’s annoying as a fan but that’s just life and I think we have to deal with it I mean for instance you see these kids

Like even like say a Riley Leonard from duke now why is a kid like Riley Leonard from duke why isn’t he a perfect fit for our offense you know an athletic kid you know you can he’s he’s he’s he would fit perfectly with the offense that ruus

Runs but I don’t hear us going after Riley Leonard it’s just not even something that they’re talking about even the kid from Toledo the quarterback that was like the best quarterback in in uh in the mack the last few years he’s a perfect fit now I know it’s Mack but

Still there are guys out there that fit this offense and they just don’t go after them now you could say well but shano’s looking for a certain kind of quarterback he’s looking for a certain type of person you know a player that is GNA fit the program and I’m okay with

That see we aren’t in on those meetings we aren’t in on those I don’t know what the notes say regarding a lot of these players especially the quarterbacks that Shan’s not going after are they saying well it’s going to cost too much money all right so is that like the first big

Check mark that works against getting one of these guys and then when that the list shrinks is it well but the kid doesn’t fit the program you know he’s that’s not the type of guy we want at a quarterback leading the face of the program well then they got to check

Those guys off the list and you go down to that third so all of a sudden you go from like you know 15 quarterbacks that you might be able to get to fit the system I mean cut that in half because we can’t afford say seven or 10 of them

So maybe there five left and uh maybe three of those guys just don’t fit the culture uh so I don’t know I I just I I honest ly I’m not privy to this information but all I know is is that by 2025 AJ SAS is going to be our

Quarterback okay that’s that’s that’s just the deal it’s gonna be our quarterback and I think he’ll get a chance to maybe get in some action next year I I hope he doesn’t okay I hope he doesn’t because that means that whoever it is between whims at and let me see if

I can get I can make sure I pronounce this kid’s name correctly so I don’t just keep saying the kid from Minnesota let me see if I don’t butcher this so it’s uh calacanis calacanis I’ll say that calacanis I think I could say that so the kid

Calacanis and whims at so who knows maybe if K commis comes here whims at with bolt I don’t think that’s gonna happen I just don’t I because again I get the feeling that whims at like all these other kids in this program will be a guy that’s going to be like hey I’m

Not going anywhere I’ll battle for that spot and if I don’t get the job I will be a good boy and a good soldier because I love this University and I’m a ruter guy and if I have to be the backup I’ll be the backup to calak Camis I get I

Think that’s what will probably happen I just don’t see and how can I not feel that way when all these kids like we’ve just seen over the past few weeks have decided to coming back nobody’s transferring everybody’s coming back most of the guys are coming

Back so that’s so I think you your room your quarterback room is going to be so much better next year that’s why there’s optimism calacanis whims at SAS that’s going to be the best quarterback room that we have had in a long time now SAS eventually has got to be the man

He’s got to be the Savior unless kadis like I said changes scenery maybe he was better than people were giving him credit for because he was just not in the right he like for instance just take a look at what happened in the bowl game for Minnesota against Bowling Green

Minnesota doesn’t come close to winning that football game if the Freshman running back doesn’t come back that freshman running back is going to be amazing and he got up to a great start this year and as soon as he went down their offense just went you know it was

Terrible so he comes back and it didn’t matter who was at quarterback they were going to beat Bowling Green that’s how good he was so that’s the thing is that now caanz will be in a situation where he’s got a great running game and speaking of the wide receivers

I’m I’m excited about this group of receivers I really am and I know freshmen don’t usually play and I get that which again good point regarding need to go out and get a transfer and all that but dremel’s back okay and that’s big and strong is going to be uh

Taking a step up for year number two no doubt and they they they bring in a uh this this uh this kid from the FCS who’s going to be a big part okay so that’s three then you’ve got ter is four then how do you know maybe one of

The freshmen doesn’t turn into a contributor that would be five how many more receivers do you need so I don’t think that wide receiver and boy am I excited about 2025 in the wide receivers on this team in 2025 with with SAS a quarterback you know even though manang

Is going to be gone that they’re going to find running backs here and they might even have one of one or two of those guys in his commitment list but you just know they will this it’s all going to be about building the line of scrimmage and that offensive line and

And that’s going to be the thing that we’re all going to be concerned about more than anything but I am excited about the future prospects of this offense and this program with AJ Sasa quarterback and with the with with what we have from this commitment list of

Wide receivers and then strong and teray I mean come on I and then you’re probably going to go out every year and maybe grab another FCF star I mean that’ll work that’ll be a nice trick if we can complete that kind of deal every year in the in the transfer portal but I

I’m excited and I even the tight end so I’m really excited about what’s going to come up with this wide receiver group in the next few years and it’s not going to matter probably next year with if whim this quarterback but if this cak kamtis kid can actually step up his game maybe

He he is better receivers now than he had when he was at Minnesota um uh I’m willing to give him a shot okay I’ll give him a shot for a game or two and if whim that wins the job we’ll give him a shot for a game or

Two but I just hope that AJ SAS is given a fair chance for playing time I don’t want to hear people telling me like Richie saying that you know he was down to practice and this kid SAS man he’s better than the other guys he’s already better than these guys this

Kid’s the real deal he made he should probably be starting right now if I hear that and then he’s the third third quarterback on the depth chart on opening day I’m not going to be very happy so but that’s 2024 you know I think 2024 is going to be an interesting

Year for us because there’s there’s going to be the transition especially at quarterback and then the whole league itself is going to be kind of weird but that to me next year is just going to be one of those I think years where it’s sort of like a year like like maybe

If you’re a Kansas City chief fan the year that Patrick Mahomes was your rookie and you’re like man I got to wait for Mahomes for next year and that’s kind of the way I’m going to be feeling about next year for SAS I’m not trying to put him up there with Patrick Mahomes

But just trying to give you the feeling of what fans like me are going to be thinking about SAS is going to be like come on man let’s just get this going come on I know the kid’s going to be really good and again I’m not saying

He’s going to turn out to be a top first- round draft pick we’ll leave that till we start seen him play football but what we love about the kid and why I think he’s like one of those can’t miss type guys is because he’s going to bring

So much to the table that we just don’t have right now and I I just think that you’ve got leadership you I mean I don’t know how many intangibles the kid’s going to bring it’s just G to be amazing the kid’s just I mean cerebral I mean he’s gonna he’s got

Coaching smarts you know that and he’s got accuracy he he’s a tough kid he can he can he can beat out with his with his legs if he has to he’s so now does he have everything else but I’m talking about like if I’m some Scout thinking

