Golf Babe

First Match With My Wife In The Simulator…

I Love you all

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Colin The Man Ross
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All right everybody here we are what’s going on Welcome Back there’s a 4day trip we could take in Poland where we live as Wizards and it’s a full like you’d go to Wizard class in Hogwarts this is in Poland for 4 days they have it in March are we

Going to do it stop I haven’t said anything we’re going to get back to the Wizards and and Witchcraft Wizards and Waverly Place no Harry Potter yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Harry Potter in a second but first we’re going to talk about this obviously the simulator you

Guys I don’t think you’ve seen me do a video on here yet and obviously we’ve got the full swing simulator with the movable putting green this thing’s absolutely perfect and this just got recalibrated as well had to get some recalibrations done so we’re going to test it out see if it’s working we’re

Playing the legendary pay’s Valley I just love pay’s Valley I saw it on here figured we got a 100% play it I think it’d be great for for Maddie to check out too cuz it’s a really really fun course so I’m going to be playing the

Back te’s the black te’s 7,000 yard 7100 yards Matty’s going to be playing the red te’s and we’re going to be doing stroke play and we’re going to see how this goes hopefully you guys are ready for this absolute absolute beautiful in this we’re going to get right into it

Love you guys on the road to 300,000 subscribers we are close we’re getting there happy New Year as well it’s 2024 filming this on January 1 don’t look at that hair so it’s an exciting exciting day love you guys let’s get right into it whole one Pain’s Valley yeah yeah okay here we

Go might have got it figured out stay stay in the Fairway stay in the Fairway wait yes all right great start for Sharp Che cheat he cheat Perfect all right madd’s up I’m to all right I got my uh Callaway I also give you one mle get

Honey as per per shot no per hole okay little no no I might be okay that’s Fairway that’s Fairway baby nice shot that’s Fairway baby baby baby so I’m just going straight this already aimed for me yes aimed right at the pin oh this could work out this could work out

Beautifully roll roll roll Nice Shot honey you chipping that in all right that’s a pretty solid shot you came across it I don’t even want to use a roll again should you don’t need one okay hit like crap no oh oh oh I hit terribly but it worked out

Lessons from Colin Ross ladies and gentlemen do you remember that you were there well that’s just that’s just that’s just a piece of crap Mulligan all right she gets her one Mulligan she’s going to use it I would two I think she can do way better there you go that’s better is

That yep that’s a great looking shot come back to the right a little bit funnel so pretty solid so you have to cut um I put it on auto putut so I don’t quite know what that means oh you’re up oh a chip yep small little chip a little harder than that luckily

Oh oh ready never mind oh my goodness that’s so good okay you made bogy I made an auto puted me for par Auto puted you for bogey good job honey all right this is a fun hole as you guys know the 230 yard Park 3 down to 230 cuz I think it’s

Elevated pretty high yeah see it’s 240 yards I think it might even be a little more than that go a that’s pretty dang freaking straight brother left are you on the green yes we’re putting come on baby might be a two- putt or a one putt it auto putt it so

That’s definitely it’s definitely randomized so I’ll probably made par but sometimes they can they can kind of mess you and make you make a bogey there so hopefully I don’t three putut that 230 y oh no M you’re 140 oh my God someone MD at 140 here

Guys land on it land on it nice shot no hey hey what Mulligan or hit that one again did I just Mullan you get one every hole 3 2 one okay yeah the thing is she’s got to make up her mind in 10 seconds or else she has to take her shot

And no matter what happens you have to take your Mulligan cuz I don’t know how to go back so you have to take the shot that was a piece of crap hey that’s not bad that’s better than being in the Bulch Matt you can see the

Glass last half full but I want to see the like I said she has to take her Mulligan no matter what because I have no idea how to go back madd’s second shot no oh no no it’s not mad you have a mulligan per hole if you have a really

Good hole here oh it’s a driveable one baby girl woo ow oh I love this hole cuz I kind of have room right and I kind of have a little room winner has to buy the loser dinner that’s fine did you hear that we can make that happen winner has

To buy the loser oh that’s you agreed n and it’s Done oh what’s going right in no sit sit sit [Applause] no look at 170 ball with 116 290 carry C all right man you’re up 246 y going to driver crank it all right here we go everybody I’m two up Madison great Advantage here I have to he more

No that’s a moment all right I’m use my B on that one you can’t be messing around like that but it’s fine we’re having fun I mean I’m having fun cuz I’m winning she get a great shot she hates it but it’s literally perfect that’s not perfect that’s a perfect shot that’s not

