Golf Babe

My Response To Katt Williams’ Comments About Me

#KattWilliams’ interview on #ShannonSharpe’s #ClubShayShay podcast got a lot of traction on social media yesterday. So this morning, I responded to Katt’s comments about me on the show. Full show:

#RSMS #RickeySmileyMorningShow @ClubShayShay






Thank y’all for this opportunity Ricky smile the morning show uh let’s let’s uh just get into this uh the whole uh internet going crazy uh comments that Cat Williams made uh whatever I can’t speak on behalf of the other comedians but only thing I can speak for is myself

Uh Cat made some comments on Shannon sharp show about uh when I was on uh Shannon sharp was telling him the story of some of the behind the scenes from Friday After Next let’s start let’s start with that uh when I when I went out there uh let’s just go back in 2000

I was the host of BET Comic View and in the season 2004 uh I also worked on this show called live from La that was my first job with bet and uh that’s where I met Ice Cube uh uh if I’m not mistaken and Ice Cube was like man hey man I like

Your work uh I want to do some stuff with you I want to put you in some movies and Ice Cube start putting me in movies which really uh helped my career uh I was in all about the Benjamin of course uh when they changed the ending

Of it that part didn’t make any sense but uh then he put me in Friday after next and uh just for clarification I went out to audition for Friday after next as Money Mike not the Santa Claus and that that is that is the honest God

Truth uh I had no reason to go on there and uh uh to go on Shannon sharp show and lie about any of that that that’s what audition for uh was Money Mike and I guess the producers uh Cube and everybody saw something different and uh

I I think that money Mike character uh Special K was going to come off as kind of like um just uh uh uh one of a guy who was hanging around in the uh strip mall who was just kind of being annoying and almost like a crackhead type of

Character that was right so cat I I guess when Cat Williams uh uh did it they added the whole pimp twist uh to that character which was actually a better decision and made it funnier cuz ain’t no way in the hell I could have uh executed that role like that and I’m

Glad that they made that decision and they put me in a Santa Claus role uh which was actually perfect so when I got back to LA they said hey your role has changed you’re going to be the Santa Claus and here’s the Santa Claus suit

Put put it on and here’s your lines sat in the trailer went over the lines went over my stuff with Cube and the rest is history uh had no reason uh I just want to want to want to clarify that had no reason to lie uh uh about that as a

Matter of fact uh my manager at the time Gary ABDO who is still one of my best friends who also helped start my career and he’s the owner of uh the Atlanta comedy theater in Atlanta uh we got him on the phone just just to clarify uh Gary ABDO good morning good morning

How are you my friend oh I’m good man uh ju just for clarification you know uh you was my manager at the time we went to LA together uh for the audition uh Cube wanted to see us what is your version yeah well you know we’re old and

That was 23 years ago so you know our memories are what our memories are you you went out you auditioned they wanted you to play Money Mike that was the sides that they had sent the sides are the portion of the script for the part they want you to

Play those were the sides they sent that was the audition you did they said great we want you to play this role uh my recollection is you had to go back and read for the execs from the studio one final time and the night before that we got

Different SI and they said no we want you to play this role and we didn’t understand it you know we really were under the impression well you had the role as Money Mike but then all of a sudden they switched it up now we understand why cat came in blew them

Away he’s an incredible performer that was probably one of the most iconic breakout Parts in movie history I mean that was literally cat that was literally cat first movie you know Friday was not Chris Tucker’s first movie Next Friday was not Mike ep’s first movie to for that to have been Cat

Williams first movie and he exploded I mean that literally made him an iconic touring comedian one of the biggest to do it in this generation and you know the rest as they say was history but yeah absolutely without a doubt you were auditioning for Money Mike we were told

You had the role and then that switched up overnight and I’m glad I end up doing the being the Santa Claus because that that role was was uh iconic and not as as funny as his I I like the pimp I personally like the pimp better but the

Santa Claus rooll was just perfect for me at the time I was skinny and could run fast so and you could squeeze over that gate so yeah that was the to clarify that and then there was no contract ever uh that uh in agreement with the First Sunday movie because that

Was a whole different production directed by who just directed my Netflix special davidy Talbert um about me playing Bernie Jenkins uh that’s something that David called me personally David and Lynn are fans and have been fans of my work for a long time and they was like we want you to

