Golf Babe

Changed My Putting Grip… And THIS Happened!!

Part two of her recent tournament vlog, a junior amateur tournament and her final event of the year. Vlog #11 is a behind the scenes look of a junior amateur event. Gabby starting tied for sixth after day 1, and on day 2 she shoots an impressive score in the 60s. But that’s not all – stay tuned until the end to uncover where Gabby lands after the intense three-day golf tournament. She has just changed her putting grip 15 mins before the first day and has had no practice with it. With this major change she was able to putt lights out. Don’t miss this video to see how she does and please subscribe!

Day two of the Orlando Women’s Amateur Golf Tournament we’re in tide for six we’re going to Vlog day two and day three to see where I finish and see how I do we’re here in Orlando and we’ve got a 45-minute drive up to a place called

Mission Inn which is where the course is we’re going to go play and we’re going to Vlog basically behind the scenes of the tournament I’ve played this course many times a couple of years ago for the Florida state championship when I played in high school Golf and they played that

Course much much shorter because when I played it yesterday after not playing a practice round oops oh after not playing a practice round they played like real yardages and it was super long super difficult basically a different course from those t’s so I shot a 74 yesterday I got to

Play a little bit more strategic but it was a great first round especially like basically playing a different course I mean that course is already somewhat hard from a short tease but this from far back was very difficult I changed my putting grip 15 minutes before my last

Practice session on Tuesday and the tournament are Wednesday to right hand low instead of left hand low so a major change I only had like 15 minutes of practice with it and it really worked yesterday so we’re going to do the same thing today and tomorrow we’ll see what Happens it’s so much colder here than it is in Orlando it’s only like 40 Mi but because as I guess it’s up like we left it was like 59° it’s 52 now not nearly as cold as yesterday yesterday was like 44 or something actually I played the state champion

Chips 2 years ago or whatever here at this course and um we forgot our clubs and drove all the way up here 50 minutes and forgot the clubs and had to play with the Women’s Club Champion clubs who we actually just parked in the spot of hope she doesn’t show up today cuz

We’re in her spot start drinking my Celsius getting to the mode only on the golf course do I drink this and it helps so we’re 10:4 9:42 all right let’s go we playing a lift cleaner place faway and On The Fringe no no more than one score score card light

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Juniors 2023 Orlando International amateur day number two next on the team thank you Good we’re two under that’s for three under try to make This I missed that last putt that broke way too hard that shouldn’t have broke that much like I was not expecting that was the only putt I missed inside of 8 ft today first time that is shocking I was really confident that was going in the hole thank you

I can’t believe I missed that putt because my putting has been insane and I’ve literally not I mean literally not missed any putt inside of 8 ft the entire round no bogeys two birdies I’m I’m literally shocked actually because it just been in the cuff every time but that broke a lot

That went like a foot out for 3 ft it’s all good but 34 in the back nine par 36 35 on the front nine par 35 or 69 par 7 one so we’ll go in there two under really not a bad round at all I mean I hit one I

Hit 12 greens and two fringes where I putt like I was like off an inch off so Pro I would say 14 greens I was basically putting I was like on the edge I’m in third place two strokes off the people that are in tied for first so two

Tie for first and my scoring average on par 3s is 2.88 which means it’s under and on par FS it’s 4.67 so under as well my par 4 average is 4.18 200 no bogeys I’ve only had a bogey free round like four or five times and every time that I’m under I’m usually

Have like one or two bogeys in there I just hit a lot of birdies but no bogeys which is really good my putting was absolutely incredible so all that time we put in for practice obviously worked I got to just do exact I’m the only thing I’m kind of not scared or nervous

About is just that I’m going to get comfortable with that and I have to go back like I feel like the reason I’m putting great is cuz it’s kind of like shocking my stroke and it’s just more like based off how much I’ve practiced and not manipulating with my hands I

Feel like once my hand gets stronger I don’t want to like start manipulating again so we’ll have to see but just for this tournament it’s been really working like a ton just goes to show though the putting was the missing piece because everything else was great and that’s all

I needed the last tournament I played if I had putt like I did today I would have been easily top 10 in the last tourn I played 4day tournament um huge huge amateur event and I I got on at least 12 greens every single day in the worst

Conditions I’ve ever played and every all the scores were super high cuz most people couldn’t handle it and I sort in the in the weather conditions I just could not putt so that was on me but I did figure it out and I’m very happy that I figured it out because that was

The Missing Link just the putting I’ve run into this problem every single time of getting stuck on which door the left door is always the door that’s stuck thank you All right so I just o hi gosh got glass in my I don’t even know how that happened hi I got it out that hurt okay um so there actually was a cut yesterday and I didn’t even know about it so we had a cut yesterday so that means that I

Mean obviously I should know amateur events always have a cut so I think they cut the lower 40% I think I think that’s what it was but anyways today we are going to do the same warmup we did yesterday which is hip balls for a little bit but then spend most of the

Time on putting and it clearly helps so we’re going to putt for I’m going to do 50 Footers about 54t makes and then 28 foot makes and I think we should be good okay it’s not nearly as cold as the other days it’s only like only starting at like 55 today

