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One Player Every PL Club NEEDS This January!

The January transfer window is now open and your team is undoubtedly in the market for improvement to end the season strongly. But who exactly does your team need this month?

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Huge video this I am really excited for this one thank you so much for tuning in this is the video that could actually help us decipher who is going to win the league I believe that whatever business is done in January is going to play a significant effect on who ultimately

Lifts the Premier League title can you do me a favor just before we get into it if you like this style of video will you just give it a like just so I can monitor it to see if you like what we’re trying to do here and if you do I’ll do

More like this and equally if it doesn’t really resonate and doesn’t get the likes then we will say cly slowed down on this sort of content thank you so much really really appreciate it so we are looking at the transfer window as a whole we have given every single Premier

League club the due diligence that they deserve we have analyzed where they are strong we’ve analyzed the weaknesses we’ve analyzed the manager and we’ve analyzed the players that are readily available we have therefore concluded the player that your Club needs to sign in order to have as fruitful and

Prosperous a second half of the Season as possible now we’re going to start start with Liverpool and I’ve given this one a lot of thought and to be totally Frank with you I am in a quandry because I don’t know quite what position they need to strengthen the most I am torn I

Think Jurgen klopp is a genius I think the way Liverpool have been playing is truly Sensational they have blown my mind they are a dazzling team and Jurgen klopp is one of the best to have ever done it however there is room for improvement and there are two positions

That I believe can be looked at I’m still on the fence the two positions I think we need to look at are Center forward and Central Midfield now ultimately Liverpool don’t struggle to score goals but I believe that the Prof Legacy of Darwin Nunes is a problem the

Giza misses sitters sitter after sitter and I think that could be a problem there has been no dramatic Improvement the player that he was when he signed for Liverpool 18 months ago is still the player that he is today I haven’t seen the elevation in his career I haven’t

Seen the elevation in his performances and I still believe that the rough diamond who is full of chaos is the player that he was when he arrived is he ultimately going to be fit to lead the line for Liverpool for this glorious Liverpool team to following the

Footsteps of some of the best strikers to have ever done it can he Darwin Nunes be their Suarez their Torres their Rush their hunt their St John their Fowler I’m not sure we can use a case study here think about that game against Newcastle where Liverpool would devastatingly truly Sensational one of

The most iconic performances a performance in fact in which they broke records XG stats blown out of the water by Jurgen klopp’s Brilliance however we must acknowledge the performance of Darwin Nunes it was wul people will be kind people will say that he bought a

Lot to the team people will say that he is a striker that can be selfless and whatever else but let us face the facts the facts are he had eight shots on goal Five On Target more than the entire new Newcastle team the Giza didn’t score a

Goal he himself had a 1.16 XG and didn’t score the highest any player has ever had without registering a goal now look if Nunes can start converting these chances even at a fairly average rate he doesn’t need to be Sublime if he can just put away a decent percentage of the

Chances that are presented to him he is going to be a brilliant Striker for Liverpool and Liverpool will win the league the question is can he can he find that form can he hit the back of the net when it most matters if you believe he can they don’t need to sign

Anyone else if you believe that he can’t but it doesn’t matter because the weight that Liverpool have in front of goal will ultimately smooth over his mistakes then they don’t need to sign anyone however if you think that the lack of ruthlessness in his finishing is going

To cost Liverpool the league surely this is klopp’s one opportunity to put it right I was so close to saying that they needed to sign another Center forward and on some level I think they do but I think they can get away with it with Darwin Nunes primarily because of the

Sheer Brilliance of Muhammad Salah the sheer guarantee of Muhammad Salah allows Darwin Nunes to be fairly wasteful in front of goal Salah is a get out jail card Salah is a cheat code Salah allows Nunes to miss and therefore I think there are enough goals in this Liverpool

Team so to the Midfield Endo saos Curtis Jones mallister so they have all been truly brilliant this season at various points and Curtis Jones in particular deserves a mention here he has elevated to a level I didn’t think were possible truly brilliant excellent player for Liverpool done everything that klopp has

