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Caribbean Cricket Podcast – 2023 Awards show

The time is now!

It may be the first day of 2024 but before we get going it is only right we start the year with the annual Caribbean Cricket Podcast awards show – who were the best of 2023.

Looking over the best performers and performances of 2023 we hand out the coveted prizes to those who deserve it.

Men’s Test batter/bowler of the year
Men’s/Women’s ODI batter
Men’s/Women’s ODI bowler
Men’s/Women’s T20 batter
Men’s/Women’s T20 bowler
Down bad moment of the year
Shining star of 2023
West Indies are back moment of the year
Catfish of the Year

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We Rule The Cricket World now the rules seems coming welcome to the Caribbean Cricket podcast your One-Stop shop for all things West Indies cricket by the fans for the Fans keep my wife’s name out of your mother effing mouth ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Oscars of the cricketing calendar welcome to the Caribbean Cricket podcast 20123 Awards yes it may well be the first day of 2024 but we cannot we cannot progress we cannot progress without first looking

Back on 2023 and giving out the coveted the very much coveted CCP awards for West Indies cricket my name is m St Patrick H won half the Caribbean Cricket podcast and with me as ever is my partner in crime santoki nron santoki how you doing yeah yeah firstly Happy

New Year to yourself mash and happy New Year to the Caribbean Cricket podcast Community we’re here of a special live show I’m sure many of us are recovering from Big nights a few hours ago I’ve got my uh rare nephew to keep me going for this episode but Mash as you said it’s

The long awaited annual Caribbean Cricket podcast Awards you know we’ve got loads of you tuned in on a live I’m sure there’s probably a few players coaches even you know Desi Desi himself might be tuning in you know see if he’s picking up any awards so keep keep it we’re gonna try

To keep it to an hour but we’re going to go through all the awards we put all the nominations out on social media we got a lot of feedback and we’ve collated all of your votes together to award the various prizes for this year’s are standout performers and Captain fishes

Of the year so mash should we get into it what what’s the first category we’re going to start with well you know we’re going to start with all the easy categories first and of course for those of you who are watching this live um you can obviously contribute get in the

Comments we prob the best of the comments up on the live for those of you watching this on the replay well you missed your chance to kind of have your live vote but get involved all the same the very first uh category that we are giving out today is to the men’s test

Batter well there two categories in one the men’s test batter and bowler of the year when we put this out to uh the social media different social media platforms and said let us know what you think these were the names that were given to me santoki I kind of kept a

List of the different names that were given to me in terms of batter only two names came up uh regularly in terms of people who should be congratulated for their test match batting and that was Craig brawe the West Indies test captain and t n shander Paul and for Tess bowler

Fact no let’s just deal with batter first actually Craig and T Shand now just to remind people the only um this year’s tests were um the two in Australia the two in IM babwe in fact what Australia was Australia before Australia was last year Australia was Australia wasn’t even at

The start of the Year sorry so was the two in Zimbabwe the two in South Africa and then the two at home um versus IND year um so we only had six test matches this year and most people said Craig or Tage where’ you stand on this

An for me probably I think you’re right I think the two standouts have been Tage and Craig I feel um Tes has been slightly inflated by the double century in Zimbabwe so that’s obviously why I mean don’t get me wrong he’s had a good year for someone who you know let’s not

Forget it’s his first year playing international cricket for West Indies so it’s been a good year for T but it has to go mash it has to go to our Craig bre in my opinion know 390 runs averaged 35 across the year which you know by most

Country standards isn’t high at all but for West Indies we double that that’s basically averaging 70 um but if you realistically if you consider we played South Africa away and India as well so two you know two of the top test sides in the world so for bath W you know for

That average um Head and Shoulders above anyone else in the test side interestingly enough Jermaine Blackwood was the third highest test one scor I didn’t even realize Desi said listen you’re out of the team now you’re gone the third highest run scorer in the calendar year for test cricket is out of

The team to be replaced who’s replaced him again kav hodj and um Justin graves in essence so goodbye uh Jermaine Blackwood yeah it’s it’s real Slim picking sentoki because like you say Craig got one we out of the six test matches we played this year we we collated two centuries between the whole

Squad one for Craig which I think was the 182 that must have come against Zimbabwe and um T obviously scored the 207 not out against Z Innings W it I swear it was the same Innings remember when they put the same partnership those were our only test centuries for the

Whole years the whole year it all came versus Zimbabwe so it’s really hard to give out an award like test batter when the standout performances with respect we’re only against Zimbabwe in in the whole year you know but um uh it’s just a few people asking T stats 369 runs

Average 41 across 11 Innings so to be fair I mean it’s not too there’s not too much in it really if you’re considering Craig baf as well hit that big score against Zimbabwe which slly inflated it um pretty much the main takeaway is if we didn’t play Zimbabwe this year we’d

Be down bad in the stats listen let me read out the other stats for people to know so so Craig six matches average 35 Tage six matches average 41 Craig got a century and a 50 in his six matches or 11 Innings this year Jermaine Blackwood six matches average

27 250s Raymond Reed for five matches average 23 350s do you know to average 23 and you have 350s you how down bad you have to be in the other of your Innings pure pure ducks to be averaging 23 you know um who was next uh Jason holder six

Matches average 26 150 Josh to Silva six matches average 20 Roston Chase four matches average 20 Kyle mayor four matches average 20 and then you get like Kurt McKenzie one match Ali kther these two matches you can’t really count them so the batting was down bad it was down

Horrendous this year um so it’s slim picking santoki but are we agreed the test Battle of 2023 Craig brawe yeah yeah I think for me it has to go to Craig brawe um Tage ran him close and I’m sure a lot of people argue since it

Was T’s first year as well it was probably it could be argued it’s more standout but for me Craig not only hitting the runs but also serving as Captain as well um it has to go to congratulations to Craig brawe unfortunately Craig brawe can’t be with

Us today but I will be able to send his uh award in the pulse to Australia by the time it gets there the test series might well be over but we will send it to Australia all the same uh test bowler of the Year this one’s a bit harder

Actually um so test bowler um it’s between probably let me where’s my test bowling stats for the year oh have I lost them here we go I so the names that I was given sorry the vots that I was that that came in sentoki were generally spread amongst three players goodes moti

And no so actually two gesh MTI and alzari Joseph they were the main two names that kept coming up when people were were saying like these are the the bowlers to consider um where what’s your what’s your stance yeah it’s a tough one um so it’s pretty much because moti Mo even play

MTI only played three tests h so two of them two of them were against Zimbabwe and I think hold on a minute remember he took four I think he took 14 wickets was it 17 wickets in the Zimbabwe series which means one of his other matches let me just double check I

Think one of his other matches was South sou Africa he took three yeah he took three for 75 in one of the test matches against South Africa so the other 19 wickets came in that Zimbabwe series can multi really get test bowl of the year when it comes all against Zimbabwe wait

