Golf Babe

Ball position in golf

Ball position is super important. Make sure you do it correctly.

Jimmy Tropicana

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#golf #golfswing #golftips #golflessons

Ladies and gentlemen my name is Jimmy I’m with Tropicana golf I love the questions that come through in the comment section of the YouTube videos the biggest question that I’ve received in the last four days ball position ball position is very very important where you place the ball will determine how

You hit the ball so you must have good ball position and I think there’s a lot of confusion as to where do I place my balls I’m going to show you so that you can have consistent contact every single time just by standing and placing the ball in

A certain place let’s get it right into it right now okay as you can see we have three balls set up here these are going to be for different clubs this is a quick hitter but it’s very very important we’re going to start with the driver because I think a lot of people

Have questions where do I place my driver I see so many people place the ball on the left side of their front foot never that is incorrect that is totally wrong for a driver you want to have it about two to 3 in inside of your front

Foot right here and my head just behind the ball that’s it so the driver goes 2 to 3 in inside when I say inside I mean towards my back foot inside my front foot two to three inches and my head behind the I just have a little just a

Baby little tilt behind just a tilt behind keep my head behind I swing through and I can hit the ball so that’s my ball position for my driver right there two to three inches inside of my back foot okay cool it’s easy write that down you’re done let’s

Go on to a mid iron this is a mid iron this is a actually this is a five iron okay so good five iron off the T middle of the Fairway wherever it took me a long time to realize that the further I moved the ball back the better the

Impact so now my five iron goes 2 to 3 in inside of my back foot it it feels like it’s back here a lot what that allows me to do is with irons you want to hit down on the ball down not up with

The driver yeah you want to hit up on it but with the irons you want to take this club head and pound the back of the ball boom into the ground that will cause you to hit the ball first then take a divot so I play it back in my stance two to

Three inches inside of my back foot I turn back turn forward my head is still straight down at the ball boom I’m hitting the ball first then I’m taking a divot the ball is back in my stance easy enough now with my irons I have a 56

Degree here I play that even further back just just inside my back foot not two to three inches maybe an inch here maybe an inch inside my back foot it’s way back there way back there turn boom hit the ball then hit the ground okay so let’s go over all of them

Again the driver two to three inches inside my front foot right here you can see it two to three inches inside my front foot head just behind the ball five iron mid iron three four five six seven eight iron I play two to three inches inside my back foot two to three inches

Inside my back foot looks something like this there it is okay and my wedges I play my wedges way back just inside my back foot literally an inch it’s almost even with my back foot okay I’m going to hit these balls I’m going to show you what can happen when

You do it properly let’s get these out of the way I’m going to start with my driver I’m going to show you that I get here I get set I take my stance I’m two to three Ines I have a nice wide base wide base head goes just behind the ball I turn

Back I turn forward and hit the ball perfect perfect contact Perfect Balance I hit it on the up slope ball goes okay good done five iron two to three Ines inside my back foot here nice wide stance still the balls way back in my stance I turn back

I turn forward hit the ball then hit the ground I should take a nice little divot after the ball turn back turn forward perfect look at the divot dead straight ball goes perfectly straight Falls a little right perfect now wedge way back way back this ball needs to get up

In the air quickly that’s what wedges do so I play it way back I turn back I turn turn forward hit the ball first then the ground oh that’s beautiful look at the divot dead straight let me show you this so you can see exactly where these

Divots and how they look you can tell they’re perfectly in line down the Fairway perfectly in line so I’ve hit them both well this one’s a little deeper because I played it further back in my stance that one’s not as deep because it’s a little bit more

Forward but for me this ensures that the ball goes straight and that I make good contact so all of you that had questions with that I hope this helps I’ll see you soon


  1. Thank you Jimmy. Happy New Year to you and your family. Many Blessings to you for 2024. What irons are you currently playing ?

  2. Thank you, Jimmy…nobody explains the swing as well and simple as you do. I have a question…what are your eyes fixed upon during the swing? Thank you, sir.

  3. Thanks Jimmy, love your contnet. I usually have issues with chunking iron shots. I had people telling me to move the ball toward my lead leg, which was probably making this worse. Hope this will help my iron play. Driver is a whole other story, as my swing falls apart. Keep it up!!

  4. Great video Jimmy this was the best ball placement explanation I’ve ever seen really simple. If I ever get any good weather in East Tennessee I’ll be implementing this for sure. Thanks again Jimmy

  5. Love the content on all videos and basic fundamentals . I’m a 63 YO struggling golfer, don’t know what’s happening.
    Private lessons? Playing lessons? 2 day private clinic?

  6. I started using this after watching your videos the past few months and I'm actually compressing the ball now. Nice video brotha.

  7. Ok Jimmy i have something for you if you have time check out this video 📹 its from Padraig Harrington he was a former major champion he talks bout ball placement with wedges the title of the video is " How to master pitch shots ( 50-100 yards ) Paddys Golf Top #26 Padraig Harrington " tell me what you think he says ball needs to be forward that deep divots make you have less control with wedges

  8. Im going to have to try this for irons. Maybe not to much in extremes, but small increments.
    My trackman data from my fitting shows +3 angle of attack. And the oddity is i can hit my irons, and connot hit a driver. Maybe, just maybe, when my new irons get here, the 2 flat bend will shed new or different light. And mid grips, with +3/4 on the shaft.

  9. Your tips on this game just in the last month have been ureal in helping me to get par and now I'm making birdies. I'm winning my league prizes and really ticking off the gals that use to beat me. Cracks me up it's so easy with your advice. Thank you! I owe ya man.❤😊❤

  10. Man I had been changing my swing so much recently I simplified it back down to low take away, shift weight to right wave at the camera, bump left and swing and it just made everything fall in place.

  11. Good shit Jimmy thanks. That'd exactly what I needed. Now since the ball Is further back in the stance like you said the ball is going to fly lower. What do you do when I high shot is call for like a par 3 where you kinda want the ball to stop. I understand just playing it to the front and letting it release but what about when you need that high stop and what it to stop on a dime..

  12. maaaaan….you make it look so easy. haha. JIMMY. golf envy over here. love it man. you're da man. When do you sign your LIV contract?

  13. Really enjoying your common-sense tips. I've unsubscribed from all other golf videos in order to simplify my game this year. The last two years I've been a mental mess on the course, struggling with conflicting swing thoughts. Not this season!

  14. I really like how you explain the game. I started placing the ball back in my stance and keeping 70% of my weight on my lead foot with iron shots and it made a big difference in ball flight and accuracy.

  15. Can you do a video on how your grip position at address? When you lean your club forward at setup, do you already have your grip set? or do you lean the club forward and then set your grip? which comes first, grip, or club lean? I notice that when I set my grip either before or after club lean, it changes my clubface at impact. Thanks

  16. Great video explaining your ball positions. I don't know if you ever use a fairway wood, but where would you place the ball for that club?

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