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NUFC LIVE FA CUP MATCH REACTION | Sunderland 0 – 3 Newcastle United

Live with an instant match reaction following Newcastle’s 3-0 away at Sunderland in the Third Round of the FA Cup.

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The eval podcast is now sponsored by wfst total compliance wfst provides fire safety requirements UK wide to prepare you and your employees should the worst happen do what you do best and visit wfst doc. today enjoy the Episode ches the scene of [Applause] Celebration Champions League pleas assur the team that was staring down the barrel of relegation ago will now mix it with Europe good afternoon everyone welcome back to the ever more YouTube channel and podcast it’s Chris with a very big smile on my face for the match reaction as Newcastle United have battered the mams 3-0 on their own doorstep most of them buggered off at 2-0 so they

Probably didn’t see the third goal go in but what were we even worried about and breathe everybody breathe my God that game was nerve-wracking in the lead up to it but the quality Shone right through from the first whistle we’re gonna get stuck right into this in a

Minute just talk about the game talk about the key moments and obviously how proud We Are of these Lads for getting the job done in probably the biggest game certainly of this month if not arguably the way the season’s going right now we’ve had some huge fixes

Already this season but this one we had to had to take care of business and thank God the lads did will get stuck right into this just before we do a little reminder if you haven’t already subscribed we’ love you to come and join us we are which direction are we here

This one well I don’t know where my fingers are going we’re over 6,200 subs the buttons knacking so I’m pointing to whatever code I’m pointing to there I feel like the mackam I don’t know where where I’m going I’m all over the place but 6,200 Subs loads of room for you

Guys on the avable community that we’re growing all free content before you want to give a little back to channel there is a membership option there as well so let’s get stuck in then so how did the lads line up this is how we’re lined up H we are Live tonight afternoon even

Jump in the comments I know loads of you already been chatting amongst yourselves but you can see Eddie how give the competition the respected deserves he give the Derby the respected deserves and he went Full Tilt Kieran trippier was back fit captain in the side had

That sturdy back for in I’m not going to lie I probably wasn’t alone a few people were slightly concerned about burn at left back but we have nothing to worry about whatsoever as the game transpired really the Midfield three of Bruno long staff and Joe with Miley on the bench

And obviously Isaak Gordon and mcky was back in in the side up top terms of the mams you know they had the their key players I suppose in terms of Clark and Bellingham young Bellingham was in there Pritchard was in the side um and you know they were giv it their best their

Best fist really but to be honest once it was all kicked off and done you know and the media were stopping talking about it and the makams were stopping getting themselves all wound up about it it was pretty clear the goam class between the two teams you know this was

A championship team full of young players who to be fair them did did tried our best they tried hard some performances were decent enough from them you know I thought uh balad was was decent enough I thought nine got stuck in but most of them were just completely

Way off the pace in terms of the quality against a you know a top seven eight Premier League team that’s just been in the Champions League this season and it showed it really did you the lads were dominant right throughout I didn’t feel for one moment really that the mams were

Even giv us any threat whatsoever you know second half will come on a couple of their chances in a minute but you know we started the game you can see the intensity was there The Lads were up for it they were bouncing they were ready to go um right from the first whistle

Sunland would just look like they were trying to contain us really they had no threat up top was it the boy rusen who the Ukrainian lad uh just didn’t really offer anything in terms of a threat to our back four really you know Shar and

Botman seem to have loads of time on the ball trips looked like he was back to his usual trip sou he looked calm he looked relaxed he was giggling at the the makams giving him in the in the crowd which which was great to see he

Just looked a lot kmer did did trip it to be fair um we bossed the game we absolutely bossed the game Isaak looking sharp um Joe Linton was dominant in the first half and I’ve got to say I think I’ve already had some of the comments

Further up in the in the comments I’ll do my best to keep up with it um but the uh the the comment about I think was it giving migy I think somebody said am I got to give migy I’m gonna give you a shout out there man Ranger no

I’m not gonna give migy at all migy is actually my man of the match I’m going that early he was brilliant today he was relentless he was like a wasp in a beer garden buzzing around your pint didn’t give the makams any pie whatsoever and he was class right

Throughout the game was mcky to be fair so he deserves all that credit you know I will give him credit whereever he’s due when he’s shite I’ll call it but when he’s good I’ll also call it but but Joe Linton in particular in that first

Half was was bossing it he was he was just dominant you know it looked like men against boys not Midfield you know to be fair young Bellingham um Pritchard Dan Neil you know they’re not going to probably come across as as much of a dominant figure in their league as Joe

Linton even though he I don’t think he was fully fit and obviously we saw as the game went on he wasn’t fully fit but he’s just a beast of a man he’s just absolutely massive and he was just nicking the ball off him he was they were bouncing off him he swatting them

Away like flies and and you know the first goal comes from from Joel’s Brilliance really he goes steaming up the left hand side and they’re just hanging off of them I did a a piss taking tweet or post as it is on X from the ever more account and it was

Incredible Hulk carrying someone just knocking players off that’s kind of like how the first go looked I felt like I was Nostradamus there because Joel Lon just beasted right through the middle of that team he puts a ball across and balard who I thought was all right in

The first half I thought he he battled against isak quite well he puts in the back of his own Net One n up um there was a penalty shout on isach in the first half to be fair I don’t think it was a penalty I think if I’ve been given