About the NFL I don’t worry about that the first couple of years that’s not we’re not we’re not talking about the NFL we’re talking about ruter and I think um that once he’s given the opportunity he is not going to give it up so the day that he sets foot out

There and maybe that’s the deal with chano maybe he he’ll know that maybe he’ll know that the day that he decides for AJ to go out there which is probably going to be a something he’s probably going to try to prevent himself from doing at any point even a mop-up duty

He’s probably going to be like uh this year with whims at I’m not I’m not going to let the other guy go in there unless he has to because what happens what happens see it’s one thing if Simon’s out there for like one series and has a

Touchdown drive and oh you know what he looked pretty good in practice and then he goes out there and he looks really good in that drive and they score we don’t see him anymore that’s one thing if it’s Evan Simon it is another thing

If it’s AJ SAS if AJ SAS would be in a situation where he comes in next year something happens I don’t know maybe uh uh if both whimz and Carri kakanis are are on the team one of them’s got the flu can’t play next guy comes in SAS is

The backup for the game and then he gets hurt for a series or two SAS comes in looks like a gem that is going to be the worst nightmare for shano because the fans won’t stand for it if that that kid comes in and actually shows something at any time next

Year fans aren’t going to allow shano to go back to whimet or car kis unless one of those guys is actually playing a lot better than we’ve seen them play so far in your career so that’s what I’m excited about that’s what pumps me up about uh what’s coming up in the future

Especially in 2025 for ruter this this class looks awesome absolutely awesome especially like I said at the receiver and skill positions uh throwing in SAS uh and uh I just think it’s something to really get excited about so um anyway getting back to the game uh which is the

Reason we’re here and also the message board uh let’s see what else we have here uh Tom we are very we are a very tough team that can run the ball and play solid defense you all know the missing ingredient to climb them out it’s not hard to see unless you have an

Agenda well there you go we just talked about it the whole quarterback uh situation yep I don’t know what to tell you uh let’s see uh yeah Sam looked good John wreck I agree absolutely loved what I saw to Sam Brown he looked like a different player

Out there and look that’s what happens with the injuries see what what’s funny about it is we we mention it when the you know hey you go preseason you talk about previewing the year you don’t forget Sam Brown’s off an injury it’s going to take him a

Full year to be the guy that he was but then you get into the season and and you kind of lose sight that is you just start hey Sam Brown doesn’t look very good anymore I don’t know about Sam Brown K man is a lot better than Sam Brown It’s lot I mean

Yeah I mean that’s uh yeah I I I I thought Brown was better but mananga is definitely better than brown it’s hard to evaluate Sam Brown this year you just can’t do it so because tell me if you because because the deal is is that Sam

Brown is just a bigger dude and that’s what any any everybody knows that if you’re a running back and you’re a bigger guy you’ve got the ability to be a better overall player doesn’t guarantee it but it just gives you the ability the god-given ability of being bigger and that’s what Sam Brown

Is can Sam Brown Put the numbers up and play the way manangi did this year at some point before he leaves the university now I’m hoping that that year will be 2025 I I I I would I would guess that Sam Brown would be back the only reason

I couldn’t that maybe that doesn’t happen is if he gets in and plays a lot more next year than is than is expected and looks really good doing it and then he just decides you know what I need to go pro I I didn’t like what happened when I when I missed basically

A full year with the injury uh I need to go the pro and get it over with all right maybe that happens I don’t see that happening I could definitely see Sam Brown as our number one running back in 2025 and that could be the Big Year

Okay I don’t want to you know waste KY I’m not saying that Kyle manunga is 2024 no matter how big big of a season it’s going to be is going to be wasted but again 2025 to me is when everything really starts to develop here as a

Program because that’s when SAS is under Center that’s when strong is is c is now a veteran you know teray these are now veteran wide rece these are your guys these big fast wide receivers you’re you’re you’re you’re really good and especially if they turn out to be as

Good as we think they can they’re going to start to develop even next year in 2024 but will be legitimate Top Flight wide receiver prospects by 2025 throwing in the fact that you’re going to have some of these other kids that are in this class as

Well and now you got Sam Brown as your bcow in his last year in his final year in 2025 and if he looks anything like he looked today like the running back he looked like as a freshman okay and he does that 2024 and then’s the man in 2025

That’s why I think this going to be a really special season and that’s going to be the season that could really turn the program around big time so uh I thought I was awesome I just so great to see Sam Brown looking the way he did today even though the stats wouldn’t

Tell you that all right everybody was giving me the heads up on this masc out kid so I appreciate it and um again I am going to interview uh Richie on the r Lads football network and this since this is the last uh postgame show that we’re

Doing for the year keep in mind that uh we’ll be back next year I see no reason why we won’t um but want to remind everybody that between now and then you can check uh check out any of my videos over on the RADS YouTube channel it’s a

New channel because my channel was Prime Sports Network and I’ve had that channel for a couple years our Lads all the programming was on that channel and I did all of my football on that channel I did all my NASCAR my horse racing uh

What else did we have uh we had um uh golf on believe it or not on that channel and uh I think yeah I think that’s it so anyway we had that on that channel and now we’ve split everything and now there’s all individual channels including the r LGE

Channel so now we have our own uh auto racing channel we have our own Golf Channel horse racing channel and ourlads which is going to Encompass everything and ourlads by the way if you’ve never been to ourlads the website before I don’t know you’re missing out

It is the best website for NFL depth charts and it’s been the best matter of fact it’s number three on Google for searches as far as dep charts in the NFL also college football depth charts and ALS and don’t forget to in case you well maybe you don’t even

Know but here this is the the our Lads draft guide that comes out every year so I have 11 teams that I’m responsible for in this guide out of the 32 in the NFL to write regarding the draft uh including the Jets and this is where you

Get all of the information all of the scouting reports on tons of players so it’s the best it’s the best draft guide going uh I’m going to set up Richie real nicely so he can give away the draft guides on his future programs here uh between now and the draft so we’ll set

You guys up with that uh so that’ll be cool but you can head on over also uh to the arlets channel during draft time we’re gonna have so many draft videos uh that that’s going to be the big deal as always has been about our Lads but um

And uh just want to remind everybody to check that out because I won’t be able to talk on the ruter football channel anymore until uh next year week one whenever that’s going to be and whoever that’s going to be against I guess we already have an opponent uh I don’t know

