Golf Players

LIVE FULL GAMES: UNTV Cup Eliminations at NOVADECI Convention Center, QC | January 7, 2024

👇 UNTV Cup Round 1 Eliminations at NOVADECI Convention Center, QC, January 7, 2024:

⏰ 3:00PM – Judiciary Magis vs Ombudsman Graftbusters
⏰ 4:30PM – PNP Responders vs AFP Cavaliers

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El in the context of the team standings uh at tournament and to be blun about itman will have a chance to go up to 5 and one second round judiciary by virtue of the situation that they are in and because of the ction system that will be applied

Even if they win and get a tie between the teamsasa three four and five quals principle of win one win over the other will also uh take into effect no they have the lowest cooti uh that we have to factor in and that is uh something that they were I’m sure that

They were not looking at title Contender but the reality is only five of the seven teams will make it to the second round and the second round of course will start very soon after this uh uh final play date elimination so both win loss record meaning carry

Over win loss record from the first round to the second round judiciary second roundsman will go to the next round with a 4 And1 will loss record a chance to go to 5 and one if they win this match Good afternoon mambai and welcome welcome to Novi Convention Center in keson City day 15 of competition last day of round one of eliminations of un TV cup season 10 win and win winning Sports win for charity let’s meet our Pro tarist for this first game of our double header starting with Judiciary

Magic number one associate Justice Midas marz number two Bobby jisho number three W Nanz number four Jr guza number nine Ryan Deus number 10 Vince buo number 13 Richard Leona number 18 Ariel kabo number 22 Jerome serado number 28 Reggie malinao number 29 Chester toia number 13

Eric salaman number 45 Ed mustre number 52 nor bua obra and number 86 Tech megor coaching the Judiciary Mages assistant coach Joey yabut and now let’s meet your utsman gra Busters number zero Aldo SP number six Rodell gin number eight Norman wtio number 10 duloy ignasio number 13 Eric

Bonano number 22 Christian sangalang number 23 King imanes number 24 attorney Arman Sanchez number 26 Yuri Lino number 27 bongas number 30 is Cruz number 34 Big Boy Bazar number 50 Paul lja and number 74 Burns Branco head coach for the graft Busters Danny florano and now let’s meet the starter

First for the Judiciary matches small bo number two Bobby jisho power forward number 29 Chester tumia Center number nine ryano point guard number three waran and shooting guard number 13 Richard Leona and now the starters for the umus man gu Busters small forward number six Rodell kitzi power forward number 10 dudo ignasio

Center number 74 bir frano point guard number 50 badia and shooting guard number 23 King ianz your referee in charge of his first game are Alan manano Ryan Sano and chess Santos this is u TV gup te 10 a of sports and charity as we start this game here in

Novi Center in novaliches let’s send it quickly to Reena for an early update yes SV and Coach Ronnie Happy New Year to you guys if you were to ask the jary manages their reaction about not moving forward to the second round see Justice Midas Marquez it was kind of shocked

About this news now all the while during the holiday break the Judas matches were so consistent with their practices three times a week because all the while they were thinking onto the next round but they have no one to blame but themselves because they had not seen or not shown

Consistency in their games Chester toia there was really lack of commitment now for today’s ball game their goal here is to exit gracefully attitude of a winning team to be able to beat the onsman graft Busters after this they will go for long break going into the executives face off

Mid of this year 2024 lastly no presence of Justice Midas Marquez who is still out of the country sir seven coach Ronnie and don’t you just love it to Reina bamore puts everything in clear context thank you Reena he saves us a ton of explanting explaining rather and uh new word explanting

Explaining you know these things happen to a team they find out late uh but life goes on life goes on in the early preparation for season 11 but before that the executive faceof will uh will happen but uh they want to be play the spoilers role so to speak they want to

Come out on a winning note because it’s important that they have a statement against the team that’s leading their group right now imagine on Woodsman right now the top of the [Applause] the way the cards uh were dealt and humbled in the meantime there’s a foul on ianes as he tried to reach in on the grasp of Franco yes uh and the last loss that they suffered was last December 10 [Applause] 8272 principle win over the other is going to take place because they won their first two games this is a team that was a 2 and sis NH SSS and Judiciary of course a former champion champion and uh we also have to I think the fact [Applause] that Stretch so I guess okay there is a foul of the steps of chest Chester they just made the finals last Season Justice say justice might Joey I hope he plays there he’s calling the shots today for the Judiciary and nice drive by col The Great passas Well I know daughter I know he’s probably spending time with his daughter ab ab this is a good uh 60 start in the first

Uh two minutes and change at Uh because this is I believe a pool a Team da PNP AFP Senate which gets harder and harder as we move towards the uh deeper part but the last game that they played was against DF on that turn there’s foul nothing so far on offense Kirts report very honest and candid statement Chester find together for whatever reason comeing Ariel

Capos they were also handicapped by so many injuries that fa this team correct correct into the season and during the season as well things go well you get good breaks and then you also look at the ascent of a lot of other government agencies like this umman team Here Comes aldus looking

Inside here’s ignasio who has always been a sharp player that’s Sam ignasio Nails the first basketman and stops an 8 Z last [Laughter] [Applause] yes jary one TR M get their last win and dman their second straight Richard exactly Chester launches pops away and the rebound is claimed by tot and OG

Yeah and this is the one two punch underneath while the new breed of Young Turks Aldo Pass ladia and uh this one coming in [Applause] That changed their fortunes and gave them a different landcap heading into Seas 10 time remaining 5 minutes Andar djai ignasio ignasio short rebound Judiciary running hard but cannot jump high that high but nice to see him running hard once again labing through pass with a good drive to the basket very strong very aggressive together with the Ala they have really solidified this team in so many ways [Applause] Sir remnants New Year [Applause] celebration yes Sir for safety Reasons I 9 seconds [Applause] Li Foria n from the three ball two from inside [Applause] Theint body that is something that you a part of your body that you are able to work out [Applause] with given whether you are a full-time athlete or not just the daily toil and of course Reena knows that better than all of us Reena go yes sir s a nice

Story coming from the Judiciary Mages for the last 10 years the Mages started with this tradition of Mages cares every December just last December persons deprived of Liberty basketball exhibition game at gift giving vitamins and basketball shoes and this has been a tradition for the magac incorporate later on we will show you

The segment about this Meetup of the Judiciary Mages and the belid hoopers basketball players nasid now when you ask about the coaching staff of the team Judiciary Mages sir Coach Ron thank you very much we look forward to that feature later on I used to play there Sir Hotner recovery bran strong as ever on the Baseline down by eight earlier now tied at 16 Waring technical buers for the second of [Applause] Ben umman so technical I Toig that’s another tactical foul issue [Applause] oh so the score should be ped at 17 That was made one [Applause] Earlier all honesty and candidness Oh basine BAS Baseline steps oh well well well well establish 1969 score time remaining 2 minutes and five first quarter in a game uh where Prestige is at stake cap was up fake oh they need this for position that shot no great follow up on the

Inside wab Bora of um Vena obra VRA one of the top new players that we have here this Seas after today’s match pass with the outside attempt Franco making a living as you saw inside Franco working really hard underneath the force inside udman once again scores total of eight points

Perfect at four out of four the stretch layup does not work this one is a short stop that almost had a chance of dropping in but he’ll just get he’ll get free throws in Tech very technical foul of Theou which will now count as a personal foul as well this have to play actually it’s that simple oh but it does it is it is a first another F I think the utsman is putting too much pressure on themselves so clearly yeah they there’s no need they’re in the next

Round there’s or unless they have an access to grind against the Judiciary law enforc if I’m not Mistaken Congress games attorney May Isa PA balik Nakita 14 Sir 2318 and count we’ll be right back after this Time bir down the hey double screen Hnson Uh Sports and charity Mission continues we run reor lot of people will get some action here today that’s a basket wow he’s second suddenly they’re up by seven once again because of the technical fouls that the utsman surrendered and because of lost to focus in the past 2 minutes

1615 so 10 to counter Judiciary powered by bu and of course made free throws on tactical foul called against uh the umman here’s Franco shopping around ladia inside pass ball will stay there although there is a foul I believe it’s against regidor of the Judiciary new face coming on to the floor this Is uhuh inbound is stolen here comes the rush that’s and it is stopped from [Applause] the no need sir just draw a line [Applause] yeah I have a shirt that he does not have which I bought in the states brand that brand the opposite swi yes has no idea this little boy you’ll see one day next game because it’s busy hosting he’s busy with many things not