So so hold on if if moti played just the two tests against Zimbabwe he would have ended up still the top W for the Year this is this is down back listen thank God we played Zimbabwe this year you know so multi took 22 wickets at 17 a

Piece obviously 19 of them came against Zimbabwe in that two- Match test series obviously In fairness to gesh he was injured versus uh that kept him out of India um and I think he was injured for that first test against South Africa as well so it’s not his fault he only

Played three per se alzari took he played all the test matches and he took 18 wickets at 32 Jason aari took 12 aari took 12 in South Africa against South Africa so for me alone now that that means it has to go to aavi I mean South Africa to do it

Against South Africa a away as well take those 12 wickets and then as you said he’s he’s got six other wickets across the series I think alari for me edges it because of how he performed in South Africa yeah just because of how he performed in South Africa I think if

You’re essentially the majority of both of Mo’s and aari’s wickets came in one series each but if you’re ranking it South Africa is obviously a lot more of a challenge than Zimbabwe so for me I’d have to go for aari yeah I think that’s a fair enough

Argument to be fair I mean Jason holder took 14 wickets at 27 a piece so pound for pound and with the best economy pound for pound there’s an argument to say holder gets it but if we’re using that South Africa metric I mean holder took seven wickets in South Africa I

Think and I think he took him at like 22 a piece um but he also played versus Zimbabwe and took five wickets in Zimbabwe so wait did did alari not play in Zimbabwe no he must have done yeah alari played I I think hold I think holder’s wickets

Will spread out more evenly given who he far South Africa and India but the if I’m playing Devil’s Advocate yeah if we’re basing it on opposition SOI South Africa if we’re saying India’s the highest opposition we played last year then J in with a sh he took he was our

Leading Wicket taker versus India he took five wickets so we have to put respect on War’s name out here as well you know yeah but so wait the leading Wicket taker versus India but he been dropped he’s not going to Australia so so good for Jamal waram but that that

Means nothing for his test future he’s been dropped so we I can’t believe that you know what yeah so much stuff happens in a year you forget we played a two test Series against India and our leading Wicket taker was with five wickets thing is no you know what people

Cuss they’ll say that we laugh too much about things but it’s only but it’s only when you reflect on the year that you remember that these things even happened you know I I’m not even joking if you asked me about Jamal Walker and I honestly wouldn’t have gu remembered that he

Played test cricket year you know just one of those things but he was the leading Wicket taker against India I don’t think there’s a standout bowler you know no everyone’s saying in everyone’s everyone’s saying in the chat make a poll but you can’t make a poll on

Streamyard what do you want mean to do about that uh you look can only I think you unless there’s a way to make a poll on streamyard you lot need to need to um let me know you know I swear you can oh you I think they mean make a poll in

YouTube or something NS NS is um NS is an administrator I swear I made NS an administ strator um in the YouTube chat so ni probably has the power to make a poll you know um so I would say if we’re being serious obviously wakam wasn’t a

Serious option but um between alari and gudes I’d go with aari just purely based on the metrics of doing it against soua if I was going to but the joke is arguably and I I hope you get where I’m coming from I’ll give it to alari I

Think alzari should get it but this hasn’t even been like a standout year for alzari you get what I mean like because we’ve overball alzari you could even argue that it’s not like it’s been a vintage vintage year for alzari I think the schedule and obviously the way

Things are going test Cricket wasn’t a priority for alari this year um and it kind of reflected in inconsistent in performances You could argue the fact that moti was injured for three tests out of the six means that moti would be a bow of the year because he only played

Three tests it’s not like he played all six and flopped in three of them he only played three tests you know what let’s give it to we have to give it to alari so um I think the the the consensus I mean like Charlie said here Zari looked tired in

Half and test spells exactly that’s what that’s kind of my point but the consensus is based on that South Africa series we got to give it to alzari overall so the test bowler of the year is alzari Joseph alzari of course is also in Australia

Um and we will be shipping his um um prize out to Australia as well in due course so well done to alzari Joseph well done we’re giving you your flowers for 2023 well done to Craig brewe your flowers as well for 20123 test batter and test bowler of the Year let’s move

On to what should be a very very easy category to do the West Indies women’s oldi batter um old ey batter the West Indies women old batter of the year I mean everyone’s this should be very very quick um but uh is is it really a debate is it really one to debate

Santoki I think yeah neither category men nor women is this much Up For Debate I think I think it’s more it’s more just a ceremony at this point mat now the the the thing is though In fairness when I pulled when I did pull the oldi stats surprisingly it was closer than I

Realized right right so no what no no the winner the winner is still the winner but it was it was just closer than I thought it would be right so so Haley Matthews obviously is the winner we don’t need to debate the fact that Haley is the winner but um Haley scored

156 runs in Old eyes this year with one sentury the sentury alone means she wins just the 109 um at an average of 39 uh Stefani Taylor scored 152 runs this year an average of 38 with 250s now obviously Stefani played one more match than Haley

But what I mean is like6 versus 152 is just a bit closer than you would have expected given how much Haley is ahead of everybody else in the team yeah yeah no for sure I thought you were talking about the men’s there for a minute oh sorry sorry no no no no

Noor yeah no I definitely think it was closer I don’t think they played the women didn’t play that many Odis um so the the margins were weren’t that big to be on his in difference but I think for Quality um and as you said that Century

As well I think it has to go to Haley Matthews match yeah this this really doesn’t need a significant uh long-standing debate there people we all any anybody who watches Cricket around the world knows that Haley Matthews has to win this one so congratulations to Haley Matthews the women’s old batter of

2023 moving on to the men’s um oldi batter of 2023 if I can even find the men’s one um yeah so we have uh in terms of leading run scores in Odis Shay hope 824 runs acest 17 Innings average 68.6 six I don’t know where that stands in

The world total for last year but surely it’s got to be up there in the top five um Shay hope Brandon King in at second 623 runs at 17 average of 36 so pretty much almost half of what hope um hopes average in terms of the year but not not

Too bad from Brandon King there and then then Nicholas puran who only played nine innings 428 runs underrated you know Nicholas puran average 61 um obviously stopped playing Odis after that World Cup qualifying defeat in Zimbabwe so he only played nine but a good showing from

Poran and I think if you ask people to sort of guess who were the top three run scores from ODI Cricket those three would be then sort of obvious names they sort of stood out at various points in the year but Mash as we said it’s not

Really up for a debate here I mean we can give we can give a tribute to Shay hope but I think it’s uh unanimous probably between everyone in this live chat and yourself as well that sh Hope was uh the outstanding men’s odia B once again for West Indies in 2023 yeah and