Perfect go that is ridiculous up oh my goodness oh my goodness bunker oh my goodness get in the hole look out look out we’re filming here that was a phenomenal shot for Madison dang it it might give me a two from there I’m not even joking oh this is huge this is huge oh it’s D party you should have gotten a part be fair I was closer than you closer than you I was closer than you wow I’m preting you the children the

Children somebody get the children the door somebody get the door all right that’s name that movie give you a second Anchor Man here we go which one the uh uh the first one oh ripping it like eating beans on a Sunday down that Hill go I’m on the down slope that sucks all

Right look at those numbers 339 though 180 ball speed almost just stay in play it stays in play You’re Going want to take it and it’s in the Fairway you going to take it right that’s 156 I have three no you have to take it though I

Have 310 to go brother only Mulligan she has on the hole but if she hits a good t- shot she’s got a good chance all right here’s MD MD’s Mulligan not the same exact thing I sure don’t you dare get the caret good more distance came back is that less than

My you need to hit something about 260 y to stay short of the water you’re just trying to go right over that bunker right in front of you there and I think she does it did not do it she did not do it that’s even worse

Than what I planned but we’re in play honey there you go you’re good you’re good there great release great shot she’s fine okay 183 y want to definitely want to stay right here oh no I have oh sick nice that’s going to be a long putt

Brother that might be a three putt MD look at that terrible clubber Le okay MD this is your fourth shot so if you can get this one on the green and they get you an up and down par we might tie the hole after all this craziness all right

M still has a chance here everybody 126 to the hole this is her fourth shot W there it is go yeah it’s in play how did that happened okay guys I have no idea how madd’s in play right now but she can chip in

Go go go hey not too bad not too shy for a girl okay a it gave me a three honey oh my gosh I’m literally four okay I love this hole 183 beautiful little part three it’s the same seven iron but I got to be careful take a little bit off I

Cannot go long oh no no that’s what I’m talking about oh my look at that next chip too that was so off the toe out terrible that was now remember everybody she’s using her Mulligans in game so the score that you see on the on the actual scorecard is

Her final score so just keep that in Mind oh my gosh that was beautiful get get no uh-uh two two what a shot crazy we need to send the club Place how far it can go great shot there by Madison I now have a very very interesting hker shot go that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about freaking

Th oh that was so bad guys I choked it Hard that’s in the hole that’s in the hole what a shot that might give her an up and down far what it could give her an up and down far and I am going to be struggling to make bogey bogey without a two putt I would have made that once

I have to get this up and down or Maddie will get a stroke [Applause] back oh no no that’s going to be a three putter no yes dang that was terrible continue 366 yd hold number six for Maddie no it’s stroke play so if I make a double you make a par you gain Two Strokes I just made double oh that’s could 100 % could

Happen the way I just played the ho it was terrible oh she hits a beautiful ball beautiful shot W stay left stay left and go in the bunker go in the bunker go in the bunker go in the bunker oh yeah thank goodness I hit that

So bad guys still hit it 310 because shout out Paradigm all this is an absolutely crucial shot for Maddie she still has her Mulligan second shot into the par 477 she puts it on a rope I would take that up to you I’ll take it okay that’s a great

Shot that’s right that was crap piece of crap piece of crap piece of crap oh wow that is lucky not I thought I hit it way short but luckily I didn’t come on little off the toe was able to work it in there okay man you got to get up

And down you still have a mulligan don’t forget if I if I don’t use my Mulligan can I just add one to my ti yes you got to add one to the end of her uh she can add one to the end of her score we’ll

Just have to keep it um we’ll have to keep it and remember let’s see what it gives you if it gives you par I would take it cuz then you get one stroke back give you par I’m taking it she’s taking it I’m taking it brother so now she is uh she

Gets a bird there so she goes to 26 total which means she’s only down by two are getting 10 get off get off your phones wake up how are they going to watch if not on their phones brother stay on your phones stay on your phones how

However stand up do some squats okay get it working do a couple of of these things all right oh Happy New Year’s guys yeah Happy New New actually oh my Heavens she does It Strike them that’s really good grab that te great shot so I’m only two back you’re only

Two back all I’m going for the draw Ripper here wow w i was think a little off the toe but I hit that superb let’s see 311 1.48 smash a little better wow 182 ball speed on that one I don’t think I’ve done that one in a while so that’s

Huge for me 115 for Maddie here guys she needs to hit this green she still has her Mulligan and she’s going to take it right here right now And it’s out of the bunker wow she’s she’s working the the the the trick of the trade here guys and he hits it terribly probably put that see what it says far yeah knew it dang so what I have to do this for a far yeah you got