Against us i’ have been a bit Miss I’m not going to sit to you and say I thought it was a pen I’ll get to your comments if you guys thought it was a pen and but I think for me um isach isaach was was busy he was moving around

Um he was Finding little pockets of space and everything else um but I thought balard handled them fairly well in the first half but then just as the game went on that quality just showed and showed again and and isach was just becoming too much of a handful for the

Lad um obviously jolon goes down with an injury in the first half I think actually H yeah he goes down an injury just towards the end of the first half I’m thinking not again uh and I didn’t even think come out for the second half

Um he comes out for the second half and to be fair the makams commits suicide straight away we’re all over him in the first off long staff’s had two or three four chances H to get himself a goal and that’s the biggest problem long staff has in his game is that lack of

Composure he makes the Run he does all the hard work putting in the back of the net he just fluffs his lines and if long staff had had a shooting boots on instead of a slippers might have been three n up in the first half and could

Have rested half the team in the second half but we’re only one nil up we come out in the second half and within minutes within minutes I think it’s is it Elise um just absolute just school boy error I mean Ali McCoy was brilliant on commentary as always on ITV while I

Was watching and he was saying how alon’s on you like a rash you canot breathe for a second and alaron was great today this is the migy that we all know and love just Relentless pressing energy on you like a rash and exactly what he did to to Elise who dwells with

The ball way too long doesn’t realize he’s playing against a play like that migy Nicks a ball pops it across brilliant finish from isach first TI and bends it in the far Corner we two-nil up and that’s game over I don’t think the mam had anything after that to really

Give us any threat whatsoever and um you know as the game kind of transpires even after two- nil the mackam started kind of grow in the game but just before that Joe Linton goes off straight away and Lou Miley comes on um and I think to be

Fair Louie he didn’t have his best game I think he he was a bit sloppy with the ball um I’m not going to judge him too much because you know obviously want to win the game comfortably in the end but he he was a bit sloppy with the ball he

Had some nice little touches here and there but he looked a bit slow off the pace of the game the game was quite even though we were in a dominance and we were two up the game was quite fast-paced even though the mams didn’t really have a great deal to offer the

The bang did a few rattl and tackles and got the crowds a little bit wound up and stuff like that and was it Hume um and Gordon had a little bit of a tet R and I think wh got Hume got yellow card and o

N got stuck in a little bit but outside of that they had no quality really going forward whatsoever no threat no Striker prit had their best two chances in the second half with one he just Clips the top of the bar with good strike to be fair to him and then

Another one where he uh he pops it down at De bravas uh right and then I think Elise actually had a a driving shot or possibly could have been EA had a driving shot and bounces off botman in a great save by duka who had very little

To do but what he had to do we did really well made a couple of fantastic stops but I was never worried that they were going to give us anything really they weren’t really going to give us a game we just I just think they were they

Were trying to get into US wind us up and all that it just wasn’t working the lads handled the game really well the mentality was good we were calm we were relax we were popping the ball around we knew we were the better side and we weren’t going to get drawn into them

Rattling us and put us off of our game and it was a brilliant performance I think by The Lads all together H Anthony Gordon was was being a bit of a pest as well him and him and whom had a bit of a t as I said and then shortly after that

Comes across and balad just wipes him out um great bit of pace by gon he knows it’s coming he just dips his shoulder one side balard just bangs him out stupid tackled really by the lad that he was frustrated at that point H penalty isaach slots away brace in your face as

Callen Wilson would say isaak’s got two goals class he goes into the history books goes into them record books no matter what else he does in his Newcastle career Alexander isach he has a brace against the mackam and he’ll always have that even when he’s fat and

Old and he’s 65 doing punditry in Sweden he will always have a brace against the ma and a tiny Weir Derby 3-0 job done piece of piss so like I said we were all worried and as Gary says there and breathe you know and they know how good

Mickey is now absolutely mate 100% but I just think we were we were we were so dominant we were so dominant as Paul says pie of piss that Sunland shite you know the funny thing was Ian says that Jo joob was shite I me there was a lot

Of hype about joob it’s all about who his brother is really in it but I mean he’s he’s a young lad he’s a boy and he was up against I mean big shout out to Bruno as well Bruno was class today as well he didn’t even have to

Really make much of an effort but he was just stood rolling he was picking passes out he had time he was getting into tackles and you know like I say Julian and him in the first half were just absolute animals a pair of them and these Lads had nothing to offer them you

Know just young Lads getting swatted off like flies I mean like Daniel I barely even knew he was on the pitch to be honest with you and people were talking about him being the local L and getting amongst it rattling on Midfield they had nothing you know SE longstaff

Was much better today I thought he ran hard to day um again poor with his final distribution in terms of his finish that’s Shan’s biggest issue um I think Miley’s a better finisher but he lacks probably the pace to get into those positions um which is mad because Shan

Long St in very quick either but you know I think all in all the lad should be really proud of that performance we’ll get a few of your comments up here Simon said love itd’s panel mine Keen waddle Jesus W waddle internally a total wet WIP he one contribution to analysis

Halime was to mistake Joe L for it is bad these they should get yellow cards for these decisions I think never mind the female pundits that a certain for Newcastle player are giving through the Bale pits are just as bad at times to be honest with you um what have