Counted 278 officials Elementary Namer K2 sir small foul we’ll be Back good afternoon no city24 face of the game give us your biggest Smiles people we’re going to have this flash on the broadcast where she at where she at Ceno anting face of the game the first ever for 2024 and there she is congratulations to miss txy AGA an avid

Supporter of the utsman graph Busters Congrats second second quarter 278 Judiciary Judiciary unfortunately no matter what happens here will not move to the next round hey we miss this from Salam salamak has always had that shot and suddenly they’re behind by 11 8 and then Judiciary and then 168 run 16 11 against [Applause] andon attorney Arman

Sanchez you have to give up something to give something and theyve gained a Lota Anda yes sir S as opposed to the manes the graph Busters made sure to enjoy the long holiday break by taking a two weeks break before running or going back to their practice just last week

Coach Dan flano he admits because most of them are still on a holiday mindset He also mentioned that the break became a recovery period Burns Franco who has a pulled muscle injury during their practice last week he emph to the they also want to win this ball game

To carry on with a good momentum in the next round which will be a crucial test for the team seven coach Ronnie Arena AR top of the tala catch and shoot but it’s all about legs when you are a good scorer right now the legs are back for toia wow the blitz to returned you know of all people you like that spot it’s legs this is a red flag Already jary has nothing to lose here with the way the umman is playing they’re thinking of too many things at the same time actually have to chill Cal down going do the Magano rest dribble five times and [Applause] shoot [Applause] Arena end our argument yes regarding opsman it’s an agam Road Philipp Science

School arm Sanchez Man team s NH area cam Road we operate undercover stealth which is true official check and balance this not right term they are the uh watch do of government that’s a nice Banner 32 to 21 Commission on audit of that’s challenging in a country like arsa that has many problems in the meantime Lon do sir oh

If you see hospitals in the provin is not fi Health though fi health is Insurance SSS yeah Health heal Insurance nice steal three onone toia bu Lonesome until salamat came over to help good spin that’s okay he’s kept firm on his pivot foot is [Applause] gone good news this is just the first half bad news and busman has caught toia in his aame and when he is in his aame

This team is tough to beat 10 for toia of the 35 total output oh great pass by baldonado and it’s a drop off to the big guy Del Cruz that’s an offensive foul trying to rally the troops so far two points paraka two assists and two steals but he

Needs to be able to do more to try and Inspire the rest of the gra Busters play harder and better and important to spin down and defend and protect their basket yeah exactly in the meantime San is waiting in the wings to come in here’s that last foul actually okay Pou

Richard Sal is going to be pulled out by Sano 14 fou the score is a 10-point lead lead by the Judiciary with 6 minutes and 40 remaining here’s Ladia seconds or traveling either of the two will do xboy basar with his familiar move inside here’s BZ [Laughter] usare yes yes yeso sir me Unity of Mak ba University of Mak correct sir strike Ria gy yep and 3526 count 278 second quarter what a drive what a [Applause]

Miss V Cruz down the middle nice step not d [Applause] Referee holiday break then you’re Back festive festive ah lorino yes trying to reenergize the Troops and he has been a good Catalyst and a SP of the bench running up and down the floor something that they can uh take advantage of penalty situation Judiciary better inside defense right now that was ladia and toia forced into one extra

Step if I’m going to create a road block to uh improve traffic in it’s I will ask chest colia to stand there the whole day in the Middle where there Sirar delivers from the outside down to six from a high of 14 that’s a Blow by onlyon versus the pressing defense of florino in the last couple of O original what a shot yes sir trying to ignite the team as well and the lead is sliced down to six

That’s magic laa hard at work LA with a total of five one three and two rebound assist and [Applause] Steals and Sano doing what he does best drilling three-pointers that’s a rally Breaker translation to talug from oh Franco nice behind the back dribble ler look at them go side stepping like

Crazy with a good catch too many layups given up here in the first two quarters para busman too much for their comfort they behind once again by 11 if you really want to run over an opponent just pile it up fast break points there’s a push from the rear

Ariel capos is called for this one the free throws coming up as the Judiciary is already in the penalty P imagine we will not be seeing Judiciary in the next 3 to four months sometime around April May week Break basketball and the the caller continues betweena and Torino B technical foul Julie sh this his fth and final foul Sir can you believe [Applause] It Tech we’ve seen a lot here yeah has always had a decent free throw free throw yes sir depend size correct ignasio Franco good things come to those who wait Franco now with the total of 10 perfect still a five of five lead down to six from Maya 14i

Cura 2 minutes and 50 remaining Sano not this time foul coming up uh it will go again against Molino and basar will shoot a p 2 First two again just for context and uh no matter what happens here the Judiciary will not move forward to the next round because of a um impact of the uh tournament format and the coaching system and the utsman hoping to be that still with a good record going into the

Next round they’ve had only one loss so [Applause] Farra is back in you only play a total of three games in the second round you go up there at five and one you have pretty good chances of making it to the semis [Applause] Outright e it [Applause] That’s a born scoler when that was 14 of 46 points para sikura at a six of 11 shooting clip lorino risky move a bundle of energy eight points off the bench for florino and he has sliced down the lead to four that’s a big [Applause] spark was looking for a foul really good

Help by ignasio lead pass Lino back to ignasio thought about it but said too far away no space there’s ladia to the corner all dressed up and nowhere to go but manages to wrap it against an opponent before it turn out there Janisha coming in let’s take a

Break in the mean time with a score at 4642 your unv cup your sports and charity will return Box box three Box Our time remaining here in the second period is 1 148 4642 the Jud this Sherry with the I thought there would be free throws it’s an inbound because of what florino did rubbed it against an opponent before it bounced away on the [Applause] [Applause] Baseline nice touch pass oh yes [Applause] sir excellent decision by bura beating the defense of s ignas After Time play yeah to use a volleyball term that’s a shoot [Applause] [Applause] seted Mr Coffee Man actually consumes half of it the coffee coffee person I don’t drink coffee I know that’s why I’m just telling you about it I smell coffee but I don’t 23 278 quter yes [Applause] [Applause] sir [Applause] fou Top of the Key free throw one possession away 47 seconds remaining hello that could have Trav been traveling could maybe I [Applause] I 17 for toia 16 for to can imagine Chester just like that no back to a five-point lead 16 of the 50 just a great great shooter and scorer Lino [Applause] Short nice head shot waren looks ahead 2 seconds toia free had a [Applause] chance from 278 23 points Judiciary 2 All right un TV cup fans makes a noise I miss you on basketball action over the holidays so we’re gonna give you a piece of the action right here right now boys come on down skills challenge time for everybody’s information all they got to do is zigzag

Their way to the other end of the Court make a layup and then Sprint back to make another Layup layup from both ends all right boys are you ready boys are you ready let’s go first players the game begins in three 2 1 go all right here we go after making a layup okay okay they got to make one more what you got for me boy yes sir next player next

Player we got a close fight right here we got a close fight right here both teams well actually team number one will This are you third player now on team number one Let’s Go sir okay basic layup now my guy basic layup there you go next player go ahead take your time composure L composure all right team number two who have last team number two you got to make a layup bro you got

To make a layup all right they’re going head to-head they’re going head tohe head are next player yeah okay let’s play number four Mr DJ let’s play some more let’s go okay okay wrong foot wrong foot fundamentals let’s go last one on team number one all right

Last last player for the win for the win we got a winner boys congratulations come here Min we actually are going to award you with boxes of vitamin right here congratulations boys Third all right Bro congratulations guys as we say thank You N N N N N [Applause] Was And we are just about ready to start the third quarter it is 50-45 the uh Judiciary leading by as much as 14 surviving a tear by by the utsman in the second quarter and the lead has now been sliced down to just five Reena with an early

Report Goen yes utsman were not able to control the boards in the first half and the only thing they need to do is to stay home with chester toia for this second half Dan mentioned about the Mages locating very well the Open Spaces and toia taking advantage of the mismatch in

The game coach Dany told the team you have to Simply challenge the mag especially on their outside shooting conscious effort and work as a team more here sir s yep it’s been a tumia kind of show Coach Ronnie delic good Franco good left-handed stab by burn Franco timeing again lad has located Franco