Play bernes Jenkins and you know and and and here you go and and that’s what happened and I went out there and shot that in one day me and Red Grant and that was a lot of fun and it had nothing to do with uh Cat Williams contract uh

Or whatever so so um you know what I’m saying like uh I I respect uh I respect cat uh definitely disappointed that uh you have to get on the air and explain something uh uh like this but uh you know that that’s that’s that’s that’s the

Truth and I I don’t know what else to say so there it is there’s not much there’s not much else to say you you know it’s indisputable that cat played that role killed it built an entire career out of that one role that all of us look at and go wow that’s absolutely

Amazing but it’s also indisputable you were auditioning for Money Mike we were told you had the role you just had to read one more time and then that switch stop and and the crazy thing about it is uh we had a conversation uh when it came

Out he he said a lot of this 12 years ago and we had a conversation because I was on 14th Street in Atlanta right by the Four Seasons Hotel and I was driving down the street with my granddad in the car and I saw Cat Williams going across

The street on 14th Street and I said cat what’s up U whatever I just wanted to make sure we was good he said come over have a cup of coffee with me cuz he was walking over to Starbucks and I went over and went uh uh he went in there and

Got the coffee was uh chopping it up or whatever just didn’t even really talk about the issue or whatever I said hey man I want you to come out and say hello to my granddad uh my granddad is a fan he came out to the truck uh I never

Forget I was in my Ford up150 and I came out and spoke to my granddad he hugged my granddad and wished him well my granddad was like keep doing what you’re doing young man my granddad was living at the time any because me and my granddaddy in the truck and uh and we

Dapped it up and that was uh that was it I mean that that was that was it and I thought thought that that we were good I didn’t know that we had any issues and if there are any issues or there’s anything that I’ve done uh not only to

Cat William to anybody uh I apologize and I’m not perfect I made mistakes but uh I did I I you know that that’s just the honest God truth and I did audition for what I audition for and I’m glad that the producers made that decision

And let me address uh all of the the the the things with uh Gary you can help me out with this because you know many greats like uh Flip Wilson played Geral deine Richard Pryor played some roles on his show uh Jamie Fox played Wonder uh Martin played

Chenene um uh I did Bernie Jenkins Tyler Perry did Mia a lot of comics and a lot of Comedy greats that did characters for the sake of funny for entertainment for the sake of the laugh and it has nothing to do with nobody’s uh comfortable in

The role nobody wants to put on a a damn dress or or comfortable in it you know uh uh that has nothing to do with my manhood being lessons for uh trying to play a role and trying to put food on the table for my family uh uh because I

GRE it’s a prop it’s it’s nothing more than a prop it’s nothing more than a a a way to get a I mean back in you know Shakespeare’s time there were no females playing females role every female role was played by a man you know it’s just part of an it’s part

Of an art form it’s part of what makes it funny you bring the funny to it I wish that uh I’m sure you remember people don’t know about this the pilot that you shot for the king of of comedy TV show Bernie Jenkins had a whole sketch with

Media yeah yeah I did uh with with media me earthquake Tyler Perry uh ni Nash uh we did a thing called called the Pew it’s supposed to be like the view but it was a church-based version of The View and uh it was just comedy great to see

Bernie Jenkins the character and media and I started off doing Bernie Jenkins uh doing prank phone calls on the on the uh Buck Wild Morning Show in Birmingham which spined into hey I think you should do a character this would be a great character for this role so we were all

In our 30s uh our late 20s doing what we had to do in order to be successful so now that we we are older I’m comfortable in my job in uh radio I’m comfortable in uh you know the roles that I get and the

Things that I I get to do and I just finished a a phenomenal comedy special so so the statement about Ricky smile is not funny I’ve been sold out since 97 that part every every single show I have done since 97 maybe not big Arenas but I

I pack up those theaters and and and and have to add shows and comedy clubs and between radio and all of that and raising a family uncomfortable with what what makes me sad uh I don’t like the way that made my kids feel and that’s

Why I’m not going to you know uh go after him because uh he has kids and and family members and nieces and nephews also and it hurts uh our family members and people that do love us when we say hurtful things about each other so uh we