We got down here little few more your comments yeah comment there from Nicholas isq um what did that should a game he tested a little canot remember when it was a missile penalty national team he Eyes Cold yeah I think you’re saying about isak’s pens man yeah he’s

He’s very cool Under Pressure you know that’s him up to I think it’s 13 or 14 goals now this season um so he’s on his way to 20 goals we just need him to stay fit you know and that’s the main thing I still think we need to sent it forward

In in January um you know because the the the injury threat to Wilson is H is is is a problem it really really is uh comment there from 66 yes bar was de somebody come on I thought I thought he did give them a little bit of a a zip or

Something but again he’s not a striker they don’t have a striker but he certainly rattled a few um cages I think to terms of his movement but you know it it fizzled out really quick a bit like a Firework from the the pound shop on on bonfire night really um so moving

Down your comments here guys we’ve got nor fumble and rock hopper thankfully The Lads are very professional level-headed absolutely mate uh just let the quality dud talk to some great displayers today you’re totally right Rock hoer I think that’s what we needed from The Lads and again a big shout out

To Eddie how because he’s had a lot of pressure on him from largely outside of Newcastle outside of the fan base outside of the the kind of Northeast uh media the national media I think somebody put a comment way up I can’t find now about likes of talk sport on

That you know being a bit upset that there was no giant killing on the card Sky Sports probably as well it all be devastated that Sunland didn’t turn us over that we just rocked up and did a great job and tesman has to go where how in his mentality you know he’s not

Panicking you know he’s not worrying he knows that the side are better than Sunland he knows that he’s got the Tactical nowe to to set that team up to be the way it is I mean it helps when you big players turn up and deliver you know trippier and Bruno in particular

And McKey as well those three were fantastic today they showed their quality they showed their their leadership and they showed that you know their reliability as our key players and and that’s you know a large reason as to why we got the the job done um antagonized buzz and this was definitely

A catalyst Game season changer now it could very well be antagonized it could be um for uh you know for the rest of the season a bit like that leads game was when John Shel scored that that that free kick uh the relegation fight you

Know we need a kick start we need a catalyst and this could really be it you know we’ve got City coming up next as in james’ park if we can get another maybe signing or two in the door in the lead up to that game get that whip get our

Frenzy up get that buzz up crowd will be bouncing then we’ve got a nice two week break we maybe tie up some deals as well bring some plays in get some of players back from inre potentially you maybe Joe will maybe a harvey bonds and all of a

Sudden things start to look a little bit better you know so got to be buzzing for that and as you say gibbo it’s a real shame about J Joe Linton um I think the problem is with Joe Linton he keeps coming back quicker this is an issue I

Think there’s no no surprise to me why we’ve got rid of some of the um the physiotherapy team or on the head guys I think that a lot of these players are being rushed back from injury and there maybe be an ask are you fit and the

Physial are just taking that as as gospel every single player is going to say they’re fit to play because they don’t want to miss out any games any Champions League games any big Premier League games tiny we Derbies Jesus if you’re Dan burn or show long staff Ellie

Anderson probably would have said he’d be able to play if he hadn’t snapped his back in God knows how many places so these physios are maybe not doing the due diligence to get the lads right they’re putting them back into the squad Eddie’s trus their judgment they’re

Trading all right they could go back home and go oh I’m an i gety and then he plays him in a game in the breakdown because it’s intense even in a game like that we were so dominant and so superior to the opposition that Joe

Lon broke down again all all he got was a little shove and just that was enough to maybe pop his muscles out one way or the other or whatever ever and it is a real real shame and I and I hope he’s not out for a long time but I think we

He needs to have a good rest out of the team now we can’t rush Joe Lon back you know if we go and sign someone like Calvin Phillips you know Calvin Phillips can slip into that number six roow you got Bruno playing well you could rotate long staff or Miley if Will’s coming

Back give jool a good period of time just to get his together and get sorted if he gets called up for any Brazil friendlies just bomb them out and don’t go and play and get yourself right Joe um Theresa is saying a relief too right it was a relief 100%

I was worried I was worried as well yeah 66 it’s a big haby to pull it bloody was wasn’t it Jesus Christ had more more veins than a vampire Buffet didn’t it unbelievable what a beast of man is absolute Beast D sabotage saying how is the

Fume I imagine the fume is quite large to be honest with you absolutely H Les is a bit late H still celebrating good on you Les yeah I thought we’d give ourselves a little bit of time for everyone just to calm down a little bit no matter what happened in the game not

I was being negative other than that I’m just thinking we need to calm down we need to calm down kev’s back which means we’ve won been a while top man Kev good to see in the comments V absolutely brilliant it’s always good to have these positive post matches we haven’t had

That for a while I would to be fair it all fair is you’re right though Gary we did miss j7 when he but missed that physicality so think that’s why we need to get somebody in that position who can rattle a few people in Midfield you know

Phillips would be a really good signing for that even if we go across the South you don’t get Ruben NZ or minkovich savage or a player like that on loan why not that could really do do the part to to fill in that physicality that Joe L

Offers when he’s off resting up and getting himself right as well JJ spencon the referee bottled sending off there right back after the location with Gordon I thought that with Hume as well I thought he could have EAS had a second yellow and been off you book either

Players or you book NE I do agree with that H JJ I think that pson did drop the ball there but he let a lot of tackles go early on I thought you know there could have been a few yellow cards for the mams way beforehand and he let it go