Do you know what’s also worth um indicating for shul as well is that his strike rate this year was 101 so in in previous years you may have said oh scored 824 runs from 17 oldis but the strike rate was like 86 or something like that so it’s it’s a double props

It’s a double props here for Shay in so much as one the volume of runs two um the strike rate that he’s produced those volume of runs and obviously Shay is universally recognized around the world as one of the top ogi players even within that we didn’t even mention it

300s in those 17 and in some 450s um so so again it’s it’s it’s it’s reflected in the in the times that he’s able to convert so effectively you’re saying just under half of those 17 Innings you know he’s scoring at least a 50 which is unheard

Of in modern day West Indies cricket for someone to be so consistent um so yeah needless to say shay hope uh men’s oldi batter of the year no question mark over that whatsoever well done to Shay hope he is not in Australia we believe he is going where is he going Bangladesh

Premier league is that where he’s going so he will be in the Bangladesh premier league and Shay your prize will be award will be coming to you in Bangladesh very very soon and of course Haley as well congratulations to you for the women’s oldi batter of the Year moving swiftly on

Santoki the men’s and women’s oldi bowler um of the Year let’s start let’s start with the women again if we can find the women here yeah women’s again it’s probably going to be no surprise what well no actually no no actually cuz it’s not as straightforward this one

Actually um so I’ll just give you some stats on Toki um so I I always get a name wrong shamila canel which is actually a name five wickets at 17 uh economy 5.79 um in six matches Affy Fletcher five wickets I mean we’re talking about five wickets you know uh five wickets in

Four matches an economy 4.24 average of 18 Haley Matthews five matches five wickets at 16 economy 3.47 I mean it’s in terms of volume of wickets it’s it’s slim pickings they only played between them what so chaml six matches Affy four Haley five there’s no one else really that you can put into

The Reckoning there is it as clearcut as giving it to Haley Haley didn’t Haley bowled the most overs of all of them she bowled 23 overs Affy 21 and chamelle 15 probably does have to go to Haley you know yeah I was I would say give I would

Say Haley was the first that came to mind um as you said it’s it’s quite close though but again similar to what we said with the runs they didn’t play that many Odis in 2023 um they played a lot more T20 so it’s fine margins but I

Would give it to Haley yeah I think I mean good to see some one other than Haley be at the top of the list so to speak or joint with Haley at the top of the list but I think even Haley this year had some injuries so she wasn’t

Even able to bowl as much as she probably would have wanted to um all of that said so I think yeah again Haley I think she won both of them last year as well Haley Matthews oldi women’s oldi bowler of the year but again as he Saidi

Not many matches to go off um men’s old uh Bowlers this year so again when I put it out to the um audience the names I kept getting back alzari Joseph gesh MTI and ramario Shepard were the names that I got back um now this is quite just to give people

The stats alzari Joseph 12 matches 21 wickets at 31 economy 6.23 Romario Shepard 10 matches 14 wickets at 30 economy 5.9 Akil Hussein nine matches 13 wickets at 34 economy 5.1 Yanik carrier no forget carrier no forget him uh gesh MTI six matches 10 wickets at 21 economy

3.9 now three of those matches for gesh came in this England series just at the end what was his other three matches where did he play Old eyes this year other than England South Africa maybe or India India India um I can’t remember who goodes played against let me look to

See yeah India the three matches versus India he took six wickets in that India series um he took six wickets in the India series and then four wickets in the England series series but it’s only six matches but at the same time there’s there’s an argument to say good was the most

Effective even though he only played half the matches it’s the same AR it’s the same as for test though um because then I know alzari he had a high average which is the thing but he was our leading Wicket taker in a workup qualifier so you could argue when it actually

Mattered aari was the stand standout performer for West Indies in the games that actually mattered because really the bilaterals they lost all sort of context after those World Cup qualifiers so I would argue based on his performance in the World Cup qu it could go to aari ramario if there was a most

Improved ODI bowler category he’d be in with a shout because he definitely improved over 202 fet but I don’t think he’s done enough to take it I would give it to aari to be fair is alzari winning just because he’s ever present but then also do you have

To be ever present to get the award yeah this is the thing like it’s again like it’s like with a test I think it’s down to gesh and alavi so it’s whether I think gesh has been an exceptional in 2023 in in the series against England in particular but

But listen I’m trying to do reverse iology I don’t want to seem biased against my boy moti in it so um yeah no I think um it’s a tough one Mash I’m happy to give it to GES moti but I think it’s very I think you could go either way here aari or

Moti I think it’s got to be alzari you know and let me explain why because as much as alzari hasn’t had like a stellar year he’s been there whenever required like and don’t get me wrong when when we’ve got lots of West Indian Talent wanting to eat a food in in

Different2 tours around the world which is their right by the way the one thing you can say about oari is he will always be there whenever he’s selected he’s always there he’s always running in and yes it’s not been vintage but he he is manfully stuck to the task of being our goto

Bowler now okay so faroh says come on man I’d be there too if needed yeah but you’re not as good as alzari so that the argument don’t they they stand for me um it’s and so Farris says you can’t give an award for turning up but it’s he

Hasn’t just been turning up he’s been turning up and doing the job as much as as much as we can say okay so on the face of it 21 wickets at 30 seems below par because you probably want alzari to be doing better but 21 wickets at 30 for

A West Indian West Indian bowler probably okay it’s probably okay and can you really give it to going to catch for playing half the games I I I just don’t no I I think he’s got to go alari s talki yeah I agree like I said I

Think the Odis not taken away from M but I think the Odis after the World Cup qualifiers sort of lost context and almost they didn’t have the same importance of the World Cup qualifiers where alari sort of led the line and as you said he’s been there ever present

Throughout the year he was the leading Wicket taker regardless um obviously his average is the questionable thing but I think all things considered it should go toi well people are unhappy in the chat lots of people are saying it should go to multi I don’t think you can give an

Award for a whole year to somebody who played six matches when it’s not test Cricket it’s not his it’s not mti’s fault MTI should have been in Old from time ago right but at the end of the day he’s he’s he wasn’t he didn’t play as many matches

So because he was wasn’t he injured M he injured as well yeah he was injured as well back injury so men’s o bowler of the year has to go to alari Joseph so double award for alari Joseph he wins the test bowler of the year and he wins

The old the CCP oi bowler of the year and Haley Matthews takes the women’s oi bowler of the Year let’s move it straight on to T20 we’ll start with the men’s this time the men’s T20 batter of the year the names that I was given santoku when I put it out to

Social media the names I only got got two names back every time it was either robman Powell or it was Nicholas puram those are the two names that were kind of the overwhelming uh names given back to me so again stats for the people Nicholas puran 13

Matches 300 so he was the top run scorer 13 matches 384 runs at 20 at 30 strike rate 163 Brandon King 13 matches 348 runs average 32 strike rate 143 robman Powell 13 matches 324 runs average 36 strike rate 171 that’s it I don’t think it’s worth

