I cut into a yellow Costco golf ball and I couldn’t believe what I saw… The core and mantle were different from the white golf balls!

Was it simply a factory color mistake, or is there a performance difference in the yellow golf ball vs the white golf ball?



#costco #kirklandsignature #golf

There’s a disturbance in the force okay Costco something is going on and we are going to get to the bottom of it today because I’ve got these golf ball this is the new V3 ball and this is just supposedly the new Yellow Version of the V3 ball except it’s not the same it’s

Not the same and the reason I know that is because I got a couple of comments on the channel here recently from people who said did you know they’re not the same and I’m like you know I saw it in the store and the picture is exactly the

Same it’s just yellowt right well they were right I went to my local Costco store I finally saw the yellow balls in stock that was the first time I saw them in my local store here in Tampa and I took them out on course and I got to say

I thought they felt pretty darn good the white ones had been a little firm feeling for me I really liked the feeling of these yellow balls but I didn’t think too much more of it I shot a great round of golf playing with the Kirkland Signature irons driver wedges

And putter the full Kirkland set and I on my way but again checking the comments of videos I found that people were saying these balls were different so earlier this week I got out my pvc pipe cutting tool I cut into one of these yellow balls and I was

Shocked wow that the core is not what’s listed here on the box it’s not this bright red with a grayish silver mantle layer the core is actually pink and the mantle layer is actually white and that’s not the same as this white ball and so today here in my studio we’re

Going to find out was it just a die problem in the factory is that all it was or is there a difference in performance between this new neon yellow Kirkland Signature golf ball and the white V3 ball let’s get to work all right before I take a swing here I do

Want to ask you to please hit that subscribe button it helps more than you know and it allows me to do more of these tests and comparisons here on the channel if you’re enjoying what you see hit subscribe all right pitching wedge in hand I’ve got a a flag at 120 yellow

Ball up first good contact there so I’ll tell you what I thought I felt it outside when I was testing the Kirkland Signature full set and I think I felt it right there as well these yellow balls feel just a little bit softer there’s more compression than the white balls

Honestly I don’t know if it’s like psychosomatic or something but they just seem a little bit softer to me I don’t know what it is all right shot two here oh another good strike woo we’ll take that shot three oo another good one that could be

In the hole maybe just a little left of it but boy that was a good shot and just so you know I’m switching between all the balls here so that we test the entire pack it’s not just one ball take another one oo I got this club dialed in at the

Moment those are four good shots we’ll hit one more and then I’m going to switch over to the white balls another good one just a little right of Target all five of those hit the green though they felt good they felt really good I do think there’s a little bit

More compression but we’ll see when I hit this white ball I hope I can hit five good shots like I just did with the yellow balls decent a little more left to Target than I wanted but decent strike there’s a good one slightly right of the pin gonna hit the

Green I mean these do feel soft but they’re not as soft as those V2 balls those were a little bit softer but they also ballooned a little bit these ones out on course didn’t do that the trajectory was a little a little bit flatter and they felt a little

Firmer and I do think this white ball is just ever so slightly firmer than that yellow ball good shots though we’re hitting the green took it just a little inside there which is why that ball went a little left but still hit the green good strike one

More yeah yeah best one there that’s going right down the shoot come on I’ll tell you what 10 decent shots there I think we’re going to have a good Apples to Apples to take a look at the stats I am very interested after opening those balls up to see what the

Difference is in terms of Club head speed that’s the first thing I want to look at and thankfully the club head speed was very close 76.5 with the white balls should be a good comparison because the contact was good on all those shots too so first off we’ll look

At ball speed and look at that the yellow ball speed is a little higher 92.4 to 91.6 and the club head speed was a little higher too so it makes sense but that’s a pretty good spread that’s 8 mph there in terms of spin really close pretty much identical 7650 to 7642

That’s 8 RPM different in terms of peak height that yellow ball got up in the air just a little higher a couple times there at 28 yards it gave it an average of 27 whereas the white ball 26 that would make sense in terms of how that

Ball felt coming off the club face that softer ball seemed to go a little higher than the white ball and the simulator here confirms that in terms of carry we got a little extra distance out of that yellow ball too not a whole lot just one

