Golf club membership fees hit ‘worrying’ NEW heights

This is shocking, but can anything actually be done? I honestly couldn’t believe these truths about the cost of membership for golf clubs and these crazy truths about the members.. it’s astonishing… I think golf clubs are in huge huge trouble! This is a massive talking point and impacts you! No one is addressing this, I would love to know what you think in the comments section of this video. Let me know what you think, what is the solution?

Golf club membership fees hit ‘worrying’ NEW heights, are you a member of a golf club? Should you join a golf club? It can be expensive, there can be issues with joining golf clubs for a number of different reasons.

PGA Pro Alex Elliott Golf talks through the recent survey which is container here:,1%2C000%20for%20their%20annual%20membership.

A lot of golfers ask the question should you join a golf club? It it essential to be apart of a golf club? Can we stick to pay and play? How can reduce your handicap on the golf course, how do you even get a golf handicap?

Ages of golf club members, cost of golf clubs, rounds of golf and round of golf club cost. How much are you spending on your golf club membership? Are there many beginner golfers, professional golfers, senior golfers at your golf club?

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Now according to a new survey of 1,600 golfers golf membership costs have hit a worrying New Height yes a worrying New Height now in this video we’re going to go through exactly what this survey says here from Martin Slumbers who is one of the heads at the RNA who is in charge of

Growing the game and this is really interesting now as we go through this article and as we go through through this story I want you to think about your golf club what impacts you’ve seen if you have a positive if you have the negative and just put your opinion down

Below now if you’re a regular viewer here on bat n films breaking news channel you’ll notice we have a brand new studio we’re not quite finished yet but we’re in the process of giving it a brand new look and I think this looks pretty good and if you do like the look

Of this please do hit the Thumbs Up Button um I’ve just been wallpapering this all morning so I could get this video made for you today so everywhere we look right now golf is booming never before have so many people across the world been playing or watching the game

Of golf more and more I used to getting the bug for golf that a lot of us have said exists a few people before now haven’t really been able to experience that now it is no surprise that the authorities are now making it their mission to capitalize on the new

Interest of golf and it continues to Surge in popularity and this is all since the postco world and I have seen so many people start golf after the pandemic especially here in the UK now if you’re not in the UK what is it like

Where you are is golf on the rise is it not is it still a little bit like it was prepandemic I think it’s really interesting to sort of see what this looks like like for you and what this looks like for golf clubs in general now RNA chief CEO Martin Slumber said this

We’re in a really good place there’s over a 100 million people around the world right now who consume golf of those 61 million are outside of the United States that has never happened before the fastest growing regions outside developed golfing world and 25% to 30% of those 60 1 million are women

This is a tremendous balance and I have seen that at golf clubs where I work there’s so many new ladies playing golf and that is so good this is the way golf needs to go right I 100% feel golf’s in a right place it all sounds positive

Right now but it’s not it’s really really not so let’s dive into this survey and this was conducted by golf shake and it was from 1,600 golfers now I really want you to listen to this the first St I have for you is 43.5% of golfers who took the survey now

Pay more than ,000 annually for their golf club membership now I’d say that’s probably about 13 14 maybe 14 and a half $100 a year now I appreciate for some golf clubs in America that is a drop in the ocean but that is a well I would say expensive

Now I appreciate the cost of living has gone up the price of running a golf club has gone up whether that’s materials for green staff heating Council attacks all these things I appreciate that but if golf is more popular than ever could we have more members potentially at a golf

Club that brings the cost down now I appreciate there is always going to be a ceiling to this because you want people to be able to get on the golf course we don’t want it to be like hang on I’m waiting I’m waiting in because there’s then no point being a

Member right but the question I have for you is what are you paying right now don’t put your golf club just let me know exactly what you’re paying and then we can start to have a look at the stats here and see if we can make our own

Survey from all your comments so I repeat that again 1,000 annually around 43.5% of golfers say they pay that or more now the interesting point to this is this has increased 19.6% of The respondents Who revealed they’re paying more than four figures back in 2018 so 19.6% more people who took the survey

Are now paying more than ,000 so you can see that is a large increase in the proportion of what originally was paying more right it is really quite interesting that I think it’s a very big increase effectively saying a lot more golf clubs now are charging over a ,000

A year and other things that you got to take into account sometimes there are joining fees and they’re able to pay over one two three even 4year periods now many go clubs and social media have expressed that spending that sum of money whether permitting gives unlimited Golf and represents good value and if

You sort of break it down per week it’s around about 2020 so it’s I guess a manageable amount if you’re going to play more than once a week it definitely becomes good value value so if you work that out over course of a season and the

Course of a year two times a week you’re only spending a tener every time you play and if you think about that in terms of playing very good golf courses you can pay like3 400 around yes around around so some more stats for you here from the survey

When asked whether they were plan to renew their membership in 2024 78% of go shakes respondent confirmed they would now that sounds positive doesn’t it 78% of people said they’re going to carry on their membership going forwards is where these stats and all these figures take a