Want to wish Cat Williams the best yes or whatever it ain’t nothing but love over here just because we don’t agree rsj and I had beef for uh about 20 years and I end up sitting next to him on a plane and when I saw him I couldn’t do

Nothing but grab him and hug him and we text each other all day on Christmas Day it feel like we trying to make up for lost time two talented people that actually love each other and uh and uh spe and uh uh Special K K Williams got

Some comedy dates coming up he’s going to be in Birmingham Cat Williams is coming to Huntsville I want y’all to go out and support him I want y’all to pack those damn theaters and show nothing but unconditional love uh to him and to any comic that come into our space you know

Birmingham Huntsville that’s like my area or whatever where I grew up or whatever uh k k you got the dates uh yeah you got a uh January 12th Cedar Park Texas the 14th Estero Florida the 19th Huntsville Alabama the 20 6 of January to below Mississippi y’all go

Ahead and get on Ticket Master get them tickets yeah make sure y’all go out and see Cat Williams and go out and support it man it’s all it’s all love over here because it’s enough money out here for everybody um so what we’re addressing for everybody that’s tuning in weing

Addressing the whole uh cat William situation and uh I’m I’mma leave it at that man uh because uh here’s the thing what we all need to understand here’s what we all need to understand you know where you been in but you don’t know where you’re going and you don’t know

Who you going to need and I promise to God if if if if there’s anything that he or anybody in his family on his staff ever need we’ll be there you know because I stick up for comics and and we all are not perfect and we all don’t get

Along all the time or whatever we all have issues but at the same time we are all in the same game I don’t agree with all the cues all the time I go I go to the conclave and go through different stuff with the BRS or whatever but at

The same at at the end of the day uh Omega SciFi this friendship is essential to the soul but thank y’all so much for this opportunity to uh explain this and um you know uh RI let me say something real fast because back to the berd E

Jenkin situation because at one point in time you was close to retiring that character and that that show that’s comedy genius to me that shows your versatility as an Entertainer and and I’m glad and I think we all can speak for this I’m glad that you didn’t retire

Bernice jenin because that that’s comedy Hall of Fame type stuff man so be proud of who you done what you’ve done in your career and the versatility of your skill man that is what it is yeah so if I can say something real quick Ricky I’ve known you since

1992 I’ve known you since before Bernie Jenkins was born in in essence and I couldn’t be prouder of all the work you’ve done you’ve always worked so hard hard it’s just it’s amazing to look back and watch somebody grow their career to the heights like you have done so

Congratulations on everything yeah and uh and and the thing about it is we employing people we feeding uh supporting a whole girl school over in Kenya uh doing great things in the community uh doing great things with our uh uh wonderful National fraternity and uh and then you know the thing about it

Is it just came at a a crazy time because I’m actually somewhere away from Birmingham trying to figure out how I’m going to get through this one year of my son’s passing and that’s why we have to be real careful when we attack because you don’t know what somebody going

Through like I’m I’m in deep therapy I’m having body pain I’m not trying to do say any of this for sympathy but like my son died January last year and I can’t deal with the winter I’m having having SE seasonal uh depression right now and trying to figure out how I’m going deal

With all of that and I’m not saying any of this for sympathy but I’m just saying like I’m I’m I’m dealing with stuff and I just wanted to clarify or whatever but uh being raised in the church and being brought up the way I was brought up I

Just have to handle things the right way uh might might not be the most popular way cuz I am a comic I can crack jokes and I could go in too but I have to choose a different route because I have a responsibility and we don’t want to upset anybody in

His family or any of his fans and we don’t want to have to make people choose because why can’t people support Cat Williams and me and Sid and Faison and Michael blackon and Mike EPs and Jamie Fox it’s enough op we can’t perform everywhere every single weekend so it’s

Enough money out here for everybody God bless Cat Williams God bless his family I hope that he is safe I hope that he is healthy I love him I love everybody and I always have all right y’all time right now is uh before the top of the hour more morning show coming

Up it’s Macy’s one day sale tomorrow thank you Gary and there it is and that’s um and that’s it morning that’s it nothing more I just wanted to clarify some stuff and man we wish everybody the best we don’t we don’t we don’t uh I was raised by grandparents