To get up and down for far now I think she might have done it oh it’s going to be close it’s going to be close a so flipping close the auto two butt now her at 31 take that M off so she’s three back 560 oh my gosh I’m absolutely ripping my driver right now that might be like 185 club right there or not 185 Club ball 180 ball not bad 1.48 smash we’re getting close to the center Guys oh my greatness that was pretty PR look at that drive man phenomenal Drive still has your M against furthest of the day that was went furthest of the day 210 you have a 299 to the ho so you can hit driver off the deck if you want

Or off the te I’ll low it off the T that’s fine too well it went under three yards you want to do it again no I’m taking that okay all right I cannot be long on this hole only 230 I probably should not be hitting three iron I think that might be

Just a little bit too much want to be short right if anything I hit this club right every single time right left keep going that was a bad shot but I did get 220 out of that yeah that really bad madd’s up she’s still has her Mulligan

She’s got 195 to the pin whack it up there and she literally oh my Maddie yes Maddie yes yes yes sit yes yes sit yes sit yes sit no what a shot though sweetheart you hit that 207 that was further than your drive and that’s there it might be an auto two

But Auto Tupac give me par you still have a mulligan so you get two chances to chip in if you chip this on the green honey and you make par you get a i the since you didn’t use Mullan you get a stroke back I didn’t use my Mullan you haven’t used your

Mullan yet 11 yard Hy you don’t have to hit it too hard it is downhill kind of bladed it might need your Mulligan on this one if it doesn’t give you the all right Mulligan try to make it remember don’t thin it still chip it normally oh this could literally work

Out in her favor this could literally work out in her favor can work out get in the hole oh my gosh that’s going to be a par Guys Auto One put yeah that better be a freaking one putty okay well still only down three and this is the

Last hole honey so you have a chance are you out of your mind if you if you make a birdie with no Mulligans that’s an eagle if I make a bogey then you have a Chance I hit it terribly stay left stay left stay left I think I’m going to hit my four just because it’s better than my d right now and I believe that’s literally perfect prob let me guess 150 y 7 I could have gotten more with my

Literal putter do I mean if you could replicate that far five shot honey oh was a smooth tempo for the win great jot stay right in the Fairway great jot take it actually the chance here I am in the bunker got 120 not a great Spot Auto three probably wow give me a two putt all right try and chip in Honey yeah you still have your Mulligan so if you chip in make birdie you get an eagle you only lose by two I’m losing by two you don’t lose by two yeah great now the audience

Sees why it was stupid to play these last couple holes cuz Oh yes who that’s going like three probably no there you go so with my Mogan with your Mogan you shot 41 I mean that’s phenomenal this is M’s SC card guys one Mulligan per hole this one she made birdie no cuz I with with the Mulligan I’m taking I shot

40 no you get one stroke off remember cuz look this what we didn’t tell you meet me on the so I got 41 you shot 41 I shot 37 and then I just got another Mulligan yeah you went drive two three on the green Auto yeah so you got a four

Here so you tied me so you sh 4 40 That’s phenomenal so I was three up hopefully you guys did enjoy that video I absolutely loved it the simulator has been kind of a work in progress with getting it all set up and stuff so hopefully you guys did enjoy I

Love you so much we are on the road to 300,000 subscribers go check out goodgood and goodg good the Beautiful YouTube channel that we post on all the time for some more beautiful content shout out Maddie for coming out that’s my beautiful wife ladies and gentlemen hey she’s pretty awesome so

And she played really well today we not playing for like a year for not playing for yeah a long time she did great that’s going to wrap it up check out the Snapchat check out the Instagram from both me and Maddie to get some more content from us that’s where we post a

Lot so love you and we’ll catch you guys in the next one please peace


  1. Dookie Shart’s personality has definitely rubbed off on Maddie, and I’m here for it. Not to much though. The world is only big enough for 1 Mathew J Scharff!

  2. Gotta admit, I didn't expect to be so invested in the simulator game, but it's surprisingly good. More simulator matches please!

  3. It's been a long time since I've seen Maddie golf. Her swing looks absolutely phenomenal! You've been playing great also Matt, love to see it. Take care you two.

  4. Yo as a Christian I’m warning you about the whole Harry Potter and witchcraft stuff. I know it’s cliche man and you like it a lot, but Satan makes that stuff appealing for a reason, turn from that and get away from it. Much love God bless

  5. Love the channel matt you and maddie are the coolest 😎 and your write she is your beautiful wife happy new year guys

  6. Love Maddie, the temper tantrums are brilliant!
    You got a stunning wife there Matt, you lucky son of a gun and Happy new year to you both

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