Asked him to do and has taken games by the Scruff of the neck he is Liverpool he is Liverpool’s Midfield and I think he deserves such praise as does Endo again I didn’t anticipate him being this good I didn’t anticipate him scoring the caliber of goal that we have seen him

Score again it’s worked but I just wonder if there is enough consistency in this Midfield I know that I always bang on about it Liverpool fans think that I am incorrect because I always focus on their Midfield at the beginning of the season I said it wasn’t possible for

Them to win the league because of the destruction that happened to that previous Midfield the sheer demolition that happened in one window to the pre-existing Midfield meant I didn’t think it were capable to win the League this year I was wrong they can do it but I just think that a replenishment in

There somebody to not necessarily take any one’s position away but just to add an option to jgen klopp as the season progresses as they go deeper in Cup competitions is the idea of signing a top tier midfielder who is proven in the Premier League more appealing than

Signing a top tier Center forward and when you think about what’s more possible I think the central midfielder is more possible they believe in Darwin Nunes they aren’t ultimately going to replace him mid season but could they bring in the player I’m suggesting here Jal pinia to to amplify their quest for the

Title I think so therefore I’m going Liverpool need to sign Jo pinia this window right next up is Nottingham Forest now I know this is fresh in the memory but I think their keeper Matt Turner is do G really really dodgy and Nuno espiro Santo has gone in there and

Changed the culture of the club almost immediately it is incredible the impact that he has had winning away at St James’s Park winning at home again against Manchester United is significant and they are now looking up Nottingham Forest I believe for the first time since their real arrival into the

Premier League feel like a Premier League club they are looking at the table and there is a glass ceiling if they have Turner in goal we’ve seen how dodgy he can be time and time again and in my opinion there is an obvious replacement the answer to Nottingham

Forest woes the answer to all of their prayers and the answer to who Nottingham Forest should sign F this window it’s Aaron ramsdale Aaron ramsdale is not going to get any game time at Arsenal whether he deserves it or not is a completely different question I rate ramsdale I rate ramsdale

Higher than I rate ryer but it’s almost irrelevant he has spoken himself out of an opportunity Mikel artetta clearly favors David ryer and ultimately for Aaron ramell to have any hope of securing his services in Germany for 2024 Euros I think he needs to move Forest could be the perfect club for him

When you think about ramsdell’s limitations his own admitted words where he speaks about his own limitations they won’t be under the microscope at Forest the way they are at Arsenal but Forest are an impressive Club moving in the right direction with some genuine Star Quality players think about Morgan Gibbs

He is Elite or at least borderline Elite so Aaron ramsdale going to Forest makes so much sense to me can you see this one happening next up is luten Town what a club what a manager Rob Edwards is and I really hope they stay up I love the way

They play they feel to me like a modernday crazy gang it’s so impressive I love the two up front I love the tenacity with which they play I love the intensity of kenor Road and I really hope it works out for them the one quality that I think they are

Lacking noow nouse experience proven Premier League caliber players just somebody else to do the Ross Barkley thing what Ross Barkley has done since he’s gone into that Midfield is very impressive I think they need a little bit more of that so you’ve got to look around a player that is proven in the

Premier League knows what the Premier League is about has played at the very top level who is that the answer I think they should sign Eric Dyer Eric Dyer wouldn’t have to move house I’ve really thought about this I don’t think Eric Dyer would have to move house when you

Think about where the Tottenham players live the Tottenham training ground to Luton very easy commute Eric Dyer gets no game time at to we have heard an polu say the words that he isn’t really in his plans we know that an polu is open to letting Eric Dyer leave he isn’t

Particularly fussed about keeping him at the club there is no game time for him and I think Luton could really do with having a player of his quality someone who’s a fighter someone who gets stuck in but also someone who brings a knowledge and a belief to that team the

Experience is as valuable as the player himself next Up’s Everton Everton have done so well this season they are lacking though one particular quality a bagsman Dominick caling cannot keep fit and the answer is there staring Us in the face Shawn dice knows what to do everyone associated with Everton knows

What they need the answer is quite clearly Dom salanki Dominic salanki would go to goodison park and ping him in no doubt he would score in front of the Glad Street the gladish street would love him and I think from a club like Bournemouth despite their own aspiration