Underneath 5247 the lead is five here’s a new player on the floor sangalang no Franco with a hand on it yep it should go to the Judiciary 5247 still to come in the schedule to today we’ll have the military game it’s the PNP against the AFP [Applause] Jeff forlift is called for the foul first on the team here in the third late coaching stop Jo yes of Course oh good release to is aead that was the first foul of first Miss incidentally coming from brel Franco after hitting his first six attempts back for fou that’s that’s exactly it but now it’s more on the take foul it’s more of the Fast Break being encouraged foul to prevent fast

Break it’s really bad for the game Franco lost it here comes toia trying to dribble out of the defensive line he loses control three men gang up on him ignio no won R up good foul by very instinctive sangalang is called for the foul and we have the elevator on the B

For a set of Charity there are leads that you know after a while you can the other team will be able to overcome it but there are those the play there’s a review being done right now for what reason I’m not sure in the way don’t forget it’s going to be the

PNP against the AFP in just a uh short while after we complete business here we’re in the last day of the uh elimination first phase of the elimination they like to tell us nowadays also apparently is there an ah undercut anyway we’re waiting for for Action to resume colosium announcer I did that

Once one quarter of PBA you cannot go ahead of the referee you have to wait for the referee to tell you what it Is so it’s an um it’s un Sportsman like foul two free throws then possession still for the uh Judiciary probably the only in the Armor free throw accuracy mem Jam shote turn number 156 war from top of ke at five in the matches third three-point baskets 8 point lead for judiciary ignasio

Ladia t hold Franco gets it on what looked like an awkward shot but that’s not the way you should really call it connecting once again with bson normally F on a triple double so from the point guard perspective you’re going to go back go keep going to where you get your

Dividends ignasia no Here Comes Warren it’s a rush a great Dishang number 22 Christian s second Christian for the VES will be in for cup was on the side of the Judiciary Bas will shoot free throws earlier hitting a three top of the keyhole get backboard shot trying to stay afloat amidst this third quarter [Applause] Uprising 5649 Judiciary their intention to stay safeer well with a flourish here today they won’t make it to the next round the odias of uh the format and some losses in the past that compounded their tournament here’s sangalang air ball undergo Fr [Applause] flicker between six points Four Points two [Applause] points on shot this will count if it goes they did not have the numbers in that last transition sequence the Cruz will not be denied good entry Pass but he was right there at the gut of the restricted Zone Victor featuring L 743 knocked outside passing 10 for the shot drop will be at 17 511 to go third quarter it’s 117 here in the quarter pudman after they were down 5045 at the end of the second quarter it’s Florina and ianz uh getting reunited in a point

Guard battle top of the keyhole too strong on the last two tries mustra tries to keep still alive they ran out of space you have lja not scoring heavily but doing the other little things here seven points five assists among others contribution colia will get a breather

And in his place will be uh Christopher Delacruz V Cruz and is that [Applause] Bazar it’s all about Salam returns pulls out mustre one point to Fair here in the third 4 and 15 50 to go long cross pass by ladia what a pass counter and the lead

Is now the hands of the Alman a skip leading to a back skip normally we don’t encourage those type of passes but somehow they got it done but with confidence you can make the pass discouraged but sharp and a chance to increase the currently lead pass it doesn’t arrive

With florino and it’s taken away by the Judiciary now they have the Numbers this is a good stretch but a Miss [Applause] Inside to go up by three instead opportunity once again to regain the lead judiciary [Applause] Playster the tumbles are back yeah they’re beating again 58 a piece good and tight in a game wherein uh the judiciaries hoping to end their tournament with a with a smile and a flourish great location could be a foul in B good reverse seal coming from bson

Franco when you your weight you don’t lose the strength because the bone mass is still There extra foul fou oops oops again the double F from Bazar will be called for a foul two free throws coming Up Mo life is so like physics which is what for every action there’s an opposite reaction is that the cental force centrifugal force no no no no centrifugal and centrifugal Malo I don’t like that sir yeah me also Bano in physics very Bano and chemistry chemistry I like I don’t like I almost

Burn down the L why will they always combine pH and they all want letter no f e plus o is equal to all I know is n a c l very good a I like that s 5948 Judiciary back in the lead you have mango Siran mango time oh yes it

Is that’s very good last three attempts tooman not hitting the mark stepping into the pass tooman actually not get you [Applause] anywhere [Applause] 61 [Applause] 5ad look at this R shoot why not [Applause] coconut and suddenly after a onepoint lead the brief fling with the lead they are down by five right now that is something missing [Applause] Perimeter oh Bronco with a c fly on the inside talk about chicken wing cage clear it up and clean it up Franco when I was 18 points 18 at 90% shooting mustre under the water but found the bridge that’s a excellent rear cut delivered by mustre he’s been quite uh silent

Here mid-range Master right has not seen all that much action lorino wow he’s just a bundle of energy that’s all heart par florino a Workhorse at one of the smallest with 10 points Off the Bench nice move good feed by Salama this is Christopher Del Cruz taking care of business inside the lead is maintained at five and uising has been diffused yes it has short lived Cruz wants to wash it although there was no need nice pass Bazar bungal and there’s a foul with threee throws coming

Up yes the Judiciary already in the penalty pit actually both teams Are with his second Foul Franco will get AR Rest icy Dela Cruz is back on the floor week supporters AFP we took a break after our last play date last December 20th [Applause] So fans om wants a timeout with 36 seconds remaining they’re done by Five uh ice Playing Day first pH eliminations 10 season un League Cup Sports and charity League October 13th January 7 months November December so that’s about 67 days Already the 20th oh at the rate of twice a week correct but thear pass deflected momentarily here’s laa angled away there’s a scuffle for it underneath stolen and pass with a drive it’s been a while since he’s been back on the floor he started here today pass is only one

Of eight from the field Z of six from three ball last basket G in the opening qu transition designated Zone Buster so to speak that’s why they’re really scratching and clawing at each other here I think we also have to State the fact that Judiciary is not a team that

Is uh going to be defined by the two and three win loss record that they have right now good point and they just don’t want to say goodbye because of the tournament format they want to say goodbye with they ban there [Laughter] is i Warren yes Sirba count not really sir so for now it’s 6864 the Judiciary managing to survive the uh heat of the OM here’s that last play one final look second sticking away let passes back okay that’ll do it for three quarters final quarter of this match comes up in a short for and 64 points

Man love Buers All right you TV come fans of the game show us what you got show us your moves people say Bata of the game on our broadcast there they are Congratulations okay the Rex Trinidad is done hyping up the the crowd here today Actually AR Tik to wow sir wow look at that courageous drive all everything but the scoring all do about nothing oh this is a big shot they need pass to at least get to about 10 to 14 points for them to pull out this win they need him on the floor here

Perimeter scorer K Franco but you have to hit perimeter shots after four straight misses on the [Applause] fifth basketball what about shoot B again I’ll say this is a matter of fact Ron scores big they’re in bus double danger they’re in business nice fake of a pass to the

Other end of the universe oh get it wow [Applause] second camam Cool Smashers ba Sil wrong sport D sir two four wrong day cam after first game [Applause] 7371 score score score I and that’s why I mentioned earlier has to hit shots and the lead has now changed hands ianz wiggling through the defensive web colia will he Elevate he does air ball here comes fast forward pass lost ianes takes it [Applause] away Chester awkward jump shot and ladia

Taking it away tremendous effort by ladja all game long to the side Here Comes pass I saw him to be one of the best sir from the 3.9 this season at that height the lead of 14 is a thing of History biggest lead man Sano over to

Toia he wants to get it back deluz musles his way through nothing there Sano beaten to the ball by pass Pass power forward shooting guard no nice break by De Cruz up awkward shot he could have waited in hindsight four-point game 635 Sano that’s his shot shot only shot only shot he

Has when he makes it it’s a big one this guy has been [Applause] energetic good yeah eaten up by the D apologizing quickly is theuz that cycling excuse me cycling is a team sport not just an individual fors you need your teammates to make things happen of Course AFP supporters cheering section Tagalog [Applause] ah just ride with us ride with us short from [Applause] Sir time out 539 to go D gamitin Mo Lang Yan okay si papy si s l Edam ano Deream ay Okay last day of the first phase of the eliminations again for context Judiciary and through the unfortunate Twist of faith will not go anywhere even if they win the ball game G sir T of F talaga I love the way mustre moves h sir quarter flip yes oh they needed that