Mentioning anybody else I think it can only be one of those three um because the next runs the next highest run score after that is KL Mayers with 206 so he’s not in not he’s not in the race is puran king or Powell I think for me it’s down to puran

Or Powell I think um both of them sort of they played consistently destructive Innings across the year it’s a hard one you know because stats wise very similar in terms of the role they played You could argue poran sort of guided more Innings and pal sort of come in more as

The finisher and and he’s got more free reign to just smash it but it’s very tricky between the two um I think those two is those two were definitely our standout performers in T20 with the bat I’m i’ probably go with poran slightly edges it I think um just

Because of the role he played the way he had to Shepherd a lot of innings and also if I’m looking at remembering Innings off the top of my head that 82 against um England was was a iconic Innings um I don’t think pal romman hit anything above 50 so just based on those

Small margins I’d give it to poran but it’s very close I’m trying to work it out in my head puran 26 fours rman 164s puran 27 is gone G gone back to the boundary count boundary count right puran puran but it’s quite interesting puran 26 fours romman 164s puran 27 sixes rman 26

Sixes does that matter in t20s cuz I’ve got a feeling it does Pur ability to go bigger quicker I don’t know maybe I’m wrong there maybe I’m wrong but I wonder if those fours and sixes just show how puran’s range of his game is greater than Ran’s range but they’re also

Playing different roles so it’s very very close I think you can’t knock either of them they’ve both had good years with the batting T20 cricket but I would give it to P right Charlie says we need to look past stats and look to see how many

Matches each man won but the thing with t20s can I mean puran comes at what number three can you how many times you going to win a match from from number three romman comes in as a finisher to take us over the line so isn’t rman in a better position in

That sense to win a match given he’s coming in at number five or number six what say this might be this might be an unprecedented joint winners or might be you know I’m just looking at I’m just looking at the so India H just so okay I’m going to break it

Down for people South Africa I can’t you might need to look s santoki that South Africa series we won 21 but I can’t remember what order the wins came in I don’t know if we won the first one and the third one or if it was the second

And the third I got a feeling it was the first and the third won the first one and then the final one right so robman made 41 of 36 in the final one which we and we won that game and 43 of 18 in the first you sure about that yeah in t20s

Yeah 43 of 18 no I’m not seeing that oh wait hold on yeah in the first T20 March 25th who am I looking at am I looking at ran or puran who the hell ran is 43 of 18 do you know what I think I must be

Looking at puran you know so I’m looking at puran sorry so puran made 41 of 36 in the final one 6 so Roan played a match in match winning knock in the first T20 43 of 18 yeah um not out and then in the third one let me

See so Bo could could could be rman here you know yeah might you know what it might have to be rolman cause then he made then poran made 41 of 19 in the final one and rman made so they kind of switch roles basically puran made 67 of 40 in the

Second in the first T20 versus India he made 4 67 of 40 the final T20 which beat injur and he made 47 of 35 um the the England performances though came in the matches that we lost um do you know what I I reckon I reckon it might have

To be Jo I think it might have to be joint award you know yeah join award you know from the you’re trying to break it down as to who won more matches I think you just have to say you know what both of them can get it yeah yeah yeah I

Think other other than us doing a detailed breakdown of every match which I don’t think uh the people would want to see at this time of night um I think we have to give give it as a joint award which I think is it’s as close as it

Could be in terms of a year performances I I think even if you broke it down match by match it would pretty much be fine margins between the two so I think join the ward puran and po yeah so puran and po win men’s T20 batter of the Year

Women’s T20 very very straightforward this one Haley Matthews wins that one 19 wickets they played she played 14 matches uh and took 19 wickets at uh 16 a piece an economy of 6.84 nobody else came close to Haley Matthews in that regard so unsurprisingly Haley Matthews takes the

Women’s T20 batter so she takes everything she’s won the old batt and bow the century she hit she hit against Australia as well I sorry we’re talking about sorry we’re doing battle I wasn’t even you know what that’s my fault I thought on bowler sorry batter sorry go

Back to it go on run it back s yeah yeah that um the century against Australia in Australia I think when was that October November time yeah iconic probably the best T20 innings in in the women’s game for 2023 um that alone um shows it but

Again and as you said with the ball as well Mash 19 wickets across the year so I think we can we can set we can end the women’s T20 battle and start the women’s T20 bowler by say Haley Matthews for both match I think it’s fair to say yeah

She wins both so needless to say people my apology I jumped the gum there so Haley wins old batter and bowler and women’s batter and bowler in t20s as well congratulations to Haley Matthews obviously this year for women’s Cricket we would love to see someone else um

Step up to help Haley a bit more but you know it’s it’s not quite as straightforward as that um moving on so we’ve done women’s T20 bowler it’s Haley Matthews men’s T20 um best bowler the names that were given to me sant now this is a category

Where I got loads of names I was given Akil I was given goodes I was given Romario and I was given alzari um now again so Al alzari nine matches 16 wickets at 21 but economy was 10.3 Jason holder 11 matches 12 wickets at 34 economy 9.3 Akil Hussein 12

Matches 12 wickets at 29 economy 7.9 ramario Shepard nine matches at 12 sorry nine matches 12 wickets at 24 economy 9.5 um gesh so people gave me gesh but gesh only played Four matches so again can’t say goodes is this because of goodes deserves something but he just

Hasn’t had the volume of matches to to say he can win having given you those stats Andi I’m tempted to say roario sheeper yeah I was going to say R Mario you know R Mario came out of the b um 9.5 as you said economy he played what

He played nine innings um 12 wickets average 24 I think if you’re looking it based on stats Romario but then also if you if you’re factor in Romario his performances last year compared to this year the Improvement as well that we seen for Romario I think he would be

Deserved to go to um roario yeah I think let just go back and check something I mean people say alari J’s 16 wickets at 21 is impressive but I’m just looking at the economy of over 10s and just thinking well and also balls towards the

Back end of the Innings a death so it’s well he’s the fact he’s got his economy around nine for me he’s shown a lot of discipline Romario Shepherd so I would give it to Romario yeah I mean there’s obviously an argument to say Akil Hussein but I’m

Tempted to say ramario Shepard as well so the CCP T20 bowl of the year we are giving to ramario Shepard if you’ve just joined us and you’ve missed all the previous Awards just to fill you in so far test bowler of the Year alzari Joseph test batter of the Year Craig

Brawe um oi batter of the Year Shay hope oi bowl of the Year alzari Joseph Women’s batter and bowler was Haley Matthews T20 batter shared award between rman and Nicholas puran um and T20 bowler we have just given to Mario Shephard with Haley Matthews obviously taken both in the women’s game now Soki