And I think he was worried about whipping the cards out to Sy he probably would had to book everybody in all fairness but you know I just think um I think it was one of them games that thankfully no majorly big decisions went against us really and the big decisions

Went in our favor so we can’t Grumble too much Simon saying D and Richie that’s the double sub you make for three minutes and three I was laughing at the two of them giggling as well with a c which I thought was absolutely outstanding I’ve Just Seen Matt Richie

house GR and I thought this is the kind of game Matt Richie lives for really Matt Richie is Prim in one of these Derbies would have been amazing because he’s such a house I think he would have wound somebody up to get them a red card and I’m quite sad we

Haven’t seen a tiny Weir derby with Matt Richie at his best you know the championship Matt Richie that was so you know the Matt richu said I love playing away lockdown see they be mint in a time of Weir dby but listen you know the results there so uh you know it’s great

To see great to see that back from the land um great to see migy back says Dave again but why where did he leave us right foot well done Lads he was he was good he was very good uh today like I say that that press that Relentless

Energy from migy is exactly what we need um Raton is saying Miley got smashed early after coming on you see we go hiding after that gave we poor pass for account now welcome to Darby young man he learn from that one he is only 17

Mate isn’t he to be fair we got to give him a little bit of slack um he’s played a lot of football too he looked leggy today I thought when he come on did Lou he looked really Ley he looked really tired for the first time um I’ve seen

That in him so you know maybe it’s just the fatigue catching up on the young man he’s looked a lot better in you know I say bigger games this probably was the bigger game out of all them really but against bigger opposition and more quality opposition he looked a better

Player um but you know listen he’s still a really good football he had some lovely touches still yeah but that is a total different game you’re right about that 100% H Double D says the lads trippier seems back also 100% mate although Tripp looked great today um

Again like I say just he just looked like he was enjoying himself he was calm he was smiling he was giggling he was you know he was he just seemed like the trip year of old you know but but quality on the ball as well the delivery

Some of those whipped crosses across the Box Sensational isak’s not your kind of neck bang Center forward is he but if we had a player that could make that run and put that header off you know what I mean that those balls today that Striker would had probably two or three goals in

The first half but isak still had to brace you know and even even not being fully fit getting himself back to sharpness but yeah it was great to see trippier back you know even shot from a free kick which was way too far out to be fair but it’s nice to see the

Conferences there 100% H Danielle saying can come on absolutely mate I couldn’t couldn’t agree more mate well said don’t need to use a 100 words mate that will do for us absolutely classic really really was um what we got here so got Jason 87 he’s not getting carried

Away it was like Bea the 10 Man full of come on get a little bit carried away Jason it’s nice to it’s nice to enjoy a win mate we were all myself beforehand there and Theresa s is saying yes remember subscribe and click the like button thank you very much for that

Mark isn’t here to remind me in the background so yes if you can like everybody that’ll be absolutely class um Jessica Noble is saying hi I should get the tissue out for the Sunland fan Sunland be by Newcastle yeah see some of the Sunland fans have been terrible to

Be fair they really have I think most of them are all right it’s all Banner it’s all crack but I saw some ranser stuff on social media before um you know the game some of these flags that pulled up you know with 911 attacks on and stuff like

That it really was we’ve got helmet in our fan base as well no doubt about that but it was it was but I’m not going to give the mams too much with the exception of one so there was a former Sunderland player who came

In to watch the game and and generally I wouldn’t jump on that because you know it was former Newcastle players there Ryland Taylor was there as well but but because this guy’s such a wank it was great to see Jordan pickford’s miserable face in the crowd when he

Realized his precious son were getting humped by Newcastle United what a wanker this plug is and nothing made me smile more than that miserable TW is Mrs do look like she wants to be there at all she’s probably saying why are we back in this all and you’re getting

Battered can we leave now just like the other s fans left in two-nil so hope you enjoyed that picks magic what a that he is got comment there from Nixie saying they go cow back under the rock for the next 15 years in they the did

The sure did come out of the hiding places didn’t they my God they were incredible were they were like gremin when they get wet they just kept multiplying saying come on J’s bring professional display today bring on the rest of the season this is what we need

Conrad you’re right this is this is a confidence boost this is an injection of adrenaline in the arm for not just the lads and Eddie but for the fan base as well you know it’s it’s hard seeing us lose as many games as we’ve lost when we’ve been used to winning games and

Winning them in style so this is exactly what we needed as a fan base I think for everybody and you know bring on City man you know we just we’ll go and bouncing that with a little bit of um a little bit of confidence you know and like I

Say if we can get a couple of players through the door as well then and a couple players back off the treatment table but we’re looking in good shape we really really are Ian says Ian wants but time for a few silence Le said four silence there don’t get me wrong I would

Mind four silence D sabotage saying smash the likes yes guys if you can that’ll be absolutely class really appreciate that um we’ got is that manakara um an OJ defensive mistake and a pen is hardly winning the Mam’s made it easy we still couldn’t score well I

Mean it’s a 3-0 win mate at the end of the day the way we were playing and the you the the run that we’ve been on I don’t care if it hit somebody in the face and went and won one nil I’d still be buzzing to be fair we had to win that

Game The Lads got the job done as far as I’m concerned 3-0 is a bloody good a good result for us K Ross is saying more Striker cover biggest priority 100% I do agree with that I think uh that’s something that we missed the boat on in