Shot on the arm as pulse was slowly fading away Hing a lifeline and that was pona friend delivered by salamat pona friend I love that show yeah Franco on the rece oh he got hit there unintentionally here’s a cross court pass ah was already taking basket he was already ready to Shoot B col elevator possession but you couldn’t blame Derek he hit the last shot there wanted one more try because he felt [Applause] it back door cut PR loose colan papos trying to provide a running screen colia side stepping missing the shot of the final twirl effort by deluz to chase down in Hill Shifty T Sir with a sweeping shot earlier he wouldn’t shoot just pass now faking a

Pass attacking and scoring L now ladia now with the total of nine points I’m sorry 15 points ah Judiciary beginning to miss here at the crucial part of this game with 338 to Go rather pass with a redot connection final come florino at pass sounds like a Ida and Toom is hammered from the Rear this was a 7469 count end 8 Minute Mark end of third quarter 6864 end third quarter so 749 since that time 17 against three now they have out shot Judiciary from the three B triall with five B when orra will shoot that’s a good shooting hand from the free throw line 86 to 78 I believe it’s only 31 or 34 years old [Applause] Ex [Applause] tournament 8679 256 remaining oh that’s the right call and Bazar with his third foul Salam isar replaced by mus in the Maes lineup rra perfect earlier from free throw line misses the front end free throw comparison 17 to of 27 Judiciary onsman 17 of 25 experence in That here comes a four on three colia block wow must chasing it toia Corner yeah got it this is not 10 over what about ianz putting to full trust in Chester toia who win his comeback game now was a total of 28 points on 27 attempts ignaa

Can’t knock it down ball is loose and somebody hit the floor ladia working hard in more ways than oneing We’re reviewing that last sequence 8683 is the count again Ronnie just to go ahead consequence PM AFP [Applause] game we have a timeout being requested let’s give it to them we’ll catch our bread Screen another screen Fore [Applause] 86 83 one possession game [Applause] inbound but they have to complete yes a why not feed your regular scoring machine basket after a timeout now feeds Franco again with n assist quickly to be young to do those sidestep motions you have to defend bura bura you

Know where he’s going he is Rock twisting shot no the ball will stay there look at this look at this look at this look at this because we are in the final 2 minutes we can review this like the effort of Nadia once again chasing down that last offensive sequence Judiciary

As when over was right there together with to try and inch even closer as they’re down still by [Applause] three okay there’s a call and it will go to the utzman started with this effort by LJ on the denial and then Toom defending without falling parasio and

Then the final effort com last touch so rebound credit done but the defensive stop was excellent for them here’s buar pass magnat says let me try it’s over the Backboard I thought that he was going to attack the basket driving lane was really open one possession game I know where they’re [Applause] going oh this boy wants to shoot Fearless it’s a good shot you know but I thought that that ball should have touched the hands of toia of toia

Especially because it’s a one possession three-point lead ignio F by the basketball [Applause] work it’s about 64 up five under 46 seconds left take a look at the timeouts remaining Judiciary isman bonus on its way [Applause] six point lead with just 45 seconds remaining we’ll take a Break B okay Bobby Down [Applause] okay [Applause] okay2 9185 one way of looking at it two possession game another way of looking at it it’s a six-point lead by the utsman that has labored under as much as a 14-point lead early on you’re right you know you’re very right when they calm down they cooled off they played better

And they got pass in the game Rony that was critical jisha shot [Applause] short and we really have to keep pointing out that florino had a very big hand in this fight I Agree 9185 tally Here Judiciary is uh under a minute left from bowing out of the tourn season 10 of the UN cup sad to say but they’ll be back and we will be sure of that meanwhile Woodsman this much time remaining for a possible fifth win in six starts and a

Good Headway heading into the second round the Judiciary of course is a two-time champion seasons 1 and Three season 2 four AFP season 5 b season 6 senado s AF three Champion DNR season Chion yes sir CH Happy [Applause] [Applause] nice and this is what the utman was hoping for the call going their way and Judiciary has to play the fouling game at this stage because they’re twoo fouls away from penalty no I don’t know if they know that the the fing game that they have to [Applause]

Play I don’t think so [Applause] [Applause] Rodney Franco with the prayer three on one they’re looking for toia there’s a cut jisha hands it 10 seconds time out on the side of the Judiciary but here’s a timeout by the you’re Screen screen scen Scre I am against Coffee What was that pass about oh time out in judiciary out last that was a risky play although time is not on the side now Judiciary still they have a Chance Jester warrener Warren I know Jester Noel see Derek to Derek to okay Isa Bobby Bobby Bober war war kaer okay El words [Applause] and that’s the game that’ll do it big stop excellent comeback they’ll be rewarded by their fifth win in six games as judicially will bow out of season 10 of the unv cup they uh utzman will carry this over to the next round Ro that’s

Right and this is this ogre SP for a team which lingered long in the drums but now it’s one of the top teams heading to the second round and a 5- one will lost record Miss re Franco but in the end I thought that these two guards kept them afloat when

They were almost dead on water lorino and ladia lorino and laia sounds like a law firm and uh let’s if they’re ready re yes that’s right best players of this ball game game we have URI florino at Paulino holiday SE in the first [Applause] [Laughter] half

All right PA you are now going to the second round of games this is the first time second round of games what are you expecting second round of Games Paul go ahead Justice marz Odo Vargas dialo jid sandalan coaching staff sir Justin Balo sir Kevin Carpio employes lagang thank you thank you best player of this ball game congratulations once again to the utsman graph Busters cup season 10 3 [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] W Back here at the novad DC Convention Center and before our game two this afternoon let’s give the Limelight to the Judiciary man Mages with their yearly tradition the mag sces mag hopers let’s all watch This For IM the true representation of pdls in our country For ladies and Gentlemen May Because they deserve a Chance Outreach prams so last medium security camp or compound for this year Judes will play against their basketball well loot bags for everyone unet vitamins So outreaches for exit BK Mag to play with us so thanks God for It fore of all The the same basket four hard I’m forkball teams [Applause] and in behalf of the TV cup family we would like to thank the Judiciary manages for participating with us this unv cup season 10 of course we bring you our second game this afternoon AFB versus BMP right

After this Gap stay with us only here on unv cup season 10 # winin win winning Sports and win for Charity Yeah Y Oh Uh one way of looking at this upcoming game which is the last game of the first phase of the eliminations D to 10 season unv cup is that this is a battle of aginaldo against Kam when you talk of the AF and the PNP they are nationwide but let’s talk about the

Team standings and you’ll understand the importance of this game this is all about positioning heading to the second round as the two these two teams are already assured of making it second round however second carry over win loss records and uh those teams that are in the X

Position are the teams that will not make it D second round teams from pool a will play the teams in pool B second round we will have to settle the issue you will play four games in the next round because you will not play against those teams

That 1 2 3 4 thas four and uh okay so that’s going to be interesting so What’s of exactly no winning his team has always been proud exactly academy military academy or exchanges through the years no love Los we’ll send it over to ryano our Coliseum Announcer action ises at the noad Desi Convention Center in K City this is the second game of our double header for un TV cup season 10 win and win winning Sports win for charity let’s meat the teams first this season by Champions BNB wonders number zero police staff

Sergeant Gerald di number two police Sergeant Ry Serano number five police Corell Darwin Gusman number seven police staff sergeant Abdul K babo number eight police staff sergeant Anton to lentino number nine police staff sergeant Jillian Evan number 17 police senior master sergeant Jam mola number 20 police senior master sergeant rcky Caba

Number 23 police senior master sergeant Mariano Flor mat number 24 police Corporal Richard villan WEA number 25 police staff sergeant Marco fortuno number 27 police Corporal Michael D meow number 28 police staff sergeant Mike hriz number 30 police staff sergeant Jason plado and number 45 police master

Sergeant Harold DESA head coach for the responders Ronald lus and now let’s me your four time Champion AF cavali number two Sergeant Jeff Kau number eight private first class wary Bautista number nine Coral Mark Salado number 12 technical sergeant J Castro number 16 prate first class kit rosopa

Number 20 Airman First Class Romeo Albero number 27 Airman First Class Darwin Cordo and number 29 Airman First Class Francis Regalado playing coach for the Cavaliers Jeff yamal right now let’s meet the starters first for the BNP West fonders small forward number 20 Ricky cabera power forward number nine jile an

Nean Center number 17 J Man misola point guard number seven Abul K babo and shooting guard number eight Anton toen Dino and out the starters for am Cavaliers small War number 27 Darwin Cordo power for number 20 Romeo Alor Center number nine Francis Ral boing guard number eight Mo