That’s the straightforward stuff done yeah let us move to the well actually this is arguably this is straightforward West IND Cricket never do moment in West Indies cricket there’s several down bad things that happen in the there’s several down bad things that happen in just a week in West Indies

Cricket or sometimes even 24 hours but is it really open for for for debate as to what has been the most down bad uh moment of the calendar year for West Indies cricket yeah how many weeks in a year 52 weeks in a year we probably had about 52

D bad moments so um there’s a lot to go through I’m trying to you know what it’s one of those ones where there’s probably stuff you me to give you the stuff that people sent in yeah go just to show you that it’s not as obvious as people think

So these are all the different things I received as answers rakee called run out in CPL um Devon Thomas getting I you know what I was thinking what what was the call one then I got a flashback in my head you know what I I watched that back

The other day and that run out was so bad that Danny Morrison was busting up on commentary as R was getting run out how down bad you have to be that they’re busting up in commentary whilst you get but the thing is how I remember it the

Fielder it went to at a slip or whatever it wasn’t these I forgot who even who even got run him out who threw the ball whoever it was it wasn’t even as if they like picked it up in a rush it’s like they slowly grabbed it and just threw it

Like gently and cor just stopped running basically Oh my days yeah so got Rim Cornwell’s um run out uh Devin Thomas and Marlon Samuel’s getting done for match fixing um Desi turning up to multiple press conferences and saying that he ain’t run no he ain’t run nobody ain’t

Run nobody to tell him that they’re out the team um I Cricket West Indies you know are they paying man are they need to pay Desi’s phone bill you know because this guy moving like what say did you sell have locked off Desi’s phone locked off he just got a list of

People that he owes a phone call to you know um ts’s um jumping out of CPL um somebody even sent in saying Kurt McKenzie getting called up to the test Squad right just like what was a rationale uh and then needless to say

The World Cup came up a lot um is it a straightforward as that santoki when you when you look at everything that’s happened this year does the World Cup and if we go even if we go even more specific than just the World Cup we could just say the

World Cup and say that’s it or do we actually say the super over do we actually say the 374 and the super over is the most down bad time you’ve felt this year yeah honorable mention obviously Darren Bravo as well Darren Bravo cuss out DJ bar cuss out on Instagram

Um I’m sure they sh he my cuss out or was his wife done a cuss out on Instagram they this one you know I was going to say this but then obviously because we know the full reason I don’t know if it’s a down bad I don’t know if

It could have been prevented but yeah the fact that dich got called up after Hiatus and then retired two days after getting the call up was down bad for Cricket West Indies um but yeah Mash I think the World Cup qualifying campaign obviously unprecedented but if we zoom

In on that game against Netherlands the post 374 and the fact they chased it or not chased it or they equaled it and took it to a super over we sent Shay hopal to bat in the super over we need to get what do we need to get like 30 something

Um hold on the first thing is Jason holder conceded over 30 in the super over was down bad against Netherlands and then um what do you call it sh hope who did he come out with I forgot but we lost two wickets anyway in three balls I

Was gonna say R came out after the first Wicket fell so who did he come who did Shay even come out with was it Kyle Mayers was it Johnson Charles no fam we were down we were down tremendous put it this way Mario Mario Shephard um got two ducks in the game I

Think the first in his hand in the super over we went we lost we’ even lost the six balls of the super over went out after three balls and then yeah that for me regardless of whether it was Netherlands or not any team if you’re letting any team chase down 374 against

You and then smashing you in a super over I think it was the highest ever for a super in international cricket what they hit 30 runs or whatever it’s got to be two down BS two down bad iconic DN bads in that game basically do you remember that they Chas part they chased

Down that 374 largely by just running twos you know like listen man in the comments are saying nille was a op you [Laughter] know what did he say again was it Logan Van Beek you cannot do that and do you did did you ever see the picture of um

Carlos br’s face at at the end of the match bra Carlos BR weight was standing in the booth looking like his world had come to an end these times nil selling it like it’s the greatest thing he’s ever seen oh my no listen you got to respect n you

Know for staying professional in that moment but if it was me headset would have got smashed to yeah for real I I would I would have I would I would have dashed the headphones on or the headset onto the floor and just walked out onto

The pitch I would have had to have done a pitch Invasion or something just get the match abandoned something had to happen to to to bring that Abomination to an end oh my days so yeah I think that that’s iconic any year any year in West

Indies history when we when did we start playing Cricket 1928 all the way till now I think if you combine if you look at that whole history of West Indies cricket this is the D bad moment of West Indies cricket yeah to to be fair and no

Matter what West Indies go on to do in the in the rest of their existence I will never forget that moment I will I will never ever forget how they let that match on fold um I I was I’ve never felt worse watching the West Indies than that so

Much so do do you know how down bad that day was when Scotland then licked us down a couple days later no one even cared because we were so traumatized by what Netherlands had done it was like well whatever like you know thing is yeah like because obviously me people

Were saying and mash was joke and and you know take the mick out of stuff like usually some usually if West Indians are losing we see it in just with like oh man is what it is that day we were pissed I remember we were messaging each

Other we were literally like pissed like this was a low low point for our for our journey as West Indies fan so it was it was a down bad moment mash and I don’t I don’t think that I don’t think you can ever get a down bad moment like that

Again because if we fail to qualify for any other World Cup going forward it’s been done already so the prent has been set for the o World Cup so it’s got to be an alltime low and um yeah your Undertaker intro as well was people thought I was just doing that

For effect you know so anyways ladies and gents um without any doubt uh the down bad moment of the year not just not getting out of the World Cup qualifiers but more specifically the super over and everything that unfolded around that Netherlands um match uh moving on shining star of

2023 so these were the names I was given senty uh sh hope for his Stellar year in but it depends how you want to view shining star does shining star have to go to a young player I think last year we gave it to did we give it to jadden

Seals last year or is that the year before can’t remember but um the names I got Alec aanes um gesh MTI um Haley Matthews for her Stellar year in women’s Cricket Shay hul for his Stellar year in ogi cricket that’s generally I mean you could look at some

Of the academy players based on what has happened in terms of the progress of the West Indies Academy in fact this is a good shout from someone Patrick Allen sorry Kevin Sinclair you could say has had a has had a breakout year uh Visa West Indies cricket uh may or may not

Make his debut in Australia so there are some other names as well it doesn’t have to be an age thing for me I’m almost tempted to say santoki that this is the award that should go to gesh um but if it’s age if it’s age then

It probably should go to Alec or Kevin Sinclair or somethingone like that I don’t think it should be age because like we will say on the podcast with West Indies it’s kind of skewed with age as in someone like miti who’s like what

26 27 I don’t even know how old he is um he’s only been able to kind of get his opportunity in the last two years um whereas in other countes someone like Otti would be playing from like 181 19 probably um so I don’t think age necessarily counts um I think hope and

