How To Release The Golf Club (Pros vs Ams)

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All right guys in today’s video is one of me and Steve talking about how to release the golf club during the downswing the key Tome here is we need to be able to twist the shaft twist the shaft while keeping the butt of the club

In front of the club head that’s the key take home in this video Stephen I’m going to talk you through what that means and how you can do it in your swing you can release the club correctly get that solidness of contact let’s Dive Right In so I would say the first thing

Is what we see common happen is that the the golfers that we see on our site and in person when they come down they’ll they’ll start actually unhinging the wrist or casting if you want to call it that and as that’s happening sometimes their face the wrist will Cup and the

Face will start opening so as they’re coming down they’re casting the club the face is opening and in order for them to start squaring the face up they’ll start rolling and releasing the club which will close the face but it closes the face to the Target not to the path

Because as they’re rolling the club that’s making the path go more across the ball and from the front view that’s making the handle back it’s making the handle back path would go across and the face is closed so that’s the deflector the pull slice or the the weak shot that

We’ll see um them hit and then where the better players what they’ll do is they’ll actually have their left wrist a little bit bowed and they’ll actually delay the rolling or casting of the club where they’ll have the handle more forward longer and when they’re hitting

They have the hands forward but the face is actually pointing to the right so the face is open to the Target but it’s closed to the outward path which is the push draw so many little golden nuggets that were not packed let’s start with the let’s start with the twisting of the

Face and I want to dig into the face open versus closed to Target ver versus path y so I think the key fundamental starting point if we go let’s go to the top of or just like left arm parallel yeah now the rist going into extension

Versus flexion so the Boe or the cupping and how that affects the twisting of the face y almost every minus a couple good players I’ve ever seen measured regardless of where they are at the top are working towards the B the flexion corre so they’re twisting the face

Closed early in the downside y the higher handicap players doing the exact opposite y twisting it open working towards extension and and releasing early correct and casting roll or releasing as You’ say yeah and I think I think a key fundamental first part would be those two things are 100% correlated

Yes player who twists it more close has the opportunity then to have the butt of the club more forward handle more forward it’s a starting point player who twists it open has to throw it roll roll it Etc to get the club face close to the

Target yes okay right is that good mhm so you have to twist it Clos early in the Downs sign we’re going to talk about how to do that that little hanger in a minute now can you walk us through the open versus close Target versus path because that’s such a key little Point

Yeah so what what’ll happen is is when we were just talking about with them casting the the Poway with them casting the club and rolling you see from down the line as this is happening that’s making the path go across the ball so the path’s going across the ball the

Yeah to the left swing directions going to the left the club head is beating the handle to the ball so they’re hitting with the handle back and the face to the left that would be like the pull cut yep right the pull cut where the better player when they’re coming down they’re

Having their left wrist bowed or more towards flexion the right wrist is bent back that’s helping the path stay more into out the sweet spots moving more into out and it’s pointing the club head actually more to the right so it’s open to the Target close to the path it’s

Like a push draw or push shot where the poor player has the handle back the handle back and the rolling to close the face and that’s the pull cut it’s also leading towards bottom of the Swing being behind the ball high Dynamic loss yeah right not enough ball speed poor

Contact correct can we do a visual with a stick perhaps to show that cuz I think I think fundamentally that’s hard to understand lot of golfers it’s like Steve what do you mean it’s pointed left but it’s open to the path it’s point like I think that’s a maybe a little confusing yeah

Well here hold this for a second so when you have the handle so just from the front view right here when you hit the ball and you have the handle forward like this right having the handle more forward that makes the path go more into

Out so that would be kind of like more this correct and then hitting with the handle back hitting with the handle back that makes the path go more across yeah and you can see kind of how that also dictates where where the face is a little bit Yeah so the more that the

Player hits with the handle back and they’re doing that because their grip and their wrists are off making the club come across keep going and the better player is having their they have the wrist they have their grip and their wrist conditions properly coming down which is keeping the handle more forward

Making the path go more into out there we go y good which helps which helps point the club face more to the right yep push draw pull cut so and so it’s like the fa they’re releasing it this way the the butt of the club gets back the face

Points left but the path is farther left exactly yeah exactly and so when they when we do it the other way the face points right but the path is farther right the path is more right than the face yeah that’s a tricky thing I think

For I agree to to kind of get there the Tome key thing here is like I want you guys to conceptu understand that but it’s like the how to do it part is you got to you want to twist it earlier yeah I mean ideally you need to feel like in

Your downswing that the left wrist is going towards flexion and see that’s actually pointing the face a little bit more down toe in front of the heel yeah so the face the face right here is closed to the shaft right the face R is close to the shaft whereas when you have

It poorly the face starts opening now the face is open to the shaft and see how the face is poed more up to the right and then here and and as you’re doing that that’s the path coming across the ball so the better players are able

To twist the face while keeping the butt of the club forward of the club head exactly right y the poor players twist it open and the butt of the club gets back of the club that’s the difference they start rolling and casting to try to square the face up yeah and that makes