Malista and shooting guard number 12 Jr castlo your referee in charge of this main game are Ruel Tolentino FM mamaril and Edris Chico this is unv cup season 10 a of sports and charity and we are just about ready To playing coach Jeffrey K oh eight to play to at least play yes Reena go ahead please yes sir and Coach Ronnie both teams were very busy during the holiday season Duty to make sure that we will have a peaceful bre now PM responders they made sure to go back to practice last

January Save The Best For Last this is one of the most awaited game for sports rivalry since the AFP Cavaliers here and for the PNP they want to make sure that they will match up with the defense of the AFP and also the physicality of the game here the the

Battle Cry will be the playing with pride Harold won’t see action because he has a change of assignment para the PNP meanwhile it Neil florata is back in action after suffering from a KN injury seven coach run wow and desna will not be playing as

You said in the meantime there was a big he by Jr C from top of the KY named as the top playera scoring four of their 78 points laan Miss haris inside we go the OG J Jola taking care of business there no no desna but mola still

Available jell Anan was been one of their top BS oh we’re shooting with accuracy here in the early goings alol with the delivery shorthanded really no yeah although Cor but still eight is well R you won with five I know that five or six B so super [Applause] Six nothing there on that short try and on the uing rebound play I think we have an early foul here ra cuz everybody wanted to play us yes and of course that was the start of your Championship season with some bewe Lions here’s babo oh he wanted the basket you could [Applause] [Applause] tell follow up works is this D Cordo newly married Jess holiday all the players trust Reen yes we do yes we do we all doav wow what a pass Inside by Cordo now Reena keep us posted yes I congratulate Darwin Cordo just tied the N last December 27

His face was beaming with so much love when I interviewed him I asked him how he’s adjusting and he he told me priorities who is by the way seven months prant also on week or weekdays rather they live separately the wife Rose an stays in villamore at Naman camp aginaldo at

Weekend apartment prior to the wedding they also had their babies G reveal last December 25 and it’s a baby girl for the Cordo family seven coach Ronnie very good update and Air Force M gender reveal gender reveal you didn’t know that no m in the meantime look at this [Applause] scambling spe Castro PP ratal ratat Patol cabera finally receiving it and here comes the twirl by Sano in the corner Anton no bero collecting that rebound here’s boet giving it to Castro here’s a lob pass here’s Cordo he can Elevate but can’t get it on the [Applause] twirl Ron if you look at it squarely overhaul except for Jeff

And pretty soon unless they win the championship again they may they may be headed again for another ping forward that shot is a bit short but the PMP retains the basketball here’s Sano there’s a whip to the side Anon didn’t hit from one side still can’t hit it from the other

End boy oh what a pass perfect they had time to rest and time to prepare and it is uh showing right now with the way AF is playing to open up this match point guard just know how to issue that lead pass here it’s a two onone PNP not going down defensively and the AFP pulling away by eight will take a short break as the policemen need to talk things Over dig Score Good size crowd here At despite Being p kin and as you’ve learned also from your experience short-handed try a little more you enter the game okay musty or you can feel depressed inbound here’s Caba oh good under go stab that’ll Work rarely used turnaround shot very difficult D collects the board here’s the push oh he want to do wanted to do a side step but he was denied access Good deflection coming from [Applause] btia he’ll always try one to measure the thing nice drop pass but intercepted return to the wrong center short St won’t work and the ball is loose on the Baseline it’ll stay there Castro and reg big Aces Jeffy Cal was uh taking over the r as the head coach Cavaliers AFP their

Regular regulars Eugene tan Eugene tan has not been allowed to format wise Winston Sera has some knee problems the mean time the PNP currently down by six will Rea no b t loose that’s a difficult move down that Baseline that’s m forun who has been playing well as of late Darwin Gman [Applause] action pumo Bo it it’s been a big addition to this team a foul Eugene gamb re receiving kamb at short range deny axis ball will go the other way difficult drop pass coming from uh salup that’s Mark salup wearing number nine here’s an open flip hits the backy into the hands of copado he wants to bring it up but might

As well give it to the point guard for safeek keeping when high post set just short Serano inside short time and most likely free throws for going to the line for I’ve always SE this going to happen Eugene Dan coach head think right 3 minutes and S [Applause] [Applause] supporters never ending NeverEnding right another chapter 147 count willan NOA steps across here’s Sano Sano with a good cross over against Sala oh great pass great catch on the other end as well Darwin Gman putting it in starters PNP were outscored early but this unit seems to be playing with better

Direction and more teamwork they’re down by five currently Kau oh guilty of travel Jeff tried to shred the defense with a big step in well the two Defenders gave way or another way of looking at it is the chair pull correct goodbye a lot of slapping of the ball

It’s in the hands of boy at the Double B the T from behind it’s a three on two on the other end it’s running running running running all left handed St this is unit Sano have been work horses as Veterans for this uh second unit St btia gets his first bucket Five Point separation after that last incursion coming down to a minute and 45 here in the opening period the last game first phase the elimination round there may have been a foul

[Applause] there of that shot of Richard Willa but didn’t get a whistle oh you play [Applause] on salup looking inside wheeling and dealing trying to create an angle is fou upon [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] entry [Applause] follow knocks in the first stretches the lead to six per perfect trip from the free throw line as he cans both [Applause] Charities Gman who had a great catch earlier oh good move yes sir wow what a move coming from Villa first basket

Foul 1 minute and five remaining in the first [Applause] mag how I get a kick out of players who just committed a foul face the bench and say and they probably find out if they watch the tape later on warning War [Applause] [Applause] doubley sir yes sir left and right gal [Applause] ngal this unit is playing lot of passion and energy compared to the starting line they have managed [Applause] to the second round [Applause] Jeffrey Sanders no gets his own Miss Cordo swung it outside gave it to boet Kau provides his usual big screen Kow with a roll ball does not get to him though three on two up great pass oh and missed the shot follow up free throws coming up for M fortuno this unit is

Quick up and down basketball the last few sequences 19 seconds left here in the initial [Applause] quarter motorcycle [Applause] Sano oh Ordo with a Greatful Glide just inside right that’s a big daddy move coming from tordo up six for the Cavaliers started out like a house on fire and have managed to stay six points away from PNP heading to the next 10 Minutes Un TV cup fans basketball action is back this 2024 makes a [Applause] noise see you know ding face of the game for the second game of our double header show us what you got show us your moves you better smile from ear to ear who we got who we got dance dance dance

Dance and there she is our face in a game and aage supporter of the AFP Cavaliers [Applause] We will begin the second set of 10 minutes with a score of 22 to 16 they AFP early Pace Setters here coach Rony up to now let’s see if PNP will be able to squeeze some more from those uh we legs FP so to speak well well they managed also to stay away

From foul trouble so far Pap go yes let talk about Jeffrey she’s the girl in blonde hair wearing a black jacket behind the benches of the AFP at KAS branch managers business Queen Elite pink shirts behind the AFP team has 58 branches coach [Applause] r wow ah 58 branches Wow Let’s go to

[Applause] [Applause] one 24 oh good shot has always had that Baseline flip look at the bounce with the way he runs to be in that [Applause] shape actually sir this is the best I’ve seen AFP play this season this one this game [Applause] oh good shot for the rest of the competition me

With a conversion off the Baseline let’s stay with this let’s as a reach in byman against Cordo wow look at this three Subs checking in number 28 Enriquez one of their big guys Anon to lentino returns and Cabrera is also there their heavy uh guard as well here’s almerol lib nice up break loses the [Applause] defense something has to be done we talk about guarding cordos has been getting inside coming again too easily too easily a foul okay 2923 737 remaining we’re in the second Quarter S [Applause] The AFB figure of eight is leading by six here in the second but it’s been reduced right away as Sano takes care of the first free throw PNP meanwhile still trying to figure out Cavaliers who have come out this afternoon just with eight players are still ahead by five at this

Stage that was eight well conditioned energetic players the pass however goes astray ropa in the game for the first time look at the drive the dish the pass the shot and the Miss but free throws forthcoming For gets the front [Applause] in divides his Charities it’s a four-point lead by the AFP inside the go roopa curl Scores first basket of the bench points coming from Oopa Off the Bench pointsa sir [Applause] Ste from behind there’s a foul two in a row by Enriquez Castro would have stayed down but they picked them up quickly to say let’s go oh boy wasted and there’s a foul on Cordo Sal Sir has missed all three attempts hit one earlier fromon first layup layup hey salop is a factor here no step through no side step just a regular onew move for a 9-point lead the biggest and the largest so far for the Cavaliers Cabrera in constant [Applause] motion third F third

