Golf Babe

Bound For Bigfoot. Episode 2.

Which overstable fairway driver will I be trusting to bring home the win on the 13th?

What’s up guys welcome back to the channel this is Harley pet from Bell bombers and team Lone Star dis here to bring you the second part of my Bound for Bigfoot series today we’re going to be going over my in the bag which is

What I throw and why I throw it where I throw it Etc I’m going to try to keep that short and sweet but before we get into that lonar has six overstable Fairway driver molds and I have one of each and they all kind of cycle in and

Out of my bag as they please but today I took them out to the IBC Woods course where y’all saw me play before and I picked a few holes and I really just took a bunch of shots with them and really tried to get to know them and

Tried to see which one matched my game the best because when it comes to Woods Golf which this tournament’s going to be the ability to hit your line and shape the line in the woods is very important and I feel a little more confident sometimes even though I’m not the best

Forehand thrower hitting my Gap with a forehand because I never have to take my head offline with the target you stay facing it the entire time so I really wanted to dial this shot in today and I really wanted wanted to know that the mold I picked for this spot I could rely

On in that situation so I went through I did some testing I’ll show you some of those shots before we get on the course I should probably introduce the disc I’m going to be throwing today we have Alone star Brazos it is a 7502 we have a dox it is a

8412 we have a chupacabra which is the beefiest of the bunch at 9304 we have a lone star discs bar stamped spur with which is a 943 and then we have a mad cat which is a 9502 and we have the new Wrangler with the sades stamp from the subscription

Box it is a 9512 let’s get out on the course and see how they all flew and then when you come back I’ll tell you which ones made the bag and why and why the other ones just didn’t quite make the cut [Laughter] All righty you guys got to watch some discs fly and I got to eat some pizza roll so I think we’re both in a pretty good spot right now let’s take a minute to do this in the bag and then I’ll let you go we got six distance drivers to

Talk about this one is my most overstable it’s a warbird and Founders plastic it’s going to go left that’s about all I can say about it stepping down from that is my Alpha bayonet this thing will fly straight if I throw it hard but it’s always going to finish

Left in the end then I got this war Bird that’s in Founders glow plastic it’s a little bit puddle topped I throw it on for hands because I can get a little turn out of it before it fades I got this niik La Castro Founders nits that I

Can throw on a Hiser flip line that’ll slightly go right and then finish back left pretty reliably or I can throw it flat out of the hand and it’ll go right and pan kind of to Flat I really like it for that shot then we have the flippy

Boys we have this curl in Alpha plastic that I can throw high and on flat to Annie and it’s going to Glide right the whole way and just be a big panning and Heiser shot or I can put it on quite a bit of Hiser in the woods and trust that

It’s going to get to Flat if not slightly past flat and then sometimes it’ll come back but mostly it’s just going to keep pushing forward on that line and then I have my distance driver roller disc in this Harrier I can throw it pretty much on this much Heiser and

It’s still going to flip over and roll for me so it’s great to have that utility in the bag my Fairway drivers are in a similar spot will go backwards in stability to build suspense for which Fairway drivers I chose my roller is the Dome it’s the same story as the Harrier

It just doesn’t go as far then I have two discs that are kind of my heer flip discs in Fairway drivers I have a mocking bird in the Guadalupe in Alpha and Founders Plastics they’re pretty much interchangeable but it’s a feeling thing sometimes I’ll prefer one over the

Other and vice versa my point and shoot Fairway driver is this music City open Charlie Frio I love this thing it flies on a rope wherever I point it it’s probably going to go there and now the big reveal I chose the Lone Star discs Wrangler and the Lone Star disc spur

This isn’t the direction I thought I was going to go I thought I was going to go Brazos and madat but there’s just something about the forward finish on this one that I love and there this one has enough over stability that even though it’s faster it just works I can

Shape shots with it and I can trust that it’s going to skip it’s very comparable to the Bros it’s just something about being board flat I think and the extra stability that I really like that I can trust it on a chop over and it’s still

Going to make its way to the Right Moving On into the slower speeds we have mid-ranges I got four of them I got a walker it’s similar to that warbird it’s going to go left and then I have a straight to overstable Founders Ranger I

Can throw it on pretty much any line and it’s kind of like a slower Freo it’s just going to hold it and then we get to the flippy boys when it comes to mid-ranges this one’s great for heer flips it’s a bearcat in the founders glow plastic this one is also great for

Heiser flips they’re kind of the same disc there’s just something about it kind of like the feel that I was talking about with the mocking bird and the Guadalupe they’re very different discs in the hand and it really just depends on which one I’m confident with in that

Moment I have two Putters in the bottom pouch of my bag and they’re both straight I got a Benny and a penny which are very comparable this one glows this one doesn’t this one’s in Founders this one’s in Alpha this one will go a little bit right this one’s pretty much going

Straight and if I need a disc to only go about 200 ft and fly straight the hole way I’ll probably grab those but the workhorses of my bag and where I save all The Strokes is this top pouch I putt with a V1 Jack Rabbit I really like the

Flex I really like how soft it is to grab the chains and the Hand feel in the winter time it’s tacky enough that I can hold on to it if I need a disc to fly that overstable approach line that we all know and love that you throw a zone

Or a Toro or what have you for I’m reaching for this horny toad it is reliable it handles torque well and it’ll Skip and I really like those things in a overstable approach disc and probably the Workhorse of my bag that I’ll be sad if I ever don’t have a

Backup of is this hooligan cash I love this thing in the woods if I show up to play at Eagle Hill and this disc is doing what it’s supposed to do I’m probably on team Bigfoot this thing is so reliable I can throw it like 50%

Power in the woods and still trust that it’s going to hold the line I put it on I can power grip it and really crank on it and know that it’s going to have the Integrity to keep flying straight this disc is probably my favorite disc that

I’ve ever thrown in disc golf the cash in particular as a mold not just this one I have this one that I actually retired for an ace that was just as money before I got this one I had to buy this one after I Ace this one cuz I like

To retire them after I Ace them but that’s basically it if I show up to play I think I have a really good shot to get on the team and in the meantime I’m going to keep putting out these videos and keep showing y’all what I’m doing

And how I’m ironing my game out and hopefully a little challenge video with Logan along the way at John’s Park so y’all can see where it all started I hope you all have enjoyed this and we’ll see you next time this has been Harley ped from Bell bombers thank you for watching

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