Why I forget who is who are we playing again to kick off the season next year um but uh whenever and whoever that is uh we will be here to talk about it um unless something comes up that I’m just not I mean it’s a long way from now you

Know anything can happen uh anyway so let’s get back to it let’s see Kyle was huge and Sam was a big difference maker first time he played healthy this year there you go a lot to look forward to that’s a Ted Ted Ted anymore Ted

Is a kid anymore Ted I can’t really Ted is what is oh isn’t Ted isn’t a kid anymore okay sorry Ted little slow on that one um oh he was a late addition Moscow to last year’s class okay and he’s been looking great in Camp awesome but anyway I was getting to that

That I want to make make sure that you guys know that we’re going to talk to Richie I’m going to talk to Richie on the Reds Channel soon in the next couple weeks I’m going to just I am gonna pick him apart uh for information on all

These kids I’m going to take his expertise and uh try to do whatever I can uh thanks Josh for the yes calacanis and uh let’s see whims that deserves start this is Cinema man whim that deserves starting job dep oh whoa dep let’s see him with a healthy Brown

And manangi and Cory Duff and the new transfer receiver Miller Dremel and his practicing with young receivers we have the only thing is again is the biggest question for whims at is just his accuracy so does it really matter who the players are out there if he’s not

Accurate that that’s the only complaint that we have with Gavin whims there’s no other complaint it’s that he is completely erratic and inaccurate so uh that that yeah some some some of it has to do with young players inexperienced players I get that but at this point in

The two years that he’s been the quarterback it’s not about young inexperienced receivers it’s about him and he’s not accurate we can only keep our fingers crossed that he makes if he’s the quarterback next year that he makes the jump with better Talent no question but it makes the jump to even

55% I I that would be fantastic I think that would be a big Improvement because and if you can get to 55% in 2024 then in your final year you should be able to get up to close to 60% you do that and boom so race can wait a couple years I

Just don’t see that happening but I and I don’t think it has anything to do with the talent coming in at receiver but I hope I’m wrong I would like to not I’d like to see nothing more than uh whims at turn the corner in 2024 for and develop and

That’s what it is in college basketball and college football it’s about you never know when a kid especially when he goes into his Junior season his third season whatever the case may be there’s a jump there that’s that’s the year that you’re going to get a jump that third

Season um can he do it I doubt it but I’m gonna be rooting for him at least for a game maybe half yes Jason uh excellent uh take on uh the great block by Dremel on the touchdown run that was very sweet to see all right and Jason spitsberg no I do not

Believe kakanis has made his decision yet so no I do not I have not uh heard anything about that okay so before I read more of the chat and don’t forget you can also use the chat uh to leave uh any uh donations in for the show you guys have done an

Excellent job with the donations this year and we appreciate all of them and uh and uh we we know that you know I’m not going to speak for anybody as far as why you do it but uh hope you guys uh you know and and I think that we have

Heard that from a lot of you uh viewers out there that you do appreciate the time and the effort that we put into this because that’s the only thing that especially during college football season on a Saturday those 12:00 games can be really crazy because you’re you’re you’re trying to watch other

Games I mean especially if your game is is getting to a point where you kind of know who’s going to win who’s going to lose and you’re trying to watch four or five other games going on and then you got these 330 kickoffs and and hey if

You what if you’re betting on games like I do well you got these games that are ending at one at 12:00 you got to try to figure out well you know what do I do about the 3:30 games and I got the ruus postgame show coming up and I got to

Make sure I got all my notes and all my research and I got to make sure it’s crazy man those one o00 those 12:00 games just absolutely you know and I think I know they’ve done a better job over the last several years of pushing

The start time from 3:00 to 3:30 but you know what I think they should push it to four I really do I think it should be Games should start at 12 gam should start at 4: and then you know what start games at 7:30 8 o’ I don’t care if they

Start at 700 now you could start games at 700 and you could start games differently like you do in you know 2:00 230 I have no problem with that but for the majority of games I need like I think you should have four hours because who the hell Nobody Does three hours

Anymore games are now about three and a half hours and why do you have to rush from the end of the game to go right back to the next game shouldn’t what’s wrong with having if you’re early and you end early what’s wrong with having a

Little bit of a 20 minute post game where you can talk to players you can take a look at scores you can do whatever I I just don’t understand the constant like it’s just there’s too many games that overlap they’re just longer than three and a half hours nobody’s

Going to listen to me though all right let’s go to uh the beginning of this game they had an awesome opening drive that was one of the better drives first drives of the year for the entire season 13 plays 74 yards in eight minutes and 6

Seconds now we had a few of these drives this year very impressive drives this year but this had to be right there with one of the best ones and that uh kicked off the Bad Boy Mowers pinstripe ball yeah and ruter goes up seven nothing uh next series for Miami motter sacks the

Young Brown quarterback on a third and long gets the ball back to ruter and unfortunately after a pretty decent Drive Patel misses the 53 yard field goal and that looked like that was really close it was hard to tell on the screen uh it looked to me that if it was it what

It looked to me it was like a yard or twoo short I don’t know if it was wide but that was a great effort and he’s been awesome and and Applebee’s been really good we know nobody’s going to be as as good as the all-timer but uh this and

We’ll get into the other special teams but that you know it is what it is he’s he’s he what a plus and we’re GNA have him for three more years um Camron Stewart then has the interception loyal Blitz in on the actually they had two

Two blitzes I forget who it was who was that first guy that blitzed but they had a DB Blitz then they had the second guy coming in loyal that was the one that really got brown uh kind of um nervous threw the ball early Cameron Stewart picked it off at the

42 uh they go for it on fourth and one Miami has off Sid so we don’t have to worry about it manai gets touchdown run that was the key block by the way by Dremel that you guys talked about and and uh that was the second touchdown for

Ruers to go up 14 nothing so Miami comes back after that though they get a touchdown drive on a quarterback run uh late to go in the half though and this is the thing that was really bothersome because with three minutes to go in the first half dominating the game

Dominating three minutes to go in the first half okay by the way the game should have been 17 or 21 nothing at that point but as usual you know that that’s what happens when you don’t have a balance on your offense so three minutes ago it’s 14 nothing and then all of a

Sudden they came this close to being 14 14 and a half I mean that’s just that’s that’s I don’t know what was going on there I don’t know if if the defensive strategy changed you I don’t know if we started playing prevent or whatever the

Hell the deal the deal was but it’s like I don’t understand you you’re able to not that Miami had a lot of plays and they didn’t have a lot of drives because we did a really good job of running the clock out throughout that first half especially on that eight yard we took