Castro autista will step in I just like to compliment the uh Judiciary for that project of theirs Judiciary cares yes sir such a beautiful project wherein they extended Christmas joy to cor sir then they play the game We wish all uh more teams more Sports associations do something like that this

Boy it with Anton Tolentino trying to Shadow him he wants to PO up Anon F Anon sa [Applause] [Applause] Baba Sal sh [Applause] Charities perfect from the field perfect from the line [Applause] second free throw shakes [Applause] away Caba stops turnar around CH mola starter gets it to [Applause] tr they needed that as perimeter offense has also been wanting supplying the inside game PN approaching the halfway point of the second

Quarter ATI oh look at that pass with too many steps he felt he was that close to the basket making sure that he holds his ground this allowing the chance for rosopa to pin him deeper and try to go for that uh effective Spin with ready to provide the shield the long three offline [Applause] Libre [Applause] Bo boyet will always have one like that in a game now that’s why it’s important to give the ball up as early as you can if there’s a shooter ahead of you good decision coming from alol leading AFP to

Another 9o lead will hit one every game I’m not surprised by it anymore is moving better looks okay 3728 with time down to four and a half will’ll have Cabrera shoot Charities [Applause] here this could be decided from the free throw line misses on both Ends prop 7 of 14 PNP from the line 8 of 11 AF not bad wants the basket but aess denied what is the core foul F [Applause] Totino sir five [Applause] [Applause] All baseball 3728 baseball football sir football football n sir penalty kick hip hop artist catcher sir catcher break it down and lift it up brother Now is Yolo yo you only live once I have not rapping is an art that is hard to do you have to rhyme Filipino rappers there’s a group in kuau they do that make I don’t know where but my students did that they did a documentary in that [Applause] That’s the [Applause] second so that [Applause] counts correct yeah the second free throw mental [Applause] [Applause] La status go second free throw sir yeah Yeah status everything holds status [Applause] sir this one is a delivery from three-point country wow surprise three bow coming from the constant jelly J ball on the ground with a game best 11 points as is where is sales no return no return no exchange no exchange add to card no good ball pressure

P no video upon opening no return see so that’s to where the unboxing comes ah you might as well be do it I good this I don’t do that sir yeah I don’t Doo the meantime in the corner Anon does he make one now from the deep [Applause] Corners across Sal

Oh in a different but this is not the way he play sir this is a special game for Sugar Ray Sal Sugar Ray Salop even better finish for an 11o lead and the AFP Corporal will get a bonus free [Applause] throw we started the quarter 2216 aor sap since that time B BP oh good pocket pass by babo too much traffic pentino will he finally knock one in struggles continue for Anon Anon right now is one oops six one of seven made his first attempt missed his last [Applause] six first basket of the game correct sir I was watching earlier sir tribute Billy Crystal

Gand and why do you say [Applause] that okay yep and in the meantime we have a timeout Mever reverse We have a good one going here lot of action lot of uh risk risk exchanges I’m still trying to recover from Billy Crystal okay okay okay oh he hit one earlier felt good almost Bo with a l pass cor with a B almost added safely TOA I [Applause] really pness Cavaliers but it has not W no no no you’re right that’s [Applause] Correct and Castro oh great pass great [Applause] Pass it’s all about right for Julius babo by the way the head coach of the PNP Executives finals yes [Applause] indeed Bo with a great crossover now push no rova cleans it up and is clipped on the arm he’ll probably shoot free throws because of the penalty good track down coming from

Ropa it was one against three as two guys or two other Defenders help out on point butas penetration oropa will get another chance to bring them a bigger lead before the half is [Applause] done rebound as we take a look at the pink Brigade of the cavali

Years hopeful that we can have them more yeah [Applause] meaning Yeah big shot oh great move with a whirlwind Drive FES para K Guzman Off the Bench scoring para K Guzman Willie Hernandez the late Willie Hernandez used to call it a Windmill Drive there uh so many players in that generation would do that shot in the meantime what’s the call

2 eight points already wow Cordo just committed his third foul Castro office Cordo and castroa Al Al un first free throw won’t work time down to 52 [Applause] [Applause] seconds in a loving gesture see F they will check that yeah let’s get a time out we’ll be Back [Applause] for Okay 45 36 the last one should be on second okay Al Al 4536 why is our technical head crossing over I have no [Applause] idea 4536 [Applause] so Al F what’s happening I have no idea free throw F Al okay so dala alol Cordo Cordo alol ah we are juggling the

Basketball lead pass BYO will pass a great drive mayaba with two great assists forun fortuno and Gman really help out yeah PNP stay away from a double digit deficit ropa now there’s no mean to rush but the am yeah that’s that’s probably wiser to do you don’t have to succumb to

The speed that is being exerted by the PNP right now however there’s a knee foul and that’s a useless foul given the context and the time that’s that was on the game clock that’s a heavy player final MVP IAL five member in season 9 AF final Judiciary swe

Down but it hasn’t been that kind of a season for them so anyway we’re done with the first half at the end of the 20 minutes we have the score Peg at 4738 we have a good one here both teams very uh enthusiastic determined to end the day

With a win we’ll be right back with your second Half All right unv cup fansi Convention Center everybody makes a noise n b makes a noise supporters AFB all right now these fans will get a taste of the action through our threo shootout contest all right one more round however all right time limit take your time enjoy the moment the game begins

Right now go ahead sir let’s go let’s go all right stand by next Shooter what you got for us sir go head sa off to the right we got a l okay sir Elin Elin all right Che challenge raining shooter right here no go oh to the left follow through all right we have a winner for our first batch congratulations my guy And go ahead congratulations you on yourself a box of vitamins from our dear sponsors now we got the second round right here let’s go boys I name mechanics all Right number of Shooters go ahead all right oh okay sir standby eliminated oh okay take your Time bro okay ooh okay we got three shooters for our final round check Contenders and no go last shooter show us something kid no okayo here we go I’m sorry all right only the three competitors Here We Go sir shooter number one what you got for us stand by all right stand by all right we’re going to go one more round one more round one more Round stand by brother take your time Sir and is round five we got plenty of Time all right sir let’s go for the win o good line good Line Hey all right around let’s go bro for the [Applause] tie oh okay we have a winner Congratulations okay congrats there you have it m N N Yeah [Applause] He We okay okay Okay second half all right coach lusain reminded the boys not to be emotional on the calls of the referees second half start strong rotate the ball swing and go hard on the basket they have to play as physical and as fast as the AFP and to be able to

Receive the ball aggressively now pressure on Cordo and deny on Bautista lastly they have to play with bride here no hesitations allowed for them it’s a go or no go in all things for them seven coach Ronnie wow what a struggle thank you very much re what a struggle for

Anon Totino can’t knock in those long ones made this first shot missed this last seven no [Applause] Excusal is on the floor this is Francis regalad another tall Guy babo has played well has issued two great assists 4938 inbound Traveling inbound plays from the Baseline but what’s the most decent thing you can do to INB just use the 14 and try to score quick and for the best [Applause] available so tempting B guilty of the foul but with a stop on that attempt that’ll be three on the playing

Coach starting out the third Quarter gal today aside from the what a play almost but not quite and salup collects the board two minutes going bias here in the third into the post we goas Regal has complete the eras Bola and uh there’s going to be a review excessive Contact is form many Asian Marshall art Sports will not probably go into the Olympics the no the the video replay culture culture culture volleyball was one of the late and even football Was Anon Tolentino takes it and streaks him to his front court thish is off it’s a foul gathering mission by Anan hey those FS could suddenly file up here especially with the way the calls have been made here to start the [Applause] turn 36 shot so far between these two

Teams we’re having we’re having and we’re currently in a 10-point game the AFB head have been in control from the start strong showing par now with a total of 11 points to lead all responders NBA responders against Cavaliers Avengers Avengers Assemble with 14 that’s 26 of the 49 shot clock

Problem palop is unaware of it he’s unaware of the clock L moment Theory when you practice without a shot clock it also spills over sometimes into the game fine defense by [Applause] P oh yeah oh great Drive Regalado gathered the board hand time won’t work rebound tle top [Applause] ombres you know I really think this should do an allar game again OD Combinations why not oh that’s a successful foul that’s backto back FS Drive J third and even with the foul his third nine-point game let’s count the team fouls four against the PNP or five now against the PNP two against the Cavaliers that they have done talking