I think Everton are a big enough club with enough clout to prize a player like Dom salanki away from Bournemouth even in the January transfer window and You Don’t Know What You Got Till It’s Gone when you find parad you know that song that song was written for

Marco Silva and the Craven Cottage faithful they say You Don’t Know What You Got Till It’s Gone but guess what in certain circumstances you do know what you’ve got you knew when it went that it was brilliant you knew when it went that you shouldn’t let it go and now it’s

Gone you can’t get it back but guess what in the January transfer window you can what Fulham need to do is bring back Alexander mitrovic he is so obviously suited to the Premier League we know that he’s a guarantee we know that he will Elevate that Fulham team we know

That the fans will love him despite the fact that it went a little bit sour I am sure they would forgive him he would land back in that Fulham team he would score bundles of goals and ultimately it’s the answer even if it doesn’t sit well with fand fans even if it is

Slightly unpalatable I know that they don’t like the way that he treated the club I know that they were frustrated with him for what happened at Manchester United in the Cup last year but ultimately they sign mitovich they go up at least four places in the league I’m

Sure they’ll make it happen Brighton now again I was toying with various different positions here I thought the defender could come in because they are leaky they concede goals they were really struggling weren’t they at the back but I think what they actually need is the spark the creativity and with

Moma injured they are lacking they are lacking that intuition that clever silk the originality the keenness in the past somebody that can do things other mere mortals cannot even see who can be their new matoma I think the answer is Emil Smith row Smith row would do so well at

Brighton I’m convinced I think the Zerby would love him we know that there’s a player there and let’s face it the team that Arsenal are today the options that Arsenal have available I don’t think Smith row is the answer if you’re vying for the league are you really going to

Turn to em Smith row I think he’s a very good player there was a time fairly recently where Chelsea were linked with him I wanted him I think he’s a good player but is he the best is HE capable of replacing a player like Gabriel Martinelli to win you the

Game My inclination is no I think Brighton could be the perfect club for him and I think his career could really be resurrected there brenford is so easy isn’t it it two and two does make a Christmas cake with regard to brenford two and two makes a Christmas cake what

Am I saying here brenford need to everyone knows they need to keep Ivan Tony it’s not about who do they sign it’s about keeping the player that they have that is Far and Away the best player at that club Far and Away the best player maybe to have ever played

For that club they need to keep him they need to keep him happy with him they stay up without him they potentially get dragged into a relegation battle and go down that is a significant surviv and Tony that is the importance of keeping him at the club I am convinced not only

Will he hit the ground running and score goals but he will Elevate the entire tide he will raise the tide of that club the fans will rise they will be galvanized when they see him leading the line the players will love him they will

Be so happy to see him back in that side and every defender in the Premier League will be fearful of Ivan Tony lining up against them with a point of proof what brenford needs to do and Thomas Frank needs to work his magic is keep I an

Tony Tottenham now it really does hurt me to say this but what Tottenham need to do what is best for them for the furtherance of Tottenham hoto which couldn’t ever be further from my agenda but what they need to do is to sign it’s ridiculous I’m talking about the Chelsea Captain here Connor

Gallagher now that is obviously what Tottenham need to do looking at it through the lens that favors them which I’m not inclined to do but Chelsea have some say over this Chelsea can obviously not allow this to happen not only is Conor gallaga clearly the best midfielder at Chelsea but he is also

Currently our captain Connor Gallagher has obviously been one of our most important and consistent players this season his performances have at times been Sensational and he has far outweighed the contribution of the quarter of a billion quid Midfield that were assembled by these idiots upstairs you can talk about kaiso being a

Brilliant player if like you can talk about Enzo Fernandez being a brilliant player if you like I’ll disagree on both fronts Connor Gallagher is however brilliant and somehow hatefully odiously disgustingly despicably heinously Chelsea are considering selling Connor Gallagher to toam now it’s actually disgusting that Chelsea would even countenance this it is

Hurtful and it should never ever occur but these idiots in charge will consider doing it because Conor Gallagher represents nothing but profit on our ffp issue and I tell you what nothing says Panic about ffp like selling your captain to a rival and it’s hurtful it