Out the whole first uh first half of the first half first quarter on that one drive but still it’s a Young quarterback and then all right all right it’s okay you give up one drive right but then they allowed Miami to go seven plays 90 yards and 41

Seconds and if it wasn’t for replay it would have been tied but rreo was clearly out of bounds and I don’t know what Bailey was thinking and you know that that is not going to work for Greg shano so I don’t know what Bailey was thinking stepping

On the dude that was just not ruter likee uh and that cost him or almost cost him I should say and who knows maybe maybe the field goal being 15 yards longer they don’t get that and it could have been 14-7 going in the half so Bailey cost the team potentially

Three points almost seven and very lucky that we got away uh with that but that didn’t matter very long because they come right out with the ball in the second half and they’re able to march down the field and this is where things really start getting interesting in a in a in a

Physical kind of way because they’re driving George the receiver Clips longer beam cheap shot and the game was already pretty testy I mean I don’t know how many 15 yard penalties had in the game guys it it seemed like they were like seven or eight and the very next

Play they hit rreo for a touchdown who’s a very good receiver he’s going to be a pro they go up 1714 and I don’t and and this is again what I said at the very opening of the of the of the video I don’t understand what what is loyal doing covering

Restrepo I I know he’s not manto man but on I mean there’s no reason at all that for your defensive scheme to allow their main receiver to be covered by loyal and loyal to be out there by himself trying to cover this guy I mean I don’t know

What that was about but that is something that is going to have to get better next year for this team uh is the P defense um because if you think about it look if CJ strad was here for another year we get blown away again but the

Reason we didn’t get blown away by Michigan I mean by Ohio State was because Kyle McCord is just not all that great and so we were able to stay in the game so he if if Talia was quarterback of Ohio State we probably get blitzed in that game so

Even Michigan didn’t Blitz us because they’re not they’re not passing team so passing teams or teams that had the opportunity to you know hit us deep just they they took advantage of us from time to time uh and uh that’s something that we got to do a better job clean that up

Next year all right so here’s the deal though right after that play you get the the cheap shot on longer beam yes they scored on the very first play but it seemed like right after that it was like all of a sudden rodos got serious it’s like they woke them it’s

Like they woke ruers up and they got serious and buckers never looked back you look at it they had another drive right after that they were able to go March down they had the um actually this wasn’t this wasn’t the the the touchdown Drive of course but this

Was the drive that set it up so they get get the ball to Midfield aided by that 13 yard cool little trick tush push play so we’ve kind of seen that twice now this year uh so that was cool and and manang guy he had like 13 yards on the

Third and one but anyway uh we had a punt but it was a good punt applebe great job pin him deep three and out and then the block punt for the touchdown and what was that y boa Cody so now Tim Ward scored the touchdown now guys I

Gotta ask you this question remember last year when I think what was it the Iowa game or the Nebraska game I forget which one it was when we had a block Punt and one of the one of the one of the kids it I thought

It was Tim Ward because it was a white dude a little white dude and it looked like that player you know he he was not able to pick up the ball he muffed it ruter does not take advantage they don’t score a big touchdown there it comes

Back to haunt them couple of weeks later the same kid I’m pretty sure block punt scores a touchdown was that the same guy was that Tim Ward was he the same kid who scored the touchdown last year or and or was the one that muffed

The chance to score a touchdown so I I just want to know if you guys remember let me get to this I’m so far behind in these chats there you go the Nebraska game okay was it Ward so it just looked it like I said they looked similar but I

Thought that was that’s why I think it would be ironic if if it was Ward so anyway they get the touchdown to go 217 now Wesley bayy makes up for his ridiculous penalty on the third down sack once again Miami goes three and out and then this is when Gavin whims at

We get the bad Gavin whims because early on in the game whims comes out he’s throwing perfect passes marching down the field get the touchdown a long eight eight minute drive and it’s like up here’s the good Gavin but you you know know when’s the bad Gavin coming well

Here it is because Gavin almost single-handedly uh had another pick six to try and lose the game for us and luckily uh the receiver I forget who it was uh who knocked the ball away but if we didn’t get that ball knocked away that could have been a pick six then

What was it a play or two later he almost gets picked off again and at that point you know and you know she was learned his lesson you know that that’s it you got the lead you’re running the ball effectively you you just cannot allow

This kid to to lose the game for you so they punt the ball and Miami gets the ball back and I believe this is another three and out this was when uh Lewis got into jakuri Brown’s face on a third and six came very close to getting a sack

Rreo picked up four they had had a punt that was the last play of the third quarter go to the fourth quarter and this was the drive that pretty much put it to bed on second and seven manungi for 12 that was the one when he basically reversed course had nothing

Kind of gets hit and all of a sudden goes who wait a second let me go this way he goes this way picks up 12 to the 50 gets the ball again for nine gets the ball again for 40 almost the same identical situation gets to the line

Basically boom got nothing finds a way to to to to to take nothing and they almost got also got tackled but found a way to slip that tackle and pick up 40 down to the one then whim that scored him the tush push to go up

2817 and this is when you just felt yeah I think this is it I mean they’ve taken full control um Miami fourth and two on 45 great job by uh ruter not really sure I i’ agree with the call I I’d be a little a little bit upset if I’m a Miami

Fan uh not to say not to go for it but just the call in general but hey Deion Jennings makes a great play to stuff the running back another uh underrated players Dion Jennings and then Sam Brown goes out there and I’m not and I think

He had one of those little Cuts but it was more of just hey Sam Brown’s looking like the old Sam Brown so Sam Brown uh third and seven Brown gets six then they go for on fourth to Wi Brown picks up the first down then it’s brown brown

Brown first down and that gets him into field goal range after another few plays and then Patel hits the the 30 the 35 yard to go up 317 and we felt the game was over and it kind of was because you know we give up the the delay touchdown with 27 seconds

Left um manangi muffs he look he got smacked right after he uh but he that that’s one I’m sure he’ like back I’m a little bit hes now look I know they bring bring in some like manangi thinking that low Center gravity it’s going to be one of those kicks to the

Ground you want a guy that can get down there and you know reliable hands and all that but the ball was high and he get smacked so uh it is what it is nobody’s gonna poo poo manangi that’s for sure and that was pretty much the game uh and brers

Would be able to pull it out and that was it so did I anybody answer my question on whether that was Ward or not there’s nobody am I’m the only one that trying to come up with that one yeah I don’t see anybody oh day that’s right