The summer we have to get that right we cannot go for the rest of the season relying on isak and Wilson’s finish isak’s got a brace today scored against Liverpool looks back in the game the more he plays the fitter he’ll be the sharper he’ll be but then bang you’ll be

You could be another injury away that’s what happens with isak so we need to have another option on the bench there I mean you know even someone like Roberto firminho who obviously wants to leave Saudi um you know there’s a few teams looking to loan loan him apparently um

We should be all over that he gives us a body I know he’s not the player that he used to be in that famous three of him Mon and Salah but he’s still capable of doing a job and you know he would be a presence up there give us something um

Phil is saying watching Bruno to day look like when you watch an adult playing in the kids game absolute stroll I remember that five aside against like when you were a teenager there was always an adult player come and he was all right he wasn’t even that good but

He just he was just like bouncing the ball around Tak piss out you really so yeah that’s a very very good analogy M Jay delin is saying imagine being miserable after being the back of street they got a shot of you man car yeah listen there’s nothing wrong with being

Pragmatic mate but you know we need we need to be um we need to be happy for this win because this is a this is a big game 100% yeah DJ worth seeing pik’s face Absolutely I’ll show you again if you want me you’ll never get old that

Just anybody who missed it last time there he is oh cheer up Jordan pford miserable absolutely me to see that it’s because he’s such a knob that’s why I really really enjoy it um we’re looking through here that’s through comments there one from TY good to see

Tie I love oh yes that was that was brilliant tie I was going to bring that up it’s great that Newcastle took the piss by doing that winning team photo on the pitch instead of in the dressing room the fume or the fume in strong on

WE side absolutely man that was that was brilliant that was perfect Houser that’s got Jason Tindle written all over it to be honest with you because that was that was superb absolutely superb right let’s get a few of your comments there H Kev Truscott saying the ref was

Shy for both sides worst player on the pitch defo mixed bag um Joe we were a different team when he went off hope he’s okay for City I’m not sure he will be mate I really am not um I think he needs a rest he absolutely needs a rest

Um t l saiding Jordan pick’s last as a pig you must be a stunner you m I think she’s she’s a decent looking girl to be fair to her it’s it’s not her fault fellas a was um scrolled the C here um here we go Gram Gram T travels

Good see gram he saiding think Clark on botman deserved a yellow at least yeah I was wondering that one I mean it’s kind of 5050 and you can kind of let it go a little bit I suppose but but you know you could easily get it as a booket as

Well it’s one of them really weird ones isn’t it to be fair it can go either way but H please to say we start the front foot stay in the front foot could have scored earlier disappointment for Jim White on Monday it will be I’m sure Jim

White’s a closet mackam I really am he’s uh I think he’s just obsessed with the mams and Jordan picket isn’t it to be fair but hey you know they they’ll go back under the Rocks as you rightly said so before H Vincent saying some of our

Fans get off isak’s back you can’t do much as a number nine without creativity behind him I mean I’m certainly not on his back he’s got two goals today and that’ll do me he’s done the job of a striker um he’s not sharp he’s not fit

You can see he’s not fit he’s not the eak that we you know we’ve seen before you know the eak against Spurs and that kind of sharp eak he’s not at that level yet because he’s been out injured for so long but he was enough today his movement his finishing I think nig’s

Relentless pressing Bruno’s quality on the ball you know even likes a long staff the the defense the quality I mean the only criticism probably the defense at times I thought Sharon botman were a bit sloppy with the ball sometimes on the ball um in terms of off the ball you

Know great positional sense good movement but the passing on the ball was a little bit sloppy but other than that I just think it was an easy enough game we didn’t have to be great today because the opposition was so poor and that’s just a matter of fact I think even the

Most stor Sunland fan would watch that today and just say where we levels off Newcastle light years off Newcastle you know I’d love suland back in the Premier League I I want that Derby every year I really do I think that d would be great not just for the Northeast but for the

Premier league as well because it’s a great derby um but Sunland are so far off us at the minute even if they were to be promoted and you know and get whatever cash comes with it I’m not sure they would have enough money to to to Really invest in enough quality in that

Squad to come at us H you know in terms of a good level you know the last few times they beat us you know they’ probably had some of the best players I’ve ever had playing for them in all fairness um but they’re so far away from

Us it really is true um the strawberry corner no idea why I was so nervous I was nervous as well mate as well I think it was just because the way things were going for us it was right to be nervous it really really was but um I think

After looking at that I don’t think we realized how poor they were you know we we were thinking we’ve played so poor and we didn’t realize that that they are a poor side in comparison to US you know they’re they’re trying to get into the playoffs and the championship and you

Know if you take maybe the top four teams off the championship they drop off in quality from maybe the next kind of 60 to to 18 teams versus the Premier League teams it’s a huge golf in class and quality certainly the the top six seven Premier

League teams that which we have been for the last kind of you know season and a half really um Alan is saying Big Joe was a beast he really was hope his injury isn’t too serious got a bad feeling that uh that that it is mate I

Think he’s going to be missing for uh at least a few weeks just to get right you know what I mean it should it’s just I think I think for us it’s just we need them back fully fit and we can’t keep having them dipping in and dipping out

Like the hokey K julan because he’s such an important player for Newcastle United we have to have him fully fit bouncing you know smashing into players running like he was in the first half he can’t just be 20 30% J he has to be 100% um he was great against