About PNP seems that ifp has done it better to this point of the game free throws Running Oh rebound Cordo fakes the shot they the ball is however passed too deep into the gut of the D PNP attacking quickly AFP defensively but they have no opportunities to attack

Baba has other ideas that shot won’t work rebound is loose kambal gathers it o almost a weak pass but Cordo may do he will drive hard nice dis Regal who was surprised by the pass more than anything [Applause] free throws coming up man is whistled with a

Foul four rebounds but only with one Point regalada drops the first playing Coach game management C sir this element today [Applause] although F or is it the other way around it’s the other way around You can theorize all you want but you know point guard just have a different view of the game you know it’s hard to be a playing coach in inide hard to coach by itself interesting that many point guards become [Applause] [Applause] coaches Anon he says let me no I thought he’d go for it let me try [Applause] Here Cordo still a good shot open shot 13-point lead by the AF against the responders take a break Replace s s out Fore Automatic somewhere near Bon San ah will they count it is that a three interesting they’re going to review something am missing flppy Earlier today we had a win from behind by the utsman uh against the uh Judiciary that says goodbye to the tournament for this year formally formally so Ron just to remind us because of position Manalo bababa three and three when there’s a there’s a log Jam at three and three know [Laughter] correct

For speech spee speech [Applause] for the play date is uh Wednesday Wednesday we will start the second phase three game schedule sa pako Arena correct we will swing from a Thursday Sunday schedule Wednesday Sunday play date Already fou which is considered a personal foul Anon finally got one in run from the corner but I can knock in a three but I Can is a basket by Tolentino that means that’s a three-point conversion he now was Five Points it’s a struggle yeah it looks like a long to itation so Four Points Anon okay it’s been a difficult evening evening two of 11 Anon wow but he’ll shoot away he’ll still

He’ll still try for it why not who’s going to stop him Ro Bautista good shot a foul s fing is the least option right now para AF yeah I guess so That’s is third chances Fing [Applause] unless automatic [Applause] Was trying to [Applause] F interesting messy game huh it’s been a long quarter [Applause] Yeah second down Sano salup part AFP they’ve been going on a lot of fishing Expeditions first free throw won’t Work and that’s not a problem for the pp second free throw is in the back we’ve got a 12o game willan NOA returns here Willa out to Cabrera into the middle there’s a jam there Cabrera they have to make a decision uses the screen kba with his fourth foul F Che

Fou four person foul champ how many players have four personal [Applause] fouls Cabrera knocking in the first free throw Ricky misses the second but the ball being fought for fortuno getting to it this shot no kamba will collect a rebound before he possibly graduates salop Kau hand off Cordo pick and roll traveling has not been his usual self really

That’s where you miss also culia ability to play that inside big steps kamau foul again but those are real fouls that they have been giving long quarter both teams in penalty 3 minutes well you know I’m not surprised with the physical nature of the game really not

Surprised of 24 from the line this a strong [Applause] [Applause] men cup CA trying to harass Cordo Cordo with a brief shoulder move follow up oh jamb get something to go on Apollo enough is enough says Jeff Kau Let Me Clear just like that they are ahead by 16 let me double check this by 12 points and boet gathers

It boet knows start to dribble out of trouble 4738 second quarter the PNP has only mastered that much to think that they have gone to the line a lot of Time Valentino comes in he pull out [Applause] Sano norata has not been sent in [Applause] cabera no know with the foul and we walk to the other side because of the penalty Go 75 80% from the [Applause] line five of six [Applause] Valentino working the top of the keyhole area Cabrera under go blocked follow up no Regal has been a stopper there Corner shot no rebound Cabrera he’s in a jam forced to kick out toena [Applause] TOA five on the shot CL problematic and the leak out Bo will walk to this [Applause] [Applause] one betres another Spear and a Leia back to back hits and for the first time we see an up and down sequence in the quarter and that benefited a are now ahead by 18 at this stage of the third at 6244 [Applause] [Applause] forch [Applause] [Applause] It’s the mystery of basketball really at times you’re so good you can’t do anything right man this time from [Applause] Regal offensive [Applause] F and you look up your bench if you’re at the AFP head your coach coing AFP it’s a very short bench used to be such a lengthy line of players Cabrera he won’t shoot from that far he squeezes the go finally that scoreboard will move for

PNP other that score line will move for PNP the scoreboard [Applause] will [Applause] Two free throws coming Up last line of defense fou oh my of 26 from the line flip side AFP has only missed eight free throws at 21 of 29 but normally the battle at the line happens in the fourth you know my late compar bu Mano would say this game could will be

Decided 15 ft away from the basket nevertheless like in a game like this it’s happening this could have been been so much closer oh what a smooth move the way he moves the way he scores slow motion oh good [Applause] passow with a shot of a shot six points

For D meow with a help from their friends Off the Bench Kau does a good job of steadying them 1 second before they realize there’s 1 second to go and we’re done with a long third quarter we’ll be right back we’ll catch our breath and we’ll begin for 6449 All right unv c f of the [Applause] game get up on your feet people show us what you got of the game there there they are AF Cavaliers [Applause] Fans [Applause] congratulations okay we’re down to the last 10 minutes of a long journey uh when this battle both these teams will be in the next round there’s no question about it at 4 and two 3 and three which is a full game ahead of the other and that means a lot

When you get to the second round yes you will meet the other teams the four other teams oh look at that messy inbound Anon centino rather alert to it counter steel counter steel wow but Cordo just keeping his wits about him Bo can’t get the ball under all from

15 gets it back could have kicked it out but they said no let’s go gets it back on the ground oops oops uhoh no need no need for that coming from from d d ba [Applause] Isa ay sir okay na sir but this one that’s not okay oh oh oh not okay at all please stay at the fourth the game is on review let’s establish the score 6451 we are still in the first minute of play the um depleted AFP team setting

The pace in this game even with only eight uh active players or available players enough for one game you’re not required minimum is eight it’s been a bruising uh game you just don’t mention the word physicality it’s been bruising if there ever was one here in the UN CV Cup it’s Always it’s been Judiciary AFP okay somebody’s been injected out of the playing court maybe rightly oh sir that is not the way he Plays retaliation on the part of Alo a the final signal from the uh Referee after the review it is disqualified foul on number 27 Michael D for act of violence Michael D out of the playing court and that’s it we’re still a full quarter ahead of us 917 to go was playing uh so well really well that’s why he has gotten extended

Minutes and he’ll I don’t know if there are showers here I’m not sure sir next time so that’s it for him so free throws adal drops in the first and they will retain possession R florata will be given a chance to play for the first time in this

Game yeah not seen action throughout this game correct inbound that won’t work rebound Anton Tolentino is Cabrera they’re currently down by 15 and Po and the difficult is continued they’re still in the back court they get it across Anon is two of 12 with [Applause] present here’s Cordo zigzagging

Attacking drop pass missed shot ball is loose anono faster and quicker to the draw almost got it to fall but will shoot free throws instead so forward players with four personal fouls Too many misses here para PP from the line you were saying I believe at least 16 Miss free throws yeah [Applause] our own scoreboard is out of uh sorts here but we’ll stay with you [Applause] 6651 aliro he loves that 15t line it’s blocked by Anan nandes here’s a Cabrera pitch doesn’t arrive

[Applause] a turning that play into a basket short Corner as you say yes almerol but uh pint of cardo all over that last takeway and that basket is going to shoot [Applause] Char [Applause] it what can you do that’s it Con it and he’s going to be coaching uh the

Rest of the way I guess and rosopa is back in kit rosopa in the meantime [Applause] florata split from the charity line [Applause] Anton centino and the AF will utilize a timeout to nip this rally in the but it’s a 14-point lead 68- 54 as we have this play before we send

You into this timeout it is close range for Anon Tolentino we will be right Back [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the uh bruising continues Ronnie I’m just trying to count right now the number of free throws taken take the estimate given the struggles we have with the numbers here 58 free throws taken so far by these two teams 58 oh look at that difficult play up that

Works FAA gets it to work the lead is reduced to 12 time down to 720 lots of time still [Applause] salup turnovers para AFP C in my window or Windows of opportunity [Applause] PNP Anan with the Foul AFP in full control of the match at least up to this point better position by Anan Cabrera going straight for the [Applause] ho [Applause] gradu Valentino what a time for him to start Hing eight Valentino rally is on para [Applause] PNP down to 10 I know highest 16 o [Applause] 6244 hesitation move Corner Yes master 15 ft [Applause] in culia 10 ft in see alal 15 in who now has 10 points and this the fourth player in double figures para AFP Valentina now connecting Zer of eight before hitting his first three ball Tolentino with seven fourth quarter points and the lead