Yard but every yard counts 118 to 117 but overall very very similar I would say with the pitching wedge let’s take a look at the seven iron next now before I hit the next shots here I do want to say that we’re getting our stats via the GC

Quad which is the most accurate device out on the market and that GC quad is courtesy of play where I get all my golf technology and you should too because they’re a family-owned business they care about the customer great customer service and they’ve got the best prices on the internet always

Check outplay I’ve got some links down in the description all right we’re switching here to the seven iron and I’m going to speed this video up because I don’t want this thing to last forever I’m going to hit enough shots so I get five good ones with the white

Balls five good ones with the yellow balls and then we’ll take a look at those stats I would say it’s even more apparent with the yellow balls that they’re just a little softer and more compressed all right we’ve got five good balls with each of these clubs as you

Can see all of these balls have hit the green I I did have to throw on a couple of bad swings there but these are the swings that I thought were most exemplary of an Apples to Apples comparison of course the club speed stats will help tell the tale there as

Well and yes very close the white balls I swung just a little bit harder 86.1 to 85.6 miles per hour with the yellow balls but pretty close close enough I think for my comparison at least and I think all the contact there was center of the club face in terms of ball speed

We’re getting 4 mph Advantage there for the white balls again coming off a club head speed that was4 miles per hour no 0.5 miles per hour more so pretty much in line there in terms of launch angle very similar 17.7 to 17.8 in terms of spin now this is an interesting number

5287 with the white ball and kind of surprisingly the yellow ball spun less for me 4895 I would think again a more compressed ball would get me more spin but it doesn’t seem to translate here in the stats which is very interesting in terms of peak height they were actually

The same any outliers yeah we had a couple here with the white ball that actually went a little higher so it could just be the swing that’s the variable here because apart from that the stats are pretty similar 154 carry with the white ball 155 there with the

Yellow ball got a little bit more roll out there uh with the yellow ball because the spin 4895 is a little low I actually really like the 5287 number with the white balls all right so really interesting stuff there the only variable that I could see is the about 400 RPM

Difference in terms of spin with the yellow ball being less spinny than the white ball which again is interesting because I would think that softer feeling compression would lead to a little bit more spin but we’re not seeing it with the seven iron at least all right we’re switching over to the

Driver here and this should tell the tale we’ll know once and for all if there’s any difference between these two balls let’s take a look at the club head speed there you go very close the white has the edge just a little bit again here at

96.8 to 96.44 mph Edge but look at that again ball speed off the yellow one 138.5 versus 137 so that is interesting terms of launch angle that white ball launched a little higher 133 .3 to 10.5 in terms of spin relatively the same but there is a

100 RPM difference there 1932 with the yellow 1832 there with the white Now The Descent angle is going to be steeper with the white ball as well cuz it got up higher 31.6 to 27.3 in terms of peak height that’s a considerable difference there with the white balls 24 to 19 very

Very interesting you got more carry because there was more height 231 with the white ball versus 225 with the yellow ball and 256 total with the white versus 252 total with the yellow so four yards difference there all right so what do we think here is that white ball just a

Smidge longer was it where I hit it on the club face well I don’t think I can rule it out because I’ve done multiple tests here indoors and nothing really stands out to me there’s no prevailing trend of the white ball being better or the yellow ball being better I think if

I was walking into a Costco and I saw the yellow ball I saw the white ball I don’t think I could choose that based on performance it would literally just come down to the color preference I have and I think the difference that we saw there

In the core literally comes down to the factory just not injecting enough die and for mere mortals like me and for like you I don’t think we’re going to see huge gains in performance with either of these two balls they’re basically on par but it’s awesome to have options thank you Costco for

Finally rolling out those yellow balls this was a fun test I hope you enjoyed it hope you learned a little something and I hope you hit subscribe and catch us back here next time on another edition of let’s play through


  1. There is a disturbance, I love red non-mat balls from Vice. Can see them well and find them great. Have found visibility of yellow, green, and red have much better visibility with the same feel.

  2. It’s Kirkland products. Made in Asia. What do people think Kirkland is. That are just cheap products that’s it nothing else. People will buy shit because it’s cheap

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