Liverpool even though we were poor he was great in the first half today but he’s just he’s just burnt himself out again because he’s not fit he’s not fit at all well said Philip that’s got to be the most astute comment yet suland are shite well played man well played uh

Coming from is that jayl Jr what are your thoughts and opponent’s opinion about the possible penalty I don’t think it was a pen um he’s that going through um I don’t think was a pen I thought it was it was a decent tussle yesik say arms are locked if isak had got three

Yards in front of him and he pulled them it’s a straight pen and you know maybe it’s even a red card but um I don’t think it was a pen I think we’d have been pissed off if that been given against us I’m not going to come on here

And say otherwise that um uh you know that that we should we should be sitting and thinking it’s going to be penalty when it really really shouldn’t do there’s some need in the comments here some mackam snuck in because they haven’t got uh any old podcasts of their

Own I watch apart from that was it the Love Supreme which it was very good on a peeron show to be fair but that tweet they sent about uh about Joey Barton was awful to be fair um the man clar saying didn’t appreciate the nasty taunts towards trippy that’s blowe about

That oh I did see some um I could hear some faintly and I could see some mouth and the lips possibly was a about his wife um but I mean trippier took it all in good Contex really just laughed about it I mean good players get off the

Crowd bad players don’t and trippier is a very very good player so that’s all we need to worry about guys H knobby saying migy Al was our best player get a day hard to argue knobby I think it’s a tossup between him and Bruno I think

Migy was back to the migy that we all want him to be um but he was he was really good great comment there by the BM Deka really starting a comp own he was excellent he was the saves he had to make were brilliant reac saes good strong hand good strong leg to

It at least half the goals he’s let it wer his fault he’s reaching mat fin maybe he is maybe is banet man because he hasn’t played for so long um maybe that’s why he’s been a bit he’s been a bit rickety I mean I said to Mark do you

Know there’s a goalkeeper coming in that’s why he’s stepping up his game possibly who knows but if de braa keeps playing you know like that then maybe the need for a keeper isn’t as important I still think we should get one and because if he goes off form we got

Nobody because Caris is just good at being really good-looking and and GES just carries the waters to the training pitch don’t he so I think we could possibly do another keep I’d still go for DEA personally if he’s willing to take a wage drop to come um and I don’t

See why he wouldn’t do because he’s getting paid all right now so why would you hold out for 500 Grand a week um Harry sing saying uh wner G Spurs here we go soon um to be fair he was a bit in the Premier League when he really wasn’t great for Chelsea he

Wasn’t great for fullam May I think he went to wouldn’t he so I’m not overly upset about wner to be fair just uh you know he did all right in Germany but I just think he’s a bit um so I’m not overly bothered about that I’d rather

Sign um is it is it gurai from uh the Bundesliga um I’d rather sign him he’s a goal machine in the minute 15 million quid release Clause that’s a no-brainer even dybala 13 million euro release Clause I’d go for those two that’s chump change in the transfer market get them

Two sign you’ve got quality attack in there creativity in dbal who can play as a 10 um as a withdrawn Striker or a Winger then you got gurus can play up front so to me that’s a no-brainer absolutely no braer h it was good shout Graeme Graeme Toler a good gra Taylor

There signs of how he played last season it really really was um you know that that kind of intensity was there that press but but also a calmness on the ball ability knock the ball and around each other and not not get too wound up about it so I was quite impressed with

That as well long by that continue you know I fancy there a city at home I really do you know might sound daff that you with de bruyne coming back and everything else but I think we’ll go to that game with confidence you know and

If we can get a couple of players maybe off the treatment table you never know Joe will could be on the bench or even Harvey barns the bench maybe because how’s keeping that really close to his chest but we’ll bounce in that game with confidence I mean you know if Big Joe

Con play it’s a huge loss um but you know again city with the crowd there and War flags and just before the two week break I think it’s a real good chance for us to to get something against City at home you know because we could be

Anybody at home when when our you know when our um our backs are up and chests are out and ready to go you’re right Andrew easy win it really really was two lord said Mickey Mouse is greater than safc that’s that is a low blow certainly

I don’t know who’s funnier mind you I must admit um Alan say got Pigford has got his misses to wipe away his tears I think she was the one crying man he would have been gone by two-nil if everyone else has gone she’d have been saying to him

Hoy come on on you go kson any thoughts on Somerville from leads I didn’t see this I think Alan Hutton former mackam as well um had said that um he uh he thought Somerville could go to Newcastle in January um I think he’s got a little

Something about he’s got a bit of pace got a bit of movement if I’m honest I’d maybe want somebody a bit more proven somebody could come into that first team and improve it um but you know I’m not going to scoff it players with pace and creativity coming in h the leads fans

Think he’s a decent player but you know like I say I’d rather see somebody a little bit better not not be wrecked there you go he’s he’s he’s he RAC pigfords last to be fair so good on you way um comment there from James J delin

There we go I shouldn’t have even pulled that one that’s what happens with Mark not here to help me um Liam saying the center back who scored the OG was their best play I thought he was even though he’s you know he scored no goal he’s

Give away a penalty sounds like he’s had a on paper but I thought he did all right I thought he played quite well he’s a former Arsenal youth team player I thought he did all right um but just the quality overran him absolutely overran him William is saying that the