You can push Jeff uh we don’t uh call him B We Don’t Come Back Song and then push Jeff up to the top just let him know we don’t we don’t do we don’t that’s not how I get down God is God is good and there are times

Where you want to lash out and and clap back a certain kind of way I’m a comic I’m funny as hell I got jokes but I want to make sure that I I just handle certain things a certain way um hey Rick yeah you’re good to the top we’ll do uh

We’ll do uh Jeff John at the top of the album okay thank you said you’re good to the top appreciate it yeah yeah and and and and that’s that’s it that’s it that’s the only way it ain’t no it ain’t it ain’t no other way uh it ain’t no

Other way to to to to to handle uh to handle something like that man man you know um sometime man when people throw stones my grandmother taught me my grandma said when they throw stones you throw bread you know and uh having people to go out to his shows having

Birmingham and hunbille show up to support him um is is is is the way you do it yeah we get mad and we want to say certain things and and we want to do certain things or whatever but uh sometimes sometimes you got to be you

Got to use discretion and do the right thing you understand what I’m saying uh you got to do the right thing and you got to and then everything that you do you have to do it with love you have to do it with love and do it with good

Intention you have to do it with love and good intention you understand saying he have his truth but I have my truth everybody have their truth everybody have what they experience now that’s just my version of what happened I put my manager on I know what we went out

There and audition for I know exactly what happened I have had no reason to uh you know to to make to make anything up and uh I can’t I can’t be with the end Crow because most of the time people like stuff like that a lot of people

They enjoy drama they enjoy stuff like that or whatever you know I I I don’t get a kick out of that because it it it I have to think about the bigger picture people have families I care about um you know what what his kids might think or feel nieces and nephews and

Loved ones and uh and only thing I hate about this whole situation uh when I heard the panic in my son’s voice yesterday my son already dealing with issues in in grad school and talking to my daughter yesterday and and it made them feel a certain kind of way you know

We are we are one year in Brandon’s passing and we’re trying to figure out with all of these triggers going on with the weather with the winter time and the cold weather we getting flashbacks of last year you know I didn’t even want to be in Birmingham because I just don’t

Want to deal with what I was dealing with and how I was feeling uh whatever so I I had to leave home I had to leave I don’t want to I don’t want to experience no winter and that’s why I came down here uh came down here

To uh um you know to Florida so I can get the therapy that I need fill up every show go out with your fist baled up you don’t have to agree with everything he say on stage but go out and support


  1. That was a very good interview ! humble 🙏 words spoken. It something for us all to think about , if we have similar stories going forward.

  2. I’m a few days late on this but Rock T has taken ass kissing 😘 to levels unforeseen. Rock, we get it! You don’t want to go back to working at Walmart, but this is embarrassing, where is your self esteem?

  3. Typical behavior…start some mess with your big mouth, then when you start losing the fight you picked, you start playing the victim and hiding behind your children and other tragedies to gain some empathetic support. It's the lowest form of tactics in conflict!

  4. Rickey, you are definitely an example of the love of God being displayed in the life of a believer. What you did was a class act and God will promote you all the more. I have the utmost respect for you. Bless you all the more!

  5. That’s what’s up Rickey , I love the way you handled it and because you handled it Grace will always follow you.People don’t realize how GODs favor really is GOD Bless you we love you ❤❤❤❤❤❤.

  6. Katt Williams is the real goat, he just created a platform for a lot of people to cash out from YouTube. Ain't that just Ludacris?

  7. Rickey knows everything Katt said was true so he's basically putting the tail between his dress and accepting it. Bro sacrificed his son to the beast and has to look back on his life with shame.

  8. Showing love and respect to a person that wronged u is hard, so very hard!!! He handled that with so much class!!! Thank U Ricky!!!

  9. But uhhh…umm's the truth uhhh…I lie like a ruh uhhh ummm..let me tell everyone I lost someone so they feel bad for me uhhh….just admit katt got you and shut up

  10. I love timelines and the ability to account for occurrences to keep things in perspective. Anything else borderlines on lies. God knows the truth!

  11. This account of Ricky story is totally different from what he said in Shannon Sharpe show… In my opinion Ricky is a liar!!!!!!!!!

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