Which isn’t that bad it feels still cold though I’m only going to hit balls just for a little B because my ball striking has been like really good recently just I feel confident with it then I’m G be completely fine with ball striking so I just need to put keep putting keep

Putting keep putting I’m so cold even though it’s not nearly as cold I’m still freezing here we go um I practiced the past two days I’ve practiced I made 54 Footers and 28 Footers and so that makes me feel confident about my putting because feel

Like if I could do that then I can do I can putt anything I’ve made it a billion times already so going to head to the first te I’m I’m going to be good today I’m I feel I feel confident I’ll be fine amateur day number three the 9:24

Tea time first on the tea from Florida please welcome gabri well ladies have a great day 5 6 2 4 three five thank you the weight lift off my chest and I’m done I’m so happy I’m done I fought back like crazy but also here’s the

Thing so the first double I had two double boats the first double Boogie I had first of all in my book wasn’t not not not fair just a questionable ruing but also the next Double bogey I had I’ve never had to go to the bathroom

So badly in my life that at that point I just kind of like didn’t know where I was and I ran to the bathroom and then made Birdie on the next hole so clearly it wasn’t my game clearly it was the fact that I was in so much pain that I

Was just going to like freak out I just couldn’t I I’ve never felt pain like that before and then I came back and birdied 17 so putting like I had so many birdies I had five birdies today it was crazy if I was on the green I was like

Making birdie every time um but yeah like the first double boogy I had so like me and the other girl you have to go over a tree and I kind of pulled mine a little bit but the other girl in our group we both saw it bounce and it was puddles that are

Casual water over the red line so like there’s a red line there’s water and then there’s casual water because the course is flooded so we saw it Splash and kick right we got up there the rules official was like I don’t know yours went so far in and it was like very not

Very rude and then I was like okay well can we look for it like I know I know it’s in the Casual water didn’t land in the bushes and the other girl attested to that and we were like looking for it we couldn’t find it cuz the water was

Like this deep and so I had to take drop from the hazard and then drop into casual water again cuz he says that that’s not standing water anyways it was a mess but you can’t complain the official was really rude I think it should got should have gone the other

Way but you know that’s part of the game and plus he’s the official I can’t technically I’m not going to argue with him about it I was super sweet and super nice and respectful and he wasn’t but that’s totally fine I have to deal with

It and you know what I think we secured third place but we’ll have to see when we get in there if the USGA says that I’m qualified than I’m more qualified than you I was like I know I understand I’m just saying I think it’s okay okay sorry very rud 534

34445 36 front 336 56 2 435 36 37 73 three you’re good that’s against against physics my understanding is that when you’re St in the ball yeah if you see water water yes that’s where both player had that issue we were told like hey this is it because there literally surrounded by water

Refer said this is it this Surly water trust me I’ve been doing this all my life I looked at I said there’s water all around my thing not signicant but there was water there and I said to him I was like are you sure I see water and he’s

Like has to be there I’m like yeah and then it goes down after 10 seconds but that’s okay yeah it’s going to sink into the ground I know so that’s that’s where stepping on then instead of getting into her back and forth thing which is okay there’s

Two things that just suggesting for the future you know you don’t have to take the rules official um you know decision because you can get a second decision it’s every player’s right to have a second opinion but we were he was very like aggressive about

It like he was like this like hey I have a badge on me you know you guys listen yeah he said oh I have us USGA approved if I’m good enough for the USGA I’m good enough for you I’m like so that’s that’s a little tinted on the otherwise the

Girls did great I mean they are like back and forth I’m sorry for that experience so that’s one that’s one that’s one one hole thank thank you clearly I’m not the only one who thinks that that guy had some wrong decisions some really wrong decisions

And he was very rude and aggressive I it was just more like I was said to him very nicely and politely I said are you sure cuz I see water I don’t know like I could be wrong I said to him you know better than I do I always I see water

The other girl seeing that she sees water I’m lightly pressing like I could just with my hand like that and it’s all water everywhere and he’s like nope see there’s water here but when you place your ball I’m like no no your stance has to be out of the water isn’t that the

Whole point and then anyways leave your comments below is that technically casual water if the water goes up and then comes down on lightly pressed or is it not casual water because there has to be a puddle I don’t know that’s so that’s up to you I mean it wasn’t we

Were so polite and so nice to this guy and he was was not having it and then he followed us around the entire round and they had another problem as well it was just it was that could have been the difference by the way that rules official cuz that girl was tied for

First and she could have been in first if that decision was a little bit more fair it’s up for interpretation but it was more the way that like okay if that’s the rule that’s the rule but don’t allow don’t just say that’s the rule and not allow us to have any second

Decision be super rude and just like angry to be there but whatever you can’t complain that’s the score that’s the that’s the end I’m very happy with the end result so 74 69 73 great 3-day tournament I’ve been having some putting issues in previous tournaments and I

Cleaned that up and I putt really well today five birdies I three putt twice in the entire tournament now still twice but that is such an improvement on what it was that was a top 25 finish not bad if my putting was just decent I would

Have been easily top 10 I was in top 10 at one point but positive note on that other tournament my ball striking was amazing in the toughest conditions I’ve ever played in that tournament so the conditions were horrible and my ball striking was great brought the ball striking to this tournament my last

Tournament of the year and really tough Course Long yardages and some great players in this field finished tied for third which was really good solid three-day tournament like share subscribe be to the channel thanks for watching see you guys next Time


  1. Are the other girls nice to you or see you has major competition a foe to be defeated. Hope all are nice and respectful of each other since all know the struggles to win at golf.

