Starting The Golf Swing Is Incredibly EASY When You Know This!

Starting the downswing is incredibly EASY when you know this simple move you can do which only requires 2 initial thoughts for the backswing and just one thought for the downswing. Keeping the swing nice and simple! I see too many golfers over complicating the swing and finding it EASY to take to the range, but out on the course, it’s very different and not quite the case! So if your’e finding this, you need to watch this video and if you’d like me to personally check you’re doing this right. You can reach out to me, link in bio!
00:00 Intro
00:53 The 2 Forces
02:13 Step 1 For Backswing
04:30 Step 2 For Backswing
06:11 Backswing With A Club
09:31 The Downswing
12:00 Combining The Steps
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Too many golfers over complicate the golf swing especially when it comes to taking the club back beginning that golf swing and if you find this is you suffering from too many swing thoughts and these swing thoughts may work out on the driving range but taking them to the

Course isn’t quite the case well in this video we’re going to be looking at an easy method that you can do out on the driving range and take this out to the golf course keeping things simple for you with only just two pointers that you

Need to think about to take the club to the top of the back swing and one simple for to the down swing so for those of you who are new to the channel my name is Harry PJ golf professional transforming golfers worldwide down here at the golf projects and if you’re new

Please make sure you hit the Subscribe button in the bottom right hand corner as it helps me grow the community and I am posting every single week at least two to three videos to help you transform your golf and be sure to also comment down below a tips or drills

Video topic you would like me to cover in a future video so want you to remember this before we kickart with this move the go swing Works in reaction so whatever we do to begin that goal swing and take the club back to the top of the back swing position we’ll always

Find that we have the tendency of doing the opposite in the down swing so what do I mean by this well it can be two different methods it could be to do with forces acted in relation to the ground so for Isaac’s thirdd law of motion for

Every Force acted on a stationary object for example for us the only connection we have is the ground there is always an equal and opposite force acting upon it for example if we press into the ground and we push up we’re going to apply more

Force to go upwards if we want to jump we would go down to go up the other reaction in the GOL s we have is when we take the club back and we swing for example too far on the inside we can then get too far over the top to try and

Recover from this action so we’ve got two there we’ve got one that where we apply the forces and that reacts upon it and also the positioning of the Swing if we swing too far on the inside we’ll then revert to going too far over the top and vice versa swinging too far on

The outside we’ll swing then too far on the inside to try and recover from this so in order for us to get these two correct we want to be making sure we’re getting these to work in our favor so let’s begin with the back swing phase

How can we simplify this move taking the club back and working all the way to the top of the Swing we’re going to be talking about two things and the first one being how the body should work in the golf swing so you’re going to take

The club away for now and you’re just going to place your hand either side of your thighs like this here setting up as if you was hit the golf ball and I want you just to first off create this sense of an awareness of where the pressure is moving from Trail

Side to lead side and once you’ve got used to this you can close your eyes as well just to develop this understanding even further then bring it into the 50/50 keeping both feet planted hands go back on these each side and then from this movement here we’re just going to

Then begin tilting like so we’re going to add these two together in just a sec so we’re tilting like so here and you can see there my head is tilting either side but my sternum is staying very much Central we’re not moving too far this way and we’re not moving too far this

Way either because that be swaying too much in the golf swing and now once we’ve got used to this we can begin to add the rotation so as I’m lifting my trail arm upwards allowing this right arm to lift upwards all I’m doing here is I’m allowing this hip to rotate away

From the golf ball and you can see here now when I’m doing this going back to that pressure we working on feeling where that pressure was either side to start off with we’re getting this pressure working now into the trail side we’re allowing this pressure to transfer

From 50/50 over to that trail side of the body I’m rotating my hip I’m allowing this Trail shoulder to work up upwards into the top of the swing and you can see there from this camera angle I’m able to maintain this nice shoulder angle I’m not going too lateral and I’m

Also not going way too vertical either but the tendency we notice is getting this too much lateral motion here Club then comes on the inside and then we react and go too far on the outside so we’re allowing this motion to take place working all the way up to the top of the

Swing and once we’re set into this position here we’ve got used to this motion we can then bring in number two we’ve got this body work in the correct motion but how do we get the positioning in the golf swing correct good enough so that we don’t get a really poor reaction

Taking place in the down swing well to do this I want you to imagine you’re going to be doing a bicep curl I’ve spoken about this in a couple of my other videos and this is so important that you do correct in the swing which is why I’m including this in today’s

Video if we set up like this here with my trail on arm my right arm facing like this my palm facing away from me the elbow’s going to be pointing towards my body like this here so we’re not getting the elbow to start the golf swing pointing away like this getting this

Very much internal rotation a lot of us golfers do this too much and we’re going to explain how to cure this with the golf club in just a sec we’re going to get this Palm pointing away from the body so that its Trail elbow is pointing towards the body you’re going to imagine

You’ve got hold of a dumbbell in your hand like this here and as you begin getting this motion to work up to the top of the swing I want you to get a bicep curl taking place in your swing so going to start again from this position here we’re allowing this arm to

Naturally Flex get this bicep curl working up to the top of the swing at the same time we’re still getting this right hip the trail hip working away from the golf ball we’re still feeling this tilting motion taking place we’re adding the pressure in to the Trail side