Really is I’ll tell you now a good mate of mine a giz that I spent a lot of time with it football I was in Moscow in 08 with him I was in Munich in 2012 with him he’s got three sons who all come to Chelsea his father goes to Chelsea and

The oldest son is now going on his own right he’s going home and away on his own they are a Chelsea family I’ve got a text message for I’m going to read it to you to just give you some insight into what this transfer of Gallagher means I

Won’t set foot inside Stanford Bridge again while they’re in charge if this happens this gallaga transfer is so pivotal in our history raw even if people don’t rate him as a player what he represents what it says about our Academy selling him to Tottenham is actually unbelievable you really

Couldn’t make it up these geers in the boardroom are a disgrace that’s how people see this setup that’s what it means to people but weirdly it’s actually going to happen isn’t it and I tell you what obviously I know got unbias I know that I’m a tribal football fan but I think

That is the point of football fandom we are irrational football fandom in its very essence is irrational and to try and rationalize this doesn’t really make any sense but I’m going to try to obviously everything that I’ve said about the way I feel about selling Gallagher is about emotion it isn’t

About what he’ll bring to their team so let’s briefly Analyze That firstly we’d be losing our best midfielder and we’d be losing our captain so we would be depleted hugely but think about the team that Tottenham would become think about the options that suddenly Posta kogu would have available rather than having

To turn to maybe s or Oliver skip or EES basuma who is a liability by the way people like to talk about basuma in a different way because he had six good games at the beginning of the season but he’s a liability he really is sent off

Far too often and he cost his team suddenly POA KLU isn’t relying on the likes of H beier or skip he’s relying on Connor Gallagher Connor Gallagher for poog would be a dream come true he would love Gallagher and Gallagher will get in the England side going into 2024 I’m

Convinced right we’re now talking about a club and I have absolutely no idea who they’re going to sign so all I can do is sing this song Let Me Tell You Uno I need a miracle I need a miracle who’s that sheeld United I don’t know

How they survive I don’t know what they need I don’t know what they do and I think knowing the club the way that we do the way that it’s being run the way that the owners are feeling about the club they’re not going to do anything spectacular this window they

Just need a miracle New Castle United what do they need well they obviously need a new manager I don’t like to say I told you so but on this one I did in fact tell you so Eddie how struggling who saw that coming but the player that

They are ultimately going to sign I am sure it’s straight out the copy book of two and two making a Christmas cake they obviously going to sign from PF owned alila to PF owned Newcastle United if that is an insider trading I don’t know what is Manchester United now this is

Difficult because they basically need a player in every single position but the player that I think Manchester United should sign and like I said I’m trying to be really fair on this video I’m trying to see it through the lens of the club through the lens of the season

Ticket holder in the stretford end who should Manchester United sign I think the player that they should sign and is certainly the player that Sir Alex Ferguson would have signed when Manchester United were great the player is Michael Alis that boy has it all he is Sensational he is Hollywood he is

Dazzling he is razmataz and he belongs playing in front of the stretford end can you imagine the stretford end singing for Michael Alis it’s so in keeping with who Manchester United once were the way that they went and signed a precocious young Talent from Everton in

The form of Wayne Rooney the way that they went and signed Dwight York when he was doing the business at Aston Villa the way that they went and signed Cristiano Ronaldo the way that they went and signed Eric Canton from their bitter Rivals lead United who bought them the

Premier League who bought the Premier League with him from Ellen road to Old Trafford Michael Alis is exactly the kind of player that they should be signing far better than Anthony and he has the world at his feet he is going to be a superstar imagine him on One Wing

Garnacho on the other and then all they need to do is sign a half decent forward and they’re away Manchester City what do you buy the team that have everything I’ve actually got the answer what they need to do is sign just sold my car to

Lucas pet just sold my car to Lucas p patar is exactly what they need it would go a long way to smoothing over the mistake of signing Nunes and kovic kovic hasn’t delivered as I suggested Nunes hasn’t landed at all I think Lucas patar is exactly what they need any more