Owners should take out an ad to thank the makams for the like training session I did laugh at the commentary team on ITV where they actually said you know the story of the week is how hospitable sun and be at Newcastle even gifted as the first go and and the third

Technically and the second it they’ve gifted us all three goals it’s the best Hospitality I think any of us have experienced so thank you so much to um to to the maam for that as well got com there Madam Pearson saying I’ve given the official transport the slip

Now in the back of a taxi with pickford’s boots off to the big Market wish me luck well ep’s got the rep reputation of being a shagger so good on you mate good luck to you on that one I’m sure Pigford Pigford won’t be to catch you because you can’t catch

Anything else can he um we got the penny well pundit obviously a suland fan more than welcome on here mate we’re not going to dig you out everyone be nice to him the gulf between our teams is far too big at the minute yeah good on you

Mate well said um I think that’s a very astute description of it you know and that’s not me taking the piss out of the Sun and te B all they’re young players um you know a lot of them have you know just started out on their career and

That’s a that’s a big game for them to play the pressure they’re playing against Brazilian Internationals they’re playing against England Internationals um so that is a big game for those Lads to step up and perform in you know so yeah I think you’re right mate well said

And uh hopefully you guys do get promoted because I want you back in the Premier League I want that game in the Premier League I really do Le said get Chris everyone what a result this is a turning point for us now I really hope

It is I really hope it is um you know because we need we need to just keep this momentum going we can’t we can’t just take this win and then think that’s it everything’s all sorted you know what I mean we need to really get stuck in

And and keep this momentum going but we do we do need um two or three bodies in the transfer market there’s no doubt about that at all we got hear Chris Quinn saying I’m just annoyed I’m in Thailand on holiday and I can’t take the p mams and sers don’t worry Chris

They’ll be waiting for you when you come back M don’t you worry about that but it will be a very funny uh Monday at work for a lot of people who have mams and uh and magpies in the same workplace half of will be very quiet and other half of

Will be very very loud foxy saying no coincidence that Miggy has a good game after being rested against Liverpool you’re right foxy this is what you need to do with Mig you need to give him a kick up the ass to show him that he play

Isn’t given and he puts some shifts of that he ran his ass off today I’d love to see how many miles he covered we haven’t got access to that data but my God he would have covered some miles he played the most games out of everyone this season Today Show’s a valuable

Member of the squad man of the match 100% I agree with that and I think my issue with mcky and I I’ll double down on it um I don’t think he’s kind of a player that you should expect big things from all of the time he shouldn’t be the

Player in the Champions League who’s going to get you to The Knockouts he shouldn’t be the player who’s going to win you a league or get you to FA Cup finals but he should be a valued member of the squad who can come on run at

Tired legs with an energy that he’s got and and press and that is vital for the squad I would never get rid of him and keep them in the score but upgrade on them for a starting position when you need that quality like a game like City

For example when need that quality to to come off so I think yeah for me that that’s what I would do H with migy what is this Brian Hammond I don’t know if you’re a sh fan own go a gift and a penalty well done Newcastle well hey you

Guys would have tooken if you are a sh fan Brian so take your Lums M uh Chris is saying Chris we’re gonna sign nobody uh is expecting uh the staff have their procedure well I hope that isn’t the case M because I don’t think we can

Afford to go through the rest of the season with the squad as light as it is with the injury risks we’ve already seen how bad it is so yeah I would be disappoint if that’s the case but we will be doing a video in after the transfer window H we’re going to be

Doing one after the city game a bit of a mid-season break rate the players talk about what we’re need to transfer window and um we may even have a guest on that possibly who knows watch this space H but we’ll be doing a video about that and also through the transfer window

Talking about what we need and then when the transfer window is over and if we have sign those players you bet your bottom dollar we’ll be doing a video and there might even be a rant about that because I won’t be very happy about that

At all Fox is saying be won’t last long to Sunderland Bellingham leaves within a year I don’t think Bellingham was that good to be honest with you I see the hype around the kid because of his last name but didn’t look great today didn’t do too much today um didn’t use the ball

Well um sof in a tackle in Midfield got bullied um he’s got a long way to go before he’s this player everyone seems to think that he is H kushy saying that sundland played so bad because they’re not used to sort of atmosphere that’s a low blow but I love

It mate absolutely love it h yeah I think that was a the suland fans would have enjoyed having that back to be fair they really would have um that that for them would have been the biggest game they’ve had in years and although they’re pissed off with the result deep

Down they would have been happy that that game was back you know Newcastle fans exactly the same H snaky saying goord and telling Hugh we can have a after the game was that was really funny that was the Gordon that we saw at Everton the house Gordon and

Everton wasn’t it he was back wasn’t he starting fights and everything else as well marks in the comments with well you know why wasn’t Bruce on the panel that would have been comedy gold oh man could you imagine the he’d have been SP well you know I manag both teams I know

The pressure from both sides wank I’m surprised didn’t rat him out be honest if it been on Sky would have done his mate Gary never would have given him another job probably unless he’s worried about Jo B waiting from thear par Andrew DB is saying over the moon absolutely

May could not agree more being over the moon I think everyone’s over the moon apart from obviously those on WE side sadly as to co phrase says yeah he got B3 nil at home s of Club oh the I do love that chat by the way that’s one

The best chances I’ve ever heard did that even come out on the ground today I couldn’t hear it on the tell you I really hope it did H Ronald saying we were in complete control the match was men against boys it really was to be fair like I say even the most Stout