There was a kid named day wasn’t it maybe that was it okay I think there was a yeah I forget who that kid was but I think they look the same man they both look kind of like a little squatty white kids so but day that does sound familiar

All right wait uh what do I oh yes it was Ward kid came back from cancer okay well now we got I don’t know maybe it was day maybe it was Ward so I don’t know if anybody has like a positive on this but I’ll ask uh I’ll I’ll ask

Richie what uh I’m sure it’s a question that he’s just can’t wait to answer but I just think it’s interesting that especially if it was the same kid because um that’s what teaching coaching is all about isn’t it about making sure that if you screw up one time that you

Don’t screw up the next time and you learn from it and even if it’s not the same kid that’s what you’re going to see on film hey look at what not to do no matter if you’re the guy or not make sure that when it’s your turn you don’t

Do what he did so uh that’s what great coaching’s like and that’s why it’s it’s nice to see because remember up until I forget until we had that first touchdown was it against Indiana we really hadn’t put together a whole lot of Big Blocks effective block punts for touchdowns and

Things of that nature so things really picked up late in the season and that’s great to see because that’s old school Greg shano special teams and that’s what we want now the kick return game was a complete disaster and that can’t continue I mean we’re kind of used to

Getting some nice kick return touchdowns and putt return touchdowns around here for the past several years that just didn’t even come close to happening this year so hopefully one these young kids that we’re developing uh will come in and be like one of those dudes uh because that’s

What we need we need some we got to get some of those uh we got to get that return game going in the Special Teams again because you know I think overall there’s a lot to be prom promising about with Applebee with Patel uh but you got

To find uh and again the blocking of the punts and you got to get somebody though to return that that that that can turn your special teams unit completely around because that’s how you steal points you know it’s so hard to steal points on block on

Punch for touchdowns a lot easier to do it on returning kicks for touchdowns but uh and and and we’re not going to be an elite special teams unit again until we get one of those kids so I know that we’ll have better players on the depth

Chart next year and I I’m I I feel pretty optimistic that somebody is going to be returning punts and kickoff for us next year and they’re going to be dangerous don’t know who that is but I believe that that’s uh going to be uh what’s going to happen next year all right

Uh I’m just reading some of these uh what are you guys talking about Alabama for let’s see uh let’s see gabin is not good enough we’re not beating either Cal team nor Oregon in Washington without a forward passing quarterback I agree with that no Gavin is not good enough we’re

Not beating either okay yes it was uh let’s see so you starts a race and get blown out no bowl game any transfers great logic that’s from Step web so Steph web you believe that and again remember this is nobody wants to see AJ SAS because it’s not going to happen

Anyway aace is not going to be given the job hey go AJ it’s your job that’s not happening the only way AJ SAS is getting out there is if he proves it and deserves it and if he proves it and deserves it he’s not going to look like

An idiot and it’s going to be oh yeah why’ they do that so that’s not happening so it’s either he’s going to be out there and and again even if he should be out there and proves it I still don’t think they’re gonna put him out there that’s the whole point all right

So oh no don’t tell me that we’re uh talk why are we why why are we getting into racism here we’re not talking racism are we what is this if whimz was not black and it was a white guy in year one showed some flash but had the exact season whims had

Different conversation would be let’s see next year first of all he’s said two years so not one that’s that’s that’s important to keep in mind he’s had a couple years and what day and age are we in today where we’re worrying about the quarterback’s black or white that’s old

News I mean how I mean almost every great quarterback out there nowadays uh if you’re taking a look at it there there are just as many quality black quarterbacks in the NFL as white quarterbacks so I’m not even especially in college nobody cares about whether your quarterback’s white or

Black again I’m not going to speak for the 1% that do but that’s that’s just not even that’s that’s that has nothing to do with it zero and the stats don’t lie you know you’re not 48% completion percentage because you’re black you’re 48% completion percentage because you’re inaccurate and that’s just that’s the

Bottom line and we’ had some really bad white quarterbacks here as well I mean the last fourstar quarterback didn’t do too good either now he went to Illinois and actually they went to a bowl last year and I he was a part of that team I mean he got into some action he

Had some good games and some bad games so he did make something of himself and forgetting who the hell that guy was and I’m glad I don’t remember his name because he’s not worth mentioning and he’s white uh but yeah that has nothing to do with anything

Zero all right now I’m G to wrap up by going I just want to quickly I know I’ve talked about it already anyway so here is the here’s the commitment list uh from ruus Rivals of course so I mean there’s a ton of gu see there are guys that I look at

And what am my okay I was just looking at danan Harper over there so there are some guys that you always look at these bios and stuff and you go wow this guy could be good this guy could be good and you know it’s same thing you’re doing in

Scouting for when you you bringing guys in from the college ranks to the NFL um a guy can look good in high school that doesn’t mean he’s going to be good in college and so forth and so on from college to the NFL but you you can’t be blinded by by

The fact that if you take a look at the guys that were coming in the last couple of years and you compare them to this group it’s like night and day I mean the guys that they recruited this year now there’s no doubt that the rankings that it’s right there the

Rankings are proof how much better this class is but these are men I mean these are top athletes this is and the thr in the fact that there’s a nice quarterback is like cherry on top I mean look at these guys you got Cory Duff speaking of uh speaking of uh tight end

SL athletes wide receivers yeah C just even taking a look at the skill position Cory Duff Isaiah Crumpler is gonna be somebody you got the kid uh from Maryland how do you pronounce his name auni I know Richie’s really good he’s like me we’re pretty bad at spelling

Or pronouncing names I should say of players but auni anyway the kids got uh this is the guy that they’re like trying to compare to like Gates which is a very bad thing to do don’t do that but I understand what they’re coming from and it’s promising so uh you also have of

Course win Wint and I mean he’s already 61 1220 uh who else we have coming in uh from the skill positions actually let’s talk about well you got Noah Shaw too and Benjamin black there you go Benjamin black the offensive line is going to be real important and you who knows how

These guys are going to go but I trust the coaching that’s important the coaching the coaching the coaching Poff sure looks like somebody who’s going to be uh a big part of the defense in the coming years it’s nice to get these guys what I really love about

This class is getting kids from all over the country how awesome is this I mean look at this Miami Miami Miami Florida Michigan North Carolina Florida Ohio North Carolina Georgia Wisconsin is that the second kid from Wisconsin New York New Jersey okay back to the home I mean