The trail foot working all the way up to the top of the Swing so these two motions here are all you need to think about for the back swing phase so what this looks like with a golf club then so to begin with we’re going to be using

Two hands of course two arms rather than just the one we had without the golf club moving this into the grip then I mentioned just earlier that too many of us have the tendency of gripping the club like this here with our elbow facing too far away from us we want the

Elbow pointing closer very much so towards us doesn’t need to be very much touching the body but it just needs to be nice and relaxed you can see there it’s not very much tucked in it’s just nice and relaxed so what I’m going to do

From here now is I’m just going to relax my arm again just so I can restart with this I’m going to take my hand out and I’m going to set with my right palm pointing towards the ground and all I’m going to do is get that right palm

Pointing towards the sky and when I do this you can see my forearm rotates completely from internal to this external position here watch from here internal to begin with external to finish so now I can place the club on the ground and all I need to do to grip

The club now is get this Palm to point at the grip so I’ve got the Palm to Sky first it’s really important we get this right first so that we can get that elbow pointing towards us external r rotation in the forearm what I’m going

To do is use my wrist to get that Palm facing the grip and then I can take the grip as normal with my right hand my trail hand all set in this lovely position to be able to begin that golf swing so working this all the way up to

The top of the Swing we’ve got this motion here of adding that pressure into the trail side we’re getting this Trail hip working away from the golf B and then we’re allowing this bicep curl with the trail arm taking place think of the lead arm as a guide on the club for now

So I’m taking this grip Palm pointing away from us twisting it over to grip the grip and I’m getting those two motions to work this club all the way up to the top of the swing and I would highly recommend beginning with just a few slow swings keeping everything nice

And relaxed remember all you’re trying to do in the go swing is get this right arm to go from extension to then flexion at the top of the Swing you’re getting this bicep curl to take place all the way up to the top the swing so we’re allowing this body to rotate Naturally

By relaxing everything we’re working up to the top like so and if you believe that it still feels like to you you’re swinging too far on the inside or outside to begin the golf swing you can take something as simple as an alignment stick and if you place it just behind

The golf ball like this here in line with your target line you can then just ensure that when you take the club back doing this bicep curl it’s staying over that line on the ground not for as long as possible but just up until the point

Where the end of the alignment stick is from your eyeline so this is what we call the P1 position here where the club reaches just before parallel to the ground so we’ve got this Trail arm set we’re allowing this bicep curl to take place initiating this rotation from the

Right hip working up to the top of the Swing so to simplify this we’re getting the bicep curl and we’re getting our back to face towards the target so now the down swing how much do we really have to focus on in the down swing if

It’s going to be less than half a second long not a lot at all that isn’t enough time for us to over complicate this move so we’ve got to think of something very very simple that’s going to allow you to deliver the club to the ball in the most

Effortless but easiest way possible and to do this efficiently we’re going to do one more drill and we’re going to combine the two at the end once we’re set in this position working the club up to the top we’ve got this bicep curl taking place

In the rotation all I’m going to get you to do here is just simply take your Trail arm off the club if you want to you can grip down it like so if it’s a little bit heavy and when you get to the top here we want to be ensuring that our

Body and our arms and Club are working in the opposite direction I give you a good example of this if I was just to use two hands here and I was to hit a baseball right I was playing baseball I’m going to hit a baseball here okay I

Wouldn’t get this club working in the same direction like this because it looks too tense doesn’t look very good I would increase this width between my chest and the golf club we’re allowing this room this width take place in this baseball swing so taking this into the

Golf club then it works the exact same for golf however Golf Works in this 45° angle as opposed to very much upright like this here so we’re just going to nice and simply work it up to the top we’re using one hand the left hand

Because if we drag the club this way you can really feel it with the lead hand so up to the top here and we’re going to create this separation by pushing our chest away from the golf club and away from the golf ball so watch this here

I’m working up to the top and then from this position here I’m pushing my chest away from the golf ball you can see how quick I’m able to swing this club oneh handed how effortless that looks just of me feeling like the club is going to be

Pushed away from my chest going towards that golf ball and the chest is pushing upwards and through towards the target so I’m up to the top allowing this chest to work away and through to the Target here if it goes towards the golf ball that creates this very much inconsistent

Down swing that creates that reaction taking place this over the top or under plane reaction that we don’t want the three things you want to be taken away from this is for the back swing we’re thinking of two we’re allowing this back rotating getting this right hip away and

Getting the shoulder working upwards but the key with this is you will be able to do those motions now if you get your back facing towards the target so number one is back to Target number two how do we set the club up to the top of the

Swing we’re taking both hands in short we’re getting this right arm set in position we’re getting this bicep curl working the club up to the top so for the back swing the two things are back to Target and bicep curl for the down swing the only motion that we want to be

Thinking about is getting this chest working away from the golf ball and through to Target so chest is going to turn to Target so for the back swing we’re getting the back facing towards the target we’re getting this bicep Cur taking place then for the downs we

Getting this chest to the Target by all means like share subscribe but do me a favor go ahead and check out this video over here which is going to help you ensure you’re getting the takeaway working in the correct position how we can control this club head even more so

These two coincide one another really well because we’ve spoken about two efficient things that going to help you get to the top of the Swing but this one really dives into it in a little bit more detail so so go ahead give it a watch and we’ll see you next time

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