Suland fan um yeah I’m not going to suland fans are welcome in the comments you know we just had one in there before but they were light years away from us today absolutely light years away um I mean we could have probably played isak on the bench and had Gordon up front you

Know with with Rich Out w I think we still would have won that game um you know that M me take the piss a little bit but you know I just think the golf was so big so big today h Mo saying we need a striker and right winger I don’t

Disagree with that mate I think that is a very very good shout Alan is talking about the team fot the pitch with Housey that was that was so good it really well who idea was that had to be Jason T it really was I’m sure one of

The podcast you got little got little connections to the club might be able to find out absolutely oh sorry Gary saiding I miss read your message sorry Gary I said we’ll sign people who nobody’s expecting beg you Pard not no sign my bad Gary I was goingon to say I

Will still be lived if we don’t sign any players but that’s not what you meant so a good show well done for correcting me m you keep me right Bonny lad keep me right trolls has just jumped into the chat get in trolls absolutely man 100% cynical

Did you see those pink seats from 80 minutes I did laugh actually I did see Adam Pearson tweet something about his seat in there it was it was very pink very pink very faded uh so yeah that’s H that’s what happens when the light goes out of your football club I suppose you

Lose all the color in your seats no gray seats in our stadiums all black and white so well there is gray seats to be fair because they are gray but you know my point you know my point um VAR is the devil says two isn’t it interesting how well that game flow

Without V very interesting that maybe that is a good argument to get shot of it absolutely get shot of it Stu mag is saying I got carried away and missed stuff but I’m I right thinking ballot also got involved yes good shouts to you mag you just reminded me on this before

I go I have to say this yeah when Gordon and Hume had a little tet R and he ripped his shirt and Gordon give him a shove um B decided to come across and I tell you something fair play to Alexander reak who ran about 20 yards

And shoved him right back and give him the finger that was class by Alexander is not seeing that side of isak he’s normally quite a cool customer but I love that absolutely rocked off that that was mint by Alexander isach and I love to see that kind of fighting spirit

In amongst that team as well so it’s absolutely class Richard says we did them right off mate absolutely yeah so it was enjoyable it really was enjoyable um oh yeah I’ve Just Seen A comment there from a fan who’s clearly got nothing better to do so I will be

Pulling up your comment sad bastard so don’t worry about that one um just scrolling down get a few more commenting guys before we go uh yeah t Lo says the maam have zero class I don’t know what they’ve put on social media but I can imagine um they probably have uh been

Quite aggressive I’d imagine as they as they normally are to be fair so uh yeah to coin to coin said he saw red and silver at the start it was quite funny I think somebody put something out there that said I’m glad to see they reusing their old uh Christmas decorations which

Was very good that just shows you that it’s like one of TV shows it it where they show you how to save money and you reuse old I think that’s what the bams did really so Daniel saying bit gutted more players didn’t get involved

In the in the gon Bal I think we lack those kind of players if Joe lint had be there I think you would had him by the throat to be honest with you Dan because Joe’s a beast is he but I’m quite glad he wasn’t he might got a red card all

Fairness but but yeah I think it’s um it’s h it’s good to see that isach has that side to him where he needs to as well to be fair so that’s uh that’s absolutely class so right I think that’s me pretty much done then guys for today

So uh We’ve jump on for 50 minutes thank you so much to all you guys in the chat it always helps everything flow we always appreciate we always appreciate engaging with you as well I don’t know who we’re getting in the next round says Mo let’s bring them on let’s hope we get

A good run because if we get a nice steady run get a cup final you never know that could be the trophy that everyone can stop talking about how long it’s been since we won a trophy us included but me m are gonna be back with what’s going on a Monday night about

Half past n so make sure you jump in the chat on there as well guys and check it out we always like the wats out it’s always a good bit of banner as you always know have a belt weekend Newcastle have just basically sealed the

Deal for you to go and have a nice weekend go and have a beer go and have a takeaway go watch a movie do whatever it is you want but we’re through it the next round of the FA Cup The Lads have got the job done bring on Manchester

City and we will see you on Monday if you jump into what’s going on have a better weekend everyone we’ll catch you later cheers now


  1. We need Phillips and Guirassy. Without competition due to injuries, players can become complacent. New blood will give the fit players a kick up the arse, if nothing else. Also, Big Joes thighs are otherworldly. Beast mode. Just give him a chance to get fit, proper.

  2. A decent game overall. A goal for Sunderland wasn’t too far away. Fresh blood in January can only help, let’s hope it happens

  3. Miggy still suffered from his worst trait, composure around the box, after Phillips; whom I covet, a good right winger will change our fortunes big time.

  4. Great content my friend. You, Tyneside Life and Toon Review are my favourite channels, excellent content. I wish you guys would calibrate for a few joint podcasts now and then I think you’d boys would kill it.
    And keep the rants up. They make my day! 😂👏🙏🏻

  5. I'm pleased the way we went about it. A potential banana skin but we were professional throughout. A derby win always feels sweet no matter what division both teams are in.

  6. I’m a Newcastle fan, I thought Sunderland gave a much better account of themselves in the second half, and looked as though there was possibly a goal in them. But you have to be honest the first half was horrendously one sided and Sunderland we’re probably lucky it was only 1 at half time

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