The that it does Square the face but it only squares it to the the target not to the path it’s still open to the path because the path continues to keep going across the ball and so there’s going to be leave comments down below if you guys

Have questions that we’re going to have to keep the conversation going about CU it’s a Bigg e let’s flipflop for a second Steve this was a good thing putting this I want to grab that in there so guys I have this hanger on here you seen some of the videos that we’ve

Been um pushing the hanger because it’s legitimately I think the best training so good and it’s so easy to set up now I’ve got this set up we’re going to put the link in the description we got a promo code you save some money um it’s super D I think every swing style

Would benefit from this but in this video the twisting the face I think it’s a perfect training aid so it pops onto the top I’ve got it set Steve at I call it like a 40 Dee angle just inside of my trail forarm you could use a hanger a

Plastic hanger at home if you don’t want to get one as well but what I would do with this here during my back swing to set myself up for the release I prefer to try and have this on for a player buy about left arm parallel yep you know I

Think we would both prefer the lead wrist to be relatively flat at the top the toes slightly in front of the heel relative to the shaft correct at the top but no matter where I’m at I’m pressing my forearm against the hanger early in transition gets the toe in front of the

Heel and that enables me to keep that feeling like this butt of the club stays forward of the club head through my impact face do that again do that again and come down and stop with shaft parallel to the ground so now when the shaft’s parallel to the ground right

Here you see how the forearm the forearm is like ahead of the shaft see there’s this like little pie here Yep this is the impact so now when you take it down the impact you see how that how that’s right there yeah it’s beautiful now do that again

Poorly so yeah so when you come down right so now when you have it the club head’s outside the hands and here’s the forearm oh yeah okay here’s the forearm behind the shaft and there’s the go of impact go to impact and there’s the forearm behind the shaft that impact and

That’s making the path go across the ball and even there I can see I would need to go like this to make the face square up yep yeah that’s super good so I’m feeling like the lead arms in front of the shaft but of the club is in front

Of the club head the whole way through and I’m twisting the handle yep twisting the handle so if you’re if you’re pumping shots to the right as a right-handed player cuz I get this all the time I’m worried about the timing like no no you you have to twist it just

To get to neutral just to get to neutral you’re not adding timing in fact you’re taking timing out here boom okay I had strong feelings about that Steve apparently so the hanger I like on my arm by left arm parallel more against in transition I think that’s the key Point more arms in

Front of the shaft but of the club feels like it goes up and forward to the left in front of the club now naturally there going to be some unhinging there yep right some unhinging there but for the sake of this we’re more forward or back

With the release so with this I like to get it on left arm parallel pump on keep it on I like to feel like Steve for me as I’m twisting the handle so this little Club head attachment I feel like is I’m trying to turn that towards the

Target y trying to twist the toe in front of the heel with the handle still forward the handle still forward y so the face is still right of the target but left of the path correct and when you finish do that again just carry all the way through into the follow through

And we could see from down the line for the drill your forearm is still ahead of the shaft let’s do that this way let’s do that this camera yep so when you swing through the forearm is still ahead of the shaft coming through so you have the draw

Alignment and the solid contact cu the handle is ahead of the club built in and if I’m trying to hit little draws like that you like that kind of toe maybe right on top of the heel in the follow through y maybe even if I’m releasing this keep this press against in the

Beginning to learn it just to feel like keep that on there the whole time and for me that feels like I’m hitting little that’s going to make the the face close to the path yeah like a little punch straws yep so I’m twisting the toe in front of the heel getting the hanger

Pressing against the arm what a good training aid let’s do this and there’s the ball starting to the right that nice little so face was open to the Target and it drew back to the Target now in reality as we’re working through with the players and it depends on

Variables in reality at impact my left wrist is fairly flat y my hands are over my left thigh this is going to slowly be coming off like I’m working towards extension but if that’s my issue early on you need to feel that it’s inflexion the entire time never comes off correct

That’s what you need to feel never comes off and I feel like I’m continuing the Bowing I don’t even mind a little um exaggeration of superation on the way through there if you need to close the face more then yes yeah I’d rather a player overdo the arm rotation tow too

Far in front of the heel hook them if you’re coming from slice right in the beginning cuz it’s powerful to see the ball flight change right even mechanics aside another one yeah I’m going a little hard at that but yep ball started to the right and Drew they’re curving left yep

And I I really really like this Steve this hanger there’s a lot of training we get sent frankly not a ton of them live up this is the one that I’ve used that I think is so good so again we’ll put the link in the description if you guys want

To check this out the hanger I like just inside the right form to start on by left arm parallel press it more on press it more on keep it on all the way into about punch one of the punch one of the like that and hold the file through a

Little shorter and slower yeah okay and and then turn and face the camera after you do it so right now turn and face the camera you can see how there’s no roll yeah there’s and the ball Drew so there’s no rolling to try to square the face a

That’s the the whole purpose here is you got to get the wrists set keep the handle forward as you’re keeping the face closed it’s not a casting and a Rolling Y to close the face that just makes the path go more across the ball so good you said so many good things