Canada there’s kids all over the place oh we got a couple guys from New Jersey he we got sesa win from New Jersey it’s like everybody else is from out of town it’s so funny of course K Sanders is going to be awesome too speaking of players that we that see

That’s the thing you take a look at we see when your class isn’t all that great expecting freshmen to start just don’t that doesn’t happen but These Guys these freshman they’re going to have legitimate chance to play Early kaj Sanders Corey Duff let’s see who else could I mean who

Who knows Antonio White he might get in we need we need uh some uh some some some some fresh meat back there uh who else could start Benjamin black Montel Johnson not the linebackers might take a little bit longer I know it’s a little bit harder of position

Even up front on defense got a bunch of you know the the lineman it’s is tough early on those are big boys those are grown men anyway I’m just really excited about this class I think it’s going to be awesome and uh I I just think uh by

2025 look it’s not going to happen next year as I said because we got to give SAS time and then it’s going to be up to um uh both of the veteran quarterbacks are going to get a chance they’re gonna get one year here you go here’s your

Chance there’s your chance Gavin this is it because Gavin is gonna have one more year that’s it Gavin does not get another year he’s has next year to prove himself or he’s gone uh or like I said I I I would like to see there’s no reason

I mean you want a guy with experience as a backup so I would hope that if he is not the starter by 2025 and he has another year of Eligibility that he stays and and back up and is the backup to SAS uh so that’s what I’m hoping for I’m hoping

For Gavin whim at to take some sort of Step that none of us are believing is going to make or canakis whatever the hell his name is one of these two dudes you know you have you’re bring in another guy and that gives you a much better chance of success now it’s not

Just whims at now you get another guy that has a lot of the same tools wanting you to just develop will you so if one of these guys develops I don’t care who it is uh whim that I prefer because he’s ruter true and true that’s always what

You’re going to go with first in my Minds which you should you know you got to be loyal to your own guys and hopefully he picks it up and develops and becomes more consistent and he’s our guy but it’s nice to know that if he’s not if he’s the same old Gavin and

Nothing is is not gotten any better and it’s just going to be you see what you get this is going to be the guy then you have another veteran that’s going to come in is going to now give him an opportunity to um or an opportunity for

The program and for the team to to be better uh at that position and then you got another young kid too that uh I hope gets the opportunity to play cuz look I’ve brought it up before and I know that not every uh true freshman quarterback even in the power

Six is going to play unless you’re like some sort of elite recruit festar recruit and even those guys don’t all play I mean look at the kid from UCLA that didn’t work out he’s already transferred to what Oregon so it just doesn’t all work out for these guys but

The point is is that some of them can actually play as true freshman I and and I brought up the kid from duke so you know and and and there were other guys out there that same thing some of these kids can play now is it perfect

Are they ready no but they can play and so what I just say is is wait wait a second so a third string true freshman quarterback from duke can play as a freshman and I’m not supposed to believe that a true freshman from Rod Cruz can play why what what’s Duke football

Supposed to be I mean Duke football that’s actually a program that ruers has been better than uh for the past 25 years if you look at it I mean Duke football has been relevant well they’ve been relevant this is the third time they were relevant so they’re gonna have to make a

Change out of man Diaz but this was the third time you know they had a nice little run recently uh then they stepped away for a few years and and you got to go all the way back to Steve sper before that so it’s not like Duke is some sort of Football Factory

So if they could come up with a true freshman that could actually go out there and look like hey he’s he’s pretty good he’s not bad then why can’t we so um anyway that that’s that’s just what I say and I’m not expecting SAS to play

Just that’s just my point is that I think some people tend to be like well you’re a true freshman you’re not going to play and uh when you’re talking about things like offensive line and defensive line you know maybe even linebacker I I I totally understand forget it you know

You got to it takes time to develop you’re only a high school kid but quarterback is different I think you have a shot uh so I’m going to be hopeful and this is the way I look at it if Gavin whims at plays similarly or looks like he did

This year next year at a camp same thing from this calak kamakas dude let’s say what we’ve seen from those two guys don’t get any better and they’re just the same guys next year year and AJ SAS doesn’t look better than them that’s a problem okay because then

That means he’s not good right now and he ain’t gonna be good maybe for a few years and now we definitely better go out and get ourselves a veteran in the transfer portal that can be better than these guys I don’t think that’s the case

But I’m just saying if AJ SAS is unable to look better than what we’ve seen this year from G whims at as a passer okay that’s a problem because 48% is not going to get it done so um that’s why I’m positive and I’m GNA say okay well here’s SAS

He’s there he’s gonna give him the job but only if Gavin and calakas don’t up their game okay and and and I certainly hope they do up their game that’s going to be my that’s my hope you know I’m not because I know you can’t just hand or or

Expect a true freshman quarterback in the Big 10 to come in be successful as a it’s just it’s just not going to happen and I know that the kids’s Tough Enough and and would be tough enough to to to to to handle the pressure and to handle

The the grind of a big 10 even as a freshman I think he’s the type of kid that can handle it but it’s just not you don’t have to do it I mean you have the extra year you have a red shirt that’s what the red shirt’s for

And I know players leave and bolt for the NFL early but hey I don’t you think that’d be awesome if we could worry about AJ SAS losing an extra year of Eligibility because he’s bolting to the NFL that could only be like a problem that we could dream about but chances

Are he’ll be a four-year kid of playing time there’s no reason to rush him in 2024 unless we need him so I just hope we don’t okay so uh that’s pretty much going to wrap it up let me take a look at the last chats messages that we’ve been talking about here ah

Yes Ted isn’t a kid anymore next year Ben black a really fast Florida kid will return punch and kicks all right I like it that’s what I’m looking for all right what else here uh let’s see what we got here don’t remind me about Noah vedal please Ron the forward pass is an

Essential element for playing quarterback Gavin lacks the fundamental element and again we’re not beating anyone throwing for 80 to 100 yards per game and that is correct and that is why hold on I was hearing something really weird outside my window it’s like a crying animal or something like that but I

Think it was the TV in the other room surround sound it can with your head all right let’s see um let’s see yes it is way too early to predict the a record Paul for next year we’re not going to do that uh would uh Barry darkens would you bet

Your house that whim at can’t get better next year my house no but I’m going to say I feel just looking at him I’m gonna say that I’m 85% positive that Gavin whims at is not going to get any better as a passer I I just don’t see