Injuries if Kevin De bruyne I know he’s back but if he’s injured again their title challenge could be drastically affected so they need to make a move and I think they need to make it fast Lucas pitar is exactly what they need think of the silk of that boy the ball that he

Played over the top recently for Jared Bowen against Manchester United he played it over the top and it is more comparable to a golf shot than it is a football pass the ball went up and it landed you know the way an excellent golfer will play a golf shot and the

Ball will drop and it will die and it will land perfectly on the green next to the hole that is what he did for Jared Bowen he is truly Sensational his contribution to West Ham wining silverware can never be overstated and I think he is having a season to catch the

Eye of Manchester City again I think Manchester City really do need to go for pakata if they get him could be curtains for everybody chasing them for the league four in a row Inc coming maybe right so with Peta going what do they need to do they need to find a solution

David Moyes needs an answer who is David Moyes going to sign I’ve got the answer here we got a diamond called Ross Buckley a scouser who comes from waver tree it has to be doesn’t it David Moyes linking up with Ross Barkley Ross Barkley playing so well surely Ross

Barkley could contribute really well to West Ham United Burnley obviously need to sign Sergio Gomez don’t they we all know that Burnley need to sign Sergio Gomez he has a pre-existing relationship with Vincent company and he’s getting no game time at Man City get it done vinant

Chelsea I mean I barely know where to start with this but I will go optimistically I don’t even Oshman is the player I’ll go for but I could think of half a dozen players that we need to sign the problem is people will say you’ve spent loads of money already

Surely the good surely the job of a good coach would be to coach these players get the players that are there working already Mauricio poino signed 400 million wor the players surely his responsibility is to get them playing the problem is I don’t I don’t think that we have signed players to amplify

The first team we haven’t signed players to improve the first team so what we need to do is sign players that are ready here and now and I think Osan would be the statement signing that we need and also we need somebody as a finisher you know Nicholas Jackson I

Don’t think he’s as bad as everyone makes out but he is not a finisher so we got a problem wolver Hampton wonders Gary O’Neal what a man what a king he deserves nothing but praise I love that man what does he need to do in this transfer window I believe that what he

Needs to do is similar to what I said brenford need to do with Ivan Tony they need to keep their important players Netto is so important to Gary O’Neil he’s so important to wolver Hampton wanders there are a lot of big clubs sniffing around him we know that Arsenal

Have been a fan of his for ages so what I think wolver Hampton wers need to do it’s not about who can they sign we’ve heard low pegi talk a few months ago about the issues that wolver hampon wers will have signing players so I don’t

Think we can be too optimistic here what I think Gary O’Neal needs to do at wolves is to keep Netto fight off the advances of big sides Champions League clubs it won’t be easy Arsenal now this is difficult again I really did think about this and I’ve actually sought some Council here I’ve

Spoken to two Arsenal friends I’ve spoken to James from aftv I’ve spoken to Harry simu and I’ve taken their counsel I haven’t taken their suggestions but I’ve asked them how they’re feeling about their Club I’ve gone left field I’ve gone Rogue the player that I think

Arsenal needs to sign I think they need a backup Winger I’m going for Paulo dybala there is a 10 million pound release Clause from Roma and I think this could work remember last year arsenal were considering signing Joel Felix okay he came to Chelsea we know

How that worked out but they have been looking at Players like that they are open to signing players in this circumstance players of this ilk in this circumstance so I think dybala could be interesting because their fans will be so happy and excited to see a player of

His quality arriving to back up their front line but he’s experienced and Arsenal are a young team a player of his experience coming into the Premier League desperate to win silver where here I can see this one really working out you know with dybala they’ll get a

Player who can play across the front line somebody who can play with Martinelli or someone that can play instead of Martinelli someone that can play with sacka or someone that can play instead of sacka maybe even someone who can play with Jesus or instead of Jesus

He is an excellent signing he would be brilliant for Arsenal I’m sure and it would change the whole complexion of that Arsenal front line it would really bring something new and a player of that quality with that reputation and also with that Prestige with that gravity