There in the first like 30 seconds of this video that we wanted to expand upon so credit Steve Holmes Cal this is where I saw him talking about it’s a fundamental simple concept that has so many repercussions during the golf swing doubt twist the toe more in front of the

Heel earlier that’s what good players do working towards flexion I would recommend the hanger I like that you could also use a hanger at home link in the description that sets the player up to keep the butt of the club forward shling solid contact draws Etc more ball

Speed cool ceive thanks if you guys enjoyed this we’re going to put another card on the screen similar Style video twisting the clubface release pattern we’ll put the card to kagoro hang with me Steve and other Steve would love to see you there


  1. Really good info. The hanger looks like a good tool. Would the impact Snap also benefit most golfers as well?

  2. I am trying this now instead of a real strong grip all the way through impact. I am doing this by thinking of twisting my right hand palm to the ground through the early part downswing.

  3. I have the opposite problem. In-out swing and an overly closed face at impact for a push-hook. Drives me crazy. The only way I can hit a gentle push-draw is to start with a pretty open face at setup or "feel" like I'm trying for a big fade. I feel like there's some fundamental thing I'm doing wrong in my takeaway that's leading to my brain compensating causing the closed face. I'm using a Mevo+ for practice and it confirms the numbers. Any of your vids you can recommend that might give some insights into my problem?
    One other clue, something in my swing blocks my follow-through. When I really focus, I can get a full rotation and good finish, but normally, my body "wants" to cut off my body rotation just past impact. When I do the "feels like a fade" swing, the body rotates fine.

  4. A great video for I have the hands in front of the club head at impact but still struggle because I keep pushing my shots to the right. So take it I need to roll my wrists earlier in the downswing, is that right for I don’t have this training aid and not available here? Thanks

  5. I basically make sure that by the time i reach the top of my backswing my lead wrist is slightly bowed. The bowing process starts more or less when my lead arm is at or slightly before parallel on the way back. It happens naturally without thought or concern. When I look at players like DJ, Morikawa and Fleetwood I see they have their lead wrist bowed at the top. To me this seems much easier and solves the same issues as twisting on the way down, namely club path and club face angle in relation to the path and target. The idea of having to add the exact same amount of twisting on each and every downswing seems overwhelmingly difficult, especially when many of the greatest golfers have the lead wrist bowed at the top and then just swing through to the finish without thinking about twisting. Perhaps there is an increase of the bowing of the lead wrist on the way down but I bet it happens naturally and the pros don't think about it. You are one of my favorite instructors but, respectfully, this video seems to me to make things harder than they need to be. I still give you a like and look forward to your next video.

  6. Great instructions, one thing every player, amateur doesn’t spend time enough time on, is the left wrist staying flat and the effect it has on the face, the next, thing we don’t spend enough time on is inside out contact vs. out to inside contact.

  7. I was looking at getting the hanger but instead i have the ProSendr.
    Would the hanger be better to use then my ProSendr?

  8. The follow through with extension with club face to the right of the wrist and forearm is exactly what i have been working on. Vast improvement. Most videos focus on the back swing but it seems to me that if we get impact and follow through right we will be in good shape ..

  9. Focus a bit more on the release and how to also get clubheadspeed. How to release after hanging on. Whenever I do these kind of drills I end up with low speed punch shots due to reduced club head speed. Thanks guys!

  10. Pretty much the video that I've always wanted on your channel. For me, it just confirms stuff I'm currently working on – getting my path more in to out and secondly closing the face with the twist.

    The most impt point for me – which you just barely showed @10:31 kk was that just post impact the clubhead is still well outside the grip from down the line. My fault & tendency is to want to close the face by pulling the clubhead left and in, which basically collapses the arc / swing radius and actually promotes out to in path.

    Had been trying to close the face "more" (via flexion) with no success until I worked on getting a proper inside to out path. Made drawing my driver possible.

  11. People who watch this and get terrified of casting are going to drag the handle through impact and end up with the shanks or monster slices. Hopefully they watch all the way through and see him saying that some wrist extension happens at impact.

  12. 12:09. I like the way your right hand rolls over immediately after impact
    This is the latest buzzword in golf. Trying to keep right hand under
    It can’t be done and all your full shots show the right hand rolling unless it’s an exaggerated punch shot and even the half shot at the end has hand rolling over immediately
    Is this a feel bs real thing?

  13. I went to go buy one and im excited that it will fix the top of my swing. The top of my swing is long and a bit across the line with the butt end pointing behind my heels at top. The Hanger claims to fix that. Exciting!

  14. "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." Excellent video; kept the focus on two key & simple points. (quote by Leonardo DaVinci)

  15. $80 for a plastic hanger. Cmon Eric, we deserve better don't we? How can you push that product on us?

  16. Here's the thing, you did release the club you did roll the wrist in your real swing and then you stopped the swing and kind of rolled your wrist back to highlight how you didn't roll it. The 12:30 mark

  17. Got signed up and am working through your "Full Swing Blueprint." Fantastic set of videos. All very clear and easy to understand. This series should be required watching for all new or struggling golfers.

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