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LINE-UP CONFIRMED! 2024 BetMGM Premier League Darts Line-up

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Confirmation of the line-up for the 2024 BetMGM Premier League Darts…

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  1. Peter Wright is the world champion of testing darts so he must be qualified for PL. Nobody in the dartworld spend more training and competition hours with different darts in his hand 😮

  2. 1 change I’d make- —Wright, + either Dobey or Bunting. Both have shown much better form in the past year, while Peter Wright has dropped off considerably, to say the least.

    I was really hoping to see Stephen Bunting this year, though, more than Chris Dobey for the mere reason that Dobey got to play in the PL just last season. #bummed4bunting

  3. I know you will be reading my comment LL2 . From a Cook Islander I wish you could have won .Your money is made by being humble and don’t ever talk about politics to anyone. From a Cook Islander

  4. Lets just hope . Peter can get back to his best . 👌 ok . We all got our veiws who should be in . But we do not select . Its not a dig at no player lads . Glad to have darts league.

  5. Why does everybody keep going on about Dobey he's done nothing hes boring have and last year he was crap

  6. i hate that everything is just about hype trains and money money.. 99,9% of all people never heard anything about littler before the wc and now he is in the premier league, because he was good at one single event.. and he is 16.. that's "selling" children only to make money.. that's a modern form of child labour^^ but hey i guess that's the way society wants to work today… peter wright is also only nominated because so many people hype him.. not due to skill at the moment.. dobey and even chisnall deserve it more.. but yes i know, the premier league is a hype train exhibition.. aspinall also not in shape… i think you lost one viewer 😀 poor dobey, poor bunting, poor everyone who is better.. and there are many

  7. Great lineup. Peter Wright the only player that has won a ranked televised event in the last 4 consecutive years, the 4th player with the most triple crown tournanent wins ever, a legend of the game, current European champion, should be in. Bunting hasn't won nothing in his years in the PDC. Dobey didn't won nothing this year. Clayton or Noppert had better seasons. But Peter won a major.

  8. The fact is Luke Littler, who made it on the news all around the world, will make the other 7 household names to millions who barely paid attention to darts before. Sadly at the cost of one other player, but that's business. It will bring more attention and money into the sport.

  9. Top 4 Automatic. The other 4 will always be debatable as there’s always about 6-8 valid contenders.
    That being said… From an entertainment / money on seats/ TV ratings perspective..Littler being in is no-brainer.
    He’s a great boost for Darts. 😜

  10. If you’re confused about Wright being there, then you’re probably confused about a lot of things in life. 🥴

  11. How could they leave Dobes out and yet include "Burnt Out" Wright????? Actually, I'm quite bored with the Ratings League. Ooops… I meant Premier League. (Yeah, I'm the guy who constantly posts about it all being rigged). Darts is not about darts anymore. It's all about attracting viewers to Fox Sports. They are doing Littler a disservice. He'll be a fat, burnt out, mental-health mess, by the time he's 20. He should be left to grow up before subjecting him to the "system". Do you think anyone will care if this happens to him?? Fox Sports believe this 8 are who the viewers want. But they're WRONG!!!! Drop Snakebite, Asp & Nuke. Give Dobes, Cullen & Ross Smith a run!!!!

  12. Shuda been Anderson over Wright he was one of the best players last season, only just came 2nd to Price in the Players Championship Order of Merit, but I guess they want that walk on instead and selling those mohicans 🐔 😂✌

  13. I’m announcing Chris Dolby as the World Champ next year. Vision Quest for Chris! Take no prisoners and Kick sand in Face of the PDC Whores!❤ And Peter Dartbite Wight should bow out and think about what dart to use. Unless you just wanna be a merchandiser Whore! Buy my darts! Buy my new darts! No not them! Buys these darts! Gee wiz which ones do I get😂😂😂

  14. What a joke Humphries not ready for Prem league last year,was the excuse for him not being in ,roll on one year and a 16 year old is in,surely like Humphries he is not ready,But that's the PDC for you never consistent and if the face fits,why Aspinal again the guys bang average.

  15. The should have waited with Luke Littler in the Premier League, he catapulted from 164 to top 32, he can play al tournaments to make his mark.
    I’m afraid it’s gonna tear him apart. 🤞🏽 But’s all about the 💰!

  16. Wright shouldnt be in there but the rest is decent. Not surprised to see Littler in there too, the kid is worth money clearly

  17. Nr.31 of the world invited for the pounds and because of the hype, but why ffs Peter Wright? To become last in the tableau like 2023? Sorry, but he did not really deserved it this year, other players were much more consistent than him and don't used 300 different sets of darts and cant handle it with one of them. Weird decision in my opinion but we all know the chash greedy PDC.

  18. Im surprised there is no Heta. But the last choice was probally between Wright and Heta.
    The PL is about who gets the most views and entertaining. Aspinall probally would not have made it, but he is the world number 4 and the top 4 always gets picked.
    Price and Cross are the best players combined with Humphries this year, so they make sense.
    Littler… A media sensation right now and runner up, kinda hard to ignore but I hope he doesn't let it all go to his head. That he won't let the media make him nutz.

    So really last spot is Wright or Heta, hard pick.

  19. Luke Larger, get the man a bigger size shirt, that gut was atrocious at ally pally. and get that birth certificate checked by the FBI, dude is like 40

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