Haley Matthews shining start of 2023 indicates that like this is your breakout kind of year so I don’t think as good as they’ve been we know that they’re good we knew that before before 2023 so as you said mash it depends how you want to look at it I think for me it

Will come down to aphanes or guda keso both quite similar in terms of breakout years in across formats because aphan is obviously in the regional season he hit runs made the test side had a good start to his test career um against India but then also has broken into the ODI side

As well um so and the way he’s played as well International has been very good but then moti you could argue he’s been well he has been a success across all three formats and considering he basically started his West Indies career last year 20 or 2022 um you could argue

He’s been The Shining Star so I think bearing in mind how we said earlier there needs to be an award for moti based on what he’s done I think this is a perfect example of an award that should go to him as The Shining Star 2023 because I think across all formats

He’s done well the one critique you could have not a critique on him personally but the fact he was injured and missed a lot of games um this and that uh 19 test wickets 520 wickets 15 all that great economy R and average that Moi yeah I think it’s actually 22

Test wickets to be fair but yeah so um yeah for me I I I would give it to moti apan is close second but I would give to miti yeah and the other reason why I think it should go to multi as well is it’s not just that it feels like it’s

Mti’s breakout season but the reason why it’s multi not athes is because in it being it’s kind of like when we gave it to Jaden seals in 2022 or 2023 whichever year we gave it to Jaden seals it’s not so much that they’ve had a breakout they’ve become match winners do you see

What I mean like GES has basically already become a strike bowler for the West Indies across all three formats and not that I’m saying that that’s not like that’s unheard of but for a new player to come onto the scene across all formats and basically prove themselves

To be a match winner in all three formats in the in the games that they did play there’s basically no bad game that goodes MTI has had um so for me um The Shining Star of 2023 goes to uh goodes MTI yep that’s fair enough cool

Cool cool um let’s move on to aha that’s an interesting one um the West Indies are back moment of the year so I got three answers for this yeah uh the first answer was winning the T20 series versus India um the second answer was doing the double over England winning the Odis and

Winning the t20s Series in fact four answers the third answer was winning all the T20 Series so beating South Africa then beating India then beat in England and then this answer I threw in and a couple people agreed with me um Haley Matthews Sentry against Australia now I’m not saying

That should win and you could argue that that is more a Haley Matthews is back rather than the West Indies are back but the West Indies beat Australia women which give where West indes women’s game is at it wasn’t it wasn’t like Haley did it on her own because Stefan Taylor was

There with her so I kind of said well maybe that comes into the argument as well but what do you think on no’s answer Sant what stands out to you first things first yeah I think the Haley Matthews um from a West Indies perspective the best Innings of the year

So um as you said it could be seen as more of a Haley matthews’s back thing rather than a West Indies a back but that definitely get some recognition I think I was going to say West Indies are back moment would be the double over England just because of the historical

Link to You Know The Glory Days always being associated when West Indies did beat England and the fact that capped off the year and it was across two different formats but I would say if we’re including it t20s across the year um from South Africa to India to England

I think that the T20 performances um when we’ve been so down bad in test cricket and ODI Cricket the T20 Resurgence um which has led been led by Darren Sammy in the latter half of the year I think that’s West Indies our back moment of the year because in modern

History we’ve been known as the T20 Trailblazers so to see us kind of winning these bilateral series playing an exciting brand of cricket robman power with his captaincy Sammy as the head coach it kind of gives the impression that yeah West Indies are back in terms of their T20 game um kind

Of getting back to the top and like we discussed on our previous episode whilst we wouldn’t say West Indies are favorites of the World Cup the fact that you can probably talk about them potentially winning the World Cup and not get laughed about mean that we are

Back as some sort of contenders I think that’s all you could ask for in 2023 considering where we were this time last year so I think our T20 performances are the West Indies are back moment of the year yeah I I I have to agree I think

Just as you said just there the context of crashing out of the 2022 uh 2020 yeah sorry 2022 crashing out of the 2022 T20 World Cup Um uh before he’ even made the main stage and then managing to bounce back in 2023 and and win every T20 series that we played is significant doesn’t mean that we’re World beaters now but it does mean that people are actually talking about us as if we’re somebody worth

Paying attention so technically that in itself is the definition of West Indies are back if if that makes sense um rather than us being seen as some kind of joke team and in fact in the also we have to add it in the context of there’s so much discussion going round with

Regards to how long is test Cricket going to survive for the smaller Nations and or smaller uh full member nations now if that is the case and T20 cricket is going to be the way forward for the smaller four member nations to survive then we have to look at our Resurgence

In T20 cricket as something significant we can’t just pretend like oh but it’s only T20 cricket because well actually that might be Primacy one day so um yeah we have to kind of look in that sense yeah definitely I think you’re right I think we have to especially the fact

That it was consistent across the year South Africa series was in March India was in July England at end of the year that consistency rishab Sharma says I wish West Indies beat Australia two-nil and reached the world test Championship final listen rishab that happens then we can safely say West Indies are back

Rishab you’re you’re smoking the some cheap weed man I don’t know what’s going on I don’t know what’s going on there cuz but thank you for the support all the same though big up Rashad for the the Super Chat all the same but um that leads us Soki to the

Final Award of 2023 and do you know what I realized just now earlier on I was talking about oh when did we give Jaden seals the award not realizing that of course it was 20122 because these are the awards of 2023 so anyways um the last award of the evening people the

Catfish of the year now last year in the 2022 award show who did we give it to in 2022 actually oh I can’t even remember now was the um was it the World Cup song No the world song we made we’re goingon to win a world championship we crashed out and

Then even in the music video they had like nine and nine was in the video did spin balling my man even play please it listen we might have to nominate no for catfish the year cuz my man said after four years of not playing for West Indies like he just dropped the

Retirement International retirement when everyone had ruled out him playing anyway he just dropped a big statement a time from international cricket so that could be one catfish on the year um uh thank you to Frank for the Super Chat he says the respect is back

For the West Indies yeah I kind of agree certainly un limited over Cricket um and and that’s all we can ask for thank you Frank for the Super Chat catfish of the Year listen santeli every single vote for catfish of the year uh Lindy says last year’s catfish was Chase so I think

The the the the the World Cup some one was 2021 because that was for the 2021 World Cup so apparently we gave it to chase last year or Thanos I can’t even remember but um Pi got Lindy you know remembered that fact you know yeah no would makes sense it was JJ

Cuz the um the World Cup was the year before what the nominations what what what are the nominations we got cish of the year yeah I only got one name santoki shimron hm oh my but listen how did um Morgan before we go there Morgan said

Catfish of the year now telling some to [Laughter] interesting man said I got directly catfished you know to my face no so hold on the catfish the year but the thing is did he me really do a catfish because what did he me even do he never pretended like he was something