  2. Great job Gabby, just my in view you always appear to be the best athlete in these tournaments, you have all the tools. Keep working !!!!

  3. Another informative video showing behind the scenes at a tournament. Bad luck on the ruling by an official who didn't know the rules. But still a great showing at this tournament. keep up the great golf and videos Gabby.

  4. Hey Gabby, it's the stance, not the dance. So take your stance and without shifting your weight side to side, if you see water around the soles of your shoes it's temporary water. If you have to press down by shifting your weight, or doing the "dance" to see water, no relief, play hard. You can always ask for a second opinion, referees make mistakes. On a subjective judgment call, I always go with the player. Rules 1, play by the rules in the spirit of the game.

  5. Rather focus on the positives: day 2 you went on about the last putt instead of focussing on the birdie free round. After day 3 it was all about the official (for about 5 minutes)… you made 5 birdies.
    Well done!

  6. Any visible water around your shoes when stance is taken is casual water relief. Sounds like it was a bad decision by the official.

  7. My first time seeing Spicy Gabi come out!🤣😂🤣 I get it! I always wondered what do golfers do in the situation where you have to go to the bathroom but you're out on the corse in the middle of a game. Is there time outs? Seems like it would be awkward with everyone waiting on you. That would suck with no close bathrooms. Doing the "potty dance" the whole way, one could definitely tinkle on themselves.

  8. Gabby just know I’m proud of you you did well, please remember to leave your canoe empty, the same way as when you start your game, leave the crap there, keep working hard we all see your improvement with every game so good on you, please keep smiling inside and outside of your heart every day, many warm hugs jack

  9. Here's the USGA definition of casual water:
    “Casual water” is any temporary accumulation of water on the course that is not in a water hazard and is visible before or after the player takes his stance.

  10. Hey Gabby, it is your Las Vegas golf pro and big fan Tommy Sunshine. I played in many PGA Tour qualifiers, US Open qualifiers, and many USGA tournaments. There was always one specific thing about the Casual water rule. The rule was that if you stepped in and placed your weight normally to take your stance and water was seen up from the ground around your shoes you we're in casual water. Here is the part of the rule that got abused and they are careful not to allow it. You are not allowed to go into your stance and then place all your weight on one foot or push down into the ground by moving your body weight up and down trying to get water to come up. You literally have to take your stance and just stand there normally. If water was visible after you did that then you got relief from the casual water. I am sure, unfortunately, that the official you dealt with was not able to field questions about his ruling without taking it personally as an attack. I would at your next tournament ask if it's possible to get another official to be called to the scene if you disagree with a rules judgment. But here's the caveat to that action. If you are the only one involved in the ruling, unlike today, it means literally that you're going to stall your group for a long period of time while you and they wait for Another rules official to get there. You have to be mentally tough enough that you can't let that bother you! If you know you're right or have a good suspicion you are right, Don't cave in to pressure or talk from them and stand your ground. You're not out there at the tournament to make BFFs! You're there to play your best golf and show that you are a quality player and person. Every experience you encounter will help shape you as a person. Embrace hard moments… Luv your content always. When you have time,(U have no time,I get it) please look up a 16 year old like you named Lexi Booras. You liked my evaluation of your swing when you asked to be critiqued last time. I think you just looking at her action will help you down the road. Please check her out. You keep doing what you're doing, Gabby Girl.Your takent is truly abundant! Also, a big shout-out to your Mom and Dad for recognizing your passion, providing for your talent, sacrificing to see you glow, and knowing that they raised such a quality, beautiful person that you would make intelligent choices about how you proceed! I'm sure they are enormously proud as you should be also. Aloha

  11. I may have said this before Gabby, but I just love these kind of Vlogs that you do. Keep up the great work, and congrats on those 3 rounds 👏

  12. Your game is Solid but what I love is the fact that you stayed true to your self you my have shown the respect to the official, but in my a pinon you showed greater respect to your self, and I liked it when you just walk away and went to your car, shows maturity, you cant change it, many would have had
    a hiss fit and spat the dummy

  13. Sorry about the length of my comments below. One more thing you have a huge advantage that I didn't have when playing in tour qualifiers… Anytime there is a rules dispute take out your phone and videotape exactly what you do and exactly what I outlined about the Casual water rule! Or any ruling whether it's a boundary dispute etcetera. Get every good angle and they or you may be able to send that to a rules official and he can make a ruling without even coming out. On the PGA tour it is done all the time where they look at coverage from the broadcast truck to see where a ball cross the water hazard or where it may be lost in a hazard or where it may just be lost in rough Etc.

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