With that name that iconic name that is Paulo dybala I think that could be exactly what Arsenal need Crystal Palace need replenishments in the middle and I think Calin Phillips could be the answer cin Phillips needs to get out of Man City you know Guardiola has told us that

He’s just not the answer for him he doesn’t fancy him there is nothing about Calvin Phillips that works for Man City so he needs a new challenge he needs the opportunity to impress Gareth Southgate ahead of the Euros so what he really needs is Premier League football he

Needs a guaranteed star where can he get that I was thinking it could work for West Ham but then I thought Ross Barkley could be a better fit in terms of replacing petta I’ve gone for Crystal Palace here I think Crystal Palace could be a good opportunity for cin Phillips

To guarantee himself Premier League starts ahead of Germany 2024 Bournemouth I’ve gone for Ben Davis I don’t know why really it just sort of feels right Ben Davis what you reckon Ben Davis to Bournemouth just works do it Ben Davis at Bournemouth like imagine it if I was

Really good at computers here I’d get an image of Ben Davis and i’ put him in the bouth kit just works Davis to bouth you with me Aston Villa now they are such an impressive club and unai Emory is truly brilliant so I’m now thinking of the player that they need to solidify

Themselves as a Champions League club and I’m looking across their squad and they look so strong there is depth there is everything that you you want and they have an elite level manager there is one area that I believe they could do with some replenishments partly through injury partly through just being light

At the back in terms of quality I’ve gone for a center a half and the statement that they could make by signing Jared braith weight I think would be huge for Aston Villa remember Aston Villa are a massive Club Euro champions in 82 and the Hal end is

Rocking again like it’s 1982 Uno Emory is bringing the good times back they need to make a St stat and they need a center and a half I think the best thing that they could do would be to sign Jared braithway right there we have it

That is every club that is the 20 Premier League clubs transfer strategy sorted out you are welcome thank you so much for watching this video please let me know your thoughts in the comments below and please do me a favor if you enjoy this video this style of video

Just give it a like just so I can monitor it really hope you enjoyed it thank you for watching


  1. Are you genuinely saying that West Ham should sell Lucas Paqueta and replace him with Ross Barkley? Are you high?

  2. The Everton suggestion is not educated at all first of all we have no money to spend and secondly he's a ex Liverpool grad that was pretty much trying his best to send us down last season I think we need a number 10 or a pacy winger

  3. Regarding City, how can you say Kovacic has been poor? I’ve seen every minute they’ve played this season and I can tell you that he’s been good in at least 75% of games. I actually like the pairing of Kova and Rodri in midfield. As far as Nunes goes he’s shown flashes of what he’s capable of; he’s different to the other players City currently have. As they continue to learn each other’s styles I think we’ll see him find his role. Nunes can play the role you’re suggesting that Paqueta should fill, but I think what City really need is a backup for Rodri, maybe Kimmich, and a real left back to provide width like Walker does. Gvardiol has shown me he’s better as a true CB, and while I love Ake he is also a better CB than left back. Kimmich and a left back is where I’d spend the money.

  4. As a Chelsea fan I think dybala to Chelsea in January if it means keeping hold of Gallagher. From previous Chelsea purchases buying for big money does not always equate to a big goal return.

  5. Another CF?🤣 what about gakpo and jota as back ups? We have one of the most attacking depth in the league, all or them providing different things. Nunez starts for us because the the amount of chances that get created through nunez’ movement is a massive factor. Yes he should be scoring more but to say we need to sign someone in attack is stupid

  6. “Ben Davies to Bournemouth, it just works, yeah, imagine it, imagine it” the fuck are you on about? You know nothing about football clearly

  7. I would love Gallagher. He's the perfect player for Ange. He's the same player as Sarr, but just more developed in the process

    I wouldn't say Biss is a liability though. Both his sending offs were very very unlucky. That red against Forest, I legitimately can't think of a single time someone has been given a straight red for that type of challenge. It is never ever given

  8. Bit of a rogue shout for West Ham…. If they were to sell Paqueta to city they'd surely get big money and as a more attacking centre mid they could look at someone like Dani Olmo from Leipzig. He also has the benefit of being able to play across the front 3 if needed.

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