Different the do you know what so I think those of you who nominated hetm and said that he is a catfish of 2020 uh 2023 I think please put in the comments why you believe it’s hetm I’m going to I I never I never suggested hetm you know

Um but I think the reason why people said hetm is because so much noise was made about him coming back and helping save West IND cricket and then what did he average this summer what was it nine is that is that what his average was so across all of the matches versus India

And versus England old’s t20s he basically did nothing so I don’t know if that’s hetm directly catfishing anyone or if that’s the fans catfishing themselves if if we see what them if you see what I mean in terms of what I mean like if he me came out and done some big

Promo saying you know I’m coming back gonna hit big scores or he done something but he didn’t really say anything he sort of just qu came back and he just sort of continued his poor form for West Indies um you know what it might have to be um might have to be

Desmond haer though I was wondering does Dez win catfish of the year that’s a real catfish that’s a real catfish move you know leaving everyone he just add everyone I ow him a phone call he said robman J Blackwood man said he asked poan to to message n like didn’t hear

Pack he just ghosting everyone out is desin Hayes catfish of the year do you know okay the the reason why Dez could win catfish because we have to bear we have to bear in mind that the the definition of catfish is you’re somebody you purport to be somebody

Better than you actually are right so when Dez when Dez got the um the head selector job everyone based it on the fact that well of course you know de Champion battle for the West Indies legend of the game and but when it comes time for selections everyone’s like

What’s going on but then Dez would say surely Dez would say but hold on a minute West Indies won three T20 Series this year we just beat England in an old Series so has Dez really catfished anyone he’s catfished the players because if you’re dropping Jermaine Blackwood and you’re not even telling

Him ain’t that catfish I’m wait I’m wait to see if people put any other nominees uh in catfish before before we decide if it’s Dez or if it’s um or if it’s shimron hetm someone said D but you don’t we don’t know the full reasons why d we

Can’t put D in catfish we can’t we can’t put him there um let me see if anyone someone say Rea Rond Rea catfishing at free you know but again that’s not even his fault Shamar Joseph for pretending he was a security guard so Morgan says it’s got be Desi his inconsistent is in

Explanations um how do you call up uh Justin Grace for test and say C wait a minute yeah Desi catfish you mash he said GS was doing big runs in the aam tour my man I didn’t even played for the a that was a real catfish because he

Said it with such conviction that we were both believing that green hit 18 Mones and then we checked the records when we were on the show and he didn’t he did play in the 18 matches he catfished everyone okay so people are saying it’s Desmond Haynes or it’s shimron

Hetm I do you know what even though hetm didn’t do a promo to say I’m the greatest I I get why people are saying hetm because of how hetm it’s remember that episode we did I can’t remember exactly which one it was but you said something along the lines of hetm is

Treated as if he’s a legend of the game without actually having done anything legendary so if if in the context of that the he might is talked up the way hit me is talked up it’s as if he’s producing what she hul is producing or he’s he’s not even producing what

Nicholas puran is producing much less right so the is hetm a catfish for being spoken about in a modernday Pantheon of West Indies greats when he’s not actually done anything yeah and then coming back this year after a long time out after missing the plane and he’s come back and

He’s look like he belongs in like he looks like he don’t even belong in guyana’s team much less if he belongs in the West Indies team so technically if we look at it in that context you could say that het Meers a catfish this is a good one here from uh

Crck Lover he says Jamaica scorpions one no yeah listen it might have to be Jamaica you know the whole country of Jamaica because in mind 20 2022 yeah you won the CPL won the super 50 and then you abysmally performed in both of them that you didn’t win any games in the

Super 50 or the regional for day Jamaica TS is no more Jamaica government didn’t bid for no World Cup games surely it’s Jamaica then Jamaica catfish Cricket if catfish do you know what it might actually have to be the hole of Jamaica you know Jamaica for the year at least

He me at least hm saying he wants to play cricket like he’s making himself available Jamaica’s not made itself available it’s catfished everything across all formats it’s catfish host his catfish 50 over it’s catfish T20 it’s catfish the four day it’s catfish everything wait so hold on hold

On this year jamaic said bun World Cup bun CPL and we won no matches no matches in super won no matches in four day Cricket oh Jamaica’s won Jamaica’s the C the whole island of Jamaica is Catfish on the [Laughter] year we’ve catfished the whole of cricket this year yeah Jamaica wins

Jamaica has to win all right so uh Mash are you accepting this award on behalf of the Jamaica beh on behalf of Andrew holus and Olivia babsy gra and the whole of the JAMA Jamaica cricket fraternity I accept that Jamaica are the official West Indies catfish of the year we have

Catfished the whole of regional Cricket we’re pretending that we care about Cricket when in actual reality we are shown in 2023 that we give no [ __ ] no wait hold on hold on hold on hold on it might have to be Barbados you know for claiming the mecca that was the biggest

Catfish as well the mecca thing I’m not involved I’m not getting involved in this one hold on hold on wait a minute Jason Humphrey late shout Here just a good point you know hold the balll in the super over big Jason holder you know our best allrounder but hold on if you add it up yeah you can also add holder not playing test cricket and ODI Cricket but not retiring he’s catfished everyone El

Again this this this one really deserves not signing a contract this one this one this one I think it’s got to be Jamaica still I think it’s Jamaica CU that’s it’s unprecedented to not win one domestic match sell your CPL franchise and not win any not bid for any World

Cup game that’s unprecedented run of catfishing yeah yeah I think when you I think the and the key thing is not winning any domestic match for the whole year not in 4 day not in 50 over nothing someone put in I think someone put in the chat but

We already knew Jamaica didn’t care about quick Jamaica’s down bad you know should we give it to Jamaica I think we should give it to jamaic now you know what it’s a one we have to do a one two three so Jamaica one hey too might have to be holder at

Threee you know might holder might have to take third place you know third place because the thing is even when he didn’t get picked for the test side he gave a big interview saying like he still wants to play test Cricket he’ll be back he’s catfished everyone on on I think just officially

Like I say on behalf of the Jamaica cricket Association I accept that Jamaica the whole island of Jamaica has catfished West Indies cricket um and uh we we are the catfish of 2023 according to the Caribbean Cricket podcast POS possible controll in Jamaica might catfish masy though next time he tries enter the

Borders listen the final of that’s why the catfish of the year is always the most um significant of the Year honorable honorable mention goes to Desi though Desmond hanger though because that was unprecedented catfish from to selector out here yeah but it’s because you know what recency bias and the

England series double means that he can’t get even if we wanted to give it to him he can’t because he can just point to the to the resume and say but I ended my year with two w so I know he hit a century but johnon Charles also get honorable mention as catfishing