It there’s there’s nothing in his game that leads me to believe like I don’t see like it you know I don’t see like you know what I I that’s that’s that’s it isn’t it and know now don’t get me wrong we see it like we’ll see him look hey he’ll look

Great for a quarter he’ll make some really good passes on a drive but it’s it’s just not normal the averages are not with him that you can be that inconsistent and because it’s not like uh especially at this level it’s just not I mean what would have to happen is

For that 15 20% to actually uh for me to believe that would work is he’d have to go into the off season find somebody to teach him somebody’s got to be able I don’t care if he’s got to pay him himself out of his own nil if he’s making whatever the hell he’s

Making but find somebody I don’t care who it is but find somebody to to to to change your mechanics to change your your head to change your your approach I don’t care what it is but he needs some major major coaching in this off season major coaching and if that happens then yeah

Maybe somebody will be able to get him to figure out that you know what you look pretty good there for a drive or a quarter I can get you to to do that for two quarters or three and that’s all it will take to change your career but again statistically speaking it doesn’t

Happen we can only hope that’s all we can do is hope that’s why I always give everybody a chance I don’t care there have been players in every sport that I followed and I’ve some of these kids I’ve or or veterans you know professional athletes I just I’m so sick

Of them I don’t want him on my team anymore I know we’re never going to win with this guy and then if he happens if if the coach if the staff believes that he does have maybe a chance and he keeps the kid at whatever position or whatever

Sport it is and he’s on my team the next year he all right you got a clean slate let’s go come on I’m I’m there with you man let’s go and that’s how I’m going to be with whims at but I do not have have a lot of uh

Faith that it’s going to work out Del Marva fishing has donated $10 and I uh speak for Richie and also Mike to thank delmara fishing for the $10 chat if Gavin hits the gym real hard and gets a little faster he can run the offense till SAS takes over and then

Have a package for short distance right now he’s a smaller weaker Anthony Richardson that is the problem dear I completely agree is that if and I I just I I just think he’s too small I just I just don’t the overall build I think we and I know he’s gotten

Bigger but I don’t know if he can get that much bigger but if he was bigger he could be better as a as a runner and he could be that much more dangerous as a runner but again that’s not going to change his accuracy I think it could make him a

Better Runner and I think it could make him a more dangerous college quarterback but it’s not going to do anything for him to be a to be a more accurate player maybe we could be more successful overall if he was that type of guy but yeah I don’t I

Don’t see him getting that much bigger from this season for the next season instead I think what he should do is is try to see if because he we know that in short glimpses he’s shown that he can make a nice throw he can be hot for a

Quarter or or a Drive that’s that’s what he has to try to figure out is if he can do better than that you know longer than that be more consistent than that I think he has a better chance of doing that than bulking up and um because look I mean is that really

Because I don’t think he’s he’s a starting quarterback on this team next year if he were to bulk up and he’s still a 48% guy and maybe he could be more effective running the football there I don’t think there’s any way if we bring in the kid from Minnesota and

And if SAS looks like he’s a good kid uh I don’t think there’s any way Gavin whim at’s our quarterback under just because he’s going to run the ball better I we can’t win like that I forget who it was that mentioned that on the chat he was exactly right

You just can’t you have to be able to throw the football you have to have a couple hundred yards every game as a passing team and if you say well yeah but how’s that going to take away from me running itame well it shouldn’t that’s how that’s how become a great team that’s

How your offense becomes dangerous that’s the thing that drives you I mean nuts is that just imagine if our offense actually had a passing game what that could do to open up the running game that’s the thing that just boggles the mind is that manangi is so effective and

Everybody knows he’s running the football so that’s what you that’s what you can’t wait for is the time to come whoever the quarterback is that can start opening up this offense and just imagine how dangerous we could be that’s what I’m looking for that’s what I’m waiting for now jet set for

Life I hear you because I am a Jet fan and a ruers fan about Zach Wilson and Gavins big difference and Zach Wilson has proven this year see Zach has done it over a game he’s done it in games not quarters and drives Zack Wilson has shown that look I know

That most people think I’m actually absolutely ridiculous in saying this it’s just the way that I feel honestly this year’s Zach Wilson or let’s say next year’s Zach Wilson or even this year’s Zach Wilson not the one that came out of college because he wasn’t he didn’t have enough experience

Now he’s had a couple of extra years so now he’s had four or five years of playing football so this year Zach Wilson I believe if you take this year’s Zach Wilson and put him on the San Francisco 49ers I think Zack Wilson could be in the running for NFL

MVP that’s because he would have an elite left tackle Christian mcaffrey debu Samuel Brandon iuk and George KD and to me that’s all Zack Wilson needs to be a Top Flight quarterback in the NFL now I didn’t feel that way last year and there were times earlier this

Year I didn’t feel like that but now from what I’ve seen and how he’s grown no doubt in my mind exactly everything that the Jets thought about Zack Wilson they’re getting now and you know what know it is so jet they’re going to wind up buckling under the pressure because

Everybody is saying oh well they just can’t possibly bring back Zack Wilson next year’s backup there’s just no way they can do that all right you can bring back all the coaches and everything like that but no way because if Aaron Rogers get hurt there’s no way you’re going

Back to Zack Wilson you know what if Joe Douglas and the Jets Buckle to that pressure and go out and get some stiff 34 year old quarterback and say well you know Zach okay we’ll get we’ll let you go somewhere else but we’re going to go

Ahead and play with Aaron roggers in a 34y old back up for the next couple years and then Aaron maybe he gets hurt again or he doesn’t he plays for a couple years and he moves on and then where are we where are the Jets again looking for a franchise quarterback and

By the way two years from now what do you think Zach Wilson will be doing he’ll probably be slinging it and and he’ be one of the top quarterbacks in the NFL playing for a team that actually has structure and talent around him watch watch him do that watch them

Do that and I and I’m a big Joe Douglas guy I I and I know he likes Zach Wilson I just hope he doesn’t Buckle to the pressure bring in another quarterback and I know it’s hard to have a third quarterback on the team I don’t care bring in a veteran quarterback along

With Zach Wilson but if you let that kid go there is no doubt in my mind that he is going to end up being a 10year success story in the NFL and we’re going to have as a Jet fan we’re going to have to have dealt with all the bad stuff and

The growing pains and some other franchise is going to take advantage of the fact that now he’s a veteran and he’s he’s been through the wars and they’re GNA get the the good Zack Wilson and we’re gonna have to deal with all the bad stuff and that’s just that’s not