Is reduced to its smallest right since it was 18 by half [Applause] now could be a floor mat foul here Fou team foul responders at four afps two and that’s the 15 [Applause] foul started the quarter 6449 every quarter has been won by AFP heading to the final period except now except now they are they have been outscored six points and now though it was not a topic earlier

Fatigue down left and now an issue for this AFP team s yeah that’s part of the also [Applause] [Applause] 7061 here’s [Applause] Gman jumper yes hey a comeback in the making here Ronnie they couldn’t buy a bucket in the first three quarter suddenly they’re hot they’re in the four oops turn Over but turning on the [Applause] heat pressure at [Applause] energy without fouling okay it’s a fivepoint game and the AF has options they have to consider now and this is the second to the last timeout para AFP they will be left with one from a 6244 count this is a

19 my goodness eight run or 218 run generated by Pmv Al Mark [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Darwin [Applause] a p PNP DP did not play did not play they ball game here already very much so as PMP this allowing a we having a larger lead as we cross the fourth and final quarter Valentino with a foul that’ll be to three Downn here are two free throws that could be a source of relief for the AFB that’s in battled right [Applause] now some tired free throws [Applause] [Applause] here six-point game but it’s just a two- possession [Applause] affair Top Shot wow oh make it what a for of explosion PNP Anan with a basket that trims it down to four inbound problems for boet 11 points third quarter talking about PN but here in the fourth they

Already I believe of a total of 18 points compared to seven AF and they made up the difference another turnover [Applause] attemp Anan shot clock at 13 Valentino open inside to Gan it’ll go the other way good reflection coming from Sala [Applause] one timeout left for both

Teams P&P was almost dead on water [Applause] yeah in the no motor no engine no nothing no wind at all oh no wind at all Cordo could have been a relief it’ll go the other way cannot review that we’re not yet in the they will [Applause] challenge

Ladies minute 45 on the quartering last [Applause] Hour was strict about no now for the night what will you [Applause] do this is a crucial possession with 3 and 40 remaining everybody pointing in their own Direction [Applause] and the ball will go to the AFP they made the correct challenge there successful challenge [Applause] the challenge was successful for SE for

The Cali challenge stay we have one more the other night we had a couple of challenges long long long ones Cordo acting like a point forward here two free throws coming yes [Applause] basketball has work [Applause] [Applause] for is patient what’s that balance Bal sir compliment basketball compliment okay I learned something [Applause] new take away there’s a foul the free throws for C there was two out of four last two trips as as early as the third quarter was telling you

Because of the fou scenario and the context of the game I really felt that the free throws were going to decide this [Applause] AF ask any player who’s done this you hear it you hear it I’ll bet you next the game they’ll be back here’ll be pun will [Applause] request joh 10 sir joh 17 next Sunday so another reason to close the score that’s bad a salon to close on a Sunday that’s not good only four B9 story being in case you’re a late tuner Jeff Kau his sister bringing along her [Applause] employes graduate players penalty H because earlier

F third [Applause] quarter Ms the second free throw time is down to 3 minutes and [Applause] six [Applause] point [Applause] guard offensive foulad [Applause] Castro and therefore the last player they can field in is alol haven’t seen the game where there were only four players left not yet you have not unv cup I’ve seen it with two only one player was left Philippines Australia [Applause] wow F Anton centino dancing on the Baseline

Can’t shoot Sano 2 and 30 remaining good defense by Boy Bautista an with the offensive foul that will be it for [Applause] Jan yes invol yes sir blow [Applause] oops Siro extended hours when was the last time you were in the what about foot massage right There There when you heard the last two minute call he drove suddenly attacked now you miss L now you miss you miss L because he’s a triple [Applause] threat big game for salop really 18 for Salop 19 crucial free throws so if um the AFP hangs on they will be one up on the PNP right in terms of the win count as they will play the other group a second round some late turnovers here for PNP they’re hurting their chances AF kep their cool in this game in

General salop may have to give it up you can’t call a timeout you can’t do anything 5 Seconds 5 Seconds Thea was open at that right elbow some players may not be aware of that 5sec Ru now now he Knows Laas so it’s Cabrera Tolentino willan noeva Missa drive down the Baseline there’s a foul is that the fifth it’s penalty situation first foul first foul wow 15 of 32 from the [Applause] line that’s more 73e throw shot tonight 15 [Applause] 50% Last ball will stay [Applause] there shot clock at 12 game clock at 128 long inbound quick release Big Shot struggled all game long it’s a big three so the leader back in the [Applause] hunt but Corda has been a picture of c and cool no more ball screen cut down the Baseline elevation overshot it and a foul by the that’s a poor foul given up by Okay no time running the lead could be down to [Applause] three and bil just hit the three free throw sir four big points SES it down to a four-point game and to think that he was only sent in because jellan Evan fouled out Five Points good possessions three point

Game one timeout left for these two [Applause] Teams they’re still in the back court double team clamp down on Gord sends it outside to [Applause] Bautista Cent Big Shot no was SOA he could have tossed it out there’s a steal by [Applause] salap shot clock at three this basketball count basketball count final swapa converts underneath but that was a perfect pass coming from salup a steal leading to this play for a decisive five-point lead Eugene T was

Yelling at salup to take a shot because the shot clock was winding down let’s see if mopa makes this bonus [Applause] and that’s a foul by [Applause] Al there’ll be two free throws [Applause] [Applause] oh players please near the Lord strictly H the game is under [Applause] riew 24 long seconds [Applause] [Applause]

Remaining [Applause] so schule the games uh on uh we start at 2:00 in the afternoon foul on numbero aless by Al really But more than that [Applause] sirang fora missing the Adventure Continues para PMP from the free throw free throw line rather split AFB will utilize their last time out we’ll be Back half 24 seconds 24 seconds Al uh mark arwi Darwi scen darwin4 Seconds Sir of the game sir Rex D cuts the meantime the inbound four point Affair Cabrera they want a double team autista hangs on to it ah they used the clock quite well and Cabrera giving up the [Applause] Foul foul in terms of the [Applause] Foul [Applause] [Applause] irber yeah 6o l two possessions but time may not be on the side of the PNP Okay okay go Go [Applause] The Arm Forces of the Philippines Cavaliers trying to hold on to the game they have controlled from almost the opening tap but not without a chase down coming from this gutsy PNP team that found its Rhythm late in the game wow Messi in Bound 8th free throw coming [Applause] [Applause] Up everything in hindsight they’re still discussing the last play and how it should have been done the SOA misses the [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] first Valentino slides it down to four we’re down to the last 2 seconds and that’ll do it for this game Big Win by the AFP Ron and how will that change the team standings heading to the second round AFP will climb to 4 and two that’s a very good situation PNP

Meanwhile was TI to 3 and three a lot of teams with that window L card ready to the second round starting Wednesday in a race to make it outright to the semis for the top two teams and then a battle will happen in the quarterfinals after the second round teams

Okay well said choices for best Playero go Coach Ron Magano our best players of this ball game Darwin Cordo and Mark salop of the AFP Cavaliers [Laughter] how did you go about with the pacing of this ball game and what can you say about being patient from last game from December 17 afternoon weding December 27 with the

And truly that inspiration coming from your wedding is shown very much on this ball game Mar [Applause] Cavaliers Mar community of Rome Brown Community Mar Sal darwi go ahead greetings INSP inspiration of course R Cordo sorry Cordo thenmy Brian happy 22 anniversary Anda mama papa then family and Frankel from edar Sergeant

Raym sergeant Mand te Sergeant Estel then and congratulations on your recent winning also Darwin Cordo best players of this ball game Darwin Cordo and Mark salop rex that Capt it off for our double header noesi Convention Center the AFP Cavaliers showing their mind and Arena schedule for the next game day

Okay go ahead without schedule let’s go per game day triple head second round of the competition January 10 Arena start 2m with sssra Senate Defenders second game at 3:30 op PMS Trail Blazers cont agriculture food Masters the main game at 5:00 P pm gsis is Furies

Warriors mer gr a gr B second round eliminations there you go once again live live at 2m sa Paco Arena right in the heart of Manila all right all right unv cup unv cup family Daniel Ron my name is re Cera my name is Rex but have a sweet evening good Night [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] he [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you My good my good my good good my good right [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] good [Applause] A

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