Because he made his way back into the West Indies side against England based on nothing and he got an IPL to for K ear the more you think about it the more the more actual answers there properly are there you know but um but I think I would personally I would personally say

The Barbados man calling it The meca of cricket like just determining something the Mecha of cricket is a big got to be up there as well as a c we should we should technically we should just give it to Anmar uh in Barbados we should give it to Amar Amma when you’re

Listening to this when when Emma said that Barbados was the mea of the region and then you pulled up the Tweet with him saying God Sav the king bro you know what had me laughing as well someone put in the chat Jason hold is skipping um super 50 to talk up

IPL facilities and then not getting an IPL deal big article you know saying I don’t need to play Super 50 I can get more by trading with rajastan Royals no IPL deal listen if we if we keep going we’ll be dragging catfish out of every corner of West

Indies cricket and that’s why Nicks is probably right to say actually the catfish of the year is just West Indies cricket in general but we have to give it we have to give the winner and the winner this year is Jamaica cricket they are the catfish of the Year

Congratulations to Jamaica the biggest and best Awards of the CCP Awards and that Award of course brings an end to the 2023 Caribbean Cricket podcast awards show as ever thank you to everybody who has joined us on this live thank you to everybody who’s watching

The repeat um of the of the show at whatever time you choose to watch it and do you know what as we start 2024 although it’s just gone past midnight in the UK so it’s actually now the 2nd of January but it’s just important to say

As well that at the start of a brand new year thank you to everybody who has continued yeah I was going to do tweet of the Year people but I’ve decided to I decided to leave that one santoki the Tweet of the year um we we we’ve done so

Many tweets we can’t even keep up but santoki there was that one tweet you did which I looked at it the other day and it’s got two million it was the one about I think it was the one where you said something like um the one about well done toja for

Making the World Cup final and and when you go back and read that tweet there’s bare there’s bare like Blue Tick verified people in India like journalists and everyone just losing their [ __ ] at you saying that saying how dare you how dare you like and that’s

Why I think it got 2 million like Impressions or views whatever because you know I think um people take a lot of our tweets seriously particularly when it’s an India the joke is I think most people thought it was you as well you know it was me fumbling any future IPO

Bags in the future but but listen um as I said people start of a new year 2024 but for those of you are still with us on the live just want to say thank you to to everyone that has continued to watch anything that we do listen to anything

That we do support um anything that we do whether even when we’ve done like com stuff for BBC talk sport whatever it might be um this started off we’ve always said it but this this whole CCP thing started off in a coffee shop in dlon Junction um when I met santoki

Never knew who santoki was you know I just knew him from Twitter we met up in a coffee shop in dlon Junction um which is near shage for those of you know London for those who don’t know London D’s a down bad area you know yeah real down

It was a Costa Coffee in dlon Junction and Santo and I had like a 35 minute 40 minute conversation just saying you know what there’s a there’s a niche out there for a West Indies um podcast that kind of covers and brings together all of the news from around the region initially

When we started it it was because we thought that there was a lot of um what you call it um ex Sor there was a lot of diaspora in the UK who probably were all uh disconnected from one one another who who um still actually cared about West

IND cricket and obviously it’s grown into something much much bigger than that so thank you to all of you who continue to support like share subscribe um all of that all of that and you know 2024 we go again we go again we see if we can continue to grow the channel grow

The medium stay locked in as always um Twitter Instagram Facebook whatever it might be we ain’t going anywhere and in fact actually to just to prove that tomorrow we have an episode tomorrow um that we’re recording so look out for that and it’s with Nathan cely and stepen Pascal

Pascal sorry who are the Vice Captain and captain of the under 19 West Indies World Cup team respectively so we’re doing that interview with those two uh tomorrow so look out for that drop um tomorrow night um after we’ve done that interview because of course we cover all

Aspects of West Indies cricket there’s an under 19 World Cup coming up and we got some content coming for you with regards to that Soki I’ll let you have the last words yeah yeah no I think MH that that was a um good summary of how

We’ve come and onwards and upwards for C Crick podcast as always thanks for everyone that t Tunes in engages as Mas said we got some under 19 players coming on the show so if you want us to ask any questions to them obviously drop it in

The comments on this video and we’ll try to get across to them we tried not to just cover the senior men’s team obviously looking at youth team the women’s team and West Indies as a whole as much as two people can do and just as Mash was talking it was also running

Through my mind about how many more down bad catfish moments we had in this year and it came to mind we do even mention Darren ganga advertising for Combined colleges campus with an with an email address I don’t know if that’s a catfish or a DN bad moment there somewhere

Between the two but guys thank you very much hope you enjoy the rest of your evenings afternoons wherever you’re tuning into the world and keep a lookout for That interview with the under 19 players dropping tomorrow night UK time so probably evening in the Caribbean so

Thank you very much guys Happy New Year once again stay tuned and stay locked and we’ll see you on the other side take care 100% like share subscribe peace we rued the Cricket World now the Rules welcome to the Caribbean Cricket podcast your One-Stop shop for all things West Indies cricket by the fans for the Fans


  1. Excellent show. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I think we downplay Alzarri. He was not vintage because of his teammates! 6 catches dropped of his bowling vs India and 4 vs Zimbabwe in the qualifiers that if taken we would have won. Alzarri should have a lot more wickets so no challenge he wins easily. Motie and Sheperd most improved. Too much downbad moments for 2023 but 2024 we will win T20 in Australia and win T20 world cup and win test series in England beating bazball!!

  2. Men T20 batter has to be Powell…don't forget to factor being captain as well. Knowing that he has to lead from the front and when called upon he delivered most times when others were crumbling around him along with slightly better strike rate than Pooran.

  3. Jamaica is indeed the catfish….I put my neck on the line saying we going to do the double again of cpl & super50 only to get slapped up 😂

  4. Happy New Year to the Mecca of cricket podcast. Hopefully 2024 will have more highs than lows for West Indies cricket.

  5. I’ll never get why people complain about the sense of humor of these lads. When you look at it deep like CCP does the stats are down bad. However, with these 3 past T20 series victories I think we are heading in a positive direction. Looking forward to seeing the pod grow, I wanna see a link up again with the grade cricketer guys because that’s how I found out about this podcast. A collab will bring more eyes on the channel, get it linked up boys. 2024 year is the West Indies redemption.

  6. dominica done well escaping catfish after the test pitch they served up a spinning pitch vs india and pulled out of T20 world cup matches. Happy 2024 guys!

  7. It’s clear from this recap that Alzarri is overbowled. Need to give him proper rest and rotation otherwise he’ll have to same problems as Shaheen Afridi.

  8. Remember Brathwaite scored 110 in Australia which is a big achievement. England went down there and their highest individual score I think was 89 by Root and 80 something by Malan. By the way this is if you are counting Australia as part of the year

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