How you run a franchise so uh yeah that’s that’s what I’m going to say and I’m sorry if you think I’m loopy but uh this Brock py for the NFL MVP is just total nonsense and I so we saw it on on on on Sunday night on

Monday night okay if you put Brock py on the New York Jets this year he’ll look like Zack Wilson so I don’t I just want to hear it 0 and three without Trent Williams without debu and without Christian mcaffry this year that’s what he was 0 and three without those guys

What does that tell you he needs The Supporting Cast that’s the same thing with Zach Zach doesn’t have a Supporting Cast so he looks like this you put him in a team with a Supporting Cast and all of a sudden all the great traits that make Zack Wilson the prospect that Joe

Dougas was going to be boom now you got yourself potential Superstar that’s just what I think so I don’t think you can compare who is at and Zack Wilson but uh you know what I’m probably wrong they’re probably going to let Zack Wilson go they’ll probably trade him for a fifth

Round draft pick in the off season and then we’ll go out and get some Bozo to be a backup to Aaron roders uh and uh you know and then we’ll have to cross our fingers that Aaron Rogers becomes uh you know the guy that we all thought he

Was going to be so we don’t worry about Zack Wilson because all I care and all Jeet fans care about is winning a Super Bowl and if Aaron Rogers can bring a Super Bowl to the Jets then uh I don’t think anybody’s going to care what happens to Zack Wilson

So that’s my take on Zack Wilson I know uh many people don’t believe with believe what I do but uh that’s just uh that’s just what I think so anyway um um hopefully I didn’t lose you guys talking about the Jets let’s see here anything else before

We get out of here Sam Brown looked like old Sam Brown early and glad is coming back absolutely absolutely 100% I just love what what we’ve seen from uh Brown in this game and uh just so hopeful uh that uh that brown can be the

Man again I think by 2025 I think he could uh he could be the man for this team so and um and again uh all you all all I hope that you guys do by the way because I I know how people think about Zach All I

Want You people to do is remember this what I said today just remember give me a couple years and just remember this conversation because I will because I’ve got them all on on video and and uh and I’ve been doing this for 30 years and you don’t know how

Many times that I’ve said that people have laughed in my face about and I’ve been able to come back at so this is going to be one of them you’ll see anyway this is a ruer show so I’m going to get out of here as we end

The uh post game the 13th post game of 2023 on a high note ruter gives us an opportunity to get more wins than losses so even though one came from an FCS team but uh seven and six bowl win beat Miami for the first time so that’s awesome uh

Check uh check out the channel in the next couple days I’m sure Richie and Mike and all the guys are going to have their take on the game so check them out and as again as I mentioned earlier you can check uh my videos over at the arell

Ads football Channel basically it’s the RADS YouTube channel that’s all it is and again you can go to if you’ve never used their Jeet Tarts before it’s the best in the business also of course the draft guides will be out as usual in April we’re going to

Talk a lot about the NFL draft and free agency if any of you guys are Carolina Panther fans I had a good interview today uh with the Carol with the Carolina Panthers YouTube uh Channel host who does a great job so we went uh and I’m going to start talking about all

These teams right now that are not going anywhere like the Jets talk about uh their free agency uh uh um possibilities uh the draft things of that nature so we started with Carolina today uh and uh I’m going to talk uh about all 32 teams between now and then Dave cyberon who’s

The lead Scout at draft uh we’re going to do our first mock draft together it’s going to be three days after uh January 15th the day that we all know uh which players will declare for the NFL draft uh that’ll be one of three mock draft shows we’re

Going to do and then Dave cyberton and I are going to go into all 32 teams and talk about all of their draft needs once free agency ends and then we know where the holes the remaining holes need to be filled so uh tons of videos on that on

The RADS YouTube channel uh and then uh again like I said uh if you’re a fan of some of the other sports uh you can go to Prime Sports Network that’s my channel um but uh let’s see I have the auto racing channels called caution uh the golf channel is called

Tea off with Jan Stevenson and if you have no idea about golf or if you do uh then Jan Stevenson was actually a sex symbol Google her she was a sex symbol back in the 80s she actually dated Donald Trump uh an Australian golfer who won Majors she’s a Hall of Fame golfer

Uh so she’s one of our top analysts on the on this Golf Channel called tea off with Jan Stevenson I’ve got another golf analyst with me so check that out we have our horse racing channel called HSE power we do that every week if you’re a thorough horse racing fan I just

Recorded a show earlier today for some racing at Gul Stream Park on Saturday and then of course like I said the mystery caution uh auto racing uh channel is going to be about NASCAR indie car and uh actually yeah it’s going to be about all three series and

Matter of fact indie car uh programming is going to take off this year because our analyst from last year just got a job with the uh with the series so we’re going to start Landing some really cool interviews if you’re into into auto racing so check that out and uh I think

That’s that’s about it so next year we’ll be here before you know it postgame show number one whenever that’s going to be uh with ruter football and it’s only going to get better from here guys I truly 100% believe that again I don’t know about next year but definitely for

2025 uh and as far as basketball huge ruu basketball fan of course um I’m I I’m I I I think some of these uh uh basketball uh I’m not sure about not everybody but I’ll just say this um we need time this is not the old ruus basketball team this

Is this is clearly not this group needs time I think they’re going to be a lot better in about a month or two but then there’s only you only have a certain amount of time left in the season I don’t know if they have I don’t know if

It’s going to be enough to get to to to to to the big dance this year I just don’t um but yeah I’m I’m just uh you know there’s there’s something missing from it I think it’s toughness uh and so forth and also continuity and it’s hard

Kind of hard to be uh kind of everybody to play together as one when you when you played like two games and three weeks so I get that uh but uh my look I I hope the team is is going to be better than I think but uh I just think that I

Think we’re getting I think we got too carried away with like the St Peters with the St St Hall game and came back down to earth two weeks later it’s just uh I think it’s going to take time but uh I do have hope as we all do that the

Hoops team will somehow make a run to in March Madness again this year and we’re all waiting for next year of course and that’s going to be awesome so can’t wait like the rest of you guys so anyway I’m out uh hope you have enjoyed the uh

Postgame shows all 13 of them here on the rod football


  1. I thought Wimsatt was a Junior this year. ESPN has him listed as one. Did he keep his redshirt his freshman year or did he play too many games?

  2. Thing is with Gavin, I think he's so afraid of throwing interceptions he throws where only his WR can get it after he makes sure there isnt a safety 10 feet or closer behind him.

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