Little turn for the worst so so far in this whole survey what are your thoughts what you expected what you didn’t expect is it like your golf club are you expecting more people to drop off has your golf club seen people not renew their membership recently I think it’s a really interesting time

For golf it’s time for golf to be able to capitalize on this interest now I appreciate a lot of this interest might be range goers it might be people going to places like Top Golf might just be crazy golf but we need to sort of create

A process don’t we where you can go from crazy goal to top goal to driving range to par three then joining a club we need to sort of make that transition a little bit easier because I’m not going to lie like if I was just starting golf I would

Sort of get a bit blurred where those lines are right now and that’s just how I feel as a pro inside the industry so I said these figures take a little bit of a turn for the worse now I said 78% of respondents said they would renew but

177% stated they were undecided and which points towards a worrying Trend when 89% in 2021 said they would definitely renew so you can think right now that 89% that said they would renew is being reduced to 78% if that then goes to 65% then 60 then

55% that is not a good trend is it now I appreciate the cost of living is all taking into account right now but honestly I think this is a worrying Trend now what do you think of that last stat I think it’s a little bit worrying

I’m not going to lie and it it it it doesn’t bode well I really do do feel that right now it doesn’t bode well for golf memberships but I guess the question is what can be done can the go clubs afford to reduce the price it’s a

Tough it’s a tough call and I put this out on Twitter the other day and a lot of people got their back up about this and I get it right golfers are very protective of their memberships especially if you’re on committee and things like this I just think it’s

Something has to be done is what I’m trying to say here and maybe just maybe reducing that cost offering different flexible memberships could be the answer and I do know some golf clubs do do that already so with all that being said of course you’ve got to take into account

Right now we are going through a big cost of living crisis and it’s likely to have a big impact and not another price of equipment price of running a golf club which puts that up but also just people’s day-to-day living and having less disposable income now with that

Being said if right people have less disposable income and the sort of the cost of running a golf cup goes up this is doing this isn’t it and this is why I’m getting worried golf clubs aren’t able to bring it down and people have less money this Gap is going to get

Bigger and bigger and if we’re not careful I really do feel that 78% figure we could be looking at 75% than 70 in the next two to three years thanks so much for joining us on this breaking news story be sure to subscribe to the channel because we bring you breaking

News here in the golf industry and we’re the first to release all the major stories thanks for watching


  1. Simply supply and demand, more people are playing so the costs are increasing. While cost of living is increasing club costs I think demand is the main reason prices have increased, next year it'll be circa £1400

  2. Last year, I paid $4000 USD for my membership to my club. There was new ownership that bought the club, took it private, and now you'd be required to pay a 30k joining fee plus annual membership. Too rich for my blood.

  3. My club in Hertfordshire is £1750 and will probably go up in April. 7 day membership but can only play onnce a week due to working full time.Highly unlikely i will renew simply priced out of the game.

  4. Our club loves to tell us how revenue is up from green fees societies etc….oh by the way subs going up 6.5% this year….
    £1400 South coast….far too much!!

  5. It's not just the cost, but the fact they are never open. I'm pissed off that my club has been closed all winter, July was wet so it closed. Im not renewing

  6. Golf is played on grass!!! It doesn't cost more to grow grass in Scotland , Wales or anywhere in Europe or America so why are fees so different? So the difference is you are getting bed breakfast and evening meal? No . I can book a 5* hotel with all included and book golf seperatly cheaper than a round of golf. Travel Scandinavia or France and get remakable deals. WE golfers are being taken a lend of by these 'Deals' offered!!!!!

  7. I currently pay £950 per year, that’s with a discount because of being over 65. Goes up most years

  8. £1000 in East Anglia for 7 day membership ,so we play once a week.the retired play 23 times a week and still want a Saturday morning tee time,thanks for that,seriously considering whether to rejoin or try somewhere else

  9. I pay 1650 euros excl barfee a year for unlimited membership. Same as 2023 (raised 6% from 2022).

  10. 2,500 USD initiation fee -1700 USD per year + $20 per round with cart. When I joined in 2017 the initiation fee was 200 USD waived if you stayed on for at least two years. We arent reducing price because the club is almost at maximum capacity.

  11. Im pretty lucky in that my boss buys a yearly corporate membership that we golfers pitch in for. My total for 1 round a week is about $750 CDN. This is for a course that charges the public around $140 per round. Nice course, 3 9's, so some variety week to week

  12. One problem is golfers are forever wanting their courses to improve.

    Normal maintenance is expensive before you even price up improvements. Tee/bunker/green rebuilds/drainage etc..

    Then the members complain these jobs aren’t being done🤷🏻‍♂️

    Who’s going to pay for it??🤔

    In most cases the golfers expectations far outweigh reality, they want an Open Championship course for pay and play money..

    Oh and they then tell the professional greenkeeper how to do the job🤦🏻‍♂️

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